INQUIRY PLANNER YEAR: 2011 DURATION OF UNIT: 5 weeks LEVEL: 3 ORGANISER: Concept: signs / symbols RELEVENT THROUGHLINES: VELS _ Civic knowledge and understanding At Level 3, students demonstrate understanding of the contribution of people from the many culturally diverse groups that make up the Australian community. They sequence and describe some key events in Australia’s democratic history. They describe symbols and emblems of national life in Australia and identify values related to symbols and national celebrations and commemorations. They describe the purpose of government, some familiar government services and the roles of some leaders and representatives. They explain the difference between rules and laws and describe the qualities of a good law. They explain why protection and care for the natural and built environment is important. UNDERSTANDINGS (2-4): identification of symbols of Australia such as the flag or the anthem understanding of the values reflected in Australia’s national symbols, emblems, celebrations and commemorations recognition of the differences between rules and laws reflection on the qualities of good laws and principles and values such as equality before the law There are symbols that reflect rules and laws There are national symbols that identify Australia and others that identify other cultures ESSENTIAL CROSS CURRICULUM SKILLS & ASSESSMENTS TO BE COVERED IN THIS UNIT (Activities which interrelate with VELS in these areas.) Literacy Science journals Word walls Storyboards Role-plays Narratives Non-fiction text Numeracy Tables Graphs ICT Kidspiration: Force-arrow diagrams Digital cameras/flip top: recording & downloading Blue screen movie: role plays Excel/Create a graph: tables & column graphs Power Point: class journal Universal signs,26637,27157&xhr=t&q=universal+ signs&cp=1& m=4&sqi=2&ved=0CEQQsAQwAw&biw=1276&bih=616 Health Safety signs - esnum=1&ved=0CDYQsAQwAA&biw=1259&bih=616 (there are other sign images at the above website as a link) Arts Annotated drawings Science Humanities STAGE OF UNIT & PURPOSE TUNING IN WOW Activities! Engage students by showing them a variety of signs from Australia and overseas. Students use graphic organiser (compare and contrast) to show the differences of Australian and OS signs Walk around the local area looking at signs – taking photos, videos Create a photo story of local pictures and add their own point of view to these Select one sign and explain why you think the country would use this sign and how it would be useful Engage students in conversation as to where China is and Australia is (look on map or globe) and what do they notice the differences are between the countries are. In the pictures, do you see any environmental problems or issues in China. Discuss what a day in the life of a Chinese student would be like as compared to their day as an Australian. Ask how Australians care for each other and how do they think people in China do the same? What values do you believe we as a country have / show? (care, compassion, respect, tolerance, inclusion, responsibility trust….) Discuss the school values and can they be related to the pictures in China. How do both countries care for each other and are they the same or different? FINDING OUT SORTING OUT (whole grade) groups, individuals Explore a few signs and what they are used for and what Explain the effect of signs / symbols is their importance. Explain their understandings of the signs / symbols and Debate with a small group that your signs / symbols are their relevance in society / culture more important than the other group signs / symbol. Explore the effect if there were no signs or different signs and the effect on society Use role play and narrative to describe and represent Explore the size of signs / symbols forces acting in real-life scenarios Contribute to a class discussion about signs / symbols and their uses in different cultures Observe similar signs / symbols GOING FURTHER (as whole grade or individual student) (whole grade) groups, individuals Elaborate on what you have found interesting from the investigations Plan and conduct further investigation of signs / symbols used internationally Discuss signs / symbols that are universal and why Create your own universal sign that is not currently used and why it would benefit society Create a table and a column graph to represent and compare peoples views of signs / symbols within the community ACTION and REFLECTION (whole grade) groups, individuals Evaluation of signs that are used universally used Review the class journal, word wall Reflect on their learning during the unit