progeny 122

Biology 122, Quiz 5, 2012
Name: ______________________________
Directions: 1) Print your name LEGIBLY on BOTH the scantron form and this question sheet; 2) Fill
in the scantron form appropriately – don’t mark on this question sheet; Turn both the scantron form
and this answer sheet in. There are 10 questions, each worth 1 point plus one extra credit question.
1. An example of an effector protein whose activity can be indirectly modulated via a G
protein coupled receptor is
A. a receptor tyrosine kinase.
B. glycogen synthase.
C. adenyl cyclase.
D. Ras.
E. E2F.
2. In terms of cell signaling, which of the following statements best fits as an automobile
analogy for a gut cell that has ingested the cholera toxin?
A. The starter is broken.
B. The gas pedal of a car is stuck with the throttle on full.
C. The emergency brake is locked on.
D. The brake pedal of a car does not work at all – no brakes.
3. In terms of regulation of the cell cycle, which of the following statements best fits as
an automobile analogy for a cell with a mutation that knocks out the function of a tumorsuppressor gene?
A. The starter is broken.
B. The gas pedal of a car is stuck with the throttle on full.
C. The emergency brake is locked on.
D. The brake pedal of a car does not work at all – no brakes.
4. Which of the following can convert a proto-oncogene to an oncogene?
A. growth factor exposure
B. gene damage
C. pairing of the proto-oncogene with a tumor-suppressor gene
D. cyclin production
5. The progress of the cell cycle is regulated by ______ and their dependent kinases.
A. hormones
B. chromosomes
C. cyclins
D. endocrine signals
6. Cleft chin is a X-linked dominant trait. A man with a cleft chin marries a woman with
a round chin. What is the probability that one of their female progeny will show the cleft
chin trait?
a. 0
b. 25 c. 50 d. 75 e. 100
7. What is the probability that one of their male progeny will show the cleft chin trait (see
previous question)?
a. 0
b. 25 c. 50 d. 75 e. 100
8. Classical albinism results from a recessive, autosomal allele. Which of the following is
the expected ratio for the progeny when a normally pigmented male whose father was
albino has children with an albino woman?
a. 3/4 normal; 1/4 albino
b. 3/4 albino; 1/4 normal
c. 1/2 normal; 1/2 albino
d. All normal
e. All albino
9. In cocker spaniels, black color (B) is dominant over red (b), and solid color (S) is
dominant over spotted (s). In a Parental Generation, individuals with BBss and bbss
genotypes are mated and the resulting F1 offspring are then mated with each other. What
fraction of the F2 generation will be expected to be black and spotted? Assume the genes
are unlinked, i.e that they are different chromosomes.
a. 1⁄16 b. 9⁄16 c. 1⁄9 d. 3⁄16 e. 3⁄4
10. In a certain breed of dog, the alleles B and b determine black and brown coats
respectively. However, the allele Q of a gene on a separate chromosome is epistatic to the
B and b color alleles resulting in a gray coat (q has no effect on color). If animals of
genotype B/b ; Q/q are intercrossed, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the progeny?
Circle the correct letter.
a. 9 gray, 3 brown, 4 black
b. 1 black, 2 gray, 1 brown
c. 9 black, 6 brown, 1 gray
d. 9 black, 4 gray, 3 brown
e. 12 gray, 3 black, 1 brown