Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura TERM OF REFERENCE SURVEY ON ANIMAL HUSBANDRY STATUS AND IMPROVEMENT OF CAPACITY FOR VILLAGE VETERINARIAN EXPERTS Background The Ngoc Son – Ngo Luong project is a development project funded by AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development) and implemented by Foundation for Social Promotion of Culture Spain (FPSC) and Forest Protection Department (FPD-Hoa Binh). This project aims to sustainably protect and conserve the natural resources as well as improve living standards of the local people through its activities such as supports to implementation of the VDP (Village Development Plan) and development of community-based ecotourism. The Ngọc Sơn–Ngổ Luông Nature Reserve located in the South-West of Hoà Bình province (seven communes of Tan Lac and Lac Son districts) provides a critical forest corridor between Cúc Phương National Park and Pù Luông limestone range. This area supports limestone forest in this transition zone between the mountainous north-west region and the Red River delta. The larger landscape, which the Ngọc Sơn–Ngổ Luông Nature Reserve forms part of, is a large area of natural forest supporting high biological diversity including rare and threatened species list in the Red Book of Vietnam. Contrasting with the richness of the biodiversity, local people living within and around the nature reserve are poor. In the project zone, people’s lives are mainly based on agro-forestry and animal husbandry activities. Currently, there are many difficulties in animal husbandry faced to the people such as: epidemic diseases, inadequate knowledge of the veterinarian experts, lack of new knowledge and techniques on cattle and poultry management, poor quality variety, insufficient food sources during the winter; far distance from the center and unviable application of technology by the local people, etc. Second advertisement for survey on information related to the animal husbandry in the Ngoc Son Ngo Luong Nature Reserve and training courses to for the village veterinarian experts (first level and advanced level) Terms Of Reference (ToR): Because of those reasons and for desirable demand of the people through the VDP’s, the project is seeking out a consultant or group of consultants to support the local people in their animal husbandry activities efficiently, including: - - Conduct a survey on animal husbandry status in the Nature Reserve in order to conclude useful solutions for the improvement and sustainable development of the livestock in the Nature Reserve. Based on the survey findings, the consultant shall be responsible for development and implementation of 2 training courses for the veterinarian experts of the villages in the Nature Reserve to equip them with necessary knowledge and skills so they can well play their roles and fulfill their tasks in supporting the local people for an efficient livestock. Duties and responsibilities 1. To submit a technical proposal before the Project Management Unit of Ngoc Son Ngo Luong Nature Reserve. The proposal should be sent with application letter. Later on, the proposal of accepted consultant/s still needs to be discussed, agreed with project directors; 2. The proposal must include the following requirements: Component 1: Survey on information related to the animal husbandry in the Nature Reserve, with focus on main issues is as follows: I. How is the current status of the livestock of the local people in the Nature Reserve? II. Assessment on veterinary expert’s network, knowledge and capacity in the villages? What are challenges face to them? How can the network be improved? III. Factors (positive and negative) affect the animal husbandry activities of the local people. IV. What are epidemic diseases affect the poultry and cattle in the Nature Reserve? Provide solutions for resolving problems caused by these diseases. V. Based on the real situation (people’s demand, climate and the livestock’s adaptation), the consultant shall recommend the most suitable livestock for each village in the Nature Reserve. VI. What are solutions for maintaining and developing a good husbandry? Recommendations and orientation on animal husbandry for the coming period in the Nature Reserve area and within the context of the Project. VII. What are the most important propagandas and their content to disseminate in order to prevent bad practices and common livestock's diseases in the Nature Reserve? After finishing the survey, the Consultant shall prepare and submit a report in both Vietnamese and English languages for discussion. The consultant is requested to clarify each issue said above and clearly state the method and schedule of the survey and propose a training plan that is appropriate for the village veterinarian experts in order to improve their capacity in the best manner. Component 2: Training for the village veterinarian experts: Based on the survey findings of the Component 1, the consultant shall design and propose a training plan that is the most useful for the village veterinarian experts. The training plan will consists of 2 modules: Module 1: Objective: - Upon completion of Module 1, the village veterinarian experts can independently deal with correct management of the livestock and common epidemic diseases on poultry and cattle in the Nature Reserve. - After the training, the village veterinarian experts can advise the local people on animal husbandry approaches, epidemic prevention against diseases on poultry and cattle in the most efficient manner (using acquired knowledge and capacity) for improving the efficiency of husbandry for the local people Module 2: This Module shall be implemented in 2 or 3 months after completing of Module 1 Objectives: - Answers to all questions relating to difficulties and challenges face to the village veterinarian experts in utilizing the gained knowledge in Module 1; - Provide specific solutions for the challenges face to the village veterinarian experts drawn from the duration of 2 or 3 months while supporting the local people in their husbandry activities; - Upon completion of the training, the trainees must possess fundamental skills needed for advising the people on husbandry. In 15 days after finishing each training module, the consultant shall submit a report in both Vietnamese and English languages; the report must contain clear quantitative analysis on the training such as: - Preparation and logistics for the training - Method and training curriculum - Participants - Results of the training - Recommendations and lessons learned for the next trainings within the project scope - Recommendations for successful implementation of livestock activities in the Nature Reserve within the context of the local area. 3. To provide administrative and technical advises to the project staff and FPD staff, Communes and local people in veterinarian planning management, capacity building and how the livestock raising can be improved by local people. 4. To arrange periodical technical meetings with the project management unit to inform by written and/or verbal about the evolution of the work; 5. The project management unit at any moment can supervise and audit the activities of the consultant/s during the process. Consultant/s should give support and all the information needed by the project management unit; 6. To facilitate all technical discussions raised during al process; 7. To must keep confidential the terms, inputs, outputs and activities for veterinarian survey and training courses and must not disclose or allow to be disclosed to any third party any information of the inputs or outputs without written and specific permission from the Ngoc Son Ngo Luong project. 8. The maximum months must not over 5, one month more is considered for discussion with stakeholders; 9. To attend all workshops, technical meetings and forum that the project could arrange in relation to the veterinarian situation and livestock raising in Ngoc Son Ngo Luong Nature Reserve, before, during or after the survey and training courses; 10. To secure quality of the process in manner that project staff, local people, local authorities and FPD understands the content, the knowledge and the approaches delivered; Duration and Requirements Duration Maximum 5 months. Duty Station There are two stations: Ngoc Son Ngo Luong project office (Forest Protection Department – Hoa Binh City) and the Ngoc Son – Ngo Luong Nature Reserve office – Tan Lac and Lac Son districts. Report The project will have a strict policy in relation to the schedule of the activities and final outputs. Consultant/s and project management unit will agree a calendar and payment schedule that must be fulfilled by both parts. Requirements A university degree; Minimum ten years of professional experience; Extensive experience with designing and conducting trainings with local; Good spoken and written English and fluent Vietnamese; Evaluation of each proposal 1.- Technical quality of the proposal : a) Evaluation of the methodology: - Adequacy of the proposal to the ToR Quality of the technical method to deliver the survey and courses Development the bottom to up methodology to deliver the survey and courses 70% 35% 6% 9% 20% b) Evaluation of the consultant/s or team through CVs and experience 35% - 25% 5% 5% Experience on management plans in protected areas Experience on village/commune development plans in rural areas Experience on design operational management plans 2.- Economical offer: 30% A one page covering letter should specify the position being applied for and highlight why the candidate or group feels they are the right for delivering the survey and courses. A CV detailing professional as well as a technical proposal in Vietnamese and English covering above suggestions for delivering the survey and training courses must be provided. Interested candidate/s consultant group must respond by email exclusively to the Project Co Director, at . The position being applied for should be indicated in the subject line. Applications must be received by 24th March, 2009. FPSC regrets that due to the large number of expected applications, only applicants being called for interview will be responded to.