Southern Interior Region I

Southern Interior Region I-Team Meeting Minutes
May 7, 2007
Thompson Inn, Kamloops
Attendees: Mike Gatenby, DCC, Les French, DHM, Len March, DCS, Madeline Maley,
SIR (Chair), Kevin Lavelle, DCO, Bill Ashman, John McQueen, DKA, Peter Love,
Tolko – Okanagan, Richard Toperczer, DOS, Ernie Schmidt, West Fraser – Williams
Lake, Barry Banford, DHW, Phil Belliveau, MOE – Kamloops, Paul Frasca Tembec,
Mike Black, DRM, Tom Lewis, BCTS – Kamloops, Grant Feldinger, DCH, Steve
Dodge, DQU, Larry Gardener, West Fraser, Jim Guido, Ross Porcheron, Phil Madeley,
SIR, and Leith McKenzie SIR
Guests: Ralph Winter, Doug Kelly, Charlie Western, Peter Hall, Mike Buirs
Review of the Agenda:
 Accepted
Minutes of the March 3, 2007 Meeting Accepted. See attached action tracking table.
Member Updates:
Went around the room to bring light to issues individual agency and industry member are
facing. Some licensees mentioned working with districts to help streamline approvals
and find quick fixes for industry facing economic downturn.
Access Management Inter-Agency Working Group- Ross Porcheron
Access management project initiated by ongoing concern around road density and access
management impact on wildlife (Boreal Caribou and Grizzly Bear being examples).
Project undertaken for ADMCILM as a business improvement initiative - outlining gaps
in existing corporate business processes and direction. Two business areas analysed
(Permitting Approval Process & Management Tools). Recommendations will be in 2
stages - Short term (using existing tools) and Long term (policy, legislative or regulatory
Permitting - recommendations will focus on a corporate performance measure with
direction and tools to support permitting authorities. Both permit conditions and legal
objectives may be future management tools.
Management Tools - recommendations will focus on development of a corporate bulletin
to align existing tools towards a corporate approach to access management. Bulletin will
be validated based on emerging trends in O&G, IPP & possibly Bioenergy. Intended
outcome is to proactively understand and align needs of all industrial uses on the
More information & detail will be available in a month or so - in the interim please feel
free to contact Ross Porcheron (Project Lead).
Southern Interior Region I-Team Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2007
Bill 8- Charlie Western
Has received assent but has not come into force. Industry has a number of concerns
including parts of Bill 8 to do with Wildfire Act and revenue in the Forest Act. Eight
issues raised with regards to parts of the Bill to do with FRPA. Five issues can be
resolved but three need work to get resolution. Issues related to objectives applying to
CP/RP. Some changes brought in to plug loopholes, stop Results and Strategies from
running in perpetuity, and limit the life of plans to 5 or 10 years. Bill includes changes to
FSP exemptions which allow licensees to have string of small blocks without having to
write an FSP. Sunset clause for 196(1) included. Other issues to do with range
amendments and amending stocking standards after plans have expired.
MSMA- Ralph Archibald/Peter Hall
Work has been done to gather location of MSMA treated legacy trees. Locations will be
mapped and put on website and sent to districts. Example of SOP for how to map and
mark MSMA treated trees. Forest Practices Branch (FPB) working with third party lab to
figure out risks associated with MSMA. Research to date posted on FPB website
( See attached action items regarding
Resource Road Act- Doug Kelly
Bill 30 pulled from queue of bills to be read in the legislature. Doug referred to Bill 30 as
“dead dog”. Doug has no further direction on what will happen with Bill but has been
asked to stand down on business design process.
I-team Summer Field Trip- Mike Gatenby
Date set for September 24 and 25. First day field trip to look at soils, Fd and Sx beetle,
waste and residue, bioenergy and possible FREP. Second day to be a meeting ending no
later than 2pm.
I-team Communication- Leith McKenzie
Problems with I-team distribution list to be remedied. Please submit names of people
who should be attending to Leith. Let Leith know what information should be sent out to
I-team members for review. Send I-team meeting topics to Leith on I-Team topic
template for inclusion in next meeting.
90 Day Reg Review- Madeline Maley for Frank Blom
The forest industry is in worst state in 30 years. The economy is in slightly better shape
in BC because of ties to Asia. 600 to 700 ideas to help industry submitted to Reg Review
Team including lots of revenue issues. Team went through ideas and classed them into
things to do immediately to help industry, and things that need to be further explored.
Professional Reliance- Rich Toperczer
Throughout the current implementation phase of FRPA, one area that DOS (industry and
licensees) have collectively struggled with is a common understanding of what
professional reliance means. DOS initiated a survey of District staff, senior Forest
Service Managers and Industry practitioners to “tease” out some of the understandings of
what professional reliance is and is not. Rich presented the results of the DOS
Professional Reliance Survey and informed the I-Team of our collective actions to seek
out a common understanding of Prof Reliance. Option presented for other districts to
follow lead of DOS.
Southern Interior Region I-Team Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2007
Challenges addressed from SIFR FRPA Implementation Workshop- All
Cumulative Impacts
1. Challenge: Multiple agreement holders. Solution: Centralized database tracking
tool as being developed by Cascades District.
2. Challenge: licensee collaboration i.e. NRFLS and majors. Solution: Simplify
(??), cost effective, section 81?, facilitate fast CP approval, effective use of
money(?) which could potentially save on recce and layout.
3. Challenge: Role of Agencies. Solution: MoFR will be the central data
repository. ILMB transfer coverage’s into database.
4. Challenge: DDM decisions. Solution: the database.
1. Challenge: workload associated with monitoring. Solution: prioritize what to
monitor, strategically target, and coordinate with TSA group.
2. Challenge: Cumulative Landscape Assessments. Solution: set data standards;
gather the data, and viewer tool.
3. Challenge: Linking FSPs to FREP. Solution: Less intensive than FREP to get
trends, collaborate with C&E to share workload, joint MoFR/licensee filed visits
(semi-annual), provide feedback sooner, spot innovation quickly and adapt
Professional Reliance- solutions to list of challenges in document
1. Ensure current guidance from ABCPF is clear and available to all practicing
2. Reviewing professionals need to be comfortable to refer to other more qualified
professionals such as hydrologists.
3. Since communication is important each response centre to establish a peer review
group to facilitate dialogue. Action: I-team to send out an endorsement of
local peer review groups to all SIFR districts. Who: Madeline Maley by
4. Action: Ask Association to do an article on numbers and types of complaints
and resolutions made by association. Who: Peter Love by end of May.
Meeting Evaluation
1. Agenda Management – achieved
2. Actions Generated – achieved
3. Resolution of Past Actions – achieved
4. Participation – achieved
5. Relevant topics - achieved
Southern Interior Region I-Team Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2007
Oct 3, 2007
Oct 3, 2007
Oct 3, 2007
March 5,
March 5,
May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008
May 7, 2008
Submit FRPA success
stories to PFIT (Larry
Develop letter expressing
concerns re: GAR Orders
to sent to PFIT
Grizzly Bear GAR
Update I-Team at next
Provide information on
liability (fire
Add cumulative impacts
tracking tool (Viewer
Tool)to the May 7, 2008
I-Team Agenda (Len
Licensees to provide info
(location/details) of use
of MSMA to Leith
Provide comments on
MSMA SOP to Leith
Provide ideas on MSMA
communication strategy
to Leith
Update SRMCs on
Request that each RC
form a professional peer
group (RMT VC)
Request article ion
ABCFP Magazine
addressing complaints
(total number, actions
etc) for 2007
Request that district staff
communicate FREP
results with Licensees
P. Love/M.
S. Jablanczy
Dec 5, 2007
Sept, 2008
Nikki Rivette
Dec 5, 2007
7, 2008
L. McKenzie
May 7, 2008
BF to Sept,
Sept 25,
May 30,
May 30,
June 30,
May 15,
P. Love
Sept 25,
L. McKenzie
May 30,
Southern Interior Region I-Team Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2007
March 5,
March 5,
March 5,
Raise issue of CPs
crossing districts
boundaries (S.18) with
Brian Westgate (length
of time to process)
Ask Frank Blom if there
is an opportunity for ITeam to support 90 day
Reg Review
Forward Rd Permit
Clause for removal of
danger trees in ROW to
L. Hanlon
May 7, 2008 COMPLETE
M. Maley
March 14,
Len Marsh
March 14,
Southern Interior Region I-Team Meeting Minutes - May 7, 2007