of Journal Articles 2009 – 2011 - Australian Association of Stomal

Index 2009 – 2011
Articles printed in the Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia
Articles can also be found now by using the CINHAL listings
CS: Case Study
Historical perspectives
Gastrostomy care
 CS: Prophylactic gastrostomy insertion for oropharyngeal cancer
Margot Hickman March 11
 CS: A challenging stoma in a paediatric patient
Kellie Burke June 11
 Should colostomy irrigation be a last resort?
Anne Marie Lyons
Roger Riccardi
Staff Education
 The implementation of traffic light guidelines for hospital-based
stoma management
Sandy Hyde-Smith
Dec 09
Dec 09
Special Patient Groups
 Improving function in the patient with an ileo-anal pouch
Lynda Staruchowicz Sept 11
 CS: The long road to recovery of a patient with an open abdomen
and multiple fistulae
Ian Whiteley Sept 11
 CS: Clinical case study of a high output stoma and the
AF300 filter
Dec 09
Stoma Complications
 CS: Stenosing vesicostomy: a novel solution
Judy Wells March 09
 Parastomal hernias revisited, including a costeffectiveness analysis: is an ounce of prevention
worth a pound of cure?
Julia Thompson
June 09
 Poster presentation: (37th AASTN Conference)
CS: Improving the quality of life in an ileostomy patient Arum Pratiwi Sept 09
 Case study using Adapt rings to prevent appliance leakage Anne Onions June 10
 CS: Peristomal PG – avoiding surgery
Liz Ryan June 11
 Press release: New international ostomy survey
Coloplast June 11
 CS: The use of topical negative pressure therapy in the management
of peristomal pyoderma gangrenosum
Patricia Walls Sept 11
 Medication awareness: loperamide hydrochloride for the
treatment of a high output ileostomy
 Medication awareness: topical corticosteroids for the
treatment of irritant contact dermatitis
Theresa Winston June 10
Theresa Winston Sept 10
 CS: Management of a complex faecal fistula within a wound
dehiscence using Eakin and KCI Medical VAC
Andrea Farrugia Sept 09
 Poster presentation: (37 AASTN Conference)
CS: Management of an adolescent patient using a nanocrystalline
dressing with probable pyoderma gangrenosum
Lisa Kimpton
Sept 09
 Eva luating a postoperative see-through dressing
Diana Hayes Dec 09
 Poster presentation: (37th AASTN Conference)
CS: Wound healing against all odds Renee Gilmour & Eileen Lim Joon March 10
 Management of a scalp wound using topical negative
pressure therapy
Penny de Winter & Louise Walker March 10
 Effective use of a faecal management system to aid healing
of a grade 4 pressure ulcer
Ian Whiteley March 10
 Hollister CS: Wound management of enteric fistulae
Petra Prokop
Sept 10
 Book Review: Pocket guide to Pressure ulcers, how to classify, stage
and document pressure ulcers and other common wounds
June 2011
 CS: Management of chronic radiation proctitis
 The AGM 2010
 Website Coordinator’s report
Kara Torney
June 10
Sharmaine Peterson
Karen McNamara
June 10
June 10
Australian Council of Stoma Associations (ACSA)
 News and views from ACSA
Gerald Barry (ACSA President) March 09
 A Partnership in progress continued Peter McQueen (Vice President ACSA) June 09
 ACSA: The Australia Fund
Bruce Harvey ACSA Sept 09
 News and views from ACSA
Gerald Barry (ACSA President) March 10
 The partnership continues
Peter McQueen (Vice President ACSA) June 10
 ACSA report
Norm Kelly (ACSA Secretary) Sept 10
 The changing face of the International Ostomy Association (IOA)
Peter McQueen (President ACSA) March 11
 ACSA activities
Geoff Rhodes (Vice President ACSA) June 11
 ACSA report
Norm Kelly (ACSA Secretary) Sept 11
AASTN Education and Professional Development Subcommittee
 Chairperson’s report – AGM 2008
Fiona Bolton
June 09
Coalition of National Nursing Organisations (CoNNO)
 CoNNO report
Lesley Everingham & Wendy Sansom March 09
 CoNNO report
Lesley Everingham & Wendy Sansom Sept 09
 CoNNO report
Diana Hayes Sept 10
 CoNNO report
Lesley Everingham March 11
 CoNNO report
Lesley Everingham Sept 11
Stomal Therapy Issues
 Fostering key relationships (President’s Message)
Leeanne White
March 09
 Obesity in Australia: a population health issue
Diana Hayes
March 09
 Indonesian experiences
Carmen George
March 09
 In fond memory – Kim Robyn Holland (Obituary)
March 09
 Work and play (President’s message)
Sharmaine Peterson
June 09
 Taking the journal forward (Editorial)
Theresa Winston
June 09
 A global perspective: (37 AASTN Conference)
June 09
Australia in review
Leeanne White
Stomal Therapy in New Zealand
Sue Wolyncewicz
The stomal therapy / wound care nurse in Indonesia Julie McCaughan
China’s evolution
Huo Xiaorong
Iran – a new beginning
Fariba Nasiri Ziba
The meltdown in nursing
Prilli d’E Stevens
 New website coordinator (President’s message)
Sharmaine Peterson
Sept 09
 Psychological aspects of caring for our patients
with wounds or a stoma (Editorial)
Theresa Winston
Sept 09
 Clinical leadership
Katie Bird
Sept 09
 Position statement: Scope of nursing practice for
stomal therapy nurses
E&PDS Sept 09
 Cairns 2011 (Victorian Conference Cmttee)
Helen Nodrum
Sept 09
 Profile: Sharmaine Peterson
Sept 09
 AASTN Membership fee structure notes
Robyn Simcock
Sept 09
 Caring and sharing (Editorial)
Theresa Winston Dec 09
 AASTN / SPAP liaison contact
Diana Hayes
Dec 09
 Diversity of a Stomal Therapy Nurse
Theresa Winston March 10
 More about working together
Julie Bege
March 10
 Gastrointestinal Week 2009 report
Sandy Hyde Smith March 10
 How to write a journal article (Editorial)
Theresa Winston June 10
 Fast track surgery – should all components of fast track
surgery be introduced into the Australian hospital
system or certain aspects?
Lisa Wilson June 10
 Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS): report on multidisciplinary
course in NZ
Diana Hayes
June 10
 Continuing professional development (CPD) made easier
June 10
 Leaders in practice captured in paradise: Conference update Helen Nodrum June 10
Thirty years of the Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia Theresa Winston Sept 10
Stomal Therapy Nurses’ involvement in stomal therapy nursing
activities in Western Australia
Lorrie Gray Sept 10
Stomal therapy nursing in Indonesia
Carol Stott Sept 10
Leaders in practice captured in paradise: Conference update Helen Nodrum Sept 10
Teamwork (Editorial)
Theresa Winston March 11
Is clinical leadership important to advanced stomal
therapy nursing practice?
Sally Langford-Edmonds March 11
HP: The history of stomas
Henk Van Rooyen March 11
Specialist nurses in the spotlight: a case study about credentialing
Lorrie Gray March 11
Continuing Professional Development: A new portfolio is here E & PDS March 11
Top honours for one of our Life Members: Sr Mary Kelly OAM
March 11
Stoma Appliance Scheme: Restructure of panel
Diana Hayes March 11
Challenges and rewards (Editorial)
Theresa Winston June 11
HP: Evolution of the colostomy
Henk Van Rooyen June 11
Life membership awarded to Susan Dunne
Sept 1
World Council of Enterostomal Therapists
 WCET report: Happy New Year
 WCET report: More conferences to come
 WCET report
 Phoenix, Arizona 2010: Adelaide, Australia 2012
 WCET report
 WCET report
 WCET report
 WCET report
 Conference, conference, conference
 WCET report
Brenda Sando March 09
Brenda Sando
June 09
Brenda Sando Sept 09
Brenda Sando
Dec 09
Brenda Sando June 10
Brenda Sando Sept 10
Brenda Sando Dec 10
Brenda Sando March 11
Brenda Sando June 11
Brenda Sando Sept 11