Career Essay Outline

Last Name 1
Your Name
Mrs. Trippy
Language Arts 3B
Career Essay
Choosing a career can be difficult. Researching a career helps to determine the
direction a student takes after high school. It is important to understand the education
or training requirements, skills or talents needed, salary and benefits offered and the
duties for a particular career when making this decision.
There are several different ways to obtain the training and education required to
be a ___________________. (3-6 sentences about how to receive the required
education/training) One way is to__________________________________________
___________________________________________ is another way to receive the
appropriate training needed. ______________________________________________
_______________________________________________ is another option. It will
take a person approximately _______________ to receive the education/training.
Last Name 2
To begin, the education/training for _______________ will take approximately
_________________________. The education/training involves __________________
(5-8 sentences describing the steps to take to receive the required
Job Skills, Talents and Experience
As far as skills and talents, they are (varied? numerous?). (give information
here about the skills and talents a person needs to do well in this career) To be a
_______________ it is important to _________________________________________
____ is a good skill to have to be a ________________ because ________
___________________________________________________. Also, _____________
____________________________________________________________________ is
a helpful talent to go into this particular career due to ___________________________
Last Name 3
And/ Or
It is important to have experience with ________________________________ to
be a successful _________________________________. Most ___________ are
required to have experience with ___________________________ to be successful.
________________________ are classes that a student could take in high school to
gain experience needed. Another way to gain experience is to ____________________
Earnings and Benefits
Regarding income, the (quote your source here, Example: Bureau of Labor
Statistics) reports ________________________________. (4-6 sentences about
money that you can make, include whether the amount goes up or if there is
advancement within the company)
In addition to the income, benefits are also included with this career. (3-5
sentences about the health/medical benefits, retirement plans, vacation time,
Last Name 4
Health Factors
(If your career is not dangerous, you do not need this section!)
There are health and safety factors involved with being a __________________.
(give several health or safety issues involved in this job)One example is
__________________________________________________. Another safety issue is
A good way to avoid these safety factors is to _________________________________
___________________________ is a growing/ is not a growing field to get into.
(give several factors that influence the availability of jobs in this field) The reason
for this is____________________________________________________. Another
reason is because ________________________________________________
This makes it a good/ not good career to go into.
Typical Day
On a typical day, a ____________________ can deal with a number of
(interesting? exciting? frightening? creative?) situations. (give details about the
duties for this job. What are the usual hours?)
Last Name 5
There are many challenges as well as benefits for a _____________________.
(write 2-4 details about the challenges of this job and 2-4 details about the
advantages or best parts of this job) One challenge a ____________ must deal with
daily is _______________________________________________________________
Another is _____________________________________________________________
_______________________. However, an advantage to being a _________________
is ________________________________________________________________.
They also _____________________________________________________________
After researching ____________________ as a possible career, I believe it is/is
not suited to my goals and interests. (give details about skills or talents that you
have that would/would not make you suited for this job. Give details about your
future goals and plans and how they are/are not suited to this career.) All in all,
after completing the research about this career_______________________________
**Make sure to double-space your essay and use MLA heading. Read your paper
aloud to yourself to self-edit and then ask someone else to proofread it