East Midlands Hydropower Catchment Model

East Midlands Hydropower Catchment Model
Supplementary information on Environment Agency Hydropower
Opportunities Mapping Projects
This information has been put together in response to a number of requests
for additional information
The phase 1project on Hydropower mapping used data sets available to the
Agency to undertake a desk-top assessment of potential ‘barriers’. The results
are stored in an Agency database, that can be used with ArcGIS and other
Agency data.
Details of the methodology are contained in a report available on the Agency
This report also contained information on the environmental scoring
methodology that was used to assess risk.
It was considered that the environmental scoring provided an indication of the
ecological sensitivity of a site but was limited in its usefulness when
considering site specific hydropower applications.
The project was undertaken by ENTEC
The Phase2 project had the more specific objective of developing a
methodology for considering the catchment effects of hydropower
development, and the cumulative effects that may result. It was intended to
consider the Wye and the Trent catchment, but in the event little work was
undertaken on the Trent.
A number of methods of using spatial GIS data on environmental information
– eg site designation and reason for designation (SSSI, species) did not prove
successful. It was also considered the impact of existing barriers was very
significant at a catchment scale, and the effects of adding hydropower at a
weir could not be considered in isolation.
A trial GIS model was developed, based on salmon, as a key species that
require the opportunity to migrate from sea to spawning grounds, and back
during their life cycle. The number of barriers encountered, their passability,
the habitat suitability of parts of the catchment are key aspects of a model and
have important spatial criteria that can be derived from GIS analysis (eg the
length/area of catchment and habitat suitability between barriers, and the
dendritic pattern of the catchment and location of barriers)
A report of the project has not been published, but is available ……..
The project was undertaken by ENTEC.
Details of the model have not been written up. The model is currently specific
to the Wye catchment and is at a working development stage. Many
assumptions/simplifications have been made to achieve an initial model, and
discussion between the Agency/ENTEC/HIFI (Hull International Fisheries
Institute) have suggested methods of refining the model by comparison of
model data with observed data on fish populations.
To use the model on a different catchment some pre-processing is required to
obtain spatial analysis of the barriers, and also mapping of habitat suitability.
The Derbyshire Derwent
The map of ‘barriers’ (from the barriers database) indicates approximately 400
barriers in the catchment, most of which are man-made weirs. There are
further barriers downstream on the River Trent, a number of which are
proposed for hydropower development.
Contractual arrangements
The Agency will provide available GIS information relevant to the project and
also a copy of the Wye catchment model to the appointed contractor if
Prospective contractors should undertake their own discussions with ENTEC
and HIFI regarding work undertaken to date with the Agency, and their (or
others) involvement in any proposal submitted
John Aldrick
Environment Agency E & B Manager
Rob Soley
01208 841636
Mob 07850 744165
Hull International Fisheries Institute (HIFI)
Prof Ian Cowx
01482 466427