Bibliography for GEOG 484

GEOG 484
Southeast Asia
Winter I 2008
Bibliography of Readings on Selected Topics
1. Physical Geography and Demography
Fisher, C. A. (1964). South-East Asia: A Social, Economic and Political Geography,
London, New York, Methuen, Dutton.
Gupta, A. (2005). The Physical Geography of Southeast Asia, Oxford, Oxford University
Leinbach, T. R. and Ulack, R. (2000). Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development, Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Ulack, R. and Pauer, G. (1989). Atlas of Southeast Asia, New York, Macmillan.
2. Culture, Ancient History, and Modern History
Buchanan, K. (1967). The Southeast Asian World: An Introductory Essay, New York,
Taplinger Publishing Company.
Chandler, D., Owen, N. G., Roff, W. R., Steinberg, D. J., Taylor, J. G., Taylor, R. H.,
Woodside, A., and Wyatt, D. K. (2005). The Emergence of Modern Southeast
Asia: A New History, Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press.
Fisher, C. A. (1964). South-East Asia: A Social, Economic and Political Geography,
London, New York, Methuen, Dutton.
Freeman, D. B. (2003). The Straits of Malacca: Gateway or Gauntlet?, Montreal,
McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Fryer, D. W. (1979). Emerging Southeast Asia: A Study in Growth and Stagnation,
London, George Philip & Son, second edition.
Leinbach, T. R. and Ulack, R. (2000). Southeast Asia: Diversity and Development, Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Lieberman, V. (1995). “An Age of Commerce in Southeast Asia? Problems of Regional
Coherence—A Review Article.” Journal of Asian Studies 54(3): 796-807.
Reid, A. (1988). “Female roles in pre-colonial Southeast Asia.” Modern Asian Studies 22:
Reid, A. (1988). Southeast Asia in the age of commerce, 1450-1680, Volume I. New
Haven, Yale University Press.
Reid, A. (1993). Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, 1450-1680, Volume II:
Expansion and Crisis. New Haven and London, Yale University Press.
Reid, A. (1993). Southeast Asia in the early modern era: trade, power, and belief. Ithaca,
N.Y., Cornell University Press.
Reid, A. (1999). Charting the Shape of Early Modern Southeast Asia. Chiang Mai,
Silkworm Books.
Savage, V. R., Kong, L., and Yeoh, B. S. A. (1993). ‘The Human Geography of
Southeast Asia: An Analysis of Post-War Developments,’ Singapore Journal of
Tropical Geography 14, 2: 229-251.
Stuart-Fox, M. (2003). A Short History of China and Southeast Asia: Tribute, Trade and
Influence. Chiang Mai, Silkworm Books.
Chandler, D. (1996). A History of Cambodia. Boulder, Westview Press.
Evans, G. (2002). A Short History of Laos: The Land in Between. Chiang Mai,
Silkworm Books.
Baker, C. and Pasuk Phongpaichit. (2005). A History of Thailand, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
Cushman, J. W. (1993). Fields from the sea: Chinese junk trade with Siam during the late
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Ithaca, N.Y., Southeast Asia Program
Cornell University.
Wyatt, D. (1984). Thailand: A Short History. New Haven and London, Yale University
3. Colonial History and Nationalism
Anderson, B. R. O’G. (1991). Imagined communities: reflections on the origin and
spread of nationalism. London, [Eng.], New York, Verso.
Anderson, B. (1998). The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the
World. London, New York, Verso.
Brown, I. (1997). Economic Change in South-East Asia, c. 1830-1980. Oxford, New
York, Oxford University Press.
Osborne, M. E. (1995). Southeast Asia: an introductory history. St Leonards, NSW,
Allen & Unwin.
SarDesai, D. R. (1997). Southeast Asia: Past & Present, fourth edition (Chiang Mai:
Silkworm Books).
East Timor (Timor Leste)
Dunn, J. (1983). Timor, a People Betrayed. Milton, Australia, Jacaranda Press.
Jolliffe, J. (1978). East Timor: Nationalism & Colonialism. St. Lucia, Q., University of
Queensland Press.
Vickers, A. (2005). A History of Modern Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Pomeroy, W. J. (1974). An American Tragedy: Neo-Colonialism and Dictatorship in the
Philippines. New York, International Publishers.
Schirmer, D. B. and S. R. Shalom. (1987). The Philippines Reader: A History of
Colonialism, Neocolonialism, Dictatorship, and Resistance. Boston, South End
Dixon, C., and Michael J. G. Parnwell (1991). Thailand: The Legacy of Non-Colonial
Development in South-East Asia. Colonialism and Development in the
Contemporary World. C. Dixon and M. J. Heffernan. London, Mansell: 204-225.
Keyes, C. (1989). Thailand: Buddhist Kingdom as Modern Nation-State. Boulder,
Westview Press.
Loos, T. (2006). Subject Siam: Family, Law, and Colonial Modernity in Thailand. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press.
Thongchai Winichakul (1994). Siam mapped: a history of the geo-body of a nation.
Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Long, N. V. (1973). Before the revolution: the Vietnamese peasants under the French.
Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press.
4. Vietnam, Laotian, and Cambodian Wars and their Aftermath
Chanda, N. (1986). Brother Enemy: The War After the War. New York, Collier Books,
MacMillan Publishing.
Chomsky, N. (1970). At War with Asia: Essays on Indochina. New York, Vintage Books.
Chomsky, N. (1993). Rethinking Camelot: J.F.K., the Vietnam War, and U.S. Political
Culture. Boston, South End Press.
Chomsky, N. and E. Herman. (1979). After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina and the
Reconstruction of Imperial Ideology. Boston, South End Press.
Evans, G. (1983). The Yellow Rainmakers: Are Chemical Weapons Being Used in
Southeast Asia?”. London, Verso.
Evans, G. and K. Rowley. (1984). Red Brotherhood at War: Indochina Since the Fall of
Saigon. London, Verso.
Glassman, J. (2005). “On the Borders of Southeast Asia: Cold War Geography and the
Construction of the Other,” Political Geography 24, 7 (September): 784-807.
McCoy, A. (1991). The Politics of Heroin: C.I.A. Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.
New York, Lawrence Hill Books.
McGehee, R. (1983). Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the C.I.A. New York, Sheridan
Square Press.
Wakin, E. (1992). Anthropology Goes to War: Professional Ethics & Counterinsurgency
in Thailand, Madison, University of Wisconsin Center for Southeast Asian
Studies, Monograph Number 7.
Chandler, D. P. (1991). The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War, and
Revolution since 1945. New Haven, London, Yale University Press.
Shawcross, W. (1987). Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon and the Destruction of Cambodia.
New York, Simon & Schuster.
Vickery, M. (1984). Cambodia, 1975-1982. Boston, South End Press.
Adams, N. and McCoy, A. W., Eds. (1970). Laos: War and Revolution. New York,
Evanston, and London, Harper Colophon Books.
Evans, G. (1990). Lao Peasants under Socialism. New Haven and London, Yale
University Press.
Eisen, A. (1984). Women and Revolution in Vietnam. London, Zed Books.
Gardner, L. C. (1988). Approaching Vietnam: From World War II through Dienbienphu,
1941-1954. New York, Norton.
Kahin, G. M. (1986). Intervention: how America became involved in Vietnam. New York,
Kemf, E. (1990). Month of Pure Light: The Regreening of Vietnam. London, The
Women’s Press.
Kolko, G. (1985). Anatomy of a war: Vietnam, the United States, and the modern
historical experience. New York, Pantheon Books.
Kolko, G. (1997). Vietnam: anatomy of a peace. London ; New York, Routledge.
Rotter, A. J. (1987). The path to Vietnam: origins of the American commitment to
Southeast Asia. Ithaca, Cornell University Press.
Williams, W. A. (1985). America in Vietnam: a documentary history. Garden City, N.Y.,
Anchor Press.
Young, M. B. (1991). The Vietnam wars. New York, HarperCollins.
5. Economic Growth, Uneven Development, and Social and Environmental Justice
Armstrong, W. and T. G. McGee (1985). Theatres of accumulation: studies in Asian and
Latin American urbanization. London; New York, Methuen.
Beeson, M., ed. (2004). Contemporary Southeast Asia: Regional Dynamics: National
Differences. Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bernard, M. and J. Ravenhill (1995). “Beyond Product Cycles and Flying Geese:
Regionalization, Hierarchy, and the Industrialization of East Asia.” World Politics
47(January): 171-209.
Booth, A. (1997). Poverty in Southeast Asia: some comparative estimates. Uneven
Development in Southeast Asia. C. Dixon and D. Drakakis-Smith. Aldershot,
Brookfield, Singapore, Sydney, Ashgate: 45-74.
Booth, A. (1999). “Initial Conditions and Miraculous Growth: Why is South East Asia
Different From Taiwan and South Korea.” World Development 27(2): 301-321.
Bunnell, T., Drummond, L. B. W., and Ho, C. K., eds. (2003) Critical Reflections on
Cities in Southeast Asia, The Hague, Brill.
Dixon, C. (1990). South East Asia in the World Economy. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
Doner, R. F. and G. Hawes (1995). The Political Economy of Growth in Southeast and
Northeast Asia. The Changing Political Economy of the Third World. M. Dorraj.
Boulder and London, Lynne Rienner: 145-185.
Duncan, C. R., ed. (2004). Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies
for the Development of Minorities, Ithaca, Cornell University Press.
Enloe, C. (1983). Women Textile Workers in the Militarization on Southeast Asia.
Women, men, and the international division of labor. J. C. Nash and M. P.
Fernández-Kelly. Albany, State University of New York Press: 407-425.
Forbes, D. K. (1996). Asian Metropolis: Urbanisation and the Southeast Asian City.
Melbourne, Oxford University Press.
Frenkel, S. (1993). Organized labor in the Asia-Pacific region: a comparative study of
trade unionism in nine countries. Ithaca, N.Y., ILR Press.
Hart, G. P., A. Turton, et al. (1989). Agrarian transformations: local processes and the
state in Southeast Asia. Berkeley, University of California Press.
Hart-Landsberg, M. and P. Burkett (1998). “Contradictions of Capitalist Industrialization
in East Asia: A Critique of 'Flying Geese' Theories of Development.” Economic
Geography 74(2): 87-110.
Hewison, K., R. Robison, et al. (1993). Southeast Asia in the 1990s: authoritarianism,
democracy, and capitalism. St Leonards, NSW, Australia, Allen & Unwin.
Heyzer, N. (1986). Working women in Southeast Asia: development, subordination and
emancipation. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.
Hutchison, J. and A. Brown, Eds. (2001). Organising Labour in Globalising Asia.
London and New York, Routledge.
Jomo, K. S. and Y.-c. Chen (1997). Southeast Asia's misunderstood miracle: industrial
policy and economic development in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Boulder,
Colo., Westview Press.
Lim, L. L. (1993). The Feminization of Labor in the Asia-Pacific Rim Countries: From
Contributions to Economic Dynamism to Bearing the Brunt of Structural
Adjustments. Human Resources in Development Along the Asia-Pacific Rim. N.
Ogawa, G. W. Jones and J. G. Williamson. Singapore, Oxford University Press:
Limqueco, P., B. J. McFarlane, et al. (1989). Labour and industry in Asean. Manila,
Philippines, Journal of Contemporary Asia Publishers.
MacIntyre, A. (1994). Business, Government and Development: Northeast and Southeast
Asian Comparisons. Business and government in industrializing Asia. A. J.
MacIntyre. Ithaca, N.Y., Cornell University Press: 1-28.
McGee, T. G. (1991). The Emergence of Desakota Regions in Asia: expanding a
hypothesis. The Extended Metropolis: Settlement Transition in Asia. N. Ginsburg,
B. Koppel and T. G. McGee. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press: 3-25.
Popkin, S. (1979). The Rational Peasant: the Political Economy of Rural Society in
Vietnam. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Potter, D. M. (1996). Japan’s Foreign Aid to Thailand and the Philippines. New York St.
Martin’s Press.
Rigg, J. (2003). Southeast Asia: the Human Landscape of Modernization and
Development. London and New York, Routledge.
Rodan, G., K. Hewison, and R. Robison, Eds. (1997). The Political-Economy of SouthEast Asia: An Introduction. Melbourne, Oxford University Press.
Schmidt, J. D., J. Hersh, et al. (1997). Social change in Southeast Asia. Harlow, Essex,
Scott, J. C. (1976). The moral economy of the peasant: rebellion and subsistance in
Southeast Asia. New Haven; London, Yale University Press.
Scott, J. C. (1985). Weapons of the weak: everyday forms of peasant resistance. New
Haven; London, Yale University Press.
Truong, T.-a. (1990). Sex, money, and morality: prostitution and tourism in Southeast
Asia. London; Atlantic Highlands, N.J., Zed Books.
Dao, M. Q. (1996). “Brunei: and economy in transition,” Journal of Contemporary Asia
26(4): 505-511.
Fink, C. (2001). Living Silence: Burma under Military Rule. Bangkok, Dhaka, London
and New York, White Lotus, University Press, and Zed Books.
Smith, M. (1999). Burma: insurgency and the politics of ethnicity. Dhaka: University
Press; Bangkok: White Lotus; London; New York: Zed Books.
Steinberg, D. I. (2001). Burma: The State of Myanmar, Washington, DC, Georgetown
University Press.
East Timor (Timor Leste)
Budiardjo, C. and L. S. Liong (1984). The War against East Timor. London, Zed Books.
Carey, P. and G. C. Bentley, Eds. (1995). East Timor at the Crossroads: The Forging of
a Nation. Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press.
Glassman, J. (2003). “Structural Power, Agency, and National Liberation: The Case of
East Timor,” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 28(3): 264-280.
Kingsbury, D., Ed. (2000). Guns and Ballot Boxes: East Timor's Vote for Independence.
Victoria, Monash Asia Institute.
Tanter, R., M. Selden, and S. R. Shalom, Eds. (2001). Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers:
East Timor, Indonesia, and the World Community. Sydney, Pluto Press.
Taylor, J. G. (1999). East Timor: The Price of Freedom. London, New York, Zed Books.
Aditjondro, G. J. (1999). Is Oil Thicker than Blood?: a Study of Oil Companies' Interests
and Western Complicity in Indonesia's Annexation of East Timor. Commack,
N.Y., Nova Science Publishers.
Anderson, R. O’G., Ed. (2001). Violence and the State in Suharto’s Indonesia. Ithaca,
Cornell University Southeast Asia Program Publications.
Anderson, B. (2000). “Petrus Dadi Ratu.” New Left Review(3): 7-15.
Crouch, H. (1988). The Army and Politics in Indonesia, revised edition. Ithaca and
London, Cornell University Press.
Kingsbury, D. (1998). The Politics of Indonesia. Melbourne; New York, Oxford
University Press.
LaBotz, D. (2001). Made in Indonesia: Indonesian Workers since Suharto. Cambridge,
Mass., South End Press.
Robinson, G. (1995). The Dark Side of Paradise: Political Violence in Bali (Ithaca:
Cornell University Press).
Robison, R. (1986). Indonesia: The Rise of Capital. Sydney, Allen & Unwin.
Robison, R. (1990). Power and Economy in Suharto’s Indonesia. Manila, Journal of
Contemporary Asia Press.
Schwarz, A. (2000). A Nation in Waiting: Indonesia’s Search for Stability. Boulder,
Westview Press.
Gomez, E. T. and Jomo K. S. (1999). Malaysia's political economy: politics, patronage
and profits. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hilley, J. (2001). Malaysia: Mahatirism, hegemony and the new opposition. London and
New York: Zed Books.
Jomo, K. S. (1988). A Question of Class: Capital, the State, and Uneven Development in
Malaya. Manila, New York, Journal of Contemporary Asia Press, Monthly
Review Press.
Ong, A. (1987). Spirits of resistance and capitalist discipline: factory women in
Malaysia. Albany, State University of New York Press.
Bello, W. (2004). The Anti-Developmental State: The Political Economy of Permanent
Crisis in the Philippines. London and New York: Zed Books.
Bello, W., D. Kinley, and E. Elinson. (1982). Development Debacle: The World Bank in
the Philippines. San Francisco, Institute for Food and Development Policy.
Bonner, R. (1987). Waltzing with a Dictator: The Marcoses and the Making of American
Policy. New York, Times Books.
Broad, R. (1993). Plundering Paradise: The Struggle for the Environment in the
Philippines. Berkeley, Los Angeles, Oxford, University of California Press.
Broad, R. (1988). Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund,
and the Philippines. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, University of California
Chant, S. H. and C. McIlwaine (1995). Women of a lesser cost: female labour, foreign
exchange, and Philippine development. London; Boulder, Colo., Pluto Press.
Lindio-McGovern, L. (1997). Filipino Peasant Women: Exploitation and Resistance.
Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.
McIlwaine, C. (1997). Fringes or frontiers? Gender and export-oriented development in
the Philippines. Uneven Development in South East Asia. C. Dixon and D.
Drakakis-Smith. Aldershot, Ashgate: 100-123.
West, L. A. (1997). Militant Labor in the Philippines. Philadelphia, Temple University
Barr, M. D. (2000). “Lee Kuan Yew and the ‘Asian Values’ Debate,” Asian Studies
Review 24(3): 309-334.
Barr, M. D. (1999). “Lee Kuan Yew: Race, culture and genes,” Journal of Contemporary
Asia 29(2): 145-166.
Rodan, G. (1989). The Political Economy of Singapore’s Industrialization. London,
Yeung, H. W.-c. (2002). Entrepreneurship and the Internationalisation of Asian Firms;
An Institutional Perspective, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA, Edward
Askew, M. (2002). Bangkok: Place, Practice, and Representation, London and New
York, Routledge.
Bello, W. F., S. Cunningham, et al. (1998). A Siamese tragedy: development and
disintegration in modern Thailand. London; New York, Oakland Calif., Bangkok,
Zed Books; Food First Books; White Lotus.
Bishop, R. and L. S. Robinson. (1998). Night Market: Sexual Cultures and the Thai
Economic Miracle. New York and London, Routledge.
Deyo, F. C. (1995). Capital, Labor, and State in Thai Industrial Restructuring: The
Impact of Global Economic Transformations. A new world order: global
transformations in the late twentieth century. J. Böröcz and D. A. Smith.
Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press: 131-144.
Dixon, C. J. (1999). The Thai economy: uneven development and internationalisation.
London; New York, Routledge.
Girling, J. L. S. (1981). Thailand: Society and Politics. Ithaca and London, Cornell
University Press.
Girling, J. L. S. (1996). Interpreting Development: Capitalism, Democracy, and the
Middle Class in Thailand. Ithaca, Cornell University Southeast Asia Program.
Glassman, J. (2002). “From Seattle (and Ubon) to Bangkok: the scales of resistance to
corporate globalization,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 20(5):
Glassman, J. (2004). Thailand at the Margins: Internationalization of the State and the
Transformation of Labour. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Glassman, J. and Sneddon, C. (2003). “Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen as Growth Poles:
Regional Industrial Development in Thailand and its Implications for Urban
Sustainability,” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social
Science 590, 1 (November): 93-115.
Haines, F. (2005). Globalization and Regulatory Character: Regulatory Reform after the
Kader Toy Factory Fire, Aldershot, Ashgate.
Hewison, K. (1989). Bankers and Bureaucrats: Capital and the Role of the State in
Thailand. New Haven, Yale University Southeast Asia Studies.
Hewison, K. (1989). Power and Politics in Thailand: Essays in Political Economy.
Manila and Wollongong, Journal of Contemporary Asia Press.
Hewison, K., Ed. (1997). Political Change in Thailand: Democracy and Participation.
London and New York, Routledge.
Hirsch, P. (1993). Political Economy of Environment in Thailand. Manila and
Wollongong, Journal of Contemporary Asia.
McCargo, D. (1997). Chamlong Srimuang and the new Thai politics. New York, St.
McCargo, D. (2005). “Thaksin and the Resurgence of Violence in the Thai South,” Working Paper #3, available on-line at
McCargo, D., ed. (2002). Reforming Thai Politics. Copenhagen, Nordic Institute of Asian
McCargo, D. and Ukrist Pathmanand. (2005). The Thaksinization of Thailand.
Copenhagen, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies.
Mills, M. B. (1997). “Contesting the margins of modernity: women, migration, and
consumption in Thailand.” American Ethnologist 24: 37-61.
Mills, M. B. (1999). Thai Women in the Global Labor Force: Consuming Desires,
Contested Selves. New Brunswick, N.J., and London, Rutgers University Press.
Ockey, J. (2004). Making Democracy: Leadership, Class, Gender, and Political
Participation in Thailand. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
Parnwell, M. (1996). Uneven development in Thailand. Aldershot ; Brookfield, USA,
Pasuk Phongpaichit and C. Baker. (1995). Thailand: Economy and Politcs. Kuala
Lampur, Oxford University Press.
Pasuk Phongpaichit and Sungsidh Piriyarangsan. (1992). Corruption and Democracy in
Thailand. Chiang Mai, Silkworm Books.
Pasuk Phongpaichit, Sungsidh Piriyarangsan, and Nualnoi Treerat. (1998). Guns, Girls,
Gambling, Ganja: Thailand’s Illegal Economy and Public Policy. Chiang Mai,
Silkworm Books.
Pasuk Phongpaichit and C. Baker. (2004). Thaksin: The Business of Politics in Thailand.
Chiang Mai, Silkworm Books.
Pendakur, V. S. (1993). “Congestion Management and Air Quality: Lessons from
Bangkok and Mexico City.” Asian Journal of Environmental Management 1(2):
Porpora, D. and M. H. Lim (1987). “The political economic factors of migration to
Bangkok.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 17(1): 76-89.
Porpora, D., M. H. Lim, et al. (1989). “The Role of Women in the International Division
of Labor: The Case of Thailand.” Development and Change 20: 269-294.
Sanitsuda Ekachai. (1990). Behind the Smile: Voices of Thailand. Bangkok, Bangkok
Post Publishing.
Van Esterik, P. (2000). Materializing Thailand, Oxford and New York, Berg.
Wattana, Sugannasil, ed. (2005). Dynamic Diversity in Southern Thailand, Prince of
Songkhla University, Silkworm Books.
6. Economic Crisis, Political Crisis, and Restructuring
Anderson, B. (1998). From Miracle to Crash. London Review of Books: 4-7.
Bello, W. (1998). “East Asia: on the eve of the Great Transformation?” Review of
International Political Economy 5(3): 424-444.
Bernard, M. (1999). East Asia's Tumbling Dominoes: Financial Crises and the Myth of
the Regional Model. Socialist Register 1999. New York and London, Monthly
Review Press: 178-208.
Claessens, S., S. Djankov, et al. (1998). East Asian Corporates: Growth, Financing and
Risks over the Last Decade, World Bank Working Paper no. 2017.
Crafts, N. (1999). “East Asian Growth Before and After the Crisis.” IMF Staff Papers
Glassman, J. (2003). “The Spaces of Economic Crisis: Asia and the Reconfiguration of
Neo-Marxist Crisis Theory,” Studies in Comparative International Development
37(4): 31-63.
Glassman, J. (2005). “The ‘War on Terrorism’ Comes to Southeast Asia,” Journal of
Contemporary Asia 35, 1 (February): 3-28.
Glassman, J. and P. Carmody (2001). “Structural Adjustment in East and Southeast Asia:
Lessons from Latin America,” Geoforum 32(1): 77-90.
Hart-Landsberg, M. and P. Burkett (1998). “East Asia and the crisis of development
theory.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 28(4): 435-456.
Jomo K. S., Ed. (1998). Tigers in Trouble: Financial Governance, Liberalisation and
Crises in East Asia. Hong Kong, Cape Town, Dhaka, Bangkok, London and New
York, Hong Kong University Press, IPSR Books, University Press, White Lotus,
and Zed Books.
Pempel, T. J. (1999). The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis. Ithaca, Cornell
University Press.
Robison, R., M. Beeson, et al., Eds. (2000). Politics and Markets in the Wake of the
Asian Crisis. Asian Capitalisms. London, New York, Routledge.
Rodan, G., K. Hewison, and R. Robison, Eds. (2001). The Political-Economy of SouthEast Asia: Conflicts, Crises, and Change, 2nd edition, Melbourne, Oxford
University Press.
Rodan, G., K. Hewison, and R. Robison, Eds. (2006). The Political-Economy of SouthEast Asia: Markets, Power, and Contestation, 3rd edition, Melbourne, Oxford
University Press.
Glassman, J. (2001). “Economic Crisis in Asia: The Case of Thailand,” Economic
Geography 77(2): 122-147.
Glassman, J. (2004). “Economic ‘Nationalism’ in a Post-Nationalist Era: The Political
Economy of Economic Policy in Post-crisis Thailand,” Critical Asian Studies 36,
1 (March): 37-64.
Pasuk Phongpaichit and C. Baker. (1998). Thailand’s Boom and Bust. Chiang Mai,
Silkworm Books.
Pasuk Phongpaichit and C. Baker. (2000). Thailand’s Crisis. Chiang Mai, Silkworm