Cv - Georgetown University

1. NAME Thomas M. Cronin
2. DATE PREPARED January 23, 2007
3. DUTY STATION Reston, Virginia
REGION Eastern Region
Harvard University: Ph.D. Geology 1974-1977 degree 1977
Harvard University: M.A. Geology 1972-1974 degree 1974
Colgate University: B.A. Geology 1968-1972 degree 1972
USGS Federal Budget Process course (1981)
DOI Basic Training in Special Emphasis (Hispanic Employment) (1981)
USGS sponsored course on Boat Safety (1980s)
USGS course Coaching the Experienced Driver (1989)
USGS sponsored course on Sexual Harassment Prevention (1993)
USGS course on Workplace Diversity (1999)
USGS Federal Information Systems Security Awareness Training (multiple)
USGS Federal Whistleblower and Credit Card Training
DATES From: 2004 To: Present
Abrupt Climate Change: Eastern United States: Project Chief, Funding Earth Surface
Dynamics (ESD)
Assignment: Design and implement project to study the paleoclimatic record from
marine, estuarine, and lacustrine sediments in order to reconstruct temperature,
precipitation variability during periods of rapid climatic change and glacial lake drainage
history as a trigger for abrupt climate events. Focus is on abrupt events during the last
deglaciation including the Holocene 8.2 ka event, the Medieval Warm Period, the Little
Ice Age, and the past two centuries. Integrates stratigraphic, geophysical, glacial geology
and paleoclimate studies of Lake Champlain post-glacial history.
My role: Coordinate research divided into six elements: Glacial Lake Chronology and
Impacts, Glacial-lake modeling, Latitudinal reconstruction of abrupt climate events,
Abrupt Climate Transitions in North Atlantic, Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age
Climate, Rapid sea level rise. Includes overseeing two post-docs working on glacial lakes
in New York and Vermont and deep-sea record of abrupt climate change. Project uses
multiple proxies to reconstruct climate variables and models glacial lake drainage
through a COOP with Penn State. Papers # 127, 131, 133, 136, 137, 138, 141, 144, 146,
147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154.
Time devoted to project: 10 %
DATES From: 2003 To: Present
Global Warming Analysis Project: Project Member, Chief, H. Dowsett, Funding ESD
Assignment: The primary goal of this USGS/NSF/NASA collaborative effort is the
reconstruction of the mid-Pliocene ocean in 3 dimensions. Data set will be used by USGS
and NASA researchers in a experiments to determine causes of Pliocene climate change
and relate causes and effects to future climate. Project builds on USGS Pliocene
Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping (PRISM).
My role: Work with Duke University and Dowsett’s group to reconstruct deep ocean
bottom temperature reconstructions doing taxonomy of ostracodes and interpretation of
Pliocene deep ocean temperatures, ocean circulation and climate. Papers # 130, 132,
139, 140, 142, 155, 156.
DATES From: 1996 To: Present
South Florida Ecosystem Project (includes Florida Bay Paleosalinity, Biscayne Bay
and SW Florida Projects): Project Member, Chief, L. Wingard, Funding Priority
Ecosystems Studies (PES), South Florida Water Management District.
Assignment: Project goal to support of Greater Everglades Restoration Program with
scientific input about hydrological and climatic control of ecosystems.
My role: Coordination of faunal and geochemical calibration sampling (Biscayne Bay)
and quantitative reconstruction of trends in Florida and Biscayne Bay salinity and sea
grass variability using sediment cores; evaluate and advise on linkages to global and
regional climate patterns and land use changes. the contribution of climate variability
and human activities to Florida Bay changes in salinity, temperature, and spatial and
temporal distribution of sea grass. Data assist managers in designing plans to restore
natural flow in the Everglades and surrounding areas. Developed calibration of Mg/Ca
ratios in ostracodes in Florida Bay, and Mg/Ca, stable isotopic, and ecological proxies
for Biscayne Bay. Work led South Florida Management District and other agencies to
focus their efforts in margins of Florida Bay, and to transferability of approach to other
Florida coastal ecosystems. Papers # 74, 78, 90, 107, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 119, 124,
125, 135.
Time devoted to project: 20-30 %
DATES From: 1996 To: 2005
Atlantic Estuaries & Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Projects: Project Chief & Member,
Funding ESD, National Geologic Mapping Program (NGMP), Coastal and Marine, PES
Assignment: To establish and direct integrated research into Chesapeake Bay ecosystem
through sediment coring, paleoclimate reconstruction, ecosystem history and land use
My role: Quantify sediment rates and sources and climate variability. Plan and carry out
sediment coring, integrate geochronology, stable isotopic and trace element
measurements, analyses of biotic response, temporal variability of total suspended solids,
and sea level variability to advise managers on restoration and management decisions.
Resulted in new Chesapeake Bay Program guidelines for Dissolved Oxygen allocations,
changes in management strategies for reducing sediment load, and to address climate
variability in decision-making. Participation in USGS Interdivisional Technical Team,
Chesapeake committees and workgroups (dissolved oxygen criteria, sediment, and
climate work groups), national and international groups on Biocomplexity (Impacts of
climate on estuaries), Climate Assessment in Eastern United States (MARA and CARA
Steering Committees), Sea Level Change and Antarctic Ice (WAIS workshop),
Coordination of North Atlantic Research (CORONA). Papers # 84, 85, 89, 92, 96, 98, 99,
102, 104-106, 115, 117, 120-123, 126, 128, 129, 134.
Time devoted to project: 50-80 %
DATES From: 2002 To: 2007
Tampa Bay Project. Task Leader Ecosystem history, Quaternary sea level and climate
history of Tampa Bay. Chief, K. Yates. Funding: Coastal and Marine
Assignment: Study the historical impact of land use and water diversion on the
ecosystem and determine the paleoclimatic and sea-level history.
My role: Coordinate sediment core analyses of climate, sea-level and ecosystem history
(Task included 8 members). Analyzed calcareous microfossils, coordinate dating and
correlation of Quaternary record, interpret faunal changes in light of land use history.
Papers #143, 145, 151, 156 and lots of data on TB Project Digital Data Library online.
Time devoted to Project: 10 %
DATES From: 1998 To: 2000
Chesapeake Impact Crater Project. Cenozoic biostratigraphy, paleoenvironmental
Assignment: Analyse the Chesapeake impact crater structure, stratigraphy and
hydrological impacts.
My role: Cenozoic ostracode biostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental interpretation
using sediment cores taken in and around Chesapeake impact crater. Paper # 129.
Project Chief: G. Gohn, Funding: NGMP
Time devoted to project: 5 %
DATES From: 1996 To: 1997 TDY Assignment
Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP), Environment Division, Executive
Office of the President, Washington, D.C.: Title: Agency Representative (DOI/USGS)
Assignment: Provide scientific input into global climate change and impact on parks,
coastal zones, agriculture, forestry, water resources etc, in preparation for US participation
in Kyoto Climate Treaty and National Assessment of Climate Impacts. Involved writing
and reviewing reports, meeting on Hill with other agencies, preparation of briefs on new
scientific findings on climate for OSTP director to discuss with POTUS & VP; also
advisory capacity on biodiversity and environmental issues (see 12b).
DATES From: 1993 To: 1997
Deep-Ocean Circulation, Climate Change & Biodiversity: Project Chief
Assignment: Investigate role of climate in deep-ocean circulation and its impact on deepsea biodiversity. Coordinate project on deep-sea diversity and circulation in Arctic and
Atlantic Oceans. Publications: # 65, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 86, 87, 93, 94,
95, 100, 101, 109 in section 18.
DATES From: 1996 To: 1997
Environmental Studies related to sand mining off Virginia Beach: Project Chief
Assignment: In cooperation with Virginia Institute of Marine Science and funded by
MMS, determine potential adverse effects of sand mining for beach replenishment on
continental shelf off Virginia Beach. Analyze seasonal patterns in meiofaunal
assemblages from cruises we conducted to collect benthic habitats. Publication: #91.
DATES From: 1986 To: 1995
Panama Biodiversity/Paleontology Project: Project Member (Smithsonian Tropical
Research Institute, STRI, Panama lead organization)
Assignment: Investigate timing and causes of the closure of the Central American
Isthmus, its climate and biotic impacts. Neogene biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology,
Central America. Publications: 59, 83, 97,
DATES From: 1988 To: 1993
Pliocene Research Interpretation & Synoptic Mapping (PRISM): Pliocene Climate,
Ocean Margins Project Chief, Steering Committee
Assignment: Initiated the PRISM project with D. Poore as the first northern hemispheric
reconstruction of a period of global warmth for comparison with future model-predicted
climate scenarios. Coordinated Ocean Margin Project research on coastal ocean and
Arctic temperatures and sea level. See 12 b. Ocean margins Project Chief, PRISM
steering committee. Publications: 46-53, 55-58, 60-63, 66, 67, 69, 71.
DATES From: 1984 To: 1987
Pacific Enewetak Atoll Crater Exploration (PEACE) Program: Biostratigraphic
Assignment: Investigation into crater morphology at nuclear test sites at Enewetak Atoll
for Defense Nuclear Agency.
My role: Biostratigraphic coordinator. Publications: 28, 30, 33, 36, 38, 39, 42, 48, 50,
54, 64,
DATES From: 1978 To: 1984
Atlantic Coastal Plain Paleoshorelines and Neotectonic History: Project Chief
Assignment: Investigation into neotectonics of Atlantic Coastal Plain using Quaternary
paleo-shorelines in support of Earthquake and Nuclear Reactor Hazards programs.
Publications: 12-17, 20, 23-25, 27, 31-33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 45.
DATES From: 1980 To: 1982
Staff Geologist. Office of Environmental Geology, USGS. Environmental Geology,
Climate Change, Geological mapping, Reactor Hazards, NAGT
DATES From: 1977 To: 1978
National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associate, U.S. Geological Survey,
Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.
“Global Warming”: One major issue facing climate science and society is how much humans
have influenced global and hemispheric temperature. In 1999 Mann and colleagues published a
northern hemispheric temperature record based mainly on tree-rings showing unprecedented
warming in the last 1000 years, known as the hockey stick curve. Enormous controversy and a
search for longer non-tree ring temperature curves ensued. We developed a new geochemical
temperature proxy method and applied it to construct a 2000-year long Chesapeake Bay
temperature curve published in 2003. Since its publication this curve has been integrated into
hemispheric compilations published in Science, Nature and the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report allowing a comprehensive analysis of 20th century warming.
Rapid Sea-Level Rise: Published papers in 2007 in EOS and GRL on rapid sea-level rise into
Chesapeake and Tampa Bays 7000 and 8200 years ago. The 8.2 ka sea-level rise was the largest
(6 to 12 m) and fastest (3 to 5 times the current rate) sea-level rise during the Holocene period, it
provide guidelines on modern and future rates of sea-level rise.
Arctic Climate History: I participated in the historic 2004 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
(IODP) cruise to North Pole that recovered the entire Cenozoic climate record of the Arctic
Ocean for the first time. Four papers were published in Nature in 2006 as a result of initial
investigations and a special volume of Paleoceanography is due out February 2008 as are other
papers. Much media coverage accompanied this cruise (see IODP website). My role was
shipboard foraminiferal and ostracode biostratigraphy, core description, and post-cruise
paleoceanographic interpretation.
Atlantic Estuaries Project & Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Project: Chesapeake Bay is the
largest, most productive US estuary. Estimated clean-up costs are tens of billions of dollars;
millions of dollars are devoted annually to its management and restoration through Chesapeake
Bay Program (CBP). Prior to 1996, USGS lacked an integrated science program to provide CBP
information. Our projects were part of USGS integrated science in CB resulting in many
management, scientific, media products listed below.
Deep-Ocean Temperature, Climate Change & Biodiversity. The impact of climate change on
deep-sea biota was virtually unknown until I initiated research to examine climate and deep-sea
biodiversity in 1996. Results including recent studies with post-doc Yasuhara have been
published in Science, Nature, Geology, Paleoceanography, Ecology Letters, Deep-Sea Research,
Ecology and the Feb 5th cover article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Work was written up in NY Times and the subject of a BBC broadcast (1997) leading to invited
presentations at many international and national meetings. Our work has influenced a large
community applying the Mg/Ca method and altered long-held theories about the stability of deepsea ecosystems, fostering new research into temporal variability in biodiversity.
PRISM Paleoclimate Project
In the late 1980s, studies suggested that “global warming” was upon us and that the Earth
might experience unprecedented warmth over the 21st century due to the impact of anthropogenic
carbon emissions. Despite its importance, there was no quantitative large-scale (global or
Northern Hemispheric) study of a period of global warmth needed to provide a reliable scenario
for future climate. On November 17, 1987, I gave a seminar at USGS on Pliocene global warmth
and I recommended to Dick Poore that we produce a paleoclimate reconstruction on a geological
period of warmth exceeding the present patterned after CLIMAP’s global reconstruction of the
last ice age. The early-middle Pliocene was a time of high sea level (low ice volume) and
extreme warmth in high northern latitudes. PRISM began with funding from the USGS Global
Climate Program in 1988 with 3 projects; I ran the Ocean Margins Project and served on the
steering committee (with R. Thompson, H. Dowsett and R. Poore) until 1993.
I conducted fieldwork for PRISM in Japan (including a 6-month NSF-funded long term
visit to Shizuoka University in 1991), Costa Rica, Iceland, and sites in the US. I led international
(US USSR) field trips to Pliocene outcrops in the Atlantic Coastal Plain, participated in USUSSR cooperative research on Pliocene climate (1990 visit to Moscow), and helped advise on
field work by co-project members in Chile, New Zealand, Alaska, Bolivia, and elsewhere. I
coordinated efforts to understand North Pole Pliocene climate with colleagues in Iceland, Japan,
Denmark, England and Wales.
Thanks to USGS program coordinators and project members, PRISM was successful in
producing an integrated global reconstruction of ocean and terrestrial climate, sea level and ice
volume. With climate model collaborators we provided an improved understanding of the role of
the oceans and atmospheric carbon dioxide in global climate. I wrote many papers and co-edited
two volumes related to PRISM (Quaternary Science Reviews 1991, Palaeo-3 1994). H. Dowsett
has successfully kept PRISM going producing new reconstructions now used by several climate
modeling groups and PRISM serves as a unique empirical global warming data set for a
worldwide community.
Office of Scientific Technology and Policy (OSTP)
In 1996, I was asked by President Clinton’s Science Advisor Jack Gibbons to serve as an
agency representative to OSPT during the 9 months leading up to the now famous and
controversial Kyoto Climate Treaty. At the Kyoto meeting, Vice President Gore and US
negotiators signed the first treaty designed to have enforceable limits on carbon emissions in
more than 150 countries, though it was not ratified by Congress. While at the Environment
Division at OSTP I provided the scientific input to the administration on issues of climate change.
During my tenure, OSTP initiated regional climate assessments on the impacts of climate change.
Approximately 18 separate assessments were made throughout the US, forming the basis for the
national assessment. I contributed to OSTP’s report “Science and Technology: Shaping the
Twenty-first Century” (a report to congress), the US Global Change “Our Changing Planet”,
internal administration reports on the impact of future climate change, and OSTP presentations to
many government, NGO, and industry organizations. Much of the policies made by OSTP
during Clinton/Gore administration has been revisited in 2007 by the National Academy, the
IPCC, and the scientific community.
Project Chief, Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem. I initiated and implemented interdisciplinary research
in Chesapeake Bay demonstrating that the USGS can achieve integrated science research
conducted by all four divisions. Our success led to my involvement in numerous Bay
committees and workgroups and national syntheses of estuarine processes (see 12a) and
served as an example for new efforts in Tampa Bay and elsewhere. Results have led to
hypotheses about the causes and impacts of climate change in our own back yard, the
Mid-Atlantic region, and attributed anomalous climate variability since the 19th century
partly to human greenhouse gas emissions. Our research also helped managers set
dissolved oxygen limits for EPA and the states of Maryland and Virginia and guidelines
for sediment reduction targets.
Cruise Chief Scientist. I initiated and carried out long sediment coring in Chesapeake Bay as part
of the 1999 IMAGES cruise of the 330-foot French ship R/V Marion-Dufresne. IMAGES
is an international program devoted to understanding the role of the oceans in climate
change. The Chesapeake coring was part of a three-month long cruise around the North
Atlantic Ocean and was the first IMAGES work in a shallow estuary. To accomplish this,
I brought together 19 US shipboard participants and 4 US agencies (USGS, EPA,
Maryland Geological Survey, Naval Research Lab) to co-fund coring June 21-23, 1999.
A French-US reception was held on board in port in Norfolk, Va., hosted by the French
Polar Institute, attended by USGS director, the head of the French Polar Institute, and
program leaders from NSF and other organizations. Numerous papers have been
published. The cruise success led to additional IMAGES coring in Tampa Bay (2002)
and Chesapeake Bay (2003).
Advisory Committee Member (1997-present). The Mid-Atlantic Regional Climate Assessment
(MARA), now Consortium for Regional Assessment (CARA). I started as a steering
committee member to guide this assessment of climate impacts on forests, coasts, biota,
hydrology etc. I also coordinated stakeholder sessions and follow-up evaluation meetings
at Penn State in 2001. A report edited by A. Fisher et al. “Preparing for a Changing
Climate: Mid-Atlantic Overview”, was published in March 2000 under the auspices of the
US Global Change Research program. In 2003, as a steering committee member, I helped
CARA develop a decision-making system for climate assessment.
Project Member, Florida Salinity Project. I challenged the paradigm that early – mid 20th century
canal building in the Everglades caused salinity changes in parts of Florida Bay by
demonstrating that interannual and decadal changes in precipitation were related to largescale (i.e., El Niño-Southern Oscillation) climate patterns. We showed these processes
cause large-scale salinity and ecosystem changes, which had been attributed to human
activities. By providing a baseline of natural conditions, our results have played a role in
South Florida Water Management District, National Park Service and Army Corps of
Engineers efforts to re-engineer the Everglades to more natural conditions.
Project Chief. Deep Sea Circulation and Biodiversity.Project. I investigated this previously
unknown subject through detailed study of deep-sea temperature and biodiversity changes
in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans (see 12a).
PRISM Steering Committee and Project Chief. The initiative I provided and scientific
leadership during five years contributed to the efforts of many colleagues to make the
PRISM project the flagship of USGS Global Change research (see 12a).
MMS/VIMS/USGS Continental Shelf Sands. In collaboration with Virginia Inst. Marine Science,
with funding from MMS, we conducted environmental studies of the sandy habitats on the
continental shelf off Virginia Beach.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of America
Paleontological Research Institute (Lifetime Member)
North American Micropaleontological Society
Estuarine Research Federation
American Meteorological Society
Note: abstracts since 1994 (some entries multiple abstracts)
1. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., Raymo, M.E., and Dowsett, H.J. 1994. Late
Pliocene and Quaternary bottom water temperature change in the deep north Atlantic, EOS
AGU, Trans. Spring Mtg. Suppl., p. 55-56.
2. Bauch H.A., H. Erlenkeuser, M. Kubisch-Popp, T. Cronin and B. Rossak. 1994. Faunal
variability as measure for marine vs. freshwater water mass interaction in the Laptev Sea.
Second Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System, St. Petersburg,
Russia, Nov. 21.-24., 1994.
3. Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Baker, P.A., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J.M., and Briggs, W.M. 1995.
Mg:Ca ratios in the deep-sea ostracode Krithe from the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans
during the last glacial period, EOS. AGU, Trans. Fall Mtg. Suppl., p. 320.
4. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J.M., and Briggs, W.M. 1995.
Deep ocean paleothermometry using ostracode Mg/Ca ratios, Fifth International
Conference on Paleoceanography Program and Abstracts, Halifax, Nova Scotia, p. 41-42.
5. Cronin, T. M., Dwyer, G.S., and Baker, P. A. 1995. Evidence for changes in deep
water circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean during the last interglaciation from
deep-sea ostracode faunas and shell geochemistry (Mg/Ca), EOS AGU, Trans.
Spring Mtg. Suppl., p. 174-175..
6. Bauch H.A., M. Kunz-Pirrung, H. Cremer, B. Rossak, M. Kubisch-Popp and T.M.
Cronin (1995) The potential of microfossils for water mass identification on Arctic
shelves. 5th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Halifax, Canada,
October 10-14, 1995.
7. Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Kamiya, T., Ikeya, N., and Kitamura, A. 1995. Late Pliocene
sea level, Pliocene Antarctic Glaciation Workshop, Woods Hole Mass.
8. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., and DeMartino, D.M. 1996. Orbital and
suborbital timescale variability of North Atlantic deep water as recorded by ostracode
Mg/Ca ratios, 150 ka to present, EOS AGU, Trans. Fall Mtg. Suppl., p. F28.
9. Karlsen, A. W., T. M. Cronin, C. W. Holmes. 1997. Trends in benthic faunal response to
environmental change in the Chesapeake Bay. EOS, AGU Trans. Suppl., p. S124.
10. Cronin, T. M., D. A. Willard, C. W. Holmes, R. Kerhin. 1997. Climate change and its impact
on Chesapeake Bay. EOS, AGU Trans. Suppl, p. S145.
11. Bauch H.A., T.M. Cronin, G.S. Dwyer and H. Erlenkeuser (1997) Glacial to interglacial
changes in the deep water of the Nordic seas: New evidence from foraminiferal O-isotopes
and Mg:Ca in ostracodes. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco Fall Meeting, USA,
Dec. 7-12, 1997.
12. Cronin, T.M., Willard, D.A., Karlsen, A., McGeehin, J., Kerhin, R.T., Holmes, C.W., Dwyer,
G., and Slattery, M. 1998. Late Holocene paleoclimatic variability from the Chesapeake Bay
Estuary, eastern United States. 6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Lisbon,
Portugal. August 24-27, 1998.
13. Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. and T. M. Cronin. 1998. Cambios en la termoclina del Cuarternario
terminal de las Bahamas (Atlantico NW): Los ostracodos y el efecto glacial. XIV Journada
de Paleontologia Espana, 1998, p. 145-146.
14. Willard, D.A., Cronin, T.M., Colman, S.M., Kerhin, R., Karlsen, A., and Verardo, S. 1998.
Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Response to Climatic Variability and Land-Use Changes.
Symposium on Federal Research in Chesapeake Bay, Patuxent, MD, December 10, 1998.
15. Verardo, S., T. M. Cronin, D. A. Willard. 1998. Climate and environmental changes recorded
by Chesapeake Bay dinoflagellate cysts in the last millennium.Geological Society of America,
Annual Mtg. (Toronto) Abstracts, p. A-284.
16. Ishman, S. E. and T. M. Cronin 1998. A record of ecosystem change in Manatee Bay, Barnes
Sound, Florida. Journal of Coastal Research Spec. Issue # 26, p. A15.
17. Karlsen, A., T. M. Cronin, D. A. Willard, R. Kerhin, and S. Ishman. 1998. Historical
anthropogenic induced changes in bottom water salinity and dissolved oxygen in the
mesohaline portion of Chesapeake Bay. Ecological Society of America Annual Mtg.
18. Willard, D.A. and Cronin, T.M. 1999. Late Holocene climatic variability in eastern North
America over the last millennium. EOS, AGU Trans. Suppl, v. 80, no. 17, p. S170-S171.
19. Bauch H.A., T.M. Cronin, G.S. Dwyer (1999) Did the deep-water in the Nordic Seas warm
during the last glaciation? American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Boston (USA), June
1-4, 1999.
20. Cronin, T. M., D. A. Willard, S. Verardo, R. Kerhin, S. Colman, J. Bratton, and C. Holmes.
1999. Chesapeake Bay Holocene climatic and ecosystem history, Abstracts, 25th Assateague
Shelf and Shore Conference, Lewes, Delaware.
21. Colman, S. Cronin, T. Bratton, J. Baucom, P. and Poag, W. 1999. Chronology of
sedimentation in the Chesapeake Bay from recent coring programs, including the 1999 R/V
Marion Dufresne IMAGES leg, EOS, Trans., AGU, Suppl v. 80, no. 46, p. F1.
22. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., and Rodriguez-Lazaro. 1999. North Atlantic deepSea temperature changes over the last 25,000 years, EOS, Trans. AGU Suppl Fall Mtg.,
San Francisco, CA.
23. Cronin, T., Verardo, S.,Weimer L. Ishman; S., and Dwyer, G. 1999. Holocene climate
variability in the eastern United States recorded in Chesapeake Bay sediments, EOS, AGU
Trans. Suppl Fall Mtg., San Francisco, CA.
24. Dwyer, G.S., and Cronin, T.M. 1999. Reconstructing the salinity history of Florida Bay
using ostracode shell chemistry, Florida Bay Science Conference, Nov. 1-5, Key Largo,
25. Cronin, T. M. Ocean water masses and ostracode distributions. AGU Pre-meeting
Workshop: Ostracode Biology, Ecology and Shell Chemistry, May, 1999, Boston.
26. Cronin, T. M. Paleoenvironments and preservation of marine ostracodes. AGU Pre-meeting
Workshop: Ostracode Biology, Ecology and Shell Chemistry, May, 1999, Boston.
27. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., and Baker, P.A. 1999. Mg/Ca ratios in marine ostracodes,
AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, MA, EOS, Trans., Suppl p. 172.
28. Cronin, T.M., Dowsett, H., Dwyer, G.S., and Baker, P.A., 1999, Application of shell
chemistry of the ostracode Loxoconcha to climatic and environmental variability along the
eastern United States, AGU Spring Mtg., Boston, MA, EOS, AGU Trans., Suppl,p. 176.
29. Bauch, H., Cronin, T.M., and Dwyer, G.S. 1999. Did the deep-water in the Nordic Seas
warm during the last glaciation? EOS, Trans., AGU, Suppl. Spring Mtg., Boston, MA.
30. Cronin, T. M. D. Willard, Verardo, C. Holmes, H. Dowsett, S. Ishman, G. Dwyer, J. Hill.
2000. Climatic variability recorded in Chesapeake Bay sediment. Assateague Workshop,
Conway, SC 4/2000.
31. Cronin, T. M., Verardo, S., Willard, D. Weimer, L. 2000. The Impact of Sustained Drought
on Chesapeake Bay. EOS Trans., AGU, v. 81, p. S193 (Washington 6/2000).
32. Cronin, T. M., Dwyer, G.S., Hill, J., Willard, D.A., Holmes, C.W., and Dowsett, H.J., 2000.
Decadal climate variability in the Chesapeake Bay sedimentary record for the past two
centuries. EOS, AGU Trans. Suppl. v. 18, p. S86.
33. Willard, D.A., Vogt, P.R., Cronin, T.M., and Verardo, S. 2000. Oscillating relative sea level
during the early Holocene: the stratigraphic record of Marion-Dufresne core MD99-2207
from Chesapeake Bay. EOS, AGU Trans., Suppl. v. 82, p. F616.
34. Dwyer, G.S., and Cronin, T.M. 2000. Ostracode shell chemistry as a paleosalinity tool in
Florida Bay, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference, Naples,
Florida, Dec. 12-15.
35. Willard, D.A., Verardo, S., Cronin, T.M., and Korejwo, D.A. 2000. Impacts of climate and
land-use changes on Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. EOS, AGU Trans. Suppl., v. 81,
p. S185.
36. Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Kamiya, T., and Schwede, S., 2000. Six centuries of seasurface temperature and salinity variability in Chesapeake Bay: Possible Connections to the
North Atlantic Oscillation, American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference: The
North Atlantic Oscillation, Galicia, Spain.
37. Cronin, T. M., Dwyer, G. and Willard, D. A. 2001. Impact of Climate Variability on
Chesapeake and Florida Bays. Estuarine Research Federation Ann. Mtg., Symposium on
Climate and Estuaries (St. Pete, Fla. 11/2001), Abstracts. P. 30.
38. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Vann, C., and Kamiya, T. 2001. Coastal Paleoclimate:
Unraveling temperature and salinity history using ostracode shell chemistry, EOS, Trans.,
AGU, Suppl. Fall Mtg. (SF 12/2001).
39. Bauch H.A., T.M. Cronin and G.S. Dwyer (2001) Evidence from benthic foraminiferal and
ostracodal shell chemistry for last glacial deep water warming at north polar latitudes.
European Geophysical Society XXVI General Assembly, Nice (France), March 25-30,
40. Cronin, T.M., and Willard, D.A. 2001. Climatic and anthropogenic influences on Chesapeake
Bay: Implications of long-term trends for management and restoration. American Society of
Limnology and Oceanography Spring Mtg., Feb., 2001 (Albuquerque 2/2001).
41. Ishman, S.E. and Cronin, T.M. 2001. Benthic foraminiferal record of Holocene climatic
and anthropogenic impacts on Chesapeake Bay, USA. GSA Annual Mtg., Program with
Abstracts, v. 33(6), A161.
42. Vann, C.D., Cronin, T.M., and Dwyer, G.S. 2001. Ecology of the ostracode Loxoconcha in
Chesapeake Bay: application to shell chemistry calibration, EOS, Trans., AGU, Suppl. v.
82, p. 772.
43. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Kamiya, T., Schwede, S., and Willard, D.A.. 2001. A 2,200year temperature record from Chesapeake Bay, 7th International Conference on
Paleoceanography, (Sapporo, Japan, Sept. 2001) p. 98-99.
44. Mercer, J.L., Zhao, M., Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., and Colman, S.M. 2001. Applying the
U-K-37 method in the Chesapeake Bay: calibration, development, and comparison with
paleotemperatures obtained from Mg/Ca ratios, EOS, Trans., AGU, v. 82, p. 772.
45. Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Thunnell, R.C., Dowsett, H.J., Tappa, E.J., and Vann, C.D.
2001. Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age, and 20th Century climate variability from
Chesapeake Bay, EOS, Trans., AGU, v. 82, p. 761.
46. Bauch H.A., T.M. Cronin and G.S. Dwyer (2001) Evidence from benthic foraminiferal and
ostracodal shell chemistry for last glacial deep water warming at north polar latitudes.
European Geophysical Society XXVI General Assembly, Nice (France), March 25-30,
47. Cronin, T. M., P. R. Vogt, D. Willard. 2002. Rapid sea-level rise at 8.0-7.5 ka and
Antarctic Ice Sheet thinning. EOS, Trans. AGU. 12/2002 meeting San Francisco.
48. Willard, D. A., C. Bernhardt, T. M. Cronin. 2002. Subtropical glacial, deglacial and
Holocene Millennial climate variability from Tampa Bay Florida. EOS, Trans. AGU.
12/2002 meeting San Francisco
49. Edgar, T. et al. 2002. Holocene and Pleistocene marine and non-marine sediment from
tampa bay. EOS, Trans. AGU. 12/2002 meeting San Francisco
50. Cronin, T. M. 2003. Application of ostracodes to ecosystem research and paleoclimatology
in coastal regions. 5th European Ostracode Conference, Keynote talk, Cuenca Spain,
Abstracts, p. 13.
51. Cronin, T. M., Saenger, C., Thunell, R., Vann, C., Dwyer, G. and Seal, R. 2003. Holocene
climate variability from Chesapeake Bay sediments. GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle,
52. Cronin, T. M. and Dwyer, G. S. 2003. Deep-sea ostracodes and climate change. GSA
paleontological Society Shortcourse, GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle 11/2003.
53. Wingard, G. L., Cronin, T. M., Dwyer, G. S., Holmes, C. W., and Ishman, S. E. 2003. The
history of land-use in South Florida Ecosystem: Paleoecological data as a guide for
restoration. EOS, trans. AGU Annual Meeting, San Francisco 12/ 2003
54. Cronin, T. M. 2003. “Paleoclimate records from estuaries” Estuarine Research Foundation
17th Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington (9/2003). Invited talk to “Integrating Climte
Change into estuarine Management session.
55. Saenger, C., T. M. Cronin, C. Vann, R. C. Thunell. 2003. River discharge, precipitation,
and Chesapeake Bay salinity: Application to Holocene paleoclimate history. Estuarine
Research Foundation 17th Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington (9/2003).
56. Alber, M., T. M. Cronin & 12 others. 2003. Effects of climate-induced changes of
freshwater inflow on estuaries: Report of the ERF biocomplexity workgroup. Estuarine
Research Foundation 17th Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington (9/2003).
57. Co-author on 5 abstracts for the NE/SE GSA, March 2004, Tysons Corner, Va.
58. Chandler, M., Dowsett, H., Dwyer, G., and Cronin , T. 2005. The role of altered initial and
boundary conditions in coupled GCM simulations of the Pliocene climate. Earth System
Processes 2, Calgary, August 2005.
59. Dwyer, G., and Cronin, T., Dowsett, H., Chandler, M. 2005. Middle Pliocene deep ocean
temperatures. Earth System Processes 2, Calgary, August 2005.
60. Dowsett, H. D. Cronin, T. M. 2005. Multi-proxy analysis of middlePliocene North Atlantic
Sea Surface temperature. Earth System Processes 2, Calgary, August 2005.
61. Co-author on 2 abstracts AGU New Orleans.
62. Cronin, T. M., D. A. Willard, R. Thunell, G. Dwyer, P. Swart, L. Wingard, C. Saenger.
2005. Paleoclimatic Evidence for Abrupt Climate Impacts on East Coast North American
Estuaries. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Norfolk Virginia.
63. Manley, P. L. T. M. Cronin, S. Brachfeld, J. McGeehin. 2005. Seismic and core
stratigraphic evidence for abrupt climate changes in the Northeast USA: Lake Champlain.
American Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco December, 2005.
64. Pfaff, L. J., Schulmeister, M. K. Cronin, T. M., Smith, A. J., Aber, J. S. 2005. Late
Quaternary ostracodes as indicators of salinity conditions and paleohydrology from a midcontinent wetland, Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas. GSA, Salt Lake City.
65. Rayburn, J. A., D. A. Franzi, P. L.K. Knuepfer, T. M. Cronin, M. Berke. 2005. Evidence
For A Series Of Large Freshwater Discharge Events From Eastern North America To The
North Atlantic Immediately Preceding The Younger Dryas. American Geophysical Union
Fall meeting, San Francisco December, 2005.
66. Willard, D. A., T. M. Cronin, P. L. Manley. 2005. Pollen and stratigraphic evidence for
abrupt climate changes in the Northeastern United States: Lake Champlain. American
Geophysical Union Fall meeting, San Francisco December, 2005.
67. Cronin, T. Manley, P., Rayburn, J. 2006. Deglacial microfaunal record in the Champlain
Basin, New York and Vermont: Implications for Abrupt Climate Change. GSA Phil.
Annual Meeting invited.
68. Cronin, T. M., Smith, S., King, J., O’Regan, M., Eynaud, F. 2006. Quaternary
Paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean. AGU SF invited.
69. Yates, K., Hearn, C., Hansen, M., Crane, M., Swarzenski, P., Edgar, T., Cronin, T. Melvor,
C., Johnson, J. 2006. An Integrated Science Strategy for Understanding Estuarine
Ecosystems: Tampa Bay Study. AGU SF.
70. Rayburn, J., Cronin, T., Manley , P., Franzi, D., Knuepfer, P. 2006. Variable Marine
Reservoir Effect In Bivalves From Champlain Sea Sediments in the Lake Champlain
Valley. AGU SF.
71. Willard, D., Cronin, T., Hayo, K. 2006. Climate variability during the Medieval Warm
Period and Little Ice Age in eastern North America. AGU SF.
72. Co-author on 5 2007 AGU abstracts (one invited)
73. Rayburn, J., Cronin, T., Franzi, D., Thunell, R. 2007. Evidence for Younger Dryas-age
freshwter routing through the St. Lawrence Estuary. GSA Denver.
74. Wingard, L. and Cronin. T. 2008. Application of paleoecology to the 50-yr Everglades
Restoration Plan and beyond. Ocean Sciences Meeting.
75. Manley, P., Cronin, T., Brachfeld, S., Willard,, D., Guilbault, J.P, Rayburn, J., Thunell, R.
2008. Seismic and core stratigraphic evidence for salinity changes in the Champlain Sea ~
11.4 -11.2 ka. Impact from North American Glacial Lake Drainage. Lake Champlain
Research Conference.
Other Invited Meetings, Workshops, Presentations & Symposia
Arctic Workshop INSTAAR Univ. Colorado (3/08)
Greater Everglades Conference (~every 2 years)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Isthmus of Panama and Global Climate Workshop
Consortium Atlantic Regional (Climate) Assessment, Advisory/Steering Committee Member,
Workshop Penn State (9/2003)
NSF Antarctic Panel Review member (9/2003)
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Seminar (3/2003) Annapolis, Maryland
Greater Everglades Restoration Meeting, Palm Harbor Florida 4/2003 (speaker)
National Science Foundation and Maryland Museum of Science Sponsored Public Forum on
Antarctica (2/2003) Baltimore, Maryland Museum of Science
West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, Sterling Va. (invited speaker by NASA)
Southeast Asian Marginal Seas IODP Workshop, San Diego (11/2002)
USGS Workshop on Sea Level Change, Woods Hole (9/2002)
NSF-NASA sponsored West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, Sterling Va. (9/2002)
Climate Impacts on Estuaries Workshop (Woods Hole 4/8-4/10/2002). To formulate
summary and write review paper on climate impact on estuaries
Foreign Service Institute (State Department) Lecture “Wetlands and Climate (5/2002)
South Florida Paleoecology Workshop (4/2002)
Cronin, T. M. "Sediment and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed” Jan 22-23, 2002, Maritime
Institute, Baltimore
Cronin, T. M. “Contemporary Issues in Chesapeake Bay Sedimentation” (USGS Conference
on Chesapeake Bay, St. Michael’s Md, 12/2001)
Cronin, T. M. USGS Workshop “Geochemical Processes of Coastal Contaminants”, St. Pete
Conference on Pfiesteria, harmful algal blooms, and human health (Georgetown Univ.
Geological Society of America Annual Mtg. (Linkages in Earth Systems, Denver 1996)
Florida Bay Science Conferences (1998, 1999)
Arctic Workshop (Ohio State, 1996)
Pliocene Antarctic Glaciation Workshop (Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., 1995)
Marine Earth System History Workshop (Corvallis, 1995)
International Geological Congress (Washington, D.C. 1995)
USGS Global Change Research Forum (Herndon 1991)
Geological and Paleontological Societies of Washington
Fourth International Congress on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy (Berkeley, 1987)
Fourth North American Paleontological Convention (Boulder, 1986)
Climate: History, Periodicity, Predictability, Columbia (NYC, 1984)
American Quaternary Association Annual Meeting (1982)
Cenozoic Correlations of North America, GSA (San Diego, 1979)
International symposia, workshops & presentations
Presentation, CORONA Workshop (Coordination of Research on North Atlantic), Roscoff,
France (2005) Invited.
European Ostracode Meeting-V (7/2003), Cuenca, Spain, Invited Keynote Speaker.
Presentation, CORONA Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland (8/2003). Invited.
Census of Marine Life, Deep-Sea Biodiversity Meeting, Newport Oregon (Sponsored by
Sloan Foundation and Hatfield Marine Center) (8/2003) Invited.
International Research Symposium, Ostracoda, Shizuoka Japan (2001) (Invited Keynote
British Micropaleontology Society Silver Anniversary Meeting, London (1995) (Invited
Keynote Speaker)
International Conference on Paleoceanography (Kiel, Germany 1992)
Royal Society of Edinburgh, Late Quaternary North Atlantic (Invited Edinburgh, 1995)
International Geological Congress (Invited, Kyoto 1993)
International Union of Geological Sciences Congress, Atlantic Neogene (Lisbon 1992)
Fifth International Congress on Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy (IGCP-246) (Invited
Shizuoka, 1991)
Paleontological Society of Japan (Invited Chiba, 1991)
USSR Academy of Geological Sciences (Invited USGS-USSR exchange, Moscow, 1990)
Late Cenozoic Environments, Arctic basin (Invited Ottawa 1990)
The Royal Society (London) North Atlantic Climates (1987) (Invited Keynote Speaker)
Journal Co-Editor
Global and Planetary Change (2004-present)
Journal Editorial Boards
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (2002-5)
Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia (1998-present)
Journal of Quaternary Science (1998-present)
Marine Micropaleontology (1994-present)
Quaternary Science Reviews (1989-1996)
Geographie Physique et Quaternaire (Montreal, 1977-1980)
Grant and Manuscript Review (mostly last 10 years)
Grants review:
National Science Foundation (Ocean Sciences, Marine Geology & Geophysics, Polar
Programs, Earth System History, Geology and Paleontology, Atmospheric Sciences)
National Geographic Society (Committee for Exploration Research)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Connecticut, Louisiana Sea Grant
Programs, Global Carbon Cycle Program)
Environmental Protection Agency
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (technical reports)
Hudson River Foundation
Jeffries Memorial Trust
Coastal Institute
Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Program
Environment Australia
National Environment Research Council (UK)
Environment Canada
American Chemical Society
OSTP climate change policy documents
Manuscript review:
Bolletino Societa Paleontologica Italiaina
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science
Geological Society of American, Bulletin
Historical Biology
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Paleolimnology
Journal of Paleontology
Limnology and Oceanography
Marine Micropaleontology
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Paleontological Society of Japan
Quaternary Science Reviews
Revista de Micropaleontologie
Sedimentary Geology
The Holocene
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta
Books and book proposals I reviewed (see # 18 for published reviews):
Interpreting Pre-Quaternary Climate Records (J. Parrish) Columbia University Press
Quaternary Geology and the Climate System (D. Bowen) Elsevier
Kicking Carbon (Columbia University Press)
Sea Level Change (O. Pilkey) Columbia University Press
 Kyoto Prize Nominating Committee (2002-present). This is a $440,000 prize given annually
by the Inamori Foundation for Lifetime Achievements in Technology, Science, & the Arts.
 Advisor The Maryland Science Center and Johns Hopkins University Department of Earth
and Planetary Sciences (2006)
 BRD Global Change Program (2003)
 Committee on the Environment (“Our Changing Planet”) US Global Change research
 Review Committee, Geological Society of Washington Best Paper (1982)
 International Geological Correlation Program Project 41 (Neogene Marine-Non-Marine
Correlations, ~1982), Project 274 (Quaternary Coastal Evolution ~1990-92)
 2003-present Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service Adjunct
Professor (non-official duty, courses “Oceans & World Policy”, “Environmental Geology”,
“Intro Environmental Science”).
 1996-2002. George Mason University, Adjunct Faculty, Environmental Science and Public
(non-official duty, course “Global Climate Change”)
 1994-1995. Marymount University, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biology (non-official
 1995. Ohio State University, Adjunct Faculty, Geology
 1991. Shizuoka University, Institute of Geosciences, Japan, Visiting Scientist/Faculty
Invited Seminars and Lectures:
University/academic (Domestic, dates 1978-Present)
Wesleyan University
University of South Florida
University of Southern California
Duke University
Princeton University
University of Colorado
University of Chicago (2)
University of Massachusetts
University of Maryland (College Park)
University of North Carolina
Penn State University
U.S. Museum of Natural History
Colgate University
Franklin and Marshall
College of William and Mary
University of Virginia
NASA (Greenbelt, Lab for Hydrospheric Processes)
University of Delaware (2)
Louisiana State University
Barnard College
Old Dominion University (2)
George Mason University
George Washington University
Chesapeake Bay Lab, Solomons, Md.
Georgetown University
University Southern Illinois
Yale University
Center for Estuarine and Environmental Studies (CEES, Horn Point), Univ. Maryland
University of Vermont Rubenstein School of Environment
University (International)
University College Wales (1987, 1992)
Tokyo University (1991)
Kyoto University (1991)
Kanazawa University (1991)
Shizuoka University (1991)
Royal Holloway & Bedford New College (1987)
University of Montreal (1988)
University College London (1987)
Tenure, Promotion and Thesis Committees (candidates names withheld)
Tenure Committee Member and University Promotion
Old Dominion University (2007): Eminent Scholar Recommendation
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (2006): Promotion Committee
Queens University, New York (2003): Tenure Committee
University Pais Vasco (Spain) (1999): Promotion Recommendation
University of Delaware (1998): Tenure Committee
Smithsonian Institution (1996): Promotion Recommendation
Louisiana State University (1995): Tenure Committee
Dalhousie University (1994): Promotion Recommendation
Institute of Alpine and Arctic Research (1993): Promotion Recommendation
Post-doc supervisor
 Mendenhall: John Rayburn 2005-2007
 Japan Society Promotion of Science: Moriaki Yasuhara 2005-2007
Ph.D. Committees (formal, degree granted)
University of Miami (2003)
University of Chicago (2003)
Louisiana State University (1998)
Harvard University (1991)
Ph. D. thesis advisor (informal):
University of Chicago (2002-4)
Alfred Wegener Institute (2001)
University College, London (1998)
University College, Wales (1994)
Woods Hole Oceanographic/MIT (1990)
Masters Thesis Committees (formal)
Penn State (1999)
George Mason University (1998, 1999)
Ohio State University (1995)
Shizuoka University (1991, 2000)
University of North Carolina (1979)
Masters and Bachelors thesis advisor (informal)
College of William and Mary
Eckerd College (Fla)
University of Florida
Virginia Tech
College of William and Mary (VIMS)
George Washington
Kanazawa (Japan)
Old Dominion
Volunteers from: UVA, Chicago, MacAllister, BU, Amherst, Colgate, Maryland, Mary
Washington, George Mason, McGill, Northern Virginia High Schools.
Visitors for extended periods to my Reston USGS lab:
C. Bergue, (Botanical Gardins, Porto Allegre, Brazil, Ph.D candidate)
R. Jones (Univ. College Aberystwyth, Wales)
M. Kato (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
J Rodriguez-Lazaro (Univ. Pais Vasco, Spain)
N. Ikeya (Shizuoka Univ., Japan)
J. Berhnard, M. Katz (Colgate Univ.)
A L Carreno (Univ. Autonoma, Mexico)
K. Balman (Univ. College Aberystwyth, Wales)
J. Diamond (Wesleyan)
A. Wood (Univ. College Aberystwyth, Wales)
C. Didier (Alfred Wegener Inst., Germany)
G. Coles (Univ. College Aberystwyth, Wales)
OSPT Agency Representative (see 12b)
Note: Brief list of some additional activities:
Co-convenor on the EGU session CL36 Marine and terrestrial paleoclimate records recent advances in IODP and ICDP (2007)
HOTRAX Arctic coring cruise (paleoceanographic analyses w/ M. Jakobsson, L. Polyak)
Co-convenor “Glacial Lake Drainage and Abrupt Climate Change” AGU San Francisco 2005
Co-convenor Session on “Dynamic Processes governing Estuaries” AGU San Francisco 2002
Chesapeake Bay research collaboration:
 Jeff Halka, Maryland Geological Survey Director
 Yan Zheng (Lamon-Doherty) Molybdenum and hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay sediments
(Zheng et al, paper # 6)
 John Cann (J Hopkins Univ, Australia National Univ). Early Holocene foraminifera and
gypsum in Chesapeake Bay sediments
 J. Mercer (Dartmouth Univ). Comparison of alkenone and Mg/Ca temperature estimates
 G. Smith (Maryland Department of Natural resources) Oyster restoration
 K. Moore, Virginia Institute of Marine Science: Seagrass and epiphyte
 M. Elliot, P. DeMenocal (Lamont-Doherty), H. Belkin, C. Vann (USGS), mollusk and
ostracode shell chemistry and environmental reconstruction
Florida Bay Physical Sciences Group (advisory committee 2001-02)
USGS interagency mercury roundtable participant (2001, with T. Edgar and S Gerould)
Arctic Paleoceanography (micropaleontology)
 NSF project to D. Darby (ODU), L. Polyak (Ohio State), G. Dwyer (Duke) (1999-2000)
 GEOMAR (Kiel) and Alfred Wegener Institute (Bremerhaven, Germany) (1994-1996)
Mississippi Jackson Country Core ostracode micropaleontology (1994-1998, G. Gohn leader)
Co-organizer: Foraminiferal and ostracode shell chemistry (AGU 1999)
Analyses of microfaunas and environments from Lake Pontchartrain, La. Sediments (19981999, paper # 105)
Co-organizer: AGU Workshop on Ostracode biology, ecology, paleoecology and shell
chemistry (1999)
Organizer: Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem: Human and Climate Impacts (AGU 1997)
Organizer: Workshop on Deep-sea Ostracoda (Reston 1993, paper # 44)
Co-Organizer: International Geological Congress Symposium, “Cenozoic Climate in the
Pacific Region” (Kyoto 1993, editor Palaeo-3 volume 1994)
Organizer: USGS Paleoclimate and Ecosystems History Seminar series (Reston 1993-95)
Committees, Workgroups, Sponsorships
Steering committee of Mid-Atlantic Regional Assessment (MARA) of Climate, its successor
(CARA), and Chesapeake Bay Program Climate Working Group.
Chesapeake Bay Program Dissolved Oxygen criteria task force, setting DO standards for the
bay (published 2003 as EPA report)
Member NSF Biocomplexity workshop on climate change and estuarine systems.
Member, editor, and co-author of Sediment Work Group USGS report on sediments
(published as USGS Water Resources Study Langland and Cronin eds. 2003).
Invited speaker Pfiesteria, Harmful Algal Blooms and Human Health
Invited member CORONA Workshops (Iceland, France),
Interviewed by media for Chesapeake Bay Journal, Baltimore Sun, Fox 5 News, WAMU
radio, TV special “Outdoors Maryland”, on Maryland Public TV, and various newspapers.
Summer interns from Puerto Rico, USGS Diversity Program (2000-2003)
Maryland Middle School tour of R/V Marion-Dufresne (6/2003)
Thornton Friends High School Career Day (2001, 2002)
Ad-Hoc Climate Change Workgroup, Chesapeake Bay Program (2001-2002)
Chesapeake Bay Sediment Workgroup (2001-present)
Chesapeake Bay Program Living Resources Subcommittee (1996-1999)
Chesapeake Bay Dissolved Oxygen Criteria Workgroup (1999-present)
Marymount University Career Day (1999)
Mid-Atlantic Regional Climate Assessment Steering Committees (1997-2003)
Interagency Florida Bay Physical Sciences Team (2000-2001)
Chesapeake Bay Sediment Workgroup (2001-present)
Geophysical information for Teachers Workshop (at AGU 1997)
Steering Committee: USGS PRISM Paleoclimate Project (1988-93).
Member: "Systematics 2000" Committee on Systematic Biology (1992-93)
Member: Paleontological Society Schuchert Award Committee (1986-88)
Task Force: DOI "Coastal Barriers" (1982-83).
Presentations to managers, partners, cooperators (see also 14b above)
State Geologists Meeting (Briefed on climate impacts, 2007 GSA Durham, NH)
Chesapeake Bay Science & Technical Advisory Committee, Sediment (1/2007)
Sediment and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (1/2002)
Tampa Bay Critical Estuaries Workshop (2001)
South Florida Ecosystem Program Management Committee (PMC) (2000)
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Potomac Section (2000)
USGS Chesapeake Bay Scientific Workshop (1999, 2001 St. Michaels, Md.)
Chesapeake Bay Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) (1998)
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (1998)
USGS Congressional Staff Chesapeake Bay Field Trip Co-Leader (Spoke to 2 busloads of
staffers on a daylong excursion from Capital Hill to Chesapeake Bay, 1997)
Briefing staff of US Senator Bob Graham on South Florida ecosystems research (1997)
National Research Council: Global Pliocene Warmth (Washington, 1994)
Media Coverage
 Interview by Norfolk, Virginia newspaper about sea level and ice age (8/2005)
 Interviewed by and quoted in Science, NY Times, AP, and NPR (“All things considered”)
about new discovery in Science magazine (12/4-5/2003)
 Associated Press Article on long sediment coring and climate change in Chesapeake Bay for
Marion-Dufresne cruise. Carried by Richmond Times, Hampton News, Washington Post,
Delaware News Journal & others (6/10/2003)
 Maryland Public Television: Outdoors Maryland Feature: Chesapeake Bay and Climate
Change (filmed in 2001, broadcast 2002-03)
 National Public Radio/WAMU Metro Connection (1998) Chesapeake Bay Interview
Florida Sea Grant Profile (1998) “Increased salinity in Florida Bay – Nature or Man?”
Baltimore Sun (10/4/1997) Raven’s Stadium Pleistocene sediments
New York Times article (2/17/1997) “Climate also seems to affect deep sea” by Stephens
BBC interview (Reston, 1997) Deep-sea species diversity and climate
Fox 5 TV News (1997) – Interview, newscast during Chesapeake Bay coring cruise
Duke University Dialogue 1/12/96 “A better thermometer for past ice ages” by Monte
 The Chronicle 12/5/95 “Geologists create new hypothesis” (Duke University)
 New Scientist (12/1/90) feature article “Global Warming: Back to the Future” by Jeff Hecht
on PRISM Project
 Invited Member, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
Biodiversity Workshop, Santa Barbara (2000)
 USGS Meritorious Service Award (1996)
 Unit Award, DOI Excellence of Service, Pacific Enewetak Crater Exploration (PEACE)
Program (1985).
 Nominated: Best Paper Award, Journal of Paleontology (1979).
Principal Investigator
Joint Oceanographic Institutions Grant (for IODP-ACEX cruise to Arctic) (2004-05)
Minerals Management Service. “Environmental Studies of continental shelf off Virginia
Beach" (1996-97) (with Virginia Inst. Marine Science).
National Science Foundation. Division of International Programs, US-Japan Long Term
Research (1991): "Pliocene Marine Paleoclimatology of the North Pacific Ocean."
National Geographic Society. Committee for Exploration and Research Grant in Japan
National Research Council. Post-Doc Research Associate (1977-78) USGS Museum of
Natural History, Washington.
USGS-NSF PRISM3 Project (2003-present)
Lake Champlain Coring Workshop funding from NSF to Middlebury (2006-present)
NSF Arctic System Science, Ocean-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (Duke, P. Baker, PI),
NSF Arctic System Science, Ocean-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (Colorado; W. Briggs,
Jr., PI), (1994-96)
NSF Division of International Programs (1990-92) (LSU, J. E. Hazel, PI).
NSF Division of Evolutionary Biology - Long-Term Projects - Biotic Surveys & Inventory
(1994-96) (Michigan State, L. Collins, A. Coates, J.B.C. Jackson, PIs).
Books & Volumes
Editor: Cronin, T.M., Cannon, W.F., Poore, R.Z., 1983. Paleoclimate and Mineral Deposits.
USGS Circular 822 Editor: Cronin, T.M. and Dowsett, H.J., 1991. Pliocene Climates.
Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 10.
Editor: Cronin, T.M., Ogasawara, K., Wolfe, J., 1994. "Cenozoic Climate and Paleogeographic
Changes in the Pacific Region" Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology.
Special issue vol. 108.
Author: Cronin, T. M. 1999. Principles of Paleoclimatology. Columbia University Press. 560 pp.
(non-official duty)
Editor: Cronin, T. M. 2000. Initial Report on IMAGES V Cruise of Marion-Dufresne to
Chesapeake Bay June, 1999. USGS Open-file Report 00-306.
Editor, Phillips, S.W., Editor, 2002, The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay--The
Role of Science in Environmental Restoration: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1220, 32
p. (contributing author).
Editor: Langland, M.J. and Cronin, T.M., eds., 2003, A summary report of sediment processes
in Chesapeake bay and watershed: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources
Investigations Report 03-4123, 109 p.
Editor: N. Ikeya, T. Kamiya, T. Cronin. 2005. “Application of Ostracoda to Paleoclimate”
Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology. Vol. 225 (#1-4)
Published Papers (includes peer-reviewed articles in Journals, Proceedings volumes, Book
reviews, Open-file Reports, and Fact-Sheets, Guidebooks)
1.Cronin, T. M. 1976. A preliminary report on the paleoecology of the southern part of the
Champlain Sea as indicated by the benthonic foraminifera: in, Proceedings of the 1st Int.
Symp. of Benthonic Foraminifera of Continental Margins. Maritime Sediments Spec.
Publ. No. 1, pt. B, p. 379-384.
2.Cronin, T. M. 1976. An Arctic foraminiferal fauna from Champlain Sea deposits in
Ontario.Can. J. Earth Science 13(12): 1678-82.
3.Cronin, T. M., 1977. Late-Wisconsin Marine Environments of the Champlain Valley
(New York, Quebec). Quaternary Research 7, 238-253.
4.Cronin, T. M., 1977. Champlain Sea Foraminifera and Ostracoda: a systematic and
paleoecological synthesis. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire 31 (1-2): 107-122.
5.Cronin, T. M. 1977. Comments on radiocarbon dates QC 199, QC 200 (p. 239-240). In,
Pardi, R., Queens College Radiocarbon Measurements II. Radiocarbon 19 (2): 237244.
6.Cronin, T. M. 1978. Review of “A Stratigraphical Index of British Ostracoda” by R. H.
Bate and E. Robinson. Journal of Paleontologyv. 53: 1436-1438. (Book review).
7.Cronin, T. M., 1979. Foraminifer and ostracode species diversity in the Pleistocene
Champlain Sea of the St. Lawrence Lowlands. Journal of Paleontology 53(2): 233244.
8.Cronin, T. M., 1979. Late Pleistocene benthonic Foraminifera from the St. Lawrence
Lowlands. Journal of Paleontology 53(4): 781-814.
9.Cronin, T. M., 1979. Late Pleistocene marginal marine ostracodes from the southeastern
Atlantic Coastal Plain and their paleoenvironmental interpretations. Geographie
Physique et Quaternaire 33(2): 121-173.
10.Cronin, T.M. and Khalifa, H., 1979. Middle and Late Eocene Ostracoda from Gebel El
Mereir, Nile Valley, Egypt. Micropaleontology 25 (4): 397-411.
11.Khalifa, H. and Cronin, T.M., 1980. Ostracodes de l'Eocene moyen de El Sheikh Fadl,
Est de Beni Mazar, Haute-Egypte: Rev. Micropaleontologie 22 (3): 172-185.
12.Cronin, T.M. and Hazel, J. E., 1980. Ostracode biostratigraphy of Pliocene and
Pleistocene deposits of the Cape Fear Arch region, North and South Carolina: USGS
Professional Paper 1125, Chapter B. 25 p.
13.Cronin, T.M., 1980, Biostratigraphic correlation of Pleistocene marine deposits and sea
levels, southeastern Atlantic Coastal Plain: Quaternary Research 13: 213-229.
14.Cronin, T.M., Szabo, B.J., Ager, T.A., Hazel, J.E., and Owens, J.P., 1981. Quaternary
climates and sea levels, U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Science, 211: 233-240.
15.Blackwelder, B.W., and Cronin, T.M., 1981. Atlantic Coastal Plain geomorphology
illustrated by computer-generated block diagrams. USGS Misc. Field Studies, Map
16.Cronin, T.M., 1981. Rates and possible causes of neotectonic vertical movement of the
southeastern United States Atlantic Coastal Plain. GSA Bulletin 92 (11): 812-833.
17.Cronin, T.M. 1981. Review of "Paleoceanography," by T.J.M. Schopf, 1980, Harvard
University Press, 341 p., Journal of Paleontology 55 (4): 913-915. (Book review).
18.Cronin, T.M. 1981. Paleoclimatic implications of late Pleistocene marine ostracodes
from the St. Lawrence Lowlands. Micropaleontology 27 (4): 384-418.
19.Cronin, T.M., 1981. Review of "Quaternary Paleoecology," by H.J.B. Birks and Hilary
H. Birks, University Park Press, Baltimore, 289 p., Quarterly Review of Biology 56 (4):
458. (Book review).
20.Oldale, R.N., Cronin, T.M., Valentine, P.C., Spiker, E.C., Blackwelder, B.W., Belknap,
D.F., Wehmiller, J.F., and Szabo, B.J., 1982. The stratigraphy, structure, absolute age
and paleontology of the Upper Pleistocene deposits at Sankaty Head, Nantucket Island,
Massachusetts. Geology 10: 246-252.
21.Cronin, T.M., 1983. A summary of bathyal ostracodes from the Florida-Hatteras Slope,
the Straits of Florida and the Blake Plateau. In R.F. Maddocks, ed., Proceedings of the
8th International Symposium on Ostracoda, Houston, July, 1982.
22.Cronin, T.M., Brouwers, E.M., Quinn, H.A. and Redline, A. 1983. Ostracodes from the
Pico and Santa Barbara Formations, Ventura Basin, California. In, D.K. Larue and
R.J. Steel, eds., Cenozoic Marine Sedimentation, Pacific Margin USA, SEPM Pacific
Section p. 205-221.
23.Cronin, T.M., 1983. Bathyal ostracodes from the Florida-Hatteras Slope, the Straits of
Florida, and the Blake Plateau. Marine Micropaleontology 8(2): 89-119.
24.Cronin, T.M. 1983. Rapid sea level and climatic change: evidence from continental and
island margins. Quaternary Science Reviews, 1(3): 177-214.
25.Cronin, T. M., Bybell, L., Poore, R.Z., Blackwelder, B.W. Liddicoat, J.C. and Hazel,
J.E., (1984). Age and correlation of emerged Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits, U.S.
Atlantic Coastal Plain in, Armentrout, J. ed., "Cenozoic Correlations of North
America." Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeogeography 47: 21-51.
26.Quinn, H.A., and Cronin, T.M., 1984. Micropaleontology and depositional
environments of the Imperial and Palm Spring Formations, Imperial Valley, California.
in, Rigsby, C.A., ed. "The Imperial Basin - Tectonics, Sedimentation, and Thermal
Aspects." Pacific Section SEPM, p. 71-85.
27.Cronin, T.M., 1985. Speciation and Stasis in Marine Ostracoda: Climatic Modulation
of Evolution. Science 227: 60-63.
28.Cronin, T.M., E. Brouwers, L. Bybell, L. Edwards, T. Gibson, R. Margerum, R.Z.
Poore, 1986. Pacific Enewetak Atoll Crater Exploration (PEACE) Program, Enewetak
Atoll: Republic of the Marshall Islands. Part 2: Paleontology and biostratigraphy,
application to OAK and KOA craters. USGS Open-file Report 86-159, 39 p.
29.Cronin, T.M., 1986. Quaternary Ostracoda from Mustang Island-Corpus Christi Bay
area. USGS Professional Paper 1328-C, 63 pp.
30.Cronin, T.M., 1987, Speciation and climate change, in Rampino, M.R., Sanders, J.E.,
Newman, W.S., and Konigsson, L., eds., Climate: History, Periodicity and
Predictability, Van Nostrand, Rheinhold, New York, Ch. 19, p. 333-342.
31.Cronin, T.M., 1987, Quaternary sea level history of the eastern United States: an
historical perspective, in Tooley, M.J., and Shennan, I., eds., Sea Level Changes:
Institute of British Geographers Spec. Publ., Basil Blackwell, Oxford, Ch. 7, p. 225248.
32.Cronin, T.M. and Compton-Gooding, E.E., 1987, Cenozoic Ostracoda from DSDP Leg
95 off New Jersey (Sites 612 and 613), Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project,
Leg 95: Washington, D.C., p. 439-451.
33.Cronin, T.M. 1987. Evolution, paleobiogeography and systematics of Puriana:
Evolution and Speciation in Ostracoda, III. Journal of Paleontology Memoir 21, 71 p.
34.Cronin, T.M., and Ikeya, N., 1987, The Omma-Manganji ostracode fauna of Japan and
the zoogeography of circumpolar species. Journal of Micropaleontology 6 (2): 65-88.
35.Coles, G.P., and Cronin, T.M.. 1987. On Muellerina hazeli n. sp. Coles & Cronin,
Stereo atlas of ostracod shells 14 (6): 21-24.
36.Cronin, T.M., 1988, Geographic isolation in marine species: Evolution and speciation
in Ostracoda, I, in Hanai, T., Ikeya, N., and Chinzei, eds.: International Symposium on
Ostracoda, 9th, Shizuoka, Japan, l985, Proceedings, Ch. 61, p. 673-691.
37.Hazel J.E., and Cronin, T.M., 1988, The North American ostracode genus Climacoidea
Puri, 1956 and the tribe Campylocytherini Puri, 1960 (Neogene and Quaternary), in
Ikeya, N., Hanai, T., and Chinzei, K., eds.: International Symposium on Ostracoda,
9th, Shizuoka, Japan, l985, Proceedings, p. 39-56.
38.Cronin, T.M., and Schmidt, N., 1988, Evolution and biogeography of Orionina in the
Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean: Evolution and Speciation in Ostracoda, II, in Ikeya,
N., Hanai, T., and Chinzei, K., eds.: International Symposium on Ostracoda, 9th,
Shizuoka, Japan, l985, Proceedings, Ch. 64, p. 927-938.
39.Cronin, T.M., 1988, Ostracods and sea level change: Case studies from the Quaternary
of North and South Carolina, U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain, in DeDeckker, P., Colin, J.,
and Peypouquet, J.-P., eds., Ostracoda in the Earth Sciences: Elsevier, p. 77-88.
40.Franzi, D., and Cronin, T. M., 1988, Late Wisconsin lacustrine and marine
environments in the Champlain Lowland, N. Y. and Vermont, in J. F. Olmsted, ed., NY
State Geological Association 60th Annual Meeting, Field Trip Guidebook, p. 175-200,
Plattsburgh, NY.
41.Cronin, T.M., 1988, Evolution of marine climates of the U.S. Atlantic Coast during the
last four million years: Philosophical Trans. of the Royal Society (London) Series B,
v. 318, no. 1191, p. 661-678.
42.Weissleader, L., Gilinsky, N., Ross, R.M., and Cronin, T.M., 1989, Zoogeography of
podocopid marine Ostracoda from Micronesia. Journal of Biogeography, 16: 103-114
43.Toscano, M.A., Kerhin, R.A., York, L.L., Cronin, T.M., Williams, S.J. 1989,
Quaternary stratigraphy of the inner continental shelf of Maryland. Maryland
Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 50, 116 pages.
44.Cronin, T.M., 1989, Paleozoogeography of post-glacial Ostracoda from northeastern
North America, in Gadd, N.R., ed., Late Quaternary development of the Champlain
Sea Basin: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 35: 125-144.
45.York, L., Wehmiller, J., Ager, T.A., and Cronin, T.M., 1989, Stetson Pit, Dare County,
North Carolina: An integrated chronologic faunal and floral record of subsurface
coastal Quaternary sediments: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
72: 115-132.
46.Cronin, T.M., and Dowsett, H.J., 1990, A quantitative micropaleontologic method for
shallow marine paleoclimatology: Application to Pliocene deposits of the Western
North Atlantic Ocean: Marine Micropaleontology 16 (1/2): 117-148.
47.Cronin, T.M., 1990, Evolution of Neogene and Quaternary marine Ostracoda, U.S.
Atlantic Coastal Plain: Evolution and speciation in Ostracoda IV. USGS Professional
Paper 1367, Chapter C.
48.Cronin, T.M. and Ikeya, N., 1990, Tectonic events and climatic change: Opportunities
for speciation in Cenozoic marine Ostracoda, in R. M. Ross and W. Allmon (eds.)
Causes of Evolution: A Paleontological Perspective, University of Chicago Press. Ch.
8, p. 210-248.
49.Dowsett, H. J., and Cronin, T. M., 1990, High eustatic sea level during the middle
Pliocene: Evidence from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Geology 18:
50.Cronin, T. M., and Schneider, C., 1990, Climatic and tectonic influences on speciation:
Evidence from the paleontologic record: Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 5: 275279.
51.Brouwers, E.M., Jorgensen, N.O., and Cronin, T.M., 1991, Climatic significance of the
ostracode fauna from the Pliocene Kap Kobenhaven Formation, North Greenland.
Micropaleontology 37: 245-267.
52.Cronin, T.M., 1991, Late Neogene marine ostracoda from Tjornes, Iceland: Journal of
Paleontology 65 (5): 767-794.
53.Cronin, T.M., 1991, Pliocene paleoceanography of the North Atlantic ocean based on
marine Ostracoda. Quaternary Science Reviews 10 (2/3): 175-188.
54.Cronin, T.M., Bybell, L.M., Brouwers, E.M., Gibson, T.G., Margerum, R., Poore, R.Z.,
1991, Neogene biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of Enewetak Atoll, equatorial
Pacific Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology 18: 101-114.
55.Cronin, T. M. W. Briggs, Jr., E. M. Brouwers, R. C. Whatley, A. Wood, M. A. Cotton.
1991. Modern Arctic Podocopid Ostracode Database. USGS Open-file Report 91-385.
56.Jones, D.S., MacFadden, B.J., Webb, S.D., Mueller, P.A., Hodell, D.A., Cronin, T.M.,
1991, Integrated geochronology of a classic Pliocene shell pit Florida: Linking marine
and Terrestrial biochronologies. Journal of Geology 99 (5): 637-648.
57.Gladenkov, Y.B., Barinov, K.B., Basilian, A.E., Cronin, T.M., 1991. Stratigraphy and
paleoceanography of Pliocene deposits of Karaginsky Island, eastern Kamchatka,
U.S.S.R. Quaternary Science Reviews 10: 239-245.
58.Dowsett, H.J., Cronin, T.M., Poore, R.Z., Thompson, R.S., Whatley, R.C., Wood, A.M.
1992. Micropaleontological evidence for increased meridional heat transport in the North
Atlantic Ocean during the Pliocene. Science 258: 1133-1135.
59.Coates, A.G., Jackson, J.B.C., Collins, L.S., Cronin, T.M., Dowsett, H.J., Bybell, L.M.,
Jung, P., Obando, J., 1992, Closure of the Isthmus of Panama: the nearshore record of
Costa Rica and Panama.GSA Bulletin 104: 814-828.
60.Cronin, T.M., Whatley, R., Wood, A., Tsukagoshi, A., Ikeya, N., Brouwers, E.M.,
Briggs, W., Jr. 1993. Evidence for Elevated mid-Pliocene Temperatures in the Arctic
Ocean Based on Marine Ostracoda. Paleoceanography, 8(2): 161-173.
61.Ikeya, N. and Cronin, T.M. 1993. Quantitative analysis of Ostracoda and water masses
around Japan: Application to Neogene paleoceanography. Micropaleontology 39 (3), p.
62.Cronin, T.M. and Dowsett, H.J. 1993. PRISM, Warm Climates of the Pliocene.
Geotimes. 38 (11): 17-19.
63.Willard, D., Cronin, T.M., Ishman, S.E., Litwin, R., 1993. Terrestrial and marine
records of climatic and environmental changes during the Pliocene in subtropical
Florida. Geology 21: 679-682.
64.Carreno, A.L. and Cronin, T.M. 1993. Middle Eocene Ostracoda from Baja Sur,
Mexico. Journal of Micropaleontology 12 (2): 141-153.
65.Cronin, T.M. 1993. Deep Ocean Paleoceanography and Ostracodes. EOS, Trans. AGU,
74 (52), 613.
66.Wood, A. M., Whatley, R.C., Cronin, T.M., Holtz, T. 1993. Pliocene paleotemperature
reconstruction for the southern North Sea based on Ostracoda. Quaternary Science
Reviews 12: 747-768
67.Cronin, T.M., Kitamura, A., Ikeya, N. and Kamiya, T. 1994. Mid-Pliocene
paleoceanography of the Sea of Japan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology,
Palaeoclimatology 108 (3/4): 437-456.
68.Cronin, T.M., Holtz, T.R., and Whatley, R.C. 1994. Quaternary paleoceanography of
the deep Arctic Ocean based on quantitative analysis of Ostracoda. Marine Geology
19: 305-332. (special issue, "Arctic Ocean" T. Vorren, J. Thiede (eds.)
69.Dowsett, H.J., Thompson, R.S., Barron, J.A., Cronin, T.M., Ishman, S.E, Poore, R.Z.,
Willard, D.A., Holtz, T.R., Jr. 1994. Paleoclimatic reconstruction of a warmer Earth:
PRISM middle Pliocene Northern Hemisphere Synthesis. Global and Planetary Change
9: 169-195.
70.Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., Raymo, M.E., Buzas, J. and Correge, T., 1995.
Late Pliocene and Quaternary bottom water temperature change in the deep North
Atlantic. Science 270: 1347-1351.
71.PRISM Project Members (J.A. Barron, T.M. Cronin, H.J. Dowsett, F. Flemming, T.H.
Holtz, Jr., S. Ishman, R.Z. Poore, R. Thompson, D. Willard). 1995. Middle Pliocene
Paleoenvironments of the Northern Hemisphere. In, E.S. Vrba, G.H. Denton, T.C.
Partridge, L.H. Burckle, eds., Paleoclimate and Evolution with emphasis on human
origins. Yale University Press (New Haven), p. 197-212.
72.Cronin, T.M., Holtz, T.R., Jr., Stein, R., Spielhagen, R., Futterer, D., Wollenberg, J.
1995. Late Quaternary paleoceanography of the Eurasian Basin, Arctic Ocean.
Paleoceanography. 10(2): 259-281.
73.Evans, J.R., Kaminski, M.A., Cronin, T.M., Futterer, D. 1995. Pleistocene agglutinated
foraminifera from the Lomonosov Ridge and Amundsen Basin, Arctic Ocean, initial
report of piston cores PS-2177-5 (KAL), and PS-2176-3 (KAL). Marine
Micropaleontology 26(1/4), 245-253.
74.Wingard, G. L., Ishman, S. E., Cronin, T. M., Edwards, L. E., Willard, D. A., Halley, R.
B. 1995. Preliminary analysis of downcore biotic assemblages: Bob Allen Keys,
Everglades National Park, Florida. USGS Open-file Report 95-628.
75.Cronin, T.M., Raymo, M.E., Kyle, K. 1996. Pliocene (3.2-2.4 Ma) ostracode faunal
cycles and deep ocean circulation, North Atlantic Ocean. Geology 24: 695-698.
76.Cronin, T. M., Dwyer, G. S., Baker, P. A., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J., Briggs, Jr., W. M.
1996. Deep-sea ostracode shell chemistry (Mg:Ca ratios) and late Quaternary Arctic
Ocean history. In J. T. Andrews, W. E. N. Austin, H. Bergsten, A. E. Jennings eds.
Late Quaternary Paleoceanography of North Atlantic Margins, Geological Society
(London) Special Publication No. 111, p. 117-134.
77.Cronin, T.M. and Whatley, R. 1996. Ostracoda from Sites 910 and 911. Scientific
results, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, V. 151: 197-201. J. Thiede, A.M.
Myhre, J. V. Firth, G. L. Johnson, W. F. Ruddiman, eds.
78.Ishman, S. E., Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Willard, D. A., Cronin, T. M., Edwards, L. E.,
Holmes, C. W. 1996. Preliminary paleontologic report on core T-24, Little Madeira
Bay, Florida. USGS Open-file Report 96-543.
79.Occhietti, S., S. Balescu, M. Lamothe, M. Clet, T. Cronin, P. Ferland, P. Pichet. 1996.
Late stage 5 glacio-isostatic sea in the St. Lawrence Valley, Canada and United States.
Quaternary Research 45: 128-137.
80.Cronin, T.M. 1996. Distribution of deep-sea Ostracoda in the Arctic Ocean. Special
Issue, "Surface-sediment composition and sedimentary processes in the central Arctic
Ocean and along the Eurasian Continental Margin. In R. Stein, G. Ivanov, M. Levitan,
K. Fahl eds. Berichte zur Polarforschung. 212: 269-284.
81.Cronin, T.M. 1996. Deep North Atlantic ostracodes and Pliocene Paleoceanography
(3.2-2.8 Ma), DSDP Sites 610 and 607. Microfossils and Oceanic Environments,
Proceedings, ODP and the Marine Biosphere Conference, Aberystwyth. Chapt. 1.3, p.
82.Dowsett, H. J., J. A. Barron, R. Z. Poore, R. S. Thompson, T. M. Cronin, S. E. Ishman,
and D. A. Willard. 1999. Middle Pliocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction:
PRISM-2. USGS Open-file Report 99-535.
83.Cronin, T. M. and Dowsett, H.J. 1996. Biotic and oceanographic response to the
Pliocene closing of the Central American Isthmus. In, J.B.C. Jackson, A.C. Coates, A.
Budd, eds. "Environmental and Biotic Change in Neogene of Central America". Univ.
Chicago Press.
84.Cronin, T. M. and D. C. Grinbaum. 1996. Ecosystem trends and response: Chesapeake
Bay. USGS Fact Sheet.
85.Cronin, T. M., R. S. Wagner, M. Slattery. (eds.). 1999. Microfossils from Chesapeake
Bay sediments: Illustrations and species database. USGS Open-file Report 99-45.
(includes 5 chapters, one on each major microfossil group. Also available on WWW:
86.Bauch, H. A. M. Kubisch-Popp, T. M. Cronin, B. Rossak, and Transdrift Scientific
Party. 1997. A study of the calcareous microfauna from the Laptev Sea. In H. Kassens
et al. (eds.) Russian German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System. Berichte zur
Polarforschung 176, 384-339.
87.Cronin, T. M. and M. E. Raymo. 1997. Orbital forcing of deep-sea benthic species
diversity. Nature 385: 624-627.
88.Cronin, T. M. 1997. Review of Evolution and Ecology: The Pace of Life, by K. D.
Bennett. Endeavor 21(4): 175-176. (Book review).
89. Cronin, T. M. 1997. Climate Control. Chesapeake Bay Journal.
90. Ishman, S. E., Cronin, T. M., G. L. Brewster-Wingard, D. A. Willard, D. J. Verardo.
1998. A record of ecosystem change, Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Florida. Journal of
Coastal Research Special Issue 26: 125-138.
91.Cronin, T. M., S. Ishman, R. Wagner, G. R. Cutter, Jr. 1998. Environmental Studies
relative to potential sand mining in the Vicinity of the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Part 5. Benthic foraminifera and Ostracoda from Virginia Continental Shelf. Report to
Minerals Management Service through Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of
William and Mary, 42 pages.
92.Kerhin, R. T., C. Williams, T. M. Cronin. 1998. Lithologic descriptions of piston cores
from Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. USGS Open-file Report 98-787.
93.Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. and T. M. Cronin. 1999. Quaternary glacial and deglacial Ostracoda
in the thermocline of the Little Bahama Bank (NW Atlantic): paleoceanographic
implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 152: 339-364.
94.Cronin, T. M., D. M. DeMartino, G. S. Dwyer, J. Rodriguez-Lazaro. 1999. Deep-sea
ostracode species diversity: Response to late Quaternary climate change. Marine
Micropaleontology 37: 231-249.
95.Jones, R. Ll., R. Whatley, T. M. Cronin. H. J. Dowsett. 1999. Reconstructing late
Quaternary deep-water masses in the eastern Arctic Ocean using benthonic Ostracoda.
Marine Micropaleontology 37: 251-272.
96.Cronin, T., S. Colman, D. Willard, R. Kerhin, C. Holmes, A. Karlsen, G. Dwyer, J.
Bratton, S. Ishman. 1999. Research examines Chesapeake Bay Sedimentary Record of
Holocene Climatic variability and human ecosystem disturbance. EOS, AGU Trans., 80,
no. 21: 237, 240-241.
97.Borne, P. F., T. M. Cronin and J. E. Hazel. 1999. Neogene-Quaternary Ostracoda and
paleoenvironments of the Limon Basin, Costa Rica and Bocas del Toro Basin, Panama.
In A. Coates, L. Collins, N. Budd eds. “Marine Biodiversity of Neogene Southern Central
America, Part 1: Caribbean.” Bulletins of American Paleontology No. 357, p. 231-250.
98.Cronin, T. M., Willard, D. A., R. T. Kerhin, A. W. Karlsen, C. Holmes, S. Ishman, S.
Verardo, J. McGeehin, A. Zimmerman. 2000. Climatic variability over the last
millennium from the Chesapeake Bay sedimentary record. Geology 28: 3-6.
99.Karlsen, A.W., T. M. Cronin, S. E. Ishman, D. A. Willard, C. W. Holmes, M. Marot, R.
Kerhin. 2000. Historical trends in Chesapeake Bay dissolved oxygen based on benthic
foraminifera from sediment cores. Estuaries: 23 (4): 488-508.
100.Cronin, T. M., G. S. Dwyer, P. A. Baker, J. Rodriguez-Lazaro, D. M. DeMartino. 2000.
Orbital and suborbital variability in deep North Atlantic bottom water temperature
obtained from Mg/Ca ratios in the ostracode Krithe. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 162: 45-57.
101.Brouwers, E., T. M. Cronin, D. J. Horne, A. R. Lord. 2000. Recent shallow marine
ostracodes from high latitudes: implications for late Pliocene and Quaternary
palaeoclimatology. Boreas 29: 127-143.
102.Cronin, T. M. D. A. Willard, and S. Phillips. 2000. Impact of climate variability and
human activities on Chesapeake Bay and the implications for ecosystem restoration.
USGS Fact Sheet.
103.Cronin, T. M. 2000. Molluscan Paleontology of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Kap Kobenhavn
Formation, North Greenland by L. A. Simonarson, K. Petersen and S. Funder. Arctic and
Alpine Research v. 32 (1). (Book review).
104.Cronin. T. M and S. E. Ishman. 2000. Holocene Paleoclimate from Chesapeake Bay
based on Ostracodes and Benthic Foraminifera from Marion-Dufresne core MD99-2209.
Ch. 10 USGS Open-file Report 00-306.
105.Vogt, P., J. Halka, R. Hagan. T. Cronin. 2000. Geophysical Environment in Chesapeake
Bay: Marion-Dufresne sites MD99-2205, 2206, 2208, Ch. 2. USGS Open-file Report 00306.
106.Halka, J., P. Vogt, S. Colman, T. Cronin, 2000. Geophysical Environment Site MD992209. Ch. 4. USGS Open-file Report 00-306.
107.Stone, J.R., Cronin, T.M., Brewster-Wingard, G.L., Ishman, S.E., Wardlaw, B.R., and
Holmes, C.W., 2000, A paleoecologic reconstruction of the history of Featherbed Bank,
Biscayne National Park, Biscayne Bay, Florida: USGS Open-file Report 00-0191, 41p.
108.Willard, D. T. Cronin, S. Ishman, M. Mator. 2000. Long-term patterns of vegetation and
salinity change in the Lake Pontchartrain region, Louisiana. USGS Open-file Report 00520.
109.Dwyer, G. S., T. M. Cronin, P. A. Baker, J. Rodriguez-Lazaro. 2000. Changes in North
Atlantic deep-sea temperature during climatic fluctuations of the last 25,000 years based
on ostracode Mg/Ca ratios. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3) 1: (AGU
electronic journal:
110.Dwyer, G. S. and Cronin, T. M. 2001. Ostracode shell chemistry as a paleosalinity proxy
in Florida bay. In, B. Wardlaw, ed. Bulletins of American Paleontology No. 361, p. 249276.
111.Cronin, T. M. 2001. Paleoenvironments inferred from Pleistocene ostracode assemblages
in the USGS Bellefontaine core, southern Jackson County, Mississippi. In G. S. Gohn
(ed.), USGS Open-file report 01-415-F.
112.Cronin, T. M., Holmes. C, Wingard, L., Ishman, S. E., Dowsett, H. J., Waibel, N. 2001.
Historical trends in epiphytal ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for seagrass and
macrobenthic algal variability. In, B. Wardlaw, ed. Bulletins of American Paleontology
No. 361, p. 159-197.
113.Powars, D.S., Bruce, T.S., Bybell, L.M., Cronin, T.M., Edwards, L.E., Frederiksen,
N.O., Gohn, G.S., Horton, J.W., Jr., Izett, G.A., Johnson, G.H., Levine, J.S.,
McFarland, E.R., Poag, C.W., Quick, J.E., Schindler, J.S., Self-Trail, J.M., Smith, M.J.,
Stamm, R.G., and Weems, R.E., 2001, Preliminary geologic summary for the USGSNASA Langley corehole, Hampton, Virginia: USGS Open-file Report 01-87-B, 20 p.
114.Dwyer, G. S., Cronin, T. M. and Baker, P. A. 2002. Trace elements in ostracodes. In J. A.
Holmes and A. R. Chivas, eds. Applications of the Ostracoda to Quaternary Research.
AGU Monograph 131, pp. 205-225.
115.Colman, S.M., Baucom, P.C., Bratton, J., Cronin, T.M., McGeehin, J.P., Willard, D.,A.,
Zimmerman, A., and Vogt, P.R., 2002. Radiocarbon dating of Holocene sediments in
Chesapeake Bay. Quaternary Research. V. 57: 58-70.
116.Danielopol, D. L., E. Ito, G. Wansard, T. Kamiya, T. M. Cronin, A. Baltanas. 2002.
Techniques for Collection and Study. In, J. A. Holmes and A. R. Chivas, eds.
Applications of the Ostracoda to Quaternary Research. AGU Monograph 131, pp. 65-97.
117.Cronin, T. M.. I. Boomer, G. Dwyer, J. Rodriguez-Lazaro. 2002. Ostracoda and
Paleoceanography. . In, J. A. Holmes and A. R. Chivas, eds. Applications of the
Ostracoda to Quaternary Research. AGU Monograph 131, pp. 99-119.
118.Cronin, T. M., G. S. Dwyer, S. B. Schwede, H. Dowsett. 2002. Climate variability from
Florida Bay Sedimentary Record: Possible teleconnections to ENSO, PNA, and CNP.
Climate Research. v. 19, no. 3: 233-245.
119.Marshall, C. H., Jr. R. A. Pielke Sr., L. T Steyaert, T. M. Cronin, D. A. Willard, J. W.
Jones, T. J. Smith, III, and J. R. Irons. 2002. Impact of land-use management practices in
Florida on the regional climate of south Florida and the Everglades. American
Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate
Variations. (extended abstract).
120.Cronin, T. M., G. S. Dwyer, T. Kamiya, S. Schwede, D. A. Willard. 2003. Medieval
Warm Period, Little Ice Age and 20th Century Temperature Variability from Chesapeake
Bay. Global and Planetary Change. v. 36, no. 1-2, p. 17-29.
121.Willard, D. A., T. M. Cronin, S. Verardo. 2003. Late-Holocene climate and history from
Chesapeake Bay sediment cores, USA. The Holocene v. 13: 201-214.
122.Cronin, T. M. and Vann. 2003. The sedimentary record of anthropogenic and climatic
influence on the Patuxent Estuary and Chesapeake Bay ecosystems. Estuaries v. 26, no.
2A, p. 196-209.
123.Zheng, Y., B. Weinman, T. Cronin, M. Q. Fleisher, R. F. Anderson. 2003. A rapid
procedure for thorium, uranium, cadmium, and molybdenum in small sediment
samples by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: application in Chesapeake
Bay. Applied Geochemistry. v. 18, p. 539-549.
124.Wingard, G.L., Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Ishman, S.E., Willard, D.A., Holmes,
C.W., Bernhardt, C.E., Williams, C.P., Marot, M.E., Murray, J.B., Stamm, R.G.,
Murray, J.H., and Budet, C., 2003, Ecosystem History of Southern and Central
Biscayne Bay: Summary Report on Sediment Core Analyses: USGS Open-file Report
03-375, 110 p.
125.Cronin, T. M. and Dwyer. 2003. Deep Sea Ostracodes and Climate Change.
Geological Society of American Short Course. Park, L.E. and Smith, A.J., editors.
2003. Bridging the Gap: Trends in the Ostracode Biological and Geological Sciences.
The Paleontological Society Special Papers, v. 9. New Haven: Yale University Press,
p. 247-261.
126.Vann, C. D., T. M. Cronin, G. S. Dwyer. 2004. Population ecology and shell
chemistry of a phytal ostracode species (Loxoconcha matagordensis) in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed. Marine Micropaleontology, v. 53, p. 261-277.
127. Polyak, L, W. B. Curry, D. A. Darby, J. Bischof, T. M. Cronin. 2004. Sedimentary
record from the Mendeleev Ridge: inferences for the Quaternary paleoceanography of
the Arctic Ocean. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 203, p. 7393.
128. Cann, J. and T. M. Cronin. 2004. An association of benthic foraminifera and gypsum in
Holocene sediments of estuarine Chesapeake Bay, U.S. A. The Holocene, v. 14, no. 4, p.
129. Edwards, L.E., J. A. Barron, G. L. Brewster-Wingard, D. Bukry, L. M, Bybell, T. M.
Cronin, W. C. Poag, and R. E. Weems. 2005. Paleontology of the upper Eocene to
Quaternary stratigraphic section in the USGS-NASA Langley core, Hampton, Virginia, in
Horton, J.W., Jr., Powars, D.S., and Gohn, G.S., eds. Studies of the Chesapeake Bay
impact structure - The USGS-NASA Langley corehole, Hampton, Virginia, and related
coreholes and geophysical surveys: USGS Professional Paper 1688, chapter H. 71 pp.
130. Dowsett, H. J., M. A. Chandler, T. M. Cronin, G. S. Dwyer. 2005. Middle Pliocene
sea surface temperature variability. Paleoceanography, v. 20, no. 2, PA2014,
131.Hunt, G., T. M. Cronin, K. Roy. 2005. Species-energy relationship in the deep sea: a
test using the Quaternary fossil record. Ecology Letters, v. 8, p. 739-747.
132. Cronin, T. M., H. J. Dowsett, G. S. Dwyer, P. A. Baker, M. A. Chandler. 2005. MidPliocene deep-sea bottom-water temperatures based on ostracode Mg/Ca ratios.
Marine Micropaleontology v. 54, p. 249-261.
133.Cronin, T. M., R. Thunell, G. S. Dwyer, C. Saenger, M. E. Mann, C. Vann, R. R. Seal. II.
2005. Multiproxy Evidence of Holocene Climate Variability from Estuarine Sediments,
Eastern North America. Paleoceanography, v. 20, PA4006, doi:10.1029/2005PA001145
134.Cronin, T. M., T. Kamiya, G. Dwyer, H. Belkin, C. Vann, S. Schwede, R. Wagner. 2005.
Ecology and shell chemistry of Loxoconcha matagordensis. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 225, p. 14-67.
135.Wingard, G. L., T. M. Cronin, C. W. Holmes, D. A. Willard, G. Dwyer, S. E. Ishman, W.
Orem, C. P. Williams, J. Albietz, C. E. Bernhardt, C. A. Budet, B. Landacre, T. Lerch, M.
Marot, R. E. Ortiz, 2004, Ecosystem History of Southern and Central Biscayne Bay:
Summary Report on Sediment Core Analyses - Year Two: U USGS Open-file Report 041312.
136. Cronin, T. M. and H. Walker. 2006. Restoring Coastal Ecosystems and Abrupt Climate
Change. Climatic Change v. 74, no. 4, p. 369-374.
137. Saenger, C., T. M. Cronin, R. Thunell, C. Vann. 2006. Modeling river discharge and
precipitation from estuarine salinity in the northern Chesapeake Bay: Application to
Holocene paleoclimate. The Holocene, v. 16, no. 4, p. 1-11.
138. Moran, K, J. Backman, and IODP-ACEX-302 Scientific Staff. 2006. The Cenozoic
paleoenvironment of the Arctic Ocean. Nature, v. 441, p. 601-605.
139. Sluijs, A., and IODP-ACEX 302 Scientific Staff. 2006. Subtropical Arctic Ocean
temperatures during the Palaeocene/Eocene thermal maximum. Nature v. 441, p. 610-613.
140. Brinkhuis, H. and IODP-ACEX 302 Scientific Staff. 2006. Episodic fresh surface waters
in the Eocene Arctic Ocean. Nature, v. 441, p. 606-609.
141. Ivanova, E., I O. Murdmaa, A. L. Chepalyga, T. M. Cronin, I. V. Pasechnik, O. V.
Levchenko, S. S. Howe, A. V. Manushkina, E. A. Platonova. 2007. Holocene sea-level
oscillations and environmental changes on the Eastern Black Sea shelf. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. v. 246, p. 228-259.
142.Bergue, C. T., J. C. Coimbra, T. M. Cronin. 2007. Cytherellid species (Ostracoda) and
their significance to the late Quaternary events in the Santos basin, Brazil.
Senckenbergiana Maritima. v. 37 (1), p. 123-130.
143.Willard, D. A., C. Bernhardt, G. Brooks, T. Cronin, T. Edgar, R. Larsen. 2007. Deglacial
climate variability in central Florida, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
Palaeoecology. v. 251, p. 366-382.
144.Cronin, T. M., P. R. Vogt, D. A. Willard, R Thunell, J. Halka, M. Berke, and J. Pohlman.
2007, Rapid sea level rise and ice sheet response to 8,200-year climate event, Geophysical
Research Letters. v. 34, L20603, doi:10.1029/2007GL031318.
145. Cronin, T. M. T. Edgar, G. Brooks, D. Hastings, R. Larson, A. Hine, S. Locker, B.
Suthard, B. Flower, J. Wehmiller, D. Willard, S. Smith. 2007. Sea Level Rise in Tampa
Bay. EOS, Trans. AGU, v. 88, no. 10, p. 117-118.
146. Yasuhara, M. and T. M. Cronin. In press. Climatic influences on deep-sea ostracode
(Crustacea) species diversity for the last three million years. Ecology. [accepted]
147. Greene, C. H., A. J. Pershing, T. M. Cronin, N. Ceci. In press. Arctic climate change and
its impacts on the ecology of the North Atlantic. Ecology. [accepted]
148. Willard, D. W. and T. M. Cronin. 2007. Paleoecology and ecosystem restoration: case
studies from Chesapeake Bay and the Florida Everglades. Frontiers in Ecology and the
Environment. v. 5, no. 9, p. 491-498.
149. Franzi, D. A., J. A. Rayburn, P. L. K. Knuepfer, T. M. Cronin. 2007. Late Quaternary
history of northeastern New York and adjacent parts of Vermont and Quebec. 70th Annual
Northeast Friends of the Pleistocene. SUNY Plattsburgh, 73 pp.
150. Cronin, T. M. 2007. Glacial Lakes and Microfossils – Evidence for past climate change
in New York State. American Paleontologist. v. 15, no. 2, p. 22-23.
151. Yates, K. K., T. M. Cronin, M. Crane, M. Hansen, A. Nayeghandi, P. Swarzenski, T.
Edgar, G. R. Brooks, B. Suthard, A. Hine, S. Locker, D. A. Willard, D. Hastings, B.
Flower, D. Hollander, R. A. Larson, K. Smith. Chapter 13: U.S. Geological Survey –
Tampa Bay Study. Baywide Environmental Monitoring Report. Tampa Bay Estuary
152. O’Regan, M. J. King, J. Backman, M. Jakobsson, H. Palike, K. Moran, C. Heil, T.
Sakamoto, T. Cronin, R. Jordan. 2008. Cyclostratigraphic constraints on the PlioPleistocene chronology of sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge. Paleoceanography.
153. Yasuhara, M., T. M. Cronin, P. B. deMenocal, H. Okahashi, B. K. Linsley. 2008. Abrupt
climate change and collapse of deep-sea ecosystems. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 105 (5), 1556-1560.
154.Cronin, T. M., P. Manley, S. Brachfeld, T. Manley, D. A. Willard, J.-P. Guilbault, J. A.
Rayburn, M. Berke. In press. Salinity Changes in the Champlain Sea (New York,
Vermont) ~11.4-10.8 ka: Implications for Glacial Lake Drainage. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. [accepted]
155.Yasuhara, M., T. M. Cronin, P. Martínez Arbizu. 2008. Abyssal Ostracodes from the
South Atlantic Ocean: Biological and Paleoceanographic implications. DeepSeaResearchI(2008), doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2008.01.004
156.Eynaud, F., T. M. Cronin, S. Smith, J. Mavel, Y. Marry, V. Mas, S. Zaragosi. 2008. Late
Pleistocene planktonic foraminifera of the ACEX cores: the use of morphotype
discrimination as a new tool in polar paleoceanography? Micropaleontology.
19. PUBLICATIONS (3 most important, two entries are closely linked pairs of papers)
1. Cronin, T. M., G. S. Dwyer, T. Kamiya, S. Schwede, D. A. Willard. 2003. Medieval Warm
Period, Little Ice Age and 20th Century Temperature Variability from Chesapeake Bay.
Global and Planetary Change v. 36, no. 1-2, p. 17-29 and Cronin, T. M., P. R. Vogt, D.
A. Willard, R. Thunell, J. Halka, M. Berke, and J. Pohlman. 2007, Rapid sea level rise
and ice sheet response to 8,200-year climate event, Geophysical Research Letters. v. 34,
L20603, doi:10.1029/2007GL031318
Significance: Demonstrated rapid climatic and sea level change in eastern U.S. Eastern US
experienced decadal climate extremes in Chesapeake Bay temperatures and salinity, which
suggest natural and anthropogenic influence on regional climate. During the Medieval Warm
Period, the region was relatively warm, followed by major cold periods during the Little Ice Age.
Severe droughts alternated with extreme wet periods impacting Chesapeake Bay, its biota and
watershed. Climate oscillations can exceed anthropogenic influence related to land clearance.
CB temperature curve has been used in several hemisphere-scale compilations in Science, Nature
and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2007 report to evaluate the impact of
human activity on temperature and climate. Documented most rapid rate of SL rise during
Holocene interglacial with implications for ice sheet instability.
2. Cronin, T. M. and M. E. Raymo. 1997. Orbital forcing of deep-sea benthic species
diversity. Nature v. 385, p. 624-627. Yasuhara, M., T. M. Cronin, P. B. deMenocal,
H. Okahashi, B. K. Linsley. 2008. Abrupt climate change and collapse of deep-sea
ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (5), 1556-1560
Significance: Challenged hypothesis from 1960s that deep-sea biodiversity was stable over long
periods of time and caused by stable bottom environments. Demonstrated that the number of
species living in the deep North Atlantic Ocean oscillated during 10 Milankovitch climatic cycles
in phase with global Pleistocene ice age cycles. Hypothesized that temperature, temperaturerelated factors and/or food resources were responsible for observed patterns; recently confirmed
with Yasuhara for abrupt climatically-induced catastrophic ecosystem change at centennial
timescales. This work influences international efforts to analyze the last great frontier in Earth’s
biotic systems, those in the deep-sea.
3. Dwyer, G.S., Cronin, T.M., Baker, P.A., Raymo, M.E., Buzas, J. and Correge, T., 1995.
Late Pliocene and Quaternary bottom water temperature change in the deep North
Atlantic. Science v. 270, p. 1347-1351
Significance: Developed ostracode Mg/Ca paleothermometry method to reconstruct past
changes in deep-sea temperature and discovered large-scale variability during Pliocene and
Pleistocene. Prior work on oxygen isotopes in foraminifers could not separate the relative
contribution of temperature, ice volume, and biotic factors to 18O/16O ratios. Ostracode Mg/Ca
ratios are influenced by water temperature in which the shell is secreted and provide an
“instantaneous” measure of past aquatic temperatures. We provided evidence for deep-ocean
temperature changes associated with glacial deep-water cooling and Pliocene global warmth. The
Mg/Ca method has since become an essential tool in paleoceanography.
20. POSITION DESCRIPTION (Attach current position description.)