1 The Value of Coastal Wetlands for Hurricane Protection Robert Costanza1, Octavio Pérez-Maqueo2, M. Luisa Martinez2, Paul Sutton3,5, Sharolyn J. Anderson3, Kenneth Mulder4 1.Gund Institute of Ecological Economics, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405-1708, USA 2. Instituto de Ecología A.C., km 2.5 antigua carretera a Coatepec no. 351, Congregación El Haya, Xalapa, Ver. 91070, México. 3. Department of Geography, University of Denver, Denver, CO, 80208, USA 4. W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, Hickory Corners, MI 49060, USA 5. Currently Visiting Research Fellow at Department of Geography, Population, and Environmental Management, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia in review for: BioScience 2 Abstract Coastal wetlands reduce the damaging effects of hurricanes on coastal communities. A regression model using 34 major US hurricanes since 1980 with the natural log of damage per unit GDP in the hurricane swath as the dependent variable and the natural logs of wind speed and wetland area in the swath as the independent variables was highly significant and explained 60% of the variation in relative damages. A loss of 1 ha of wetland in the model corresponded to an average $33,000 (median = $5,000) increase in storm damage from specific storms. Taking into account the annual probability of hits by hurricanes of varying intensities, we mapped the annual value of coastal wetlands by 1km x 1km pixel and by state. The annual value ranged from $100 to $15,000/ha/yr, with a mean of $3,300/ha/yr (median = $1,600/ha/yr) consistent with previous estimates. Coastal wetlands in the US were estimated to currently provide $12.8 Billion/yr in storm protection services. Coastal wetlands function as valuable, self-maintaining “horizontal levees” for storm protection, and also provide a host of other ecosystem services that vertical levees do not. Their restoration and preservation is an extremely cost-effective strategy for society. 3 Globally, since 1900, 2652 windstorms (including tropical storms, cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons and winter-storms) have been considered disasters. Altogether, they have caused 1.2 million human deaths and have cost $381 billion in property damage1. Of these, hurricanes, cyclones and tropical storms have resulted in $179 billion (47%) in property damage and the loss of 874 thousand (73%) human lives. The impact of cyclones and hurricanes over the last decades has increased, owing to an increase in built infrastructure along the coasts, an increased frequency of category 4 and 5 hurricanes (Webster et al. 2005), and an upward trend in tropical cyclone destructive potential (Emanuel 2005). Coastal wetlands reduce the damaging effects of hurricanes on coastal communities by absorbing storm energy in ways that neither solid land nor open water can (Simpson and Riehl 1981). Coastal wetlands also protect coastal communities from other types of damages. For example, there is evidence that property damage and loss of human lives from the 2004 tsunami that hit Southeast Asia was highly ameliorated by coastal ecosystems (Danielsen et al. 2005). Methods We estimated the value of coastal wetlands for hurricane protection using data on the major hurricanes (those considered “disasters”) that have hit the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the US since 1980 and for which data on total damages were available (34 of the total of 267 storms). We combined data on the tracks of these hurricanes and their wind speeds with data on storm damages and spatially explicit data on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and coastal wetland area in each storm’s swath (Figure 1). The following datasets were assembled for the analysis: 1) tracks of all hurricanes striking the US from 1980 to 2004, which included wind-speed2. Of these, only 34 hurricanes had sufficient information on damages (see below) to include in the regression analysis. All of the storms were used to estimate the strike frequencies, since this did 1 www.em-dat.net/index.htm downloaded, November 2005. This data set defined a hurricane to be a disaster if it satisfied at least one of the following criteria: 1) 10 or more people killed; 2) 100 or more people affected, injured or homeless; 3) Declaration of a state of emergency and/or an appeal for international assistance 2 www.grid.unep.ch/data/gnv199.php 4 not require damage information; 2) Nighttime light imagery of the USA (Elvidge et al. 1999). A 1 km resolution GDP map was prepared by using a linear allocation of the national GDP to the light intensity values of the nighttime image composite (Sutton and Costanza 2002). GDP was adjusted to the year of each hurricane using data on national GDP by year 3; 4) The 30 meter resolution National Landcover dataset, which included mapping of both herbaceous and woody wetlands (Vogelmann and Howard 2001). In this study we ended up using only the area of coastal herbaceous wetlands (marshes), since the area of woody wetlands was found not to correlate with relative damages (see below). Wetland area for Louisiana was adjusted for years other than the year 2000 (the year of the land use data) to take into account the recent rate of coastal wetland loss of 65 km2/yr; 5) Total damage information for 34 hurricanes considered to be “disasters” from the Emergency Events Database1. The damage included both direct (e.g. damage to infrastructure, crops, housing) and indirect (e.g. loss of revenues, unemployment, market destabilization) consequences on the local economy. We adjusted these data for inflation to convert them to 2004 dollars based on the U.S. Department of Commerce implicit Price Deflator for Construction. 100km x 100km hurricane swaths were then overlaid on the spatially explicit GDP and wetland cover (herbaceous and woody wetlands were measured separately) to obtain GDP and wetland area in each swath (Figure 1). The 100km x 100km swath was used as an average spatial extent in order to standardize the calculations. The GDP calculated within each hurricane swath and the reported total economic damage (TD) were used to generate a ratio, TD/GDP, which was used to represent the relative economic damage caused by each hurricane. Pearson’s coefficients showed insignificant collinearity between the analyzed variables. In addition no other land use types’ area’s co-varied with either herbaceous or woody wetlands, which were also not correlated with each other. 3 US GDP data from: http://www.bea.gov/bea/dn/home/gdp.htm 5 Results Using ordinary least squares (OLS) we fit nine alternative multiple regression models using the natural logs of wind speed and area of coastal herbaceous and woody vegetation as the independent variables and TD/GDP as the dependent variable. We tested various log-log formulations using maximum likelihood and Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) corrected for small sample size. Our theoretical assumption was that TD should be proportional to GDP and thus we used ln(TD/GDP) as the dependent variable. We did compare this to models with ln(TD) as the dependent variable and ln(GDP) as one of the independent variable. However, these models did not have a sufficient increase in likelihood as to merit the additional degree of freedom as measured by AIC. The addition of woody wetlands to the model also did not improve the model, but the addition of herbaceous wetlands yielded the best model with an AIC c = 2.91 versus a model with just wind speed. The AIC evidence ratio implies that the model with wetlands included has an 81% chance of being the correct model4. The final model we used was: ln (TDi /GDP i)= + 1 ln(gi) + 2ln(wi) + ui (1) Where: TDi = total damages from storm i (in constant 2004 $US); GDPi = Gross Domestic Product in the swath of storm i (in constant 2004 $US). The swath was considered to be 100 km wide by 100 km inland. gi = maximum wind speed of storm i (in m/sec) wi = area of herbaceous wetlands in the storm swath (in ha). ui = error This model had an adjusted R2 of 0.604 and was highly significant. The best fit coefficients for the model are shown in Table 1. A 95% confidence interval was generated for each of the parameter estimates as well as the adjusted R2 measure using a 10,000 iteration 6 bootstrap analysis. The adjusted R2 interval was (0.342, 0.832). The intervals for the other parameters are listed in Table 1. The coefficient for wind speed (1) was significant 99.94% of the time, while the coefficient for wetlands (2) was significant 93.04% of the time. The data used in the model are included in Table 2. As expected, increasing wind speed increased relative damages (TD/GDP), while increasing herbaceous wetland area decreased them. Figure 2 shows the observed vs. predicted relative damages from the model, with each of the hurricanes identified. One potential problem with this formulation is endogeneity. If wetland area and GDP are negatively correlated (as one might expect if urban area and wetland area were “competing” for the same fixed landscape area), then this could cause bias in the estimate of the coefficient for wetlands or spurious correlation. For example, it might be the case that high wetland area correlates with lower GDP which correlates with less TD. We tested for the possibility that the reduction in damage attributable to herbaceous wetlands was spurious and caused by an endogenous relationship with GDP. GDP and herbaceous wetland area (all variables assumed log-transformed) were weakly and positively correlated (r = 0.19). However, the partial correlation coefficient of total damage upon herbaceous wetlands controlling for GDP and wind speed was negative (r = 0.34, p=0.05). Further, if an endogenous relationship with GDP were causing a spurious effect of herbaceous wetlands upon total damage, a similar relationship should have been seen with woody wetlands. However, the addition of woody wetlands did not improve any of the models we tested. A second potential problem with the formulation used is selection bias. It might be the case that we are using data that is selectively gathered from locations where storm protection services are disproportionately high (and thus are being studied more intensively) leading to overestimates of the values. Unlike the case of selection bias in typical valuation studies, in damage mitigation studies, selection bias tends to cause underestimates of value. We tested this One could multiply all values by 0.81 to account for this as per Burnham and Anderson’s (2003) multi-model inference. We did not do this, but leave it for the reader to decide if this further adjustment is warranted. 4 7 by creating a Monte Carlo simulated data set using a log-log formulation and comparing regression results when the data was restricted to samples with damages above a given percentile. The higher the percentile, the lower the estimated damage mitigation of wetlands implying our estimates are conservative. We can rearrange equation (1) to estimate the total damages from hurricane i as: TDi e gi 1 wi 2 GDPi (2) One can clearly see from this form of the relationship the relative influence of GDP, wind speed and wetland area on total damages. Total damages vary linearly with GDP, as one might expect since the more infrastructure there is to be damaged the more damage one can expect. TD also varies as the 1 power of wind speed. The value of 1 from Table 1 indicates that total damages increase as the 3.878 power of wind speed, fairly consistent with the well-known relationship that the power in wind varies as the cube of speed. The value of 2 in Table 1 of -0.77 indicates that total damages decrease quite rapidly with increasing wetland area. The difference in TDi with a loss of an area a of wetlands (i.e. the “avoided damage” per unit area of wetland) is then: TDi MVi e gi 1 (w i a) 2 w i 2 GDP i (3) If a is small relative to w, this represents the estimated “marginal value” (MV) per unit area of coastal wetlands in preventing storm damage from a specific hurricane. Table 2 lists MVi for each of the 34 hurricanes in the database for unit areas of 1 ha. The values range from a minimum of $23/ha for hurricane Bill to a maximum of $465,730/ha for hurricane Opal, with an average value of just over $33,000/ha. The median value was just under $5,000/ha, indicating a quite skewed distribution, mirroring the skewed distribution of damages. For each hurricane, we also calculated an upper and lower bound on the marginal value estimate by applying the formula for marginal value to each combination of regression parameters and taking the 95th percentiles (as reported in Table 1). 8 Equation 3 allows one to estimate the avoided damages from any area of wetlands (a) up to the total area of wetlands in the swath. For example, one might be interested in the “average” value of a larger area of wetlands, say half the wetlands in the swath. This could be estimated by using a = 1/2 of the total area of wetlands in the swath in equation 3 and then dividing the result by 1/2 the total area of wetlands in the swath. The average values per hectare calculated in this way (using 50% of the wetland area) are consistently 1.8 times higher than the marginal values. Next we estimated the annual value of coastal wetlands for storm protection. This required an estimate of the annual probability of being hit by hurricanes of various intensities. We used data on historical frequencies by state as proxies for these probabilities. Data for each of the 19 states in the US that have been hit by a hurricane since 1980 (267 total hits) were used by Blake et al. (2005) to calculate the historical frequency of hurricane strikes by storm category. We calculated the average GDP and wetland area in an average swath through each state using our GIS database. We then calculated the annual expected marginal value (MV) for an average hurricane swath in each state using the following variation of equation (3): 5 MVsw pc,s e gc 1 (w sw 1) 2 w sw c1 2 GDP sw (4) where: s = state sw = average swath in state s gc = average wind speed of hurricane of category c pc,s = the probability of a hurricane of category c striking state s in a given year GDPsw = the GDP in state s in the average hurricane swath wsw = the wetland area in state s in the average hurricane swath We then estimated total annual value of wetlands for storm protection as the integral of the marginal values over all wetland areas (the “consumer surplus”). While residual analysis suggests little correlation between wetland area and model error and we have several data points 9 with low wetland area, the log-log formulation makes marginal value calculations at low wetland areas problematic because values go to infinity as area goes to 0. For this reason, we capped increases in marginal value in our calculations for wetland areas below a certain number, k. In other words, in the integration we used the marginal value at k for all wetland areas less than k rather than allowing it to clime to infinity. Given model fit across the range of areas, we believe this yields a conservative value estimate. We used k=10,000, but also report values in Table 3 using k = 50,000 and k = 1,000 to demonstrate sensitivity to this assumption. TV increases dramatically as k decreases. We can then estimate the average annual value per wetland hectare per state as: AVs TVs /ws (5) The estimated annual marginal value in an average swath (MVsw), the total value (TVs) for all the state’s wetlands, and the average annual value per hectare (AVs) of coastal wetlands for each state estimated in this way are shown in Table 3. Using this technique, the mean annual marginal value per hectare in a typical swath across states (MVsw) was almost $40,000/ha/yr, with a range from $126/ha/yr (for Louisiana) to $586,845/ha/yr (for New York) and a median value of $1,700, indicating a quite skewed distribution. MV varied inversely with wetland area (Figure 3A), indicating that the per hectare value of wetlands increases as they become more scarce. The expected mean of the total annual values by state (TVs) for all the state’s wetlands, over the 19 states assuming k=10,00 was $672 million/yr ($145 million at k=50,000 and $4.6 Billion at k=1,000), with a median of $72 million, again reflecting a skewed distribution across states. The total annual value summed over all states was $12.8 Billion/yr at k=10,000 ($2.8 Billion/yr at k=50,000 and $87.3 Billion/yr at k=1,000). TVs generally increased with total area of wetlands in the state (Figure 3B). Differences by state in both Figures 3A and 3B reflect the relative amounts of coastal infrastructure vulnerable to damage and relative storm probabilities. For example, Louisiana has the most wetlands, but less vulnerable infrastructure than Florida and Texas, while New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut had fewer wetlands but more vulnerable infrastructure. The 10 mean AVs by state was a little over $3,292/ha/yr, with a range from $108/ha/yr (for Delaware) to $14,984/ha/yr (for New York) and a median value of $1,600/ha/yr. We also estimated the annual values of wetlands for storm protection using spatially explicit data on historical storm tracks to estimate probabilities of being hit by storms of a particular category for each pixel along the coast. For this analysis we had data on 52 storms, resulting in frequencies that did not match the state level frequencies exactly and were distributed across the states. The advantage is that it allowed us to map wetland storm protection values at much higher spatial resolution. For this application, a circle with radius 50 km was drawn around each 1km x 1km pixel within 100km of the coast, the wetland area and GDP in the circle was measured, and equation 5 was applied, with the result for each pixel multiplied by the area of wetland in the pixel divided by the area of wetland in the 50 km radius circle. Figure 4 maps the total value per 1km x 1km pixel estimated in this way. Finally, we summed over all pixels in each state to yield estimates comparable with the “state level” analysis discussed earlier. The state totals aggregated from the “pixel level” analysis had an adjusted R2 of 0.88 compared with the state totals from the “state level” analysis. Figure 4 shows wetlands of particularly high storm protection value density at the intersection of high storm probability, high coastal GDP, and high wetland area. For example, Southeast Florida, coastal Louisiana, and parts of Texas all show high values. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island also show fairly high values, due largely to the very high levels of coastal GDP in those states. Discussion Previous estimates of the value of coastal wetlands for storm protection used similar, but less spatially explicit, methods and dealt only with hurricanes striking Louisiana (Costanza et al. 1989). They estimated an annual average value of storm protection services of about $1,000/ha/yr (converted into $2004). Our current analysis included a much larger database of more recent hurricanes covering the entire US Atlantic and Gulf coasts and was able to utilize much more spatially explicit data on hurricane tracks, wetland area, and GDP. Our corresponding estimated value for Louisiana was also about $1,000/ha/yr, very consistent with the previous estimate. Our current study allows one to assess not only the value of wetlands for storm protection, but how that value varies with location, area of remaining wetlands, proximity 11 to built infrastructure, and storm probability, thus providing a richer and more useful analysis of this important ecosystem service. It also allows us to state the ranges of values that would result from varying parameter assumptions and the confidence intervals on the estimates. The results also allow straightforward assessments of impacts on wetlands. For example, Louisiana lost an estimated 480,000 hectares of coastal wetlands prior to Katrina and 20,000 hectares during hurricane Katrina itself. The value of the lost storm protection services from these wetlands can be estimated as the value per hectare ($1,000 ha/yr from Table 3) times the area, yielding approximately $480 million/yr for services lost from wetlands lost prior to Katrina and an additional $20 Million/yr for wetlands lost during the storm. Converting this total of $500 million/yr to present value terms using a 3% discount rate implies a lost value for just the storm protection service of this natural capital asset of $16 Billion, and the lost value of the wetlands loss due to Katrina of $666 million. If the frequency and intensity of hurricanes increases in the future, as some are predicting as a result of climate change, then the value of coastal wetlands for protection from these storms will also increase. Coastal wetlands provide “horizontal levees” that are maintained by nature and are far more cost-effective than constructed levees. The experience of hurricane Katrina provided a tragic example of the costs of allowing these natural capital assets to degrade. Coastal wetlands also provide a host of other valuable ecosystem services that constructed levees do not. They have been estimated to provide about $11,700/ha/yr (in $2004) in other ecosystem services (excluding storm protection – Costanza et al 1997), and experience (including the current study) has shown that as we learn more about the functioning of ecological systems and their connections to human welfare, estimates of their value tend to increase. Investing in the maintenance and restoration of coastal wetlands is proving to be an extremely cost-effective strategy for society. Acknowledgements. MLM and OPM are grateful to Instituto de Ecología, A.C. for financial support during their research stay at the Gund Institute of Ecological Economics (University of Vermont). We are grateful to Joshua Farley, Brendan Fisher, and the students in the Advanced Course on 12 Ecological Economics (University of Vermont) for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this text. References Blake, E. S., Rappaport, E. N., Landsea, C. W., and Jerry G. J. 2005. 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Regression model coefficients including lower and upper 95% confidence intervals. Parameter Coefficient Lower 95% CI Upper 95% CI Standard Error t P -10.551 -20.06 -3.36 3.29 -3.195 0.003 3.878 2.45 5.34 0.706 5.491 <0.001 -0.77 -1.06 -0.247 0.16 -4.809 <0.001 15 Table 2. Maximum wind speed, herbaceous wetland area, GDP, Total Damage and calculated marginal value (per hectare of wetland) for storm protection for each hurricane used in the regression analysis. Lower and upper 95% confidence intervals on the marginal values are also shown. Hurricane Alberto Alicia Allen Allison Allison Andrew Bill Bob Bonnie Bret Chantal Charley Charley Danny Dennis Year 1994 1983 1980 1989 2001 1992 2003 1991 1998 1999 1989 1998 2004 1997 1999 Elena Emily Erin 1985 1993 1995 Floyd 1999 Fran Frances Gaston Gloria Hugo Irene 1996 2004 2004 1985 1989 1999 Isabel Isidore 2003 2002 Ivan Jeanne Jerry Katrina Keith Lili Opal 2004 2004 1989 2005 1988 2002 1995 States hit GA, MI, FL, AL TX TX TX, LA, FL, NC, PA, VA TX, LA, FL, NC, PA, VA FL, LA LA, MS, AL, FL NC, ME, NY, RI, CT, MA NC, SC, VA TX TX TX FL OH, PA, IL, NY, NJ NC FL, AR, KY, SD, IO, MI, IN, MO Max wind Herbaceous speed Wetland area (m/sec) in swath (ha) 28.3 4,466 51.4 93,590 84.9 26,062 23.1 167,494 25.7 100,298 69.4 901,819 25.7 642,544 51.4 68,465 51.4 49,774 61.7 29,695 36.0 104,968 25.7 55,126 64.3 358,778 36.0 271,317 46.3 22,752 GDP in swath hit year (2004 $US millions) 5,040 100,199 13,151 149,433 185,610 83,450 70,669 122,358 15,840 2,043 81,319 18,775 483,281 66,711 17,669 Observed total damage (2004 $US millions) 305 2,823 1,674 63 6,995 34,955 17 829 373 35 111 33 6,800 111 45 Estimated marginal value (MV) per ha (2004 $US/ha) 15,607 14,449 127,090 348 1,611 699 23 30,683 6,984 4,557 2,400 470 15,347 367 20,704 MV lower 95% CI (2004 $US/ha) 1,254 5,316 29,204 85 377 318 8 9,982 2,008 1,119 763 90 7,918 158 4,199 MV upper 95% CI (2004 $US/ha) 59,663 22,146 283,261 938 4,042 1,247 54 48,743 11,585 8,368 4,351 1,254 24,062 622 40,396 FL, AL, MS 56.6 51.4 41.2 50,568 615 264,226 14,240 6 132,138 1,774 38 821 8,835 5,795 1,278 2,629 272 610 14,698 24,748 1,967 NC, FL, SC, VA, MD, PA, NJ, NY, DE, RI, CT, MA, VT 69.4 188,637 420,940 7,259 56,214 26,075 93,566 54.0 64.3 30.9 64.3 72.0 46.3 9,033 340,051 100,502 87,863 32,906 692,219 10,471 150,986 82,063 188,531 13,684 114,903 3,900 4,400 62 1,451 1,391 104 114,389 5,272 1,439 72,229 46,288 319 16,760 2,710 402 27,350 11,868 179 259,346 8,270 2,999 119,390 89,485 488 72.0 56.6 37,942 574,157 35,068 64,990 5,406 79 92,176 547 24,987 296 175,244 830 74.6 56.6 38.6 78.2 33.4 64.3 66.9 504,033 404,769 98,540 708,519 222,324 224,504 7,261 226,150 133,657 86,173 214,277 55,856 24,439 12,652 6,000 7,000 49 22,321 44 295 3,521 6,996 2,088 3,717 4,363 328 1,779 465,730 3,204 1,148 1,209 1,847 126 881 64,749 12,550 3,096 6,450 8,429 594 2,798 1,111,043 52 53 17 218,995 100,400 243,111 99,905 75,994 110,816 3,561 825 7,001 33,268 4,914 83,466 7,356 1,231 13,403 71,962 8,398 196,765 NC NC, SC, VA, MD, VA, PA, OH, Washington DC FL, NC, SC, OH VA, SC, NC NC, NY, CT, NH, ME SC FL NC, MD, VA, Washington DC LA, MS, AL, TN AL, LA, MS, FL, PA, MD, NJ, OH, NC, VA, GA, TN FL TX AL, LA, MS, GA, FL FL LA FL, GA, AL Mean Median S.D. 16 Table 3. Coastal wetland area in each state, wetland area and GDP in the average 100km swath, estimated annual storm probabilities by category, and calculated MVsw, TVs and AVs . Wetlands Wetland Probability of state being hit by a storm of the GDP in within 100 area in given category in a year by Storm Category average km of coast average swath ($ by state Ws swath W sw millions/year) (ha) (ha) State Alabama Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Mississippi New Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Texas Virginia Mean Median S.D. 16,759 21,591 33,964 1,433,286 140,556 1,648,611 60,388 60,511 49,352 25,456 19,375 69,001 5,306 64,862 7,446 3,638 107,894 448,621 71,509 6,388 12,601 12,089 186,346 29,120 370,299 15,500 16,011 16,801 6,048 9,905 21,864 2,117 21,295 2,994 1,759 39,177 79,110 23,588 9,499 65,673 10,488 70,491 7,356 36,250 14,670 21,924 67,266 3,890 23,051 78,703 90,770 13,023 93,117 12,810 15,367 63,661 27,786 1 7.14% 2.60% 1.30% 27.92% 7.79% 11.04% 3.25% 0.65% 3.25% 1.30% 0.65% 1.30% 3.90% 13.64% 0.65% 1.95% 12.34% 14.94% 5.84% 225,691 60,388 475,157 45,948 16,011 89,175 38,200 23,051 31,083 6.39% 3.25% 7.01% 2 3 3.25% 3.90% 1.95% 1.95% 0.00% 0.00% 20.78% 17.53% 3.25% 1.30% 9.09% 8.44% 0.65% 0.00% 0.65% 0.00% 1.30% 1.95% 3.25% 4.55% 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.65% 3.25% 8.44% 7.14% 0.00% 0.00% 1.30% 2.60% 3.90% 2.60% 11.04% 7.79% 1.30% 0.65% 3.76% 1.30% 5.25% 3.35% 1.95% 4.39% 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.90% 0.65% 2.60% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 1.30% 4.55% 0.00% Annual expected marginal value per average swath MV sw ($/ha/yr) Average Total annual value per state (TV s) annual value for k=50,000, 10,000, and 1,000 of wetlands ($ millions/yr) per ha per state (AVs) at k=10,000 ($/ha/yr) k=50,000 k=10,000 k=1,000 5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.30% 0.00% 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 14,155 14,428 222 1,684 630 126 715 445 8,422 7,154 1,095 583 586,845 5,072 11,651 95,193 1,281 3,901 1,555 2.4 15.9 0.2 1,579.4 7.1 439.4 1.4 0.9 20.5 1.0 0.6 3.0 4.6 23.8 0.2 0.4 32.6 609.2 9.7 40.9 263.2 3.7 6,453.9 72.3 1,665.7 21.3 14.3 301.2 17.8 10.7 37.0 79.5 304.1 4.1 7.7 265.0 3,087.1 115.6 749.5 2,705.2 38.6 40,010.3 542.2 10,107.2 196.0 129.4 2,673.1 341.5 131.7 298.9 3,473.3 2,477.0 141.3 377.0 1,880.0 20,144.4 914.1 2,440.7 12,191.7 107.5 4,502.9 514.0 1,010.4 353.0 236.0 6,103.8 697.9 550.4 536.1 14,983.7 4,687.8 554.2 2,122.4 2,456.5 6,881.2 1,617.1 0.72% 0.14% 0.00% 0.00% 1.40% 0.35% 39,745 1,684 134,195 144.9 4.6 384.6 671.8 72.3 1,594.0 4,596.4 749.5 9,848.0 3,292.0 1,617.1 4,190.4 Totals 2,752.4 12,765.0 87,330.7 17 Figure 1. Typical hurricane swath showing GDP and wetland area used in the analysis 18 1.0000 Emilly 1993 Opal 2005 Allen 1980 Fran 1996 Hugo 1989 Bret 1999 0.1000 Isabel 2003 TD/GDP predicted Gloria 1985 Elena 1985 Floy d 1999 Bonnie 1998 Dennis 1999 Lili 2002 Bob 1991 Charley 2004 Ivan 2004 Alicia 1983 Frances 2004 Katrina 2005 Alberto 1994 0.0100 Isidore2002 Jerry 1989 Jeanne 2004 Andrew 1992 Chantal 1989 Irene 1999 Gaston 2004 Danny 1997 Keith 1988 Charley 1998 Erin 1995 Allison 2001 0.0010 Allison 1989 Bill 2003 0.0001 0.0001 0.0010 0.0100 0.1000 TD/GDP observed 1.0000 10.0000 Figure 2. Observed vs. predicted relative damages (TD/GDP) for each of the hurricanes used in the analysis. 19 $1,000,000 A Annual expected marginal value per average swath MV sw ($/ha/yr) New York $100,000 Rhode Island Alabama Connecticut Pennsylvania $10,000 Massachusetts Mississippi North Carolina Texas Virginia New Hampshire South Carolina $1,000 Maine Florida Georgia New Jersey Maryland Delaware Louisiana $100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Area of coastal wetlands in average swath (ha) Total Annual Value of Coastal Wetlands (TVs Million$/yr) $100,000 y = 0.0093x R2 = 0.5788 Florida B Texaas $10,000 Louisiana New York Connecticut Massachusetts North Carolina $1,000 South Carolina Virginia Alabama Georgia Mississippi Rhode Island New Jersey Maine $100 New Hampshire Pennsylvania Maryland Delaware $10 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 Total Area of Coastal Wetlands (ha) Figure 3. Area of coastal wetlands (A) in the average hurricane swath vs. the estimated marginal value per ha (MVsw) and (B) in the entire state vs. the total value (TVs) of coastal wetlands for storm protection. 20 Figure 4. Map of total value of coastal wetlands for storm protection by 1 km x 1 km pixel.