My Profiles

Age: 34 years old
Address: Solano Rubios 3964 (2919) Villa Constitución,
Santa Fe, Argentina
Mobile: 0054-9-3400-514378 (International calls)
340015514378 (domestic calls)
Skype: malu.translator
Languages & Fields of Specialization
Technical (Heavy industry), Instruction manuals as a whole.
Market researches, surveys
IT, Telecommunication -Video Games (Software Management Tools)
V Tourism and leisure
V Marketing and advertising
Professional Licenses:
Member of Colegio de Traductores de la Provincia de Santa Fe-2º Circunscripción.
Reg Nº: 568/02
V Master Member of T.Café among the BEST 20’s TRANSLATORS OF TRANSLATORS CAFÉ
in my pairs.
University Studies:
V Certified Literary Scientific and Technical Translator of English - “ISP Eduardo
Laferriere School of Linguists” (Villa Constitución, Santa Fe, Argentina - 2002)
V Bachelor’s degree in English Language- “Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Facultad
de Humanidades y Arte” (Rosario).
V English Teacher - “ISP Eduardo ISP Eduardo Laferriere School of Linguists” (Villa
Constitución, Santa Fe, Argentina – 2004
V Advanced speaker of German and Italian.
V “The Oxford Examination in English as a Second Language”, University of Oxford,
England, December 2000
V “FTBE, Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English” UCEL-Universidad del Centro
Educativo Latinoamericano, Rosario, November 2004
V “TRADOS, computing tools, and web page translation”. Rosario, November 2004
V Second Conference on Translation and Interpreting Córdoba, August 19, and 20, 2001
V Third Latinoamerican Congress of Translation and Interpretation “De Babel a
Internet”, Attendant. Buenos Aires, April 2001.
TRADOS STUDIO advanced learning course, Rosario, March 2014
SDLX advanced learning course, Rosario, March 2013
Translation Experience
Freelance Translator since 2004
ERCOLI COMPETICIÓN Company specialized in the production of
connecting rods and crankshafts for the motorsport activity, locally and around the world.
Tasks: phone and simultaneous interpreter, translator.
For current reference contact Mrs. Verónica Ercoli (Manager) at
POKER STARS online gaming company specialized in poker.
Tasks: Translator and Editor in charge of the LAPT (Latin American Poker Stuff) promoting material.
For current reference contact Mr. John Bowman (Staff)
VERBATIM SOLUTIONS: Translation Company located in Utah USA.
Tasks: Translator and Editor in charge of all the L.A Spanish section.
For reference please contact Mrs Robyn Nelson at: or Mrs Melaney Mc
Kellar (former boss) at
2007 TO DATE
SPEAKING AMERICA: Translation Company located in Argentina.
PROJECT MANAGER: I have been in charge of translation projects in 6 language pairs. My main tasks was the
generation of TMs, translator selection, generation of data bases, matching and comparing resources, posting
projects, sending estimates, translation and edition, formatting. Dealing with translators and resources worldwide.
I have been working on an ongoing and sporadic basis for the clients below.
Merit Entertainment
Ross Video
Operitel Corporation
New York Life
Alchemic Dream
Bauer Compressors
Aclara Tech
APR Energy
Pan Trans Net
Hennevanger Text & Design
Australian Multi Lingual Services
CLA-Claremont Languages Academy
Tipping Sprung USA
CONVERA online translation
AKORBI Consulting Services
Centos Translations
Transperfect Translations
Alex Translations
Lítero Translations
Etcetera Language Group
Apogee Communications
OCE translations
On time Translations
Tradivarius International
Danny Zawacki
Antonio Dahdah Pérez
Tekom Vertalers
Elite Translations
Local Concept
New Atlantean Press
Vokian Localization
Glossa Group
Frank Publishing GMBH
Many other particular clients.
Most Recent Guides and Researches
The Development of Hereditary Diseases. (total more than 300.000 words-I have worked on
an ongoing basis for 3 years).Huntington's disease, Schizophrenia, Manic depression,
Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), Parkinson's disease, and
Several researches on permanent make-up, cosmetic medicine, nail treatments, XXX waxing,
body piercing, Microdermabrasion, cosmetic surgery, anti-aging techniques including skin
health, hormone replacement therapies, nutrition etc.
Cardiological Pathologies (total 100.000 words). Acute myocardial infarction,
Cardiac tamponade, Dissecting aortic aneurysm, Myocardial infarction, Tachycardia, Atrial
or ventricular fibrillation, Dysfunction of prosthetic cardiac valves.
Translation of the procedures needed to handle orthopedical devices (total 12.000 words).
Plaster castings, Handsfree crutch medical supply cane, orthopedic ankles, Lithotomy leg
holders, Royce medical walker mediums etc.
Several researches on Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.
“Women with AIDS in South Africa” (Total 200.000 words). Research carried out by the
Global Fund for Women, a grant making foundation supporting women’s human rights and
addressing critical issues such as AIDS in African communities.
Translation of material on Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (Total 8,000
words).Diabetes Mellitus, Diarrhea, Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, Constipation,
Pyelonephritis (Kidney infections in adults), Polycystic kidney disease.
Large Scale Bio Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and scale up production (total of words
5000). Expanded analysis of current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations to assure
quality of marketed drug and biological products.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Processing. (Total 25,000 words).Antibiotics such as
penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, and antifungal
• Other synthetic drugs, including sulfa drugs,
Antituberculosis drugs, antileprotic drugs,
Analgesics, anesthetics, and antimalarials
• Vitamins
• Synthetic hormones
• Glandular products
• Drugs of vegetable origin such as quinine, strychnine and brucine, emetine, and digitalis
• Vaccine Guide (New Atlantean Press, year 2014).
*Articles on malnutrition (total 2.500 words). Undernutrition and Overnutrition, vegetarian
diets and fad diets.
Down´s Syndrome Research and Practice-Down Syndrome News and Update (total 5000
These articles cover a wide range of topics including:
Developing reading, counting and short-term memory skills
Providing effective speech and language therapy and early intervention services for pre-school
Motor skills development for children with Down syndrome
Principles, practice and outcomes of effective inclusion in mainstream schools
The achievements of teenagers with Down syndrome
Independence and employment for adults with Down syndrome
*Translation of all type of user manuals for home appliances and other devices. Among
others, cameras, printers, desktops, laptops etc.
*10 years of experience in the translation of compressed breathing air machinery for
important German manufacturer (Bauer Compressors).
*Translation of technical manuals for various DoD weapon systems and related support
Equipment (SE) covering maintenance, operation, repair, theory of operation &
troubleshooting in accordance with military content/format specifications.
*Translation of engineering drawings & schematics to understand maintenance concept &
operation of equipment to the piece part level required.
*Translation of Maintenance Plans, Provisioning Parts Lists, SERDs, Candidate List, Special
Tools Lists, performance specifications, engineering drawing packages, Bills of Material, etc.
*Thorough understanding of Source Maintenance & Recoverability codes as used by US
Military and their relationship/impact on Technical Manual Group Assembly Parts Lists,
Illustrated Parts Breakdowns and their related Operation and Maintenance procedures
Safety & Engineering (General)
*Translation of Instructive guides for the operation of Iron Blast Furnaces, Electric Arc
Furnaces, Iron converters, Ladles, Gantry Cranes and other complex pieces of equipment
(networking and performance).
*Translation of material regarding the processes that take place in the melt shop: Iron-Steel
melting, Hot Rolling, Galvanizing, Briquetting, Finishing etc.
*Operating systems and applications – Internet– (Advanced Web Searches)
*IT Engineering (Hardware and Software); programming knowledge (one year as a student
of IT Engineering - University level)
*Website Translations (Eurodns, English Link etc.)
*Automation Software and server management tools
* Softwares for touchpanels.
* Automation Controls
* Industrial displays etc.
* Internet Security
*Network Servers, network operating systems, network administration etc.
*Mobile Phones manuals and specifications.
*Operation manuals for Accraply-Trine’s Labellers.
*Operation Manuals for Iron converters.
*User manual for software programs.
*Marine Technical Booklets.
*Material regarding Automation Softwares and server management tools, softwares for
touchpanels, automation control, industrial displays etc.
Law, Patents & Finance
Documents regarding the promotion of protection of intellectual property throughout the
world, including extensive educational information devoted to understand intellectual
Information on US patents, trademarks, and copyrights, including templates of registration
forms, application procedures, laws concerning patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
Basic information related to copyrights, protecting and leveraging intellectual property
related to materials and processes, patenting and patentability basics, claims in materials
patents, process vs. product patenting, impacts of prior presentation and publication,
patenting vs. trade secrets, defensive publishing.
Translation of fund prospectuses, articles of incorporation, annual and semi-annual reports.
Stockmarket reviews, marketing brochures etc.
Shareholder communications.
Distribution Agreements.
*Full texts by religious scholars, among the topics: The Bible, Theology, Ethics, Church and
Society, Communication, Cultural Studies, Homiletics, Missions etc.
* Several types of press releases, newsletters, ads, appeals, essays, brochures, newspaper
articles for
*Material related to national labour, social security and related human rights legislation.
*Upholstery Booklets for Trainees.
*“Women with AIDS in South Africa” (Total of 200.000 words). Research carried out by the
Global Fund for Women; a grantmaking foundation supporting women’s rights and
addressing critical issues such as AIDS in African communities.
*Translation of Child Therapist Handbooks.
*Translation of Final Agreement for Provision of Community Aged Care Packages.
*Translation of Letters to Employees, Curriculums, Colombian and Peruvian Higher
Education Diplomas, Birth Certificates and Records, Patents, Security Policies etc.
*Translation of Real Estate Guides for Licensees.
*Power Point Slides on Business Policies.
*Websites (Eurodns, English Link etc.)
*Long-term translator for important meat processing plant located in Oregon USA. My tasks
have been the translation and editing of material regarding Sanitation and Hygiene Guides
for Employees, Hazardous Material Training Reviews, Emergency Escapes, New Employees
Safety Training Checklists and Express Lockout Procedures etc.
-Preparing strategic monthly marketing calendars
-Maintaining available marketing budgets
-Media planning for effective use of marketing budgets
-increasing organisations market visibility and market share by branding its image
-Understanding regional marketing requirements and developments with the help of Monthly
marketing reports (MIS) & Monthly Market Tracker
-Conducting marketing activities for sales lead generation,
-Develop marketing collaterals, advertisements,
-Managing Free of Cost (FOC) Sites, manage visual merchandizing activities and PR releases to
help organization achieve its market share targets.
-Ensure success of various Trade partner meets, new product launches, Press meets
-Assigning targets to the sales team
-Creating new leads and converting them to customers
-Ensuring effective and timely deployment of POS/ POP materials to the target markets to help
organization achieve its goals.
Rates & Payment Method
Rates according to the language pair start as of USD 0.05 per source word and USD 20 per hour.
Useful Links:
My Profiles:
(Among Café top 20 translators)
Universidad Nacional de Rosario Facultad de Humanidades y Arte:
Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL):
Certificates upon request