Integrative Psychotherapy Training, Scarborough Psychotherapy

Heward Wilkinson
98 Robinson Road
SW17 9DR
Telephone Numbers
H: (+44)2085405575
M: (+44)7710100181
Email Address
Date of Birth
22 March 1945
Place of Birth
Guildford, Surrey, UK
Marital Status
Academic Qualifications
10 O Levels
3 A/S Levels: English, History, Divinity
BA (English & Theology) Cantab 1967
MA (Religious Studies) Lancaster 1869
MSc (Psychotherapy) Leeds 1992
Currently studying for Doctorate in Psychotherapy by Professional Studies,,
Metanoia Institute.
My working Doctoral title is: The Muse as Therapist: A New Poetic Paradigm for
Professional Qualifications
Registered Nurse (Mental) 1975
Certificate in Education 1988
UKCP Registered Integrative Psychotherapist (Sherwood Psychotherapy Training
Institute) 1994-2004, Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute - present
Relevant Trainings and Courses undergone
Registered Mental Nurse Training Huddersfield School of Nursing 1972-1975
COHSE Union Stewards’ Course, Keighley Technical College, 1973
Certificate in Education, Huddersfield Polytechnic, 1987-1988
Leeds University MSc Psychotherapy, 1989-1992
Various short Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy Courses relevant to
transition to Integrative Psychotherapy Accreditation1992-1994, including
5 Day Marathon Workshop on Integrative Psychotherapy with Richard Erskine
5 Day Marathon Workshop with Petruska Clarkson, 1993, on Gods and Goddesses
in every Person (Jung from a Gestalt Perspective)
3 day Experiential Workshop with Ken and Mairi Evans, working with Integrative
approach 1995
2 Day Gestalt Workshop with Malcolm Parlett, 1996
Gestalt Psychotherapy UK National Conferences attended in 1995 and 1997
Psychology of Awakening Conference 1999
Karuna Institute Core Process Psychotherapy (Buddhist-based) Foundation Course
For Involvement in UKCP Professional Conferences see below
Non-Psychotherapy Employment and Vocational History (from 1972, prior to
which student, and casual employment)
i. Formal Employment
1972-1975 Student Nurse, Storthes Hall Hospital, Kirkburton, Huddersfield
1975-1976 Staff Nurse (Adult Psychiatry), Storthes Hall Hospital, Kirkburton,
1976-1979 Charge Nurse (Adult Psychiatry), Storthes Hall Hospital, Kirkburton,
1979-1984 Charge Nurse (Child Psychiatry) Park Hospital for Children, Oxford
1984-1986 Charge Nurse (Elderly Psychiatry) Warneford Hospital, Oxford
1986-1988 Nurse Teacher, Wakefield School of Nursing (Mental Health)
1988-1992 Nurse Tutor, Wakefield School of Nursing (Mental Health)
Psychotherapy Employment and Vocational History
i. Formal Training and/or Directorial Positions
Co-Founder, Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute, and Co-Director,
Associate Teaching Member, Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute, 19942002
Company Director, Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute, 2000-2003
Company Director, Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute, 2001-2004
Full Teaching Member, Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute, 2004present
Head of Training, Minster Centre, 1999-2000
External Relations Officer, Minster Centre, 2000-2003
Taught One Year Modules on:
Freud and Jung
Object Relations in Psychoanalysis
Styles of Facilitation
Workshops on:
Psychiatry Today
Co-Led One Year Supervision Course for Qualified Practitioners with Sue
Faciliated Experiential Group
ii. Full Training Led and Completed
Integrative Psychotherapy Training, Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute
ii. Freelance work and experience
(from 1992 onwards)
Regular Training Workshops (Psychodynamic, Integrative, and Supervision)
offered on Higher Diploma and MA Courses in Integative Psychotherapy, at
University College Cork, Eire 1993-present
Miscellaneous Training Workshops offered at:
Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute
Karuna Institute
Bretton Hall College of Education
Leeds UniversityPsychotherapy Dept
External Examiner for:
Sherwood Psychotherapy Training Institute,
Gestalt Psychotherapy Training Institute,
Metanoia Institute,
North Staffs Psychotherapy Institute
Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education
Validating Assessor in UKCP for the following Organisations and Trainings:
South Trent Training in Dynamic Psychotherapy
Westminster Pastoral Foundation Graduate Organisation
Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy
Northern Guild for Psychotherapy
Terapia Integrative Child Psychotherapy Training
Institute for Psychosynthesis
Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling Education
London Association for Primal Psychotherapists
Groupwork and Organisational Supervisor for:
Harbour Counselling Service, Cork
Other Relevant Organisational Experience
Delegate for Yorkshire Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy to Rugby
Conference/United Kingdom Standing Conference for Psychotherapy (UKSCP,
which inaugurated as United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, UKCP, 1993)
from 1987-1993
Member of Analytic Section Working Party (Rugby Conference) 1987-1988
Member of Conference Working Party (Council of UKSCP from 1989) 1988-1993
Delivered Inaugural Address of UKSCP, 1989 (published in Association of Family
Therapy Newsletter)
Founding Chair, Training Standards Sub-Committee UKSCP (now Training
Standards Committee), 1992-1993
Member of Sub-Committee on Definition of Organisation and Section (Now
Membership Committee, Rugby Conference/UKSCP), 1988-1993
Delegate to United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) for Sherwood
Psychotherapy Training Institute, 1996-2000
Delegate to UKCP for Minster Centre, 2000-2003
Delegate to UKCP for Scarborough Psychotherapy Training Institute, 2003-present
Elected (Ordinary) Member of Governing Board UKCP 2000-2002/2005-present
Hon Sec, Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy Section, 1997-2000
Chair, Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy Section, 2002-2005
Co-Chair, UKCP Professional Conference Committee, 2000-2002
Chair, UKCP Professional Conference Committee, 2002-2006
Professional Development Officer, United Kingdom Association for Therapeutic
Counselling (UKATC)2000-2002
Chair, United Kingdom Association for Therapeutic Counselling (UKATC), 20022003
Co-Chair, United Kingdom Association for Therapeutic Counselling (UKATC),
Contributor of a substantial appendix to UKCP’s mapping of the field of the
Psychotherapies Document to the Department of Health, 2005
(Appendix B, p 69)
Presenter of the UKCP position on regulation at the Freud Museum/Roehampton
Conference on Thereapeutic Training after Freud, 2006
Published as Psychotherapy Visible: Psychotherapy Invisible, in European
Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling, 8, 4, December 2006, pp. 429-433
Honorary Fellow of UKCP (March 2008)
Editorships and Publications
Senior Editor, International Journal of Psychotherapy (IJP), Journal of the
European Association for Psychotherapy, 1994-2004 (first issue, 1996, final issue
Own Papers published in IJP on (themes):
'Phenomenological Causality', 1998
'The Significance of Julian Jaynes and Schizophrenia', 1999
'Pluralism as Scientific Method in Psychotherapy', 1999
‘An inspired resurrection of Freudian drive theory: but does Nick Totton’s
Reichian ‘bodymind’ concept supersede Cartesian dualism?’ Review article on Nick
Totton’ s The Water in the Glass: body and mind in psychoanalysis, 2000
Conjoint review of: ‘Relationality’, by Stephen Mitchell; ‘Beyond Empathy’, by
Richard Erskine, Janet Moursund, Rebecca Trautmann; ‘The Evil We Do’, by Carl
Goldberg, 2001
‘Retrieving a posthumous text-message; Nietzsche’s fall: the significance of the
disputed asylum writing, ‘My Sister and I’ ’, 2002
‘The autonomy of psychotherapy — Why psychotherapy can be subordinate neither
to psychology nor psychiatry’, 2003
Review articles 2003
‘Impossible meeting: too strange to each other for misunderstanding’,
Review Article on Darlene Bregman Ehrenberg’s The Intimate
‘Psychoanalysis as finite, psychoanalysis as infinite? Psychoanalysis’
religious potential’: Review Article on Who is the Dreamer who Dreams the
Dream?, by James S. Grotstein
‘The Shadow of Freud: Is Daniel Stern still a psychoanalyst? The
creative tension between the present and the past in psychoanalytic and existential
psychotherapies, in Daniel Stern’s The Present Moment, and his humanistic—
existential partners in dialogue’, Review Article on Daniel Stern’s The Present
Moment: In Psychotherapy and Everyday Life, and Creative License: the art of
Gestalt Therapy, M. Spanuolo Lobb, and N. Amendt-Lyon, Eds
Three Editorials per year and Book Reviews
Book Reviews and short papers in Self and Society, European Journal of
Psychotherapy and Counselling, and The Psychotherapist
I have co-edited, and contributed to, two books drawing from the, pluralistically
conceived, UKCP Professional Conferences; (I was Chair of the Organising
Committee till 2006):
Revolutionary Connections: Psychotherapy and Neuroscience (co-edited with
Jenny Corrigall) (2004)
About a Body: Working with the Embodied Mind in Psychotherapy (co-edited
with Jenny Corrigall and Helen Payne) (2006)
Book in Press in Karnac-UKCP Series:
The Muse as Therapist: A New Poetic Paradigm for Psychotherapy
Book Chapter in Press (Routledge/Taylor and Francis)
Primary Process of Deconstruction: Towards a Derridean Psychotherapy,
Chapter Four of:
Beyond Postmodernism: Extending the Reach of Psychoanalysis:
Roger Frie and Donna Orange, Eds.
Some Major Achievements and efforts at Conflict Resolution and Organisational
Development in UKCP and EAP
1. Within the Sub-Committee for Section and Organisation (the forerunnerof the
Membership Committee, the other members were Haya Oakley, Annette Meadows,
and Elspeth Morley) I was the main architect of the ‘Core Philosophy’ or Generic
Modality basis for Sections, and it was upon the basis of this work that I was invited
to give the Inaugural Address of UKSCP in 1989.
2. I was the pioneer and first Chair of what became the Training Standards
Committee, but started out as the Training Standards Sub-Committee
3. I was the person who formulated the concept of Institutional Member, a
compromise concept but one which has deferred many conflicts over the years.
4. With Derek Blows, Director of the Westminster Pastoral Foundation, I was the
moving force in the move in January 1988 to defer (by tabling) voting on subdivsioning of the Psychoanalytic Section, which postponed the split in
UKSCP/UKCP for four years, and enabled UKCP to come into being.
5. It was on the back of the above conciliation that, with Courtenay Young, I was
elected to the Rugby Conference Working Party (later Council, Governing Board,
Board of Trustees) in its first ever elections. This later evolved into the concept of
Elected Ordinary Member.
6. In 1989 formulated the basis for the first new Section of UKCP, which became
the Experiential Constructivist Section, and has had a significant mediating role in
UKCP over the years.
7. Through my Senior Editorship of International Journal of Psychotherapy,
Journal of the EAP, I developed, and promulgated in both Organisations, a
philosophy of Pluralism in psychotherapy, as the basis of the field. Consequently I
have been in the forefront of ‘mapping the field’ in a generic way, and my
contribution to the UKCP submission to the Department of Health and 2005, and
presentation on behalf of UKCP at the Freud Museum/Roehampton Conference on
Training in 2006 are evidences of that.
8. In 2001-2002 I was probably the person who prevented a complete breakdown in
relations between the EAP and UKCP, and consequently made it possible for EAP
to pass the more democratic statutes in 2002, which have made subsequent repair of
relations possible, culminating in UKCP and EAP co-hosting the 2006 10th
Professional Conference of UKCP and 14th Congress of EAP at Cambridge.
9. Dorothy Hamilton and myself were the principal architects of the UKCP
Professional Conferences, the vehicles of Professional Dialogue in UKCP,
beginning in 1995. Latterly with Jenny Corrigall I have chaired the process of the
last two conferences and co-edited the books which arose from them.
10. As Chair of HIPS, and as a vehicle of continuity in UKCP, I was able to support
James Pollard as Chair as he restabilised UKCP from 2002-2005 after a period of
11. As Chair of HIPS I was able to bring to fruition the recognition by UKCP of the
modality of Integrative Child Psychotherapy within UKCP, and to assist in the
process through which Laura Donington and Jenny McNamara, with others, have
been establishing the presence of Child Psychotherapy as independent
Psychotherapy modes within UKCP.
12. Latterly with my new articulated concept of a non-science based aesthetic
paradigm for the psychotherapies, I am increasingly in the forefront of those who
are challenging the supremacy of the purely ‘evidence-based’ paradigm for
13. I was one of the key people involved in establishing the basis for
Psychotherapeutic Counselling in UKCP.
14. I have been through the whole process of bringing a new Organisation –
Scarborough Psychottherapy Training Institute, founded in 1991 – from start to
finish to the point where it achieved Full Membership of UKCP.
I have a special interest in the interface between religion, philosophy, the arts, and
psychotherapy. I am dedicated to promoting and protecting a serious pluralistic and
deconstructionist position and dialogue within the politics of psychotherapy, and I
have had a substantial facilitative effect within the psychotherapy field in my work
over 20 years for UKCP. I am a creative experiential trainer and teacher with over
20 years experience. I co-founded a Psychotherapy Institute in Scarborough which
is now a Full Organisational Member of UKCP.
I believe the structure and conventions of all human organisations, and
institutions, are profoundly secondary to individual personal and relational
processes, but that, within their necessarily imperfect limits, and as a necessary evil,
they should be regulated by constitutional and libertarian principles of
organisation, ethics, and politics. I try to bring jest and humour to serious matters
without dismissing their seriousness. I like people, and some of them I love, and I
love also the natural world, particularly butterflies, the sea and moors and
mountains, - as well as music, soccer, cricket and other sport. I am a bit of an
internet groupie!
Heward Wilkinson, 2008