12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 1 of 16 Subject: Refinements to currency sign and currency symbol rules Author: Charles C. Stevens Document references: 1) ISO/IEC 1989:20xx CD 1.2 2) PL22.4/02-0128, Defect report – multiple currency signs (Jones). 3) PL22.4/06-0135, Currency Sign, String, and Symbol Issues with related (and not so related) problems (Klein) 4) PL22.4/09-0121, Currency sign (et al) Follow Up (Paper 1 of 3) (Klein) 5) PL22.4/09-0122, Currency sign (et al) Follow Up (Paper 2 of 3) (Klein) Author's general comments [probably to be deleted before final distribution]: On national literals as currency symbols: The advisability and utility of allowing national literals as currency symbols was carefully considered. The major problem with this is that the utility is marginal at best. An examination of the rules for LOCALE lead the author to the string suspicion (subject to correction by those with better understanding in this area) that the processing of numeric-edited items is first performed according to the non-LOCALE rules, then a secondary process converts that information into the format specified by the LOCALE. As the rules for that secondary processing are delegated to a separate International Standard (ISO/IEC 9943:-2:1993), that processing is outside the purview or direct control of either the user or the COBOL standard. On hexadecimal literals as currency symbols: The meaning of hexadecimal literals is consistently described as being determined at run time. Since the identification of a currency symbol within a PICTURE character-string must take at compile time, since a currency symbol must be chosen from a limited set of characters, and since it is not possible to "embed" a hexadecimal value directly among the characters in a PICTURE character-string, this author believes allowing a hexadecimal literal as a currency symbol is a fundamentally bad idea, regardless of whether it is currently allowed by the syntax rules or not. 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 2 of 16 On the use of non-COBOL characters as currency symbols: Despite PICTURE clause Syntax Rule 2 as currently written, this author believes that the intent of the standard is to allow currency symbols such as the UK pound, the Euro, and the Japanese Yen to be used as currency symbols. Certainly a number of implementations are based on that assumption. These (and other similar) characters are not allowed in library text, source text, or pseudotext for processing through COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE. This document proposes notes in several places recommending against the practice, without the (current) intent to archaize it. On the impact of non-COBOL characters as currency symbols on COPY and REPLACE: The author is preparing a document whose current direction is to provide a specific mechanism for the substitution of non-COBOL characters in COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE by creating a new form analogous to the text-word, It might be equally effective to provide NOTEs to the effect that using nonCOBOL characters in or as text-words is not conforming COBOL, though it may be allowed as an implementor extension. After all, if the currency STRING contains a non-COBOL character, the author already proposes NOTEs to the effect that it's a really good idea to specify the currency symbol explicitly from within the COBOL character repertoire, and perhaps leaving the text-word definition as is and noting that this is a fundamental limitation on COPY and REPLACE that will not be treated as an error. If you want to have a non-COBOL character as the currency string, the best and most portable way to do that is to make sure the symbol is part of the COBOL character repertoire by providing a COBOL character as the currency symbol for the non-COBOL currency string, even if the string is a single character. More generally, if you don't like the consequences of having a nonCOBOL character as a currency symbol (in particular, on COPY and REPLACE), then the most obvious and effective solution is to avoid the practice, not expect the standard to provide a mechanism to change those consequences. . 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 3 of 16 Discussion: The original issue precipitating this effort is described in Reference 2. This led to further investigation in the area, and much of the additional background information may be found in References 3 -5. Considerable correspondence between this author of References 3-5 and the author of these documents led to the direction taken in this paper. PL22.4 elected to defer all these issues to the revision. During the course of this investigation, it was noted that numerous instances of "the currency symbol" appeared throughout the standard. This is no longer appropriate in most cases given the possibility of multiple currency symbols within a single program as introduced with ISO/IEC 1989:2002, and changes are recommended to correct these cases for clarity. Details of the individual issues raised in references 2, 3, 4, and 5 are summarized as follows: 1) PL22.4/02-0128 (reference 2) notes that multiple currency sign clauses using the same currency sign are allowed by the standard, and proposes that the last encountered be used. . Recommended response: Duplicate currency strings are allowed; the rules are being revised to specify that each of the duplicate currency strings must be associated explicitly with a unique currency symbol through the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase of the CURRENCY SIGN clause. 2) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 1 notes that literal-7 in the CURRENCY SIGN clause may be a national literal, but that literal-8 may not be. Allowing literal-8 to be a national literal should be considered as a candidate for a future revision. Recommended response: Since the PICTURE character-string for a USAGE NATIONAL data item is limited to the alphanumeric characters N, B, / and 0, there is no demonstrable enhanced utility in allowing a national literal as a currency symbol, and considerable risk of ambiguity and confusion. The rules are being revised to clarify that national literals as literal-8 (and for that matter literal-7 when literal-8 is not specified) oin the CURRENCY SIGN clause are not permitted. 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 4 of 16 3) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 2 notes the absence of a rule prohibiting multiple instances of literal-7 from having the same value (with or without currency symbols). Recommended response: The rules are being revised to specify that duplicate currency strings are permitted so long as each of them has a currency symbol that is unique within the program. 4) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 3 notes that in the absence of PICTURE SYMBOL phrases there is no rule prohibiting two currency strings which are also used as currency symbols from matching after case mapping. Recommended response: The rules are being revised to specify that currency symbols within a program must be unique, after case mapping, whether or not they are specified by PICTURE SYMBOL phrases. 5) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3):item 4 notes that no rule prohibits a currency string used also as a currency symbol from having the same value (with or without case mapping) as another currency symbol. . Recommended response: The rules are being revised to specify that currency symbols within a program must be unique, after case mapping, whether or not they are specified by PICTURE SYMBOL phrases. 6) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (first) 5 notes that there is no prohibition against having a national currency symbol and an alphabetic currency symbol that equate to the same value according to the COBOL character repertoire rules. It also notes that the USAGE of the currencystring must be the same as that of the data item. Recommended response: The rules are being revised to specify that national literals are disallowed as currency symbols, whether specified by literal-7 or literal-8, and that currency symbols must be unique within a given program. Since the symbols B, /, 0 and N are the only ones allowed in a USAGE NATIONAL data item, a currency STRING of USAGE NATIONAL for a numeric-edited data item (which cannot be of class national) is of no utility, though it is permitted so long as a 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 5 of 16 letter from the computer's coded character set is specified as the associated picture symbol. No change is needed on this account. 7) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (first) 6 subitem A notes that when literal-7 is used as both a currency symbol and a currency string, it is treated "as if uppercase", and that this may imply that the currency STRING is not converted to upper case but left as is Recommended response: The rules are being revised to clarify that the value of a currency string is not converted in any way for output, input, and data comparison and conversion purposes. Uppercase and lowercase instantiations of the same character can be used as currency strings in a given program provided BOTH of them specify unique currency symbols. When a CURRENCY SIGN clause does not include the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase, an uppercase character as both the currency string and the currency symbol is treated as equivalent to its corresponding lowercase character for purposes of matching with the contents of a PICTURE character-string. 8) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (first) 6 subitem B notes that in general character mapping in COBOL is from upper to lower case, but in the case of PICTURE this sense is reversed, and for that reason some ambiguities may arise. Recommended response: Although the value of the currency string is used exactly as specified, uppercase and lowercase instantiations of the same character are equivalent in terms of the currency symbol. The rules are being revised to make it clear that programmatic comparisons between the PICTURE character-string and the currency symbol are based on lowercase equivalence. 9) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitems A-i and A-ii note that there are some ambiguities in the specifications as to which characters can be used as currency symbols and which cannot. Recommended response: The rules are being revised to make it more explicit exactly which sets of characters can be used as currency symbols. Issues surrounding the use of non-COBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY…REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort. 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 6 of 16 10) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem A-iii notes the limitation of "text-wors" to separators, literals, and strings of characters from the COBOL character repertoire. Recommended response: Issues surrounding the use of nonCOBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY…REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort. 11) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem A-iv notes that many implementations allow the yen (¥), UK pound (£), and Euro (€) signs as currency symbols. These characters are not included in the COBOL character repertoire, and recommends that they (and other non-COBOL characters) be allowed as currency symbols. Recommended response: The rules are being revised to allow characters from outside the COBOL character repertoire to be used as currency symbols. Cautionary NOTEs are also being added to suggest that when the currency string is a single character from outside the COBOL character repertoire, the use of the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase to supply a currency symbol from within that set is recommended on the grounds of increased likelihood of portability. 12) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem A-v notes that such characters as the yen, UK pound and Euro signs are prohibited in text-words, although many implementations allow such use. This can create incompatibilities between implementations. Recommended response: Issues surrounding the use of nonCOBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort. 13) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem B-i notes that SPECIAL-NAMES GR18 and GR20 do not specify the character repertoire from which the content of the currency string must be chosen when there is no associated PICTURE SYMBOL phrase. Recommended response: The use of literal-7 as both the currency symbol and the currency sign in this case limits the content of literal-7 to those characters that are also legitimate as a 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 7 of 16 currency symbol. Associated rules as to the content of a currency symbol are being revised. 14) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitems B-ii and B-iii note that while the currency symbol, when explicitly declared, can be any character from the computer's coded character set, while Syntax Rule 2 of PICTURE disallows any character from outside the COBOL character repertoire. Recommended response: Syntax rule 2 of the PICTURE clause is in error (see for example Syntax Rule 8 of the PICTURE clause which conflicts with it) in not allowing the currency symbol, and is being revised to correct that error. 15) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem B-iv notes that characters in text-words are limited to those in the COBOL character repertoire. Recommended response: Issues surrounding the use of nonCOBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort. 16) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem C-i notes ambiguities in the rules regarding the use of characters from the computer's coded character set that are not also in the COBOL character repertoire in the CURRENCY SIGN clause without the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase. Recommended response: The rules specifying the allowable content of currency symbols and the PICTURE character-string Iare being revised to eliminate these ambiguities. 17) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem C-ii notes that such characters were not allowed as text-words in source text, library text, or pseudo-text, whether or not they were allowed in picture characterstrings. Recommended response: Issues surrounding the use of nonCOBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort. 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 8 of 16 18) PL22/06-0135 (reference 3) subitem C-iii notes that characters that are not within the COBOL character repertoire are permitted in the currency symbol according to the rules for SPECIAL-NAMES, but prohibited in PICTURE character-strings by SR2 of the PICTURE clause. This renders their specification as currency symbols useless in conforming COBOL programs. It also notes that they are not allowed in text-words. Recommended response: The rules specifying the allowable content of currency symbols and the PICTURE character-string Iare being revised to eliminate these ambiguities. Issues surrounding the use of non-COBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort. 19) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 5 subitem D notes that the yen sign, pound sign, and euro sign fall outside the COBOL character repertoire and are not technically permitted as currency symbols, and since they are also not permitted in text-words, this causes problems for text-words in COPY and REPLACE. . Recommended response: The rules specifying the allowable content of currency symbols and the PICTURE character-string are being revised to allow the use of such characters as currency symbols. Cautionary NOTEs are also being added to suggest that when the currency string is a single character from outside the COBOL character repertoire, the use of the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase to supply a currency symbol from within that set is recommended on the grounds of increased likelihood of portability. Issues surrounding the use of non-COBOL characters in, or as, text-words in source text, library text, and in the COPY … REPLACING and REPLACE statements are to be addressed in a future effort 20) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item (second) 6 notes that hex literals represent bit patterns from the runtime character set, but in certain cases they must be interpreted at compile time. Understanding of the value of a hex literal at compile time seems required in the following known contexts: 1) literal-1 and literal-2 of a COPY statement; 2) literal-1 in a constant entry declaration, especially when that constant is used as a repetition 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 9 of 16 specification in a PICTURE character-string. There may be other such cases. . Recommended response: The rules are being revised to prohibit the use of hex literals as currency symbols. The valid values for literal-1 and literal-2 in COPY statements are expressly defined by the implementor. The use of a hex literal in a constant entry that is referenced as the repetition specification in a PICTURE characterstring is to be addressed in a future effort. Suggestions as to what other cases not yet identified require knowledge of the value and meaning (and not just the actual content) of hex literals at compile time are welcome. 21) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 7 notes that there do not seem to be any rules prohibiting more than one currency symbol from being used within a given PICTURE character-string Recommended response: The rules are being revised to prohibit the use of more than one unique currency symbol within a given PICTURE character-string. (Repetitions of the same currency symbol, with no other currency symbol appearing in the PICTURE character-string, are currently allowed for floating insertion). . 22) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 8 recalls discussions about the allowance or disallowance of forward references to type-names, but recalls no similar discussions about forward references to constant entries. Prohibiting forward references to constant entries would prohibit their use as literal-7 and literal-8 in the CURRENCY SIGN clause. Recommended response: No general prohibition against forward references is known to exist. No restriction preventing the use of constant-names as either the currency string or the currency symbol is intended here. No change is being made on this issue. . 23) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 9 notes that it is unclear whether "extended letters" from the COBOL character repertoire are allowed in PICTURE character-strings as they explicitly are in user-defined words. Recommended response: The rules for the content of the PICTURE character-string are being revised to include the currency symbol, which is permitted to be any character (with exceptions) from the computer's coded character set, which is presumed to include "extended letters". 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 10 of 16 Cautionary NOTEs are also being added to suggest that when the currency string is a single character from outside the COBOL character repertoire, the use of the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase to supply a currency symbol from within that set is recommended on the grounds of increased likelihood of portability. 24) PL22.4/06-0135 (reference 3) item 10 notes the use of undefined terminology ("case-insensitive") in the rules for the NUMVAL-C function when the ANYCASE parameter is specified. Recommended response: The argument rules for the NUMVALC intrinsic function are being revised to clarify the intent using more-established terminology. Note that if argument-2 for this function contains a currency string as a data item, it need bear no relationship to any CURRENCY SIGN clause in the program. When neither argument-2 nor the LOCALE parameter is included, matching of the data in argument-1 is against the set of currency strings in the program, and any comparisons between national or alphanumeric letters in the data or in the currency strings are compared against the data using their respective lowercase equivalents when the ANYCASE keyword parameter is specified, and are exact comparisons when it is not. . 25) PL22.4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 1 notes that the "formal" definitions for "currency symbol" and "currency string" are found in the general rules for the CURRENCY SIGN clause and recommends they be moved somewhere before SR18 so that they can be used in the syntax rules. Recommended response: Rather than enhance or correct the glossary entry for a given technical term in the standard, the general practice is to insure that an index entry points to the functional definition. As part of the revision to SR18, the term "currency string" is being more formally defined within this syntax rule. SR19 will be modified to define similarly the term "currency symbol" for the case in which literal-8 is not specified, and SR22 will be modified to define the term for the case in which literal-8 is specified. The project editor will be asked to ensure that index entries for currency string and currency symbol exist for these pages. 26) PL22.4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 2 suggests better specifications for the equivalence of currency symbols as distinct from currency strings. It also suggests that these rules include equivalence of uppercase to 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 11 of 16 lowercase, hexadecimal and nonhexadecimal literals, and alphanumeric and national literal representations of the same alphanumeric characterl Recommended response: The rules for currency symbols are being revised to reflect the equivalence of an uppercase alphanumeric letter to its lowercase equivalent. The rules are also being revised to prohibit hexadecimal and national literals as currency symbols. 27) PL22.4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 3 suggests that a syntax rule be added such that no two currency clauses may specify equivalent currency symbols. Recommended response: The rules for the CURRENCY SIGN clause are being revised to reflect that sentiment. These rules are also being revised to allow duplicate currency strings so long as each of the duplicates has an explicitly-specified currency symbol through the PICTURE SYMBOL clause. 28) PL22.4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 4 recommends the rule noting that a lowercase character appearing as a currency symbol is equivalent to its corresponding uppercase character be rewritten. . Recommended response: The rules are being revised to reflect the fact that an uppercase letter appearing as a currency symbol or within the PICTURE character string is considered equivalent to its corresponding lowercase representation. 29) PL22,4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 5 recommends that the rules be clarified to ensure that the currency string is represented for input, output, and compatibity of data exactly as it appears in literal-7 of the CURRENCY SIGN clause. Recommended response: The rules are being revised to clarify that literal-7 is the exact representation of the currency string and no "case folding" occurs for it in that role (input, output, and validity checking). If literal-7 is also used as the currency symbol, an uppercase character appearing there, or in the PICTURE character-string with which it is being compared during compilation, is treated as its equivalent lowercase representation for comparison purposes.. , 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 12 of 16 30) PL22,4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 6 recommends the clarification of a perceived conflict between SR18 and SR22 of the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph that appears to allows the currency symbol to be a national literal if no PICTURE SYMBOL phrase is associated with its declaration, but not if the declaration of that currency symbol is explicit. Recommended response: The rules are being revised to prohibit the use of a national literal as the currency symbol, whether that symbol is represented by literal-7 or literal-8. 31) PL22.4/09-0121 (reference 4) item 7 recommends that all changes made as a result of all these clarifications be examined to ensure their validity in the context that a LOCALE phrase has been used in defining a numericedited item. Recommended response: When a LOCALE is in effect, the information is processed according to the rules without the LOCALE, and then reprocessed according to the LOCALE. That secondary processing is handled according to a different International Standard, and is outside the purview of this standard. No change is needed. 32) PL22.4/09-0122 (reference 5) items 1 and 2 recommend that all cases in which a hexadecimal literal is allowed throughout the standard be examined to determine whether it is necessary for the corresponding value to be determined at compile time, and rules written to resolve these issues. Recommended response: The rules for the currency symbol are being revised to prohibit hexadecimal literals in that context. Determination of other cases in which the ultimate representation of the hexadecimal literal needs to be known at compile time, and development of rules to provide for these circumstances, is deferred to a future effort. 33) PL22.4/09-0122 (reference 5) item 3 suggests the use of a FLAG-nn feature to flag hexadecimal lilterals whose value and meaning must be known at compile time. Recommended response: Flagging of hex literals used as currency symbols is unnecessary; they are now prohibited. 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 13 of 16 The following are deferred to a future effort: 1) Determination of cases other than the CURRENCY SIGN clause in which the ultimate representation of the hexadecimal literal needs to be known at compile time; 2) development of rules to provide for these circumstances; and 3) determination as to whether a FLAG-nn mechanism is appropriate for each such circumstance. Changes recommended for the revision: 1) Page 66, 8.2.1, Locale field names, entry for LC-MONETARY items "p-csprecedes" and "n-cs-precedes": Change both in part to read " … whether a currency symbol precedes …" 2) Page 82,, PICTURE character-strings, introductory paragraph: Change in part to read "… composed of a currency symbol that …" 3) Page 221,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, Syntax Rule 18: Add the following sentence: Literal-7 is the currency string associated with this particular CURRENCY SIGN clause. When literal-8 does not appear in the CURRENCY SIGN clause, literal-7 is also the currency symbol associated with the clause." Add an index entry for this rule (it is the formal definition of "currency string" and half the definition of "currency symbol"). 4) Page 221,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph: Add three new syntax rules immediately after SR18 (renumbering the remainder accordingly: 18a) If literal-7 is a hexadecimal literal or a national literal, the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase shall be present in the CURRENCY SIGN clause. 18b) If two or more occurrences of a currency string have the same value, the CURRENCY SIGN clause associated with each of them shall include the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase, specifying a unique currency symbol for each of them. . 18c) No two occurrences of a currency symbol may have the same value, nor may they have the uppercase or lowercase equivalent to that value. 5) Page 221,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph: Add the following NOTE immediately after (current) Syntax Rule 20: 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 14 of 16 NOTE The use of a character from outside the COBOL character repertoire as literal-7 when the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase is not specified, or as literal-8 when the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase is specified, is not recommended, even though such use is permitted. In cases such as this it is suggested that the PICTURE SYMBOL phrase be used to specify a currency symbol from within the COBOL character repertoire. The subset of the computer's character repertoire that is not also part of the COBOL character repertoire is defined by the implementor; for that reason, the possibility exists that programs using a character from outside the COBOL character repertoire for the currency symbol may not be portable to other implementations because the computer's coded character set on other implementations might not include the character in the currency symbol. . 6) Page 221,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, Syntax Rule 22: Change in part to read " … figurative constant or a hexadecimal literal. No two … " Add the following sentence at the end: "Literal-8, when specified, is the currency symbol associated with the currency string specified in the CURRENCY SIGN clause." Add an index entry for this rule; it is the second half of the formal definition of "currency symbol". 7) Page 225,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, General Rule 13, antepenultimate paragraph: Change to read "Literal-7 represents the value of the currency string. For character matching between literal-7 and input or output data or for checking for data compatibility against the currency string, the representation of the currency string in the data shall be exactly as it appears in literal-7 unless explicitly specified elsewhere." 8) Page 226,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, General Rule 13, first paragraph: Change in part to read " … is referred to as a currency symbol." 9) Page 226,, SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, General Rule 13, last paragraph: Change to read "An uppercase character appearing as a currency symbol is treated as if it were its lowercase equivalent for purposes of matching with PICTURE character-strings. An uppercase character appearing as a picture symbol is treated as if it were its lowercase equivalent for purposes of matching with currency symbols. 10) Page 338,, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 2: Change to read "Character-string-1 shall consist of an allowable combination of characters used as symbols. All such characters, with the exception of a currency symbol, shall be from the COBOL character repertoire. 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 15 of 16 11) Page 338,, PICTURE clause: Add the following NOTE after Syntax Rule 2: NOTE: The use of a character other than the basic letters, basic special characters, and extended letters of the COBOL character repertoire as a currency symbol is not recommended. The PICTURE SYMBOL phrase of the CURRENCY SIGN clause may be used to specify an association between the desired currency string and a currency symbol from among the basic letters and basic special characters of the COBOL character repertoire. 12) Page 338,, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 3: Change to read "All uppercase letters in character-string-1 are equivalent to their corresponding lowercase representations." 13) Page 338, 13..18.39.1, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 8: Change in part to read " … or a currency symbol." 14) Page 339, 13.18,39.1, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 24: Change in part to read "A currency symbol, when used …" 15) Page 340,, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 26: Change in part to read " … when a currency symbol is used …" 16) Page 340,, PICTURE clause: Add a new Syntax Rule immediately after SR 28 (renumbering the remaining rules accordingly): "If a currency symbol appears in a PICTURE character-string, only that currency symbol shall appear in that PICTURE character-string. 17) Page 340,, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 31: Change in part to read " … '+', '.', and a currency symbol may appear …" 18) Page 340,, PICTURE clause, Syntax Rule 33: Change in part to read "A currency symbol and …" 19) Page 341,, PICTURE clause, General Rule 12a, third bullet item: Change in part to read "… a currency symbol." 20) Page 341,, PICTURE clause, General Rule 12b: Change the entry for "E" in part to read " … by the symbol 'E' or the symbol 'e'. 21) Page 342,, PICTURE clause, General Rule 13, entry for "E": Change in part to read "The symbols "E" and "e" represent …" 12 December 2010 OWG-1/29-0016 Page 16 of 16 22) Page 343,, PICTURE clause, General Rule 14, entry for "cs": Change in part to read " … corresponding to a currency symbol …" 23) Page 345, 13.18.39.,3, PICTURE clause, General Rule 17, entry for "cs": Change in part to read "A currency symbol indicates …" 24) Page 347,, Editing Rule 5, Fixed insertion editing, Table 8: Change the contents for "CR" in the editing symbol column to read "CR, cr", and change the contents for "DB" to read "DB, db". 25) Page 347,, Editing Rule 5, Fixed insertion editing: Change the last paragraph to read "The uppercase letters CR are the insertion characters for the insertion symbols 'CR' and 'cr'. The uppercase letters DB are the insertion characters for the insertion symbols 'DB' and 'db". 26) Page 348,, Editing Rule 9: Change in part to read " … used for a currency symbol are determined …". 27) Page 349,, Precedence rules, Format 1, first paragraph: Change the last sentence in part to read "A currency symbol is indicated …". 28) Page 350,, Precedence rules, Format 1, second paragraph: Change the first sentence in part to read "A currency symbol …". 29) Page 350,, Precedence rules, Format 1, fourth paragraph: Change in part to read "The symbol 'P', a currency symbol when used …". NOTE: Analysis of the above changes for candidacy for the "Substantive Changes" lists, and provision of the appropriate entries, is left to a future draft of this document.