Hurricane Research Project Name: Hurricane: _____________________ Dates of your storm: _______________________ Part I: The following questions relate specifically to your own hurricane. 1. What “category” was your hurricane? 2. What was your hurricane’s maximum wind speed and minimum pressure? (If you can’t locate exact numbers, just use the general ranges given by the Saffir-Simpson hurricane intensity scale). 3. Describe the path that your hurricane traveled. Also, be sure to mention if your hurricane made landfall anywhere in the United States? If so, what place(s) did it hit? 4. How many people were killed/injured/evacuated? 5. How much damage (in dollar value) did the hurricane cause? 6. Was your hurricane an: - Early season storm (June, July) - Middle (peak season) storm- (August, September) - Late season storm (October, November) 7. Where did your hurricane form? - Atlantic Ocean - Gulf of Mexico - Caribbean - Pacific Ocean 8. Was your hurricane’s name retired? (This only occurs for very destructive hurricanes.) 9. What are three interesting, unique factoids about your hurricane? 1) 2) 3) 10. What number of the year was your storm in the Atlantic Basin? What number Hurricane of the year was your storm? 11. Did your hurricane create a recorded storm surge? If so, describe. 12. Was there a mandatory or voluntary evacuation instituted for your hurricane? Part II: The following questions relate to all hurricanes in general. 13. All storms go through two distinct stages before reaching hurricane status at stage three. A) Name the other three stages that storms pass through on their way to becoming hurricanes. And next to each, record the minimum wind speed. 1) Tropical __________ - _______________. 2) Tropical __________ - _______________. B) How fast do a storm’s winds have to be (in mph) before it is considered a hurricane (Category 1)? 14. For hurricanes to form over tropical waters, the water temperature must be at least ______ º F. 15. All hurricanes have a wide range of weather related dangers that can be very deadly (heavy rain and high winds for example). But, rain and high winds are not a factor in most hurricane deaths. What is the name for the hurricane force which causes the most deaths during a storm? 16. In a land-falling hurricane, tornadoes are most likely to occur on the (right, left) side of the central eye. 17. What is the name given to the part of the hurricane where the strongest winds are located? 18. Discuss possible safeguards that should be taken near coastal cities if/when a hurricane is approaching. Hurricanes List 1. Andrew (1992) 31. Betsy (1965) 2. Hugo (1989) 32. Connie (1955) 3. Camille (1969) 33. Tropical Storm Alberto (1994) 4. Agnes (1972) 34. Carla (1961) 5. Hazel (1954) 35. Dennis (1999) 6. Isabel (2003) 36. Florida- Lake Okeechobee (1928) 7. Gilbert (1988) 37. Fran (1996) 8. Mitch (1998) 38. Erin (1995) 9. Elena (1985) 39. Irene (1999) 10. Audrey (1957) 40. Isidore (2002) 11. Galveston, Texas (1900) 41. Lili (2002) 12. New England (1938) 42. Gustav (2008) 13. Bob (1991) 43. Opal (1995) 14. Carol (1954) 44. Celia (1970) 15. Gloria (1985) 45. Frances (2004) 16. Donna (1960) 46. Ivan (2004) 17. Gracie (1959) 47. Charley (2004) 18. Diane (1955) 48. Katrina (2005) 19. Alicia (1983) 49. Rita (2005) 20. Allen (1980) 50. Ike (2008) 21. David (1979) 51. Igor (2010) 22. Frederick (1979) 23. Joan (1988) 24. Iniki (1992) 25. Georges (1998) 26. Bonnie (1998) 27. Floyd (1999) 28. Beulah (1967) 29. Labor Day Storm- Florida Keys (1935) 30. Eloise (1975) MultiMedia Project Requirements: Task: to write a “script” by using the requirements below, which you will use to create a presentation in your MultiMedia course, using various software and techniques that Mr. Hughes will introduce to you. Date: your hurricane research and script, which you will use/read to create your presentation is due November 16th. Role: you will play the role of a brilliant chief meteorologist who is warning citizens in his/her viewing area of the dangers of an oncoming hurricane, and covering the daily path, damage and progression of that hurricane. You will have to decide in which city you will be a weathercaster and create a fictional TV alias to be used during your evening news updates. (Obviously, the city you choose will have to have been affected by the hurricane which you chose to research). Specifics: create a seven-day coverage (not necessarily seven consecutive days) of a specific, historic hurricane as though you are a meteorologist forecasting, covering and then summarizing a hurricane’s progression as it actually occurred in the past. Description of your daily forecast: each day you design your evening forecast, you should include the following information: (this information will all be found on the Hurricane Tracking website your teacher will show you in class). - Current wind speeds Current pressure Current category Location – absolute and in relation to last update At lease once during your audio recording, you will describe the following details of your hurricane (you may mention the following during any evening update you feel appropriate): Before the hurricane arrives at your coastal city: - In an evening update before your storm hits landfall, you should mention to your listeners what safeguards should be taken to protect their lives and their property. - Also, you should obviously mention if there was a mandatory/voluntary evacuation - Where did your hurricane originate/form? As the hurricane is approaching/affecting your coastal city: - What number of the Atlantic Basin storms was this hurricane? What part of hurricane season is this storm forming? At what time and location did your hurricane make landfall? Is there a storm surge created by the hurricane? After the hurricane has passed your location and is dissipating: - What is your prediction of whether this hurricane will be retired? - What were the total cost and number of casualties associated with your storm? - What were the maximum wind speed and classification of your storm, and what was the minimum air pressure? - If there was an evacuation, is it safe/recommended for citizens to return? The interesting facts you found about your storm can be mentioned during any evening forecast you wish (pre, during or post storm). *** Your science teachers have put several useful links on their SchoolWires pages for you to use as you research your hurricane, retired hurricane names and specific hurricane seasons.