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Late Quaternary palaeoceanography deduced from coccolith assemblages in a piston-core recovered from off the coast of central

Japan (poster) C. Aizawa et al.

Late Pleistocene-Holocene palaeoclimate and related palaeoenvironmental changes, as recorded by calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminifera assemblages in Salerno Bay (Palinuro

Cape, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) (poster) F.O. Amore et al.

Calibration and application of coccolithophores as environmental indicators in the northern Arabian Sea (talk) H. Andruleit et al.

Palaeogene nannofossil biostratigraphy from the equatorial Pacific

Ocean (talk) J. Backman, I. Raffi et al.

Calcareous nannofossil response to palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 20 000 years in the northern North Atlantic (poster) B.

Balestra et al.

Carbonate contribution of coccolithophorids and calcareous plankton groups to South Atlantic surface-sediments (poster) K.-H. Baumann et al.

High-resolution coccolith studies on climate variability in the Eastern

Boundary Current region off NW Africa (poster) K.-H. Baumann et al.

Geographic variability of individual coccolith weight in the Indian and

Pacific Oceans (talk) L. Beaufort

Quantitative calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Upper

Miocene Monte Gibliscemi section (Sicily) (poster) S. Bonomo

The role of calcareous nannofossils in pelagic carbonate production during the Tithonian to Hauterivian interval (talk) A. Bornemann, J.


Evolution and diversity of coccolithophores (talk) P.R. Bown

Nannoplankton community response to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal

Maximum (talk) T.J. Bralower, F. Tremolada

The secret (estuarine?) life of Helicosphaera carteri: preliminary results (talk) M. Cachão et al.

Integrated calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the mid-

Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous), north-western

Australian margin (talk) R. Campbell et al.

Ceratoliths in the lowermost Pliocene of the eastern Mediterranean: correlation to the equatorial Atlantic (poster) B. Cavalazzi et al.

Miocene calcareous nannofossils from the Transylvanian Basin,

Romania (poster) C.M. Chira

Calcareous nannofossils from the Middle-Upper Jurassic of the Belluno

Basin (Southern Calcareous Alps) (poster) M. Cobianchi

Abrupt short-term climatic events in the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea

(southern Spain) during MIS2 and 3 (talk) E. Colmenero-Hidalgo et al.

Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from James

Ross and Snow Hill Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula (poster) A.


Lower Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils from the Pampa Tril area,

Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina (talk) A. Concheyro & P. Bown

A Calyptrosphaera sphaeroidea bloom in waters of the Tarragona

Harbour (NW Mediterranean) (poster) L. Cros et al.

Coccolith carbonate production in the Santa Barbara Basin (California borderland), linked to interannual and interdecadal climate changes

(talk) B. De Bernardi et al.

Calcareous nannofossil and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the

Cenomanian-Turonian of northern Venezuela (poster) N. Di Gianni, S.

Crespo de Cabrera

High-resolution calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy for the Late

Quaternary of the subtropical to sub-Antarctic SW Pacific (talk/poster)

A. Di Stefano, J. Fenner

Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic observations on the last deglaciation in the Sicily Channel, based on calcareous nannofossils

(poster) E. Di Stefano, A. Incarbona

Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Al Bayda Formation, Al

Jabal Al Akhdar, NE Libya (poster) A.A. El Mehaghag, K.A. Ashahomi

Biostratigraphic review of the Al Athrun and Apollonia Formations, based on calcareous nannofossils, Cyrenaica, NE Libya (poster) A.A.

El-Mehaghag, A.D. El-Mehdawi

Calcareous nannofossils and foraminifera from the Jardas Formation

(Upper Cenomanian), Al Jabal al Akhdar, NE Libya (poster) A.A. El-

Mehaghag et al.

Calcareous nannofossils and Mesozoic oceanic anoxic events (talk) E.


Nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene succession in the Thamad area, eastern central Sinai, Egypt (poster)

M. Faris, A.M. Abu Shama

Auxiliary nannofossil events in the Umbro-Marchean Cretaceous-

Oligocene succession (talk) A. Fiorentino et al.

Relationships between nannofossil events and formation boundaries in the Cretaceous Umbro-Marchean succession (poster) A. Fiorentino et al.

Relationships between nannofossil events and formation boundaries in the Palaeogene Umbro-Marchean succession (poster) A. Fiorentino et al.

Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from ODP Leg 188, Site 1165

(Prydz Bay, Antarctica) (poster) G. Fontanesi, G. Villa

Genotypic variation in global coccolithophorid species (talk) M. Geisen et al.

Controls on high-resolution nannofossil population abundance patterns during the Pliocene of the Equatorial Atlantic (talk) S. Gibbs et al.

Late Pleistocene/Holocene planktonic assemblages in three box-cores from the Mediterranean Ridge area (SSW of Crete): palaeoecological and palaeoceanographic reconstruction of the Sapropel S1 interval

(poster) S. Giunta et al.

Calcareous nannofossils from the Khangiran Formation (Early Eocene-

Oligocene) in the Khopet-Dogh range, NE Iran (poster) F. Hadavi

Calcareous nannoplankton of the Campanian-Maastrichtian of NE Iran

(poster) F. Hadavi, L. Khodadadi

Calcareous nannofossils from chalky limestones in the Kopet-Dogh

Range, NE Iran (poster) F. Hadavi, M.N. Moghaddam

Biostratigraphy of Seaford Head, a proposed international stratotype for the Santonian/Campanian boundary (poster) M.J. Hampton et al.

Do reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field affect life on Earth? A biometric test of the hypothesis, using calcareous nannofossils (poster)

A.S. Hartley, W.G. Siesser

Geologic history of biogenic carbonate burial in the open ocean: coccoliths versus foraminifera (poster) J. Henderiks

Atomic force microscopy of coccoliths: implications for biomineralisation and diagenesis (talk) K. Henriksen et al.

Importance of the nannoplankton fraction in the phytoplankton structure and its relationship with oceanographic conditions in the southern Gulf of Mexico (April, 2000) (talk) D.U. Hernández-Becerril et al.

Short-term environmental changes in the Cretaceous Tethyan Ocean: micropalaeontological evidence from the Early Albian Oceanic Anoxic

Event 1B (poster) J.O. Herrle et al.

Late Holocene fresh-water outflow from the Black Sea: evidence from calcareous nannoplankton in the Marmara Sea (poster) J.O. Herrle et al.

Integrated calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy of the uppermost

Campanian-Maastrichtian of the north-western Australian margin

(poster) R.W. Howe et al.

Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of a North American reference section for the Turonian/Coniacian boundary, Wagon Mound, New

Mexico, USA (talk) R.W. Howe, P.J. Sikora

Plans for the new IODP core centre at Kochi University (talk) R.W.


A high-resolution analysis of mid-Pleistocene nannofossil assemblages from the Pacific side of Japan, and changes of the oceanographic front around the NW Pacific (poster) K. Kameo et al.

Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Zagros Basin, Iran (talk) A.L. Kani

Calcareous nannofossils from the Sarcheshmeh Formation (Kopet Dagh

Basin, NE Iran) (poster) A.L. Kani, F. Dehghan

Albian-Turonian calcareous nannofossils from the Cauvery Basin, SE

India: implications for mid-Cretaceous biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography (poster) S. Kanungo, P.R. Bown

Calcareous nannofossils encountered in the Late Triassic to Middle

Cretaceous interval of the Mbate-1 Well, southern Tanzania (talk)

A.I.S. Karega

Paleocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetobiochronology from ODP Leg 171B, Blake Nose (poster) D.K.

Kulhanek, D.K. Watkins

Upper Cretaceous nannofossil record from ODP Leg 183 sites at 53-

59˚S latitude on the Kerguelen Plateau: a progress report (poster)

B.C. Ladner, S.W. Wise, Jr.

Quaternary nannofossil biostratigraphy of Sites 1170 and 1172, ODP

Leg 189 (poster) J. Lara et al.

Nannofloral biogeographic patterns illustrate long-term climate change: warming/cooling trends in the Late Cretaceous Indian and

Pacific Oceans (poster) J.A. Lees

Aspects of coccolithophore palaeoecology and palaeobiology from the

Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Kimmeridgian-Bolonian), Dorset, UK

(poster) J.A. Lees & P.R. Bown

Coccolithophores from the Nansha area (southern South China Sea): response to Quaternary upper ocean-water variability (talk) C. Liu

Morphological variability within the genus Calciosolenia, and its relationship to the genus Anoplosolenia: extant coccolithophorids from the eastern Mediterranean (poster) E. Malinverno

Carbonate dissolution within Sapropel S1: a quantitative approach based on Emiliania huxleyi coccolith morphology (poster) E.

Malinverno et al.

Biostratigraphical and ecological significance of calcareous nannofossil assemblages from subsurface (Palaeogene) sections in the Abu

Gharadig Field, Western Desert, Egypt (talk) A.M. Marzouk

Nannofossil assemblage as palaeotemperature proxy in the Middle and

Upper Toarcian (talk) E. Mattioli, B. Pittet

Tasmanian Seaway: preliminary Miocene calcareous nannofossil data from ODP Leg 189 (poster) K. McGonigal, W. Wei et al.

Distribution of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in the oceanic/neritic transition of the Gulf of Naples and Gulf of Salerno (Tyrrhenian Sea)

(talk) S. Meier & H. Willems

New calcareous dinoflagellate cysts from the Mediterranean Sea: new proxies for palaeoecological reconstructions? (poster) S. Meier, H.


High-resolution analysis of calcareous nannofossils from OAE1 sequences exposed in SE France (poster) K. Nagai et al.

Testing palaeotemperature through the statistical morphometry of

Coccolithus pelagicus: preliminary data (talk) A. Parente et al.

Toarcian calcareous nannofossil events from the Lusitanian Basin

(Portugal): certainties vs. doubts (talk) N. Perilli, L.V. Duarte

Aalenian calcareous nannofossil changes and Lotharingius/Watznaueria turnover: evidence from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) (talk) N. Perilli et al.

Application of calcareous nannofossil assemblages in the Kebumen

Sub-basin, central Java, Indonesia (talk) G.A. Permana, R. Kapid

High-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and palaeoecology from Eocene-Oligocene sediments, Maud Rise, Weddell

Sea and Kerguelen Plateau, Antarctica (talk) D. Persico, G. Villa

Spatial and temporal distribution of calcareous nannofossils in the

Valanginian of SE France (talk) B. Pittet, E. Mattioli

Calcareous nannofossils from ODP Leg 188, Prydz Bay, Antarctica

(poster) J.J. Pospichal

Automated collection and classification of calcareous nannofossil images: the COGNIS system (talk) P. Quinn et al.

Late Miocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and astrobiochronology for the Mediterranean region (talk) I. Raffi et al.

Calcareous nannofossils from the Maniara Fort Formation (Oligocene),

SW Kachchh (= Kutch), western India (talk) J. Rai

An integrated calcareous microfossil biostratigraphic and carbonisotope stratigraphic framework for the La Luna Formation, western

Venezuela (talk) L.M. de Romero et al.

Geographic variations in seasonal and annual export flux of calcareous nannoplankton in the equatorial Pacific (poster) A. Sakai et al.

High-resolution biostratigraphy and its application to the identification of sequence boundaries and maximum flooding surfaces in sediments of the Early Oligocene to Middle Miocene of a well from the NE coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico (poster) M.A. Sánchez-Rios et al.

Latest Quaternary palaeoceanography of the Arabian Sea, based on the analysis of calcareous nannofossils, with special reference to change of monsoon strength (poster) T. Sato et al.

'Shocking' effects on distribution and taphonomy of calcareous nannofossils from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, SE Virginia (talk)

J.M. Self-Trail

Palaeogene calcareous nannofossil assemblages, and palaeoenvironmental evolution, from the Taibei Depression of the continental shelf basin, East China Sea (talk) Z. Shi-lan, J. Liang

Calcareous nannoplankton zonation and palynology of the Upper

Cretaceous Mountain Crimea Formations (poster) A. Shumnyk et al.

Calcareous dinoflagellate cyst production, vertical transport and preservation off Cape Blanc during 1990: a sediment-trap study

(poster) D. Siggelkow et al.

Coccolithophore carbonate fluxes revisited (poster) C. Sprengel et al.

Quaternary nannofossil biostratigraphy of Sites 1168 and 1171, ODP

Leg 189 (poster) S.A. Stant et al.

Photomovement in coccolithophorids: mechanisms and evolutionary ecology (talk) B.A. Steel et al.

The Cretaceous/Tertiary transition in Bulgaria: palaeoenvironmental interpretation from calcareous nannofossils, macrofauna and lithology

(poster) K. Stoykova, M. Ivanov

Calcareous nannofossils from the Miers Bluff Formation (Livingston

Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica): first evidence for a Late

Cretaceous age (poster) K. Stoykova et al.

Calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy of the Tertiary Mesohellenic piggyback deposits, Central Greece (poster) K. Stoykova et al.

Variation in depth of the nutricline indicated by Quaternary nannofloras from the northern South China Sea (ODP Leg 184, Site 1146) (talk) X.


Coccolithophore export production in the NW Pacific Ocean (poster) Y.


Cretaceous nannoliths and their biological significance (talk) F.


Coccolithophore regional dynamics in the coastal environments of

Andros Island (middle Aegean Sea) during summer, 2001 and Spring,

2002 (talk) M.V. Triantaphyllou et al.

Quaternary calcareous nannofossils from peri-Antarctic basins: palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic implications (talk) G. Villa et al.

Reassessing the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the

Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (talk) B. Walsworth-Bell, E.

Erba et al.

Late Albian adaptive radiation of the genus Eiffellithus (talk) D.K.


Opening of the Australia-Antarctica Gateway, as dated by nannofossils

(poster) W. Wei

Mid-Pleistocene climate shift linked to increased poleward advection of

Atlantic surface-waters: nannofossil evidence (poster) W. Wei

NannoWare/BugCam: a demonstration (talk/demonstration) S.W.

Wise, Jr .

. et al.

Review of coccolithophore taxonomy and phylogeny in the light of new data from molecular genetics and other sources (talk) J.R. Young et al.

Coccolith calcite chemistry in palaeoceanography (talk) P. Ziveri, H.M.

