word-verb ratio

To write squeaky-clean sentences, raise the verb-word ratio.
John loves Mary because she inherited money.
2 verbs/7 words
John loves Mary because of her inheritance of money.
1 verb/9 words
John is in love with Mary because of her inheritance of money.
1 verb/12 words
Mary knows that john loves her because she inherited money.
3 verbs/10 words
Mary knows about the dependence of John’s love for her upon
her inheritance of money.
1 verb/15 words
Mary is aware of her inheritance of money as the reason for
John’s love for her.
1 verb/ 16 words
The dependence of John’s love for her upon her inheritance
Of money is known to Mary.
1 verb/15 words
John thinks Mary doesn’t know that he loves her because she
inherited money.
4 verbs/12 words
John considers Mary unaware of the dependence of his love
for her upon her inheritance of money.
1 verb/17 words
Mary’s unawarness of the dependence of John’s love for her
upon her inheritance of money is believed in by John.
1 verb/18 words