(a) (b) Fig. S1 Super-imposition of catalytic triad of 1VSH (ASV IN) and 1BL3 (HIV-1 IN) showing (a) two Zn2+ and one Mg2+ (b) second Mg2+is inserted near to Glu152 by replicating second Zn 2+ coordinates. (generated by SPDB viewer program and Pymol program) Fig. S2 Docking interactions of molecule 29 into the active site of 1BL3. Blue color sticks represent active site residues; Green color represents AutoDock conformation; Yellow color represents FlexX conformation; magenta color represents Mg2+ (generated by PYMOL program) Fig. S3 Docking interactions of molecule 34 into the active site of 1BL3. Blue color sticks represent active site residues; Green color represents AutoDock conformation; Yellow color represents FlexX conformation; magenta color represents Mg2+ (generated by PYMOL program) Fig. S4 Docking interactions of molecule 35 into the active site of 1BL3. Blue color sticks represent active site residues; Green color represents AutoDock conformation; Yellow color represents FlexX conformation; magenta color represents Mg2+ (generated by PYMOL program) Fig. S5 Docking interactions of molecule 39 into the active site of 1BL3. Blue color sticks represent active site residues; Green color represents AutoDock conformation; Yellow color represents FlexX conformation; magenta color represents Mg2+ (generated by PYMOL program) Fig. S6 Docked pose of molecule 29 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN. Red sticks represent AutoDock conformation; green color sticks represent FlexX conformation; magenta color balls represent Mg 2+ (generated by MOLCAD module of Sybyl7.1 package) Fig. S7 Docked pose of molecule 32 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN. Red sticks represent AutoDock conformation; green color sticks represent FlexX conformation; magenta color balls represent Mg 2+ (generated by MOLCAD module of Sybyl7.1 package) Fig. S8 Docked pose of molecule 34 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN. Red sticks represent AutoDock conformation; green color sticks represent FlexX conformation; magenta color balls represent Mg 2+ (generated by MOLCAD module of Sybyl7.1 package) Fig. S9 Docked pose of molecule 35 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN. Red sticks represent AutoDock conformation; green color sticks represent FlexX conformation; magenta color balls represent Mg 2+ (generated by MOLCAD module of Sybyl7.1 package) Fig. S10 Docked pose of molecule 39 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN. Red sticks represent AutoDock conformation; green color sticks represent FlexX conformation; magenta color balls represent Mg 2+ (generated by MOLCAD module of Sybyl7.1 package) Fig. S11 Docking interaction of molecule 32 in to the active site of 1BL3. Blue color sticks represent active site residues; red color sticks represent hydrophobic residues interacted with hydrophobic side chain of ligand; Green color represents AutoDock conformation; Yellow color represents FlexX conformation; Cyan color represents magnesium ion (generated by PYMOL program) Comp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Table S1 Actual and Predicted values of CoMFA model 1, 3, 4 and 5 Model-1 Model-3 Model-4 Model-5 Comp Actual Pred. Pred. Pred. Pred. Actual pIC50 pIC50 pIC50 pIC50 pIC50 pIC50 4.00 3.99 4.11 4.14 4.22 21 6.40 4.00 3.67 3.67 3.89 4.04 22 6.30 4.00 4.28 4.24 4.28 4.27 23 6.15 4.00 3.92 3.79 4.01 4.07 24 5.85 5.05 4.35 4.56 4.38 4.56 25 5.22 4.00 3.94 4.12 4.12 4.36 26 6.15 4.00 4.28 4.34 4.34 4.42 27 5.80 4.00 3.88 3.9 4.07 4.22 28 6.52 4.00 4.10 3.9 3.96 3.84 29 6.70 4.00 4.02 3.84 4.01 3.78 30 5.52 6.30 6.26 5.96 6.08 5.81 31 6.00 4.00 4.08 4.27 4.14 4.01 32 6.70 4.00 3.98 4.25 4.19 3.93 33 5.92 6.30 6.31 6.36 6.08 5.98 34 6.70 4.00 4.14 4 4.41 4.12 35 6.70 4.00 4.02 3.85 4.46 4.17 36 5.55 5.77 5.93 5.77 5.79 5.82 37 6.15 4.00 3.95 4.09 3.84 3.97 38 5.59 4.00 4.06 4.02 3.86 3.98 39 6.70 6.52 6.20 6.4 5.94 6.25 Model-1 Pred. pIC50 6.13 6.21 5.96 5.63 5.77 5.74 5.41 6.47 6.78 5.49 6.02 6.80 5.76 6.70 6.46 5.47 6.15 5.64 6.29 Model-3 Pred. pIC50 6.77 6.3 5.85 5.61 5.83 5.86 5.62 6.54 6.78 5.92 5.99 6.59 6.35 6.72 6.36 5.46 6.31 5.68 6.52 Model-4 Pred. pIC50 6.06 6.36 5.83 5.84 5.92 6.23 5.96 6.5 6.71 5.95 6.13 6.64 6.12 6.61 6.49 5.38 6.23 5.63 6.91 Model-5 Pred. pIC50 6.41 6.61 6.43 5.30 5.88 5.74 5.48 6.39 6.67 5.95 6.06 6.57 6.29 6.72 6.83 5.48 6.29 5.83 6.54 Fig. S12 Scatter plot of CoMFA model 2 for Actual versus Predicted pIC50 for (a) training set and (b) test set (a) (b) Fig. S13 CoMFA (model-1) (a) steric and (b) electrostatics contour maps: green contour represent sterically favored regions; yellow contour represent sterically disfavored regions; red contour represent negative potential favored; blue contour represent positive potential favored. The sticks represent molecule 29 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN (a) (b) Fig. S14 CoMFA (model-3) (a) steric and (b) electrostatics contour maps: green contour represent sterically favored regions; yellow contour represent sterically disfavored regions; red contour represent negative potential favored; blue contour represent positive potential favored. The sticks represent molecule 34 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN (a) (b) Fig. S15 CoMFA (model-4) (a) steric and (b) electrostatics contour maps: green contour represent sterically favored regions; yellow contour represent sterically disfavored regions; red contour represent negative potential favored; blue contour represent positive potential favored. The sticks represent molecule 35 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN (a) (b) Fig. S16 CoMFA (model-5) (a) steric and (b) electrostatics contour maps: green contour represent sterically favored regions; yellow contour represent sterically disfavored regions; red contour represent negative potential favored; blue contour represent positive potential favored. The sticks represent molecule 39 in to the active site of HIV-1 IN Table S2 Common Pharamcophore Mapping results of training set Hypothesis No. Features Rank DH PH MaxFit Hypo1 RDAA 134.106 1111 0000 4 Hypo 2 RAAA 134.106 1111 0000 4 Hypo 3 RDAA 133.961 1111 0000 4 Hypo 4 RDAA 133.580 1111 0000 4 Hypo 5 RDAA 133.467 1111 0000 4 Hypo 6 RAAA 133.467 1111 0000 4 Hypo 7 RDAA 132.828 1111 0000 4 Hypo 8 RAAA 132.828 1111 0000 4 Hypo 9 RAAA 132.656 1111 0000 4 Hypo 10 RDAA 132.451 1111 0000 4 D-Hydrogen bond donor, A- Hydrogen bond acceptor, R-Ring aromatic, DH-Direct hits, PH- Partial hits The direct hit (DH) 1 indicates training set molecule mapped every feature in the hypothesis. The numbers correspond to the molecules (from top to bottom) in the spreadsheet. For this hypothesis, all five molecules mapped all hypothesis features. The partial hit (PH) 0 indicates molecule mapped all but one feature in the hypothesis. These hit masks give us a quick way to compare common-features hypotheses. Table S3 Best model (Hypo-1) results for training set (highly active) molecules used for model generation Name Activity Fit Value RDAA Principal MaxOmitFeat 2 0 curcumine-33 4.00 1111 5.92 2 0 curcumine-38 3.25 1111 5.59 2 0 curcumine-36 3.16 1111 5.55 2 0 curcumine-35 2.80 1111 6.70 2 0 curcumine-20 2.50 1111 6.52 2 0 curcumine-23 2.48 1111 6.15 2 0 curcumine-11 2.41 1111 6.30 2 0 curcumine-32 2.23 1111 6.70 2 0 curcumine-21 2.10 1111 6.40 2 curcumine-27 1.92 1111 5.80 2 curcumine-24 1.53 1111 5.85 2 curcumine-28 0.92 1111 6.52 R- Ring aromatic, D-Hydrogen bond donor, A- Hydrogen bond acceptor, 1 means fit corresponding feature. 0 0 0 well with Table S4 Test set molecules results after screening from best model Name Activity Fit value RDAA curcumine-37 4.00 1111 6.15 curcumine-34 3.93 1111 6.70 curcumine-39 3.93 1111 6.70 curcumine-17 3.31 1111 5.77 curcumine-26 3.24 1111 6.15 curcumine-22 3.21 1111 6.30 curcumine-14 2.77 1111 6.30 curcumine-29 2.33 1111 6.70 Fig. S17 Best ranked pharmacophore model (Hypo-1) aligned with molecule 37 (test set) generated by common pharmacophore mapping method (Accelrys Discovery Studio 5.2). Green color spheres represent hydrogen bond acceptor; Magenta color sphere represent hydrogen bond donor; Yellow color represents ring aromatic feature Fig. S18 Best ranked pharmacophore model (Hypo-1) aligned with molecule 34 (test set) generated by common pharmacophore mapping method (Accelrys Discovery Studio 5.2). Green color spheres represent hydrogen bond acceptor; Magenta color sphere represent hydrogen bond donor; Yellow color represents ring aromatic feature Table S5 CoMFA predicted values of MBS derivatives obtained from 3D database screening using common pharmacophore model of highly active molecule Molecule Fit Score Actual pIC50 Pred. pIC50 Molecule Fit Score Actual pIC50 Pred. pIC50 MBS-48 3.84 MBS-5 2.68 5.30 4.09 4.81 4.24 MBS-35 3.81 MBS-37 2.66 3.85 4.39 3.68 4.81 MBS-74 3.65 MBS-3 2.65 5.05 4.53 4.81 4.65 MBS-53 3.55 MBS-23 2.65 4.18 3.61 5.03 4.53 MBS-78 3.38 MBS-2 2.65 4.36 4.10 4.65 4.62 MBS-44 3.35 MBS-7 2.65 5.12 4.35 4.63 4.69 MBS-77 3.32 MBS-4 2.64 3.38 4.40 5.20 4.68 MBS-31 2.96 MBS-25 2.62 3.92 4.38 4.76 4.78 MBS-43 2.92 MBS-8 2.57 4.31 3.80 4.79 4.67 MBS-42 2.82 MBS-19 2.30 3.87 4.28 5.44 4.89 MBS-1 2.81 MBS-22 2.26 4.79 4.62 4.84 4.86 MBS-54 2.79 MBS-20 1.95 4.64 4.03 5.03 5.00 MBS-6 2.69 MBS-52 1.84 4.56 4.71 4.22 3.78 MBS-41 2.69 MBS-51 0.98 3.89 3.89 4.71 3.90 MBS-62 2.69 MBS-55 0.83 4.82 4.85 4.22 4.89 O S N O O HN H N N N OH OH 35 48 O Cl N N HN O O S O N N N H N Cl HO O S N H 78 HN O 53 O O HO HS Cl N NH O N N H S S O N N N H 2N NH 2 H 2N N N N O HN S O O O N HN Cl N 43 HN S O O N NH O S O O N N O 44 N N O O O HN N NH S S O NH 74 S N N O HS N N N HN O S N N N HO HN NH S O O N S N N O 77 NH S O O N N N O 42 Cl 31 H N N SH HN S O O N 1 N H N N S NH S O O N N HN Cl OH O S N SH O H 54 O N NO 2 HS N NH O S 62 O H N O HS N H N N O Cl O Cl 5 O N H N N N N H Cl HN Cl O Cl S S O O N F Cl F HN O N S N HS O 23 O S Cl O 4 O N H N N 2 N H SH O S NH N O N 25 N H2 N SH Cl O N N S N N SH O H 22 S N N NH2 Cl N N O HN S N N O N OH O 52 N OH N OH 51 O NH N O S NH 2 O N N S 37 OH H N O N N H N N O F N N N 41 Cl N N O N S N O H SH 19 Cl O N N S N N SH O H 8 O O N N S N S N H SH N 20 6 NH 2 N S N SH O H 7 N Cl S N SH O H N O NH S O N NH S O O O HN N S N HS N N H NH S O O N N H 3 Cl Cl OH O 55 Fig. S19 Structures of MBS molecules shown in Table-S5 N HN S N O O Fig. S20 Best ranked pharmacophore model (Hypo-1) aligned with MBS-48 (screened molecule) generated by common pharmacophore mapping method (Accelrys Discovery Studio 5.2). Green color spheres represent hydrogen bond acceptor; Magenta color sphere represent hydrogen bond donor; Yellow color represents ring aromatic feature