WESTCHASE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INC. REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 9, 2010 MINUTES I. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Board of Directors for Westchase Community Association, Inc. was held December 9, 2010 at the WCA Management Office, 10049 Parley Drive, Tampa, Florida 33626. Joaquin Arrillaga, President, called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM. II. ROLL CALL Directors Present: Management Staff: VMs and Alternates: Joaquin Arrillaga Susan Thomas, Sr. Mgr. Bill Dennis Dyan Pithers Charlotte Adams, Office Mgr. Carlos Quiros Brian Ross Jeff Greenacre Gene McArthur Keith Heinemann Maryann Luallen Michael Clayton Mary Griffin Jean Keelan submitted her letter of resignation from the Board. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those present. IV. Announcement – There will be a Special Voting Members Meeting on December 13, 2010, 7:30 pm at the Swim & Tennis Center. V. SECRETARY’S REPORT November 18, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes submitted. Michael Clayton motioned to accept the November 18, 2010 minutes. Dyan Pithers seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion carried 7-0. VI. TREASURER’S REPORT Mary Griffin reported that the Financial report was provided to the Board. VII. COMMITTEE REPORTS Covenants Committee – No Report submitted Government Affairs Committee – Report submitted Mary Griffin reported that WCA was selected as one of the Associations that was given a grant from the Office of Neighborhood Relations. Modifications Committee – No Report submitted Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2010 Website Committee – No Report submitted Swim & Tennis Capital Improvements Committee - No report submitted. With the Resignation of Jean Keelan, new committee chairperson will need to be selected. VIII. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGER’S REPORT- Report submitted 1. Two hundred ninety-seven Violation Letters and Door Hangers were distributed in November. 2. Fifteen Welcome Letters were sent to new residents in November. IX. OLD BUSINESS 1. Vision and Mission Statement- Discussion tabled until the January, 2011 meeting. X. NEW BUSINESS 1 2. Procedure to Replace Board Member – Discussion tabled until the January, 2011 meeting. 50% rule, Non-Resident Player-3.0 Tennis League Mary Griffin made the motion to waive the 50% requirement rule for the 3.0 women’s tennis league for six months. Brian Ross seconded the motion. After further discussion Brian Ross withdrew his second, and the motion failed. The new tennis league starts during the second week of January. The Swim & Tennis Center staff should work to develop some solutions or recommendations to assist the 3.0 tennis league. Joaquin Arrillaga made the motion to allow the 3.0 Tennis League to play without the 50% rule, but they must have a minimum of four members on the team for one season. Mary Griffin seconded them motion. After further discussion, Mary Griffin withdrew her second, and the motion failed. Dyan Pithers made the motion to allow all USTA Leagues to play without the 50% rule, but they must have a minimum of 4 members on the team for one season. Joaquin Arrillaga seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion carried, 6-0. 3. 12488 Berkeley Square-proposal for payment plan. The Board has requested an analysis of the account from the attorney’s office. Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2010 4. Job Description – Operations Manager – Board members to review the job description before the next meeting. Discussion tabled until the January meeting. 5. Mary Griffin commented that she asked for a table at an upcoming event and expressed a “Special Thank you” to Jan Smith for all her hard work and effort given to Westchase. 6. Items to be placed on the agenda for the January meeting-the Rollover of excess funds in the Operating Account from 2010 to 2011. Joaquin appointed Keith, Mike and Dyan to be involved in a committee to evaluate and nominate a new board member. XI. ADJOURNMENT Mary Griffin made the motion to adjourn. Keith Heinemann seconded the motion. With all voting in favor, the motion carried. (6-0) The meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm. _____________________________ Michael Clayton Westchase Community Association, Inc. Secretary cc: HOA File WCA Board of Directors Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2010