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Curriculum vitae, 2016
and selected personal bibliography
Family name: PLUSNIN
First name:
Date of birth: 25 September 1954
Place of birth: settl. Spass, Kostroma region, USSR
Marital status: Married, 7 children
Russian Federation
Home addresses: 1) Russia, Moscow, ulica Marshala Katukova, 24/1, 17.
2) Russia 630055, Novosibirsk, ulica Geroev Truda, 22, apt. 6.
Mobile tel.: +7 926 3011120
National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Dept. of State and Municipal Government.
Professor at the chair of local government.
Work address:
Mjasnitzkaja ulica, 20, Moscow 111000, Russia
Tel.: +7 495 6286530
E-mail: jplusnin@hse.ru
1971-1976 Tomsk State University, Chair of zoology. Zoologist (ethology).
1973-1976 Tomsk State University, Chair of sociology. Sociologist (sociology).
Employment history:1976-1977 senior laboratory assistant, Institute of Agricultural Chemistry,
Siberian Branch of the Agricultural Academy of the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1977-1978 senior assistant sociologist, Institute of Clinical and Experimental
Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR,
1979-1983 senior laboratory assistant, Biological Institute, Siberian Branch of
the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1983-2005 researcher, Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy, Siberian
Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Head of
Department of Philosophical Sociological Researches, Institute of Philosophy
and Law, SB RAS, Novosibirsk. Head of the Laboratory of Sciences
Development Analysis, SB RAS, Novosibirsk.
2005 - present days – professor, chair of the local government, National
Research University - High School of Economics, Moscow.
2006 - present days – laboratory of local government. , National Research
University - High School of Economics, Moscow.
Professional career: 1985 Candidate of biological sciences (Ph.D.), Biological Institute, Siberian
Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk.
1993 Doctor of philosophical sciences (Philosophy of Sciences), Institute of
Philosophy and Law, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Teaching experience:
1990 - 2005 - docent, professor of sociology at the chair of philosophy, Dept. of
Philosophy, Dept. of Psychology, Novosibirsk State University.
1993-1997 professor, head of the chair of psychology, Novosibirsk
Humanitarian University.
1998-1999 professor of psychology at the Novosibirsk Classical University.
2002 – visiting professor at the Illinois University.
2005 - present days – professor at the chair of the local governing, National
Research University - High School of Economics, Moscow.
Other functional
Member of Council Committee of the Russian Foundation of Humanities (1997Member of Expert Committee of the Russian Foundation of Basic Sciences
Member of Expert Committee of the UNDP, Russian Dept. (2001-2002);
Member of Expert Committee of the Open Society Institute, Novosibirsk (20012002);
Member of the Editorial Council of the journal “Sociology of Science”
(“Naukovedenie”, Moscow, 1999-2003);
Member of the Editorial Council of the journal “Philosophy of Sciences”
(“Filosofia nauki”, Novosibirsk, 1995-);
Member of the Editorial Council of the journal “Problems of the State and local
Government”, HSE, Moscow (2007-);
Member of International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA, 2000-);
Member of European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP, 1996-).
Key knowledge:
Sociology, regional and rural sociology, social psychology, sociology and
philosophy of science (science of science), philosophy of the social biology,
sociobiology, human ethology and ecology (proxemic and environmental
psychology), individual psychology and professional psycho-diagnostics.
Language knowledge: English (fair); Germany (fair); Esperanto (good).
11 monographs and 14 brochures, more then 210 articles.
Selected recent bibliography:
Several monographs and brochures:
1. Plusnin J., Zausaeva Y., Zhidkevich N., Pozanenko A. Wandering Workers. Mores, Behavior, Way of Life, and
Political Status of Domestic Russian Labor Migrants. – Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag, 2015. – 306 S. (Serie “ Soviet and
Post-Soviet Politic and Society, SPPS, No 141).
2. Plusnin Ju.M., Zausaeva J.D., Zhidkevich N.N., Pozanenko A.A. Otkhodniks (Wandering workers). – M.: Novyj
Khronograph, 2013. – 364 p.
3. Plusnin Ju.M. Climate changes and its influence on the human life in the North. – M.: Nauchnyj Mir, 2013. – 200 p.
4. Kordonsky S.G., Plusnin Ju.M., Skalon V.A. Municipal Russia: modus vivendi and mentality. – M., 2009. – 146 p.
5. Tzelisxhev V.V., Karpovich V.N., Plusnin Ju. M. Science and Ideals of Democracy: Social and Methodological Values
in the “Republic of scientists”. – Novosibirsk; Nonparel, 2004. – 109 P.
6. Plusnin Ju. M. Pomors. The inhabitants of the White Sea Coasts in crisis period, 1995-2001. – Novosibirsk; NSU, 2003.
– 143 P.
7. Plusnin Ju. M. How to Write Scientific Papers? - Novosibirsk; NSU, 2002. – 69 P.
8. Plusnin Ju. M., Kalugina Z.I., Soboleva S.V., Popkov Yu.V. Theory of the Sustainable Social Development of AltajSajan Ecological Region. - Novosibirsk; NSU, 2002. – 58 P.
9. Plusnin Ju. M. Small Towns of Russia. – M.: Moscow Public Scientific Foundation, 2001. - 147 p.
10. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Plusnin Ju. M. Scientific Community of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok in 1999.
Social Description. – Novosibirsk, 1999. – 98 p.
11. Plusnin Ju. M. Social Disturbance (Stress) in Novosibirsk. 1999. – Novosibirsk, 1999. – 32 p.
12. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Plusnin Ju. M. The Innovative Business in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. – Novosibirsk,
1998. – 52 p.
13. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Plusnin Ju. M. Social Data of the Scientific Community in Novosibirsk
Akademgorodok. – Novosibirsk, 1997. – 168 p.
14. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Plusnin Ju. M. Russian Academic Community in the Crisis Time (Novosibirsk
Akademgorodok Social Psychological Monitoring). -- Novosibirsk, 1997. – 176 p.
15. Plusnin Ju. M., Poshevnev G. S. Social Psychology of Unemployed. – Novosibirsk, 1997. – 84 p.
16. Plusnin Ju. M., Bruce D. «Work Hunting». The Guide on Work Search. – Novosibirsk, 1997. – 53 p.
17. Plusnin Ju. M. Solovetsky Islands: the “Little People” on the Historical Out-on-the-Way Place. Novosibirsk, 1996. 61p.
18. Gordienko A.A., Plusnin Ju. M. Scientific Community of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok during the Crisis Social
Transformation in Russia. -- Novosibirsk, 1995. – 60 p.
19. Plusnin Ju. M. Person on the Cultural Cross-road: Models of Individual Socialization in the Intercultural Context. –
Novosibirsk, 1995. – 26 p.
20. Plusnin Ju. M., Pavlov V.I. General psychology. An authorial course. - Novosibirsk Humanitarian External University,
1993. - 123 p.
21. Plusnin Ju. M. Human Spatial Behavior. Methods of proxemics. - Novosibirsk, 1990. - 45 p.
22. Plusnin Ju. M. Bio-Social Evolution. – Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1990. – 240 p.
Selected articles:
19. Plusnin Ju. M. Alternatives of Russian housing strategy // perspektivy Sibiri. – Tomsk, 2004. # 1. – P. 56-70.
20. Plusnin Ju. M. Scientific communities in Siberian cities // Vestnik RHF, 2004. – V. 4.
21. Plusnin Ju. M. Guild’s psychology of scientists, or about the professional carrier fidelity in the science //
Naukovedenie, M., 2003. - № 1 (17). – С. 101 – 110.
22. Plusnin Ju. M. Institutional crisis of the science and new reference point of scientists // Philosophy of Science. Novosibirsk, 2003. - № 2 (17). - С. 99-108.
23. Plusnin Ju. Russian Small Towns during Crisis: Changes in Social Attitudes among the ‘Common People’ // Ageing
societies, new sociology. – Murcia (Spain), 23-26 September, 2003. – P. 124.
24. Plusnin Ju. M. Why “the odd man” do not leave science? // Naukovedenie, M., 2002 - № 1. – С. 108-118.
25. Plusnin Ju. M. Conjuncture values of “folk ecology” // Philosophy of ecological education. – М., 2001. – С. 178 – 184.
26. Plusnin Ju. M. Russian province: the stability in alternation // Chelovek (Man). М., 2001. - № 6. – С. 56 – 68.
27. Plusnin Ju. M. . In which direction are social attitudes developing in modern Russia? // “Visions and Divisions –
Challenges to European Sociology”. The 5th Conference of the European Sociological. Association, Helsinki, Finland,
August 28 - September 1, 2001.
28. Plusnin Ju. M. A new Russia – or the same old Russia? An alternative worldview in the making // Russia’s fate
through Russian eyes. Voices of the new generation. – Westview press: Boulder, Colorado, 2001. – P. 9 – 31.
29. Plusnin Ju. M. Psychology of surviving on the Russian North: new patterns of the household's economic behavior
during crisis // The life potential of the ethnical cultural development in modern Siberia. - Barnaul, 1999.
30. Plusnin Ju. M. The All-Russian sociological investigation in 1999: social economical, psychological, and ideological
adaptation of the ordinary people in the conditions of the fundamental social crisis // Humanities in Siberia,
Novosibirsk, 2000. - № 1.
31. Plusnin Ju. M. The life outside the state // Economics and Industry Organizing (ECO), Novosibirsk, 1999. - № 12.
32. Gordienko A. A., Eremin S. N., Plusnin Ju. M., Ablajey A.M. Akademgorodok – ein sibirischer Duamant verliert an
Glanz. Eine Umfrage unter Wissenschattlern in Novosibirsk // Osteuropa. Zeitschrift fur Gegenwartsragen des Ostens.
Sonderdruck. – Dentscne Verlags – Anstalt Stuttgart - 1999.
33. Plusnin Ju. M. Too more simplicity: life models of village people on the Russian North // Ethnic social processes in
Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1999. - № 3.
34. Plusnin Ju. M. How do values changing in the Russian society? // Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1999. - № 1.
35. Plusnin Ju. M. Odd men in the academic science // Naukovedenie (Sociology of Sciences). - Moscow, 1999. № - 1.
36. Plusnin Ju. M. The latent social disturbance evaluation method // The Extremal Situations: Konflicts and Social
Concordance. - Moscow, 1999.
37. Plusnin Ju. M. «The survival psychology»: world outlook and social dispositions of the Russian North people //
Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1997. - № 1.
38. Plusnin Ju. M. Psychology of natural life: rural «survival economics» paradoxes // Economics and Industry Organizing
(ECO). – Novosibirsk, 1997. - № 7.
39. Plusnin Ju. M. Creating problems in theory of the social biology // Biophilosophy. - Moscow, 1997. – Vol. 2.
40. Plusnin Ju. M. Recent survival models of the Russian North village people // Russian Foundation of Humanities
Herald. – Moscow, 1997. - № 3.
41. Plusnin Ju. M. Social crisis and science. The experience of psychological monitoring of the scientific community of
the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok // Russian Foundation of Humanities Herald. – Moscow, 1996. - № 1.
42. Plusnin Ju. M. Unemployed woman in villages and towns: the psychological portrait // Economics and Industry
Organizing (ECO). – Novosibirsk, 1996. - № 2.
43. Plusnin Ju. M. Person’s values structure: the verification of the «social swing» theory // Humanities in Siberia. –
Novosibirsk, 1996. - № 1.
44. Plusnin Ju. M. Specific human behaviour in the Russian Arctic // Management, technology and human resources
policy in the Arctic (the North). — Kluwer Acad.Publ. (The Netherlands), 1996.
45. Plusnin Ju. M., Gordienko A.A., Poshevnev G.S. Unemployed behavioral structure // Sociological Studies. - Moscow,
1996. - № 11.
46. Plusnin Ju. M. Theoretical methodological status of modern social biology // Philosophy of Science. – Novosibirsk,
1996. - № 1 (2).
47. Plusnin Ju. M., Unemployed behavioral patterns // Man. Work. Employment, - Novosibirsk, 1996. - № 1.
48. Plusnin Ju. M., Ecological Knowledge: conjuncture and archaic // Social Political Journal. – Moscow, 1996. - № 4.
49. Butovskaya M.L., Plusnin Ju. M. Principles of the organization of spatial behavior of human and non-human primates
(comparative analysis) // Modern Anthropology and Genetics. Problems of Human Races. – Moscow, 1996.
50. Plusnin Ju. M. Two poles of the person value development // Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1995. - № 2.
51. Plusnin Ju. M. The problem of marginal socialization // Humanities in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1994. - № 1.
52. Plusnin Ju. M., Bogatyreva O.A., Bichenkova O.E. The spatial behavior and social status of child in the kindergarten //
Problems of Psychology, Moscow, 1993. - № 2.
53. Plusnin Ju. M. Which of friends do we prefer? A sociobiology of friendship // Nature. - Moscow, 1993. - № 7.
54. Plusnin Ju. M., Putilov A. A. Psychological correlates of sleep-wake pattern // Psychometric methodology. - Stuttgart,
N.-Y., 1993.