Mechanisms of the ultrafast magnetization switching in bistable amorphous microwires M. Ipatov1, V. Zhukova1, A.K. Zvezdin1,2, A. Zhukov1,3,a) 1 Dept. Phys. Mater., Chem. Fac., Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU, San Sebastian, Spain 2 A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, 119991 Moscow, Russia 3 TAMAG Ibérica S.L., Parque Tecnológico de Miramón, Paseo Mikeletegi 56, 1ª Planta, 20009 San Sebastián, Spain Two magnetization reversal regimes were found in magnetically bistable Fe-rich microwires. The first one, exhibiting almost linear dependence of the DW velocity v on magnetic field H reaching 1.7 km/s is related with single domain wall (DW) propagation. The second essentially non-linear regime is observed when H exceeds some critical magnetic field, HN, determined by the microwires inhomogeneities. At H> HN, new reverse domains can be nucleated and consequently tandem remagnetization mechanism can be realized. Ultrafast magnetization switching through additional nucleation centers created artificially can be applied in spintronic devices for enhancing their performance. a) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: E-mail: 1 I. INTRODUCTION Recent growing interest on domain wall (DW) propagation in thin magnetic wires with submicrometric and micrometric diameter is related with proposals for prospective logic and memory devices1,2. In these devices, information can be encoded in the magnetic states of domains in lithographically patterned nanowires2. DW motion along the wires allows manipulation of the stored information. The speed at which a DW can travel in a wire has an impact on the viability of many proposed technological applications in sensing, storage, and logic operation2. When a DW is driven by a magnetic field, H, parallel to the wire axis, the maximum wall speed is found to be function of magnetic field and the wire dimensions1, 3-7. This propagation can be driven by magnetic fields8 reaching velocities up to 1000 m/s or by spin-polarized electric currents in the nanowires9. In fact it is essentially important not only fast domain wall propagation itself, but also controlling of domain wall pinning in thin magnetic wires. Several methods of controlling domain walls in nanowires have been reported. For example, domain walls can be introduced to nanowires at low fields by injection from a large, magnetically soft region connected to a wire end7,10, using a lithographically fabricated current carrying wire to provide local field11 or heating12. Elsewhere, domain walls have been pinned at artificially created defects in thin wires11, 13-15 . Amorphous glass coated microwires are ideal material for study domain wall dynamics16-19. As a result of magnetoelastic interaction between the magnetic moments and stresses introduced during the microwires production, the domain structure of amorphous microwire with positive magnetostriction consists of single axial domain, which is surrounded by the radial domain structure17,18. Moreover, small closure domain appears at the end of microwire in order to decrease the stray fields17. One of the most interesting properties of amorphous microwires is that related with the observation of spontaneous magnetic bistability in Fe-rich compositions related with perfectly rectangular hysteresis loop and attributed to the nucleation or depining of the reversed domains inside the inner single domain and the consequent propagation of head to head remagnetization front17-19. It is worth mentioning that usually this magnetization switching in 2 magnetically bistable microwires is associated with the domain wall propagation, although the micromagnetic origin of this remagnetization front is still unclear. Among the most unusual results observed in these microwires is that the depined DW created by small nucleation coil propagates along the microwire at magnetic field below the switching field19. Recently quite high domain wall velocity, v, (up to 18 km/s) and essentially non-linear v(H) dependence have been reported18-21. It is worth mentioning that reported velocity exceeds estimated maximum velocity (Walker limit) for DW propagation (about 1000m/s). This is an additional argument confirming that the so-called DW in magnetically bistable microwires can have more complex structure than just a plain head-to-head domain wall. At the same time role of defects on domain wall propagation in glass-coated microwires is still unclear. Recent studies showed that fluctuations of local nucleation field, Hn, should be attributed to local defects22. Considering a number of unusual effects found studying DW propagation in amorphous microwires in this paper we are trying to reveal contribution of local defects on peculiarities of domain wall propagation and correlation of linearity of v(H) dependence with defects existing in amorphous microwires. Consequently, we present comparative study of single domain wall dynamics and local nucleation fields in Fe-rich amorphous glass-coated microwires. It is important to underline that we introduced modification to the classical Sixtus-Tonks experimental set-up24. In order to assure constant magnetic field when measuring v(H) dependence we used the magnetizing coil with reduced inductivity that provided fast settling of the magnetic field. We also added the third pick-up coil in order to detect the multiple DW (tandem) propagation regime. II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS The domain wall (DW) propagates along the wire with a velocity: v=S(H-H0) (1) where S is the DW mobility, H is the axial magnetic field and H0 is the critical propagation field. Quite simple Sixtus-Tonks method24 allows one to obtain the dependence of DW velocity on magnetic field which is calculated as: 3 v b t (2) where b is the distance between pick-up coils and t is the time difference between the maximum in the induced emf. In classical Sixtus-Tonks experiment, the reverse domain is created by special nucleation coil. In the case of bistable microwires, reverse closure domains appear at the microwires ends in order to diminish the otherwise large stray field’s energy17 and therefore, use of nucleation coil is unnecessary. Also we place one end of the sample outside the magnetization coil (the right end on the Fig. 1) to control the direction of DW propagation. Such configuration provides the depinning of the DW only from one end of the wire. In order to obtain the dependence of the DW velocity on magnetic field v(H), it is necessary i) create a reverse domain in the certain, well-defined region of the sample, and ii) apply a stable magnetic field, H, of the required value along the wire axis. A set of coils (Fig. 1) was especially designed to fulfill these requirements. It consists of a long exciting coil Lexc (with length B of 140 mm, 10 mm in diameter) and tree pick-up coils p1, p2 and p3 (2 mm long and 1 mm inner diameter) with distances b1-2 and b2-3 between coils of 27 mm. Each pick-up coil is connected to corresponding input of digital oscilloscope. Resistors have been connected in parallel to the pick-up coils to suppress the oscillations. A low frequency (5 Hz) square waveform current, i, feeds the exciting coil. We used single layered wounding of magnetizing solenoid with reduced number of turns in order to avoid the situation when the DW can start propagating while H is still growing. The time of transient process is mainly defined by the inductance of the exciting coil (it also depends on slew rate of the signal source), which is proportional to the square of the number of turns, N. Therefore, reducing N we shall reduce the transient time and increase the sweep rate, dH/dt. In order to achieve high enough magnetic field (H~iN) we used a power amplifier. The distance between the wire end and the first pick-up coil b0 (approx 40 mm) was set in the way that the transient process has finished when the DW reaches the pick-up coil. In this way we achieved steady magnetic field, H, when the DW reaches the first coil p1. The voltage drop Uh on the 4 resistor R0 is proportional to the magnetic field in the exciting coil and is captured by channel 4 of the oscilloscope. In this way we control stability of magnetic field when measuring DW propagation. The described above technique guarantees that the DW velocity measurements are done at stable magnetic field. In order to study the effect of magnetic field on single DW propagation, we need to control that this DW depins from the wire end (point 0) and to avoid contribution of nucleation of the new DWs in the other parts of the microwire. From previous paper 22 we can assume existence of the other centers of easy nucleation randomly located along the microwire that are related with macroscopic inhomogeneities (defects of different kind) existing in the microwire. In the case if applied magnetic field, H, is above some value, few DWs (one from the wire end and others from the reversed domains nucleated in the central part far from the wire’s ends) can propagate simultaneously. In this case two pick-up coils set-up, previously employed elsewhere 18-21, probably does not allow to reveal such situation. To detect the possible nucleation and subsequent propagation of several DWs, we applied the three pick-up coils set (Fig.1). It is worth mentioning that Novak at el.23 proposed using the third pick-up coil to demonstrate that the domain wall is propagating at constant magnetic field and its velocity is constant. They studied the DW propagation at low fields (below 140 A/m) , i.e. below the typical fields for reverse domain nucleation at macroscopic defects in amorphous microwires. Consequently they did not reach the magnetic fields required for reverse domain nucleation in the central part of the samples. Here we show that the 3rd pick-up coil is required for detection the multiple DW propagation. We expect that DW depined from the wire end will sequentially induce emf in the pick-up coils while propagating along the microwire. The waveforms of a single DW propagating through the wire are shown in Fig.2a. As one can see, there are two voltage peaks induced in each pick-up coil. The first one appears simultaneously in all tree coils and is caused by the sharp change of the magnetic field, dH/dt, induced by the exciting coil when the magnetic field is reversing. The second peaks are caused by moving DW. When the reverse magnetic field is applied to the 5 previously saturated sample (moment of time t=0), the closure DW start propagating toward the other end of the microwire. Moving DW induces signals in pick-up coils p1, p2 and p3 on passing through their sections at the moments of time t1, t2 and t3 respectively. As can be seen from the Fig.2a, at the moment of time t1, when the measurement begins, the magnetic field has reached its steady-state value. The DW velocity then can be found from Eq.(2). If we continue increasing the magnetic field, at some threshold value the peaks order change (see Fig.2b). The peak in the central pick-up coil appeared before those in the first and third pick-up coils. This situation is only possible when a new reversed domain is nucleated between the pick-ups coils. Without the central pick-up coil we could not detect the nucleation of a new domain in the center part of the wire, as the peak order of the side coils is correct. Considering constant DW velocity it is apparent that the criterion of single DW propagation in the whole range of applied magnetic field is the following: t1 2 t 23 t13 2 (3) where t1-2=t2-t1, t2-3=t3-t2 and t1-3=t3-t1. If, for some reason, new DWs moving inside the measurement zone appear, then the condition (3) is not satisfied and the correct calculation of single DW velocity from the time distance between peaks in the voltage peaks induced in pick-up coils is no more possible. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We studied the remagnetization dynamics in magnetically bistable Fe74Si11B13C2 (wire 1) and Fe75Si12B9C4 (wire 2), with metallic nucleus d and total (with glass-coating) D diameters 12.0/15.8 and 13.6/16.0 m respectively. Fig.3a shows the measured dependences of DW velocity on applied magnetic field in two bistable amorphous glass-coated microwires. From the observed v(H) dependences, the magnetization switching can be divided in two regimes. The first one (shown with closed figures 6 and solid lines), which ends at to 294 and 340 A/m for samples 1 and 2 respectively, has almost linear dependence v(H) with DW mobility S about 5 m2/As and maximum DW velocity v of 1.7 km/s. In the second regime (shown with open figures and dot lines), the DW velocity, calculated through the time difference between the maximum in the induced emf in pick-up coil 1 and 3, reaches values as high as 6 km/s and even more and DW mobility S is more than 50 m2/As. The mechanism of such ultrafast magnetization switching in second regime of the sample magnetization reversal is considered below in details. The characteristic of the samples are summarized in Table 1. The parameters DW mobility S and the critical propagation field H0 (see Eq.1) are found by linear fit of the experimental data. We also obtained the minimum field HD (the depinning field of the closure domain) below which the closure DW does not propagate. This field should be related with intrinsic coercivity. We analyzed the time order of the peaks induced in the pick-up coils and concluded that in the first regime, where the Eq. 3 is satisfied and the oscillograms of induced emf in the pick-up coils have form shown in Fig 2.a, the sample magnetization switching runs trough the single DW propagation from the wire’s end. In the regime of ultrafast magnetization switching, the voltage peak order changes like those shown in Fig. 2.b, and consequently, the Eq. 3 is violated. We assume that such drastic change of the remagnetization process is caused by possible nucleation and consequent growing of additional reversed domain with lowest local nucleation field, HN. This new reverse domain can be located at any place inside the sample. In order to verify this assumption, we measured the distribution of the local nucleation fields Hn along the sample length, x, as described in ref.22, i.e. using short magnetizing coil placed far from the samples ends and measuring magnetic field for local magnetization reversal .The distributions of the Hn(x) for the studied samples are shown in Fig.3b. We observed a number of dip holes in the curves for samples 1 and 2, attributed previously to the positions of localized defects existing within the microwire22. It is worth mentioning that the amplitude of the Hn(x) oscillations in sample 2 is higher. The overall minimum HN observed for both microwires correlate quite well with the border between single and multiple DW propagation regimes (compare Figs 3a and 3b). 7 Considering aforementioned, we assume that when the applied magnetic field has reached the HN, the new domain is nucleated and two more DW starts to propagate towards the wire's ends. As it was noted above, in such situation it is not possible to measure correctly single DW velocity and we can only consider the effective DW velocity. It is worth distinguishing an interesting mechanism of magnetization reversal in magnetically bistable microwires. This mechanism is conditioned by the microwires inhomogeneities. The inhomogeneities can lead to considerable acceleration of the sample magnetization switching. On the other hand, neglecting of this factor can result in exaggerated estimation of DW velocity from Sixtus-Tonks experiment. We believe that at magnetic field above HN, the contribution of defects can be essential. In this case, under the action of external magnetic field, a new reversed domain can be spontaneously nucleated in front of the propagating head-to head closure domain as schematically shown in Fig.4. Appearance of these additional domains at H> HN can accelerate remagnetization switching resulting in higher effective DW velocity. The essence of this process is clearly shown in Fig.4. There left front of propagating headto-head domain wall dw2 moves toward the dw1. Finally these two reversed domains clamping and the right front, dw3, becomes the unique. Obviously, this process, which can be nominated as tandem remagnetization, results in significant decrease of the magnetization switching time and acceleration of magnetization switching in magnetically bistable microwires. Proposed mechanism of ultrafast magnetization switching can explain non-linearity of v(H) dependences and ultra-fast DW propagation reported in magnetically bistable microwires18-21. IV. CONCLUSION The mechanism of the fast magnetization reversal is studied in magnetically bistable microwires. Below some critical magnetic field, HN, determined by the microwires inhomogeneities, almost linear v(H) dependence is found. This regime is controlled by the single domain wall propagation. Quite fast DW propagation (v till 1730 m/s at H about 300 A/m) has been observed. When the applied magnetic field exceeds HN, new reverse domains can be 8 nucleated and consequently tandem remagnetization mechanism can be realized. The nucleation of new reversed domains is determined by natural or artificially created defects in the microwires. This results in significant decrease of the magnetization switching time and acceleration of magnetization switching in magnetically bistable microwires. Proposed mechanism of tandem ultrafast magnetization switching through additional nucleation centers created artificially can be applied in spintronic devices for enhancing their performance. 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