Chapter 4: Rocks: Mineral Mixtures

Name: ____________________
Date: ______ Per: ______
Minerals and Rocks
Chapter 4 Notes: Rocks - Mineral Mixtures
Section 1: Understanding Rock
A rock is _____________________________________________________________________.
The Value of Rock
List two important uses of rock
List two reasons rocks are important to scientists
The Rock Cycle
The three main types of rocks are ______________________, _____________________
The rock cycle is _________________________________________________________
Describe the formation of each type of rock.
Igneous Rock ____________________________________________________________________
Sedimentary Rock _________________________________________________________________
Metamorphic Rock ________________________________________________________________
Use Figure 5 on page 84 to complete the diagram of the rock cycle below.
Use the diagram of the rock cycle above to complete the following statements.
Sedimentary rock can be turned into metamorphic rock by _____________________________.
Sedimentary rock can be turned into igneous rock by _________________________________.
Sedimentary rock can form new sedimentary rock by _________________________________.
Metamorphic rock can be turned into sedimentary rock by _____________________________.
Metamorphic rock can be turned into igneous rock by _________________________________.
Metamorphic rock can form new metamorphic rock by ________________________________.
Igneous rock can be turned into sedimentary rock by __________________________________.
Igneous rock can be turned into metamorphic rock by __________________________________.
Igneous rock can form new igneous rock by _________________________________________.
Section 2: Igneous Rock
The word igneous comes form the Latin word for “fire”. Magma cools into various types of
igneous rock depending on the composition of the magma and the amount of time it takes the
magma to cool and solidify. Like all other rock, igneous rock is classified according to its
composition and texture.
Origins of Igneous Rock
Magma and lava solidify in the same way the water freezes. The only difference between
water freezing and magma freezing is that water freezes at 0°C and magma and lava freeze at
between 700°C and 1,250°C.
Describe the three ways a rock could melt.
Temperature: _____________________________________________________________________
Pressure: ________________________________________________________________________
Composition: _____________________________________________________________________
Composition and Texture of Igneous Rock
Igneous rocks differ from one another in what they are made of and how fast they cooled.
Light colored rocks are not only lighter in color but also less dense. They are rich in elements such
as silicon, aluminum, sodium, and potassium. These lightweight rocks are called felsic. The darker
rocks are denser than the felsic rocks. These rocks are rich in iron, magnesium, and calcium and are
called mafic.
Felsic rocks are ________________ colored and are rich in __________________,
___________________, ____________________, and ________________________.
Mafic rocks are __________________ colored and are rich in ___________________,
________________________, and _______________________.
Fast-cooling lava or magma produces _________-______________ igneous rock.
Slow cooling magma produces _________-_______________ igneous rock.
Igneous Rock Formations
Most people have seen igneous rock formations that were caused by lava cooling on the
Earth’s surface. But not all magma reaches the surface. Some magma cools and solififies deep
within the Earth’s crust.
Intrusive Igneous Rocks
When magma cools beneath the Earth’s surface, the resulting rock is called
______________________. Intrusive rock usually has a _________-________________ texture.
This is because it cools very _________________.
Intrusive rock formations are named for their size and the way in which they intrude, or push
into the surrounding rock. Plutons are _________________________________________________
Intrusive rocks are often called ______________________ rocks.
Use the diagram on page 89 to complete the drawing below
Extrusive Igneous Rock
Igneous rock that forms on the earth’s surface is called ____________________. Extrusive
rocks cool ___________________ on the surface and contain very small ___________________ or
none at all.
When lava erupts from a volcano, a formation called a ______________________ is made.
However, lava doesn’t always come from volcanoes. Sometimes lava erupts from long cracks in the
Earth’s surface called _________________________. Lava can cover a vast area, forming a plain
called a __________________________. Pre-existing landforms are often buried by
__________________ igneous rock formations.
Section 3: Sedimentary Rock
Wind, water, ice, sunlight, and gravity all cause rock to weather into fragments. Through the
process of erosion, rock fragments called sediment, are transported from one place to another.
Eventually the sediment is deposited into layers. Sedimentary rock then forms as sediments become
compacted and cemented together.
Origins of Sedimentary Rock
Use Figure 15 to complete the sedimentary rock cycle below.
Preexisting Rock
Sedimentary Rock
The physical features of sedimentary rock tell part of its history. The most noticeable feature
of sedimentary rock is its layers or strata. Road cuts and construction zones are good places to
observe sedimentary rock formation, and canyons carved by rivers provide spectacular views of
sedimentary rock.
Composition of Sedimentary Rock
Sedimentary rock is also classified by the way it forms. There are three main categories of
sedimentary rock: Clastic, Chemical, and Organic.
Clastic sedimentary rock forms when__________________________________________________
Chemical sedimentary rock forms when _______________________________________________
Organic sedimentary rock forms _____________________________________________________
Clastic Sedimentary Rock
Clastic sedimentary rock is made of fragments of other rocks and minerals. The size and
shape of the rock fragments that make up clastic sedimentary rock influence their name.
Use the information in your sedimentary rock note sheet to complete the table below.
Particle Size
Particle Name
Rock Name
Larger than 2 mm
Rounded –
Angular –
Between 1/16 – 2 mm
Less then 1/16 mm
Chemical Sedimentary Rock
Chemical sedimentary rock forms from solutions of minerals and water. Rainwater slowly
dissolves some of the rock it passes through. Some of this dissolved material eventually forms the
minerals that make up chemical sedimentary rock.
Refer to Figure 18 to draw the chemical equation for the formation of chemical limestone.
Organic Sedimentary Rock
Most limestone forms from the remains of animals that once lived in the oceans. This
organic material consists of shells or skeletons, which are made of calcium carbonate that animals
get from seawater.
Fossils are _______________________________________________________________________
Describe the formation of fossiliferous limestone ________________________________________
Sedimentary Rock Structures
Many sedimentary rock features can tell you the way the rock formed. The most
characteristic feature of sedimentary rock is stratification, or layering.
Strata differ from each other depending on the ___________, ___________, and _______________
of their sediment, as well as the rate of ________________________. Sedimentary rocks
sometimes record the motion of the wind and water waves on lakes, seas, rivers, and sand dunes.
Section 4: Metamorphic Rock
The word metamorphic comes from meta, meaning “changed” and morphos,
meaning “shape.” Metamorphic rocks are those in which the structure, texture, or
composition of the rock has changed. Rock can undergo metamorphism by heat or pressure
acting alone or a combination of the two. All three types of rock can change into
metamorphic rock.
Origins of Metamorphic Rock
The texture or mineral composition can change when its surroundings change. If the
temperature or pressure of the new environment is different from the one the rock formed in, the
rock will undergo metamorphism.
Most metamorphic changes caused by increased pressure take place at _______________________.
At depths greater than _________ pressure can be _________ times normal atmospheric pressure.
The temperature at which metamorphism occurs ranges from _______ to _________ at which
temperature most rocks will melt.
Rock can undergo metamorphism in two ways: contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism.
Contact Metamorphism
Where does it occur? ______________________________________________________________
How does it occur? _______________________________________________________________
Regional Metamorphism
Where does it occur? ______________________________________________________________
How does it occur? _______________________________________________________________
Composition of Metamorphic Rock
When conditions in the Earth’s crust change because of collisions between continents or the
intrusion of magma, the temperature and pressure of the existing rock change. Minerals that were
present in the rock when it formed may no longer be stable in the new environment. The original
minerals change into minerals that are more stable in the new temperature and pressure conditions.
What three minerals combine to form the metamorphic mineral garnet?
How can scientist estimate the temperature and depth at which recently exposed rock underwent
metamorphism? ___________________________________________________________________
Textures of Metamorphic Rock
Texture helps to classify igneous, sedimentary, as well as metamorphic rock. All
metamorphic rock has one of two textures - foliated or non-foliated.
Foliated Metamorphic Rock
Foliated metamorphic rock contains __________________________________________________.
Strongly foliated layers usually contain _______________________________________________.
Describe the transition from sedimentary shale to metamorphic slate. _______________________
Metamorphic rock can become other metamorphic rock. With additional heat and pressure slate can
Change into _________________, which can change into __________________, which can change
into _________________ in which course-grained minerals separate into bands.
Non-foliated Metamorphic Rock
Non-foliated metamorphic rock lacks _________________________________________________.
They are commonly made up of _____________________________________________________.
Describe the change from sandstone to quartzite. ________________________________________
The same process occurs when limestone undergoes metamorphism to form marble. In both cases
the mineral grains (quartz and calcite) are ________________, giving a shiny, glittery appearance.