Curriculum Policy

Policy No. 16
Date of Policy
September 2015
S Growcott
Date approved by Governors
11 May 2015
Review Date
September 2017
The purpose of the curriculum is to ensure learners:
• develop lively, imaginative and enquiring minds
• acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and a world of rapid and
continuous technological change
• have sound numeracy and literacy skills
• develop personal and moral values, respect for shared values and for other
cultures, religions and ways of life
• develop an understanding of the world in which they live
• appreciate human achievements and aspirations
• take their place in society as informed, confident and responsible citizens
Main Principles
The curriculum will have the following characteristics:
• breadth, balance, relevance, differentiation and rigour;
• progression, continuity and coherence.
The curriculum will:
• promote knowledge and understanding;
• enable mastery of intellectual, physical and interpersonal skills and personal
qualities, values and attitudes
• deliver equality of access for all learners to academic experiences
• provide appropriate tasks and teaching techniques to support high expectations
and appropriate challenge
Policy No. 16
• ensure that all learners have access to work related learning at KS4
Parents should be provided with curriculum information relevant to their child.
The curriculum will:
• deliver the current and future statutory requirements
• be broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated with appropriate rigour and
• enable learners to fulfil their potential
• prepare learners to make informed and appropriate choices at the end of each key
• meet the needs of the full range of abilities within Saint Benedict
• ensure continuity and progression within Saint Benedict and between phases of
education and employment
• foster teaching styles which will offer and encourage a variety of relevant learning
• encourage a respect for Saint Benedict and its environment so that learning is a
positive and pleasurable experience for all
• help learners develop lively, enquiring minds, an ability to question and reason
rationally and an ability to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills
• help learners acquire understanding, knowledge and key skills relevant to school,
adult life and employment in a fast-changing world
• help learners to use language and number effectively
• help learners develop personal moral values, respect for religious values and
tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life
• help learners understand the world in which they live
• help learners to appreciate human achievements and aspirations
Saint Benedict therefore will endeavour to provide:
• an environment in which young people of all abilities are able to develop the skills
and attitudes which will facilitate lifelong learning and sustained personal
• a flexible curriculum at KS4 and KS5 in partnership with other education providers
Policy No. 16
Saint Benedict will assist young people in their journey of faith. We will share with all
our learners the Catholic vision of life through a structured programme of Religious
Education. The aim is to help learners know and understand this tradition in a clear
and more comprehensive way. The Religious Education syllabus supports and helps
strengthen the general ethos of Saint Benedict, and the partnership between family,
parish and the academy.
Provision is made within Saint Benedict for all learners with additional needs through
a variety of differing teaching and learning methods and materials.
For learners with Special Needs additional support is provided for learners within the
classroom and through the Special Needs department's own facilities.
For learners with English as an Additional Language (EAL) support is provided both
within the classroom and through dedicated EAL lessons.
The Enhanced Resource Base will provide more specialist help for learners who
require assistance due to either physical or visual requirements.
Learners who are identified as being Able, Gifted or Talented are given additional
support as appropriate.
Key Stage 3
The new framework presents the curriculum as much more than a set of content to
cover. It maintains the best of the past while offering increased opportunity to design
learning that develops the wider skills for life and learning as well as making links to
the major ideas and challenges that face society and have significance for
At Saint Benedict we share this passion for using the curriculum to make a positive
difference to young people. As well as the more traditional curriculum areas listed
below we have provided opportunities to develop study skills, personal, relationship
and social skills as well as enterprise, careers guidance and personal finance. These
lessons will be delivered either through dedicated lesson time and/or through deeplearning days.
All students will study:
Religious Education
Modern foreign languages – French initially but also Spanish from Year 8
History & Geography
1 from QCA, National Curriculum, Greater flexibility and coherence
Policy No. 16
Computing Science
Creative Arts – Music, Art/Textiles, Dance & Drama
In order to maximise the time available to teach core GCSE subjects learners will
commence studies of the following in Year 9 thus allowing up to 3 years of
preparation for the final examinations:
Religious Education
Key Stage 4
Saint Benedict will provide learners access to a curriculum in line with the latest
statutory guidance. This will include:
Religious Education
Physical education
Careers information and guidance
To complement these core subjects we will offer a range of subjects in accordance
to the guidance given by DFE and the changing needs of the wider world, this will
design and technology subjects
humanities subjects
modern foreign languages
three science subjects
computing science
a range of performing and visual arts subjects
and a variety of vocational qualifications.
With a change to school performance measures (Progress 8 and Attainment 8)
students will be required to take one of: History, Geography, French, Spanish and
Computing. They will be able to choose two further qualifications. In exceptional
circumstances students may follow non-examination courses if this is felt to be most
In accordance with the law, Saint Benedict has the right to respond to individual
needs by modifying the curriculum to:
allow a learner to participate in extended work-related learning
allow a learner who is making significantly less progress than other learners of
their age in order to consolidate their learning and progress across the curriculum
Policy No. 16
Key Stage 5
In KS5 Saint Benedict will provide a range of opportunities which will enable
learners to gain qualifications and experiences to prepare them for further learning
either in academic institutions, employment or life in general.
The range of courses will be reviewed on a regular basis to take into account the
changing needs of learners, further education and the workplace. Within the
resources available at Saint Benedict we will try to offer courses which match the
abilities and expectations of learners to enable them to progress to their next stage
of learning. Consequently both Level 2 and level 3 qualifications are offered which
will be particularly important with the forthcoming “Raising the Participation Age”
regulations. All courses offered will include a variety of learning styles and
All students will follow a General RE course in sixth form.