Searching for threatened upland galaxiids in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, West Gippsland Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical report series No: 248 Published by the Victorian Government Department of Environment and Primary Industries Melbourne, July 2013 © The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries 2013 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by the Victorian Government, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg VIC 3084. Print managed by Finsbury Green. Printed on recycled paper. ISSN 1835-3827 (print) ISSN 1835-3835 (online) ISBN 978-1-74287-855-3 (print) ISBN 978-1-74287-856-0 (online) For more information contact the DEPI Customer Service Centre 136 186 Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, such as large print or audio, please telephone 136 186, or email Deaf, hearing impaired or speech impaired? Call us via the National Relay Service on 133 677 or visit This document is also available in PDF format on the internet at Report produced by: Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Environment and Primary Industries, PO Box 137 Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 Phone (03) 9450 8600 Website: Citation: Raadik, Tarmo A. and Nicol, Michael D. (2013) Searching for threatened upland galaxiids (Teleostei, Galaxiidae) in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, West Gippsland, Victoria. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248. Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Heidelberg, Victoria. Front cover photos: Main – Hope Creek, South Face Road, La Trobe River catchment; Upper – Tapered Galaxias (Galaxias sp. 8); Lower – West Gippsland Galaxias (Galaxias sp. 9) (Tarmo A. Raadik). Authorised by: Victorian Government, Melbourne Printed by: NMIT Print Room Searching for threatened upland galaxiids (Teleostei, Galaxiidae) in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, West Gippsland, Victoria Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 Tarmo A. Raadik and Michael D. Nicol Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research 123 Brown Street, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084 July 2013 Contents Acknowledgements ii Summary iii Introduction 1 Methods 3 Site selection Aquatic fauna sampling 3 3 Results 6 Upland galaxiids Other aquatic fauna 11 26 Discussion 35 Upland galaxiids Other aquatic fauna 35 38 Conclusion 39 References 40 Appendix 1 Location of sampling sites 42 Appendix 2 Summary of survey results 46 Appendix 3 Summary of site characteristics 52 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 i Acknowledgements Funding for this project was provided by the (former) Department of Primary Industries, and facilitated by the Forests and Parks Division of the (former) Department of Sustainability and Environment. We especially thank Dr Lindy Lumsden (DEPI-ARI) for her support for the importance of the ‘wet bits’ in forested landscapes. We thank Greg Hollis (Baw Baw Shire Council), Mark Turra (Maintenance Supervisor, Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort) and Stuart Galloway (Gippsland Water, formerly Maintenance Supervisor, Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort) for information on previous anecdotal sightings of galaxiids on the Baw Baw Plateau. We thank Mark Turra for providing a Yamaha Rhino 4WD all-terrain vehicle to transport sampling equipment along the hiking trails on the Baw Baw Plateau, and sincere thanks is also extended to the chefs at the Village Restaurant in the Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort who prepared warm food for us at any time of day to ward off hypothermia. We also thank Dale Archer (Melbourne Water, Thomson Reservoir Office), for arranging access to the Thomson River catchment, and Dave Vaskess (DEPI, Noojee), Jessica Taylor (DEPI, Heyfield) and Cliff Ireland (Parks Victoria, Dargo) for advice on track conditions and access issues. Silvana Acevedo (Arthur Rylah Institute) produced the GIS maps, and valuable critical comment on an earlier draft of this report was provided by Paul Reich and Jenny Nelson (Arthur Rylah Institute). This work was conducted under Fisheries Research Permit RP827 and FFG / National Parks research permit 10005451. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 ii Summary Whilst not a major landscape component based on area of occupancy, aquatic systems represent a different biome to terrestrial environments. Running waters, in particular, are an important and ubiquitous component of forested catchments, extending from lower elevations to ridgelines. They bisect the landscape into drainage or catchment units and support important vegetation communities (e.g. riparian zones) and aquatic organisms. The aquatic ecosystem relies on biological catchment processes, and in small upland streams in forested catchments, a major pathway of energy into the aquatic environment is from the riparian zone. As part of a project to develop an effective landscape approach to the management of threatened fauna that provides opportunities for sustainable timber production, improved information was needed on selected threatened aquatic fauna in the forest landscapes of the Central Highlands area in Victoria. Two species of native freshwater fish, considered threatened and restricted to forested catchments, were selected as priority taxa for field assessment. These species — Tapered Galaxias (Galaxias sp. 8) and West Gippsland Galaxias (Galaxias sp. 9), recently discovered as new species, are in the process of being formally described. These species were previously considered to be a single, morphologically variable species, the Mountain Galaxias (Galaxias olidus). Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 are each known from a short headwater section of a single narrow stream in state forest in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, respectively. They are considered to be critically endangered and have been nominated for listing under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988. Predation by trout, introduced into Australia, is a key threatening process for upland galaxiids, typically eliminating them as they colonise new habitat, particularly in small streams. The species are also sensitive to instream sedimentation caused by catchment disturbance. The primary aim of this project was to confirm the presence and improve knowledge of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 in the mid to upper portions (> 300 m elevation) of the Thomson and La Trobe catchments, including: confirm previous distribution; locate additional populations; collect demographic and general habitat information; and, assess potential threats, including wildfire and timber harvesting history. To value-add to this project and to improve broader aquatic biodiversity knowledge for the smaller streams in each catchment, data was also collected on additional aquatic fauna (other fish, crayfish and shrimp) encountered at each sampling site. Primary sampling sites were the locations at which these species had previously been recorded, including the Baw Baw Plateau where anecdotal information suggested the presence of an unidentified upland galaxiid. Additional survey sites, considered highly likely to harbour upland galaxiids, were selected across the upper Thomson and La Trobe catchments (e.g. sites not known to contain Brown Trout or Rainbow Trout, particularly those upstream of instream barriers such as waterfalls or steep instream gradients which would prevent trout access). One hundred and twenty sites were visited during February–May 2012, with 110 sites sampled, primarily by single-pass backpack electrofishing. This represents approximately 80% of the sites selected as likely to harbour upland galaxiids, which were recorded from only 4% of all sites visited. More than two-thirds of the sites sampled (n = 73) lacked fish, all mainly located in headwaters reaches of the La Trobe catchment, and 16 of these also lacked crayfish and shrimps. Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 were confirmed as present but restricted to the original single stream that they were each previously known from, and new data on their restricted distribution, threats, biology and habitat was collected. No additional populations of upland galaxiids were located, and their presence (or absence) on the Baw Baw Plateau could not be confirmed. This provides a high level of confidence that upland galaxiids are rare in terms of distribution in the forested catchments of the Thomson and La Trobe river systems. It also highlights how rare, and therefore significant, the few known populations of these galaxiids are, and how significant any additional populations would be if discovered. Within their restricted ranges, Galaxias sp. 8 was reasonably abundant, although Galaxias sp. 9 was rare and the species appears to have declined considerably in abundance since 2002. Both species are presumed to have been historically more widely distributed. Both are considered at high risk of extinction because of their very small range, each in a single stream, and the risk of impacts from stochastic events such as drought (loss of water) and post-fire impacts (ash and bulk sediment input into waterways), and anthropogenic catchment disturbance leading to instream sedimentation. Trout are present downstream of the distribution of each species, and instream sedimentation is an ongoing issue, particularly for Galaxias sp. 9. Increased protection of the small, global distribution of each of these species is required, as is careful conservation management to reduce the extinction risk. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 iii Additional aquatic fauna was collected during this survey, consisting of five native and two alien fish species, one species of freshwater shrimp, three species of native freshwater crayfish and at least one species of native burrowing crayfish. This fauna was composed of native species usually found at lower elevations in the catchment and extending a short distance into the study area (Short-finned Eel, Broad-finned Galaxias, Common Galaxias, Australian Smelt, Yabby and Freshwater Shrimp), and species found in mid to upper elevations (River Blackfish, a burrowing crayfish, Central Highlands Spiny Crayfish and Gippsland Spiny Crayfish, and the alien species Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout). In general, upland species were more widespread than lowland taxa. Significantly, the Baw Baw National Park appears to be unique amongst sub-alpine to alpine areas on mainland southeastern Australia because our survey results indicate that the waterways lack fish, and notably alien trout are absent. If true, these aquatic systems would provide a scarce, natural, predator-free refuge, particularly for upland galaxiids. Instream sedimentation (silt and fine and coarse sand smothering the substrate), including smothering of riparian zones, was evident at many locations in both catchments, although more common in the La Trobe system. The sediment appeared to be derived from poorly maintained and drained roads and tracks, and from disturbed sites such as timber harvesting coupes and areas burnt by wildfire. Structural aquatic habitat (rock, timber debris, interstitial spaces) were reduced or absent at these sites, and infilling of pools was evident. Instream sedimentation impacts might have affected the distribution and abundance of some aquatic species, particularly River Blackfish. This benthic species prefers streams containing timber debris, and its eggs are laid on the substrate and can be smothered and killed by sediment. Our recommendations for the conservation management of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 include: To stabilise known populations Re-define the upstream and downstream extent of each species at the annual period of lowest stream flow to accurately delimit the area of each population. Monitor population abundance and recruitment annually to determine population health and trends, and to detect and remove predators (trout) before they become established. This needs to be done annually to detect any rapid population decline or predator presence before they breed and become established and major loss in galaxiid abundance occurs. Assess the location and type of instream barriers (if present) downstream of each population, including their effectiveness at preventing the movement of trout upstream in higher flows. o If a barrier is not present, translocate a subset of individuals immediately to a suitable captive or wild destination o If a barrier is only partially effective, modify it to improve its effectiveness in preventing trout movement upstream, or install a new vertical concrete barrier, as has occurred for other threatened galaxiid populations. Mitigate sediment input point sources from existing forestry tracks. Close and rehabilitate redundant forestry tracks near the streams, removing stream crossings. Provide more effective vegetative buffer zones along waterways, drainage lines and filter strips, in timber harvesting coupes to prevent sediment transport into waterways during intense rainfall events. To reduce the overall extinction threat Carry out additional surveys in Rintoul Creek and unsampled western tributaries for the presence of Galaxias sp. 9. Assess nearby catchments to confirm potential translocations sites for establishment of additional populations of each species. Undertake translocations to establish new populations in the wild. Avoid new roading crossing streams or drainage lines in key areas for these species. Establish a protocol to monitor populations regularly during drought and immediately post-fire, and for ex situ temporary captive maintenance if required. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 iv Introduction Conservation management of threatened fauna in timber harvesting areas of state forest is currently through the exclusion of harvesting from designated zones, based on species records (Lumsden et al. 2012). However, to be fully effective the conservation management for a threatened taxon should consider its overall distribution at the landscape scale, independent of land tenure. This then removes any bias in the perceived importance of an area, which can eventuate from a focus on a given land tenure type or specific areas within a landscape. In response to the Victorian Government’s Timber Industry Action Plan, released in 2011, a project was initiated to develop an effective landscape approach to the management of threatened fauna species that provides opportunities for sustainable timber production while managing biodiversity conservation (Lumsden et al. 2012). A key objective of the project is to improve information about threatened fauna in the forest landscapes of eastern Victoria to inform the management of threatened species across the public land estate. The research component of the project aims to address this objective by undertaking surveys in the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreement (CHRFA) area (including all public land in state forests, parks and reserves) to provide new data on the distribution and habitat use of priority threatened fauna (Lumsden et al. 2012). While they do not constitute a major landscape component based on their area of occupancy, aquatic systems represent a different biome to terrestrial environments. Running waters, in particular, are an important and ubiquitous component of forested catchments. Rivers, smaller streams and drainage lines extend from lower elevations to ridgelines, bisecting the landscape into drainage or catchment units and support important vegetation communities (e.g. riparian zones) and aquatic organisms (Boulton and Brock 1999). The aquatic ecosystem relies on biological catchment processes, and in small upland streams in forested catchments, a major pathway of energy into the aquatic environment is via allocthonous organic matter (mainly leaves) (Wallace et al. 1997, Reid et al. 2008). Inputs of terrestrial insects from riparian vegetation are also important for some species of fish (e.g. some galaxiids) (Cadwallader 1980). A number of native fish and freshwater crayfish that occur in the Central Highlands RFA area are threatened at a state and national level, e.g. Barred Galaxias (Galaxias fuscus), Macquarie Perch (Macquarie australasica), Australian Grayling (Prototroctes maraena), Curve-tail Burrowing Cray (Engaeus curvisuturus) and Dandenong Burrowing Cray (Engaeus urostrictus). Following a prioritisation process using six criteria to identify high-priority species (see Lumsden et al. 2012), the majority of these were not selected for assessment in the research component of the project, except two species of newly discovered upland galaxiids. Upland galaxiids are small (< 130 mm in length) native freshwater fish that inhabit streams in south-eastern Australia, from about 50 m to over 2000 m in elevation. Previously, this group was believed to be a single species, Mountain Galaxias (Galaxias olidus), until it was recently identified as a cryptic species complex composed of 15 species, 12 of which are new (Raadik 2011). Upland galaxiids are a common inhabitant of freshwater rivers and streams in forested catchments of lowland, foothill and mountainous landscapes, often being the only native freshwater fish in areas above 700 m elevation (Raadik 2011). They do not migrate and therefore spend their entire life in freshwater, and their distribution and abundance has been severely impacted by the introduction and establishment of alien Brown Trout Salmo trutta and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Raadik 2011, Ayres et al. 2012), both of which are known to severely impact on a number of species of galaxiids worldwide (McDowall 2006). Seven of the 12 species of upland galaxiids known from Victoria are found in the coastal Gippsland region. Of these, six are considered threatened (e.g. Dargo Galaxias, Galaxias sp. 6: Raadik and Nicol 2012), each being known mostly from a single, short section of narrow headwater stream (Raadik 2011). These new species, in the process of being formally described, have been nominated for listing under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and are currently being considered for listing by the Scientific Advisory Committee. Two of the threatened upland galaxiids, Tapered Galaxias (Galaxias sp. 8) and West Gippsland Galaxias (Galaxias sp. 9), which are considered to be critically endangered (DSE 2013), were selected as priority species for assessment as they are known from the headwaters of Stoney Creek (Thomson catchment) and Rintoul Creek (La Trobe catchment) respectively. Although these locations are just outside of the Central Highlands RFA area, they are close to waterways inside the area, and in the same river catchments. As these waterways are nearby and connected to each other, it was considered highly likely that the two taxa may be more widespread in the portions of the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments which form part of the Central Highlands RFA area. This assumption was supported by museum specimens, indicating that Galaxias sp. 9 was historically more widespread in the La Trobe River catchment (Raadik 2011), a record of an unidentified upland galaxiid (Galaxias sp.) observed on the Baw Baw Plateau in 1974 (Raadik 2001), and recent anecdotal reports of galaxiids on the plateau (Greg Hollis, pers. comm. 2002, 2012; Stuart Galloway pers. comm. 2012). The overall objective of this project was to significantly improve knowledge of the current distribution and associated habitat of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 in the Central Highlands RFA area. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 1 Specific aims were to: confirm their presence in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments search for new locations collect demographic and general habitat information identify threats at each location, including wildfire and timber harvesting history. To increase the value of this project and improve the broader aquatic biodiversity knowledge, data was also collected on other fish and selected decapod crustacean (freshwater and burrowing crayfish, and freshwater shrimps) encountered at the sampling sites for primary target taxa. In this report we present the results of the field surveys for Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 that targeted the above aims, including data on other fish and decapod crustacean encountered, in the Thomson River and La Trobe River catchments. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 2 Methods Site selection Primary sampling sites were the locations at which upland galaxiids had previously been recorded — Stoney Creek, Rintoul Creek, and the east branch of Tanjil River (Raadik 2011). An additional 250 potential sampling sites were initially selected at higher elevations in the upper Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, spread throughout Baw Baw National Park and adjoining state forests. These were selected from topographic survey maps and the digital map coverage (including stream layer) in the Magellan program Vantage Point®. The initial selection was based on areas considered highly likely to harbour upland galaxiids (e.g. areas upstream of instream barriers such as waterfalls or steep instream gradients), in both catchment areas. Another consideration for site selection was distance from vehicle access, as remote sites take more time to reach, reducing the overall number of sites which can be sampled. This therefore reduced sites to those accessible by vehicle or those which could be reached within approximately one hour by foot from a nearby track. The list of potential sites was then refined by eliminating those where existing species records (Raadik et al. 2001, Lieschke et al. 2013a,b; additional data sourced from the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas) did not include galaxiids, or included trout (Figure 1). It was assumed that these sites had been sampled in a manner that would have detected galaxiids, that galaxiids would have been part of the target fauna, and that enough sampling effort had been expended which would have recorded galaxiids had they been present. Furthermore, trout are highly predatory and a key threatening process for upland, non-migratory galaxiids, galaxiids typically being eliminated from streams as trout invade (McDowall 2006). Potential sites were therefore also eliminated if they were found to be downstream of sites previously found to contain trout, on the assumption that trout were still present at those sites, were highly likely to be present farther downstream, and would have eliminated any galaxiids from those stream reaches. Overall, approximately 140 potential sampling sites remained after these eliminations. The list of potential sampling sites was further refined during field surveys, as some sites could not be reached because of access difficulties. During these surveys we also found additional sites that met our selection criteria and were located on access tracks not recorded on topographic maps. Aquatic fauna sampling Although upland galaxiids were the primary fauna targeted during sampling, data was also collected on other fish and decapod crustacean (freshwater and burrowing crayfish, freshwater shrimps) encountered during sampling at each location. At each survey site the aquatic fauna was sampled by single-pass electrofishing using a portable 24-volt Smith-Root® LR20B backpack electrofishing unit. Electrofisher output ranged from 700–900 volts, at a frequency of 110 Hz and 25– 45% duty cycle, depending on water electrical conductivity levels and stream depth. Electrofishing was undertaken during daylight hours, with the operator, wearing polarised sunglasses, walking instream along the entire length of the survey site, sampling all habitat types in an upstream direction, stunning and retrieving all fauna encountered, while an assistant followed with a dip net and bucket to collect captured fauna and retrieve any missed by the operator. The target survey distance in the small streams to be sampled was a minimum 50 m in length, although this varied at some sites (range 5–265 m) depending on stream width and accessible habitat. Survey distance was measured by the assistant with a stringline, while average stream width, and maximum and average water depth were estimated. All fauna collected (i.e. fish and decapod crustacea) was identified, counted and measured for length and weight, or preserved for later identification in a laboratory. Additional aquatic animals that were seen but not captured were counted and recorded to the taxonomic rank to which they could be confidently assigned (e.g. family, genus or species). A visual search was also made along the banks at each survey site for secondary evidence of the presence of native burrowing crayfish (Engaeus spp.), as only a small number of species occur in the stream, with many species found in burrows in the riparian zone (Horwitz 1990). The most noticeable sign of burrowing crayfish was the presence of obvious and distinctive soil-pellet ‘chimneys’ at burrow openings, although searches were also made for crayfish exoskeletons. In addition to electrofishing, 1–3 unbaited, rectangular bait traps for fish were set in pools for a 14-hour period overnight. Traps were set at dusk and retrieved the next morning. Unlike electrofishing, which is an active sampling technique, bait traps relied on fauna moving into them, and have been used successfully as an adjunct to electrofishing to capture smaller fish species (MDBC 2004). They were used as an additional, although passive, capture technique to target upland galaxiids, and were only deployed for a single night at each of three locations in the east branch of Tanjil River, within the Mount Baw Baw Alpine Resort. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 3 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 4 Figure 1. Pre-2012 fish sampling sites in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments (grey circles), including known upland galaxiid locations. Fish were identified using the keys and species descriptions in McDowall (1996) and Raadik (2011), burrowing crayfish (genus Engaeus), freshwater shrimps (genus Paratya) and yabbies (genus Cherax) using Horwitz (1990, 1995), and spiny freshwater crayfish (genus Euastacus) using Morgan (1986). In situ measurement of specific water quality parameters was made at the time of fauna sampling at each survey site. Electrical conductivity (at 25°C), water temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen where recorded using a TPS 90-FLT water quality meter. Water pH was recorded using a colorimetric test kit rather than the water quality meter, as this provided a more accurate reading in water with low electrical conductivity (< 200 EC). The reproductive condition of captured upland galaxiids was determined by inspecting the degree of gonad development through the body wall and categorising the reproductive stage against descriptors previously developed for another upland galaxiid species (Stoessel et al. 2012). General observations were made at each site, where relevant, of general habitat association of upland galaxiids, potential threats to the instream environment (e.g. sedimentation), and instream habitat characteristics such as substrate type and composition. These also included a general visual inspection of active or potential sources of sedimentation into the waterway. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 5 Results Field surveys commenced in February 2012 and were completed by mid-May 2012, with 120 sites in the mid to upper reaches of the Thomson (35 sites) and La Trobe (85 sites) catchments above 300 m in elevation (range 130–1520 m) sampled for aquatic fauna (Figure 2, Appendix 1). These constitute approximately 80% of the potential sampling sites selected as highly likely to harbour upland galaxiids. Locations details are in Appendix 1, a summary of collection data is provided in Appendix 2, and water quality data and other site characteristics are listed in Appendix 3. All data will be entered on the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas, managed by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries. Sites in the La Trobe catchment ranged in altitude from 250 m to 980 m, and those in the Thomson catchment from 840 m to 1185 m (Appendix 1). Ten sites — five in each river catchment — were found to be dry and therefore could not be sampled for in-stream fauna (Figure 3). However the visual search for secondary evidence of native burrowing crayfish (Engaeus spp.), was still carried out at these sites, with evidence of their presence found at one site (TR-12-035, a tributary of the Latrobe River; Appendix 2). An additional site, although not completely dry, was too shallow and overgrown with alpine heath vegetation and also could not be sampled for in-stream fauna (site TR-12-009, a tributary of West Tanjil Creek, Baw Baw Plateau; Appendix 2). Of the 109 sites which were sampled by electrofishing, 16 lacked fish and decapod crustacea (10 sites in the Thomson catchment and 6 sites in the La Trobe catchment) (Figure 4; Appendix 2). Most of these were in upper headwater reaches. More than two-thirds (n = 73) of sampled sites lacked fish (Figure 5; Appendix 2), and these were also mainly in headwater reaches, with the majority located in the La Trobe catchment. Seven native species (including the two target upland galaxias) and two alien fish species were collected, along with four species of native freshwater crayfish and one species of freshwater shrimp (Table 1; see sections 4.1 to 4.3 for more detail). Streams at all sites ranged in width from 0.2 m to 15.0 m, although the majority were less than 2.0 m wide (median 1.1 m), and average depth varied from 5 cm to 70 cm. Survey reach length averaged approximately 55 m (Appendix 3). Table 1. Common and scientific names of aquatic fauna collected in this study. Scientific name Scientific name Common name Family Anguillidae Anguilla australis Short-finned Eel Family Percichthyidae Gadopsis marmoratus River Blackfish Family Galaxiidae Galaxias brevipinnis Broad-finned Galaxias Galaxias maculatus Common Galaxias Galaxias sp. 8A Tapered Galaxias Galaxias sp. West Gippsland Galaxias FISH Native species Family Retropinnidae 9A Retropinna semoni Australian smelt Oncorhynchus mykiss Rainbow Trout Salmo trutta Brown Trout Cherax destructor Common Yabby Engaeus sp. Burrowing Crayfish Euastacus kershawi Gippsland Spiny Crayfish Euastacus woiwuru Central Highland Spiny Crayfish Paratya australiensis Freshwater Shrimp Alien species Family Salmonidae DECAPOD CRUSTACEA Family Parastacidae Family Atyidae Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 6 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 7 Figure 2. Location of sites surveyed for aquatic fauna in the Thomson and La Trobe River catchments (black circles), February–May 2012, including sites at which Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 were recorded. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 8 Figure 3. Location of sites surveyed in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments found to be dry (red dots), February–May 2012. Note some dots represent more than one site. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 9 Figure 4. Location of sites surveyed in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments at which aquatic fauna were not found, February–May 2012 (includes dry sites from Figure 3). Note: some dots represent more than one site. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 10 Figure 5. Survey sites in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments at which fish were not found, February–May 2012. Note: some dots represent more than one site Upland galaxiids Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 were confirmed as still extant, being collected from their previously known locations (compare Figure 1 and Figure 2), and from other nearby sites in the same streams (Table 2). Together, both species were recorded from 4% of sites visited. No galaxiids were found on the Baw Baw Plateau (compare Figure 1 with Figure 2), despite recent anecdotal evidence suggesting their presence in streams in that area (Greg Hollis, pers. comm. 2012; Mark Turra pers. comm. 2012). Table 2. Survey sites at which upland galaxiids were recorded, including date of capture and numbers recorded (= caught + seen). See Appendices 1–3 for more details. Site Stream Location Date Species Number TR-12-117 Stoney Ck Stoney No. 5 Track 1/05/2012 Galaxias sp. 8 42 TR-12-140 Stoney Ck Stoney No. 4 Track 4/05/2012 Galaxias sp. 8 9 TR-12-112 Rintoul Ck C12 Track 30/04/2012 Galaxias sp. 9 2 TR-12-116 Rintoul Ck R10 Track 1/05/2012 Galaxias sp. 9 2 TR-12-118 Rintoul Ck R7 Track 1/05/2012 Galaxias sp. 9 6 Galaxias sp. 8 (Tapered Galaxias) Survey results Galaxias sp. 8 (Figure 6) was recorded from its previously only known location in Stoney Creek (Stoney No. 5 Track, site TR-12-117) and was also recorded for the first time at the ford on Stoney No. 4 Track (site TR-12-140), approximately 6.7 km downstream (Table 2; Figures 2, 7 and 8, Appendix 2). Figure 6. Galaxias sp. 8, Stoney Creek at Stoney No. 5 Track (1 May 2012). Left: 75 mm long gravid female. Right: Dorsal view of individuals from the same site. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 11 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 12 Figure 7. Location of collection sites for Galaxias sp. 8 in the Stoney Creek system, Thomson River Catchment. Previous sampling sites are shown in grey. Galaxias sp. 8 was not recorded elsewhere in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, nor from farther downstream in the Stoney Creek catchment. It was not collected at Stoney No. 3 Track (site TR-12-119), approximately 7.8 km downstream from Stoney No. 4 Track, where Brown Trout were present, nor in a tributary that joined downstream of Stoney No. 3 Track (site TR-12-161) (Appendix 2). It was also absent from all sites sampled nearby in the Glenmaggie Creek catchment (TR-12-157, -158 and -159), and from farther north in the headwaters of Mt Useful Creek (site TR-12-160) (Appendix 2). Figure 8. Stoney Creek. Left: Upstream of the ford on Stoney No. 5 Track, 1 May 2012. Note the gravel mound to the right and patches of in-stream gravel. Right: At the ford on Stoney No. 4 Track, 4 May 2012. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Population abundance (density of individuals) was highest at Stoney No. 5 Track (0.2 fish/m2) where 42 fish were seen or captured in a 100 m reach of stream, and lowest at Stoney No. 4 Track where only nine individuals were collected from a 165 m reach (0.01 fish/m2) (Tables 2 and 3). The biomass of Galaxias sp. 8 differed similarly between these sites (Table 3). The smallest individual collected was 49 mm in length, which was most likely a juvenile from a spawning in 2011. The largest individuals were 84 mm long (Table 3, Figure 8). The average length of individuals at Stoney No. 5 Track was approximately 66 mm, being on average shorter than those at Stoney No. 4 Track. The relationship between individual length and weight, useful for future comparisons of fish condition, is shown in Figure 9. Of the 40 fish collected (i.e. excluding those only seen), 31 could be sexed, with a male (49 mm in length) the smallest mature fish. The gonads of the majority (71%) of these fish were in mature stage of development, although five males were more advanced, with ripe gonads (milt extruded by gentle pressure on the body wall). Three females were less well developed, with gonads in a maturing stage of development. Table 3. Length and weight data (mean; median; range) for Galaxias sp. 8 collected from Stoney Creek in 2012, including density and biomass estimates (LCF – length to caudal fork). Site Code Location Length (mm LCF) Weight (g) Density (fish.m-2) Biomass (g. m-2) TR-12-117 Stoney No. 5 Track 66.1; 68.5; 49–84 2.6; 2.4; 0.8–5.4 0.20 0.50 TR-12-140 Stoney No. 4 Track 71.3; 70.0; 60–84 3.3; 3.1; 1.9–5.4 0.01 0.04 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 13 Based on a visual assessment of instream habitat and fish capture location at each site at the time of sampling, individuals of Galaxias sp. 8 were located mainly around or among cobbles on the stream bed in shallow (0.15–0.2 m), gently flowing riffle or glide areas. They were almost absent from still water areas adjacent to banks or deep pools, and were not observed swimming before or during sampling. The water at both sites was clear, and instream habitat was primarily rock (boulders and cobbles), with smaller amounts of timber debris (logs and branches), and a very small amount of overhanging vegetation or undercut banks. At both sites, although much more prominent at Stoney No. 5 Track, there were large amounts of finer substrate particles (pebble, gravel and coarse sand), blanketing extensive areas of the substrate (e.g. between cobbles), or mounded on the stream bank, indicating relatively recent sediment input into the stream. 6 5.5 5 4.5 Weight (g) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Length (mm LCF) Figure 9. Plot of length and weight for 40 individuals of Galaxias sp. 9 collected from Stoney Creek in May 2012. Wildfire and timber harvesting history The Stoney Creek catchment experienced one moderately widespread and one widespread (in terms of catchment area covered) wildfire events in the period 1990–2011 (Figure 10). The upper portion of the catchment, upstream from (and including) Stoney No. 4 Track was burnt in 1991, and the most severe fire occurred relatively recently, burning across the entire catchment in 2007. Overall, timber harvesting activity over the past 50 years has occurred over an extensive area of the Stoney Creek catchment, extending from the ridges on the edge of the catchment downhill to, and along, the main channel in many areas (Figure 11). In particular, forest adjacent to Stoney No. 4 and No. 5 tracks has been harvested. More recently (1990–2011), timber harvesting has been restricted to the upper portion of the catchment (Figure 12), mainly to the western ridgeline (compare Figure 11 and 12), and in many areas harvesting coupes have been located adjacent to tributary streams. During this period, the amount of forest harvested during a given season has been very small compared to the total area of the Stoney Creek catchment. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 14 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 15 Figure 10. Wildfire history in the Stoney Creek catchment, 1990–2011. (Data sourced from DSE Spatial Datamart). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 16 Figure 11. Timber harvesting history in the Stoney Creek catchment, 1990–2011. (Data sourced from DSE Spatial Datamart). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 17 Figure 12. Timber harvesting history in the Stoney Creek catchment, 1960–2011. (Data sourced from DSE Spatial Datamart). Galaxias sp. 9 (West Gippsland Galaxias) Survey results Galaxias sp. 9 (Figure 13) was re-collected from its previously known location on Rintoul Creek, east branch, (C12 Track, site TR-12-112) (Table 2, Figures 2, 14, 15) and was recorded for the first time at the fords on R10 and R7 tracks (sites TR-12-116 and 118 respectively) (Table 2, Figures 2, 14–16), approximately 1.9 km (stream distance) farther downstream and 2.0 km upstream respectively (Appendix 2). The species was not recorded from elsewhere in the Thomson and La Trobe river catchments, and in particular was absent from two additional sites farther downstream in the Rintoul Creek catchment (Figure 2): R15 (Scorese Bridge) Track on Rintoul Creek east branch (site TR-12-115) (Figures 2, 16; Appendix 2), approximately 4 km (stream distance) farther downstream; and, in a side tributary of Rintoul Creek (site TR-12-142) (Appendix 2). They were also absent from all sites sampled relatively nearby in the Eaglehawk and Jacobs/Neander creek catchments (sites TR-12-116, 141 and 143) (Figure 2, Appendix 2). Figure 13. Galaxias sp. 9 from Rintoul Creek, R10 Track (1 May 2012). Left: 65 mm long gravid female. Right: Dorsal view of individuals. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Figure 14. Rintoul Creek, east branch: Left: Downstream of C12 Track, 30 April 2012. Right: Just downstream of R10 Track, 1 May 2012. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 18 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 19 Figure 15. Location of collection sites for Galaxias sp. 9 in the Rintoul Creek system, La Trobe River Catchment. Population abundance (density of individuals) was very low at all sites (Table 4), with very few fish recorded (Table 2). The highest abundance was recorded at R7 Track (0.05 fish/m2) where 6 fish were seen or captured in a 100 m reach of stream; only two fish were captured at each of the other two sites (Tables 2 and 4). The biomass of Galaxias sp. 9 similarly differed between these sites, with the lowest biomass at C12 Track (Table 4). Table 4. Length and weight data (mean; median; range) for Galaxias sp. 9 collected from Rintoul Creek, east branch, in 2012, including density and biomass estimates. Density (fish/m2) Biomass (g/m2) 2.6; 2.6; 2.3–3.0 0.004 0.01 64.0; 64.0; 63–65 2.25; 2.25; 2.2–2.3 0.01 0.03 74.7; 69.5; 62–97 5.0; 3.3; 2.4–11.5 0.05 0.23 Site Code Location Length (mm LCF)* TR-12-112 C12 Track 66.5; 66.5; 66–67 TR-12-116 R10 Track TR-12-118 R7 Track Weight (g) * length to caudal fork No recruitment of fish from the last spawning season (2011) was detected; a fish 62 mm in length was the smallest individual collected, representing an older, sexually mature adult. The largest individual collected was 97 mm long (Table 4), and the average length of individuals ranged from 64.0 mm to 74.7 mm (Table 4). All eight fish collected were sexed, and comprised 7 males and one female. The gonads of six of the seven males were in a mature stage of development, and one male and the single female were in a ‘maturing’ stage of development (data not shown). Figure 16. Rintoul Creek, east branch: Left: Upstream of R7 Track, 1 May 2012. A silt load is evident in the channel, infilling a pool (arrow). Right: Upstream of R15 Track, 1 May 2012. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Based on a visual assessment of instream habitat and fish capture location at each site at the time of sampling, individuals of Galaxias sp. 9 were mainly in very shallow (< 0.2 m in depth), gently flowing riffle areas, among cobbles/pebbles, or in small to medium-sized timber debris on the stream bed. An exception to this was the largest adult, collected from under a log in a deep (c. 0.6 m), and heavily shaded pool upstream of R7 Track. No fish were observed swimming before or during sampling, and all were collected from areas of cover; many fish at R7 Track came from under timber on the ford (Figure 17, left image). The water at all sites was clear, and instream habitat was primarily rock (mainly gravel and a few cobbles), with moderate amounts of timber debris (smaller branches and small to medium sized logs), and overhanging vegetation or undercut banks. All sites had extensive silt and fine sand deposits blanketing the stream bed, and deposits of sand/pebble and silt on the stream banks. This indicates relatively recent, extensive, sediment input into the stream, with some point sources from poorly maintained track crossings and roads (Figures 17–19). A large amount of silt was present around the ford on R7 Track (Figure 17), artificially building up the level of the ford and extensively blanketing the substrate in the pools farther upstream. The only exposed rock substrate was small cobbles, present only on the ford in the flow channel where the flow had scoured the silt downstream. Following overnight rain, a tributary of Rintoul Creek (TR-12-142; Appendices 1 and 2) became turbid due to sediment input from the adjacent Rintoul Creek Road and upstream pine plantation (Figure 18, right image). This indicates waterborne sediment infiltration through the vegetated buffer zone around the stream. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 20 Figure 17. Rintoul Creek, east branch. Left: Sediment and erosion at ford on R7 Track (1 May 2012). The ford has become artificially elevated by sediment build-up in the stream. Right: Poorly maintained and eroding log causeway at C12 Track, 30 April 2012. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Figure 18. Rintoul Creek. Left: East branch, landslip and erosion area off C12 Track into Rintoul Creek, upstream of C12 Track causeway. Right: Turbid water in a tributary off Rintouls Creek Road (14 May 2012). (Images: T.A. Raadik). Figure 19. Rintoul Creek, east branch, at C12 Track, 30 April 2012. Left: Stream channel filled in by sediment downstream of ford. Note the sediment accumulations within the channel which have become vegetated (arrows). Right: Pool filled in by sediment immediately downstream of an eroding log causeway on C12 Track. No fish or crayfish were present in the pool. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 21 Wildfire and timber harvesting history The upper portion of the Rintoul Creek catchment has experienced two small and one moderately widespread (in terms of catchment area covered) wildfires in the period 1992–2011 (Figure 20). Of these, the most severe fire occurred relatively recently, burning across the very upper portion of the catchment in 2007. Smaller areas in this section of the catchment had been burnt in 1996, and a small area of the catchment of Rintoul Creek west branch was burnt in 2006. The present distribution of Galaxias sp. 9 is within the area burnt in 2007. Timber harvesting has been conducted in the Rintoul Creek catchment since the mid 1940s, and a large portion of the forested catchment in the west and east branches of the system has been harvested since that time (Figure 21). Extensive areas have been harvested from ridgelines downhill to, and along, the main channel. Although the logging history, indicated in Figure 21, shows unlogged buffer strips along watercourses, these may not have been present everywhere, as streamside buffer zones only came into use well after the 1950s. More recently (1990–2011), timber harvesting has been restricted to the headwaters of the catchment (Figure 22), mainly to the north-western and western ridgeline (compare Figure 21 and 22). During this period the amount of forest harvested during a given season has been very small compared to the total area of the Rintoul Creek catchment. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 22 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 23 Figure 20. Wildfire history in the Rintoul Creek catchment, 1992–2011. (Data sourced from DSE Spatial Datamart). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 24 Figure 21. Timber harvesting history in the Rintoul Creek catchment, 1944–2011. (Data sourced from DSE Spatial Datamart). 1944-2011 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 25 Figure 22. Timber harvesting history in the Rintoul Creek catchment, 1990–2011. (Data sourced from DSE Spatial Datamart). Other aquatic fauna A range of other aquatic fauna were also collected at sampling sites (see Table 1; Appendix 2). This consisted of species usually found at lower elevations in the catchment and extending a short distance into the study area, and species commonly found at mid to upper elevations in forested catchments. Lowland native species Short-finned Eel (Anguilla australis), a migratory species, was recorded from two sites in Stoney Creek in the Thomson catchment and from eight sites in the La Trobe catchment, at elevations between 340–445 m and 150–320 m respectively. All sites were downstream of major instream barriers, except for two sites in the La Trobe catchment, one near Neerim East (Stanley Vale Ck; TR-12-069) and one on a tributary of Tanjil River (east branch), upstream of Blue Rock Lake (Lady Manner Sutton Ck; TR-12-025) (Appendix 2). Broadfinned Galaxias (Galaxias brevipinnis), a migratory species, was collected at three sites on Rintoul Creek in the La Trobe River catchment, at elevations between 150–230 m (sites TR-12-11, 115 and 116) (Appendix 2). Common Galaxias (Galaxias maculatus), a migratory species, was recorded from one site on Rintoul Creek (La Trobe catchment), with three individuals captured at R15 Track (site TR-12-115) at an elevation of 150 m (Appendix 2). Australian Smelt (Retropinna semoni), a species which is now considered an un-resolved cryptic species complex (Hammer et al. 2007), and which is partially known to migrate (Crook et al. 2008), was also only recorded from this site. One Yabby (Cherax destructor) was recorded from a site on Starvation Creek (TR-12-068) at an elevation of 170 m (La Trobe catchment) (Appendix 1). Freshwater shrimp (Paratya australiensis) were recorded from nine sites in the La Trobe catchment and six sites in the Thomson catchment, at elevations between 150–315 m and 230–445 m respectively (Appendix 2). Mid to upland species River Blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus), a native, non-migratory species, was only recorded in the La Trobe catchment, from nine sites spread across the catchment at elevations between 200–520 m (Figures 23 (left) and 24; Appendix 2). Usually six or less individuals were found at a site, except at Jacobs Creek (TR-12-113) where 19 fish were collected, and at Good Hope Creek (TR-12-024) where 24 fish were found. Figure 23. Common native aquatic fauna in the upper Thomson and La Trobe catchments. Left: River Blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus, Icy Creek, 10 February 2012. Right: Central Highlands Spiny Crayfish Euastacus woiwuru, Tanjil River (east branch), The Morass, Baw Baw Plateau, 16 February 2012. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 26 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 27 Figure 24. Distribution of River Blackfish recorded in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments, February–May 2012. Native burrowing crayfish (Engaeus spp.) were collected by electrofishing at a small number of sites, but were also identified as present on the basis of fresh soil-pellet ‘chimneys’ at the entrance to burrows (Figure 25, top row; Figure 26) along stream banks or in marshy areas. Occasionally soil pellets were spread from the borrow entrance in a fan shape (Figure 25, bottom row), or were absent. Fresh soil pellets indicate recent crayfish activity, although crayfish can be dormant underground at some times of the year (M. Nichol, pers. comm.). In forested catchments, burrows were usually located among leaf litter in moist areas on the bank, often next to logs or tree ferns, but were also found under shrubs or in the open among grasses or moss in alpine areas. Figure 25. Native burrowing crayfish (Engaeus spp.) burrow entrance. Top row, with soilpellet ‘chimney’ at opening: (left) Bell Clear Ck, 15 February 2012; (right) Tanjil River (east branch), at The Morass, Baw Baw Plateau, 16 February, 2012. Bottom row, with soil fan at burrow entrance: (left) Village Trail, Mt. Baw Baw Alpine Resort, 7 February 2012; (right) Long Creek, Tanjil Bren Road, 8 February 2012. (Images: T.A. Raadik). Burrowing crayfish were distributed widely across the La Trobe catchment (52 sites between elevations of 130–1220 m), but were more prevalent in headwater reaches. They were more restricted in the Thomson catchment (5 sites, altitudinal range of 710–1515 m) (Figure 26; Appendix 2), and to higher elevations. The native Central Highlands Spiny Crayfish (Euastacus woiwuru) (Figure 23) and Gippsland Spiny Crayfish (Euastacus kershawi) were relatively widespread and recorded from both catchments (Figure 27), although more common in the La Trobe catchment. Of these, the Central Highlands Spiny Crayfish was more widespread, being found at 51 sites at elevations between 275–1515 m and 445–1220 m in the La Trobe and Thomson catchments respectively (Appendix 2). In contrast, the Gippsland Spiny Crayfish was less widespread (16 sites), particularly in the Thomson catchment (2 sites), and was found at lower elevations: 150–700 m in the La Trobe catchment and 340–350 m in the Thomson catchment (Appendix 2). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 28 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 29 Figure 26. Distribution of burrowing crayfish (Engaeus spp.) recorded in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments, February–May 2012. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 30 Figure 27. Distribution of spiny crayfish (Euastacus spp.) recorded in the Thomson and La Trobe catchment,s February–May 2012. Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Figure 28), alien species which actively prey on galaxiids (McDowall 2006), were relatively widespread in the mid to upper portion of the La Trobe catchment, although restricted in the upper reaches of the Thomson catchment (Figure 29). Rainbow Trout were restricted in distribution (three sites between 440 m and 520 m elevation), and only found at two sites in the La Trobe catchment and at a single site in the Thomson catchment (Figure 29; Appendix 2). In contrast, Brown Trout were recorded at 25 sites, 18 of which were in the La Trobe catchment (200–925 m) and at seven sites in the Thomson catchment (230–1085 m) (Figure 29, Appendix 2). Trout were not recorded on the Baw Baw Plateau (Figure 29). Figure 28. Alien salmonids in the upper Thomson and La Trobe catchments (Icy Creek, 10 February 2012). Left: Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). Right: Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). (Images: T.A. Raadik). Instream and riparian sedimentation Large amounts of organic silt and fine and coarse sand were prevalent at the majority of sites in state forest in the La Trobe and Thomson catchments (i.e. outside Baw Baw National Park). Sediment often extensively blanketed the stream bed, covering the substrate, and frequently formed large mounds along stream banks, extending laterally into the riparian zone (Figure 30). In particular, sediment smothered rock and timber on the stream bed, effectively filling interstitial spaces between rocks and infilling pools, leading to a uniform, compacted and homogenous stream bed lacking structural habitat for aquatic fauna. Active sources of this sediment into waterways, evident in both catchments, were vegetation disturbance and poorly maintained or drained roads and tracks (Figure 31). Sediment can infiltrate waterways after rain, transported in run-off through areas lacking filter vegetation or through insubstantial buffer zones that are unable to fully intercept the sediment load. Both examples of such sediment (silt and sand) transport were witnessed during the field surveys after short, intense rainfall. Sediment entry into waterways via roads and tracks at some sites was observed usually via a point source (e.g. direct draining from a stream crossing), but was usually more diffuse from timber harvesting coupes next to small streams. At some sites sediment was observed penetrating the riparian zone and reaching the stream along coupe margins. The persistence of instream sedimentation was also evident in areas in which timber harvesting had ceased a long time ago, e.g. Ada River Sawmills Historical Area. Signs of diffuse, bulk transport of sediment into waterways following wildfire were not evident from the general observations made at sampling sites. This may be because vegetation quickly covered areas denuded by fire, and because there had been an instream redistribution of sediment since the input. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 31 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 32 Figure 29. Distribution of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) recorded in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments, February–May 2012. Figure 30. Effect of sedimentation on the aquatic and riparian environment in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments (clockwise from top left): Build-up of fine sediment in Long Creek, Tanjil Bren Road (8 February 2012). Smothering of bank and bed by coarse sand and silt, La Trobe River, upstream of Turner Road (17 May 2012). Streambed of Tanjil River, west branch (off Downey Road) smothered by coarse sand (9 February 2012). Silt and fine sand smothering bank and bed of a tributary of Whitelaw Creek, near Loop Track (14 February 2012). Streambed of Little Ada River filled in with sand, Ada River Mills Historic Area. Kennedy Creek cutting through severe silt/sand deposition, Kennedy’s Creek Track (22 March 2012). (Images: T.A. Raadik). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 33 Figure 31. Examples of sources of sediment to watercourse in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments (clockwise from top left): Eroding log bridge and dirt track on Good Hope Creek Track, Good Hope Creek (9 February 2012). Eroding track (Federal Short Cut Road) draining into headwaters of Little Ada River (17 May 2012). Erosion point from bridge on Misery Creek Road directly into Starvation Creek (19 March 2012). Extensive soil disturbance on steep slope, harvesting coupe, Tanjil River (east branch), north of Tanjil Bren (9 February 2012). Drainage line (indicated by arrow), lacking filter vegetation, draining from a timber harvesting coupe, upper Thomson River catchment (14 February 2012). Erosion point draining from Upper Thomson Road directly into a stream; (18 May 2012). (Images: T.A. Raadik). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 34 Discussion This project provides new data on Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9, and aquatic biodiversity data from relatively poorly known mid to upland forested areas in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments. This information will be broadly valuable, particularly for biodiversity conservation and monitoring the impacts of climate change. These data complement existing broader aquatic fauna data sets (e.g. Raadik 2001, Lieschke et al. 2013a,b) and, together with data from smaller projects collated in the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas, contribute to benchmarking the status and condition of aquatic fauna in Victoria. The 120 survey sites were spread across each catchment, although concentrated more at higher elevations because of the smaller amount of previous survey effort in this area compared to lower in the catchments, and a greater density of stream network at these higher altitudes. A major area which was not thoroughly covered was the Baw Baw Plateau in the Baw Baw National Park, where many remote streams drain the north and east sides (Thomson catchment), and a portion of the south-east corner draining into the La Trobe catchment, not previously sampled. Additional survey effort in the following areas would help to further define aquatic biodiversity values, particularly in relation to upland galaxiids: La Trobe catchment — Rintoul Creek west branch, and headwater reaches of the Tyers River west branch Thomson catchment — headwater reaches of the Aberfeldy River system, Deep and Lammers creek systems just east of Walhalla, and headwaters of south-west tributaries of the Thomson River which drain Baw Baw Plateau. Upland galaxiids Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 were confirmed as present but restricted to the original single stream where they were each previously found, within a forested catchment in state forest. Although they were each collected from additional sites in their respective streams, this project has confirmed that the distribution of Galaxias sp. 8 is confined to a short section of Stoney Creek, and Galaxias sp. 9 to a short section of the east branch of Rintoul Creek, both relatively narrow (< 4.m wide), slowly flowing freshwater streams within state forest. No additional populations of known or potentially new species of upland galaxiids were located elsewhere in the sampling areas of the mid to upper Thomson and La Trobe catchments. In particular, the presence of an upland galaxiid on the Baw Baw Plateau could not be confirmed. There are largely anecdotal records of galaxiids in Tanjil River (east branch), West Tanjil Creek, a tributary of the Tyers River (west branch), and an unspecified upper tributary in the Thomson catchment on the north-east slope of the plateau. The survey results, from approximately 80% of the sites considered highly likely to harbour upland galaxiids, provide a high level of confidence that upland galaxiids are rare in terms of distribution in the forested catchments of the Thomson and La Trobe river systems. They also highlight the importance of the single known populations of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 for the continued conservation of each species, and how significant additional populations of each taxon in different streams, or of other upland galaxiid species, would be if discovered. Further assessment for upland galaxiids in the remaining remote and unsampled portions of the Thomson and La Trobe catchments listed above, particularly the Baw Baw Plateau, may be helped by the use of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring. This emerging technique aims to detect the presence of aquatic taxa by the presence of their DNA in water (Darling and Blum 2007, Ficetola et al. 2008, Thomsen et al. 2012), and may be particularly useful for rare species. By screening water samples taken from specific points in the catchment for the DNA of target taxa, sampling effort can then be directed to portions of the catchment from which a positive DNA signature is detected, thereby increasing the chances of locating small and isolated populations. Locating additional individuals downstream from their original collection sites during this project increased the known distribution of each taxon. However, this only approximately defined their downstream extent, at least to the particular track crossing at which they were sampled; their distribution may extend farther downstream, probably to where they meet the upstream distribution of predatory trout. The range extension for each species did not greatly increase the overall geographical spread of each taxon: Galaxias sp. 8 is restricted to approximately the uppermost 11 km of Stoney Creek, and Galaxias sp. 9 to the uppermost 6 km of Rintoul Creek. These estimates assume there is sufficient water, habitable by fish, in the upper reaches of each catchment where the streams become third-order systems. The upstream and downstream distribution of each species should be further defined, particularly during summer, in order to accurately define the overall distribution of each species. Historical distributional data is generally lacking, except for Galaxias sp. 9, which was previously also present (now extinct) in Jeeralang Creek (Raadik 2011), almost directly south and across the La Trobe River from its confluence with Rintoul Creek. This indicates that this taxon was historically more widespread in the lower La Trobe catchment, and Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 35 possibly occupied larger stream systems. A broader distribution can also be inferred for the biologically similar Galaxias sp. 8. Trout are present downstream of the distribution of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 (Raadik et al. 2001, Lieschke et al. 2013a,b, and this survey), and it is likely that their presence has restricted the galaxiids to their current locations. Trout can severely fragment non-migratory galaxiid populations (Tilzey 1976, Townsend and Crowl 1991, Crowl et al. 1992, Closs and Lake 1996, McDowall 2006), which usually become confined to short headwater reaches of tributary streams, often upstream of an instream barrier which prevents farther upstream colonisation by trout (Tilzey 1976, Raadik et al. 1996, Raadik 2011). Within its restricted range Galaxias sp. 8 appeared to be reasonably abundant, although the density of individuals at Stoney No. 5 Track (0.2 fish/m2), when compared to previous data, was half that for the same stream reach in November 1998, and only 22% of the density recorded in February 2002 (Raadik et al. 2001; Raadik 2011). Conversely, Galaxias sp. 9 was rare; only two individuals were recorded from C12 Track, and the density of fish (> 0.01 fish/m2) was only 1.5– 1.7% of the densities found in December 1998 and February 2002 (Raadik et al. 2001; Raadik 2011). Density estimates therefore demonstrate a large reduction in the number of fish at the sites sampled for both species. If these sites are representative of conditions in the rest of each system, this suggests a considerable reduction in overall population abundance has occurred for both species in the last 13 years. The length range of Galaxias sp. 8 captured in Stoney Creek indicated the presence of fish presumed to have hatched in the previous year. In contrast, no Galaxias sp. 9 from the previous (2011) spawning season were among the very few fish collected in Rintoul Creek, suggesting recruitment failure for at least one season. Both sexes were present in both systems, although only a single female was present among the eight fish collected from Rintoul Creek. Individuals of both species were found to be reproductively developing, with the majority at a mature stage of gonad development, suggesting a winter spawning period. Galaxias sp. 8 appeared to be slightly more advanced, with some males already in a running ripe condition. The aquatic and riparian environments in Stoney Creek and Rintoul Creek showed evidence of relatively recent and extensive sediment input. The stream bed in each system was blanketed by smaller substrate components (e.g. pebble, gravel, sand and silt) and deposits were also evident on the stream banks, extending into the riparian zone. This sediment reduced the structural habitat on the stream bed preferred by > 1 year old galaxiids (cobbles and larger boulders), and filled interstitial spaces in the stream bed, which are important for aquatic macroinvertebrates. Sedimentation can degrade ecological condition in streams, and in particular reduce the diversity and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates (Doeg and Koehn 1994, Harrison et al. 2007), which are a food source for galaxiids. In addition, a reduction of available rocks on the stream bed by sediment may reduce the spawning success of demersal egg laying fish, ultimately affecting population size. Other species of upland galaxiids, Galaxias olidus and G. fuscus, are known to prefer nest sites on cobbles and boulders (O’Connor and Koehn 1991, Stoessel et al. 2012) and Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 follow a similar strategy (Raadik unpublished data). Instream sedimentation may therefore play a major role in the observed reductions in the galaxiid population in Stoney and Rintoul creeks. Sediment input into the streams in both catchments appears to be via multiple sources. The bulk transport of large amounts of sediment into streams can occur during intense rainfall events following wildfire which causes the temporary reduction or loss of vegetative cover that stabilises soil, making soil easily eroded (Lyon and O’Connor 2008). Both catchments have experienced fire: the upper portion of the Stoney Creek catchment was burnt in 1991, and the entire catchment, including the upper portion of Rintoul Creek catchment, was burnt in 2007. It is strongly suspected that postfire erosion from these steep catchments is responsible for the bulk transport of sediment load into each stream, which is slowly being flushed from the catchments. In addition, active point sources of sediment input from roading are evident in both catchments. The majority of unsealed forest tracks in both catchments had signs of recent erosion on slopes leading down to stream crossings, with many lacking cross-drains so that run-off was directed into the watercourse. This was particularly prevalent in the Rintoul Creek catchment, which has a more developed track network and consequently more stream crossings and therefore more point sources of sediment input. Effective surface drainage from tracks to control run-off and to prevent it reaching erosive speeds is therefore lacking in critical areas in both catchments. Track management requires improvement, with installation of appropriately spaced (depending on grade and soil structure) cross drains to intercept run-off and to redirect it across the track surface into fringing vegetation. This is particularly important close to stream crossings, with the drains carefully directed into vegetated buffer zones able to contain sediment flowing from the track. These should also be able to operate effectively during intense rainfall events. Furthermore, at least one recently constructed track crossing in the Rintoul Creek catchment (C12 Track) consisted of compacted soil on top of logs placed directly into the stream bed. The soil was eroding directly into the stream and the timber was blocking streamflow and catching debris. This structure, including the poorly maintained tracks leading to it, was a major source of sediment input, and will erode further and cause bank erosion on the upstream side during higher flow events. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 36 Sediment transport into Stoney and Rintoul creeks through buffer zones around current or recent timber harvesting coupes adjacent to water courses was not investigated. Given the degree to which fine sediment was found to be transported through poorly functioning buffer zones around coupes elsewhere in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments (see 3.3 above), these may be an additional source of sediment to each system. Finally, the long-term impact of drought on the aquatic environments of both systems is unknown but is suspected to have reduced population abundance, at least temporarily. This is likely to have occurred via a reduction in wetted habitat that can support fish because of lowered water levels, poor water quality and, in some areas, the complete loss of water. Observations on other upland galaxiids suggest they can be relatively persistent and resilient (Raadik, unpublished data). Small, isolated populations can persist in refuge habitats and recover rapidly following the end of drought, driven by strong recruitment from one or more spawning seasons (Raadik, unpublished data). Consequently, if recruitment is restricted (e.g. lack of spawning substrate or poor larval survival), the rate of natural population recovery will be slower. Based on the results of this project, Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 are at high risk of extinction because of the substantial decline in historical distribution of both species and their current very small range, each in the headwaters of a single stream that is prone to impacts from stochastic events such as drought, post-fire impacts (ash and bulk sediment input), sediment input from anthropogenic catchment disturbance, and the ongoing threat of trout invasion. Populations of both species have also declined considerably since 1998. Although this might have been a drought response within natural bounds, but the resilience of the remaining population of either species could have been critically reduced, particularly when coupled with existing potential threatening processes such as instream sedimentation. Increased protection of the small, global distribution of each of these species is required, as is careful conservation management to reduce the extinction risk. Based on this new information, the previous threatened status of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 as Critically Endangered (DSE 2013) is upheld based on assessment against IUCN threatened species criteria (IUCN 2012). Of the two, Galaxias sp. 9 is currently considered under greater threat of extinction, as it has undergone a dramatic population decline since 1998 and few individuals were located, the size of which indicate a lack of successful recruitment for at least the previous season. Conservation management recommendations The future conservation management of Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9 needs to include the following actions. To stabilise known populations Re-define the upstream and downstream extent of each species at the annual period of lowest stream flow to accurately delimit the area of each population. Monitor population abundance and recruitment annually to determine population health and trends, and to detect and remove predators (trout) before they become established. This needs to be done annually to detect any rapid population decline or predator presence before they breed and become established and major loss in galaxiid abundance occurs. Assess the location and type of instream barriers (if present) downstream of each population, including their effectiveness at preventing the movement of trout upstream in higher flows. o If a barrier is not present, translocate a subset of individuals immediately to a suitable captive or wild destination o If a barrier is only partially effective, modify it to improve its effectiveness in preventing trout movement upstream, or install a new vertical concrete barrier, as has occurred for other threatened galaxiid populations. Mitigate sediment input point sources from existing forestry tracks. Close and rehabilitate redundant forestry tracks near the streams, removing stream crossings. Provide more effective vegetative buffer zones along waterways, drainage lines and filter strips, in timber harvesting coupes to prevent sediment transport into waterways during intense rainfall events. To reduce the overall extinction threat Carry out additional surveys in Rintoul Creek and unsampled western tributaries for the presence of Galaxias sp. 9. Assess nearby catchments to confirm potential translocations sites for establishment of additional populations of each species. Undertake translocations to establish new populations in the wild. Avoid new roading crossing streams or drainage lines in key areas for these species. Establish a protocol to monitor populations regularly during drought and immediately post-fire, and for ex situ temporary captive maintenance if required. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 37 Other aquatic fauna Native burrowing crayfish of the genus Engaeus were found to be distributed widely across the study area, and in particular, were abundant at high elevations on the Baw Baw Plateau in areas covered by snow during winter. While not identified, as they were not a priority taxon and many records were based only on the presence of soil pellet ‘chimneys’, six species could be present in the mid to upper La Trobe and Thomson catchments (Horwitz 1990). One species, the Curve-tail Burrowing Crayfish (Engaeus curvisuturus) is rare and threatened (DSE 2009).1 It is known from only three locations, two of which are in the upper La Trobe River catchment including the Baw Baw Plateau (Horwitz 1990). Three additional species are also known from the upper La Trobe catchment: Tubercle Burrowing Crayfish (Engaeus tuberculatus), Gippsland Burrowing Crayfish (Engaeus hemicirratulus), and Granular Burrowing Crayfish (Engaeus cunicularius) (Horwitz 1990). Only E. hemicirratulus has been recorded previously from the Baw Baw Plateau. Targeted sampling for the threatened E. curvisuturus is needed across its range from the upper Yarra River system to the La Trobe catchment to more accurately define its distribution. Identification of the burrowing crayfish on the Baw Baw Plateau is also required to improve our knowledge of their biodiversity and distribution. Central Highlands Spiny Crayfish (Euastacus woiwuru) was also recorded extensively in the La Trobe and Thomson catchments, and was widespread and abundant at locations sampled on the Baw Baw Plateau. With the Alpine Spiny Crayfish (E. crassus), this species is one of only two freshwater spiny crayfish in Victoria that are regularly recorded from locations covered by snow during winter (Morgan 1986, 1997), and is found in streams that freeze over during that time. River Blackfish was found to have a wide distribution in the mid to upper La Trobe catchment, although found at very few locations and in low abundance. This species lays adhesive, demersal eggs, inside timber (Jackson 1978), which, along with larvae and juvenile fish, can be killed by sedimentation (Doeg and Koehn 1994). High levels of instream sedimentation in the upper La Trobe River system may have reduced the overall abundance of this species. Further monitoring of the stocks of River Blackfish in the mid to upper reaches of the La Trobe River system, including targeted surveys and comparison with previous survey data, is needed to determine the status of this species and to define population trends. Brown Trout was the most widespread alien salmonid in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments, but importantly was absent from the upper reaches of many smaller streams, and in particular, from the Baw Baw Plateau. Trout are widespread in Victoria (VBA 2013) and trout (predator) free environments in the headwater reaches of small streams in upland areas can be scarce (Ayres et al. 2012, Raadik unpublished data). This is particularly true for most sub-alpine and alpine areas (e.g. Mount Buller – Mount Stirling, Mount Buffalo, Mount Hotham and Falls Creek), where many streams contain Brown Trout or Rainbow Trout (VBA 2013), and also more widely across the Australian Alps, Brown Trout having colonised streams almost to the summit of Mount Kosciusko (Green 2002, Raadik and Kuiter 2002, Green 2008). Their absence from the Baw Baw Plateau, which is probably due to the steep gradients and the number of natural barriers present on the streams on the edges of the plateau, makes these aquatic environments unique and provides a scarce, natural, predator-free refuge for upland galaxiids in particular. Approximately half of the sites sampled for aquatic fauna lacked fish, the majority of these being small streams, although many larger streams draining the Baw Baw Plateau were also fishless. The significance of this is unknown as data on other fishless streams in Victoria have not been compiled or analysed. Data on zero captures could be lacking or incomplete for some areas because collectors might not have counted a zero result as valuable and therefore may not have retained these records or placed them on databases. Many streams in the Thomson and La Trobe catchments are degraded by sediment slugs that smother the stream substrate, reducing bed topography and structural habitat for aquatic fauna. This was particularly evident in the upper reaches of the La Trobe River system, much of which appeared to be derived from recent and historical anthropogenic catchment disturbance, including run-off from poorly maintained forest tracks. The loss or reduction in aquatic macrohabitat and microhabitat in many of these streams is likely to have had a negative impact on the resident aquatic communities through changes in community structure, alterations to species distributions, and changes in abundances. However, this is difficult to quantify because of a lack of detailed baseline data, and a targeted study would be needed to determine whether this is the case. Some species or faunal groups may be more persistent and resilient to disturbance than others (e.g. some active burrows of Engaeus were constructed vertically through deep layers of silt and sand in riparian zones affected by sedimentation), but others may be more sensitive (e.g. the apparent decline in River Blackfish abundance and distribution). Preventing sediment from entering waterways in the La Trobe and Thomson catchments would improve the condition of their aquatic ecosystems. 1 Note that Engaeus hemicirratulus, a widespread and abundant species, is incorrectly listed as threatened in DSE (2009). Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 38 Conclusion This project has confirmed the rarity of two recently discovered, non-migratory native freshwater fish (Galaxias sp. 8 and Galaxias sp. 9) and provides important information on their distribution, abundance, status and threats. This provides new data to assist with managing biodiversity conservation in timber production areas. The new data also further supports the conservation status of each species as critically endangered. For such narrow-range endemic species, this could not have been achieved without the extensive, targeted field sampling undertaken during this project, which now provides information that is also valuable for the development of a recovery plan and future conservation management. In addition, intensive sampling has also provided supplementary aquatic biodiversity data, including qualitative assessment of threats, from relatively poorly known mid to upland areas in the catchments. This data will be particularly valuable for biodiversity conservation, current catchment management, and monitoring of future impacts from climate change. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 39 References Ayres, R.M., Nicol, M.D. and Raadik, T.A. (2012) Establishing new populations for fire-affected Barred Galaxias (Galaxias fuscus): site selection, trial translocation and population genetics. Black Saturday Victoria 2009 — Natural values fire recovery program. 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Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 41 Appendix 1 Location of sampling sites Details of 120 sites sampled in upper Thomson River (25) and La Trobe River (26) basins, February–May 2012. Basin No. Site Waterbody Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) 26 TR-12-001 Hope Ck –37.85164 146.24863 950 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-002 Hope Ck –37.85496 146.25371 920 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-003 Faith Ck –37.86599 146.25557 800 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-004 Long Ck –37.87175 146.26614 860 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-005 Barnies Ck –37.84307 146.27417 1510 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-006 Tyers R –37.84204 146.27575 1520 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-007 Tyers R –37.84371 146.27777 1500 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-008 Tanjil R –37.842 146.26825 1480 6/02/2012 26 TR-12-009 West Tanjil Ck –37.83205 146.27393 1481 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-010 West Tanjil Ck –37.82904 146.28093 1480 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-011 Tyers R –37.8356 146.28015 1460 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-012 Tanjil R –37.84068 146.26702 1475 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-013 Tyers R –37.87935 146.27541 780 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-014 Christmas Ck –37.389505 146.28586 720 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-015 Growler Ck –37.90678 146.29599 780 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-016 Faith Ck –37.86941 146.24106 575 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-017 Hope Ck –37.86359 146.23547 575 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-018 - –37.83173 146.27408 1490 7/02/2012 26 TR-12-019 Tanjil R –37.83888 146.26531 1460 8/02/2012 26 TR-12-020 Rum Ck –37.87802 146.37889 660 8/02/2012 26 TR-12-021 Tyers R –37.90064 146.35526 920 8/02/2012 26 TR-12-022 Tyers R –37.90595 146.25411 380 8/02/2012 26 TR-12-023 Long Ck –37.8817 146.24457 530 8/02/2012 26 TR-12-024 Good Hope Ck –37.99527 146.248 270 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-025 Lady Manor Sutton Ck –37.95192 146.21524 320 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-026 Tanjil R –37.79869 146.19915 960 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-027 Toorongo R –37.77909 146.10495 980 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-028 Mundic Ck –37.78877 146.11566 1000 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-029 Tea Tree Ck –37.99606 146.31222 270 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-030 Tea Tree Ck –37.00079 146.31247 250 9/02/2012 29 TR-12-031 Falls Ck –37.78995 146.12617 1020 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-032 Mundic Ck –37.7821 146.11256 980 9/02/2012 26 TR-12-033 Regnans Ck –37.83292 146.15328 740 10/02/2012 26 TR-12-034 Icy Ck –37.86604 146.12267 520 10/02/2012 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 42 Date Basin No. Site Waterbody Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) Date 26 TR-12-035 Deep Ck –37.87232 145.97288 440 10/02/2012 25 TR-12-036 Dry Ck –37.63472 146.34049 920 13/02/2012 25 TR-12-037 Red Jacket Ck –37.61622 146.30266 720 13/02/2012 25 TR-12-038 Ross Ck –37.61674 146.30338 710 13/02/2012 25 TR-12-039 Red Jacket Ck –37.60194 146.28953 840 13/02/2012 25 TR-12-040 Poole Gully –37.66355 146.22683 750 13/02/2012 25 TR-12-041 Poole Gully –37.66214 146.24397 25 TR-12-042 Ferntree Ck –37.61734 146.22938 880 13/02/2012 25 TR-12-043 Matlock Ck –37.62519 146.17599 1210 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-044 Matlock Ck –37.6681 146.15747 730 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-045 Thomson R –37.68965 146.16289 1020 14/02/2012 29 TR-12-046 Woods Ck –37.69341 146.13914 1070 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-047 Thomson R –37.7287 146.1704 990 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-048 Whitelaw Ck Middle Br. –37.75452 146.24457 1080 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-049 Whitelaw Ck –37.77216 146.25209 1220 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-050 Whitelaw Ck –37.7632 146.2486 1140 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-051 Thomson R –37.74597 146.21427 1170 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-052 Thomson R –37.74344 146.19915 1080 14/02/2012 25 TR-12-053 Matlock Ck –37.65352 146.1403 1035 15/02/2012 25 TR-12-054 North Cascade Ck –37.81166 146.32234 1140 15/02/2012 25 TR-12-055 Bell Clear Ck –37.78307 146.2834 1140 15/02/2012 25 TR-12-056 Bell Clear Ck –37.76947 146.2857 1020 15/02/2012 25 TR-12-057 Thomson R –37.74749 146.21787 1180 15/02/2012 25 TR-12-058 Thomson R –37.75997 146.17586 1070 15/02/2012 25 TR-12-059 Swift Ck –37.8013 146.31126 1200 15/02/2012 26 TR-12-060 Tanjil R –37.82409 146.25267 1325 16/02/2012 25 TR-12-061 Tanjil R –37.82608 146.25487 1515 16/02/2012 25 TR-12-062 Aqueduct –37.78587 146.20795 1185 16/02/2012 25 TR-12-063 Thomson R –37.77518 146.20895 1085 16/02/2012 26 TR-12-064 Big Ck –37.85752 145.83254 350 17/02/2012 26 TR-12-065 Pioneer Ck –37.89881 145.79192 650 17/02/2012 26 TR-12-066 La Trobe R –37.88001 145.78006 400 17/02/2012 26 TR-12-067 Dead Horse Ck -38.01929 146.02126 200 19/03/2012 26 TR-12-068 Starvation Ck -38.038 146.06756 170 19/03/2012 26 TR-12-069 Stanley Vale Ck –37.98206 146.03191 300 19/03/2012 26 TR-12-070 Wild Bull Ck –37.97229 146.10725 209 19/03/2012 26 TR-12-071 Hawthorn Ck –37.92949 146.06862 285 19/03/2012 26 TR-12-072 Mundic Ck –37.810662 146.10008 930 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-073 Mundic Ck –37.81328 146.12457 1000 20/03/2012 13/02/2012 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 43 Basin No. Site Waterbody Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) 26 TR-12-074 Walkers Ck –37.81191 146.14222 1010 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-075 Toorongo R –37.782178 146.09301 870 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-076 Toorongo R –37.76613 146.08179 925 20/04/2012 26 TR-12-077 Toorongo R –37.782259 1446.06688 7900 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-078 Icy Ck –37.78329 146.05273 830 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-079 Carter Ck –37.80441 146.03274 630 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-080 Cascade Ck –37.83573 146.01078 480 20/03/2012 26 TR-12-081 Tanjil R –37.82142 146.2719 1395 21/03/2012 26 TR-12-082 Tanjil R –37.81959 146.27011 1360 21/03/2012 26 TR-12-083 West Tanjil Ck –37.8197 146.27015 1365 21/03/2012 26 TR-12-084 West Tanjil Ck –37.82519 146.27356 1425 21/03/2012 26 TR-12-085 Pennyweight Ck –37.8858 146.08207 440 21/03/2012 26 TR-12-086 Kennedys Ck –37.8013 146.00737 480 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-087 Loch R –37.80402 145.98636 365 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-088 Bennet Ck –37.78181 146.00662 680 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-089 Skerry Ck –37.77436 145.99089 810 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-090 Skerry Ck –37.78775 145.97241 460 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-091 Loch R –37.79343 145.94445 490 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-092 Litaize Ck –37.81149 145.95981 505 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-093 Litaize Ck –37.81797 145.95113 615 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-094 Russell Ck –37.83665 145.96489 385 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-095 Bennie Ck –37.87163 145.93976 275 22/03/2012 26 TR-12-096 Lavery Ck –37.88994 145.87025 370 23/03/2012 26 TR-12-097 Lavery Ck –37.90248 145.88673 415 23/03/2012 26 TR-12-098 Jacky Ck –37.90675 145.81136 715 23/03/2012 25 TR-12-099 Jordan R –37.64027 146.19424 940 13/02/2012 26 TR-12-111 Rintoul Ck -38.03589 146.46931 230 30/04/2012 26 TR-12-112 Rintoul Ck -38.0357 146.46897 235 30/04/2012 26 TR-12-113 Jacobs Ck –37.99567 146.39866 315 30/04/2012 26 TR-12-114 Hotel Ck –37.94715 146.37912 455 30/04/2012 26 TR-12-115 Rintoul Ck -38.06436 146.48416 150 1/05/2012 26 TR-12-116 Rintoul Ck -38.04325 146.47945 195 1/05/2012 25 TR-12-117 Stoney Ck –37.9029 146.54254 445 1/05/2012 26 TR-12-118 Rintoul Ck -38.03085 146.45094 275 1/05/2012 25 TR-12-119 Stoney Ck –37.93733 146.6119 230 1/05/2012 25 TR-12-140 Stoney Ck –37.94179 146.56247 340 4/05/2012 26 TR-12-141 Eaglehawk Ck -38.10383 146.52275 130 4/05/2012 26 TR-12-142 Rintoul Ck -38.11462 146.47562 135 14/05/2012 26 TR-12-143 Iseppis Ck -38.0301 146.53044 240 14/05/2012 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 44 Date Basin No. Site Waterbody Latitude Longitude Altitude (m) 25 TR-12-157 Glenmaggie Ck –37.85819 146.62653 380 15/06/2012 25 TR-12-158 Glenmaggie Ck –37.83545 146.6281 420 16/05/2012 25 TR-12-159 Springs Ck –37.75801 146.56293 745 16/05/2012 25 TR-12-160 Mt Useful Ck –37.69543 146.52286 740 16/05/2012 25 TR-12-161 Stoney Ck –37.94263 146.59918 350 17/05/2012 26 TR-12-162 Ada R –37.81854 145.80905 690 17/05/2012 26 TR-12-163 Little Ada R –37.82651 145.85049 700 18/05/2012 26 TR-12-164 Ada R –37.83578 145.84077 650 18/05/2012 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 45 Date Appendix 2 Summary of survey results Summary of aquatic fauna (fish and decapod crustacea) sampled at each survey site in the upper Thomson River and La Trobe River catchments, February–May 2012. Refer to Appendix 1 for site locations and Table 1 for species common names. (# – indicates presence based on secondary evidence of soil-pellet ‘chimney’ at burrow entrance). Site Waterbody Scientific Name Number TR-12-001 Hope Creek Euastacus woiwuru 4 TR-12-002 Hope Creek no fauna TR-12-003 Faith Creek Euastacus woiwuru 1 TR-12-004 Long Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 3 TR-12-005 Barnies Creek no fauna TR-12-006 Tyers River no fauna TR-12-007 Tyers River no fauna TR-12-008 Tanjil River no fauna TR-12-009 West Tanjil Creek almost dry TR-12-010 West Tanjil Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-011 Tyers River Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-012 Tanjil River Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-013 Tyers River Euastacus woiwuru 4 TR-12-014 Christmas Creek Euastacus woiwuru 4 TR-12-015 Growler Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 4 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-016 TR-12-017 Faith Creek Hope Creek TR-12-018 TR-12-019 Tanjil River Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-020 Rum Creek Euastacus woiwuru 5 TR-12-021 Tyers River Euastacus woiwuru 8 TR-12-022 Tyers River Euastacus kershawi 3 Gadopsis marmoratus 3 Salmo trutta 11 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed Gadopsis marmoratus 33 Paratya australiensis observed Salmo trutta 1 TR-12-023 TR-12-024 Long Creek Good Hope Creek Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 46 Site Waterbody Scientific Name Number TR-12-025 Lady Manor Sutton Creek Anguilla australis 1 Euastacus kershawi 1 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 7 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 1 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-026 TR-12-027 TR-12-028 Tanjil River Toorongo River Mundic Creek TR-12-029 Tea Tree Creek dry TR-12-030 Tea Tree Creek dry TR-12-031 Falls Creek Engaeus sp. TR-12-032 Mundic Creek dry TR-12-033 Regnans Creek Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-034 Icy Creek Euastacus woiwuru 1 Gadopsis marmoratus 5 Oncorhynchus mykiss 1 Salmo trutta 9 TR-12-035 Deep Creek observed# dry Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-036 Dry Creek dry TR-12-037 Red Jacket Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Salmo trutta 11 Engaeus sp. observed# Salmo trutta 9 TR-12-038 Ross Creek TR-12-039 Red Jacket Creek dry TR-12-040 Poole Gully Euastacus woiwuru 1 Salmo trutta 1 TR-12-041 Poole Gully dry TR-12-042 Ferntree Creek no fauna TR-12-043 Matlock Creek no fauna TR-12-044 Matlock Creek Oncorhynchus mykiss 9 Salmo trutta 18 TR-12-045 Thomson River dry TR-12-046 Woods Creek Cherax destructor 10 Paratya australiensis observed Salmo trutta 8 TR-12-047 Thomson River no fauna TR-12-048 Whitelaw Creek Middle Branch Euastacus woiwuru 3 TR-12-049 Whitelaw Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 2 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 47 Site Waterbody Scientific Name Number TR-12-050 Whitelaw Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 7 TR-12-051 Thomson River no fauna TR-12-052 Thomson River no fauna TR-12-053 Matlock Creek no fauna TR-12-054 North Cascade Creek Euastacus woiwuru 5 TR-12-055 Bell Clear Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-056 Bell Clear Creek Euastacus woiwuru 3 TR-12-057 Thomson River no fauna TR-12-058 Thomson River Salmo trutta TR-12-059 Swift Creek No fauna TR-12-060 Tanjil River Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 6 TR-12-061 Tanjil River 2 TR-12-062 Aqueduct dry TR-12-063 Thomson River Euastacus woiwuru 2 Salmo trutta 21 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 4 Gadopsis marmoratus 3 Salmo trutta 6 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 9 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed Gadopsis marmoratus 2 Salmo trutta 2 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi observed Gadopsis marmoratus 3 Salmo trutta 9 Cherax destructor 1 Engaeus sp. 2 Anguilla australis 1 Engaeus sp. observed# Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 1 Paratya australiensis observed Salmo trutta 8 TR-12-064 TR-12-065 TR-12-066 TR-12-067 TR-12-068 TR-12-069 TR-12-070 Big Creek Pioneer Creek La Trobe River Dead Horse Creek Starvation Creek Stanley Vale Creek Wild Bull Creek Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 48 Site Waterbody Scientific Name Number TR-12-071 Hawthorn Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 3 Salmo trutta 6 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 7 TR-12-072 Mundic Creek TR-12-073 Mundic Creek Euastacus woiwuru 1 TR-12-074 Walkers Creek Euastacus woiwuru 1 TR-12-075 Toorongo River Euastacus woiwuru 2 TR-12-076 Toorongo River Euastacus woiwuru 1 Salmo trutta 10 Engaeus sp. observed# Salmo trutta 1 TR-12-077 Toorongo River TR-12-078 Icy Creek Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-079 Carter Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-080 Cascade Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 1 observed# TR-12-081 Tanjil River Engaeus sp. TR-12-082 Tanjil River no fauna TR-12-083 West Tanjil Creek Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-084 West Tanjil Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-085 Pennyweight Creek Oncorhynchus mykiss 3 Salmo trutta 5 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 1 Salmo trutta 2 TR-12-086 Kennedys Creek TR-12-087 Loch River dry TR-12-088 Bennet Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru observed TR-12-089 Skerry Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-090 Skerry Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 1 Salmo trutta 11 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 6 Gadopsis marmoratus 2 Salmo trutta 10 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 3 TR-12-091 TR-12-092 Loch River Litaize Creek Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 49 Site Waterbody Scientific Name Number TR-12-093 Litaize Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-094 Russell Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 2 Salmo trutta 6 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 3 Euastacus woiwuru 1 Gadopsis marmoratus 2 Salmo trutta 12 TR-12-095 Bennie Creek TR-12-096 Lavery Creek Engaeus sp. observed# TR-12-097 Lavery Creek Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 4 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 6 TR-12-098 Jacky Creek TR-12-099 Jordan River no fauna TR-12-111 Rintoul Creek Anguilla australis 5 Engaeus sp. 2 Euastacus kershawi 5 Galaxias brevipinnis 2 Paratya australiensis observed Anguilla australis observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi observed Galaxias sp. 9 2 Paratya australiensis observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 4 Gadopsis marmoratus 13 Paratya australiensis observed Salmo trutta 1 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi observed Anguilla australis observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 9 Galaxias brevipinnis 2 Galaxias maculatus 3 Paratya australiensis observed Retropinna semoni 11 TR-12-112 TR-12-113 TR-12-114 TR-12-115 Rintoul Creek Jacobs Creek Hotel Creek Rintoul Creek Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 50 Site Waterbody Scientific Name Number TR-12-116 Rintoul Creek Anguilla australis observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 3 Galaxias brevipinnis 3 Galaxias sp. 9 2 Paratya australiensis observed Anguilla australis observed Euastacus woiwuru 2 Galaxias sp. 8 33 Paratya australiensis observed Anguilla australis observed Engaeus sp. 1 Euastacus kershawi 2 Galaxias sp. 9 4 Paratya australiensis observed Paratya australiensis observed Salmo trutta 1 Anguilla australis observed Euastacus kershawi 2 Galaxias brevipinnis 2 Galaxias sp. 8 8 Paratya australiensis observed TR-12-117 TR-12-118 TR-12-119 TR-12-140 Stoney Creek Rintoul Creek Stoney Creek Stoney Creek TR-12-141 Eaglehawk Creek Engaeus sp. 2 TR-12-142 Rintoul Creek Engaeus sp. 3 TR-12-143 Iseppis Creek Anguilla australis 1 Paratya australiensis observed Galaxias brevipinnis 17 Paratya australiensis observed Galaxias brevipinnis 37 Paratya australiensis observed 2 TR-12-157 TR-12-158 Glenmaggie Creek Glenmaggie Creek TR-12-159 Springs Creek Euastacus woiwuru TR-12-160 Mt Useful Creek no fauna TR-12-161 Stoney Creek Euastacus kershawi 2 Paratya australiensis observed Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 9 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus kershawi 3 Salmo trutta 9 Engaeus sp. observed# Euastacus woiwuru 17 TR-12-162 TR-12-163 TR-12-164 Ada River Little Ada River Ada River Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 51 Appendix 3 Summary of site characteristics Summary of survey details and site and water quality characteristics at sites in the upper Thomson River and La Trobe River catchments during February to May, 2012 (excludes dry sites). Note site code has been shortened ('TR-12-' removed). See Appendix 1 for site locations. (EC – water electrical conductivity at 25°C, expressed in EC units; DO – dissolved oxygen). Site Waterbody Code Survey Ave. Max. Ave. Length Width Depth Depth (m) (m) (m) (m) EC Water DO DO temp mg/L %Sat. pH Turbidity (NTU) o C 001 Hope Ck 50 0.8 0.15 0.05 50.4 11.8 8.7 85 8.6 <5.0 002 Hope Ck 45 1.3 0.6 0.15 19 10.1 9.2 85 8.5 <5.0 003 Faith Ck 50 1 5 0.1 26.5 12.3 8.5 85 8.3 <5.0 004 Long Ck 50 1.2 0.4 0.1 32.5 11.8 9.2 80 8 <5.0 005 Barnies Ck 5 0.3 0.01 0.005 006 Tyers R 10 1 0.3 0.1 007 Tyers R 30 0.6 0.2 0.01 008 Tanjil R 0.5 0.2 0.05 010 West Tanjil Ck 30 0.6 0.3 0.05 10.3 9.6 11.5 101.9 8.5 0 011 Tyers R 50 11.9 10.1 9.1 81 7.6 0 012 Tanjil R 10 013 Tyers R 50 12 014 Christmas Ck 25 015 Growler Ck 50 016 Faith Ck 017 Hope Ck 018 - 019 0.8 0.5 0.2 15 1.5 0.5 19.1 11.6 10.4 96 7.6 10 0.7 0.4 22.9 11.3 10.7 98 7.6 8.7 1.1 0.4 0.2 35.8 11 10.4 98 7.8 <5.0 55 3 0.3 0.07 35 6 0.5 0.15 Tanjil R 60 1 0.7 0.15 14.9 8.6 10.6 92 7.8 <5.0 020 Rum Ck 20 1.8 0.6 0.1 21.5 11.8 10.4 97 7.6 0 021 Tyers R 50 4 1 0.2 18.7 10.3 10.2 92 7.6 0 022 Tyers R 55 14 0.4 0.15 21.5 13.2 8.7 84 7.9 <5.0 023 Long Ck 50 1.4 0.3 0.1 024 Good Hope Ck 50 3 1 0.4 210 15.3 4.7 48.5 7.1 5 025 Lady Manor Sutton Ck 50 3 1.25 0.4 335 15.8 7.1 72 7.1 15 026 Tanjil R 55 7 1 0.3 17.9 11.3 9.7 92 8.2 0 027 Toorongo R 50 0.6 0.4 0.08 25.6 13.6 7.3 71 7.8 <5.0 028 Mundic Ck 30 0.15 0.05 031 Falls Ck 033 Regnans Ck 50 0.5 0.3 0.1 034 Icy Ck 50 8 0.6 0.15 36.2 14 9.3 88 7.8 <5.0 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 52 Site Waterbody Code Survey Ave. Max. Ave. Length Width Depth Depth (m) (m) (m) (m) EC Water DO DO temp mg/L %Sat. pH Turbidity (NTU) o C 037 Red Jacket Ck 25 0.7 0.15 0.05 46 13.5 9 85.5 8.7 0 038 Ross Ck 45 0.5 0.1 0.05 46 13.5 9 85.5 8.7 0 040 Poole Gully 50 0.8 0.3 0.1 39.6 12.7 9.5 91.3 8 042 Ferntree Ck 60 1 043 Matlock Ck 30 044 Matlock Ck 50 5 0.3 0.1 27.4 11.4 10.2 92 7.8 0 046 Woods Ck 25 1.5 0.3 0.1 47 17.1 5.8 70 7.7 5 047 Thomson R 50 0.4 0.2 0.05 048 Whitelaw Ck Middle Branch 45 1.5 0.6 0.15 19.6 12.1 10.2 97 8.7 5 049 Whitelaw Ck 35 0.8 0.15 0.05 16.8 12.3 8.8 80 8.6 0 050 Whitelaw Ck 30 5 0.7 0.15 17.7 11.8 8.3 76.6 8.2 5 051 Thomson R 10 0.3 0.4 0.2 052 Thomson R 50 1.5 0.4 0.1 053 Matlock Ck 70 1 0.3 0.08 18 12 8.9 90.9 8.8 5 054 North Cascade Ck 50 7 0.7 0.2 10.3 13.3 9.9 99 8.7 5 055 Bell Clear Ck 35 2.2 0.6 0.15 16.4 10.8 10.1 91 8.1 5 056 Bell Clear Ck 50 1 0.15 0.05 26.3 12.9 9.7 90 7.6 0 057 Thomson R 30 0.4 0.6 0.2 25.5 16.1 6 65 7.3 5 058 Thomson R 059 Swift Ck 15 0.3 0.3 0.05 060 Tanjil R 1.1 1.2 0.7 061 Tanjil R 063 Thomson R 50 4.5 0.5 0.15 16.1 11.5 9.6 96 7.9 0 064 Big Ck 45 1.4 0.3 0.1 56.8 15 8.2 83 7.8 5 065 Pioneer Ck 50 1.7 0.4 0.1 35.3 13 9.9 94.5 8.1 5 066 La Trobe R 35 2 0.3 0.1 50.1 14.5 7.7 76 7.7 5 067 Dead Horse Ck 60 0.7 0.4 0.1 554 15.5 7.5 73.8 7.6 0 068 Starvation Ck 50 0.5 0.4 0.2 1153 15.3 6.3 64 6.7 5 069 Stanley Vale Ck 50 0.7 0.5 0.15 470 15.1 77.8 7.4 5 070 Wild Bull Ck 80 0.7 0.5 0.2 353 15.7 8.5 85 7.2 5 071 Hawthorn Ck 70 0.9 0.7 0.3 170.9 15.1 8.2 70 6.8 5 072 Mundic Ck 70 1.8 1.1 0.3 25 10.5 7.8 85 6.5 0 073 Mundic Ck 10 0.4 0.5 0.1 19.9 9.8 8.7 77 6.18 0 074 Walkers Ck 50 0.4 0.3 0.1 21.6 11.6 9.9 96 6.7 0 075 Toorongo R 50 0.9 1.2 0.3 31.6 11.4 9.6 95 6.2 5 076 Toorongo R 50 0.7 1.5 0.2 20.5 11 9.5 86.2 6.3 0 78 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 53 <5.0 Site Waterbody Code Survey Ave. Max. Ave. Length Width Depth Depth (m) (m) (m) (m) 077 Toorongo R 50 0.4 0.4 0.1 078 Icy Ck 30 0.6 0.3 0.07 079 Carter Ck 15 0.25 0.1 0.02 080 Cascade Ck 50 0.4 0.4 0.1 081 Tanjil R 082 Tanjil R 35 5 1 0.3 083 West Tanjil Ck 40 4 0.7 0.2 084 West Tanjil Ck 60 0.4 0.6 0.3 085 Pennyweight Ck 60 2.2 0.8 086 Kennedys Ck 50 0.4 088 Bennet Ck 50 089 Skerry Ck 090 EC Water DO DO temp mg/L %Sat. pH Turbidity (NTU) o C 22.9 13.4 9.4 98 6.8 0 112.7 14.7 9 97 6.9 20 0.2 37.4 13.2 10.8 103 6.7 14 0.3 0.08 50.2 11.1 9.7 87 6.9 20 0.3 0.25 0.08 33.7 10.1 10.5 92 6.9 0 12 0.2 0.04 0.02 Skerry Ck 60 0.4 0.4 0.1 37.5 11.3 10.1 90 6.9 0 091 Loch R 60 1.4 0.4 0.15 49.6 12.3 9.1 85 6.8 5 092 Litaize Ck 40 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 12.8 9.5 92 7.3 0 093 Litaize Ck 50 0.5 0.4 0.1 45.1 12.3 9.2 87 7 0 094 Russell Ck 50 45.6 12.7 9.2 88 7.1 5 095 Bennie Ck 50 1.2 0.7 0.25 44.7 12.8 8.7 82 6.8 0 096 Lavery Ck 35 0.5 0.25 0.05 097 Lavery Ck 50 0.3 0.15 0.05 69.9 11.7 8.5 83 7.15 10 098 Jacky Ck 35 0.6 0.3 0.08 37.1 9.7 9.8 87 5.8 0 099 Jordan R 30 0.3 111 Rintoul Ck 265 1.6 0.7 0.15 260 9.9 8.3 76 6.5 0 112 Rintoul Ck 100 1.3 0.7 0.2 113 Jacobs Ck 50 202 11.3 7.9 73 6 10 114 Hotel Ck 50 115 Rintoul Ck 125 116 Rintoul Ck 117 1.2 0.4 0.1 249 10.5 9.1 83.4 6 5 2 0.5 0.2 243 9.9 10.3 92.6 6.5 5 80 2.1 0.8 0.2 252 9.8 11.3 98 6.5 0 Stoney Ck 100 2.1 0.8 0.15 111.7 11.4 9.3 90 6.5 0 118 Rintoul Ck 100 1.1 0.6 0.15 285 10 8.8 79 6 0 119 Stoney Ck 35 6 1.5 0.4 160.7 11.9 10.3 96 6.5 0 140 Stoney Ck 165 3.8 0.6 0.2 135 9.9 10.7 97 6.5 0 141 Eaglehawk Ck 65 0.4 0.3 0.04 1380 11.1 10.9 100 7 500 142 Rintoul Ck 70 1 0.4 0.15 690 11.3 11.4 104 6.5 400 143 Iseppis Ck 70 1.3 0.5 0.2 360 10.3 11.3 100 7.5 10 157 Glenmaggie Ck 150 3.5 0.8 0.25 110.5 7.8 11.1 95 6 0 158 Glenmaggie Ck 120 3 0.7 0.2 116.1 7.8 10.9 91 6 0 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 54 Site Waterbody Code Survey Ave. Max. Ave. Length Width Depth Depth (m) (m) (m) (m) EC Water DO DO temp mg/L %Sat. pH Turbidity (NTU) o C 159 Springs Ck 80 1.8 1.2 0.25 38.2 7.8 11.5 87 6.5 0 160 Mt Useful Ck 55 1.8 1.1 0.15 39.5 8.6 11.5 98 6.5 0 161 Stoney Ck 190 1.3 0.4 0.1 268 7.7 7.9 64.7 6.5 0 162 Ada R 50 1.1 0.3 0.1 30.9 8.2 11.6 98.9 6 0 163 Little Ada R 60 2 0.6 0.2 28.7 6.9 11.5 94 5.5 0 164 Ada R 65 2.3 0.6 0.25 31.1 7.2 11.5 99 6 0 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 55 Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series No. 248 56