Global Biogeochemical Cycles Supporting Information for Sources of new nitrogen in the Indian Ocean Eric J. Raes1*, Peter A. Thompson2, Allison S. McInnes3, Hoang Minh Nguyen1, Nick Hardman-Mountford1, 4 and Anya M. Waite5 1. The Oceans Institute, University of Western Australia, M047 35 Stirling Hwy Crawley, 6009 WA, Australia * +61 (0)8 6488 1690 2. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, GPO Box 1538, Hobart, 7001 TAS, 7001, Australia 3. University of Technology, Sydney, Plant Functional Biology & Climate Change. City campus 15 Broadway Ultimo NSW 2007 4. CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, Private Bag 5, Wembley, 6913 WA , Australia 5. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Am Handelshafen 12, 27570 Bremerhaven and Universität Bremen, D-28334 Bremen, Germany Contents of this file Text S1 to S6 and text to Table S1 Figures S1 to S6 Tables S1 Introduction This supplementary material includes: A description how the processed HPLC data were analysed using the diagnostic pigments of the dominant phytoplankton taxonomic. Information, as requested by the reviewer, where stable isotopes were purchased from. Additional information to show that enhanced spike concentrations did not enhance our uptake rates. Scatter plots, based on the principal coordinate (PC) loadings, visualised the clustering of the different stations into Subtropical Water (STW n=79 CTD stations) and Leeuwin Current water (LC n=98 CTD stations) for all voyages. 1 Additional information on the regional oxygen profile of the eastern Indian Ocean. Oxygen profiles with local depletion around 100-250m (lower oxygenated waters) in three warm core eddies Additional information on the vertical profile of the nutrient tracers within the mixed layer in the Leeuwin Current waters and within Subtropical waters. Table S1. Pigment analysis: Processed HPLC data were analysed using the diagnostic pigments of the dominant phytoplankton taxonomic (Vidussi et al., 2001, Hirata et al., 2008, Aiken et al., 2009). It is to be noted that diagnostic pigment analysis has its ambiguities (e.g. fucoxanthin is a precursor for 19’-butanoyl oxyfucoxanthin and 19’-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin); for more detail see Aiken et al. (2009) and Uitz et al. (2006). This had only minor implications for our data, as the microplankton represented a small fraction of the total phytoplankton functional types (fraction range: <0.03). 2 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Allo Alloxanthin But 19’-Butanoyloxyfucoxanthin Chlb Chlorophyll β Caro Carotenes,ββ carotene+βε carotene Diad Diadinoxanthin Diato Diatoxanthin Fuc Fucoxanthin Hex 19’-Hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin Per Peridinin Viol Violaxanthin Zea Zeaxanthin DVChl Divinyl chlorophyll α Chlidea Chlorophyllide a TChl a Total chlorophyll α = sum of Chl α+DVChl+Chlidea, TC Total carotenoids = Allo+But+Caro+Diato+Fuc+Hex+Per+Viol+Zea AP = accessory pigments Sum of TC+Chlb+Chlc1+Chlc2+Chlc3 DP = diagnostic pigments Sum of Allo+But+Chlb+Fuc+Hex+Per+Zea Diatom proportion Fuc/DP Dinoflagellate Per/DP proportion Microplankton Diatom + Dinoflagellate proportion Nano-flagellate Allo+But+Chlb+Hex)/DP picoplankton Zea/DP Table S1: Abbreviations for phytoplankton pigments and phytoplankton taxa 3 Stable isotopes: Ammonium Chloride N15 Potassium Nitrate N15 Sodium bicarbonate 15 N2 4 Figure S1. Fig S1a and b present the spike concentrations (%) for a) NO3- assimilation rates (nmol.L-1.h-1) and b) NH4+ assimilation rates (nmol.L-1.h-1).The trace additions (50 nmol.L-1) were based on Waite et al (2007a), Twomey et al (2007) and Hanson et al. (2007). Enhanced trace additions (> 10%) did not increase assimilation rates in our study area (Red lines: denote linear regressions r2= 0.003, slope= -0.0018, p= 0.57, n=120 for NO3- assimilation rates and r2= 0.073, slope= -0.0106, p= 0.0019, n=129 for NH4+ assimilation rates respectively. Figure S1: Spike concentrations did not enhance uptake rates 5 Figure S2: Figure A2: Scatter plots, based on the principal coordinate (PC) loadings, visualised the clustering of the different stations into Subtropical Water (STW n=79 CTD stations) and Leeuwin Current water (LC n=98 CTD stations) for all voyages. Temperature, salinity and dissolved O2concentrations explained more than 50% of the variance (first PC) and defined the clustering of stations into STW and LC waters (see Table 1). Figure S2: PCA scatterplots for LC and STW waters. 6 Figure S3: (A) Area map with voyage tracks and CTD stations ±) in detail (B). Red circles for the SS2010v05 CTD stations; black triangles for SS2011v04 CTD stations; blue squares the CTD stations and brown circles for the flow through stations for the SS2012v04 and green crosses for SS2013v04 voyage CTD stations. Arrows indicating poleward flowing Leeuwin Current (LC) and Sub Tropical Water (STW). (C) Oxygen profile of the eastern Indian Ocean. Regional depth vs temperature profile with dissolved oxygen concentrations in colour. Data sourced from all available Argo floats and cruise voyages conducted on the Southern Surveyor in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Regional water masses, cold Subtropical waters and warm Leeuwin Current waters are highlighted by STW and LC respectively. Shallow (100-200m) relatively lower dissolved oxygen layers (DO) are highlighted by the black circle. Figure S3: Oxygen profile in the eastern Indian Ocean. 7 Figure S4: Shows three warm core eddies (WC1-2-3). Top panels denote depth (m) profiles with temperature (˚C) as a colour overlay. Bottom panels depth (m) profile with oxygen (μ as a colour overlay. Relatively lower dissolved oxygen layers are highlighted by a black circle Figure S4: Oxygen profiles in three warm core eddies. 8 Figure S5: present the shape of the vertical profile of the nutrient tracers within the mixed layer in the Leeuwin Current waters. All the available in situ nutrient data (μmol.L-1.h-1) within the MLD for a) NO3- Red lines: denote linear regressions r2=0.11, p<0.0001, slope=0.0016; b) NH4+ r2=0.008, slope=-0.0001, p=0.12; c) PO4-3 r2=0.126, slope=0.002, p<0.0001; and d) Si r2=0.084, slope=0.0014, p<0.0001 are plotted with their corresponing MLD (m). Figure S5: Vertical profile of the nutrient tracers in the Leeuwin Current. 9 Figure S6: present the shape of the vertical profile of the nutrient tracers within the mixed layer in the Subtropical waters. All the available in situ nutrient data (μmol.L-1.h-1) within the MLD for a) NO3- Red lines: denote linear regressions r2=0.008, p= 0.119, slope= 0.0006; b) NH4+ r2=0.0109, slope=0.0001, p=0.08; c) PO4-3 r2=0.007, slope=8x105 , p=0.155; and d) Si r2=0.013, slope=0.0011, p<0.0001 are plotted with their corresponing MLD (m). 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