Useful phrases for text analysis and literary appreciation Begin with these simple expressions: the writer/ poet/ novelist/etc ... : - is aiming at (sth or verb+ing form) - wants to achieve the purpose of - wants to produce the effect that … - wants to contrast sth with sth else - arouses the reader's emotions (feelings/ interest) - evokes the attitude of … - focuses the reader' s attention on … - expects the reader to (infinitive) - wants to produce the effect that - appeals to the reader's senses/ feelings/ emotions/ reason a word/ a phrase/ …. - is a clue to the message of the poem - is a clue to the poet's intention - is a means to gain strength and freshness of expression - is a device to underline ( emphasize/ stress) sth the idea/ topic/ subject is - presented - introduced - expressed - developed - restated - illustrated - summed up - summarized the title - suggests/ indicates the poem/ story/ extract - achieves coherence by - establishes unity by - brings about the effect - is divided into the rhythm - adds to the musical quality of the poem - makes the lines run more quickly/ slowly - affects the poem as a whole - is based on Here you will find more phrases and words which help you for a better examination. THE TEXT 2. This text can be classified as ... | | | | 3. The text | | | | deals with treats concerns itself with presents 4. The title already | | an extremely topical subject. | | indicates gives a clue as to the subject. 5. The aim of the text is as follows: 6. This events in the text | | | are factually true. refer to the real world. are invented. 7. The author seeks to judge the text | | objectively subjectively 8. The author gives his own opinion on ... takes sides with .../sides with | | | remains neutral 9. The text contains a subjective 10. The author 11. The story | | | concerning ... regarding ... as to ... | | | element. evaluation. comment. | seeks to | | wants to | | | convince the reader. make a point. establish a viewpoint. is constructed around a single theme. | | | | is confined to one setting. involves only a few characters. is restricted to one central aspect. 12. to stress/point out/lay emphasis on/emphasize 13. to illustrate with examples 14. to give reasons | | 15. A closer examination 16. to 17. to | reveals | | shows | | | return to | | analyse a text take up examine for against that ... | | another subject | | from several | | standpoints angles | pinpoint | study | | | centre on | 18. to different aspects of the text CHARACTERS 1. to reveal | | | uncover disclose 2. to depict the individual features of a character | | | main | | prominent | | features of a person 3. The narrator describes the dominant 4. Durring the course of the | | | characteristics features traits | novel | | play | | poem | of a character. | | | the character undergoes a development/change. 5. The character remains essentially unchanged. 6. The character changes his attitude. 7. to us telling | | | employ showing | | | as a mode of characterization 8. The narrator presents his characters 9. The narrator 10. to give a 11. to convey a gives a rough | | presents | | | faithful | | realistic | | detailed | sketch | | description | | description characterization of s.o.'s character. | | of s.o. vivid | | impressive | | portrayal of ... 12. to | describe | | picture | a character realistically 13. to portray | | characterize | | s.o. with attention to detail 14. The description 15. to | presents | | includes | | contains | | give | | supply | | convey | many details. an impression 16. to point out the characteristics of s.o. 17. to characterize a person as 18. to | present | | provide | a portrait of a person 19. to caricature a person 20. to present a stereotyped person 21. to give a detailed analysis of s.o. 22. The narrator is particularly interested in the psychology of a character 23. In this description the narrator intends to convey the impression that. 24. The narrator | | | gives provides presents some typical details. | | | 25. An essential component of his character is ... POINT OF VIEW 1. The narrator | | | views ... from a distance. stands back from the action and observers. remains outside the plot, merely observing 2. His lack of involvement permits the narrator to maintain an analytical stance. 3. The narrator describes the action and characters objectively. 4. the story is narrated in the third person, and the narrator never surfaces. 5. There is no interference by the narrator throughout the next. 6. The narrator 7. The narrator 8. The narrator is not involved explicitly. | | is a thinly-sketched characters on the edge of the story. | plays a more active role in | | | intervenes in | | | | | | pronounces judgement on takes part in is involved in is one of cannot escape from the text. ... | | | | 9. The narrator is a central character in the story. 10. The story is told from the narrator's angle. 11. The fact that he is involved results in the narration being biased and slanted . 12. As the narrator participates in the plot his views are committed (=here: limited). 13. He describes the event from the point of view of ... 14.The narrator's attitude towards his/her material is ... 15. The events are viewed from a subjective angle/perspective. 16. The description is | | restricted limited | | to ... 17. The narrator's relation to the text is confined to ... 18. His views are as subjective as those of the others. 19. The narrator | | | intends wants seeks | to | influence | | | manipulate | | 20. The narrator's introductory remarks also | | | the reader. include deal with refer to 21. The points of view in the text shift from character to character. 22. The intention of this narrative approach is ... | | | ...