CURRICULUM VITAE - British Renal Society

DEGREES, DIPLOMAS etc (subject, class, university and dates)
MD (Honours) Medical School, Gdansk, Poland
Doctor of Medicine, MD University of Glasgow
British-American Research Fellowship awarded by the British Heart Foundation
FRCP (Glasgow)
CURRENT POST (with dates):
BHF Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Director,
BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, University of Glasgow
1997 (tenured).
British Heart Foundation
LAST 3 POSTS HELD (with dates):
BHF Senior Research Fellow and Consultant Physician, Department of Medicine
and Therapeutics, University of Glasgow.
Lecturer, Dept of Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Glasgow
Visiting Scientist, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Selected Publications (from a total of 241)
Jeffs B, Negrin CD, Graham D, Clark JS, Anderson NH, Gauguier D, Dominiczak AF. Applicability of a
“speed” congenic strategy to dissect blood pressure quantitative trait loci on rat chromosome 2. Hypertension
2000; 35: 179-187.
Berry C, Hamilton CA, Brosnan MJ, McGill FG, Berg GA, McMurray JJV, Dominiczak AF. An investigation
into the sources of superoxide in human blood vessels: Angiotensin II increases superoxide production in human
internal mammary arteries. Circulation 2000; 101: 2206-2212.
Charchar FJ, Tomaszewski M, Padmanabhan S, Lacka B, Upton MN, Inglis GC, Anderson NH, McConnachie A,
Zukowska-Szczechowska E, Grzeszczak W, Connell JMC, Watt CM, Dominiczak AF. The Y chromosome
effect on blood pressure in two European populations. Hypertension 2002; 39: 353-356.
Fennell JP, Brosnan MJ, Frater AJ, Hamilton CA, Alexander MY, Nicklin SA, Heistad DD, Baker AH,
Dominiczak AF. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of extracellular superoxide dismutase improves
endothelial dysfunction in a rat model of hypertension. Gene Therapy 2002; 9: 110-117.
Tomaszewski M, Brain NJR, Charchar FJ, Wang WYS, Lacka B, Padmanabhan S, Clark JS, Anderson NH,
Edwards HV, Zukowska-Szczechowska E, Grzeszczak W, Dominiczak AF. Essential hypertension and 2adrenergic receptor gene - linkage and association analysis. Hypertension 2002; 40: 286-291.
McBride MW, Carr FJ, Graham D, Anderson NH, Clark JS, Lee WK, Charchar FJ, Brosnan MJ, Dominiczak
AF. Microarray analysis of rat chromosome 2 congenic strains. Hypertension 2003; 41: 847-853.
Caulfield M, Munroe P, Pembroke J, Samani N, Dominiczak A, Brown M, Benjamin N, Webster J, Ratcliffe P,
O’Shea S, Papp J, Taylor E, Dobson R, Knight J, Newhouse s, Hooper J, Lee W, Brain N, Clayton D, Lathrop
GM, Farrall M, Connell J, for The MRC British Genetics of Hypertension Study. Genome-wide mapping of
human loci for essential hypertension. Lancet 2003; 361: 2118–2123.
McBride MW, Brosnan MJ, Mathers J, McLellan L, Miller WH, Graham D, Hanlon N, Hamilton CA, Polke JM,
Lee WK, Dominiczak AF. Reduction of Gstm1 expression in the SHRSP contributes to increased oxidative
stress. Hypertension 2005; 45: 786-792
Al-Benna S, Hamilton CA, McClure JD, Rogers PN, Berg GA, Ford I, Delles C, and Dominiczak AF. LDLcholesterol determines oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction in saphenous veins from patients with
coronary artery disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2006; 26: 218-223.
Lee-Kirsch M, Gong M, Chowdhury D, Senenko L, Engel K, Lee Y, de Silva U, Bailey SL, Witte T, Vyse TJ,
Kere J, Pfeiffer C, Harvey S, Wong A, Koskenmies S, Hummel O, Rohde K, Schmidt RE, Dominiczak AF, Gahr
M, Hollis T, Perrino FW, Lieberman J and Hubner N. Mutations in the 3´-5´ DNA exonuclease TREX1 are
associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Nat Genet 2007;39:1065-1067.
Tomaszewski M, Charchar FJ, Lynch MD, Padmanabhan S, Wang William YS, Miller WH, Greszczak W, Maric
C, Zubowska-Szczechowska E, Dominiczak AF. Fibroblast growth factor 1 gene and hypertension – from the
quantitative trait locus to positional analysis. Circulation 2007;116:1915-1924.
Zimmerli LU, Mark PB, Steedman T, Foster JE, Berg GA, Dargie HJ, Jardine AG, Delles C, Dominiczak AF.
Vascular function in patients with end-stage renal disease and/or coronary artery disease: a cardiac magnetic
resonance imaging study. Kidney Int 2007;71:68-73.
Tomaszewski M, Charchar FJ, Maric C, McClure J, Crawford L, Grzeszczak W, Sattar N, ZukowskaSzczechowska E, Dominiczak AF. Glomerular hyperfiltration: a new marker of metabolic risk. Kidney Int
Graham D, McBride MW, Gaasenbeek M, Gilday K, Beattie E, Miller WH, McClure JD, Polke J, Montezano A,
Toyuz RH, Dominiczak AF. Candidate genes that determine response to salt in the stroke prone spontaneously
hypertensive rat: congenic analysis. Hypertension 2007;50:1134-1141.
Zimmerli LU, Schiffer E, Zürbig P. Good DM, Kellmann M, Mouls L, Pitt AR, Coon JJ, Schmierder RE, Peter
KH, Mischak H, Kolch W, Delles C, Dominiczak AF. Urinary proteomic biomarkers in coronary artery disease.
Mol Cell Proteomics 2008;7:290-298.
Wallace C, Newhouse SJ, Braund P, Zhang F, Tobin M, Falchi M, Ahmadi K, Dobson RJ, Marcano ACB, Hajat
C, Burton P, Deloukas P, Brown M. Connell JM, Dominiczak A, Lathrop GM, Webster J, The Wellcome Trust
Case Control Consortium, Farrall M, Spector T, Samani NJ, Caulfield MJ, Munroe PB. Genome-wide association
study identifies novel genes for serum urate and dyslipidemia. Am J Hum Genet. 2008;82:139-49.
Aitman T, Critser JK, Cuppen E, Dominiczak A, Fernandez XM, Flint J, Gauguier D, Geurts AM, Gould M,
Harris PC, Holmdahl R, Hübner N, Izsvak Z, Jacob H, Kuramoto T, Kwitek AE, Marrone A, Mashimo T,
Moreno-Quinn C, Mullins J, Mullins L, Olsson T, Riley L, Saar K, Serikawa T, Shull JD, Szpirer C, Twigger SN,
Voigt B and Kim Worley. Progress and prospects in rat genetics: a community view. Nat Genet 2008;40:516-522
Weedon M , Lango H, Lindgren C, Wallace C, Evans DM, Mangino M, Freathy RM, Perry JRB, Stevens S, Hall
AS, Samani NJ, Shields B, Prokopenko I, Farrall M, Dominiczak A, Diabetes Genetics Initiative, The Wellcome
Trust Case Control Consortium, Johnson T, Bergmann S, Beckmann JS, Vollenweider P, Waterworth DM,
Mooser V, Palmer CNA, Morris AD, Ouwehand WH, Cambridge GEM Consortium, Caulfield M, Munroe PB,
Hattersley AT, McCarthy MI and Frayling TM. Genome-wide association analysis identifies 20 loci that
influence adult height. Nat Genet 2008;40:575-583.
Muhlen CVZ, Schiffer E, Zuerbig P, Kellmann M, Brasse M, Meert N, Vanholder RC, Dominiczak AF, Chen
YC, Mischak H, Bode C, Peter K. Evaluation of urine proteome pattern analysis for its potential to reflect
coronary artery atherosclerosis in symptomatic patients. J Proteome Res 2009;8:335-345.
Masson R, Nicklin SA, Craig MA, McBride M, Gilday K, Gregorevic P, Allen JM, Chamberlain JS, Smith G,
Giordano A, Graham D, Dominiczak AF, Napoli C, Baker AH. Onset of experimental severe cardiac fibrosis is
mediated by overexpression of ACE2. Hypertension 2009;53:694-700.
Graham D, Huynh NN, Hamilton CA, Smith RAJ, Cocheme HM, Murphy MP, Dominiczak AF. The
mitochondria targeted antioxidant MitoQ10 improves cardiovascular function and attenuates cardiac hypertrophy.
Hypertension 2009;54:322-328.