. A graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute in New York City, Anne Gallagher is cofounder and coordinating chef of the nationally recognized coalition Plow to Plate. She is also co-founder of the Youth Chefs Program, which has gained much popularity. They have had the pleasure of being invited to MGM Grand Hotel in Detroit to cook under some of the best chefs in the area, as well as appearing on the Kashi Sundance Channel on the web, Grains of Change, and featured in numerous newspaper articles. Chef Anne has also had the honor of being part of our First Lady’s Chefs Move to Schools program where she attended the launch celebration on the White House lawn along with 500 other chefs. Because of the program Chef Anne was asked by the food service director of New Milford Schools to be a part of integrating better and healthier foods into the lunch program. Besides being very active in the organic and local food community, Chef Anne has established a very successful catering business that promotes delicious and fresh seasonal cuisine. She is also a part of the Fresh Advantage Team founded by her colleague Marydale Debor and is currently teaching at Connecticut Mental Health Center. The focus at the hospital is to empower clients of CMHC with knowledge of basic culinary skills and financial guidance in order for them to have a healthy diet on a very limited budget. Chef Anne also teaches classes at the Silo Cooking School in New Milford, CT, Upstairs Kitchen in Chester, Ct. and Different Drummer’s Kitchen in Northampton, MA. She is a returning instructor for the After School Arts Program and has run after school programs with the Burnham School in Bridgewater.