Programme: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME Sub-programme: COMENIUS Action type: PARTNERSHIPS Action: COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships Project title: Learning through developing interdisciplinary projects Project acronym: LeaDeR – int Partner: kindergarten “Eziukas”, Lithuania Workshop: Interdisciplinary project 4 Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Project The theme/ The title of the project: Without prejudice Project’s goal: To develop children’s positive attitude towards national and European culture and civilisation. To develop self-respect and respect to others, writing and performing age corresponding drama Aims: For children: 1. Stimulate child’s oral speech, vocabulary, bodily movement as self-expression, communication and exploration tool. 2. To stimulate child’s creativity and understanding about interpersonal space 3. To develop values: tolerance, responsibility, empathy 4. To improve child’s team working experience in small groups by assuming specific roles 5. To improve mother tongue For teachers: 1. Stimulate creativity of teaching process; 2. Use IT and English language competences for communication to create DVD; 3. Share good practice with project’s partners. 4. Stimulate communication skills using different communication tools (Facebook, web site) Subjects involved: Lithuanian language, music, sports, crafts, dance, history, art, math, English language, IT. 1 Programme: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME Sub-programme: COMENIUS Action type: PARTNERSHIPS Action: COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships Project title: Learning through developing interdisciplinary projects Project acronym: LeaDeR – int Partner: kindergarten “Eziukas”, Lithuania The structure of the interdisciplinary project Competences of integrated learning -Knowledge -Skills/instrumental capacities -Attitudes and values Learning to assume specific roles; Learning to assume responsibility; Notions about new words/vocabulary; Learning to identify stereotypes, prejudice. Improving artistic and musical skills; Communicating with the team members; Working in group/pairs; Creating tools/props for play; Improving bilateral coordination; Improving digital skills; Improving vocabulary. Respecting each other; Learning to be patient; 4. 2. Planning of the time: January, 2014 – The activity March 2014 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 1. Elaboration of the project and its evaluation tools 2. Launching the project - drama play “How a little worm was looking for friends” 3. Distribution of roles of the drama play per age groups 2 Programme: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME Sub-programme: COMENIUS Action type: PARTNERSHIPS Action: COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships Project title: Learning through developing interdisciplinary projects Project acronym: LeaDeR – int Partner: kindergarten “Eziukas”, Lithuania 4. Weekly integrated activities (arts, songs, crafts, dance, sports, etc) for kids per age groups. Video taping 5. Visiting Kaunas State Puppet theatre and watching the fairy tale “The cat’s house” 6. Visiting zoological wild life museum and get acquainted with local flora and fauna 7. Making videotaping and English transcription for the drama play “How a little worm was looking for friends” 8. DVD presentation in the kindergarten and its evaluation 9. Dissemination of the whole project Exchange DVD with partners 3.Resources: 1. Material: internet, photos, camera, various art suppliers, DVD, CD, national costumes, books, magazines, educational games; 2. Human resources: teachers and their assistants (12) , PE physical education teacher (1), music teacher (1) and children of different age groups (110); 3. Procedurals: playing games, singing songs, playing drama, discovery learning, analysis, discussions; 4. Forms of organization: workgroups of children and 7 teachers. 4.Activities: 3 Programme: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME Sub-programme: COMENIUS Action type: PARTNERSHIPS Action: COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships Project title: Learning through developing interdisciplinary projects Project acronym: LeaDeR – int Partner: kindergarten “Eziukas”, Lithuania 1. Elaboration of the project and its evaluation tools Project presentation to the staff and parents. Team building, tasks distribution. Preparation of the final version of the project- the drama play “How a little worm was looking for friends”. 2. Launching the project Each teacher from the project team together with the PE teacher and music teacher will create a special program according to the kids age groups which will assist to reach the project’s goal and aims. 3. Distribution of roles of the drama play per age groups-teachers discuss with kids the scenario of the drama play, explains the characters and distributes the roles 4. Weekly integrated activities (arts, crafts, dance, sports, etc) for kids according to their age groups Playing games and getting notions about the games’ rules. Learning new words. Creating fairy-tales based on the characters of the drama play. Expressing drama characters through paintings. Integrating letters and figures into the drama play content. Learning new dances and songs. Creating tools/props, costumes for drama characters. Getting notion about local fauna and flora (plants and wildlife). 5. Visiting Kaunas State Puppet theatre and watching the fairy tale “The cat’s house” Discussing with children their feelings on prejudice subject and how this theme was revealed in the drama play “The cat’s house”. Making pictures and playing drama play with puppets. 6.Visiting local library and getting acquainted with the special literature on “without prejudice” subject Creating tales on “without prejudice” subject, making pictures 7. Making videotaping and English transcription for the drama play “How a little worm was looking for friends” Before making the DVD, starting from the week 3, alongside with the start of the project activities in the each age group, teachers from the project team will discuss and establish the final draft of the drama play: content, characters, play structure, cast, props. Also make ENG text, arrange draft’s discussions and make improvements. 8. Presenting DVD product in the kindergarten and evaluating final product DVD will be presented and disseminated though different information sources and activities: parents’ meetings, newsletter, website-kindergarten and project, project’s information board in our kindergarten, teachers’ meetings. Getting feedback and making improvements. 9. Dissemination of the whole project Exchange DVD with Comenius project partners and present it during partners meeting in Turkey. Getting feedback and making improvements. 5. Evaluation: 4 Programme: LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME Sub-programme: COMENIUS Action type: PARTNERSHIPS Action: COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships Project title: Learning through developing interdisciplinary projects Project acronym: LeaDeR – int Partner: kindergarten “Eziukas”, Lithuania Evaluating the process: systematic observation (checklist), questionnaire Evaluating the product: Presentation at kindergarten: parents-teachers meeting and the whole staff meeting. 5