Alert Tones Alert Tones are utilized by {PSAP} as a means of clearing the channel and alerting field units of a major crime. When a situation requires the Alert Tone to be used, {PSAP} will simulcast the information on the following channels: 1. {Channels by number or name} An Alert Tone will be considered an automatic status of emergency traffic only on {police radio channel name} unless another channel is designated by the dispatcher. Although dispatcher judgment should be used, the following types of calls may call for the use of an Alert Tone: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. In-progress or just occurred Robbery; Shootings; Stabbings; Fights involving weapons; In-progress or just occurred Sexual Assault; Felony Menacing; Explosions; In-progress or just occurred Burglary; and, Officer needs help – emergency backup. The following example of verbiage should be used for all Alert Tone activations: “City units, stand by for tone.” <Activate alert tone> <Simulcast> “City units, Robbery just occurred. 123 Main Street, 1, 2, 3, Main Street…” <Assign two units and notify a patrol sergeant> <Un-simulcast> <Reiterate the automatic emergency traffic only on {police radio channel name} and move all non-involved radio traffic to {channel name}. At this time air any additional pertinent information to responding units.>