MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE KING'S SOMBORNE VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (Registered Charity Number 301866) 26TH OCTOBER 2006 Village Hall, 7.45PM Present: Representing Doug and Carolyn Stammers Melanie Lee, Jo Finch Football Club School Association Parish Correspondent, Somborne Players & Somborne Society Somborne Singers Bowls Club Footpath Walks Twinning Association Village Hall Caretaker Bill & Margaret Sutton Bill Fletcher Joy Hunt John Green Joyce Weeks Eileen Reynolds Penny Ward Sue Byram David Bidwell Margaret Burgess Vicky Burden Stephen Burgess Frances (Show?) Terry & Nola Mackintosh Gordon Pearson Parish Council Village Hall Committee Village Hall Committee Chairman Village Hall Committee WI Somborne Society Somborne Society WELCOME Chairman Stephen Burgess welcomed everyone present. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Sue Jackson Sharon Geary Harwood Belinda Baker Carolyn Ryan Michaeal Hunt Badminton Group Village Hall Committee Children and Toddlers Yoga group Somborne Society MINUTES OF LAST AGM HELD 7TH JULY 2005 The minutes of last AGM were agreed and duly signed. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT/MAINTENANCE Stephen Burgess summarised his report: Bookings have increased, testimony he felt to fact that renewing facilities helps ie the toilets The priorities for the Management committee continue to be redecoration, fundraising and coping with an ageing infrastructure Sub committee is still working on the Kitchen refurbishment Fundraising events such as the Trafalgar ball whilst providing good social entertainment they are not always hugely profitable. The Ball took a lot of work and thanks were given to everyone who helped. Stephen was particularly grateful as he had a very busy year personally and had covered for the Treasurer who resigned during the year Stephen has transferred the Hall accounts to a company of accountants to keep things in order The cost of the accountants was covered by a donation Moviola has started and will continue monthly Joyce Weeks was thanked for her continuing hard work in looking after the Hall Stephen wishes to resign as Chair of the committee but offered to continue in the absence of anyone else to replace him. ACCOUNTANTS FINANCIAL REPORT The Accounts have been confirmed and signed off Receipts are up but fundraising is reduced compared to previous year The Carnival share out was down as Carnival didn't happen in August It is hoped the Arts and craft fund will generate some income in 2007 Cleaning and maintenance costs are kept to a minimum The Oil tank is topped up as a policy now as opposed to letting it run low before refilling Utility costs have increased Costs for fundraising up but events are more elaborate CARNIVAL UPDATE The Carnival accounts are due to be published along with the main accounts in next two weeks. Stephen will forward copies to anyone who would like one and a copy will be posted to the notice board Traditionally the Carnival committee has been a separate committee and Stephen was not sure how it could be reinstated or invigorated MOTION TO FORM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Stephen introduced the motion and expressed his support for this idea The express purpose of the Development Committee is to define and raise funds to develop the Hall The Development Committee was proposed by Tony Ward and seconded by David Bidwell. No one voted against ELECTION OF OFFICERS/TRUSTEES The following officers of the committee were elected: Chairman - Stephen Burgess Secretary - Vicky Burden Treasurer - post not filled A discussion followed about the general makeup of the committee. Tony Ward explained that the constitution states that Village organisations should form part of the Hall committee as the hall is in trust to those organisations. Stephen commented that representatives had been invited to join from other organisations but there had been no take up of this offer and Stephen didn’t want to pressurise people. Carolyn Stammers volunteered to be their representative for the Football Club. Gordon Pearson raised the questions as to whether there was a limit to the number of committee members and Tony Ward offered to check this. David Bidwell pointed out that members of the committee are obliged to be Trustees of the Village Hall. OPEN FORUM Gordon Pearson suggested that the committee report regularly and probably in the Gauntlet as it was important to keep parishioners aware of Hall matters. Tony Ward said information and a project plan was available on the village Website and offered to do a regular update in the Gauntlet. Tony was keen for people to feed back to the Development committee as it is very important that it delivers what villagers want from the Hall. The Development Committee is not proposing a new village hall as it is quite sound. Tony Mackintosh suggested that the Village Hall Committee sent letters to user groups to invite them to meetings as well as public notices. Thanks were given to the Chairman and the meeting closed.