Read me - IME-USP

This directory contains conventions used in syllabic marking of utterances in European
Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP) made by Flaviane Romani Fernandes,
under Charlotte Galves´s supervision.
The directories bpmarking and epmarking contain utterances of European Portuguese (EP)
and utterances of Brazilian Portuguese (BP), respectively extracted of different European
writers and Brazilian writers, with syllabic markings.
In this syllabic marking of utterance, we consider the boundaries of the orthographic
The rules for syllable marking are very simple:
I-) The marking of each syllable precedes the syllable.
II-) The marking represents syllable properties. The syllable properties defined in our
marking are: primary stress, initial (lexical or functional) word boundary, initial
phonological phrase () boundary and vowel may be erased ( [i] and [], in non stressed
syllables and followed by affricates consonants [] and [], that can be deleted in fluent
0 - syllable not provided with the properties defined above
1 - primary stress
2 - initial (lexical or functional) word boundary
4 - initial phonological phrase () boundary (discussed below)
16 - vowel may be erased
III-) The number appears before each syllable corresponds to the sum of the corresponding
numbers for these syllable properties.
IV-) Dots, commas, exclamation dots, and interrogation dots are not taken into
consideration in our marking.
Examples of syllable marking in an utterance of Brazilian Portuguese:
7 Es 0 sa 3 noi 16 te 7 eu 3 ti 0 ve 6 um 3 so 0 nho.1
Notes about marking 4 - beginning phonological phrase boundary:
For marking of the initial phonological phrase () boundary we used the
phonological phrase () algorithm in Nespor and Vogel (1986: 168):
Phonological Phrase Formation
I.  domain
Utterance of a Brazilian Portuguese text ( A casa dos budas ditosos) of João Ubaldo.
The domain of  consists of a C (clitic group) which contains a lexical head (X) and all Cs
on its nonrecursive side up to the C that contains another head outside of the maximal
projection of X.
II. construction
Join into an n-ary branching  all Cs included in a string delimited by definition of the
domain of .
Take into consideration that X = lexical head / lexical category2, we consider as lexical
categories: (a) nouns, (b) adjectives, (c) verbs and (d) long adverbs with suffix "mente". (e)
Copular verbs are only considered lexical categories when they are the main verb of the
(a) [São Gonçalo]  não existe.
(b) Deve ser coisa da idade, certamente é a idade, embora, é claro, eu não me considere
[velha.] 
(c) Conte a história, minta bastante se quiser, [diga]  que é tudo verdade, e é mesmo.
(d) [Antigamente]  eu sonhava muito com eles.
(e) Deve ser coisa da idade, certamente [é]  a idade, embora, é claro, eu não me considere
We consider as functional categories4: (f) conjunctions, (g) pronouns, (h) adverbs without
suffix "mente", (i) auxiliary verbs (including copular verbs), (j) prepositions and (k)
(f) [Mas, de fato,]  eu tive um sonho.
(g)  Mas, de fato, [eu tive]  um sonho.
 Explicar isso como [quem explica]  a um marciano.
(h) Conte a história, [minta bastante]  se quiser, diga que é tudo verdade, e é mesmo.
(i) [Deve ser]  coisa da idade, certamente, é a idade, embora, é claro, eu não me considere
(j) Não vou falar mais nisso, perda [de tempo.] 
(k) [O magistério]  da Igreja me enerva.
Example of  algorithm application in a BP utterance6:
According to Cook and Newson (1996:187), lexical category: open class of head; phonologically
independent; potentially stressed; have one or more complements; separable complement; descriptive
content, linked to 'real' world; do not have grammatical features; not linked to parameters.
Utterances extracted of Brazilian Portuguese texts.
According to Cook and Newson (1996:187), functional category: closed class of heads; dependent
phonologically; usually unstressed; have a single complement, not an argument; inseparable complement; no
'descriptive content', not linked to 'real' world; have grammatical features; linked to parameters.
Idem 3 note.
Idem 1 note.
[Os católicos]  [são]  [politeístas.] 
In this work, phonological phrases are restructured, except phonological phrases constituted
by long adverbs with suffix "mente", every time the context for restructures, as defined in
Nespor and Vogel (1986: 173), is met:
 restructuring (optional)
A nonbranching  which is the first complement of X on its recursive side is joined into the
 that contains X
Ex.: before restructuring: [Os católicos]  [são]  [politeístas.] 
after restructuring: [Os católicos]  [são politeístas.] 
before restructuring: [Os gregos]  [e os romanos]  [tinham]  [um deus]  [menor] 
[para cada coisa,]  [regras]  [atrasadas,]  [artistas]  [falidos,]  [transações] 
[impossíveis,]  [dívidas]  [falimentares,]  [casamentos,]  [músicos]  [bêbedos,] 
[agricultores,]  [criadores]  [de cabra,]  [tudo, tudo, tudo].
after restructuring: [Os gregos]  [e os romanos]  [tinham]  [um deus menor]  [para
cada coisa,]  [regras atrasadas,]  [artistas falidos,]  [transações impossíveis,] 
[dívidas falimentares,]  [casamentos,]  [músicos bêbedos,]  [agricultores,] 
[criadores]  [de cabra,]  [tudo, tudo, tudo].
Exceptional case of no restructuring:
Besides the phonological phrases constituted by long adverbs with suffix "mente",
phonological phrases, which are the first complement of X on its recursive side, constituted
by a branching adjectival nucleus, after comma, are not joined into the  that contains X.
Ex7.: [Os mensageiros],  [instados]  [a repetir]  em público o que haviam dito aos
comandantes, anunciaram que estava em preparação um ataque em larga escala, dos
Lusitanos e dos seus vizinhos, contra a província Ulterior, para vingar enfim a traição do
pretor Galba.
*[Os mensageiros instados]  [a repetir]  em público o que haviam dito aos
comandantes, anunciaram que estava em preparação um ataque em larga escala, dos
Lusitanos e dos seus vizinhos, contra a província Ulterior, para vingar enfim a traição do
pretor Galba.8
A filha tinha sido mandada para casa da avó, [e a criada],  [cúmplice]  [no adultério], 
fora despedida no dia seguinte.
Utterances extracted of European Portuguese texts.
The asterisks (*) indicates restructuring not allowed.
A filha tinha sido mandada para casa da avó, *[e a criada, cúmplice]  [no adultério], 
fora despedida no dia seguinte.