Trio’s eyes opened. She shook a little in her nervousness. Here was the opportunity she’d been waiting for for so long. She was finally going to meet the man that was partly responsible for her existence. The man who had piloted the Deathscythe Gundam, its’ updated version the Deathscythe Hell and the final version Deathscythe Hell Custom. She wasn’t sure if she even WANTED to open her eyes but a part of her forced them open. “So, you’re Duo Maxwell…” Trio stated still staring at the ceiling. “Trio, show the man some respect and look at him at least!” Jerome screamed at her. “What’s the rush? Can’t a girl be a little scared?!” Trio shoved off the bench and waited until she was standing before she turned to regard Duo full on. They stared at each other taking in their appearance for a second. Duo couldn’t believe how much this girl looked like him. Trio gaped at a male version of herself. In her mind she heard a click and then everything got louder, slower, and brighter. She fell to her knees. Duo could have sworn her eyes went bright green before she dropped but he couldn’t be sure. “Master…” Trio, said in an eerie voice. Duo gaped at her for a second before he shook his head. “What’s wrong with you kid? Why…” Duo stopped when he saw Trio violently shaking. “Hey,” he said, taking a step toward her, “are you okay?” Trio glanced up once and her eyes really WERE bright green. She forced her head to the ground and everyone could see that something under her shirt was moving. It strained against the clothes and Trio moved side to side to try and help. She cried out once but it wasn’t out of pain. It was out of terror. This was like nothing she had ever done before…maybe it had NEVER been done before. Trio slashed from side to side and her “transformation” seemed to take an eternity. Finally the clothes could not stand the strain and the ripped with a resonating RRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPP that echoed off the walls of the ballroom. A hot blast of wind and piercing white light made everyone cover their eyes. “What’s going on!?” Duo yelled still covering his eyes. “I don’t know!” Hilde replied. She tried to glance at Duo but the light pierced even her side vision. Seconds later the wind and light died down and they looked back up at Trio. It took all of Duo’s strength to stay conscious when he looked at the girl again. On her back were the most beautiful, ebony, silky bat wings of human proportion Duo could ever imagine. They were flapping gently to get rid of the traces of blood, sweat and water covering them and hindering their flying movement. Trio herself seemed to be limp and only kept up by the constant flapping of her wings. Trio’s eyes were closed and her fingers slack. Her wings flapped consistently without help for two more minutes until apparently they were “satisfied” that they were dry enough. When they stopped Trio slid to the floor. The wings flapped a little until she settled down completely to the floor. No one moved for what seemed like a minute until they were sure she wouldn’t move again involuntarily. “Trio!” Jerome called out, racing first to her side. He could only get as close as her head because of her wings. He dropped to his knees and leaned down to check her pulse. He gasped and shuffled backwards. “What’s wrong?” Heero asked. “She hasn’t got a pulse…but she’s breathing!” “Duo, go see what’s up.” Heero commanded the pilot. “Wh..what? Why me?” “Because I said so and I think it might do her some good.” “Heero,” Relena butted in, “why would Duo do any good?” “He’s the one she reacted to. Didn’t you see her eyes?” “Yes, but I thought that was a trick of the light.” “SOMETHING about Duo made her react like she did. I told you she hide some secret. Now help her, Duo.” Duo gulped and walked over to her. He sat down above her head and reached out to touch her. Before he touched her he saw her eyes open. He jerked back as Trio sat up. “What…what happened?” Trio asked shaking her head. “You…you…” Duo stuttered. He tried multiple times to explain to the girl that she had bat wings but finally he pointed behind her. Trio turned her head and gasped. Duo sighed. She wasn’t going to scream. But his prayer was premature and Trio let out a blood-curdling scream. She reached behind her and tried to pull at the wings but that only caused tears to appear in her eyes. After one long minute Trio just broke down crying. Duo had scooted back to Hilde and Jerome had placed himself at the end of the bench. Trio just cried and swore at the unknown people who caused her so much grief. “Damn! This isn’t FAIR. Why did they have to do this WHY??? Damn it!!!” Finally regaining her composure Trio wiped her eyes and raised her head high. Everyone waited for her to speak but she couldn’t bring herself to speak. “You okay?” Hilde finally managed to ask. “Fine.” Trio snapped. “I…” the doorbell rang again before she could finish. “Andrio…” Jerome said slowly. “Yes sir.” “What are we going to do?” Trio cried out. “I can’t let people SEE me like this!” “You don’t really have an option, Trio. They’ll just have to be shocked.” For the remaining minute Trio just mumbled to herself how the ‘X’ was going to be able to find her easy now. How she wouldn’t be able to escape now. Finally Andrio returned with a little blond boy in tow. “Alexander Sand to see you sir.” Andrio moved from in front of the boy and left a flabbergasted child looking around at all the strange people gathered. When his green gaze settled on Trio he shook but couldn’t find the nerve to shift his gaze. “So you’re Quatre’s Gundam child?” Alex jumped at the sound of Heero’s voice. He nodded. “Can you speak, boy?” Jerome asked in a loud, but not quite shouting voice. His voice echoed against the walls and made it seem almost crushing to Alex. “I can s..speak but..but…” Jerome smirked. “You scared boy? The mansion too big for you?” “It’s not the mansion, Sir. It’s….it’s….” Finally unable to voice his fear, he just pointed at Trio. “Well? Spit it out!” Trio shouted. Alex jumped and forced a calm face on. “What the heck happened to you? You’ve…you’ve got WINGS! Who are you!?” “I’m the same thing you are Alexander Sand. I’m a G-Alloid.” “I asked WHO are you.” “Trio Hawk. Nice to meet you Alex.” “Is the same thing going to happen to me?” Alex asked turning to Heero. “Heero Yuy?”