Vita - Northwestern Oklahoma State University

Martie Young
2929 E. Randolph
Enid, OK 73701
(580) 213-3195
E-mail address:
Academic Degrees:
Curriculum and Instruction (Elementary Education/Mathematics Education Emphasis)
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, 1997
Special Education
Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, OK, 1989
Specialization: Reading
Reading Specialist
Learning Disabilities
Mental Retardation
Early Childhood
Elementary Education (major) English (minor) Teacher Certification
Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, OK, 1984
1994 - present
Professor, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Director of Student Teaching and Field Experiences;
Teaching and Advising; Resident Year Coordinator;
Endowed Chair of Education
 Director of Reading Education
 Teacher Education Leadership Group member
 Classes taught in Reading Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education and Elementary
Education, Adult Ed Management Masters, Reading Specialist Masters
 Student advisement on all campuses
 Student teacher supervision
 Resident year teacher supervision
 Graduate committees
 Teacher Ed Committee
Cimarron Valley Therapeutic Services, Woodward, OK
Foster care counselor responsible for the placement, testing and counseling of children placed in
therapeutic foster care; served as a liaison between child and state agencies, served needs of foster
parents and document state approved forms insuring basic needs of child
Adjunct Instructor, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, OK
Taught Elementary, Special Education and Reading Methods classes
Federal programs and Special Education Director, Alva Public Schools
Served as:
 Special Education Director
 Federal Programs Supervisor
 Title I Director
 Drug Grant Director
 Chapter II Director
 Middle School LD Teacher
 High School EMH Teacher
 Assistant High School Girls Basketball Coach
Instructor, Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva, OK
Taught Elementary, Special Education and Reading methods classes
Public School Teacher, Wakita Public Schools, Wakita, OK
Responsibilities included:
 Chapter 1 Reading (K-6)
 Middle School Reading/Math
 K-12 EMH
 K-12 LD
 High School/Middle School English
 Yearbook
 Class Sponsor and Advisor
 Cheerleader Sponsor
Received $20,000 from the Eisenhower Grant for Mathematics and Science
Oklahoma Association of Colleges of Teacher Education workshop presenter on portfolio assessment and
development in higher education, Fall 1997
Reading Specialist Program, designed and implemented masters program that met NCATE, IRA and state
guidelines and wrote the NCATE folio for the program
Clinical Teaching Master of Education Program design committee
Trained in Reading Readiness and Language Enrichment workshops funded by Masonic Fraternity in
Oklahoma, Summer, 1998
Presented at Psychology of Mathematics Education—North American Conference, Fall 1998 on
perceptions of elementary teachers
Presented at International Reading Association Conference, Fall, 1998 on ADHD
Presented at Southwest Educational Research Association in San Antonio in January,
1999 on
administrators’ perceptions of change
Presented at Research Council for Mathematics Learning in College Station in February, 1999 on effects of
integrated methods classes on preservice elementary teachers
Training by NCATE in Washington, D.C. in January, 1999
Presented at OACTE Conference in OKC on the professional development, Nov. 1999.
Presented at Research Council for Mathematics Learning in Las Vegas in March, 2000 about mathematics
in the service of reading; also on constructivist vs. traditional teaching
Published article in Journal of Instructional Psychology in December, 2000
Presented at OACTE, November, 2000 on pedagogy in teacher education
Published article for OASCD Journal, Fall, 2001
Presented at RCML in Las Vegas in March, 2001 on problem solving skills
Trained in Schools Attuned program, Spring, 2002
Presented at Higher Ed Technology Symposium, Norman, December, 2002
Attended and presented at national conference, AACTE in New Orleans, January, 2003
Presented at regional conference of International Reading Association in OKC, Feb, 2003
Presented at national conference of NISOD in Austin, Texas in May, 2003
Trained as a Teacher Work Sample scorer for OTEP in 2002-2003
Served on OSAT Early Childhood Education committee, 2003-present
Trained as a P-16 teacher evaluator by OTEP in 2003-2004
BOE training for NCATE in October 2003
Oklahoma Legislative Breakfast participant, 2001-present
The First Lady’s Education Forum, Los Angeles, February 2003
Regents’ Teacher Evaluation Pilot project, 2004
Oklahoma Reading Task Force member, 2004
OACTE Reading Sub-committee, 2005
Served on NCATE Accreditation Team for Oklahoma Christian University, 2005
Participated in Hawaii’s Electric Car Project, 2005
Brought in several professional development and multicultural experiences for students
Enid Writers Club Contest Judge, 2004-present
Guest Research Reviewer for Oklahoma Reader, 2005
Presented at Ed-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Los Angeles, 2006
International Presenter for World Association of Early Childhood Educators, Mexico, 2007
Outstanding Presentation at Ed-Media World Conference, Orlando, June, 2007
Visiting Teacher at Kalakehee Public Schools in Kona, Hawaii, March, 2008
Invited Guest Speaker at Wheat Capital Early Childhood Association Conference, Enid, 2008
Presenter at EncycloMedia Literacy Conference, Oklahoma City, 2008
Planning Committee for Oklahoma State Regents Literacy Conference, 2008-present
Presenter at OACTE, Norman, 2009
Presenter at SOEA state conference, Spring, 2010
Service and Outreach:
 NSF Grant Advisory Committee - Chosen to work with researchers on the OSU campus on an advisory
committee for a NSF grant
Northwest Oklahoma School-to-Work Advisory Committee
Training for Service-learning project for Medford High School
Outdoor Classroom Evaluation for Medford Public Schools
Inservice for classroom teachers, Kildare Public Schools
Testing for schools across northwest Oklahoma for Literacy First
Summer Reading Clinic on Enid campus
Ranger Reading Roundup
Scholarship judge for Grant County Junior Miss/Other pageants
Sponsor student involvement each year in Oklahoma Special Olympics
Chaired the committee to select Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year; presented award
Leonardo’s Museum Board of Directors
Local school’s Handwriting Contest Judge
Read to Classrooms
DHS Foster Grandparent Program Board of Directors
Classroom switch with local teacher
Pioneered the use of interactive television technology to teach outreach classes to isolated regions
of Oklahoma and to the state prisons
Charles Morton Share Endowed Chair Committee, Chairman
Speakers in Contemporary Education Committee, Chairman and Event Coordinator
Cinderella Pageant, Assistant Director
Faculty Senate, Vice-President, Administrative Liaison
Student Affairs Committee
Freshman Class Sponsor
University Homecoming Committee
Academic Appeals Committee
Teacher Ed Faculty Committee
Presidential Search Committee, 2000, 2001
Enid Campus Dean Search Committee, 2004
Peer Advisement Committee
Appellate Committee on Dismissal of Tenured Faculty, 2006-present
School of Education:
 Alpha Upsilon Alpha Advisor
 Teacher Education Committee and subcommittees
 Clinical Teaching Master of Education Program, Design Committee
 SOEA Advisor/Sponsor to State and National Conferences
 Reading Program Coordinator
NCATE Accreditation Visit Self-Study Team
NCATE Leadership Team
Multicultural Project with Langston University
Numerous Field Trips and Opportunities for Students
Volunteer Work:
 Oklahoma Special Olympics, Event Coordinator, 1995-present
 Leonardo’s Museum Board of Directors, 2006-present
 DHS Senior Citizens Volunteers Advisory Council, 2008
 National Outreach to Teach Project, New Orleans, 2003
 National Outreach to Teach Project, Maryland, 2004/Virginia, 2008
 Enid Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, 1998-present
 Big Brothers/Big Sisters Annual Event
 Tutoring/Mentoring children in Reading
 Volunteering in public schools
 National Young Readers’ Day, Coordinator of volunteer activity for college students
 Friends of the Library
 Reader for state contest involving National Young Readers Day
 Reader for state outstanding science and math educators
 Actively involved in community service organizations; receiving state and national recognition
which included:
- Outstanding Jayceette of the Nation
- Outstanding State Committee Chairman (SIDS and Runaway Youth)
- Outstanding Young Homemaker of Oklahoma
 Counselor for “Make Promises Happen” camp for children with disabilities
 Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
Leadership Greater Enid, 2008-09
Research/Publication Award for OASCD, November 2001
Endowed Chair for Education, 1998- present
Tenured Faculty, 1997-present
Phi Delta Kappa, 1995 - present, Secretary 1997-1998, VP 1998-99, Exec Committee
Red and Black Scroll Honor Society, President, 1981
Cardinal Key Honor Society, President, 1982
Whos Who Among American Colleges and Universities, 1982
Joe Dollins Award for Outstanding Achievement in Education, 1983
T.C. Carter Outstanding Scholarship Award, 1984
Student Oklahoma Education Association (SOEA),1981-1984, President 1983-1984, Treasurer
SOEA Outstanding Student Teacher Award, 1984
Professional Associations:
International Associations:
 International Reading Association
 Psychology of Mathematics Education—North America
National Associations:
 National Association for the Education of Young Children
 National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
 American Association for Colleges of Teacher Education
 Phi Delta Kappa Education Fraternity
 Council for Exceptional Children
National Education Association
Alpha Upsilon Alpha
Association of American University Women
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
State Associations:
 Oklahoma Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators
 Oklahoma Literacy Coalition
 Oklahoma Higher Ed Reading Council, State Officer
 Oklahoma Directors of Special Services Association
 Higher Education Alumni Council of Oklahoma
 Oklahoma Education Association
 Oklahoma Reading Association
 Cherokee Strip Reading Council
 Oklahoma Association for Colleges of Teacher Education
 Oklahoma Association for the Education of Young Children
 Oklahoma Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development-Exec. Committee
Presentations of Research:
Northwestern Oklahoma State University - Alva, OK
Conducted research as a part of a national study regarding recruitment and retention of special education
personnel across the state of Oklahoma and the nation.
Researched in cooperation with a law firm regarding legal issues in education as reported by
superintendents in the state of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Association for the Improvement of Developmental Education Annual Fall Conference
Presented a seminar entitled “Improving College Students’ Reading Proficiency Using Technology”
Oklahoma State Regents - Alva, OK
Presented a grant workshop for inservice teachers entitled “Manipulatives for Teaching Concepts in
Problem Solving Fractions and Decimals
National Association for the Education of Young Children National Convention – Dallas, TX
Presented a seminar entitled “Math and Science Manipulatives for K-3: Beyond Hands On”
Oklahoma Psychological Association Annual Meeting - Oklahoma City, OK
Presented results of pilot studies on the test-retest reliability of three standardized tests. The presentations
were entitled “The Test-Retest Reliability of the K-SNAP and “The Test-Retest Reliability of the K-FAST”
Served on the committee that facilitated the merger of Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics and
Oklahoma Science Teachers Association to for the Coalition for the Advancement of Science and
Mathematics Education in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Initiative for the Third International Mathematics and Science Study
Trained as part of the pilot for the “TIMSS Toolkit” used to disseminate information about mathematics
and science education. In return, delivered training on the use of resources and data from TIMSS.
Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition
Trained to become a Child Development Associate Representative through the CDA
National Credentialing Program.
Psychology of Mathematics Education—North America
Presented research about the perceptions of preservice elementary teachers toward the use of manipulatives
in the mathematics classroom.
International Reading Association
Presented research about the effects of society and media on ADHD entitled “Literacy and the MTV
Southwest Educational Research Association
Present research on administrators’ beliefs about curriculum integration and how to bring about change
Research Council on Mathematics Learning
Presented research on preservice teachers’ perceptions about integration, entitled “Effect of Integrated
Methods Classes on Preservice Elementary Teachers Perceptions about Integration"
Oklahoma Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Presented research on teacher practices in higher education entitled “Beyond Pedagogy in Teacher
Research Council on Mathematics Learning
Presented research which examined the effect of television on children’s abilities to attend to tasks, entitled
“Problem Solving and the MTV Generation”
Oklahoma Higher Education Technology Symposium
Presented research on the use of technology in our teacher education program entitled “Smart Board
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Conducted a roundtable discussion on the use of technology in our teacher education program.
International Reading Association
Officers of Oklahoma Higher Ed Reading Council conducted a roundtable discussion on literacy entitled
“Conversations Between Teachers and Professors”
The National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development
Presented research concerning the new masters program at NWOSU entitled “Partnering for Progress: A
Community College and a Regional University Join Forces”
Ed-Media World Conference
Presented research involving service learning projects that aimed to recruit and prepare special educators,
entitled “Using Technology to Recruit and Prepare Special Educators in a Field-based, Standards Centered
Service Learning Project.”
World Congress of World Association of Early Childhood Education
International presenter with interpreter presenting research involving language
development in young children and how it affects their reading skills, entitled
“Language Development in Young Children.”
Wheat Capital Early Childhood Association Conference
Presented research to early childhood providers about creating fun and hands-on activities for young
children, entitled “C3PO:Creating Paper Projects for Pennies Only.”
Oklahoma Reading Association Conference
Presented research about adolescent boys and reading, entitled “NASCAR: Notable Activities and
Strategies to Capture Adolescent Male Readers.”
Oklahoma Encyclo-Media Conference
Presented research about adolescent boys and reading, entitled “NASCAR: Notable Activities and
Strategies to Capture Adolescent Male Readers.”
Oklahoma Association for Colleges of Teacher Ed Conference
Presented research about reflection through video with student teachers.
Served on round table presenting information gathered through the Regents Reading Conference.
Oklahoma Student OEA Conference
Presented on “Becoming an Advisor” for local chapters.
Gibson, M.L. (1997) Perceptions of preservice and inservice elementary teachers toward the use of manipulatives in
the classroom.
Gibson, M.L. (1998) Perceptions of preservice elementary teachers toward the use of
manipulatives in the classroom. Proceedings from Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America,
Fall Issue, 1998.
Gibson, M.L & Geist, E. (2000) The effect of network and public television programs on four
And five year olds’ ability to attend to educational tasks. Journal of Instructional Psychology. Vol. 27, No.
4, December, 2000.
Gibson, M.L., Willner, E.H., & Willhelm, L.D. (2001) The zone of professional development:
Fostering professionalism in preservice teachers. Oklahoma Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development Journal. Spring, 2001.
Young, M.L. (2005) Guest Research Reviewer for The Oklahoma Reader, Fall 2005 edition.
Young, M.L. (2007) “Development of Language Skills in Young Children.” Proceedings from
the World Congress of the World Association of Early Childhood Educators, Spring, 2007.