Sub-procedure Capital Charges A. CALCULATION OF CHARGES Introduction Capital interest charges, depreciation, and debt management expenses for a financial year are calculated based upon a percentage of the assets held by the Education Department during that year. The Department of Finance provide a list of all Education Assets, which should be reconciled with the previous listing, taking account of any additions, disposals, transfers, re-valuations and enhancements. The updated list is returned to the Department of finance, who then calculate the charges. Each October estimates are produced for the future year (and a revision for the current year), and in February the actual figures for the current year are produced. Capital charges are calculated for the following asset categories: Land & Buildings / Furniture / Vehicles / Equipment The assets within each of these categories fall into the following divisions of service: Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Special, Youth & Community, Adult and Pupil Referral Units, Children & Families. i. Check the register of assets produced by The Department of Finance to ensure the assets held at the start of the current financial year agree to last times papers. a. Agree the current financial year’s additions and disposals details to known information, e.g. the latest version of the Officers Education Capital Budget Book/information on file. ii. The final totals for each division of service represent the value of assets it is estimated will be held at the start of the forthcoming financial year. Ascertain the additions and disposals for the forthcoming financial year and agree these to known information, e.g. the latest version of the Officers Education Capital/Revenue Budget Book. The calculations are based on the percentages advised by the Department of Finance each year and are as follows; the Department of Finance calculate these, and will send them to be checked. 1. CAPITAL INTEREST CHARGES Land & buildings Multiply the totals for each division by percentage advised. Vehicles, Furniture and IT Equipment Multiply net value of assets at start of year (after depreciation) by percentage advised. Note for additions and disposals adjust for number of months applicable. Version: 06 Doc Ref: 0091 Author: Nichola Rathbone (Senior Finance Officer) Page 1 of 3 Sub-procedure Capital Charges 2. DEPRECIATION Divide the totals for each division by number of years advised over which the asset will be depreciated (see individual categories below). Note for additions and disposals adjust for number of months applicable. Land & buildings Depreciation is charged on buildings only based on a life expectancy of 30 years, however this will need to be adjusted for some assets, which have a life expectancy other than 30 years. Furniture and IT Equipment The cost of assets are written off normally over 5 years Vehicles Only vehicles, which cost £20,000 or more, attract these charges. Vehicles are normally written off over 7 years from the acquisition date. 3. DEFERRED CHARGES These charges are incurred on completed capital projects for church controlled and foundation schools. Church controlled schools and foundation schools should be included within the asset register at a nominal value of £1. As a consequence, when capital projects for such schools are completed, it is the policy for the costs to be written off over a period of five years, commencing in the year of completion. Prior years' completed projects should be agreed to last year’s papers. Obtain the total costs of additions for the current and the forthcoming years, construction, furniture and fees and write these off over five years. Details can be found on the list of transfers to fixed assets/completion’s advised to Department of Finance at the end of the financial year. If costs are incurred on a project in subsequent years, these should be written off over the remaining number of years from the original five. 4. DEBT MANAGEMENT EXPENSES These are charges calculated on the aggregate of capital and deferred charges for each division of service. These are calculated at a rate specified by the Department of Finance. 5. GRANT & CONTRIBUTIONS DEFFERED Where the asset is financed either wholly or partly by a grant or contribution, the amount of grant or contribution is credited to the grants/contributions deferred account, and written off to revenue over the life of the asset to match depreciation. We have to advise the Department of Finance which assets are financed partly or wholly by grant. They will calculate the figure and send it to us for checking. Version: 06 Doc Ref: 0091 Author: Nichola Rathbone (Senior Finance Officer) Page 2 of 3 Sub-procedure Capital Charges B. 1. POSTING OF CHARGES TO REVENUE BUDGET Once the figures are calculated, they need to be posted to the correct budget cost centres, EA0020 - EZ9250 and SA0000 - SA9999 Budget Cost Centre Code EM0020 EM2230 EM2640 EM2731 EF4600 ED4091 SA9999 Pre-primary Primary Secondary Special Youth & Community Pupil Referral Units Children & Families The subjective codes are: 81000 81030 99420 88150 99450 Depreciation charges Deferred charges Grant and deferred charges Debt management Grant and contribution deferred Bank Adjustment The estimates are calculated in October for the forthcoming year. Once the actuals have been calculated in February, a base adjustment will need to be made to the budget. 2. C. ENSURE REVENUE PROCEDURES ESTIMATE FORM IS UPDATED AS PER FIMS NOTIFICATION TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Once all of the charges have been calculated and posted, supply the Department of Finance with a copy of the charges. Version: 06 Doc Ref: 0091 Author: Nichola Rathbone (Senior Finance Officer) Page 3 of 3