Classified References on Computational Biology

Classified References on Computational Biology
R. C. T. Lee
On Books
On Classification of Protein Folds
On Evolutionary Trees
On Divide-and-Conquer
On Genome Rearrangement
On Miscellaneous
On Nearest Neighbor Search
On Pattern Discovery
On Physical Mapping
On Protein Structure
On RNA Structures
On Sequence Alignment
On Sequence Assembly Problem
On Sorting by Reversal
On String Matching
On Structure Alignment
On Superstrings
On Superstructures
On Visual Display
On NP-Complete Problems and Approximation Algorithms
On Sequence Assembly Problem
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A Sequence Assembly and Editing Program for Efficient
Management of Large Projects, Dean, S. and Staden, R., Nucleic Acids Research,
Vol. 19, 1991, pp. 3901-3917.
[GMSR79] Computer Problems for the Assembly of DNA Sequences, Gingeras,
T. R., Milao, J. P., Sciaky, P. and Roberts, R. J., Nucleic Acid Res., Vol. 7, 1979, pp.
[H92] A Contig Assembly Program Based on Sensitive Detection of Fragments
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[HGST86] Efficient Algorithms for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees in
Undirected and Directed Graphs, Harold, G., Galil, Z., Spencer, T. and Tarjan, R.,
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[KM95] Combinational Algorithms for DNA Sequence Assembly, Kececioglu, D.
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[PTW2001] A New Approach to Fragment Assembly in DNA Sequencing,
Pevzner, P. A., Tang, H. and Waterman, M. S., RECOMB Montreal; Canada, 2001,
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On Sequence Alignment
[AAS2000] On Approximation Algorithms for Local Multiple Alignment,
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Alignment Score, Benson, G., Theoret. Comput. Sci., Vol. 145, 1995, pp. 357-369.
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V., Lawler, E. L. and Pevzner, P., Proc. of the 5th Annual Symp. on Combin.
Pattern Matching(CPM'94). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 807, 1974,
pp. 43-53.
[BLP97] Approximation Algorithms for Multiple Sequence Alignment, Bafna,
V., Lawler, E. and Pevzner, P., Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 182, 1997, pp.
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1998, pp. 54-61.
[BV2001] The Complexity of Multiple Sequence Alignment with SP-Score that
is a Metric, Bonizzoni, P. and Vedova, G. D., Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.
259, 2001, pp. 63-79.
[CHM92] Recent Developments in Linear-Space Alignment Methods: A Survey,
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[CL88] The Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem in Biology, Carrillo, H. and
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Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching; Lecture Notes in Computer
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[CPM92] Aligning Two Sequences within a Specified Diagonal Band, Chao, K.
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1-2, 2000, pp. 261-276.
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Reducing Gap-0 Multiple Alignment to Multiple Alignment, Just, W.,
Manuscript, 1999.
[KACGM93] The Maximun Weight Trace Alignment Problem in Multiple
Sequence Alignment, Kececioglu, J., Apostolico, A., Crochemore, M., Galil, Z. and
Manber, U. (Eds.), Combinatorial Pattern Maching 93; Padova Italy, 1993, Vol.
684, pp. 106-119.
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[LPSH2001] Visualization and Analysis of Clickstream Data of Online Stores
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[L88] Computational Molecular Biology Sources and Methods for Sequence
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[LAK89] A Tool for Multiple Sequence Alignment, Lipman, D. J., Altschul, S. F.
and Kececioglu, J. D., Proc. Nat. Acad Sci., Vol. 86, 1989, pp. 4412-4415.
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[LP2000] RNA Pseudoknot Prediction in Energy Based Models, LyngsØ, R. B.
and Pedersen, C. N. S., Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 7, 2000, pp.
[LU2001] On the Common Substring Alignment Problem, Landau, G. and
Ukelson, M., Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 41, 2001, pp. 338-359.
[M88] A Flexible Multiple Sequence Alignment Program, Martinez, M, Nucleic
Acids Res., Vol. 16, 1988, pp. 1683-1691.
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[MW97] Near Optimal Multiple Alignment within a Band in Polynomial Time,
Ma, B. and Wang, L., in the Proc. 32nd ACM, pp. 1-23.
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Mol. Biol., Vol. 48, 1970, pp. 443-453.
[P92] Multiple Alignment; Communication Cost and Graph Matching, Pevzner,
P. A., SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Vol. 52, No. 6, 1992, pp. 1763-1779.
[S80] The Theory and Computations of Evolutionary Distances: Pattern
Recognition, Sellers, P. H., J. Algorithms, Vol. 1, 1980, pp. 359-154.
[S2001] Non-Approximability of Weighted Multiple Sequence Alignment,
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[SM86] A Multiple Sequence Alignment Program, Sobel, E. and Martinez, M.,
Nucleic Acids Res., Vol. 14, 1986, pp. 363-374.
Las Vegas algorithms for Gene Recognition: Suboptimal and
Error-Tolerant Spliced Alignment, Sze, S. and Pevzner, P. J. Comp. Biol., Vol. 4,
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Global Alignment for Homologous Sequence, Shen, S. Y., Yang, J., Yao, A. and
Hwang, P. I., Journal of Computational Biology, Vol. 9, 2002, pp. 477-486.
[SZ90] Fast Algorithm for the Unit Cost Editing Distance between Trees,
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[UHLU] Using Repeats to Speedup DNA Sequence Alignment, Ukelson, M.,
Horesh, Y., Landau, G. and Unger, R., Private Communication.
[WJ94] On the Complexity of Multiple Sequence Alignment, Wang, L. and Jiang,
T., Journal of Computation Biology, Vol. 1, 1994, pp. 337-348.
[W95] A Simplified Proof of the NP- and MAX SNP-Hardness of Multiple
Sequence Tree Alignments, Wareham, H. T., J. Comput. Biol., Vol. 2, No. 4., 1995,
pp. 509-514.
[WJ94] On the Complexity of Multiple Sequence Alignment, Wang, L. and Jiang,
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[WSB76] Some Biological Sequence Metrics, Waterman, M. S., Smith, T. F. and
Beyer, W. A., Adv. In Math., Vol. 20, 1976, pp. 367-378.
[Z96] A Constrained Edit Distance between Unordered Labeled Trees, Zhang,
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[ZSS92] On the Editing Distance between Unordered Labeled Trees, Zhang, K.,
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On Evolutionary Trees
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On Superstrings
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On Protein Structure
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