

Time Allotted

Situation Manual – Hurricane Scenario

470 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 1 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Exercise Play

No Image

During this exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements:

You should only use Internet Explorer as your internet browser for today’s exercise.

The objectives of this exercise include:

1. Mobilizing the necessary human resources, equipment and consumable supplies to effectively house individuals seeking safe shelter due to a hurricane.

2. Managing the available human resources, equipment and consumable supplies to efficiently shelter evacuees before, during and after the hurricane strikes your region.

3. Determining the point at which shelter operations should be closed.

4. Closing shelter operations and demobilizing all human resources, equipment and consumable supplies.

It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words don’t focus on what might happen, focus on the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions.

In any exercise a number of assumptions and artificialities may be necessary to complete play in the time allotted.

During this exercise, the following apply:

1. The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented.


There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions.

Exercise Basics:

1. This exercise contains a total of 24 scenario and inject pages.

2. There is a scheduled 15 minute break approximately half way through the exercise.

3. The exercise is self-paced and it should take your team approximately three hours to complete. However, based on the time your team spends on each scenario and inject your team may complete the exercise in less than three hours or it may take much longer than three hours for your team to complete the exercise.

4. All videos embedded within this exercise can be enlarged to FULL SCREEN by simply clicking on the full screen icon in the lower right hand corner of the video.

5. Thoroughly review all scenarios and injects as they are presented during the exercise.

 At the end of the exercise you will need to complete an evaluation (Hotwash) on how your team preformed during the exercise. The Hotwash will consist of your team providing comments on three areas in which it performed well

(Strength) and three areas for your consideration to improve or modify existing plans (Area for Improvement) for your agenc y’s preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. Found below are Hotwash examples:

Strength – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found them to be complete.

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 2 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Area for Improvement – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found portions of the plans and procedures that need to be revised.

 After the exercise each registered participant who took part in the exercise will receive an e-mail to log into the ONX

System to complete their Individual Hotwash to access their Certificate of Participation.

 If you need assistance anytime during the exercise please call the Help Desk at:

Phone Number - 605-475-4700

Account Number - 1076890 #

Time Allotted 25 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 3 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Scenario – # 001

Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag

It is the middle of July and local residents have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s hurricane season has not even seen its first tropical storm. Families are making last minute plans for their summer vacations while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the upper atmosphere that could see a sharp increase in the number and severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.

By late July area residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of the season’s first tropical storm.

Day 1

National Hurricane Center - Tropical Storm Alonzo

Advisory # 5 - Wednesday - 7/31/2014 - 5:00AM

The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Alonzo. The storm continues its forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 12 to 24 hours.

Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement

37 MPH 11 MPH


Tropical Storm

The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the storm via satellite and Hurricane Hunter planes as it continues to move along its projected path.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 4 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 002

Image of Training

Knowing that personnel assigned to staff and / or manage shelters are trained and ready to perform their assigned tasks is vitally important to ensure shelters can be opened quickly and operated safely.

Prepare a thorough list of all on-site and / or on-line disaster and shelter related training in which personnel from agencies

/ organizations assigned a role in shelter operations are required to have completed before being assigned to work in a shelter.

(Note: Access the FEMA Shelter Manager Position Description .)

(Example: Course: Shelter Fundamentals Workshop / Sponsoring Agency: American Red Cross)

Have all of the personnel that will be assigned to support shelter operations completed the training listed above?

Yes No

If the above answer is no.

– Briefly explain why personnel have not completed appropriate training and prepare a strategy that will be implemented to ensure all personnel have successfully completed the required training.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 5 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Scenario – # 003

Image of National Hurricane Center

Day 3 Landfall Minus 72 Hours

National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alonzo

Advisory # 14 - Thursday - 8/1/2014 - 11:00AM

The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Tropical Storm Alonzo to Hurricane Alonzo. The storm continues its forward movement and is currently expected to make landfall within the next three days.

The hurricane is expected to continue to intensify over the next 12 to 24 hours.

Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement

76 MPH 14 MPH



Time Allotted 10 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 6 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 004

Image of Planning

Day 3 Landfall Minus 71 Hours

Thursday - 8/1/2014 - 12:17PM

Based on the current information regarding Hurricane Alonzo, identify then briefly describe all the activities that will be undertaken by agencies / organizations during the next 24 hours as it pertains to their role in supporting shelter operations.

(Note: The storm is still three days from potentially making landfall in the region. Remember focus on the Common

Operating Picture and DO NOT start guessing at what might happen.)

Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 7 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 005

Image of Equipment

Do any of the agencies / organizations assigned shelter responsibilities maintain a cache of equipment and / or consumable supplies that can be used to support shelter operations?

All Agencies Some Agencies No Agencies

If the above answer is All Agencies or Some Agencies.

– Review a copy of the current equipment and / or consumable supplies inventories; then prepare a list of any additional equipment and / or consumable supplies, other than food, that will be needed to effectively manage shelters once opened.

Identify the name and a Point of Contact for all agencies / organizations that have shelter equipment / supply caches, where the cache is stored and the date that the cache was last inventoried / inspected.

(Example: Agency: American Red Cross / POC: Sue Jones – Disaster Director / Storage Location: Shelter Response

Trailer / Last Inventoried: 8/15/12)

If the above answer is No Agencies. – Conduct a brief group discussion to identify ways in which equipment and / or consumable supplies necessary to operate shelters can be obtained.

Potential Funding Sources

Target Foundation Access

Wal-Mart Foundation

Walgreens Foundation



Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 8 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Scenario – # 006

Image of National Hurricane Center

Day 4 Landfall Minus 48 Hours

National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alonzo

Advisory # 17 - Friday - 8/2/2014 - 5:00AM

The National Hurricane Center has up-graded Hurricane Alonzo to a Category 3 storm; however the storm is expected to lose strength over the next 24 hours.

The storm continues its forward movement and is now expected to make landfall in a couple of days.

Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement

120 MPH 15 MPH



Time Allotted 10 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 9 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 007

Image of Special Needs Registry

Day 4 Landfall Minus 45 Hours

Friday - 8/2/2014 - 8:00AM

Based on current planning assumptions and the fact that the hurricane is currently a Category 3 storm that could make landfall in the region in less than two days determine the following information.

General Population Sheltering

Total number of individuals that will need to be housed in General Population Shelters.

Special Medical Needs Sheltering

Total number of individuals that have pre-registered for a Special Medical Needs Shelter.

Total number of registrants that will need to be housed in a Special Medical Needs Shelter based on current conditions.

Total number of registrants that will need more acute medical care than can be provided in a Special Medical Needs

Shelter based on current conditions.


Total number of local residents that will need to be transported to a General Population Shelter, a Special Medical Needs

Shelter or another facility based on current conditions.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 10 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 008

Image of Activation

Day 4 Landfall Minus 44 Hours

Friday - 8/2/2014 - 9:00AM

At this point will the agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating shelters have fully activated their Sheltering / Mass Care Plans?

Yes No

If the above answer is yes.

– Briefly describe the process associated with activating each agency’s / organization’s plan.

If the above answer is no.

– At what point will plans be activated.

Identify the name and title of the individual from each agency / organization that will be responsible for activating their

Sheltering / Mass Care Plan.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 11 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 009

Image of Incident Action Plan

Day 4 Landfall Minus 41 Hours

Friday - 8/3/2014 - 12:00PM

Based on current conditions, agency / organization Sheltering / Mass Care Plans and the fact that the hurricane will most likely make landfall and move through the region on Sunday develop a consolidated Incident Action Plan (IAP) that focusses on IMMEDIATE ACTIONS necessary to OPEN shelters. This IAP should include the actions of all agencies / organizations assigned a shelter support role.


Video Library

– General # 1 – Video # 5 – Incident Action Plan

Ensure that all objectives are completed using SMART methodology.

In preparing the IAP list the actions to be taken, identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed action and prepare a timeline for completing each action.

(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in developing this IAP.)

(See Example Found Below)

Responsible Agency: Emergency Management / Action: Contact the facilities to be used as shelters to ensure they are available and make arrangements for their use. / Required Resources: Shelter Point of Contact list. / Timeline: 1 Hour.

(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Incident Command System

– Planning Cycle. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise.


Command System – Planning Cycle ) – OPTIONAL

Time Allotted 35 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 12 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 010

Image of Partners

Identify and list a Point of Contact along with their primary / secondary phone number for all of the agencies, departments and community / faith based organizations, including vendors, which will need to be contacted upon the activation of each agency’s / organization’s Sheltering / Mass Care Plan.

(Example: Agency: Coastline School District / POC: Howard Jones / Primary Phone: 555-555-5555 / Secondary Phone:


Using the phone, make contact with the identified agencies, departments and / or organizations listed above and ask the following questions.

(Note: When talking to the person contacted inform them that there is the possibility of a Category 3 hurricane striking the region and that their responses should reflect current realistic capabilities.)

Begin the conversation with “ THIS IS AN EXERCISE ” and end the conversation with “ THIS IS AN EXERCISE ”.

1. What role does your agency / organization have in supporting shelter operations?

2. Does your agency / organization have the available resources (man-power, equipment or consumable supplies) on-hand to meet its shelter operations support responsibilities?

(Note: If an agency / organization listed above is participating as part of the exercise team a phone call to their agency / organization is not necessary. However the above questions will need to be asked and answered.)

Were you able to make contact with all of the agencies / organizations listed above?

Yes No

What is the overall readiness level of the agencies / organizations contacted in regards to supporting the activation and management of shelters?

Poor Fair Good Strong

If the above answer is Poor or Fair.

– Briefly describe actions that can be implemented to improve the readiness level of agencies / organizations assigned a role in shelter operations.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 13 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 011

Image of School

Have the agencies / organizations assigned roles in operating shelters entered into written agreements with the owners / operators of the locations that have been identified as a shelter host site allowing for the use of their facility?

All Agencies Some Agencies No Agencies

If the above answer is All Agencies or Some Agencies.

– When was the last time these agreements were reviewed and / or up-dated?

If the above answer is No Agencies.

Briefly explain why such written agreements are not in place.

Using the phone call the POCs of at least two of the facilities that are designated as shelters. Once contact is made ask if the facility is available and if the POC fully understands what is involved in using their facility as a shelter.

Begin the conversation with “ THIS IS AN EXERCISE ” and end the conversation with “ THIS IS AN EXERCISE ”.

Identify the facilities contacted.

Were the majority of the facilities contacted available to be used as a shelter?

Yes No

Did the majority of the facilities contacted fully understand what was involved in using their facility as a shelter?

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Yes No

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 14 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 012

Image of Volunteers

Will agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating shelters seek assistance from community and faith based organizations (Community Partners) to help with staffing shelter?

Yes No

If the above answer is yes.

– Various Community Partners are ready to assist, however most indicated that their employees and volunteers do not have the training to help open and / or staff a shelter.

Explain in detail how the agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating shelters will provide “Just In Time Training” for individuals that are able to work at the shelter but have no training.

(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Shelter Operations. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. General Population Shelter Operations

– Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) Shelter Operations – Special Medical Needs Shelter Operations – Shelter

Food Handling Safety )


When paid and volunteer staff members from Community Partners assist with shelter operations are they covered by:

Liability Insurance?

If the above answer is yes. – List the agency / organization that will provide the Liability Insurance.

Yes No

Workers Compensation Insurance? Yes

If the above answer is yes.

List the agency / organization that will provide the Workers Compensation Insurance.


Briefly explain how agencies / organizations responsible for operating shelters will effectively manage volunteers from the community who are willing and able to assist with shelter operations.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 15 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 013

Image of Staff

Do the agencies / organizations responsible for operating shelters have enough employees and volunteers to effectively manage and operate shelters for five days?

(Note: Remember that Hurricane Alonzo is currently a Category 3 storm.)

Yes No

If the above answer is no.

– Describe in detail how additional personnel to manage and staff shelters will be requested and identify the agency / organization to which a request for additional shelter personnel will be made.

(Note: Access the FEMA Resource Typing Definition for a Shelter Management Team .)

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 16 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 014

Image of Incident Action Plan

Day 5 Landfall Minus 32 Hours

Saturday - 8/3/2014 - 9:00AM

As agencies / organizations responsible for shelter operations move forward with their plans to open, staff and operate shelters it has been decided to develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) focusing solely on establishing and operating shelters. This IAP should include the actions of all agencies / organizations assigned a shelter support role.

In preparing the IAP list the actions to be taken, identify the resources that will be needed to accomplish each action and provide a timeline for completing the identified action.

(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in developing this IAP.)

(See Example Found Below)

Responsible Agency: Emergency Management / Action: Transport available equipment and consumable supplies to shelter locations. / Required Resources: Truck. / Timeline: 2 Hours.

Time Allotted 30 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 17 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 015

Image of Shelter

As the agencies / organizations responsible for shelter operations continue to move forward with establishing and managing shelters it will be vitally important to establish a shelter management structure.

Describe in detail the management structure that will be utilized to efficiently and effectively manage shelter operations.

Found below are documents that can be useful in establishing, managing and demobilizing a shelter.

Shelter Guidelines

Feeding Handbook

Mega-Shelter Planning Guide

Shelter Fundamentals Checklist

Shelter Models

Sheltering Handbook






Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 18 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 016

Image of School Floor Plan

The team assigned to set-up the shelter has just arrived at the designated school that will be used to house evacuees.

Upon meeting with the school’s principal the team learns that the only concern he has is that the media center housing the sc hool’s computers not be used.

Is there a process in place which the team assigned to set-up the shelter will utilize to preinspect the school prior to utilizing the facility to house evacuees?

(Note: Access an example of a Facility Survey that can be utilized to conduct such an inspection.)

If the above answer is yes.

– Briefly explain the pre-inspection process.

If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why there is no pre-inspection process.

Yes No

Using an actual floor plan for one of the facilities that your community will use as a shelter, develop a plan for utilization of the available space to support shelter operations.

(Note: If you do not have a floor plan for one of your community’s shelter facilities you can access the floor plan for

Sunrise Elementary School and use it to develop a shelter space utilization plan.)

Time Allotted 30 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 19 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Scenario – # 017

Image of Hurricane Warning

Day 5 Landfall Minus 24 Hours

National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alonzo

Advisory # 22 - Saturday - 8/3/2014 - 5:00PM

The National Hurricane Center has down-graded Hurricane Alonzo to a Category 2 storm. The storm continues its forward movement along its projected path towards the region's coastline. The storm is expected to remain a strong Category 2 hurricane until it makes landfall.

The Hurricane Watch for the region has been up-graded to a Hurricane Warning indicating that the storm should arrive in the area within the next 24 to 36 hours.

Sustained Wind Speed Forward Movement Category

109 MPH 11 MPH 2

Shelters are fully operational and individuals seeking shelter from the storm have been arriving since early afternoon.

Time Allotted 10 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 20 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 018

Image of Hurricane Warning

Day 5


Landfall Minus 19 Hours

Tom Hartwell, the neighbor of Shirley Jones who is an 87 year old widow, has just dropped Mrs Jones off at the shelter because her home is within a known flood prone area.

During the registration process it is learned that Mrs Jones does not have any relatives who live in the area.

Mrs Jones brought a walker, ten days of multiple types of medications and a single portable tank (24 hours) of oxygen with her to the shelter.

As Mrs Jones is completing her Shelter Registration Form the shelter registration staff uses the Shelter Registration

Intake Guidelines to conduct an initial health / functional needs assessment. The two observations and questions contained in the Shelter Registration Intake Guidelines are asked by the Shelter Registration Staff to offer evacuees an early opportunity to let Shelter Staff know of access and functional needs they may have.

Medical Profile

Age Medical Condition Transportation



Shirley Jones 87

Uses a walker for mobility.

On oxygen 24 hours a day.

Has congestive heart failure and takes numerous medications.

Relies on public transportation


Upon completing the health / functional needs assessment, will Mrs Jones be admitted to the shelter?

If the above answer is yes.

– Briefly describe the accommodations that will need to be made for her.


If the above answer is no. – What will Mrs Jones be told?


Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 21 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 22 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Scenario – # 019

Image of Emergency Responders

Day 6 Landfall

During the early morning shelter registration continues to rise.

By late morning residents throughout the region begin to experience the outer rain bands of the hurricane.

As the storm moves through the area wind and rain begins to pound the community.

Emergency agencies (EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement) have all closed down their response operations due to the increasing wind speeds associated with the hurricane.

National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Alonzo

Advisory # 26 - Sunday - 8/4/2014 - 5:00PM

Hurricane Alonzo continues to move through the area.

Wind Speed Forward Movement Category

101 MPH 13 MPH 2


Video Library – General # 1 – Video # 4 –Hurricane Landfall

The winds from Hurricane Alonzo begin to subside as the storm moves out of the area.

Time Allotted 15 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 23 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 020

Image of Shelter

Remarkably the facilities that house shelters came through the storm with only minor damage. While the electrical power flickered off and on throughout the storm amazingly the lights are still on after the hurricane moves out of the area.

However the rest of the region is not as fortunate. It is estimated that 90% of the area is without utilities and as much as

40% of the region’s residences have sustained some level of damage.

Shelters are near capacity and staff is struggling to maintain an adequate level of care.

It is expected that shelter residents may have to remain at shelters for up to a week or more.

Based on the knowledge that the shelter will need to remain operational for the next seven days develop an Incident

Action Plan (IAP) that focuses on MAINTAINING OPERATIONS .

This IAP will need to incorporate the actions that each agency / organization responsible for shelter operations will need to implement to ensure shelter residents are properly cared for.

(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in developing this IAP.)

(See Example Found Below)

Responsible Agency: Health Department / Action: Monitor the stress and fatigue level of shelter residents and staff. /

Required Resources: Personnel trained in Physiological First Aid. / Timeline: On-Going.

(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on Behavioral Health Care Operations. These vi deos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Behavioral Health Care

Operations ) – OPTIONAL

Time Allotted 30 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 24 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 021

Image of Heavy Rain

Day 7 Landfall Plus 1 Day

As expected, there are numerous glitches that have arisen since the shelter opened, however shelter staff and management have successfully worked through each of these challenges.

Following the storm a steady rain continues to fall and the floors of the shelter remain very wet. None of the shelter staff have noticed the condition of the wet floors so no one has posted “Slippery Floor” signage.

Suddenly someone cries out that an elderly woman has slipped on the wet floor and is in severe pain and cannot get up.

Briefly explain the actions that will need to be taken.

Will the shelter staff and other key stakeholders need to be notified of this incident? Yes No

Will an accident report need to be completed by the shelter staff?

If the above answer is yes.

– Describe in detail the accident reporting process.

If the above answer is no.

Explain why an accident report will not be prepared.

Yes No

Identify the agency(s) that will potentially be liable for this accident.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 25 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 022

Image of Pet

Day 8 Landfall Plus 2 Day

Susan Hancock has just arrived at the shelter with her six cats. She states that she chose to stay at home during the storm because her house is not in a known flood plain and she felt safe.

However, during the hurricane several large trees fell on her roof badly damaging her house. She stayed at home for the first night following the storm but has decided it is no longer safe.

She continues to state that she does not have any food or litter for the cats, three of the cats are feral and aggressive when touched and she only has two cages.

Describe in detail the arrangements that will be made for Susan and her pets.

Found below is access to a set of Pet Friendly Shelter plans, forms, checklists, job action sheets, etc. that can be helpful in establishing and managing a Pet Friendly Shelter.

Pet Friendly Shelter Guidelines

Pet Friendly Shelter Planning HTML

20 Minutes Time Allotted

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 26 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 023

Image of Discharge Planning

Day 11 Landfall Plus 5 Days

Electrical power continues to be restored to areas without electricity as conditions throughout the region continue to improve.

Over the past several days some of the residents staying at the shelter have been able to return to their un-damaged homes as electrical power has been restored to much of the area. However, the homes of many shelter residents have been damaged and it may be weeks or longer before they can return home.

Knowing that staying in a shelter is a temporary housing solution for individuals and families will the agencies / organizations responsible for shelter operations develop a Discharge Plan in an effort to provide shelter residents with more suitable long-term living accommodations?

If the above answer is yes.

– Describe in detail how Discharge Planning will be undertaken.

Yes No

Identify the agencies, departments and community / faith based organizations, other than those involved in shelter operations, that will need to be involved in the Discharge Planning process and describe the services that each can provide to support this process.

(Example: Agency: Sunrise Board of Realtors / Service: Can provide a comprehensive list of homes and apartments available for rent.)

If the above answer is no.

– Explain in detail why Discharge Planning will not be implemented.

(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on FEMA Temporary Housing Units (Trailers). This video is too long to view during today’s exercise. FEMA Temporary

Housing Units )


Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 27 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –

Comforting Accommodations

– Inject – # 024

Image of Downsizing

Day 13 Landfall Plus 7 Days

Based on the knowledge that all shelter residents have been able to return home or have been placed in transitional housing develop a consolidated Incident Action Plan (IAP) containing all of the actions agencies / organizations assigned sheltering responsibilities will have to undertake to CLOSE the shelter.

(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in developing this IAP.)

(See Example Found Below)

Responsible Agency: Emergency Management / Action: Conduct a facility inspection with a facility representative. /

Required Resources: Facility Inspection Form. / Timeline: 2 Hours.

Time Allotted 20 Minutes

Situation Manual – Functional Exercise 28 Disaster Resistant Communities Group –
