1165717Helps for the Comparison & Contrast Paper

Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day (50pts)
After viewing two generational cinematic interpretations of the same historic day, you
job is to sort out the similarities and differences using the skills as taught in your textbook. Your
terms of comparison are Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day. Your class is “World War
Two films.” Your bases are up to you to decide.
Once you have decided, you will write a 12pt, TNR, 2X two page paper containing at
least one formal comparison paragraph, one formal contrast paragraph, one informal
comparison paragraph, and one informal contrast paragraph in any order. All paragraphs should
be LABELED. Also, see extra credit below.
Your grade will be based on the following:
___ The writer followed all written and discussed assignment directions. (10pts)
___ Informal comparison paragraph. (10pts)
___ Informal contrast paragraph. (10pts)
___ Formal comparison paragraph. (10pts)
EXTRA CREDIT: Include a labeled
paragraph using cause and effect,
definition, or classification at any point in
your paper. You may add up to three
paragraphs, one of each.
___ Formal contrast paragraph. (10pts)
What could your introduction and its blueprint look like? Inspect the example
introduction on the back page.
Notice how the informal comparison paragraph sets up “America and Poland” as one
term and “breadbasket” as the second term for the comparisons in the eventual paragraph. The
broad class being used would be “things that possess food.” The eventual paragraph would
discuss how breadbaskets feed their household similar to the manner that America and Poland
feed their continent as major wheat exporters.
Notice how the informal contrast paragraph sets up “America and Poland” as one term
and “diligent housekeeper” as the second term for the contrasts in the eventual paragraph. The
broad class being used would be “those that have stuff to clean.” The eventual paragraph
would discuss how a diligent housekeeper establishes cleanliness and order to an environment
unlike America and Poland, who are major polluters of their respective continents.
Professional and High School Music (50pts)
The Wabasso music program has given you the opportunity to experience a glimpse into
the lives of professional performers. I, who have been behind, have not. Here is your chance to
relate your experience to me and help me see the this experience through your eyes. To help
with this, you will use something we have in common – high school music background. In this
paper, you will need to use the comparison and contrast method as your main composition
development. Your terms of comparison are “Professonial Performance” and “High School
Performance.” Your class is “Music Experiences.” Your bases are up to you to decide.
Once you have decided, you will write a 12pt, TNR, 2X two page paper containing at
least one formal comparison paragraph, one formal contrast paragraph, one informal
comparison paragraph, and one informal contrast paragraph in any order. All paragraphs should
be LABELED. Also, see extra credit below.
Your grade will be based on the following:
___ The writer followed all written and discussed assignment directions. (10pts)
___ Informal comparison paragraph. (10pts)
___ Informal contrast paragraph. (10pts)
___ Formal comparison paragraph. (10pts)
___ Formal contrast paragraph. (10pts)
EXTRA CREDIT: Include a labeled
paragraph using cause and effect,
definition, or classification at any point in
your paper. You may add up to 3
paragraphs, one of each.
What could your introduction and its blueprint look like? Inspect the example
introduction on the back page.
Notice how the informal comparison paragraph sets up “America and Poland” as one
term and “breadbasket” as the second term for the comparisons in the eventual paragraph. The
broad class being used would be “things that possess food.” The eventual paragraph would
discuss how breadbaskets feed their household similar to the manner that America and Poland
feed their continent as major wheat exporters.
Notice how the informal contrast paragraph sets up “America and Poland” as one term
and “diligent housekeeper” as the second term for the contrasts in the eventual paragraph. The
broad class being used would be “those that have stuff to clean.” The eventual paragraph
would discuss how a diligent housekeeper establishes cleanliness and order to an environment
unlike America and Poland, who are major polluters of their respective continents.
Sample Introduction
At first glance, USA and Poland may seem to be worlds
[Attention Getting Sentence/Topic Establishment]
apart. Yet both of the countries have similar geographic
[Topic Sentence for formal comparison paragraph]
shapes: mountains, seas, lakes and forests. Agriculturally,
[Topic Sentence
both Poland and the United States can be compared to
for informal comparison paragraph]
bread baskets. Enviromentally, America and Poland both
[Topic Sentence for informal contrast paragraph]
would be shamed when put next to a diligent housekeeper.
On the other hand, there are differences between their
[Topic Sentence for formal contrast paragraph]
political, religious, historical, and cultural make ups. The
[Paper’s overall
similarities between Poland and the US are innumerable,
yet this holds true with the differences as well.