SAFETY MANUAL FOR CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Bulletin No. 1674 2004 Issued by: Louisiana Department of Education Cecil J. Picard State Superintendent 1 This material is based upon work supported by the following: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) “Occupational Safety and Health and Environmental Safety for Administrators, Supervisors, and Teachers in Career – Technical and Professional Education” 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226 EPA Tools for Schools: Act No. 671, House Bill No. 1643, Louisiana House of Representatives, Regular Session, 2003 State of Louisiana, Office of Risk Management, Loss Prevention Department. “Loss Prevention Policy Statement,” Office of the Governor, 4-14-2004 2 Rapid changes are occurring in our world and economy. The increasing complexity of work that spans the entire work force of today’s society demands that education for all students be made more relevant and useful to future careers. To prepare Louisiana Agricultural Education, Technology Education and Trade and Industrial Education students to meet the demands of society and the workplace in the 21st century, industry-based certification standards were developed to address content knowledge and the application of skills. These standards focus on what students should know, be able to do, and be able to demonstrate in the workplace. They promote and develop critical thinking processes, which students will use in the classroom and real work applications, address the diversity of educational needs of Louisiana students enrolled in vocational education courses, and address industry-based certification programs for employability. This must be accomplished in a safe environment. This Safety and Health manual was written to fulfill the need for an up-to-date industrybased practical educational resource that focuses upon the needs of Teachers, Supervisors, and Students involved in laboratory instruction at the secondary level in Louisiana Public Schools. It is also intended for use in Universities, Career Centers, High Schools, and Junior High School Career and Technical Education Laboratories. Louisiana has made significant strides toward improving the education of our children. Our goal is to build on our strengths as we continue to improve education in our state. By developing rigorous standards and challenging assessments that align with industrybased standards and by holding schools accountable for results, we are ensuring a better future for all our children. Your partner in education, Cecil J. Picard State Superintendent of Education 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: INTRODUCTION Intended Audience How Teachers Should Use This Publication General Safety and Health Manual Members of the Writing Team: Subject Matter Experts Education Review and Support Team Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Elements of a Successful Safety, Health & Environment Program PART 2: CURRICULUM CONTENT Two-Fold Objective Purposes of the Manual Curriculum Elements PART 3: INSPECTION WORKSHEETS Emergency Procedures Environmental Protection Hazard Communication Fire Prevention/Protection 4 Hearing Conservation and Noise Protection Mechanical Hazards Walking, Working Surfaces/Stairs/Railings Means of Egress/Escape Ergonomics PART 4: RESOURCES & REFERENCES National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publications Applicable Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations Applicable Consensus Standards Other Publications PART 5: APPENDICES Appendix A: Loss Prevention Policy Statement: Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Appendix B: Making Sense of Regulations Appendix C: Description of Federal and State Agencies – Louisiana Appendix D: Safety Audit: State of Louisiana, Office of Risk Management, Loss Prevention Department Appendix E: Indoor Air Quality Appendix F: Emergency Procedures Appendix G: Ergonomics 5 Appendix H: Hearing Conservation & Noise Control Appendix I: Child Labor Rules; Work Ages Appendix J: Act No. 671 Appendix K: Material Safety Data Sheets 6 PART I: INTRODUCTION 7 INTENDED AUDIENCE The Louisiana General Safety and Health Manual is intended for a broad audience, Agriculture, Technology, Trade and Industrial Education Teachers, Parents, School and District Administrators, School Board Members, Policy Makers, Louisiana Department of Education Staff, College/University Faculty/Administrators, Business/Industry Leaders, and Government Agency Staff. The framework serves as a guide for safety curriculum and instruction, and as a general reference “checklist” to the safety and health concepts and skills taught and adhered to within Louisiana career and technical education courses. The intended users of the framework include: Career and Technical Education Teachers to use in planning curriculum, instruction, and assessment; Parents to use as a means of assessing the safety and effectiveness of their children’s career and technical laboratories; School and District Administrators and School Board Members to use as a vision for safety and health education and a basis for planning resource allocations, materials purchases, local curriculum development, teachers’ professional development, and faculty recruitment; Policy Makers and State Education Staff to use as a basis for developing and obeying laws, health and safety policies, professional development activities and materials, assessment strategies, and funding priorities to support local program development; University Faculty and Administrators to use as a basis for the content and design of pre-service and in-service teacher education programs regarding safety and health instruction; Business/Industry Leaders and Government Agency Staff to use as a basis for developing effective partnerships for supporting safety and health education programs and professional development. 8 HOW TEACHERS SHOULD USE THIS PUBLICATION This publication outlines the appropriate content to be taught in Louisiana Career and Technical Education programs that require laboratories. Local needs will determine how this should be taught in local career and technical education programs. Teachers will be able to use this framework to guide them in the restructuring of their laboratory curricula. This document contains specific performance criteria essential to laboratory safety education. These specific assessment criteria must be supported on the local level by all individuals involved in the educational process. GENERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH MANUAL Project Director James R. Owens, Ph.D. Southeastern Louisiana University MEMBERS OF THE WRITING TEAM SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS Mr. Thomas N. Walsh Health and Safety Officer Office of Occupational & Environmental Safety Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mr. Lawrence Mauerman, PE, CSP Department of Industrial Technology Southeastern Louisiana University Hammond, Louisiana 9 EDUCATION REVIEW AND SUPPORT TEAM Mr. Jeffrey David Jones Career and Technical Education Teacher Central High School Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mr. Davis Rayborn, Jr. Career and Technical Education Teacher Zachary High School Zachary, Louisiana Ms. Patricia Merrick Supervisor Career and Technical Education Louisiana Department of Education Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mr. Edgar W. Storey, Jr. Director Office of Career and Technical Education East Baton Rouge Parish School System Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mr. Patrick Nelson Career and Technical Education Staff Louisiana Department of Education Baton Rouge, Louisiana 10 Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Ms. Glenny Lee Buquet President Third District Dr. James Stafford Fifth District Ms. Polly Broussard Sixth District Mr. Walter C. Lee Vice President Fourth District Mr. Dale Bayard Seventh District Ms. Linda Johnson Secretary-Treasurer Eighth District Mr. Edgar Chase Member-At-Large Ms. Penny Dastugue First District Ms. Leslie Jacobs Member-at-Large Ms. Louelle Givens Second District Ms. Mary Washington Member-at-Large For further information, contact Patricia Merrick, Section Leader, Career and Technical Education 225-342-3488, Melba Kennedy, Education Program Consultant 3, Career and Technical Education 225-219-9334, This public document was printed at a cost of $10.28. The total cost of all printings of this document including reprints is $1,028.00. This document was published by the Louisiana Department of Education; Career and Technical Education; P.O. Box 94064; Baton Rouge, LA 70802-9064 to provide printed information summarizing implementation of the Standard and Benchmarks for Trade and Industrial Education. This material was printed in accordance with standards for printing by State Agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Elements of a Successful Safety & Health and Environmental Program 11 Overview The key to preventing harm to school employees, students, and the environment is to establish a good occupational safety, health, and environmental program. A good program may take years to put in place, but the guidelines below are a good place to begin. Start with individual items or parts of items. The guidelines are divided into five sections: I. IDENTIFY AND PRIORITIZE POTENTIAL HAZARDS. II. ELIMINATE, PREVENT, AND CONTROL HAZARDS. III. TRAIN EMPLOYEES, STUDENTS, AND MANAGEMENT. IV. ASSURE MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT. V. ASSURE EMPLOYEE AND STUDENT INVOLVEMENT. The occupational safety, health, and environmental safety program should be tailored to the needs of your school, department, or school system. Small schools with limited resources may form safety and health cooperatives with other schools to help manage all or parts of their programs. I. IDENTIFY AND PRIORITIZE POTENTIAL HAZARDS IN DESIGNATED AREAS A. Designated Areas 1. Divide the school and associated structures into designated areas and sub-areas. a) Designate structural or functional major areas of the school (i.e., administrative offices, classrooms, labs, etc.) b) Designate sub-areas of each major area (i.e., specific office, classroom or lab, etc.) B. Conduct walk through inspections 1. 2. Each designated sub-area should be inspected to identify potential hazards associated with the equipment, materials and function of the area. Checklists specific to the equipment, materials and function of the area (See Inspection Worksheets) can help you to identify hazards and determine whether your organization complies with applicable safety and health or environmental regulations. C. Compile and/or update a hazardous material inventory 1. 2. Record the names and amounts of all hazardous materials used, the means of their disposal, and the occurrence of any spills or releases on the premises. Collect and maintain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for all hazardous materials listed in the inventory. 12 3. Determine which hazardous materials are regulated by federal, state or local agencies. These include: the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ). D. Maintain and update a process and equipment inventory 1. 2. Record the location of hazardous processes or equipment, and the dates when maintenance or monitoring must be performed. Keep an inventory of safety equipment related to specific equipment and those who use it. E. Establish a purchase screening procedure 1. Establish a procedure for consideration of health and safety elements when purchasing goods and services and leasing new space. Avoiding a hazard is easier than controlling it. 2. Before any purchase of chemicals, equipment, or services, develop a system that may be reviewed by a safety representative or committee member. 3. Similarly, review plans for renovating, constructing, or leasing new facilities. F. Investigate incidents, spills, and releases 1. A safety representative or committee member should investigate every incident or release to determine how to prevent such a problem in the future. 2. A “Chemical Release” and other incident report forms should be developed. At a minimum, the form should have a space to answer, “What were the causes of the incident or release?” and “What precautions or controls could have prevented the incident or release?” 3. Employees and students should be encouraged to report “near hits” or “close calls” as well. G. Record Evaluation 1. Evaluate injury and illness records a) The OSHA Log 300, a required employee occupational illness and injury record-keeping system, should be reviewed by persons responsible for safety and health on a regular basis. b) Personal injury claims and workers’ compensation claims may also identify whether certain classrooms, buildings, or processes pose an undue risk. 2. Evaluate environmental records a) Review existing records such as the hazard communication inventory, air permits, hazardous waste records, solid waste records, and medical waste records to identify chemicals or processes that should be substituted, recycled, or prevented. 13 II. ELIMINATE, PREVENT, AND CONTROL HAZARDS. A. Hazard Elimination 1. Perform routine housekeeping. a) Get rid of trash by disposing of it properly. b) Make sure that hazardous chemicals and other materials are stored safely. 2. Provide regular equipment maintenance, repair, and replacement, a) Equipment includes hazardous machinery, safety gear, and the ventilation system. b) Check that machine guards are in place, implement a maintenance and repair record-keeping system as well. B. Hazard Control 1. Engineering Controls a) The safety and health controls that are built into a process are referred to as “engineering controls.” Engineering controls are the first in the hierarchy of controls that are used to reduce teachers’ and students’ exposure to a hazard. b) Incorporate safety and health controls in the design of the process or operation rather than have students follow certain rules, wear protective gear, or clean up excess pollution. c) Engineering controls may include substitution, isolation, enclosure, and ventilation of a process or equipment. 2. Work practice controls and/or programs a) Written safety procedures may be developed for specific operations or tasks to control or eliminate the associated hazards. b) Written general programs for respiratory protection, vehicle safety, etc., will help to emphasize the importance of specific controls. C. Hazard Protection 1. Provide personal protective equipment (PPE). a) Respiratory protections i) Respiratory protection should be used only as a temporary or lastresort solution when engineering controls are inadequate to control the hazards. ii) Respirators could be used routinely if job hazards require it. b) Other forms of PPE could be required depending on the job and hazards involved and include: i) Hearing protection ii) Welders’ masks iii) Hard hats iv) Safety glasses or goggles c) Using PPE involves careful selection, maintenance, and user training. 14 2. Eye wash facilities and showers a) Install eyewashes and/or showers near battery-changing stations, maintenance operations, heating and ventilating operations, and other processes that use corrosive chemicals or emit irritant aerosols. D. Develop Emergency Response Plans and Procedures (See Appendix F: Emergency Procedures) III. TRAIN EMPLOYEES, MANAGEMENT, AND STUDENTS A. Train all new employees and students; this training can be built into basic orientation and the curriculum. B. Provide mandated training programs to employees and students. 1. Depending on the types of classes your school provides, training may be required on the following: a) Emergency procedures b) Fire prevention and the use of fire extinguishers c) Respiratory protection d) Occupational noise exposure e) Woodworking machinery f) Welding g) Asbestos handling h) Hazard communication i) Hazardous waste handling 2. Training is also recommended for video display terminal operators. 3. Direct supervisors should receive the same training as their students or subordinates. C. Train safety representatives and hazard prevention committees 1. Training can enhance the ability of students and employees to carry out the functions listed above. In particular, they may wish to obtain training in computerizing the program, investigation of injuries or other incidents, safety and environmental record keeping. Hazard identification and control, industrial hygiene fundamentals, or environmental regulations. 2. Outside training opportunities provide an essential means for safety, health, and environmental personnel to network with and learn from programs in other schools. D. Training assistance may be obtained from various safety and health organizations, local industry and regulating agencies. 15 IV. MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT A. Top administration must be involved. The school board, superintendent, school principal, and top school administrators should all be leaders in implementing the program. They should stay informed and involved. B. Develop a written safety and health policy. 1. Top administration should issue a written policy supporting a safe and healthy environment in the schools. 2. This policy may take the form of one or more policy statements or a policy manual that covers issues ranging from safety procedures to energy conservation. 3. The policy should be posted and/or issued to all employees and students. C. Assure adequate personnel resources 1. Assign appropriate individuals responsibility for the functions listed in the remaining sections of this chapter. It is important to select people who are competent and motivated, and who have the skills and adequate resources to do the job. 2. Make sure they are given adequate time to do the job. D. Assure adequate financial resources 1. Money must be allocated for the safety and health program. 2. Make sure they are given adequate time to do the job. E. Evaluate program performance regularly 1. The occupational safety and health and environmental safety program should be a part of all performance reviews, including those of top administration, teachers, and students. 2. Acknowledge those who have been involved in identifying and correcting hazards and working safely. V. EMPLOYEE AND STUDENT INVOLVEMENT A. Establish a hazard prevention committee 1. A Hazard Prevention Committee should be composed of representatives of management, school employees, and perhaps students. 2. For such a committee to succeed it should be selected carefully; have a clear idea of its mission, power, and functions; and be skilled in conducting effective meetings. 3. This committee can do the following: a) Take on many of the functions described below that are too much for any one person b) Seek immediate input from all areas of the school, such as the classroom, maintenance, and purchasing c) Brainstorm by creatively combining and modifying ideas from many perspectives 16 d) Improve communication among the various representatives e) Prioritize hazard controls, training, and other activities in a way that is satisfactory to all parties f) Establish a procedure for reporting potential hazards using a written form. B. Communicate regularly 1. Use newsletters, bulletin boards, paycheck envelopes, and class time to communicate new procedures and new safety assignments and to introduce new committee members. 2. Keep the program on people’s minds. Make safety, health, and the environment a regular item on the agenda of staff, board, union, and PTA meetings. 3. Post committee minutes, reports, surveys, and (especially) memos referring to problems, solutions, and achievements. C. Develop a hazard-reporting procedure 1. Students and employees should be encouraged to look for and report potential hazards to the Safety and Health Coordinator, or to the chairperson of the Hazard Prevention Committee. 2. Students may also report hazards to a teacher, the School Principal, or to another responsible adult. The person who discovers the hazard should then fill out the designated form and submit it to the Safety and Health Coordinator for follow-up action. 3. Students should fill out this form with the help of the Safety and Health Coordinator. Teachers, safety committees, and supervisors should not be discouraged if only small parts of an occupational safety and health environmental safety program are in place early in the program. It takes time, money, and persistence to have a good program. Each new step is a great improvement over the way things were run before the program was in place. 17 PART 2: CURRICULUM CONTENT 18 CURRICULUM CONTENT Introduction Vocational/technical instruction is important not only for the knowledge and skills that it provides for the learner but, perhaps even more so, for the attitudes it imparts to the learner. These attitudes will, in large part, influence the manner in which the learner will employ his/her newly gained knowledge and skills. They become a formidable influence for the remainder of the learner’s life. The Two-Fold Objective One of the most important attitudes a young person can pick up is a healthy respect for safety and health on the job. This attitude affects not only the learner, but all of the others with whom he/she will associate. Someday their very lives may depend on having assumed a deepseated conviction that the only way to do a job is the safe way. Therefore, as an educator, you have a two-fold objective: First, to provide the job knowledge base in the area of your own expertise in the best possible manner you can. You must provide both the manual and mental skills that will best prepare the future worker for his/her job in this increasingly complex, technical world. In addition, an integral part of the instructional process must be safe methods for doing each and every job. They must be taught, not as the best way to do a job, but as the ONLY way to do a job. In other words, if a job is not performed safely, it is not performed correctly. Purposes of the Manual Therefore the Manual serves two purposes: 1. It provides guidelines that can be used to develop inspection checklists that can be used for your instructional facilities. Students will recognize the measures that you have implemented to make a workplace safe. They can participate in the inspections. When they go into the workplace of their eventual employment, they will be equipped to recognize the safety measures that are already in place, and they will know how to add what needs to be done to complete the safety and health process. The guidelines are found in Part 3: Inspection Worksheets. 2. The Manual also provides five basic elements that should be incorporated into your instructional materials to teach principles of safety and health along with the technical content of the curriculum. These elements should become an integral part of the instructional method, as if it were the only way to teach and perform the job. Students should understand that there is no alternative way to work other than the safe way. 19 Five Curriculum Elements Safe Job Procedures: Each lesson plan must include emphasis on the step-by-step procedures to accomplish the project. Students must learn that the only way to do the job is by following the procedures. Short cuts are not permitted. Changes in procedures are allowed only when it can be shown that they are as safe, or safer, than the original procedures. As the instructor, you set both the tone and demonstrate the example of how it’s done by your own work. Make certain it is exemplary. You will be the most memorable influence they will have. Clean Workplace: Workplace housekeeping is probably the clearest indicator of the amount of emphasis that a safety program is getting. Safety professionals learned long ago that the impressions they get in the first few minutes on the job regarding the general cleanliness and order of the work site are accurate predictors of the rest of the safety program. Each classroom lesson must emphasize the importance of complete and thorough cleanup at the end of each work period. The lesson should also point out that hazards, such as spills, etc., may be created while work progresses, and when this occurs, the project should be halted temporarily while the situation is corrected. Then work can continue. Well-Maintained Equipment and Machinery: Instruction must include how to inspect machinery for signs of wear and damage. It must include proper preventive maintenance intervals and techniques. It must also include the proper and safe way to remove a defective piece of equipment from service and to secure it so that it cannot be used until the repairs have been completed. Proper Use of Machines and Equipment: Students must learn that machine guards have a critical purpose that must never, under any circumstances, be circumvented. A machine must never be operated without all of its guards in place. If a student feels awkward, or clumsy using the guards, special attention should be provided until he/she feel comfortable with the guards in place. In a similar fashion, a student should always be taught the importance of using the proper tool for the job, and the right way to use that tool. Operating parameters such as adjustments, speeds, and other important factors must all be included. New trainees should be taught with the objective in mind that they will become experts on their equipment, and they can take great pride in their work and their newly acquired skills. Personal Responsibility and Integrity: Finally, the entire structure of workplace safety and health rests upon the two pillars of responsibility and integrity. Students must understand that honesty is not just the best policy -- it is the ONLY policy. They must learn that, where workplace safety and health are concerned, reporting accidents promptly and accurately is of paramount importance. Problems can be corrected and hazards eliminated only when there is adequate factual information. Hiding details to avoid taking responsibility leads to exercises in futility when trying to correct problems. As an instructor, you contribute by helping the student understand that an accident investigation is not an attempt to lay blame upon someone, but rather, an effort to find the sequence of events that went wrong, and to correct them so they will not occur again. 20 PART 3: INSPECTION WORKSHEETS 21 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use the following worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of instructional facilities. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. See Appendix F: Emergency Procedures for additional guidance materials. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Injuries and Illnesses Are provisions made in advance of any project or class involving potential hazards for prompt medical attention in case of any injury? Y N N/A Is an injury/illness response program in place? Y N N/A Have persons with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses been identified? Y N N/A Are medical personnel available for advice and consultation? Y N N/A If emergency medical care is not readily available, Y N N/A is a certified person available to render first aid? Certified person: a person who has a valid certificate in first-aid training from the American Red Cross, or equivalent training that can be verified by documentary evidence. Are first-aid supplies readily available? 22 Y N N/A 1.2 Are first-aid supplies in a weatherproof container with individual sealed packages for each type of item? Y N N/A Are first-aid supplies checked to replace expended items on a regular basis? Y N N/A Is transportation available for taking an injured or ill person to medical care if necessary, or is a communication system available for contacting an ambulance service? Y N N/A Are telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, or ambulances conspicuously posted? Y N N/A Emergency Response Has an Emergency Action Plan and procedures to respond to emergency situations been established? Y N N/A Have high potential hazards such as fire hazards, hazardous materials locations, hazardous equipment locations and other hazards and issues specific to the site been identified? Y N N/A Have emergency systems (i.e., fire alarms, sprinkler systems, etc.) and emergency equipment used for fire and spill control. etc., been identified? Y N N/A Is there a procedure to account for all persons on site in the event of an emergency? Y N N/A Have personnel responsibilities for rescue and medical emergencies been established? Y N N/A Have mechanisms to report emergency situations to proper authorities established? Y N N/A Are evacuation route maps posted in designated Y N N/A areas to display: emergency exits, primary and secondary exit routes, locations of fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull station locations, and assembly points? Are all emergency procedures reviewed and updated on a regular basis? 23 Y N N/A 1.3 2.0 Training Are all personnel and students instructed on injury, Illness, emergency response procedures and their specific roles, on a regular basis? Y N N/A Do designated “Certified Persons” obtain and maintain their certifications through the American Red Cross or other qualified organizations? Y N N/A Are periodic drills conducted to prepare students and personnel in the event of an emergency? Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 24 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worse case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis, above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability 25 Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility, based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls, look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones, and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 26 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 27 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use the following worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facility. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. See Appendix E: Indoor Quality for additional guidance material. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Air Pollution Control 1.1.1 1.1.2 Air Pollution Control Permits Are air pollution permits on file for the equipment or operations permitted under State regulations? Y N N/A Is a procedure in place to ensure air pollution control permits and certificates are applied for and received before the installation and operation of new equipment? Y N N/A Requirements for Gasoline-Powered Engines Is the removal of any emission control device from a gasoline-powered engine prohibited except during repairs or replacement activities? Y N N/A When catalytic converters are replaced on auto- Y N N/A 28 mobiles, are they only replaced by the same type of converter as the original (i.e. oxidation, three-way, or three-way plus oxidation), and are they the same type of converter specified by the vehicle catalog? 1.1.3 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Surface Cleaners Are all tanks that contain VOC equipped with a Y N N/A lid to prevent evaporation or escape of vapors when the tank is not in use? (e.g., autobody shops, metalworking shops, etc.) Note: Questions 5B12 are based on EPA Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT) guidelines for solvent cleaners (Reference 1). Do all unheated open-top surface cleaners with openings between 6 and 25 square feet (autobody shops) a) have a high liquid mark to prevent overfilling? b) have a wand that produces mist or droplets or delivers spray below 15 pounds per square inch (psi)? c) have a freeboard ratio of 0.5 or greater? Y N N/A Do all unheated open-top surface cleaners with openings >25 square feet have either (1) a freeboard ratio of 0.75 or greater, or (2) a freeboard ratio of 0.5 or greater and separation from windows, exhaust systems, and other sources of drafts? Y N N/A Do all heated open-top and surface cleaners have Y N N/A the following? a) a thermostat that automatically maintains temperature below the boiling point of the liquid, b) a cover that is kept closed except when processing parts, c) no agitating system that can cause splashing, and d) a freeboard ratio >0.75? In addition to meeting the above conditions, do all conveyorized surface cleaners have a) a condenser with heat removal capacity greater 29 Y N N/A than the input into the bath, b) a freeboard chiller or a vapor control system, c) covers protecting the conveyor inlet, d) outlet ports for reduction of losses when the cleaner is not in use, and e) hanging flaps when the unit is in use? 1.1.4 Do written standard operating procedures govern the Y N N/A proper use, inspection, and maintenance of all surface cleaners? Have all persons using this equipment been trained in Y N N/A these standard operating procedures? Are copies of the standard operating procedures located at the cleaner? Surface Coating and Graphic Arts 1.1.5 1.1.6 Y N N/A Are all surface-coating operations done with controls to prevent emissions of VOCs? (paint spray booths, graphic arts shops) [RACT Reference 2, RACT Reference 3] Y N N/A Dry Cleaning Operations Are petroleum-using dry cleaning operations with a manufacturer’s total dryer capacity equal to or greater than 84 pounds equipped with a cartridge filter? Y N N/A Are all solvent filtration systems operated so that cartridge filters are allowed to drain for 8 hours before removal? Y N N/A Are all leaking washers, dryers, filters, etc. that Y N N/A could result in VOC emissions corrected immediately? Is information about leak inspection and repair procedures clearly posted? Y N N/A Dry Cleaning Operations Using Perchloroethylene Are all dry cleaning machines connected to a 30 Y N N/A properly operated and maintained air pollution control device? 1.1.7 1.2 Are all transfer dry cleaning units operated in a room or enclosure that vents all solvent vapors to an air pollution control device? Y N N/A Are policies in place to prevent the venting or release of perchloroethylene vapors at any time? Y N N/A Is a complete check for leaks performed weekly? Are condenser control devices operated at less than 45ºF? Y N N/A Y N N/A Are the exhaust emissions from carbon absorbers checked weekly? Y N N/A Toxic Substances Do all cold-cleaning machines using toxic substances have a 1-inch layer of water on the solvent surface, or a freeboard ratio of 0.75 or more? Y N N/A Are all waste solvents stored in closed containers with pressure relief systems? Y N N/A Are all spills cleaned up immediately, and are the wipe rags stored in covered containers? Y N N/A Do all heated-vapor machines have a device to shut off the sump heater if the solvent levels drop to the heater coils? Y N N/A Are all heated-vapor machines provided with a pollution control device designed to keep emissions below 0.045 lbs/hour? Y N N/A Are standard operating procedures written for all open-top surface cleaners that contain toxic substances? Y N N/A Do all persons using this equipment receive training in and adhere to the standard operating procedures? Y N N/A Indoor Air Quality 31 1.2.1 General Is someone designated to develop and implement an indoor air quality management plan for your school district? Y N N/A Does your district have an indoor air quality management plan that includes steps for preventing and resolving indoor air quality problems? Y N N/A Has your school district been tested for radon, and have radon-mitigation systems been installed where needed? Y N N/A Does your school district use integrated pest management principles in all areas? Y N N/A Is spot-treatment of pesticides used to control infested areas? Y N N/A Are all pesticide applicators trained in the safe use of pesticides? Y N N/A Have painted surfaces in your district been tested for lead-based paint, and has a lead control or removal program been implemented? Y N N/A Are school buildings inspected once or twice each year for conditions that may lead to indoor air quality problems? Y N N/A Is a preventive maintenance schedule established Y N N/A and in operation for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system? Is the schedule in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or accepted practice for the HVAC system? Does the HVAC preventive maintenance schedule Y N N/A include the following: checking and/or changing air filters and belts, lubricating equipment parts, checking the motors, and confirming that all equipment is in operating order? Are damaged or inoperable components of the 32 Y N N/A HVAC system replaced or repaired as appropriate? Are reservoirs or parts of the HVAC system with Y N N/A standing water checked visually for microbial growth? Are water leaks that could promote growth of biologic agents promptly repaired? Y N N/A Are damp or wet materials that could promote growth of biologic agents promptly dried, replaced, removed, or cleaned? Y N N/A Are microbial contaminants removed from ductwork, humidifiers, other HVAC, building system components, and from building surfaces (i.e., carpeting and ceiling tiles) when found during regular or emergency maintenance activities or visual inspection? Y N N/A Is general or local exhaust ventilation used where housekeeping and maintenance activities could reasonably be expected to result in exposure to hazardous substances above applicable exposure limits? Y N N/A When point sources generate airborne concentrations Y N N/A of contaminants above applicable limits, local exhaust ventilation or substitution used to reduce the exposure concentrations to below the limits? When the carbon dioxide level exceeds 1,000 parts per million, is the HVAC system checked and repaired as necessary to ensure the system is operating properly? Y N N/A When the temperature is outside of the range of 68 to 79ºF, is the HVAC system checked and repaired as necessary to ensure the system is operating properly? Y N N/A Are humidity levels maintained between 30% to 60% relative humidity? Y N N/A When a contaminant is identified in the make-up Y N N/A 33 air supply, is the source of the contaminant eliminated, or are the make-up inlets or exhaust air outlets relocated to avoid entry of the contaminant into the air system? 1.2.2 1.2.3 If buildings do not have mechanical ventilation, are windows, doors, vents, stacks, and other portals used for natural ventilation operating properly? Y N N/A Are complaints promptly investigated that may involve a building-related illness? Y N N/A Smoking Is smoking in school buildings prohibited except as part of a classroom instruction or a theatrical production? Y N N/A Do written district board of education policies and procedures prohibit smoking in school buildings? Y N N/A Renovations and Remodeling During renovation work or new construction, are local ventilation or other protective devices used to safeguard employees and students from dust, stones, other small particles, and toxic gases, which may be harmful in certain quantities? Y N N/A Are renovation areas in occupied buildings isolated so that dust and debris is confined to the renovation or construction area? Y N N/A Are precautions implemented in case lead-based paint is disturbed during renovation or new construction? Y N N/A When renovating or during new construction, are product labels checked, or is information obtained on whether paints, adhesives, sealants, solvents, insulation, particleboard, plywood, floor coverings, carpet backing, textiles or other materials contain volatile organic compounds that could be emitted during regular use? Y N N/A Are employees notified at least 24 hours in Y N N/A 34 advance, or promptly in emergency situations, of work to be performed on the building that may introduce air contaminants into their work area? 1.2.4 1.3 Shafting Is the maintenance schedule updated to show all maintenance performed on the building systems? Does the maintenance schedule include the dates Y N N/A that the building systems maintenance was performed and the names of the persons or companies performing the work? Are maintenance schedules retained for at least three years? Y N N/A Y N N/A Hazardous Waste Management 1.3.1 Generators of Regulated Amounts of Hazardous Waste Does the container storing hazardous waste meet US Department of Transportation container requirements? Y N N/A Is the container storing hazardous waste in good condition? Y N N/A Is the container storing hazardous waste compatible with the waste material? (For instance, solvents and paint waste should be placed in steel drums, but acidic or alkaline waste should not be placed in steel drums.) Y N N/A Is the container storing hazardous waste kept securely closed when not in use? Y N N/A Are unused keyways filled up or covered? Y N N/A Is the container storing hazardous waste at or near the point of generation and under the operator’s control? Y N N/A Is the container storing hazardous waste marked with the words “Hazardous Waste”? Y N N/A If the container is being shipped for disposal, Y N N/A 35 have arrangements been made for a Licensed Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) facility to accept your hazardous waste? Note: Although the school is responsible for completing manifest forms, the TSD facility handling your waste should be consulted about completing the paperwork necessary to ship hazardous waste. If the container is being shipped for disposal, have arrangements with a registered Hazardous Waste Hauler been made for transport of wastes to the TSD facility? Y N N/A Have hazardous waste manifests been completed for all shipments of hazardous wastes within your state (or other state’s Manifest for shipments to other states)? Y N N/A Has a copy of the manifest with the signature of the initial transporter and date of shipment been retained by the school? Y N N/A Has the hauler been supplied with all remaining copies of the manifest? Y N N/A Have “Land Ban” forms been completed prohibiting land disposal of affected wastes unless treated below regulatory levels? Y N N/A Have appropriate markings and labels been affixed to containers prior to shipment? Y N N/A Has the hauler’s vehicle been inspected by the generator (or his/her designee) to ensure proper placarding before leaving the generator’s premises? Y N N/A Has the school kept a copy of each signed manifest for at least three years; or until a copy is received from the owner and operator of the facility that received the waste, for at least three years? Y N N/A Has the school prepared and submitted a copy of Y N N/A 36 a Biennial Report to the EPA Regional Administrator by March 1 of each even numbered year for all hazardous waste shipped off-site for treatment, storage or disposal? 1.3.2 1.3.3 Satellite Accumulation Sites Is the quantity of acutely toxic waste less than 55 Gallons, or less than 1 quart for acutely toxic waste? If the quantities of hazardous waste exceed the Y N N/A amounts in the previous question, are the containers moved within three days to a less than 90-day accumulation area, or off-site to an authorized facility? Y N N/A Small Quantity Generator (Generate between 100 and 1000 Kilograms of Hazardous Waste Per Month) Have hazardous waste containers been accumulated at your facility for 180 days or less? Note: If you store hazardous waste for more than 180 days, additional regulations apply which are not covered in this checklist. Contact your state environmental agency for additional information. The quantity of waste accumulated on-site may never exceed 6000 kilograms. Wastes may be stored longer than 180 days for certain situations. Y N N/A Are containers marked with accumulation start date? Y N N/A Are container labels visible? Y N N/A Are containers segregated according to waste type? Y N N/A Are the containers inspected weekly? Y N N/A Is there adequate aisle space between container rows? Note: 18 inches between single stacked drums and 30 inches between double or triple stacked drums. Y N N/A Is there immediate access to communication or Y N N/A 37 alarm systems whenever hazardous waste is poured, mixed, or handled? Is there an adequate supply of fire extinguishers and spill control equipment in the accumulation area? Y N N/A Is there adequate water pressure to supply fire hoses? Y N N/A Is the fire fighting equipment, communications and alarm equipment, and decontamination equipment, spill control and water supply tested and maintained? Y N N/A Have the police, fire department and emergency response teams been familiarized with the layout of the facility? Are there written agreements with emergency response contractors and equipment suppliers? Y N N/A Have arrangements been made with the local hospitals to familiarize them with the properties of the hazardous waste handled at your facility and the types of injuries, which may result from contact with these wastes? (This is usually a letter to the local hospitals identifying the wastes generated and the types of injuries that result from contact with the waste.) Y N N/A Is there an emergency coordinator on site or on call who is available to respond to an emergency? Note: The emergency coordinator or his designee must respond to any emergencies that arise. Y N N/A Is the following information posted next to the telephone: the name and address of the emergency coordinator; the location of fire extinguishers and spill control material, and, if present, fire alarm; and the telephone number of the fire department, unless the facility has a direct alarm? Y N N/A Note: In the event of a fire, explosion or other 38 Y N N/A release, which could threaten human health outside the facility or when the generator has knowledge that a spill has reached surface water, the generator must immediately notify the National Response Center (using their 24-hour toll free number 800-424-8802.) 1.3.4 Are all employees thoroughly familiar with proper Y N N/A waste handling and emergency procedures, relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility operations and emergencies? Has the school notified the EPA Regional Administrator of any manifests that were not received for shipments made to a designated facility within 60 days? Y N N/A Large Quantity Generator (Generate More than 1000 Kilograms of Hazardous Wastes Per Month) Have hazardous waste containers been accumulated at your facility for 90 days or less? Note: If you store hazardous wastes for more than 90 days, additional regulations apply which are not covered in this checklist. Contact The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) at 225-342-1234 for additional information. Y N N/A Are containers marked with accumulation start dates? Y N N/A Are container labels visible? Y N N/A Are containers segregated according to waste type? Y N N/A Are the containers inspected weekly? Y N N/A Are containers of ignitable and reactive wastes located greater than 50 feet from the facility’s property line? Y N N/A Is there adequate aisle space between container rows? Y N N/A Is there immediate access to communication or Y N N/A 39 alarm systems whenever hazardous waste is poured, mixed, or handled? Is there an adequate supply of fire extinguishers and spill control equipment in the accumulation area? Y N N/A Is there adequate water pressure to supply fire hoses? Y N N/A Is the fire fighting equipment, spill control and water supply tested and maintained? Y N N/A Have the police, fire department and emergency response teams been familiarized with the layout of the facility? Y N N/A Are there written agreements with emergency response contractors and equipment suppliers? Y N N/A Have arrangements been made with the local hospitals to familiarize them with the properties of the hazardous waste handled at your facility and the types of injuries which may result from Y N N/A contact with these wastes? (This is usually a letter to the local hospitals identifying the wastes generated and the types of injuries that result from contact with the waste.) Has a contingency plan been developed describing the actions to be taken by facility personnel in the event of a fire, explosion or hazardous materials release? Y N N/A Does the plan describe arrangements with local authorities including fire police, and emergency medical services personnel, for handling such emergencies? Y N N/A Does the plan list telephone numbers for the emergency coordinator and alternates? Y N N/A Does the plan list the locations and capabilities Y N N/A 40 of emergency equipment kept at the school including fire extinguishers, spill control equipment and communications and alarm systems and decontamination systems? Does the plan include primary and alternate evacuation routes for students and faculty? Y N N/A Is a copy of the plan available at the school for Inspection? Y N N/A Has a copy of the plan been forwarded to local emergency agencies including police, fire emergency medical, the local emergency planning committee, and any emergency response contractors who may be called upon during an incident? Y N N/A Are there provisions for updating the Contingency Plan as operations and/or personnel change? Y N N/A Is the training program directed by a person trained in hazardous waste management procedures? Y N N/A Is the training program designed to ensure that personnel are able to respond effectively? Y N N/A Does the training program include: i) Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, and replacing facility emergency and monitoring equipment; ii) Key parameters for automatic waste feed cut-off systems; iii) Communications for alarm systems; iv) Response to fires or explosions; v) Response to ground-water contamination incidents; and vi) Shutdown of operations. Y N N/A Does the plan include provisions for: a)The use of personnel safety equipment? b) Procedures for using facility emergency and monitoring equipment? Y N N/A c) Procedures for utilizing communications 41 or alarm systems? d) Response procedures for fires and explosions? e) Ground water contamination response procedures? Is training provided for all employees of this facility within 6 months of the date of employment, or assignment to an area involving the handling of hazardous waste? Y N N/A Is training reviewed annually? Y N N/A Is training documented with the following Information: 1) Job title for each position and the name of the person filling each job; 2) A written job description; 3) A description of the training given; and 4) Documentation of actual training? Y N N/A Are training records maintained for at least three (3) years? Y N N/A Has the school contacted the transporter and/or owner or operator of the designated facility of any manifests which were not received for shipments made to a designated facility within 35 days? Y N N/A Has an Exception Report been submitted to the EPA Regional Administrator if the generator has not received a copy of the manifest within 45 days? Note: Efforts to obtain the manifest must be documented. Are Biennial Reports and Exception Reports kept on file for 3 years? Y N N/A 2.0 Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 42 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worst case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one having the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. 43 Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating in order on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. 44 Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones; and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 45 HAZARD COMMUNICATION WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use the following worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facility. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. See Appendix K: Material Safety Data Sheets Guidelines for additional guidance materials. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Elements of a Hazard Communication Program 1.1.1 Hazard Communication Program Has a written hazard communication program been developed, implemented, and maintained at your worksite? Y N N/A Has a list of known hazardous chemicals at your facility been prepared? Y N N/A Have methods been developed to inform Personnel and students of the hazards of Non-routine tasks? Note: Such tasks may include emergency response or equipment. Y N N/A Are methods developed for communicating hazards to outside contractors or vendors who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals at your facility? Y N N/A 46 1.1.2 1.1.3 Labels Are all containers of hazardous chemicals in the workplace labeled, tagged, or marked with the identity of the hazardous chemical(s)? Y N N/A Are all containers of hazardous chemicals in the workplace labeled, tagged, or marked with the appropriate warnings? Y N N/A Are all containers of hazardous chemicals in the facility labeled, tagged, or marked with the name and address of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other responsible party? Y N N/A If a container is received without a hazard warning Y N N/A label, is a good faith effort made to obtain the missing information from the manufacturer or supplier? Note: Manufacturer are required to affix labels to all containers of hazardous chemicals when they are shipped. The following hazardous chemicals are exempt from this labeling requirement, although subject to other labeling requirements: pesticides, foods, food additives, color additives, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, alcoholic beverages, consumer products, hazardous waste, tobacco products, and wood products. Is removal or defacing of labels on incoming containers of hazardous chemicals prohibited? Y N N/A Are labels or other forms of warning legible, in English, and prominently displayed? Y N N/A Material Safety Data Sheets Are material safety data sheets on hand for each hazardous chemical used and identified on the hazardous chemicals list? Y N N/A If a hazardous chemical has no material safety data sheet, are attempts made to obtain one from the chemical manufacturer or imported as soon as possible? Y N N/A Are material safety data sheets for the hazardous Y N N/A 47 chemical kept in the facility and made readily accessible to personnel and students? 1.1.4 Information and Training Is information and training on hazardous chemicals in the worksite provided on initial assignment and whenever new physical hazards or health hazards are introduced into a facility area? Y N N/A Does the information provided include the operations performed at the worksite where hazardous chemicals are present? Y N N/A Does the information provided include the location and availability of the written hazard communication program, including the list of hazardous chemicals and material safety data sheets? Y N N/A Does the training provided include information about the methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemicals in a work area (such as monitoring conducted by the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc.)? Y N N/A Does the training provided include information about the physical hazards and health hazards of the chemicals in the work area? Y N N/A Does the training provided include information about the measures employees can take to protect themselves from these hazards, including procedures the school has implemented to protect employees from exposures to hazardous chemicals (appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment)? Y N N/A Does the training provided include information about the details of the hazard communication program developed by the school; including explanations of the labeling system, material safety data sheets, and how employees can obtain and use the appropriate hazard information? Y N N/A Definitions: 48 Article: a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle that (a) is formed to a shape or design during manufacture, (b) has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part on its shape or design during end use, and (c) under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g., minute or trace amounts of a hazardous chemical, and does not pose a physical hazard or health risk to employees Hazardous chemical: any chemical that is a physical hazard or a health hazard. Health hazard: a chemical for which statistically significant evidence exists that acute or chronic health effects may occur in exposed employees. This evidence must be based on at least one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles. Physical hazard: a chemical for which scientifically valid evidence exists that it is a combustible liquid, a compressed gas, explosive, flammable, an organic peroxide, and oxidizer, pyrophoric (self igniting), unstable (reactive) or waterreactive. 2.0 PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 49 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worst case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one having the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. 50 Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating in order on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a 51 hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones; and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 52 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use the following worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey to determine the level of fire prevention and protection readiness for the instructional facility. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Facilities 1.1.1 Buildings and Functions Are classroom and laboratory facilities separated? Y N N/A Are classes being conducted in more than one part of the building at a time? Y N N/A Do classrooms, laboratories, offices, lavatories, and other facilities empty into a common interior hallway? Y N N/A Does the building have more than one level or floor? Y N N/A If the building is multi-level, is there more than one stairway leading to egress (exit) from the building? Y N N/A Are means of egress (exit) from the building clearly marked? Y N N/A 53 In the event of loss of power to the building, is there battery-powered emergency lighting that will be turned on automatically? Y N N/A Are exit facilities inspected daily to make sure that all stairways, doors, and other exits are in proper working condition? Y N N/A Are all exit paths free and unobstructed? Note: Exit doors must not be locked, barred, or blocked in such a way as to prevent exit from the building. Y N N/A Are wedges or devices holding exit doors open prohibited? Y N N/A Are all fire escapes, stairs, passageways, doors, and windows free of obstructions that would interfere the operation of the fire department? Y N N/A Are all fire doors tight fitting and in good operational condition? Y N N/A Are all classroom doors self closing? Y N N/A Are openings in the walls, floors, or ceilings that would contribute to the spread of fire from one room to another repaired? Y N N/A Is the vertical clearance between sprinklers and material below (such as head deflectors) at least 18 inches? Y N N/A Are accumulations of flammable or combustible waste materials and residues removed so that they will not contribute to a fire? Note: Examples of violations include open boxes of papers stored under the stairs and stored empty cardboard boxes. Y N N/A Is adequate clearance maintained between stored Y N N/A materials and light fixtures to prevent possible ignition? 54 1.2.1 1.2.2 Is the clearance between stored materials and unit Y N N/A heaters, radiant space heaters, furnace ducts, and flues not less than three feet in all directions or in accordance with the clearances shown on the approval agency label? Are furnishings or decorations of an explosive or highly flammable character prohibited? Y N N/A Are decorative materials such as curtains, draperies, streamers, and fabrics flame resistant? Y N N/A Do teaching materials and children’s artwork cover 20% or less of the wall area? Y N N/A Occupants Are any of the occupants handicapped in anyway? Y N N/A Are there ever any individuals in the facility who are not part of the regular occupants of the buildings? Y N N/A Are there ever times when there are only one or two occupants in the building? Y N N/A Applicable Codes Have the NFPA Building, Life, Safety and Electrical Codes been identified and consulted for applicability to this building and its purpose? Y N N/A Have municipality and school board safety codes been identified and consulted for applicability to this building and its purposes? Y N N/A Are all applicable codes being following regarding the occupation use of this building? Y N N/A Are all applicable codes being followed regarding the installation, use and maintenance of equipment within the building? Y N N/A 55 1.3 Materials and Equipment 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.4 Flammable and Combustible Materials Are flammable materials of any kind stored or used in the area? Flammable materials are usually in either the liquid or gas form and include, but are not limited to: fuels, welding gases, paints, solvents, thinners, etc. These fuels are usually considered quite volatile, i.e., they are very “watery” and they evaporate rapidly. Y N N/A Are combustible materials of any kind stored or used in the area? Combustible materials are usually in the solid form and include, but are not limited to: wood, plastics, paper, etc. Combustible materials may also include “heavier” liquid fuels such as lubricating oils and heating oils. Y N N/A Potential Ignition Sources Is all electrical equipment, such as switches, Y N N/A portable power tools, motors and other devices which may serve as a source of ignition, either prohibited in areas where flammable materials are stored or used, or allowed only when special procedures such as a “Hot Work Permit” are in force. Is internal-combustion-engine powered equipment located so that their exhausts are well away from combustible materials? When internal combustion engine exhausts are piped Y N N/A outside the building, is a clearance of at least 6 inches maintained between such piping and combustible materials? Are temporary heating devices used and stored away Y N N/A from flammable and combustible materials? Y N N/A Fire Protection Equipment Are telephone numbers and other means for summoning the fire department clearly posted and available for all to use? 56 Y N N/A Is access to firefighting equipment maintained at all times? Y N N/A Is firefighting equipment conspicuously located and visible, and is each location marked and identified? Y N N/A Is firefighting equipment periodically inspected and maintained in operating? Y N N/A Is a fire extinguisher, rated not less than 2A, provided for each 3,000 square feet of protected building area? Y N N/A Is the travel distance to each fire extinguisher 100 feet or less? Y N N/A Are one or more fire extinguishers, rated not less than 2A, provided on each floor? Y N N/A In multistory facilities, is at least one fire extinguisher located adjacent to the stairway? Y N N/A If more than 5 gallons of flammable or combustible liquid, or 5 pounds or more of flammable gas are present, is a fire extinguisher rated not less that 10B provided within 50 feet? Are portable fire extinguishers selected according to the classes of anticipated fires and the size and degree of hazards? Y N N/A 1.4 Y N N/A Work Methods 1.4.1 Material Handling Use Are volatile, flammable materials used in such a way Y N N/A that gases and vapors from such materials are not allowed to escape the storage container, or are gases or vapors vented to a safe area? When not in use, are flammable and combustible materials kept in containers that are specifically designed for holding and storing such materials? 57 Y N N/A 1.4.2 1.4.3 2.0 Material Storage – Outdoor Is stability maintained when combustible materials are piled? Y N N/A Are weeds and grass kept down and a regular procedure provided for periodic cleanup of outside storage areas? Y N N/A Material Storage – Indoor Are indoor materials stored so that they do not obstruct or adversely affect the means of exit? Y N N/A Are indoor materials stored, handled, and piled to minimize the spread of fire, and permit convenient access for firefighting? Y N N/A Where sprinkler systems are installed, are indoor materials stored so that a clearance of at least 36 inches is maintained between the top level of stored materials and the sprinkler deflectors? Y N N/A Is proper clearance maintained around lights and heating units to prevent ignition of combustible materials? Y N N/A Is a clearance of at least 24 inches maintained around the path of travel of fire doors, unless a barricade is provided? Y N N/A Are materials stored more than 36 inches away from a fire door opening? Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 58 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worst case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis, above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column, Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. 59 Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility, based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating in order on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 60 3.1Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones; and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 61 HEARING CONSERVATION AND NOISE PROTECTION WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use this worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facilities. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. Note: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other regulatory agencies specify that persons exposed to noise levels of 85 dBA over an eight-hour period must wear hearing protection, and be provided with and trained in the use of hearing protection. In order to provide a margin of safety and simplify the evaluation process, any equipment or operation found to expose persons to a noise level of 85 dBA or above over any time period should be considered a hazard, and hearing protection should be required. See Appendix H: Hearing Conservation & Noise Control for additional guidance material. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Facilities and Equipment 1.1.1 1.1.2 Evaluation Have all operations or equipment believed to be excessively noisy (85 dBA or above) been measured to determine their noise levels? Y N N/A Are noise measurements repeated when a change in operations or equipment may increase noise exposure? Y N N/A Training Does the school administer a continuing, effective hearing conservation program? 62 Y N N/A 1.1.3 2.0 Do all students or employees exposed to 85 dBA or above receive hearing conservation training at least annually? Y N N/A Are training materials and literature on Hearing Conservation available to employees or students? Y N N/A Noise Control and Hearing Protection Have feasible engineering and/or administrative controls been used to reduce operation or equipment noise levels determined to be excessive (85 dBA or above? Y N N/A Are hearing protectors evaluated to verify that they effectively reduce noise to levels below 85 dBA? Y N N/A Are hearing protectors available to all persons exposed to noise levels at or above 85 dBA? Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 63 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worse case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. 64 Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions, existing at your school facility, based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems and eliminate the hazards. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating in order on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a 65 hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls involve look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones; and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 66 MECHANICAL HAZARDS WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use this worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facility. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 General Requirements Are all machines guarded to protect the operator and other people in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips, and sharks? Y N N/A Is the point of operation guarded, in conformity with appropriate standards, if operation of machinery exposes individuals to injury? Note: In the absence of applicable specific standards, guarding shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent the operator from having any part of his/her body in the danger zone during the operating cycle. Examples of cited violations include: paper cutters had no finger guards, a radial arm saw’s blade protruded beyond the edge of the cutting table during its operating cycle, bench and pedestal drills had no bit guards, and lathes had no shields. Y N N/A Are guards attached to the machine when possible, and if that is not possible, attached elsewhere? Y N N/A If hand tools are used for placing or removing material, Y N N/A are they designed to be easily handled without a need to place hands in a danger zone? Note: Such tools are not a substitute for guarding. 67 They can only be used as supplemental protection. Are revolving drums, barrels and containers guarded by an enclosure that is interlocked so that containers cannot revolve unless the enclosure is in place? Y N N/A Are all fans less than 7 feet from the floor equipped with guards that have openings no larger than onehalf (1/2) inch? Note: Examples of cited violations include: exhaust fan blades and floor fans were not provided with protective guards, a portable table fan had a blade guard whose openings were approximately one inch an width, and a guard was broken creating a hole approximately 4” x 2”. Y N N/A Is all machinery designed for a fixed location securely anchored to prevent “walking” or “moving?” Y N N/A Are all machines constructed, installed and maintained as to be free from excessive vibration or play? Y N N/A Are all machines and equipment requiring the presence of an operator not left unattended while in operation or still in motion? Y N N/A Are all machines provided with a power cutoff switch that can be reached from the operating position? Y N N/A Is all fixed motorized machinery equipped with a magnetic-type switch designed to prevent automatic restarting of machinery when power is restored after a power failure or electrical cutoff? Y N N/A Are all machine operating controls easily reachable from the standard operating position and away from any hazardous point of operation? Y N N/A Are all electrically powered machines provided with a positive means for rendering the motor starting controls inoperative while repairs or tool changes are being made? Y N N/A Is your shop or lab equipped with two or more Y N N/A 68 push-type emergency cut-out switches, provided at appropriate locations for each (maximum) 1000 square feet of shop floor areas, for de-energizing the electrical supply to non-portable machinery? Note: The switch must have a clear unobstructed access of at least 36 inches. In addition, the reset of the switch must be key operated. 1.2 Are all power tools and machines which generate dust connected to a dust collection system? Y N N/A If required in your state, are dust collection systems permitted by the appropriate state agency? Y N N/A Control of Hazardous Energy Sources (Lockout/ Tagout) 1.2.1 1.2.2 General Energy Control Does the program require that all hazardous energy sources be isolated, locked or tagged, and otherwise disabled before anyone performs any activity where the unexpected energization, startup, or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury? Y N N/A Have procedures been developed, documented, and implemented for the control of hazardous energy when working with such equipment? Y N N/A Do the procedures clearly outline the scope, purpose, responsibility, authorization, rules, and techniques to be applied to the control of hazardous energy, and measures to enforce compliance? Y N N/A Do procedures exist for shutting down, isolating, blocking, and securing (locks and tags) energy? Y N N/A Do procedures exist and is someone assigned responsibility for removing and transferring locks and tags? Y N N/A Protective Materials and Hardware Are locks, tags, chains, adapter pins, or other hardware available for securing or blocking energy sources? 69 Y N N/A 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 Are these devices standardized in either color, shape, size, or format? Y N N/A Do these devices have a provision for identifying the person applying the device? Y N N/A Do tagout devices or danger tags warn against hazardous conditions if the equipment is re-energized? Note: Acceptable wording includes Do Not Open, Do Not Start, Do Not Close, and Do Not Energize. Y N N/A Inspection Are inspections conducted at least annually by an authorized person (other than the ones using the energy control procedures) to ensure control procedures are being implemented? Is each inspection certified by identifying the Y N N/A machine or equipment on which the energy control procedure was being used, the date of the inspection, and the person performing the inspection? Training and Communication Is training provided and documented to ensure that (a) the purpose and function of the energy control procedures are understood, and (b) the knowledge and skills required for the safe application and removal of energy controls are acquired? Y N N/A Is this training repeated periodically when changes or deviations occur in the energy control procedure? Y N N/A Energy-Isolating Devices 1.2.6 Y N N/A Are all energy-isolated devices operated only by authorized persons or under the direct supervision of an authorized person? Y N N/A Notification of Employees Are all employees notified of the application and removal of lockout and tagout controls whenever such controls directly affect their work activities? 70 Y N N/A 1.2.7 Application of Control Does the application of energy control follow the sequence listed below? Y N N/A Step 1 Machine or equipment shutdown by authorized personnel Step 2 Machine or equipment isolation: all energy-isolated devices that are needed shall be located and operated in a manner that isolates the machine or equipment from the energy source(s). Step 3 Lockout and tagout device application: (a) Lockout devices shall be affixed in a manner that will hold the energy-isolating device in a safe or off position. (b) Tagout devices shall be affixed in a manner that clearly indicates that the operation or movement of energy isolating devices from the safe or off position is prohibited. (c) If a tag cannot be affixed directly to the energy isolating device, the tag shall be located as close as safely possible to the device, in a position that will be immediately obvious to anyone operating the device. Step 4 Stored energy: following the application of lockout and tagout devices, all hazardous, stored, or residual energy shall be relieved, disconnected, restrained, or otherwise rendered safe. Step 5 Verification of isolation: before starting work on the isolated equipment or process, an authorized person must verify that isolation and de-energization of the machine or equipment has been accomplished. Has the work area been inspected before the removal of lockout and tagout devices? Y N N/A Has the lockout and tagout device been removed by the person who put it on? Note: This rule has some limited exceptions. Y N N/A 71 1.3 Are outside servicing personnel informed of the lockout and tagout procedures before equipment is serviced? Y N N/A Mechanical Power-Transmission Devices 1.3.1 Care of Equipment Is all power-transmission equipment inspected every 60 days or less and kept in good working condition at all times? Y N N/A Are hangers inspected to make certain that all supporting bolts and screws are tight and that supports of hanger boxes are adjusted properly? Y N N/A Is machinery oiled wherever possible when not in motion? Y N N/A Do regular oilers wear tight-fitting clothing? Y N N/A 1.3.2. Prime-Mover Guards 1.3.3 When exposed to contact, are flywheels guarded by an enclosure, guard rail, or toeboard? Y N N/A Are crank and connecting rods guarded when exposed to contact? Y N N/A Are tail rods or extension piston rods guarded? Y N N/A Shafting Is each continuous line of shafting secured against excessive end movement? Y N N/A Are inclined and vertical shafts (particularly) inclined idler shafts) securely held in position against end-wise thrust? Y N N/A For horizontal shafting 7 feet or less above the floor or working platform, are all exposed parts protected by (a) a stationary casing completely enclosing the shafting, or (b) a trough enclosing the side and top, or sides and bottom of the shafting (as the location requires)? Y N N/A 72 1.3.4 1.3.5 Is shafting under bench machinery enclosed by (a) stationary casing, or (b) a trough at sides and top, or sides and bottom (as the location requires)? Note: The sides of the trough shall come within at least 6 inches of the underside of the table, or within 6 inches of the floor if shafting is near the floor. In every case, the sides of the trough shall extend at least 2 inches beyond the shafting or protuberance. Y N N/A Is vertical or inclined shafting that is 7 feet or less from the floor or working platform (except maintenance runways) enclosed with a stationary casing? Y N N/A Do projecting shaft ends have a smooth edge and end? Y N N/A Are shaft ends that project more than ½ of the diameter of the shaft guarded by non-rotating caps or safety sleeves? Y N N/A Are unused keyways filled up or covered? Y N N/A Is shafting kept in alignment and free from rust and excess oil or grease? Y N N/A Pulleys Are pulleys 7 feet or less from the floor guarded? Y N N/A Are pulleys with cracks or pieces broken out of the rims taken out of service? Y N N/A Are pulleys kept in proper alignment to prevent belts from running off? Y N N/A Belt, Rope, and Chain Drives Are horizontal belts seven feet or less from the floor level guarded? Y N N/A Are belts, lacings, and fasteners inspected and maintained in good repair? Y N N/A 73 1.3.6 1.3.7 Gears, Sprockets, and Chains Are all gears fully guarded? Y N N/A Are all sprocket wheels and chains that are less than 7 feet above the floor or platform fully guarded? Y N N/A Are openings with hinged or sliding self-closing covers provided when frequent oiling must be done on gears, sprockets, and chains? Y N N/A Keys, Set-screws, and Other Projections 1.3.8 Y N N/A Collars and Couplings 1.3.9 Are all projecting keys, set-screws, and other projections in revolving parts guarded by metal covers or made flush? Are shaft couplings constructed so they do not present hazards from bolts, nuts, set-screws, or revolving surfaces? Note: Bolts, nuts, and set-screws are permitted if covered with safety sleeves. Y N N/A Bearings and Facilities for Oiling Are all drip cups and pans securely fastened? Are bearings kept in alignment and properly adjusted? Y N N/A Y N N/A 1.3.10 Guards Are all metal guards free from burrs and sharp edges? Are all metal guards securely fastened to the floor or to frame of the machine? Y N N/A Are all guards rigidly braced every 3 feet or fractional part of their height to a fixed part of machinery or building structure? Y N N/A 74 1.4 Abrasive Wheel Machinery 1.4.1 1.4.2 General Requirements Do grinding wheels fit freely on the spindle? Y N N/A Is forcing the grinding wheel on the spindle prohibited? Y N N/A Are all wheels closely inspected and sounded by the user (ring test) to make sure they have not been damaged before being mounted? Note: Before mounting the wheel, make sure the spindle speed of the machine does not exceed the maximum operating speed marked on the wheel. Y N N/A Is the spindle nut tightened only enough to hold the wheel in place? Y N N/A Are all grinding wheel operators required to use eye protection? Y N N/A Are all contact surfaces of the wheel, blotters, and flanges flat and free of foreign material? Y N N/A When a bushing is used in the wheel hole, is it positioned so it does not exceed the width of the wheel nor make contact with the flange? Y N N/A Floor and Bench-Grinding Machines Are all floor- and bench-mounted abrasive wheels equipped with safety guards? Y N N/A Does the safety guard cover the spindle end, nut, and flange projections? Y N N/A Is the maximum angular exposure of the grinding wheel and side 90º or less? Exception: When work requires contact with the wheel below the horizontal plane of the spindle, the angular exposure shall not exceed 125º. In either case, the exposure shall begin at not more than 65º above the horizontal place of the spindle. Y N N/A Are work rests provided that are rigidly supported and readily adjustable? Y N N/A 75 1.4.3 1.4.4 Are work rests kept adjusted closely to the wheel with a maximum opening of 1/8 inch to prevent the work from being jammed between the wheel and the rest? Y N N/A Portable and Other Abrasive Wheels Do all machines with abrasive wheels greater than 2 inches in diameter have safety guards? Note: Some abrasive wheels may be equipped with flanges. Y N N/A Is the maximum exposure angle on all grinding wheels 180º or less? Y N N/A When in use, is the guard on right angle head or vertical portable grinders located between the operator and the wheel? Y N N/A Is the guard on right angle head or vertical portable grinders adjusted so that pieces of a broken wheel will be deflected away from the operator? Y N N/A Is the top half of the wheel on other grinders always enclosed? Y N N/A General Requirements for Guards Are the guard and its fastenings strong enough Y N N/A to retain fragments of the wheel in case of breakage? Are guards mounted to maintain proper alignment with the wheel? Y N N/A Are tongue guards at the top of the wheel bench, floor stand, and cylindrical grinders adjusted to the decreasing diameter of the wheel so that the gap is never more than one-fourth (1/4) of an inch? Y N N/A 76 1.4.5 Definitions Ring test: The wheels should be tapped gently with a light nonmetallic implement, such as the handle of a screwdriver for light wheels, or a wooden mallet for heavier wheels. Tap wheels about 45º each side of the vertical centerline and about 1 or 2 inches from the edge of the wheel. Then rotate the wheel 45º and repeat the test. A sound and undamaged wheel will give a clear metallic tone. If cracked, there will be a dead sound and not a clear “ring.” 1.5 Woodworking Machinery – General Requirements 1.5.1 General Machine Construction Is each machine constructed and installed so it is free from sensible vibration when the largest tool is mounted and run at full speed? Y N N/A Are arbors and mandrels constructed to have firm and secure bearing and be free from play? Y N N/A Are saw frames on tables constructed with lugs cast on the frame or with equivalent means to limit the size of the saw blade that can be mounted? Note: This is done to avoid overspeed caused by mounting a saw larger than intended. Y N N/A Are circular saw fences constructed so they can be firmly secured to the table without changing their alignment with the saw? Y N N/A Are circular saw gauges constructed so they slide in grooves or tracts that are securely machined, to ensure exact alignment with the saw for all positions on the guide? Y N N/A Are hinged table saws constructed so that the table can be firmly secured in any position and in true alignment with the saw? Y N N/A Are all belts, pulleys, gears, shafts, and moving parts guarded? Y N N/A 77 1.5.2 Is each woodworking machine provided with a disconnect switch that can be locked in the off position. Note: The construction standard 1926-304 permits a disconnect switch that can be tagged in the off position. Y N N/A Are the frames of all exposed noncurrentcarrying metal parts grounded? Y N N/A If the possibility exists of contacting part of a circular saw either beneath or behind the table, is that part covered with either an exhaust hood or guard? Y N N/A Are revolving double arbor saws fully guarded? Y N N/A Is the placement and mounting of saws, cutter heads, or tool collars on machine arbors accomplished when the tool has been accurately machined to size and shape to fit the arbor? Y N N/A Are combs (featherboards) or suitable jigs provided at the shop or lab for use when a standard guard cannot be used, as in dadoing, grooving, joining, moulding, and rabbetting? Y N N/A Is the operating speed etched or otherwise permanently marked on all circular saws over 20 inches in diameter and operating at over 10,000 peripheral feet per minute? Y N N/A Do woodworking tools and machinery meet the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) codes for safety? Note: A label on the equipment or manufacturer’s Literature might indicate that it meets ANSI’s Standards. If in doubt, the manufacturer of the equipment should be contacted. Y N N/A Machine Controls and Equipment Are mechanical or electrical power controls provided Y N N/A on each machine to make it possible for the operator to cut off the power without leaving his or her operating position? 78 1.5.3 On machines driven by belts and shaftings, is a locking-type belt shifter or equivalent positive device used? Y N N/A Is each operating treadle protected against unexpected tripping? Y N N/A Are automatic feeding devices installed on machines whenever the nature of the work permits? Y N N/A Do feeder attachments have the feed rolls or other moving parts covered or guarded to protect the operator from hazardous points? Y N N/A Inspection and Maintenance of Woodworking Machinery Are dull, badly set, improperly filed, or improperly tensioned saws immediately removed from service before they cause the material to stick, jam, or kickback when it is fed to the saw at normal speed? Y N N/A Are all knives and cutting heads of woodworking machines kept sharp, properly adjusted, and firmly secured? Y N N/A Are all bearings well lubricated and kept free from lost motion? Y N N/A Are arbors of circular saws free from play? Y N N/A Is sharpening or tensioning of saw blades or cutters done only by people with demonstrated skill in this kind of work? Y N N/A Is cleanliness maintained around woodworking machinery so guards function properly and fire hazards are prevented in switch enclosures, bearings, and motors? Y N N/A Are all cracked saws immediately removed from service? Note: Dispose of cracked saws in a manner that will prevent injury to anyone handling the discarded saws. Y N N/A 79 1.5.4 1.5.5 Is inserting wedges between the saw disk and the collar to form what is commonly known as a wobble saw prohibited? Y N N/A Are push sticks or blocks provided at workplaces in several sizes and types suitable for the work to be done? Y N N/A Hand-Fed Ripsaws Is each circular hand-fed ripsaw guarded by a hood that completely encloses the portions of the saw that are above the table and above the material being cut? Y N N/A Is the hood and mounting arranged so that the hood will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the material and remain in contact with the material being cut? Note: The hood should not offer considerable resistance to insertion of the material. Y N N/A Is each hand-fed circular ripsaw furnished with a spreader to prevent material from squeezing the saw or being thrown back on the operator? Y N N/A Is each hand-fed circular ripsaw provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs located to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up the material or throw it back toward the operator? Y N N/A Hand-Fed Crosscut Table Saws Is each hand-fed crosscut table saw guarded by a hood that completely encloses portions of the saw that are above the table and above the material being cut? Y N N/A Is the hood and mounting arranged so that the hood will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of and remain in contact with the material being cut? Note: The hood should not offer considerable resistance to insertion of the material. Y N N/A 80 1.5.6 1.5.7 Circular Resaws Is each circular resaw guarded by a hood or shield of metal above the saw? Y N N/A Does each circular resaw have a spreader fastened securely behind the saw? Y N N/A Self-Feed Circular Saws Are feed rolls and saws protected by a hood or guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming into contact with the in-running rolls at any point? Note: The guard must be constructed of heavy material (preferably metal), and the bottom of the guard must come down to within 3/8 inch of the Y N N/A plane formed by the bottom or working surfaces of the feed rolls. This distance may be increased to ¾ inch, provided the lead edge of the hood is extended to at least 5-1/2 inches in front of the nip point between the front roll and the work. 1.5.8 Is each self-feed circular ripsaw provided with sectional nonkickback fingers for the full width of the feed rolls? Y N N/A Swing and Sliding Cutoff Saws Are swing and sliding cutoff saws provided with a hood that completely encloses the upper half of the saw, the arbor end, and the point of operation of all positions of the saw? Note: The hood must be constructed to protect the operator from flying splinters and broken saw teeth. It must automatically cover the lower portion of the blade so that when the saw is returned to the back of the table, the hood will rise on top of the fence, and when the saw is moved forward, the hood will drop on top of and remain in contact with the table or material being cut. 81 Y N N/A 1.5.9 Are swing and sliding cutoff saws equipped with an effective device to return the saw automatically to the back of the table when released at any point of its travel? Y N N/A Are swing and sliding cutoff saws equipped with limit chains or other equally effective devices to prevent the saw from swinging beyond the front or back edges of the table, or beyond a forward position where the gullets of the lowest saw teeth rise above the table top? Y N N/A Are inverted swing cutoff saws provided with a hood that covers the part of the saw that protrudes above the table or above the material being cut? Note: The hood must automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the material and remain in contact with the material being cut. Y N N/A Radial Saws Does the upper hood completely enclose the upper portion of the blade down to the point that will include the end of the saw arbor? Are the sides of the lower exposed portion of the Y N N/A blade guarded to the full diameter of the blade by a device that automatically adjusts itself to the thickness of the stock? Does this device remain in contact with the stock being cut to give maximum protection for the operation being performed? Are radial saws used for ripping provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs located on both sides of the saw to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to throw material back toward the operator? Y N N/A Is an adjustable stop provided that prevents the forward travel of the blade beyond the position necessary to complete the cut in repetitive operations? Y N N/A Is the installation designed so that the front end of Y N N/A the unit is slightly higher than the rear? (This design causes the cutting head to return gently to the starting position when released by the operator) 82 Y N N/A Note: The cutting head should be fitted with an automatic return device. Is the direction of saw rotation conspicuously marked on the hood? Y N N/A Is a permanent label (at least – ½ inch by ¾ inch) affixed to the rear of the guard at approximately the level of the arbor that reads as follows? Danger: Do not rip or plow from this end Y N N/A 1.5.10 Bandsaws and Band Resaws Are all portions of the band saws and band resaws enclosed or guarded, except for the working portion of the blade between the bottom of the guide rolls and the table? Y N N/A Does a self-adjusting guard raise and lower the guide? Y N N/A Is each band saw machine provided with a tension control device to indicate the proper tension for the standard saws used on the machine? Y N N/A Are feed rolls of band resaws protected with a suitable guard to prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the in-going rolls at any point? Y N N/A 1.5.11 Jointers Is each hand-fed planer or jointer with a horizontal head equipped with a cylindrical cutting head? Note: The knife projection of the cylindrical cutting head cannot exceed 1/8 inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head. Y N N/A Is the opening in the table kept as small as possible? Note: The clearance between the edge of the rear table and the cutting head shall be 1/8 inch or less. The table throat opening shall not be more than 1½ inches when tables are set or aligned with each other for a zero cut. Y N N/A 83 Does each hand-fed jointer with a horizontal cutting head have any automatic guard that covers all sections of the head on the working side of the fence or gauge? Y N N/A Does each wood jointer with a vertical head have either an exhaust hood or other guard arranged so it completely encloses the revolving head, except for a slot wide enough for the material to be jointed? Y N N/A Is the knife blade of jointers installed and adjusted so that it does not protrude more than 1/8 inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head? Y N N/A 1.5.12 Tenoning Machines Are feed chains and sprockets of double-end tenoning machines completely enclosed, except for the portion of chain used for conveying the stock? Y N N/A Are sprockets and chains at the rear ends of frames guarded at the sides by plates projecting beyond the edges of sprockets and lugs? Y N N/A If used on tenoning machines, are cutting heads and saws covered by metal guards? Note: The guards must cover at least the unused part of the periphery of the cutting head. If the guard is made of sheet metal, the material used must be at least 1/16 inch thick, and if it is cast iron, it must be at least 3/16 inch thick. Y N N/A If an exhaust system is used on a tenoning machine, is the guard part of the exhaust hood? Y N N/A 1.5.13 Boring and Mortising Machines Are safety-bit chucks with projecting-set screws prohibited? Y N N/A Are boring bits provided with a guard that encloses all portions of the bit and chuck above the material being worked? Y N N/A 84 Is the top of the cutting chain and driving mechanism enclosed? Y N N/A When a counterweight is used, is one of the following (or equivalent means) used to prevent its dropping? a) It is bolted to the bar by a bolt passing through both bar and counterweight b) A bolt is put through the extreme end of the bar c) Where the counterweight does not encircle the bar, a safety chain is attached to it d) Other types of counterweights are suspended by chain or wire rope and shall travel in a pipe (or other suitable enclosure) if they might fall and cause injury. Y N N/A Are universal joints on spindles of boring machines completely enclosed to prevent contact by the operator? Y N N/A Is each operating treadle covered by an inverted U-shaped metal guard, fastened to the floor, and of adequate size to prevent tripping? Y N N/A 1.5.14 Wood Shapers and Similar Equipment Is the cutting head of each wood shaper or hand-fed Y N N/A panel raiser (or other similar machine that is not automatically fed) enclosed with a cage or adjustable guard designed to keep the operator’s hand away from the cutting edge? 1.5.15 Planing, Molding, Sticking, and Matching Machines Is each planning, molding, sticking, and matching machine equipped with a metal guard covering the cutting heads? Y N N/A When an exhaust system is used, does the guard form part of the exhaust hood? Note: If the guard is constructed of sheet metal, the material used shall be at least 1/16 inch thick, and if it is constructed of cast iron, it must be at least 3/16 inch thick. Y N N/A Are feed rolls guarded by a hood or suitable guard to prevent the hands of the operator from contacting the in-running rolls? Y N N/A 85 Do the surfaces and planers (provided with the sectional infeed rolls) give sufficient feeding contact pressure on the stock thickness? Y N N/A 1.5.16 rofile and Swing-Head Lathes and Wood Heel Turning Machines Are the cutting heads of each profile and swinghead lathe covered by a metal guard? Y N N/A Are cutting heads on wood-turning lathes covered as much as possible by hoods or shields? Y N N/A Do the following have hoods enclosing the cutter blades completely? (except at the contact points where the stock is being cut): shoe last and spoke lathes, doweling machines, wood heel-turning machines, and other automatic wood-turning lathes of the rotating knife type. Y N N/A Are lathes used for turning long pieces of wood stock held only between the two centers equipped with long, curved guards extending over the tops of the lathe? Note: This is to prevent the work pieces from being thrown out of the machine if they become loose. Y N N/A When an exhaust system is used, does the guard form part or all of the exhaust hood? Note: If the guard is constructed of sheet metal, the material used must be at least 1/16 inch thick, and if it is constructed of cast iron, it must be at least 3/16 inch thick. Y N N/A 1.5.17 Sanding Machines Are the feed rolls of self-feeding sanding machines protected with a semi-cylindrical guard to prevent contact with the in-running rolls? Y N N/A Does the bottom guard come to within 3/8 inch of a plane formed by the bottom or contact face of the feed roll where it touches the stock? Y N N/A Is each drum-sanding machine equipped with an exhaust hood or other guard if no exhaust hood is required? Y N N/A 86 Does each disk-sanding machine enclose the revolving disk (except for the portion of the disk above the table if a table is used)? Y N N/A Is each belt-sanding machine provided with guards at each nip point where the sanding belt runs onto a pulley? Y N N/A 1.5.18 Veneer, Cutting and Wringers Are veneer-slicer knives guarded at the front and ready to prevent contact with the knife edge? Y N N/A Do veneer clippers have automatic feeds, or are they provided with a guard that makes it impossible to place a finger or fingers under the knife while feeding or removing the stock? Y N N/A Are sockets on chain or slat-belt conveyors enclosed? Are hand and foot power guillotine veneer cutters provided with rods or plates or other satisfactory means, arranged on the feeding side so that the hands cannot reach the cutting edge of the knife while feeding or holding the stock in place? Y N N/A Is the operator required to make sure that the machine is clear and that other people are not in a hazardous position before starting or restarting the machine? (For example, when veneer slivers or rotary veneer-cutting machines have been shut down to insert logs or to make adjustments) Y N N/A Y N N/A 1.5.19 Miscellaneous Woodworking Machinery Are the feed rolls of roll-type glue spreaders guarded by a semi-cylindrical guard? Note: The bottom of the guard shall come to within 3/8 inch of a plane formed by the bottom or contact face of the feed roll where it touches the stock. Y N N/A Is each point of operation for combination or universal woodworking machines guarded as required for such a tool in a separate machine? Y N N/A 87 2.0 PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worst case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 88 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis, above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility, based on their relative riority. 89 The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones, and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 90 WALKING, WORKING SURFACES/STAIRS/RAILINGS WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use this worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facilities. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Facilities 1.1.1 Stairs Are fixed stairs (rather than ladders or other means of access) provided where access to elevation is necessary on a daily or regular basis? Y N N/A Do fixed stairs have a minimum width of 22 inches? Y N N/A Are fixed stairs installed at angles to the horizontal between 30º and 50º? Y N N/A Are all treads reasonably slip-resistant with the front protruding edge of the tread of a nonslip finish? Y N N/A Do fixed stairs have a uniform rise height and tread width throughout the flight of stairs? Y N N/A Are stairway landing platforms no less than the width of the stairway and a minimum of 30 inches long measured in the direction of travel? Y N N/A 91 1.1.2 Are standard railings provided on all open sides of exposed stairways and stair platforms? Y N N/A Is a vertical clearance above the stair tread to an overhead obstruction that is at least seven feet measured from the edge of the tread? Y N N/A Classrooms, Lavatories, etc. Are all changes in classroom use and alterations, Y N N/A repairs, construction, or installation of new equipment reviewed with the appropriate state and local agencies that have jurisdiction over school modifications? Is an electric solenoid key-operated gas shut-off switch installed on each gas supply line to your shop, lab or instructional area? Y N N/A Are classrooms kept clean and free from debris to the greatest extent practical given the types of activities being performed? Y N N/A Are waste materials that are prone to rotting placed in leak-proof receptacles with tight fitting covers and removed daily for disposal? Y N N/A Are classrooms maintained, as far as reasonably practicable, to prevent the entrance or harborage of rodents, insects, and other vermin? Y N N/A Is water available that is suitable for drinking, personal hygiene, food preparation or cleaning? Y N N/A Are all non-drinking water outlets clearly marked as such? Y N N/A Are lavatories equipped with hot and cold running water, hand soap, and towels or driers? Y N N/A Where showers are required, are soap, hot and cold running water through a common discharge line, and individual towels provided? Y N N/A Is the consumption of food and beverages prohibited in or near toilet rooms or areas containing toxic materials? Y N N/A 92 Is storage of food or beverages prohibited in toilet rooms or in an area exposed to a toxic material? Y N N/A Where employees are required to wear protective clothing, are change rooms provided with storage facilities for street clothes and separate storage facilities for the protective clothing? Y N N/A Is material stored so as not to create a hazard? Note: Bags, containers, bundles, etc., stored in tiers must be stacked, blocked, interlocked, and limited in height so that they are stable and secured against sliding and collapse. Y N N/A Are storage areas kept free from hazards that may cause tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage? Y N N/A Is sufficient safe clearance available through aisles, loading docks, turns, or doorways when mechanical handling equipment is used? Y N N/A Are head clearance warning signs provided where needed? Y N N/A Are all passageways, work areas, storerooms, and Y N N/A washing facilities kept orderly and sanitary? Note: examples of violations include floor areas strewn with lumber, tires, books, and boxes. Are all floors kept clean and as far as possible dry? Y N N/A If floors are likely to get wet (such as in food preparation), are platforms, mats, or other dry standing places provided where practicable? Y N N/A Are floors kept free of protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards? Y N N/A Are aisles and passageways kept clear and in good repair, with no obstructions that could create a hazard? Y N N/A Are covers and/or guardrails provided to protect people from falling into pits, tanks, vats, ditches, etc. Y N N/A 93 1.1.3 Are areas used for storage of materials marked with conspicuous signs that indicate the load-bearing capacity of the floor? Y N N/A Is the weight of stored materials assessed to ensure that it is below the load-bearing capacity of the floor? Y N N/A Guarding Floors, Stairs & Other Openings Is every skylight floor opening and hole guarded by a standard skylight screen or a fixed standard railing on all exposed sides? Y N N/A Are all floor openings to stairways, ladderways, hatchways, chutes, or manholes guarded by a standard railing and toeboard (on all sides except the entrance) or other protective cover? Y N N/A Is every temporary floor opening guarded by a standard railing or constantly attended by someone? Y N N/A Is every floor hole into which a person could fall guarded by either a standard railing and toeboard or floor hole cover? Y N N/A Is every floor hole into which a person could not fall (because of fixed machinery, equipment, or walls) protected by a cover that leaves no openings more than 1 inch wide? Note: The cover must be securely held in place to prevent tools or materials from falling through. Y N N/A Where doors or gates open directly onto a stairway, does a platform allow an effective width of at least 20 inches when the door swings open? Y N N/A Is every open-sided floor or platform that is 4 feet or more above the adjacent floor ground level guarded by a standard railing on all open sides? Y N N/A Is every runway guarded by a standard railing on all open sides that are 4 feet or more above the floor or ground level? Y N N/A 94 Y N N/A Regardless of height, are all open-sided floors, walkways, platforms, or runways guarded with a standard railing and toeboard if they are above or adjacent to any dangerous equipment or operation? Is every open-sided floor or platform that is 4 feet Y N N/A or more above the adjacent floor ground level guarded by a toeboard if, beneath the open sides, (a) people could pass, (b) machinery could move or (c) equipment could create a hazard of falling materials? Is every wall opening from which the drop is more than 4 feet guarded with a standard railing or other barriers? Y N N/A Is every window wall opening guarded by slats, grill work, or standard railing if (a) it is at a stairway landing, floor, platform, or balcony from which the drop is more than 4 feet, and (b) the bottom of the opening is less than 3 feet above the platform or landing? Y N N/A Is every flight of stairs with four or more risers equipped with standard stair railings or standard handrails as specified below? Y N N/A a. On stairways less than 44 inches wide with both sides enclosed, at least one handrail is required, preferably on the right hand side descending. b. On stairways less than 44 inches wide with one open side, at least one stair railing must be on the open side. c. On stairways less than 44 inches wide with both sides open, one stair railing is required on `each side. d. On stairways more than 44 inches wide but less than 88 inches wide, one handrail on each enclosed side and one stair railing on each open side is required. 95 Y N N/A e. On stairways 88 or more inches wide, one handrail on each enclosed side, one side railing on each open side, and one intermediate stair railing located approximately midway of the width is required. Where standard railings are provided, do they meet Y N N/A the following specifications? The rail must consist of a top rail at a height of 42 inches and a mid rail at approximately 21 inches. The top rail must be smooth surfaced throughout the length of the railing. It must be able to withstand a force at 200 lbs. In any direction with a deflection of less than 2 inches. Are all stair railings between 30 and 34 inches from the top of the rail to the surface of the tread in line with the face of the riser at the forward edge of tread? Y N N/A If wooden railings are used for guardrails, are the posts at least 2 inch by 4 inch and spaced less than 6 feet apart? Note: The top rail and intermediate rails must also be at least 2 inches by 4 inches stock. Y N N/A If pipe railings are used, are posts and top and intermediate rails at least 1- ½ inches nominal diameter with posts spaced less than 8 feet on centers? Y N N/A If structural steel is used for guardrails, are the posts and top and intermediate rails (a) at least 2 inches by 3/8 inch angle irons, or (b) other metal shapes of equivalent bending strength with posts spaced not more than 8 feet on centers? Y N N/A Is the guardrail anchored and of such construction that it is capable of withstanding a load of at least 200 pounds applied in any direction at any point on the top rail? Y N N/A Are standard toeboards at least 4 inches in height provided at the floor of the guardrail? Y N N/A Are handrails constructed so that they can be easily grasped (i.e., rounded)? Y N N/A 96 2.0 Are all handrails and railings provided with a clearance of at least 3 inches between the handrail or railing and any other object? Note: A distance less than this would make it difficult to get a good grasp in an emergency. Y N N/A Are skylight screens constructed so that they are capable of withstanding a load of at least 200 pounds applied perpendicularly to any area on the screen? Note: Sometimes people get on the roof and fall through skylight screens that are not designed to prevent this type of fall. Y N N/A Are wall opening barriers (rails, rollers, picket fences, and half doors) constructed and mounted so that the barrier is capable of withstanding a load of at least 200 pounds applied in any direction (except upward) at any point on the top rail or corresponding member? Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 97 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worse case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis, above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. 98 Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing in your school facility, based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 99 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls, look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones, and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 100 MEANS OF EGRESS/ESCAPE INSTRUCTIONS: Use this worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facilities. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 Self-Inspection Checklist Are exits provided to permit the prompt escape of occupants in case of fire or other emergency? Y N N/A Is every exit, way of approach, and way to travel from the exit to the street continuously maintained and free of all obstructions or impediments? Note: The following items, if they block fire exits, are examples of violations: boxes of light tubes, empty boxes, a cart, metal fence posts, lawnmowers, steel racks, wood, tools, scales, ball racks, soccer balls, stored equipment, machines on the floor, and tripping hazards such as electric cords, tools, lumber, and hoses. Y N N/A Are exits maintained so as to provide free and obstructed egress or escape when the room is occupied? Note: No locks, chains, or fastenings to prevent free escape from the inside are permitted. Y N N/A Does every building or area have two exits if one exit could be blocked because of fire, smoke, or other emergency? Y N N/A 101 Do exits discharge directly onto a street, yard, court, or other open space that gives safe access to a public way? Y N N/A Do exit doors swing in the direction of travel when an area is occupied by more than 50 people or where hazardous operations are conducted? Y N N/A Are all exit doors and paths of exit 28 inches or more in width? Note: Examples of violations include a stack of wood restricting the exit to 14 inches, a space of only 17 inches between the desk and the wall, and a space of only 14 inches between desks. Y N N/A Are means of egress or exit designed and maintained to provide adequate head room, with the ceiling height at least 7-1/2 feet and any projection from the ceiling more than 6 feet 8 inches from the floor? Y N N/A Is every exit clearly visible and the route to it conspicuously indicated so everyone readily knows the direction of escape from any point? Y N N/A In areas equipped for artificial illumination, do all exit paths have adequate and reliable illumination? Y N N/A Are exits prohibited through bathrooms or other rooms subject to locking? Y N N/A Is storage of flammable or combustible materials in exit corridors prohibited? Y N N/A Is the use of highly flammable furnishings or decorations prohibited? Y N N/A 1.2 Exit Marking Is access to exits marked by readily visible signs and arrows when the way to reach it is not immediately visible? Y N N/A Are doors, passageways or stairways that are neither exits nor a way to an exit, and which can be mistaken Y N N/A 102 for an exit, marked with a sign reading “Not An Exit” or similar designation? Note: Other appropriate markings would be “To Basement,” “To Storeroom,” “To Linen Closet,” etc. Are exit signs clearly visible, distinctive in color, and easily distinguished from decorations, interior finish, and other signs? Note: The following are prohibited: decorations, furnishings, or equipment that impair the visibility of exit signs; and any brightly illuminated sign, display, or object in or near the line of vision of the egress sign that detracts attention from the egress sign so that it is not noticeable. Y N N/A Is every exit sign illuminated by a reliable light source? Y N N/A In areas where reduction of normal illumination is permitted, are exit signs internally illuminated? Y N N/A 2.0 Does every exit sign have the word “Exit” in plainly legible letters not less than 6 inches high, with the principal strokes of letters not less than three-fourthsinch wide? Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 103 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worse case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis, above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. 104 Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility, based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 105 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls, look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones, and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 106 ERGONOMICS WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Use this worksheet as a guide to conduct a survey of the instructional facilities. Answer each of the bulleted () questions by circling the answer that applies to the condition at your facility. Note that one of the answers for each question is “red.” If any of the answers you circled are “red,” it is the sign of a condition that may indicate a possible hazard. For every “red” answer marked, write a brief description of the deficient condition observed, in the space provided at the end of the worksheet. See Appendix G: Ergonomics for additional guidance material. Please Circle the Appropriate Answer 1.0 PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 1.1 Evaluation 1.1.1 Physical Stress Does the job require contact of fingers or wrist with sharp edges? Do hand tools or process equipment vibrate the worker’s hands, arms, or whole body? 1.1.2 Force Does the job require more than 10 pounds of force? Y N N/A Y N N/A Y N N/A Does the job require using a pinch grip (between thumb and finger)? Y N N/A Are gloves used, increasing the force needed for motion of the fingers? Y N N/A Does the job require frequent heavy lifting (> 40 lbs., 2 hours per day)? Y N N/A Does the job require occasional very heavy lifting (> 50 lbs.)? Y N N/A 107 1.1.3 1.1.4 Does the job require handling items that are difficult to grasp? Y N N/A Posture Does the job require flexion or extension (bending up or down) of the wrist? Y N N/A Does the job deviating the wrist side to side (ulnar or radial deviation)? Y N N/A Is the worker seated while performing the job? Y N N/A Does the job require “clothes wringing” motion? Y N N/A Does the job require extended reaches, beyond normal arm reach? Y N N/A Does the job require awkward lifts or carries that are near the floor, above the shoulders, or far in front of the body? Y N N/A Does the job require exertion of pushing, pulling, lifting, or lowering forces in awkward positions to side, overhead, or at extended reaches? Y N N/A Do workers sit on the front edges of chairs? Y N N/A Is the worker required to maintain the same posture, either sitting or standing, all of the time? Y N N/A Workstation Is the orientation of the work surface non-adjustable? Does the work surface appear to be too high or too low for many operators? Y N N/A Y N N/A Is the location of the tool non-adjustable? Y N N/A Does the job require handling oversized objects that require two-person lifting? Y N N/A Is there an absence of material handling aids, such as air hoists and scissors tables? Y N N/A 108 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 Do workers attempt to modify their chairs or work surfaces by adding cushions or pads? Y N N/A Repetitiveness Does the job require that one motion pattern be repeated at a high frequency? Y N N/A Is the cycle time for repetitive operations less than 30 seconds? Y N N/A Is the work pace rapid and not under the operator’s control? Y N N/A Tool Design Is the handle too large for the thumb and finger to slightly overlap around a closed grip? Y N N/A Is the span of the tool’s handle less than 5 cm (2 inches)? Y N N/A Is the handle of the tool made of metal? Y N N/A Is the weight of the tool greater than 10 pounds? Y N N/A Are heavy tools lacking devices to suspend some of their weight? Y N N/A Does the use of the tool require flexion or extension of the wrist (bending up or down)? Y N N/A Does the tool require ulnar or radial deviation of the wrist (bending to either side)? Y N N/A Work Environment Are housekeeping practices poor, e.g., aisles cluttered, waste on the floor? Y N N/A Are floors uneven or slippery? Y N N/A Does the job require frequent (daily) stair or ladder climbing? Y N N/A Do the work tasks contain significant visual components, requiring good lighting? Y N N/A 109 1.1.8 Does the worker’s eye have to move periodically from dark to light areas? Y N N/A Is the air temperature uncomfortably hot or cold? Y N N/A Computer Work Stations Are Video Display Terminals (VDT) Stations arranged so that lighting does not reflect directly off the screen? Y N N/A Do the seat and backrest of the chair support comfortable posture permitting occasional variation in the sitting positions? Y N N/A Is the seat height adjustable so that the entire sole of the foot rests on the floor or a footrest, and the back of the knee is slightly higher than the seat of the chair? Y N N/A Is the backrest height adjustable? Y N N/A Is the backrest angle adjustable? Y N N/A Is the workstation adjusted so that the wrist is in a straight line, i.e., not bent up or down. Y N N/A Is the topmost line of the screen is slightly below eye level. Y N N/A Can the screen position be titled? Y N N/A Is the document holder positioned at the same height and at the same distance from the viewer as the screen. Y N N/A Is the work surface large enough to hold all needed reference material (at least 35 inches wide). Y N N/A Can paper be easily and conveniently loaded into printers without the need for lifting heavy boxes in awkward postures. Y N N/A Does the screen have color, brightness, and contrast satisfactory with the operator. Y N N/A 110 2.0 Does excessive illumination at the VDT produce glare or distortion of the screen or does low illumination make it difficult to read documents? Y N N/A Are characters on the screen clear and free of flicker or jitter? Y N N/A Is there adequate room under the work table to permit movement of operator’s legs and foot rest where necessary? Y N N/A Do task schedules allow the operator at least a 15 minute break period during each 2-hour period? Y N N/A PART 2: HAZARD EVALUATION & PRIORITIZATION This part of the worksheet enables you to examine each of the potential hazards (the red answers) that were identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, and to assign it a value corresponding to its relative risk. Relative risk is usually defined in terms of three factors: (1) severity; (2) frequency/probability; and (3) exposure. Each of these factors is described below, and the point values are provided for the corresponding degree of risk. Note that the greater the risk, the higher the point value. 2.1 Severity: Consider the potential losses or destructive and disruptive consequences that are most likely to occur if any of the hazards that have been identified in PART 1: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION, result in an actual incident. The following point values are suggested: 4 points – Catastrophic – Loss of life; permanent disability; loss of entire facility; permanent 3 points – Critical – Severe injury or illness with lost time; major property damage; no permanent disability or fatality; interruption of activities for extended period of time 2 points – Marginal – Minor injury or illness; minor property damage; interruption of activities for more than one day 1 point – Negligible – Probably no injury or illness; no loss other than interruption of activities for a short period of time 2.2 Frequency/Probability (Likelihood of Occurrence): Consider the probability that a loss would occur. Ask yourself the following key questions: How likely is it that things will go wrong as a result of the hazard that has been identified? How often is the activity which creates the hazard performed? How often is the hazard present? Use the following point values: 111 3 points – High probability of occurrence 2 points – Moderate probability of occurrence 1 point – Low probability of occurrence 2.3 Exposure: Consider the number of persons (students and faculty) who could be potentially affected by a worse case scenario caused by each of the potential hazards that have been identified. The following point values are suggested: 3 points – Many persons are affected frequently 2 points – A few persons are affected frequently 1 point – A few persons are affected up to a few times per day 2.4 Prioritization: Based on the analysis, above, and using this Hazard Prioritization Matrix, prioritize the hazards identified in Part 1 and evaluated in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Step 1: List each of the hazardous conditions that you have identified in Part 1 of the worksheet in the first column. Step 2: Based on the criteria given above in Parts 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, assign a point value for each hazard in each of the three columns. Step 3: Add up the point values, horizontally, for each of the hazards. Step 4: Rearrange the hazards that were identified in descending order with the one with the highest total point value first, then the one with the next-highest point value; and so on. Hazard Prioritization Matrix Hazard Identified Severity Probability 112 Exposure Total Points Step 5: You have just developed a list of the potentially hazardous conditions existing at your school facility, based on their relative priority. The items on the prioritized list with the highest point value will generally be those that are most serious, and should receive the greatest attention in terms of resources expended to eliminate it. As with all organizations, especially educational institutions, your resources are not without limitations. There is a finite amount of money, time, and personnel available to solve these problems. By prioritizing the hazards, and concentrating on those with the highest priority, you will concentrate on the “worst first.” This is the smart way to allocate limited resources and, even though you might not get all the way through the list, you will have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with dealing with the “really important” problems first. 3.0 PART 3: HAZARD CONTROL MEASURES The last part is to implement those control measures that will either eliminate or minimize hazards to the point where they will become acceptable. Also, you will be applying these control measures to the most serious hazards first, then to the next-mostserious, and so on. Most control measures fall into one or more of three categories. They are (1) engineering controls; (2) administrative controls; and (3) personal protective equipment (PPE). This is not only a listing of the three types, but it is also the preferred sequence for applying the controls, as engineering controls are the most effective way to control a hazard, followed by administrative controls and finally by PPE. Many times, the most effective controls are a blending of all three types. 3.1 Engineering Controls: Usually engineering controls are considered the most effective because, if they are successful, they eliminate the hazard, or remove it from the presence of people. When applying engineering controls, look for ways to design or redesign hazardous situations or equipment, to substitute safer materials in the place of dangerous ones, and ways to install guards or other protective devices. 3.2 Management/Administrative Controls: Management/administrative controls are next in line to be applied in the control of a hazard because they are the direct responsibility of the persons who are operating the facility. In an educational environment, that means the administration and faculty. These controls involve such things as: implementation and enforcement of safe policies and procedures; limitations on the exposure to hazards through work assignments, number of persons involved in an activity, etc., and similar approaches. 3.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The last approach to hazard control involves the use of PPE. This is because PPE does not eliminate the hazard but, rather, only establishes a barrier or shield between the hazard and the exposed person. If the exposed person does not have the correct type of PPE, or does not use it properly, then that person will be exposed to the full effect of the hazard. 113 PART 4: REFERENCES 114 PART 4: REFERENCES National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Publications NIOSH. NIOSH Safety Checklist Program for Schools. Cincinnati, OH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2004. (DHHS [NIOSH] Publication No. 2004-101; NTIS Publication No. PB 2004-500-139) Applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards & Publications All of the following standards are found in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards Emergency Preparedness Emergency Procedures: Plans 29 CFR 1910.38, Emergency Action Fire Prevention, Protection: 29 CFR 1910.39, Fire Prevention Plans Means of Egress/Escape 29 CFR 1910. Subpart E, Appendix Hazard Communication Compressed Gasses Acetylene 29 CFR 1910.102, Acetylene Oxygen 29 CFR 1910.104, Oxygen Flam. and Combust. Liquids 29 CFR 1910.106, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Hazard Communication 29 CFR 1910.1200, Hazard Communication 29 CFR 1910.101, Compressed Gases (General Requirements) Hearing Conservation and Noise Protection Noise Exposure 29 CFR 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure Mechanical Hazards Mechanical Hazards 29 CFR 1910, Subpart O, Machinery and Machine Guarding Portable Powered Equipment 29 CFR 1910, Subpart P, Hand and Portable Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment 115 Walking and Working Surfaces Walking and Working Surfaces 29 CFR 1910, Subpart D, Walking-Working Surfaces Other Publications EPA, et. al. Indoor Air Quality: Tools for Schools, IAQ Coordinator’s Guide. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency, 2000. (EPA Publication No. 402-K-95-001) 116 PART 5: APPENDICES 117 Appendix A Loss Prevention Policy Statement 118 Appendix A LOSS PREVENTION POLICY STATEMENT As Governor of the State of Louisiana, I am committed to providing a work environment and working conditions that will be as accident free as possible for all employees as well as the general public who utilize our facilities. To accomplish this goal, the State of Louisiana shall comply with federal and state statues, directives, and regulations by developing, implementing, and maintaining the best feasible operations, procedures, technology, and policies to provide such conditions. The state shall base its practices on the principles of least acceptable risk as defined by the Loss Prevention Unit of the Office of Risk Management. To fulfill these goals, the following is directed: All state department, agency, boards and commissions heads are held responsible and accountable for compliance with the state’s loss prevention programs as provided by the Loss Prevention Unit of the Office of Risk Management. All employees of the state shall be made aware of the loss prevention programs and how they directly affect their positions and their duties. Attention to health and safety issues shall be a condition of employment for all state employees. The basic responsibility for health and safety rests with the individual. Employee exposure to all known or suspected occupational health and safety risks must be reduced as quickly as governmental regulations, technology and economic feasibility allow. Controlling and eliminating undesirable risks and hazards must be given top priority when budgeting and financial planning take place. All state department, agency, boards and commissions heads shall designate one employee to serve as safety coordinator. This employee shall direct the entity’s safety program and act as liaison with the Office of Risk Management. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, Governor State of Louisiana 119 Date Appendix B Making Sense of Regulations 120 Appendix B Making Sense of Regulations Understanding Regulations In dealing with regulations, it is important to know the levels of government, the enforcement agencies, their vocabulary, who or what they protect, and what they regulate before you can understand the regulations. Regulations are created by federal, state, county and municipal governments. States, counties and municipalities must comply with all Federal regulations. Counties and municipalities must comply with all state regulations and so on. Federal, state, county, and municipal agencies or governing bodies have the power to issue and enforce regulations. These groups include the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), state agencies, county boards of health, municipal boards of health, or town councils. It is beyond the scope of the Safety Checklist Program to address state, county, or municipal regulations. Federal statutes or acts are passed by Congress and become part of the U.S. Code. Regulations may then be issued and enforced by a designated agency charged with that responsibility. Federal regulations are first issued in the Federal Register. After a public comment period, final Federal regulations are compiled in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and can be cited by title, part, and section. Thus, 29 CFR 1910.120 refers to Title 29, Part 1910, section 120. The laws are designed to protect private sector employees, public employees (federal, state, county, and municipal employees, including public school teachers), private and public school students, the general public, and the environment. Each agency has jurisdictional responsibilities for promulgating and enforcing regulations to protect these groups. In addition, each agency has defined areas of hazards that it regulates. This arrangement of regulations can cause confusion about what to do and whom to call about complying with the multitude of regulations. The next section, Overview of Regulatory Agencies, outlines what hazards each organization regulates in career-technical educational programs in public schools. Putting Regulations into Practice Regulations are written to prevent certain hazards in specific situations or to establish procedures to ensure safe and healthful conditions. However, not every hazard or situation has a corresponding regulation. The inspector enforcing regulations is primarily interested in preventing the hazard and uses regulations as a tool to achieve this goal. The inspector’s job is to ensure that everyone is made aware of potential problems and that these problems are corrected. The inspector looks at the seriousness of the hazard before citing violations or issuing fines. 121 Appendix B (cont.) It is important to have some understanding of the inspector’s purpose and method of operation. Refer to Appendix C: (Suggestions for Facilitating Inspections) of this manual for more information. To establish that a violation exists, the inspector refers to a particular regulation or statute. The regulation must be applicable to the situation encountered during the inspection. The inspector can only enforce regulations from an agency he or she officially represents. Observed violations of regulations from other agencies may be referred to the appropriate enforcement official or the inspector may simply make a recommendation that the violation be corrected. In some cases, the inspector may observe a hazard needing correction for which there is more than one applicable regulation. An experienced inspector will cite the regulation that most closely indicates the violation and the hazard. In some cases, the inspector may observe a hazard needing correction for which there is no regulation. The inspector may cite a very general regulation, if it exists, or may use a specific statutory provision for this situation such as the “General Duty Clause” that exists in the OSHA Act. All violations of general regulations and statutes should be supported by additional detailed information about the nature of the violation. Often standards issued by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), and other organizations are cited in support of general violations. In some cases, regulations may be quite specific and clear. In other cases, they may be very broad in scope. Sometimes an inspector must use professional judgment in making a decision as to what the regulation means and whether a particular situation is a violation of that regulation. In some cases, the enforcing agency has taken an official position about what a particular regulation says. A cited party who disagrees with an agency enforcement action can take the enforcement agency to court. If this happens, the court interprets the regulation. After an inspector has established a violation, the violation must be corrected (or abated) in a defined time period. The abatement time period is usually agreed upon by both the enforcing agency and the affected party. There may or may not be an associated fine, depending on the regulations of the enforcing agency and the seriousness of the hazard. Defined procedures exist for contesting the violation and/or the fine. Fines and procedures for contesting the violation are often controlled by the underlying statute or act and the enforcement agency. The number and changing nature of regulations makes them difficult to track. The bottom line, however, should be the intent of the law rather than the letter of the law. If a good effort is made to carry out the intent or purpose of the law, the occasional unintentional violation may not be significant. Addresses and telephone numbers are provided in Appendix A: (Resource Agencies and Organizations) for Federal agencies with environmental, safety, and health regulations applicable to career-technical educational programs. Contact the appropriate Federal and State agencies for copies of regulations, training materials, and help with interpreting the regulations. In some cases, these agencies may conduct training at your school. 122 Appendix C Description of Federal and State Agencies Louisiana 123 Appendix C Description of Federal and State Agencies Overview of Regulatory Agencies Level Agency Hazards addressed Jurisdiction Federal U.S. Department of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Safety and health hazards in the workplace Private and Federal employees Federal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental, safety, and health hazards General public and the environment Federal U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) – Employment Standards Administration – Wage and Hour Division Young workers prohibited to work in certain types of hazardous jobs All workers, especially young workers under age 18 Limits to number of working hours State State Department of Labor (DOL) Safety and/or health hazards in the workplace State, county, and municipal employees (sometimes states assume responsibility for private employees as well) State State Department of Health (DOH) Health hazards in the workplace and selected health-related services to the general public State, county, and municipal employees and the general public State State Department of Environmental Quality Protection (DEQ) Environmental, safety, and health hazards The general public and the environment State State Department of Education (DOE) Environmental, safety, and health hazards Students and teachers in private and public schools State State Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Fire and building construction safety The general public Municipal Municipal boards, departments, etc. Depends on the code or ordinance Residents and workers in the municipality 124 Appendix C (cont.) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) OSHA is a Federal Agency that promulgates and enforces standards dealing with occupational safety and health as they apply to private and Federal employees in the workplace. The legislative mandate for OSHA comes from the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Under the Act, OSHA does not have jurisdiction over state and local government employees, including those in public schools. Section 18 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act allows states to develop OSHA-approved State plans giving the state regulatory and enforcement responsibilities for occupational safety and health within its borders (refer to the section “Federal Government Agencies, OSHA StatePlan States” in Appendix A: (Resource Agencies and Organizations). Section 18 requires these “State-Plan” States to have standards and enforcement that are identical to (or at least as protective as) Federal OSHA standards. These State Plans are also required to extend their coverage to all state and local government workers. Including those in public schools. Twentysix states have OSHA-approved State Plans. These states, in addition to enforcement programs, have extensive voluntary compliance programs, including on-site consultation services available to public sector employees. In states under Federal OSHA without State plans, OSHA has no authority to inspect or enforce standards in public schools. However, the local Federal OSHA office may be able to provide hazard recognition assistance and technical support. Extensive compliance assistance information is also available on OSHA’s Web site (http:/// and in Federal and State publications. In addition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may enforce certain OSHA standards, such as Hazardous Waste Operations (29 CFR 1910.120) or relevant EPA standards in public schools. When students are compensated for work done outside the school, as they are in cooperative educational programs, they are defined as workers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act or an OSHA-approved State plan. In such cases, the students will be covered by the standards. OSHA issues standards in the Federal Register that are compiled in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), described below. The OSHA-approved State Plan states issue-comparable standards that are identical to or “at least as effective as” Federal OSHA’s Standards: 29 CFR 1910 for General Industry Standards 29 CFR 1915 for Shipyard Employment 29 CFR 1917 for Marine Terminals 29 CFR 1918 for Longshore Safety 29 CFR 1926 for Construction Standards 29 CFR 1928 for Agricultural Standards 125 Appendix C (cont.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The EPA ( is a Federal agency that promulgates and enforces regulations dealing with protection of the environment and the general public. It covers areas such as collection and disposal of hazardous waste (including regulated medical waste), air pollution, water pollution, drinking water quality, pesticides, solid waste, hazardous waste sites, hazardous material releases that threaten the environment, asbestos in public schools, noise pollution, and many other areas. EPA receives legislative direction from numerous acts or statutes. The most notable of these include: Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) Clean Water Act (CWA) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act as part of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) All regulations issued by EPA are compiled in Title 40 of the CFR. EPA does not routinely inspect and enforce these regulations in schools. Most state environmental agencies have assumed responsibility for adopting their own regulations and enforcing Federal EPA Regulations. The only laws potentially involving direct EPA enforcement in schools are the RCRA (which regulates hazardous waste), the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), and Title VI of the Clean Air Act dealing with stratospheric ozone protection. State Department of Labor A state normally has an agency that can promulgate and enforce safety regulations as they apply to state, county, and municipal employees in the workplace. Students are not covered. However, a state legislative mandate is necessary for these regulations to be developed. Some states have “adopted by reference” the OSHA general industry standards, construction standards, and agricultural standards for public employees. “Adoption by reference” means that a regulatory agency requires compliance with regulations already issued by another agency. Some states have also become a State OSHA Program, taking on responsibility for enforcing Federal OSHA Regulations in their state through their state-level Department of Labor. 126 Appendix C (cont.) State Department of Health A state also has a Department of Health that promulgates and enforces health regulations. Its activities must also be directed by legislative mandate. Some state Departments of Health assist their Department of Labor in developing and enforcing occupational health regulations in the workplace as they relate to employees. The Department of Health also typically issues regulations dealing with retail food establishments. Inspectors enforcing retail food laws are typically employed by county or municipal health departments. Information about food regulations should be directed to the county or municipal health department serving your school area. State Department of Environmental Quality States typically have a Department of Environmental Quality that promulgates and enforces regulations dealing with the protection of the environment and the general public. It often covers the same areas addressed by EPA—such as collection and disposal of hazardous waste (including regulated medical waste), air pollution, water pollution, drinking water quality, pesticides, solid waste, hazardous waste sites, hazardous material releases that threaten the environment, environmental noise pollution, radiation, and many other areas. Most states are authorized by the EPA to enforce almost all EPA Regulations. States normally issue their own regulations incorporating the Federal Regulations. State Department of Education Each state’s Department of Education issues regulations covering all private and public elementary and secondary schools. Some Departments of Education have issued regulations dealing with environmental and occupational safety and health for students. State-level Departments of Education may also issue regulations related to school construction. Note: Schools and students may be subject to other restrictions besides regulations. Both the states’ Department of Education and school districts may have policies or guidelines that control environmental, safety, and health programs. Although they do not have the force of law, they have the same effect. It is important to understand what is required by law, and what is required by policy. By knowing the source of the requirement, it is easier to find the party best able to answer any questions about the requirements. Department of Community Affairs Typically, an agency such as the Department of Community Affairs in a state promulgates and enforces building and fire safety regulations. Most states have adopted the Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) Codes for buildings and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes for fire safety. 127 Appendix D Safety Audit: State of Louisiana Office of Risk Management Loss Prevention Department 128 Appendix D SAFETY AUDIT: STATE OF LOUISIANA OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT LOSS PREVENTION DEPARTMENT AUDIT TYPE: AUDIT ITEM: 1 SAFETY PROGRAM Is there a written, operational safety plan modified to fit the specific needs at this location? FOCUS: Management Accountability Does it include a policy statement from the local agency manager and include safety responsibilities for managers, supervisors and employees? Are the employees notified of and trained in their safety responsibilities? RATING: Excellent The fully implemented plan is specific to the agency Includes a policy statement from agency head Employees have access to a copy and are trained in their responsibilities Good Uses departments’ plan Includes a policy statement from local agency head Employees have access to a copy and are trained Fair Uses Office of Risk Management (ORM) manual Includes a policy statement from local agency head Employees have access to a copy but are not trained Unsatisfactory No plan No policy statement No training COMMENTS: 129 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 2 FOCUS: Plan Content Does the agency have a written program to recognize, evaluate and control hazards? Does it include procedures to inspect and eliminate fire hazards from state owned or operated grounds and facilities and recommends corrective action within thirty days? Are Hazard Control Logs posted in the workplace? RATING: Excellent Agency has a written program that covers all aspects of evaluating and controlling hazards Procedures to inspect & eliminate fire hazards Recommend corrective action Posts all hazard control logs Good Agency has a written program to inspect all types of hazards and has written procedures to proceed with corrective action Most hazard control logs are posted Fair No written program Periodic inspections and correction of hazards Hazards control logs are posted in some areas Unsatisfactory No written plan No action is taken to correct hazards No hazard control logs COMMENTS: 130 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 3 FOCUS: Investigation & Analysis Is there a written accident investigation procedure that identifies causes and contributing factors to prevent recurrence? Has the immediate supervisor conducted the investigation and is it reviewed by the safety officer or safety committee? Are Job Safety Analyses developed for trends, death or change in job procedures or equipment? Are employees trained on JSA’s and are they posted in the workplace? RATING: Excellent Has written accident investigation procedures identifying causes to prevent recurrence Immediate supervisor conducts investigation with review by safety officer JSA’s developed as required Employees trained or not trained JSA’s posted in the workplace Good Written accident investigation procedures Supervisor conducts investigation & findings are reviewed by Safety Officer or Safety Committee JSA’s developed as required Employees not trained JSA’s posted in the workplace Fair No written procedures Supervisor conducts investigation & reports to higher authority JSA’s not developed as needed Employees not trained Some JSA’s are posted Unsatisfactory No written procedures No accidents investigated JSA’s not developed as needed Employees not trained JSA’s not posted 131 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 4 FOCUS: Training Are records maintained that indicate when safety meetings were held, who was present, who conducted the meeting and what specific subject(s) was discussed? Does the agency administrator attend one or more safety meeting during the year? RATING: Excellent Safety meetings held quarterly-monthly Documentation of topic, date, and attendee signatures Administrator attends all meetings Good Safety meetings held quarterly-monthly Documentation of topic, date, and attendee signatures Administrator attends only one meeting per year Fair Safety meetings held but not on schedule No documentation of topic, date, or attendee signatures Administrator does not attend any meetings Unsatisfactory No safety meetings are held Administrator does not attend any meetings COMMENTS: 132 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 5 Are safety rules developed by the agency provided to employees in writing and reinforced in safety meetings? FOCUS: Policies & Procedures RATING: Excellent Safety rules are developed & provided to all employees in writing & annually reinforced in safety meetings Good Safety rules are developed & provided to employees in writing, but not reinforced at safety meetings Fair Informal safety rules exist, but no training on such is provided to employees Unsatisfactory Rules are non-existent COMMENTS: 133 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 6 Does the agency train employees to perform their required tasks in a safe and efficient manner? FOCUS: Employee Accountability Are supervisors trained in conducting safety meetings, JSA’s, accident investigation and leadership skills? Is the agency loss prevention representative trained in the program? RATING: Excellent Agency trains employees on their job duties and safety responsibilities Supervisors receive safety training Loss prevention rep. has been trained in the LP Program Documentation available Good Agency trains employees and supervisors on their job duties and safety responsibilities Loss prevention rep. does not receive safety training Documentation available Fair Agency trains employees on their job duties and related safety responsibilities Supervisors & LP rep. do not receive safety training No documentation available Unsatisfactory No appropriate training provided for: employees, supervisors, or loss prevention representatives COMMENTS: 134 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 7 FOCUS: Records: Review & Retention Does the agency keep injury reports, inspection reports, hazard control logs, accident investigations, minutes of safety meetings, training records and JSA’s for at least one year? Has an audit team reviewed the records and conducted selfaudits? RATING: Excellent All documentation readily available and kept for one year Audit team conducted self-audit on all applicable programs Good Most documentation available and kept for one year Audit team conducted self-audit on a majority of applicable programs Fair Some documentation available, but kept for an indeterminate amount of time Audit team partially completed audit on applicable programs Unsatisfactory Little or no documentation kept or available for audit Audit team did not complete audit on applicable programs COMMENTS: 135 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 8 FOCUS: First Aid & BBP Is there an approved first aid program in operation including appropriate provision for emergency medical care, hospitals, physicians and ambulance services? Are first aid kits appropriate for your work environment? Are the names of the employees who hold a first aid certificate made available to all employees? Does the agency have a written Bloodborne Pathogens Programs that includes: (a) exposure determination (b) methods of compliance (c) work practice controls (d) training and (e) medical evaluation for affected employees? Have all employees received training in the program? RATING: Excellent The first aid program is operable and contains provisions for all medical emergencies First aid kits are appropriate First aid certificates are posted Bloodborne pathogens program contains necessary components (a-e) All employees trained & high risk employees trained every 3 years Good First aid program is operable & contains provisions for most medical emergencies First aid kits are appropriate First aid certificate posted Bloodborne pathogens program contains a-e Most employees trained Fair First aid program is operable & contains provisions for some Basic first aid kits First aid certificates posted Bloodborne pathogens program contains some of the required components Some employees are trained Unsatisfactory No first aid program is available No first aid kit No list of certified employees Employees not trained 136 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 9 FOCUS: Emergency Preparedness Is there a written emergency preparedness plan that addresses all probable emergency situations? Do records indicate an adequate number of training drills (such as fire drills, work shut downs and emergency tests) being conducted in each area in accordance with the emergency preparedness plan? Has there been a fire marshal’s inspection? Have the recommendations been corrected? RATING: Excellent The written plan addresses all site specific emergency situations All applicable drills & tests done with documentation Fire marshal’s inspection conducted and recommendations are corrected Good The written plan addresses several site specific emergency situations Drills & tests done with documentation Fire marshal’s inspection conducted but recommendations not corrected Fair The written plan addresses few emergency situations Drills and tests performed infrequently and not documented No fire marshal inspection conducted Unsatisfactory No plan to address emergencies No drills or tests conducted No fire marshal’s inspection conducted COMMENTS: 137 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 10 FOCUS: Hazardous Materials Is there a written hazardous material program including policies and procedures for handling, storing and using hazardous materials from receipt through disposal? Is there training and appropriate monitoring of personnel who manage or regularly come into contact with hazardous materials? Are there procedures to follow in the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and directions to get assistance? Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) reviewed with the employees, maintained in the work area and made available to the employee? RATING: Excellent A written program includes policies & procedures re: hazardous waste Training for all employees is conducted & documented on procedures, PPE, MSDS’s MSDS’s are posted in the work area & updated as needed Good A written program includes polices & procedures re: hazardous waste Limited training is conducted & documented Most MSDS’s are in work area Fair An incomplete writing contains some of the policies & procedures concerning hazardous materials, but no documented training Few MSDS’s available Unsatisfactory No written program No training on PPE and MSDS’s No MSDS’s available COMMENTS: 138 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 11 FOCUS: ADA RATING: Does the agency have a written American With Disabilities Act Policy? Have “reasonable accommodations” been afforded to people with disabilities? Excellent The ADA policy has been developed and employees are trained upon hire and a review every three years thereafter. The agency has procedures for reasonable accommodations for the disabled Good The ADA policy has been developed and employees are trained periodically thereafter The agency has procedures for reasonable accommodations for the disabled Fair The ADA policy has been developed and some employees are trained There are no reasonable accommodations for the disabled Unsatisfactory No written ADA policy has been developed and no accommodations have been afforded the disabled COMMENTS: 139 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 12 Does the agency have a written Violence in the Workplace Program? FOCUS: Hazardous Materials Has the agency appointed an assessment team to analyze and evaluate existing or potential hazards? Has the agency implemented training and instruction on general, job-specific and worksite-specific safety and security measures? Has the agency provided a mechanism for reporting threats or assaults at the workplace? RATING: Excellent Agency has a written program that contains procedures for an assessment team, evaluation, training, security measures and a mechanism for reporting threats or assaults Training is conducted upon hire and every 3 years with all employees Good Agency has a written program that contains procedures for an assessment team, evaluation, training, security measures and a mechanism for reporting threats No training has been conducted on the program Fair A partial program has been implemented but an assessment has not been completed Follow-up training has not been accomplished and there are no procedures for reporting threats or assaults Unsatisfactory No program No assessment team No training No reporting system COMMENTS: 140 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 13 FOCUS: Drug Testing/EAP Does the agency have a Substance Abuse Awareness Program? Does the agency have a Drug Free Workplace Policy or Substance Abuse Policy? Is the policy provided in writing to each employee? Does the agency have an Employee Assistance Program available to its employees? Has the agency promulgated a written policy which mandates drug testing of employees, appointees, prospective employees, prospective appointees? Have the employees received training on all aspects of the agency’s drug testing policy? RATING: Excellent There is a substance abuse awareness program that contains the drug-free workplace policy and substance abuse policy An employee assistance program is available for employees A drug testing policy has been written to drug test employees on certain criteria determined by the agency Employees are trained on the policies upon hire and every three years thereafter Good A substance abuse awareness program has been implemented A drug testing policy has been promulgated by the agency No EAP Employees are trained every three years Fair A substance abuse awareness program has been implemented No drug testing policy or EAP in place Employees are seldom trained on portions Unsatisfactory No program or policies for: substance abuse, EAP, or drug testing No training COMMENTS: 141 Appendix D (cont.) AUDIT ITEM: 14 FOCUS: Injuries & Illnesses Has the agency implemented a Return to Work Program to provide for the safe and expedient return of employees with job related injuries and illnesses to transitional or regular employment? In the last audit period were there any lost time worker's compensation claims? How many are back at full duty? How many are on transitional duty? How many are still off work at present? How many have been separated from your agency and are still drawing worker’s compensation? RATING: Excellent The agency has implemented a complete, written return-towork program Efforts are made to return most workers’ comp claimants to transitional duty and eventually to full duty upon direction from their physician In-depth analysis routinely performed of all lost time claims Good The agency has implemented a more complete return-to-work program Efforts are made to return some workers’ comp claimants to transitional and/or full duty, with cursory review of lost time claims occurring Fair The agency has a brief return-to-work policy, but few efforts are made to return any workers’ comp claimants to transitional duty and eventually to full duty upon direction from their physician No analysis of lost time trends occurring Unsatisfactory No return to work program in place or analysis of lost time claim information occurring COMMENTS: 142 Appendix E Indoor Air Quality 143 IAQ Backgrounder The goal of the Checklist is to provide clear and easily applied activities that you can use to help prevent indoor air quality problems and resolve any problems promptly if they do arise. Once you understand the basic principles and factors that influence indoor air quality in your school, you will note that the specific activities involve two major actions -the management of pollutant sources, and the use of ventilation for pollutant control. This guidance is based on the following principles: Many IAQ problems can be prevented by school staff and students. When IAQ problems do arise, they can often be resolved using the skills of school staff. The expense and effort required to prevent most IAQ problems is much less than the expense and effort required to resolve problems after they develop. Why IAQ is Important to Your School Most people are aware that outdoor air pollution can damage their health, but many do not know that indoor air pollution can also have significant harmful effects. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies of human exposure to air pollutants indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels. These levels of indoor air pollutants may be of particular concern because it is estimated that most people spend about 900/0 of their time indoors. Comparative risk studies performed by EPA and its Science Advisory Board have consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental health risks to the public. Failure to prevent indoor air problems, or failure to respond promptly, can have consequences such as: increasing the potential for long term and short term health problems for students and staff impacting the student learning environment, comfort, and attendance reducing performance of teachers and staff due to discomfort, sickness, or absenteeism accelerating deterioration and reducing efficiency of the school physical plant and equipment increasing the potential that schools will have to be closed, or occupants temporarily relocated straining relationships among school administration and parents and staff creating negative publicity that could damage a school's or administration's image and effectiveness creating potential liability problems Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Good indoor air quality contributes to a favorable learning environment for students, performance of teachers and staff I and a sense of Indoor air problems can be subtle and do not always produce easily recognized impacts on health, well-being, or the physical plant. Children may be especially susceptible to air pollution. For this and the reasons noted above, air quality in schools is of particular concern -proper maintenance of indoor air is more than a "quality" issue, it encompasses safety and stewardship of our investment in the students, staff, and facilities. Understanding IAQ Problems and Solutions Over the past several decades, exposure to indoor air pollutants has increased due to a variety of factors, including the construction of more tightly sealed 144 comfort, health and well-being for all school occupants. These combine to assist a school in its core mission - educating children buildings, reduced ventilation rates to save energy, the use of synthetic building materials and furnishings, and the use of chemically-formulated personal care products, pesticides, and housekeeping supplies. In addition, our activities and our decisions, such as deferring maintenance to "save" money, lead to problems from sources and ventilation. Four basic factors affect lAQ: sources of indoor air pollutants, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, pollutant pathways, and occupants. Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants Indoor air contaminants can originate within the building or be drawn in from outdoors. If pollutant sources are not controlled, IAQ problems can arise, even if the HVAC system is properly operating. Air pollutants consist of numerous particulates, fibers, mists, bioaerosols, and gases. It may be helpful to think of air pollutant sources as fitting into one of the categories in the table shown below. In addition to the number of potential pollutants, another complicating factor is that indoor air pollutant concentration levels can vary by time and location within the school building, or even a single classroom. Pollutants can be emitted from point sources, such as from science store rooms, or from area sources, such as newly painted surfaces, and pollutants can vary with time, such as only once each week when floor stripping is done, or continuously such as fungi growing in the HVAC system. Typical Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants Component/Furnishin Other Indoor Sources gs Science laboratories; Polluted Outdoor Air HVAC Equipment Components Vocational arts areas; Microbiological growth Copy/print areas; Pollen, dust, fungal Microbiological On Food prep areas; spores; growth in soiled or waterSmoking lounges; Industrial emissions; drip pans, ductwork, damaged materials; Cleaning materials; and Vehicle emissions coils, Dry traps that allow the Emissions from trash; and humidifiers; passage of sewer gas; Pesticides; Improper venting of Nearby Sources Materials containing Odors and volatile combustion products; volatile organic organic compounds from and Dust or debris in compounds, inorganic paint, chalk, adhesives; Loading docks; Odors ductwork compounds, or Occupants with from damaged asbestos; communicable dumpsters; and Materials that diseases; and Unsanitary debris or Non-HVAC produce particles (dust) Dry-erase markers and building exhausts near Equipment similar pens; outdoor air intakes Insects and other pests; Emissions from office Furnishings and, Personal care Underground Sources equipment (volatile products. Emissions from new organic compounds, ozone); furnishings and Radon; Pesticides; floorings; and Emissions from and Leakage from and Microbiological shops, underground storage tanks labs, cleaning growth on or in soiled or processes waterdamaged furnishings Outside Sources Building Equipment 145 How outdoor air is supplied through a unit ventilator. HVAC System Design and Operation The heating, ventilation, and air- conditioning (HVAC) system includes all heating, cooling, and ventilating equipment serving a school. A properly designed and functioning HVAC system: controls temperature and humidity to provide thermal comfort distributes adequate amounts of outdoor air to meet ventilation needs of school occupants isolates and removes odors and pollutants through pressure control, filtration, and exhaust fans Not all HVAC systems are designed to accomplish all of these functions. Some buildings rely only on natural ventilation. Others lack mechanical cooling equipment, and many function with little or no humidity control. The two most common HVAC designs used in schools are unit ventilators and central air handling systems. Both can perform the same HVAC functions, but the central air handling unit serves multiple rooms while the unit ventilator serves a single room. The three building figures in this Backgrounder show typical methods for how outdoor air enters a room, and how exhaust air exits through a vent. If exhaust airflow through door or wall grilles into corridors is sealed due to fire codes, ensure that air has another path to reach the central exhaust. Pollutant Pathways and Driving Forces Airflow patterns in buildings result from the combined forces of mechanical ventilation systems, human activity, and natural effects. Air pressure differences created by these forces move airborne pollutants from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure through any available openings in building walls, ceilings, floors, doors, windows, and HVAC system. An inflated balloon is an example of this driving force. As long as the opening to the balloon is kept shut, no air will flow, but when open, air will move from inside (area of higher pressure) to the outside (area of lower pressure). Even if the opening is small, air will move until the pressures inside and outside are equal. 146 Building Occupants Building occupants in schools include the staff, students, and other people who spend extended periods of time in the school. The effects of lAQ problems on occupants are often non-specific symptoms rather than clearly defined illnesses. Symptoms commonly attributed to lAQ problems include: headache, fatigue, and shortness of breath sinus congestion, cough, and sneezing eye, nose, throat, and skin irritation dizziness and nausea All of these symptoms, however, may also be caused by other factors, and are not necessarily due to air quality deficiencies. Environmental stressors such as improper lighting, noise, vibration, overcrowding, poor ergonomics, and psychosocial problems (such as job or home stress) can produce symptoms that are similar to those associated with poor air quality, but require different solutions. Because of varying sensitivity among people, one individual may react to a particular IAQ problem while surrounding occupants do not display ill effects. In other cases, complaints may be widespread. In addition to different degrees of reaction, an indoor air pollutant or problem can trigger different types of reactions in different people. Groups that may be particularly susceptible to effects of indoor air contaminants include, but are not limited to: allergic or asthmatic individuals, or people with sensitivity to chemicals people with respiratory disease people whose immune systems are suppressed due to radiation, chemotherapy, or disease contact lens wearers How outdoor air is supplied in a central air handling system. 147 Six Basic Control Strategies There are six basic control methods for lowering concentrations of indoor air pollutants. Specific applications of these basic control strategies are noted in your Checklists. Source Management includes source removal, source substitution, and source encapsulation. Source management is the most effective control method when it can be practically applied. Source removal is very effective. However, policies and actions that keep potential pollutants from entering the school are even better at preventing lAQ problems. Examples of source removal include not allowing buses to idle near outdoor air intakes, not placing garbage in rooms with HVAC equipment, and banning smoking within the school. Source substitution includes actions such as selecting a less toxic art material or interior paint than the products which are currently in use. Source encapsulation involves placing a barrier around the source so that it releases fewer pollutants into the indoor air (e.g., asbestos abatement, pressed wood cabinetry with sealed or laminated surfaces). Local Exhaust is very effective in removing point sources of pollutants before they can disperse into the indoor air by exhausting the contaminated air outside. Well known examples include restrooms and kitchens where local exhaust is used Other examples of pollutants that originate at specific points and that can be easily exhausted include science lab and housekeeping storage rooms, printing and duplicating rooms, and vocational/ industrial areas such as welding booths. Ventilation through use of cleaner (outdoor) air to dilute the polluted (indoor) air that people are breathing. Generally, local building codes specify the quantity (and sometimes quality) of outdoor air that must be continuously supplied to an occupied area. For situations such as painting, pesticide application, or chemical spills, temporarily increasing the ventilation can be useful in diluting the concentration of noxious fumes in the air. Exposure Control includes adjusting the time of use and location of use. An example of time of use would be to strip and wax floors on Friday after school is dismissed, so that the floor products have a chance to off-gas over the weekend, reducing the level of odors or contaminants in the air when the school is occupied. Location of use deals with moving the contaminating source as far as possible from occupants, or relocating susceptible occupants. Air Cleaning primarily involves the filtration of particles from the air as the air passes through the ventilation equipment. Gaseous contaminants can also be removed, but in most cases this type of system should be engineered on a case-by-case basis. How outdoor air is supplied in an exhaust- only system. 148 IAQ Checklists Available How Do You Know if You Have an IAQ Problem Teacher's Administrative Staff Health Officer's Ventilation Building Maintenance Food Service Waste Management Renovation and Repairs Walkthrough Education of the school occupants regarding lAQ is critical. If people are provided information about the sources and effects of contaminants under their control, and about the proper operation of the ventilation system, they will better understand their indoor environment and can act to reduce their personal exposure. Your Role in the IAQ Team As one of the people in your school, your activities and decisions have an impact on the quality of the indoor air in your school. You can participate by applying the activities noted in your Checklist, and by continuing to apply these principles on a daily basis. Someone from your school or district has taken the role of lAQ Coordinator, and serves as a focal point for collecting lAQ information and handling IAQ concerns. Diagnosing symptoms that relate to lAQ can be tricky. Acute (shortterm) symptoms of lAQ problems typically are similar to those from colds, allergies, fatigue, or the flu. There are clues that can serve as an indicator of a potential indoor air problem: the symptoms are widespread within a class or within the school the symptoms disappear when the students or staff leave the school building for a day the onset is sudden after some change at school, such as painting or pesticide application persons with allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities have reactions indoors but not outdoors a doctor has found that a student or staff member has an indoor air-related illness However, a lack of symptoms does not ensure that IAQ is acceptable. Symptoms from long-term health effects (such as lung cancer due to radon) often do not become evident for many years. What if You Think You Have an lAQ Problem 149 If you receive complaints that seem to indicate a potential IAQ problem and the problem is self-evident, then attempt to correct the problem. If the problem cannot be corrected, or if the complaint seems to indicate a potentially severe lAQ problem, contact the lAQ Coordinator immediately. The lAQ Coordinator may ask you questions to try to identify whether you have overlooked potential causes of the problem (such as, "Has anything changed since the last time you completed your Checklist?"), and then may call in other help from within or outside the school to investigate further. Communication Because indoor air problems can jeopardize the health of students and staff, parents and the public may react strongly to reports of bad indoor air quality in your school. With this in mind, it is recommended that you follow the communications guidelines established by the IAQ Coordinator. Usually, this will involve referring questions from the public and media to one central source, the lAQ Coordinator for your school. In this way, students, parents, staff, and the public will not become alarmed by conflicting or wrong information, and will have a consistent and complete source of information regarding the quality of the indoor air in your school. Appendix E-2 Indoor Air Quality - Ventilation This checklist discusses eight major topic areas: Outdoor Air Intakes System Cleanliness Schools use a variety of methods for ventilating the building with outdoor air: 1) mechanically-based systems such as unit ventilators, central HVAC systems, and central exhaust systems, and; 2) passive systems that rely on operable windows, air leaks, wind, and the stack effect (the tendency of warm air to rise). System Controls Air Distribution Exhaust Systems Quantity of Outdoor Air Adequacy of Outdoor Air Supply The majority of the Ventilation Checklist/Log activities apply mainly to mechanical ventilation systems, and are designed to accomplish two functions: How to Measure Air Flow Instructions: 1. Read the IAQ Backgrounder. 2. Important! Read the Ventilation Activity explanations accompanying this checklist (pages 5-13). 3. Make one copy of the Ventilation Log (pages 34) for each ventilation unit in your school. 4. Complete each activity for each ventilation unit and note the status of each activity on the Ventilation Log. 5. Return the Ventilation Logs to the IAQ Coordinator and keep copies for future reference. Ensure that the ventilation system is clean, and Ensure that an adequate amount of outdoor air is supplied to occupied areas. Many of these activities should be performed by individuals with appropriate training in mechanical systems and safety procedures. Most activities can be performed with basic maintenance tools, but Activity 22 will require airflow measurement equipment that you may not have. The section How to Measure Airflow, at the back of this Checklist, describes the type of equipment used to measure airflow. The IAQ Coordinator has information on how this equipment can be obtained (Appendix C of the Coordinator's Guide). Make an effort to obtain this equipment before conducting Activity 17. Supplying an adequate amount of outdoor air to an occupied area is necessary for good indoor air quality, and measuring airflow can only be done correctly with equipment that can reliably tell you if you're getting the proper amount of outdoor air (visual inspection or feeling for air movement is not sufficient). 150 Activities 17-21 can be applied to passive ventilation systems. For activities that do not apply, place a "NA" in the date column of the Ventilation Log. Your school most likely has multiple units and systems, so be sure to perform the activities and complete the Ventilation Log (a printable 667KB PDF file) for each unit. The activities are listed in a purposeful order to prevent having to repeat activities for a given unit as the inspection progresses. The following is a recommended process for saving time in performing the activities: Activities 1-3 Perform these activities for all outdoor air intakes while outside the building, and mark the results on the Ventilation Log for each unit. Activities 4-12 Perform these activities as a set on each ventilation unit while you're in the room and the unit is open. Activities 13-16 Perform these ventilation control system activities as required by your situation. Activities 17-21 Perform these air distribution and exhaust system activities as required by your situation. Appendix E-2 Activities 22-23 Appendix E-2 (cont.) Perform these activities regarding the quantity of outdoor air on all units while you have the airflow measurement equipment available. Name All of these activities are School described in the information Room or Area following the Log. For more detailed information see Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers (EPA-400-1-91-033) listed in Appendix I of the IAQ Coordinator's Guide. Ventilation Log Instructions: Make one copy of this Checklist and Log for each ventilation unit in your school. Perform the activities on the Checklist and Log for each ventilation unit and record your results. One column is provided for each inspection. Put the date at the top of the column, and initial each response. For subsequent inspections on the same unit, move to the next column until the sheet is full. A "No" response requires further attention. 151 152 Appendix E-2 (cont.) 153 Appendix E-2 (cont.) Explanatory Information for Ventilation Log Items OUTDOOR AIR INTAKES If outdoor air intakes are deliberately blocked or become clogged with dirt or debris, areas they serve are likely to get insufficient outdoor air. Students or staff might experience stuffy or stagnant air, or develop health problems from exposure to accumulated pollutants. On a small floor plan (e.g., a fire escape floor plan), mark the locations of outdoor air intakes, based on mechanical plans (if available) and your observations while performing these activities. Obtain chemical smoke (or, alternatively, a small piece of tissue paper or light plastic) before performing Activity 3. For more information on chemical smoke, see How to Measure Airflow, at the end of this Checklist. Ensure that the ventilation system is on and operating in "occupied" mode. 1. Ensure that outdoor air intakes are unobstructed. Check the intakes from outside the school building for obstructions, such as debris, clogged screens, or make-shift covers (e.g., boards or plastic). Remove any obstructions. Install corrective devices if snowdrifts or leaves often block an intake. 2. Ensure that outdoor air intakes are clear of nearby pollutant sources. Check the intakes from outside the school building to confirm that pollutant sources are not located near outdoor air intakes: At ground level, look for dumpsters, loading docks, and bus-idling areas. At roof level, look for plumbing vents, exhaust outlets (such as kitchen, toilet, or laboratory exhaust fans), puddles on the roof, and mist from air-conditioning cooling towers. Resolve problems due to pollutants near intakes: Remove sources, where possible (for example, move a dumpster to another location). Separate the source from the intake (for example, add another pipe section to raise a nearby exhaust outlet above the intake). Change operating procedures (for example, turn off vehicles instead of idling at loading docks and bus stands). 3. Confirm that outdoor air is entering the system intake. Use chemical smoke (or, alternatively, a small piece of tissue paper or light plastic) to show whether air is moving into the intake grille. 154 Appendix E-2 (cont.) SYSTEM CLEANLINESS Accumulated dirt can interfere with the proper operation of the ventilation system and lead to underventilation, uncomfortable temperatures, less efficient operation (higher utility bills), more maintenance, and decreased life expectancy of equipment. Air filters are intended primarily to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating in the HVAC system. If filters are not properly selected and maintained, built-up dirt in coils and ducts could provide a habitat for microbiological growth. Filters that are clogged with dirt restrict the flow of air through the HVAC system. If filters "blow out" and allow the passage of unfiltered air, dirt can accumulate on coils (producing a need for more frequent cleaning) and reduce the efficiency of the heating and/or cooling plant. It is much less expensive to trap dirt with properly maintained filters than to remove it from ductwork, coils, fan blades, and other HVAC system components. WARNING: Do not clean dirty or biologically contaminated system components when the system is operating and the building is occupied. WARNING: If there is visible biological growth, such as mold, minimize your exposure to air in the interior of ducts or other HVA C equipment. Use prop er respiratory protection; obtain expert advice about the kind of respiratory protection to use and how to use it 4. Inspect air filters on ventilation equipment Install new filters as needed. Shut off ventilation system fans when replacing associated filters so that dirt will not blow downstream. Vacuum the filter area before installing the new filter Confirm that filters fit properly in their tracks, with no major air leaks that would allow air to bypass (flow around) the air filter Confirm that filters are installed in the proper direction for airflow 5. Ensure that condensate drain pans are clean and drain properly Drain pans should slant toward the drain so they do not collect and hold water 6. Ensure that heating and cooling coils are clean 7. Ensure that air handling unit(s) (air mixing chambers, coils, and fan blades) and duct interiors are clean 8. Ensure that the mechanical rooms are free of trash and chemicals Check mechanical room for unsanitary conditions, leaks, or spills Confirm that mechanical rooms and air mixing chambers are not used to store trash or chemical products and supplies 155 Appendix E-2 (cont.) CONTROLS FOR OUTDOOR AIR SUPPLY This group of activities is for ventilation systems that use fans or blowers to supply outdoor air to one or more rooms within a school. The primary objectives that you should keep in mind as you perform these activities are: To ensure that air dampers are always at least partially open (minimum position) during occupied hours, and To ensure that the minimum position provides an adequate amount of outdoor air for the occupants. These activities are fairly generic, and apply to most ventilation systems. See the figures in the IAQ Backgrounder for more information. Activities 9-11 generally serve multiple ventilation units, while activities 12-16 are related and performed at each individual ventilation unit. Based on your equipment and experience, perform as many of the activities and make as many indicated repairs as possible. Discuss the need for additional help for any uncompleted activities or repairs with your IAQ Coordinator. 9. Gather controls information. Your ventilation controls may be uniquely designed, and since there are many different types and brands of control components, it can be very helpful if you: Gather and read any controls specifications, as-built mechanical drawings, and controls operations manuals that you may have. Contact the system installer or HVAC maintenance contractor to obtain controls information that is missing from your files. 10. Check Clocks, Timers, and Seasonal Switches. Confirm that summer-winter switches are in the right position. Confirm that time clocks read the correct time. Confirm that time clock settings fit the actual schedule of building use (night/weekend set-back and set- up). 11. Check pneumatic control system components (if any). Test the line pressure at both the occupied (day) setting and the unoccupied (night) setting to determine whether the overall system pressure is appropriate. Confirm that the line dryer is preventing moisture buildup. Appendix E-2 (cont.) Check the control system filters. The filter at the compressor inlet should be changed periodically in keeping with the compressor manufacturer's recommendation (for example, when you blow down the tank). Ensure that the line pressure at each thermostat and damper actuator is at the proper level (no leakage or obstructions). 156 Repair or replace defective components. 12. Check outdoor air damper operation Before continuing, the air temperature in the indoor area(s) served by this outdoor air damper must be within the normal operating range, and ensure that the outdoor air damper is visible for your inspection. Turn off the air handler connected to the outdoor air damper and confirm that the damper fully closes within a few minutes. Turn on the air handler and confirm that the outdoor air damper opens at least partially with little or no delay. Set the room thermostat as follows, and observe the damper for movement (damper should go to its minimum position, but not completely closed): If in heating mode, set the room thermostat to 85°F. If in cooling mode, set the room thermostat to 60°F, mark the current setting of the mixed air thermostat, and set it to a low setting (about 45°F). If the outdoor air damper does not move: Confirm that the damper actuator is linked to the damper shaft and that any linkage set screws or are tight. bolts Confirm that rust or corrosion are not preventing free movement. Confirm that either electrical wires or pneumatic tubing is connected to the damper actuator. Reset thermostat(S) to appropriate temperature(s). Proceed to Activities 13-16 if the damper seems property operating. NOTE: The minimum damper setting, adjusted with a nut or a knob, may have to he adjusted to allow a larger damper opening if the amount of outdoor air supply measured in Activity 22 is not adequate for the number of occupants being served. Unit Ventilators are sometimes specified to operate under one of the following ASHRAE sequences: Cycle I: Except during warm-up stage (outdoor air damper closed), Cycle I supplies 100% outdoor air at all times. Cycle II: During the hearing stage, Cycle II supplies a set minimum quantity of outdoor air. Outdoor air is gradually increased, as required for cooling. During warm-up, the outdoor air damper is closed. (Typical sequence for northern climates.) Cycle III: During the heating, ventilating and cooling stages, Cycle III supplies a variable amount of outdoor air as required to maintain a fixed temperature (typically 55°F) entering the heating coil. When heat is not required, this air is used for cooling. During warmup, the outdoor air damper is closed. (Typical sequence for southern climates, with adaptations for mechanical Appendix E-2 (cont.) cooling.) The following four items may be responsible for keeping outdoor air dampers closed during the normal ccupied cycle. 157 13. Confirm freeze-stat condition. HVAC systems with water coils need protection from freezing. The freeze-stat may close the outdoor air damper and disconnect the supply air when tripped. The typical trip range is 35°F to 42°F. If the freeze-stat has a manual reset button (usually red), depress the button. If a click is heard, the freeze-stat was probably tripped. Consider replacing manual reset freeze-stats with automatic reset freezestats. If the freeze-stat has an automatic reset, disconnect power to the controls and test for continuity across the terminals. 14. Check mixed air thermostat. The mixed air stat for heating mode should be set no higher than 65°F. The mixed air star for cooling mode should be set no lower than the room thermostat setting. 15. Check air economizer setting. Economizers use varying amounts of cool outdoor air to assist with the cooling load of the room or rooms. There are two types of economizers, dry-bulb and enthalpy. Dry-bulb economizers vary the amount of outdoor air based on outdoor air temperature, and enythalpy economizers vary the amount of outdoor air based on outdoor air temperature and humidity level. Confirm proper settings based on design specifications or local practices (dry-bulb setting typically 65°F or lower). Check the sensor to make sure that it is shielded from direct sunlight. 16. Confirm that fans operate continuously during occupied periods. Any fan that helps move air from outdoors to indoors must operate continuously during occupied hours, even though the room thermostat is satisfied. If the fan shuts off when the thermostat is satisfied, change the control cycle to prevent underventilation. AIR DISTRIBUTION Even if enough outdoor air is brought into a school building, IAQ problems can develop if the outdoor air is not properly distributed. In such cases, underventilation occurs in particular areas of the building rather than being widespread. Problems with air distribution are most likely to occur in areas where: Appendix E-2 (cont.) Ventilation equipment is malfunctioning Room layouts have been altered without adjusting the HVAC system The population of a room or zone has grown without adjustment to the HVAC system 158 Air pressure differences move air contaminants from outdoors to indoors and transport them within buildings. In schools with mechanical ventilation equipment, fans are the dominant influence on pressure differences and air flows. In schools without mechanical ventilation equipment, natural forces (wind and stack effect) primarily influence airflows. To prevent infiltration of outdoor air and soil gas (e.g., radon), mechanically-ventilated buildings are often designed to maintain a higher air pressure indoors than outdoors, which is known as positive pressurization (See "Exhaust Systems" and "How to Measure Airflow" for a description of building pressurization). At the same time, exhaust fans control indoor contaminants by keeping rooms such as smoking lounges, bathrooms, kitchens, and laboratories under negative pressure compared to surrounding rooms. "Negative pressure" and "positive pressure" describe pressure relationships. A room can operate under negative pressure as compared to neighboring rooms, but at the same time it may be positive compared to outdoors. 17. Check air distribution Verify that air pathways in the original ventilation system design continue to function. Check to see whether operable windows have been replaced by windows that cannot be opened Check to see whether passive gravity relief ventilation systems and transfer grilles between rooms and corridors are functioning. If they are closed off or blocked to meet modem fire codes, consult with a professional engineer for remedies Verify that every occupied space has a supply of outdoor air (mechanical system or operable windows) Confirm that supplies and returns are open and unblocked. If outlets have been blocked intentionally to correct drafts or discomfort, investigate and correct the cause of the discomfort and reopen the vents If you discovered areas with no source of outside air, modify the HVAC system to correct the problem Check for barriers, such as room dividers, large free-standing blackboards or displays, or bookshelves, that could block movement of air in the room, especially if they block air vents 18. Check air flow direction Confirm that the system, including any exhaust fans, is operating on the occupied cycle when doing this activity. Where outdoor contaminant sources have been identified, use chemical smoke to determine whether the air flows out of the building through leaks in nearby windows, doors, or other cracks and holes in exterior Appendix E-2 (cont.) walls Use chemical smoke to determine whether air flows out of the building through below-grade cracks and holes (e.g., floor joints, pipe openings) EXHAUST SYSTEMS Exhaust systems are used to remove air that contains contaminants, including odors. Some HVAC designs also rely on the operation of exhaust fans to create negative pressure that draws outdoor air into the building through windows and gaps in the building envelope. 159 19. Confirm that exhaust fans are operating Use chemical smoke to confirm that air is flowing into the exhaust grille(s) 20. Verify that local exhaust fans remove enough air to eliminate odors and chemical fumes If the fan is intended to exhaust the entire room, stand outside the room with the door slightly open and use chemical smoke to confirm that air is being drawn into the room from locations both high and low in the door opening (see How to Measure Airflow below). If the fan is running, but air isn't flowing toward the exhaust intake (or too little air is moving to do the job), check for the following possibilities: The backdraft damper at the exhaust outlet does not open Obstructions in the ductwork Leaky or disconnected ductwork Broken fan belt Motor running backwards Design problems (e.g., undersized fan) 21. If the exhaust fan is located close to the contaminant source, rather than on the roof, and exhaust air is ducted through the building under positive pressure Confirm that the exhaust ductwork is sealed and in good condition. QUANTITY OF OUTDOOR AIR 22. Measure quantity of outdoor air per person See How to Measure Airflow at the end of this Checklist for techniques on measuring outdoor air supply. Measure the quantity of outdoor air supplied either to or from each ventilation unit. Use the Ventilation Log to Appendix calculate the quantity of outside air per person E-2 being(cont.) provided to occupants (22a. on the Ventilation Log) Count or calculate the number of occupants served by the ventilation unit under consideration (22b. on the Ventilation Log) Divide the quantity of outdoor air supplied by the number of occupants served for the ventilation unit under consideration (22a divided by 22b on the Ventilation Log) ADEQUACY OF OUTDOOR AIR SUPPLY 160 23. Compare the measured outdoor air per person to Table 1 In the first column of Table 1, find the listing for the type of area that is served by the unit you are evaluating. Check the second column to see if the occupancy for each 1,000 square feet that the ventilation unit serves is no greater than the occupancy assumed for the recommendations Compare the recommended ventilation in the third column of Table 1 to the calculated outdoor air per person from Activity 22. If the calculated airflow is below the recommendations in Table 1, it may be that the school was designed to meet a lower standard that was in effect at the time the school was built. If you have design specifications for the system or know code requirements in effect at the time of construction, compare the measured outdoor air to this specification. Repair the system to meet the design specification, if necessary. If the school was designed to a lower standard and cannot meet the recommended levels in Table 1, discuss with the IAQ Coordinator means for increasing ventilation: Retrofitting the ventilation system for- increased capacity Opening windows (Caution: Consider potential ventilation problems that this may cause in other parts of the building) Make any repairs permanent and take any other measures that appear to help ensure adequate outdoor air in the future. These improvements will probably require the services of a professional engineer. Appendix E-2 (cont.) Table 1: Selected ASHRAE Ventilation Recommendations Occupancy (people/1000 ft2) CFM/person Classrooms 50 15 Laboratories 30 20 Music rooms 50 15 Training shops 30 20 Conference rooms 50 20 Offices 70 20 7 60 Type of Area Instructional Areas Staff Areas Smoking lounges Bus garage: 1.5 CFM per square foot of floor area. Distribution among people must consider worker location and concentration of running engines; stands where engines are run must incorporate systems for positive engine exhaust withdrawal. Contaminant sensors may be used to control ventilation. Assembly Rooms Auditoriums 150 161 15 Libraries 20 20 150 15 30 20 100 20 20 15 Gymnasiums Spectator areas Playing floor Food and Beverage Service Cafeteria Kitchen Additional airflow may be needed to provide make-up air for hood exhaust(s). The sum of the outdoor air and transfer air of acceptable quantity from adjacent spaces shall be sufficient to provide an exhaust rate of not less than 1.5 CFM/square foot. Miscellaneous Nurse's offices (patient areas) 10 Corridors: 0.1 CFM/square foot Locker rooms: 0.5 CFM/square foot Restroom: 50 CFM/urinal or water closet Source: ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality 162 25 Appendix E-2 (cont.) HOW TO MEASURE AIRFLOW This section provides basic guidance and options for determining air movement and measuring outdoor air supply. It is divided into three sections: Using chemical smoke to determine air flow direction. Measuring airflow to determine outdoor air supply quantity. Estimating outdoor air quantity using carbon dioxide measurements. 1. Using Chemical Smoke to Determine Air Flow Direction Chemical smoke can be helpful in evaluating HVAC systems, tracking air and pollutant movement, and identifying pressure differentials. Chemical smoke moves from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure if there is an opening between them (e.g., door, utility penetration). Because it is the same temperature as the surrounding air, chemical smoke is extremely sensitive to air currents. Investigators can learn about airflow patterns by observing the direction and speed of smoke movement. Smoke released near outdoor air intakes will indicate whether air is being drawn into the intake. Puffs of smoke released at the shell of the building (by doors, windows, or gaps) will indicate whether the HVAC systems are maintaining interior spaces under positive pressure relative to the outdoors. Chemical smoke is available with various dispensing mechanisms, including smoke "bottles," "guns," "pencils," or "tubes." The dispensers allow smoke to be released in controlled quantities and directed at specific locations. It is often more informative to use a number of small puffs of smoke as you move along an air pathway rather than releasing a large amount in a single puff. Caution: Chemical smoke devices use titanium tetrachloride to produce smoke. While the chemicals forming the smoke normally are not hazardous in the small quantities produced during testing, avoid inhaling smoke from smoke devices. Concentrated fumes from smoke devices are very corrosive. Determining Air Movement From Diffusers And Grilles Puffs of smoke released near HVAC vents give a general idea of airflow. (Is it in or out? Vigorous? Sluggish? No flow?) This is helpful in evaluating the supply and return system and determining whether ventilation air actually reaches the breathing zone. (For a variable air volume system, be sure to take into account how the system is designed to modulate. It could be on during the test, but off for much of the rest of the day.) "Short-circuiting" occurs when air moves directly from supply diffusers to return grilles, instead of mixing with room air in the breathing zone. If a substantial amount of air short-circuits, occupants may not receive adequate supplies of outdoor air and source emissions may not be diluted sufficiently. 2. Measuring Outdoor Air Supply Quantity. This section describes methods for determining the amount of outdoor air being supplied by a single ventilation unit using either a flowhood or air velocity measurement device. These are general instructions for measuring airflow. Follow Appendix E-2measuring (cont.) equipment. the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your Step 1. Determine Airflow Quantity 163 Using a Flow Hood Flowhoods measure airflow in cubic feet per minute (CFM) at a diffuser or grill. Taking the measurement is simply a matter of holding the hood up to the diffuser and reading the airflow value. Follow the instructions supplied with the flowhood regarding use, care, and calibration. Using Velocity Measurements For information on measuring air velocity using a Pitot tube or anemometer and calculating outdoor air supply, see the instructions supplied with the equipment. Airflow in large ductwork can be estimated by measuring air velocity using a Pitot tube with a differential pressure gauge or an anemometer. (See the IAQ Coordinator for sources of these devices.) Measure the air velocity in the ductwork and calculate the outdoor airflow in cubic feet per minute (CFM) at the outdoor air intake of the air handling unit or other convenient location. Enter the calculated outdoor air supply in the Ventilation Log. For Systems Without Mechanically-Supplied Outdoor Air If your system does not have mechanically supplied outdoor air, you can estimate the amount of outdoor air infiltrating the area. Estimate air infiltrating by measuring the quantity of air exhausted by exhaust fans serving the area. Using a small floor plan, such as a fire escape map, mark the areas served by each exhaust fan. Measure airflow at grilles or exhaust outlets using a flow hood. Determine the airflow in ductwork by using a Pitot tube with a differential pressure gauge or an anemometer. Add the airflows (in CFM) from all exhaust fans serving the area you are measuring and enter the measurement in the Ventilation Log. A room can be positively or negatively pressurized when compared to the spaces surrounding it. These spaces include another room, a corridor, or outdoors. To determine whether a room is positively or negatively pressurized, or neutral, release puffs of smoke near the top and bottom of a slightly opened door or window, and observe the direction of flow. Example: If the smoke flows inward at both the top and bottom of a slightly opened door, the room is negatively Appendix E-2 (cont.) pressurized when compared to the space on the other side of the door. Negative pressurization may cause problems with natural draft combustion appliances, or cause outdoor pollutants such as pollens or vehicle exhaust in loading docks to be drawn into the building through openings. 164 Step 2. Determine Occupancy Count the number of students and staff located in areas served by the air handling unit (called the occupied zone). If you are estimating infiltration using exhaust fan airflows, count individuals in the area you have determined are affected by the fan(s) in Step 1. Using a small floor plan, mark the occupied zone served by the unit. In areas served by unit ventilators, an occupied zone is probably an individual classroom. In areas served by large air handling units, an occupied zone may include several rooms. A large gymnasium or other room may be served by several air handling units. Estimate the number of occupants in the occupied zone, including students, teachers, other staff members, volunteers and visitors. Step 3. Calculate Outdoor Air Per Person Use the equation below (the equation also appears on the Ventilation Log) to calculate average ventilation rates in CFM/person. 3. Estimating Outdoor Air Using Carbon Dioxide Measurements Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a normal constituent of the atmosphere. Exhaled breath from building occupants and other sources increase indoor CO2 levels above that of the outdoor air. CO 2 should be measured with a direct-reading meter (See Appendix B for sources of CO2 meters). Use the meter according to manufacturer's instructions. Indoor CO2 concentrations can, under some test conditions, be used to access outdoor air ventilation. Comparison of peak CO 2 readings between rooms and between air handler zones may help to identify and diagnose various building ventilation deficiencies. Step 1. Estimate quantity of outdoor air supply. CO2 readings, with minimal delays between readings, can be taken at supply outlets or air handlers to estimate the percentage of outdoor air in the supply air stream. Appendix E-2 (cont.) The percentage or quantity of outdoor air is calculated using CO2 measurements as shown below. Outdoor air (90%) = (CR-CS) divided by (CR-CO) x 100 Where: CS = PPM CO2 in the supply air (if measured in a room), or in the mixed air (if measured at an air handler) CR = PPM of CO2 in the return air 165 CO = PPM of CO2 in the outdoor air (Typical range is 300-450 ppm) All these concentrations must be measured, not assumed. To convert the outdoor air percent to an amount of outdoor air in cubic feet per minute, use the following calculation: Outdoor air (CFM) = Outdoor air (percent) divided by 100 x total airflow (CFM) The number used for total airflow may be the air quantity supplied to a room or zone, the capacity of an air handler, or the total airflow of the HVAC system. However, the actual amount of airflow in an air handler is often different from the quantity in design documents. Therefore only measured airflow is accurate. Step 2. Measure CO2 levels in the area served by a given unit or exhaust fan(s) or in an area without any mechanical ventilation. The number of occupants, time of day, position of windows and doors, and weather should be noted for each period of CO2 testing. Measurements taken to evaluate the adequacy of ventilation should be made when concentrations are expected to peak. It may be helpful to compare measurements taken at different times of day. Classroom CO 2 levels will typically rise during the morning, fall during the lunch period, then rise again, reaching a peak in mid-afternoon. Sample in the mid- to late-afternoon Take several CO2 measurements in the area under consideration. CO 2 measurements for ventilation should be collected away from any source that could directly influence the reading (e.g., hold the sampling device away from exhaled breath) Take several measurements outdoors For systems with mechanically supplied outdoor air, take one or more readings at the following locations: At the supply air vent In the mixed air (if measured at an air handler) In the return air Appendix E-2 (cont.) Step 3. Note whether CO2 levels are high. Note locations with CO2 concentrations of 1,000 ppm or higher. Elevated CO 2 indicates that there is not enough outdoor air for the number of people in the space (based on ASHRAE Standard 62, see Appendix I) Note that there may still be under-ventilation problems in rooms with peak CO2 concentrations below 1,000 PPM. CO2 is produced by human respiration (breathing), and concentrations can change rapidly as people move in and out of a room. Four to six hours of continuous occupancy are often required for CO2 to approach peak levels. 166 Appendix E-3 167 Appendix E-3 (cont.) 168 Appendix F Emergency Procedures 169 Appendix F-1 Emergency Action Plan (Template) 170 Appendix F-1 (cont.) EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN for Facility Name: Facility Address: DATE PREPARED: ___/_____/______ 171 Appendix F-1 (cont.) EMERGENCY PERSONNEL NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS DESIGNATED RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL (Highest Ranking Manager at _____________site, such as __________, ___________, or ____________): Name: Phone: (________________) EMERGENCY COORDINATOR: Name: Phone: (______________) AREA/FLOOR MONITORS (If applicable): Area/Floor: Name: Phone: (_______________) Area/Floor: Name: Phone: (_______________) ASSISTANTS TO PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED (If applicable): Name: Phone: (_________________) Name: Phone: (________________) Date ____/____/____ 172 Appendix F-1 (cont.) EVACUATION ROUTES • Evacuation route maps have been posted in each work area. The following information is marked on evacuation maps: 1. Emergency exits 2. Primary and secondary evacuation routes 3. Locations of fire extinguishers 4. Fire alarm pull stations’ location a. Assembly points • Site personnel should know at least two evacuation routes. 173 Appendix F-1 (cont.) EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS FIRE DEPARTMENT: ____________________ PARAMEDICS: _______________ AMBULANCE: _______________ POLICE: ________________ FEDERAL PROTECTIVE SERVICE: ________________ SECURITY (If applicable): _________________ BUILDING MANAGER (If applicable): ________________ 174 Appendix F-1 (cont.) UTILITY COMPANY EMERGENCY CONTACTS (Specify name of the company, phone number and point of contact) ELECTRIC: _____________________ WATER: _______________________ GAS (if applicable): __________________________ TELEPHONE COMPANY: Date: _______________________ ___/____/_____ 175 Appendix F-1 (cont.) EMERGENCY REPORTING AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES Types of emergencies to be reported by site personnel are: • MEDICAL • FIRE • SEVERE WEATHER • BOMB THREAT • CHEMICAL SPILL • STRUCTURE CLIMBING/DESCENDING • EXTENDED POWER LOSS • OTHER (specify)___________________________________ (e.g., terrorist attack/hostage taking) 176 Appendix F-1 (cont.) MEDICAL EMERGENCY • Call medical emergency phone number (check applicable): • • Paramedics Ambulance Fire Department Other Provide the following information: a. Nature of medical emergency, b. Location of the emergency (address, building, room number), and c. Your name and phone number from which you are calling. Do not move victim unless absolutely necessary. Call the following personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to provide the required assistance prior to the arrival of the professional medical help: Name: Phone:_______________________ Name: Phone: ________________________ • • If personnel trained in First Aid are not available, as a minimum, attempt to provide the following assistance: 1. Stop the bleeding with firm pressure on the wounds (note: avoid contact with blood or other bodily fluids). 2. Clear the air passages using the Heimlich Maneuver in case of choking. In case of rendering assistance to personnel exposed to hazardous materials, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and wear the appropriate personal protective equipment. Attempt First Aid ONLY if trained and qualified. Date___/___/___ 177 Appendix F-1 (cont.) FIRE EMERGENCY When fire is discovered: • Activate the nearest fire alarm (if installed) • Notify the local Fire Department by calling • If the fire alarm is not available, notify the site personnel about the fire emergency by the following means (check applicable): Voice Communication Phone Paging . Radio Other (specify) Fight the fire ONLY if: • The Fire Department has been notified. • The fire is small and is not spreading to other areas. • Escaping the area is possible by backing up to the nearest exit. • The fire extinguisher is in working condition and personnel are trained to use it. Upon being notified about the fire emergency, occupants must: • Leave the building using the designated escape routes. • Assemble in the designated area (specify location): • Remain outside until the competent authority (Designated Official or designee) announces that it is safe to reenter. Designated Official, Emergency Coordinator or supervisors must (underline one): • Disconnect utilities and equipment unless doing so jeopardizes his/her safety. • Coordinate an orderly evacuation of personnel. • Perform an accurate head count of personnel reported to the designated area. • Determine a rescue method to locate missing personnel. • Provide the Fire Department personnel with the necessary information about the facility. • Perform assessment and coordinate weather forecast office emergency closing procedures Area/Floor Monitors must: • Ensure that all employees have evacuated the area/floor. • Report any problems to the Emergency Coordinator at the assembly area. Assistants or assistance to Physically Challenged should: • Assist all physically challenged employees and/or students in emergency evacuation. Date___/___/___ 178 Appendix F-1 (cont.) EXTENDED POWER LOSS In the event of extended power loss to a facility, certain precautionary measures should be taken depending on the geographical location and environment of the facility: • • • • Unnecessary electrical equipment and appliances should be turned off in the event that power restoration would surge causing damage to electronics and effecting sensitive equipment. Facilities with freezing temperatures should turn off and drain the following lines in the event of a long-term power loss. · Fire sprinkler system · Standpipes · Potable water lines · Toilets Add propylene-glycol to drains to prevent traps from freezing Equipment that contain fluids that may freeze due to long-term exposure to freezing temperatures should be moved to heated areas, drained of liquids, or provided with auxiliary heat sources. Upon Restoration of Heat and Power: • • Electronic equipment should be brought up to ambient temperatures before energizing to prevent condensate from forming on circuitry. Fire and potable water piping should be checked for leaks from freeze damage after the heat has been restored to the facility and water turned back on. 179 Appendix F-1 (cont.) CHEMICAL SPILL The following are the locations of: Spill Containment and Security Equipment: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): MSDS: When a Large Chemical Spill has occurred: • • • • • • Immediately notify the designated official and Emergency Coordinator. Contain the spill with available equipment (e.g., pads, booms, absorbent powder, etc.). Secure the area and alert other site personnel. Do not attempt to clean the spill unless trained to do so. Attend to injured personnel and call the medical emergency number, if required. Call a local spill cleanup company or the Fire Department (if arrangement has been made) to perform a large chemical (e.g., mercury) spill cleanup. Name of Spill Cleanup Company:_______________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________________________ • Evacuate building as necessary When a Small Chemical Spill has occurred: • • • • • Notify the Emergency Coordinator and/or supervisor (select one). If toxic fumes are present, secure the area (with caution tapes or cones) to prevent other personnel from entering. Deal with the spill in accordance with the instructions described in the MSDS. Small spills must be handled in a safe manner, while wearing the proper PPE. Review the general spill cleanup procedures. Date___/___/___ 180 Appendix F-1 (cont.) STRUCTURE CLIMBING/DESCENDING EMERGENCIES List structures maintained by site personnel (tower, river gauge, etc.): No. Structure Type Location (address, if applicable) Emergency Response Organization* (if available within 30-minute response time) Emergency Response Organization(s): Name Phone Number______________________ Name Phone Number______________________ (Attach Emergency Response Agreement if available) * Not applicable IF there is no Emergency Response Organization available within 30 minute response time, additional personnel trained in rescue operations and equipped with rescue kit must accompany the climber(s). 181 Appendix F-1 (cont.) TELEPHONE BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST INSTRUCTIONS: BE CALM, BE COURTEOUS. LISTEN. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE CALLER. YOUR NAME: __________________________ TIME: _____________ DATE: ________________ CALLER'S IDENTITY SEX: Male _____ Female ____ Adult ____ Juvenile ____ APPROXIMATE AGE: _____ ORIGIN OF CALL: Local __________ Long Distance ___________ Telephone Booth __________ VOICE CHARACTERISTICS ___ Loud ___ High Pitch ___ Raspy ___ Intoxicated SPEECH ___ Soft ___ Deep ___ Pleasant ____________ Other ___ Fast ___ Distinct ___ Stutter ___ Slurred ACCENT ___ Local ___ Foreign ___ Race ___ Slow ___ Distorted ___ Nasal ____________ Other LANGUAGE ___ Excellent ___ Fair ___ Foul MANNER ___ Not Local ___ Region ___ Calm ___ Rational ___ Coherent ___ Deliberate ___ Righteous ___ Angry ___ Irrational ___ Incoherent ___ Emotional ___ Laughing ___ Good ___ Poor __________ Other BACKGROUND NOISES ___ Factory ___ Machines ___ Music ___ Office ___ Machines ___ Street ___ Traffic ___ Trains ___ Animals ___ Quiet ___ Voices ___ Airplanes ___ Party ___ Atmosphere BOMB FACTS PRETEND DIFFICULTY HEARING - KEEP CALLER TALKING - IF CALLER SEEMS AGREEABLE TO FURTHER CONVERSATION, ASK QUESTIONS LIKE: When will it go off? Certain Hour ____ Time Remaining Where is it located? Building Area What kind of bomb? ___________________ What kind of package?______________ How do you know so much about the bomb?___ What is your name and address? If building is occupied, inform caller that detonation could cause injury or death. Activate malicious call trace: Hang up phone and do not answer another line. Choose same line and dial *57 (if your phone system has this capability). Listen for the confirmation announcement and hang up. Call Security at __________ and relay information about call. Did the caller appear familiar with plant or building (by his/her description of the bomb location)? Write out the message in its entirety and any other comments on a separate sheet of paper and attach to this checklist. Notify your supervisor immediately. 182 Appendix F-1 (cont.) SEVERE WEATHER AND NATURAL DISASTERS Tornado: •When a warning is issued by sirens or other means, seek inside shelter. Consider the following: Small interior rooms on the lowest floor and without windows, Hallways on the lowest floor away from doors and windows, and Rooms constructed with reinforced concrete, brick, or block with no windows. •Stay away from outside walls and windows. •Use arms to protect head and neck. •Remain sheltered until the tornado threat is announced to be over. Earthquake: •Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator or the designated official. •Keep away from overhead fixtures, windows, filing cabinets, and electrical power. •Assist people with disabilities in finding a safe place. •Evacuate as instructed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official. Flood: If indoors: •Be ready to evacuate as directed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official. •Follow the recommended primary or secondary evacuation routes. If outdoors: •Climb to high ground and stay there. •Avoid walking or driving through flood water. •If car stalls, abandon it immediately and climb to higher ground. Hurricane: •The nature of a hurricane provides for more warning than other natural and weather disasters. A hurricane watch is issued when a hurricane becomes a threat to a coastal area. A hurricane warning is issued when hurricane winds of 74 mph or higher, or a combination of dangerously high water and rough seas, are expected in the area within 24 hours. Once a hurricane watch has been issued: •Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator or the designated official. •Move any boats securely, or move to a safe place if time allows. •Continue to monitor local TV and radio stations for instructions. •Evacuate early out of low-lying areas or from the coast, at the request of officials. •If you are on high ground, away from the coast and plan to stay, secure the building, moving all loose items indoors and boarding up windows and openings. •Collect drinking water in appropriate containers. Once a hurricane warning has been issued: •Be ready to evacuate as directed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official. •Leave areas that might be affected by storm tide or stream flooding. 183 Appendix F-1 (cont.) During a hurricane: •Remain indoors and consider the following: - Small interior rooms on the lowest floor and without windows, - Hallways on the lowest floor away from doors and windows, and - Rooms constructed with reinforced concrete, brick, or block with no windows. Remember: The danger of a hurricane is often as much in the tidal surges and flooding as it is in the winds. Be sure you refuge in an area that will not be flooded. Hurricanes often spawn tornadoes. When securing a safe place from the hurricane, also, be aware of the tornado threat. (See the precautions for tornadoes, above.) Blizzard: If indoors: •Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator or the designated official. •Stay indoors! •If there is no heat: Close off unneeded rooms or areas. Stuff towels or rags in cracks under doors. Cover windows at night. •Eat and drink. Food provides the body with energy and heat. Fluids prevent dehydration. •Wear layers of loose-fitting, light-weight, warm clothing, if available. If outdoors: • Find a dry shelter. Cover all exposed parts of the body. • If shelter is not available: Prepare a lean-to, wind break, or snow cave for protection from the wind. Build a fire for heat and to attract attention. Place rocks around the fire to absorb and reflect heat. Do not eat snow. It will lower your body temperature. Melt it first. If stranded in a car or truck: •Stay in the vehicle! •Run the motor about ten minutes each hour. Open the windows a little for fresh air to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure the exhaust pipe is not blocked. •Make yourself visible to rescuers. Turn on the dome light at night when running the engine. Tie a colored cloth to your antenna or door. Raise the hood after the snow stops falling. •Exercise to keep blood circulating and to keep warm. 184 Appendix F-1 (cont.) CRITICAL OPERATIONS During some emergency situations, it will be necessary for some specially assigned personnel to remain at the work areas to perform critical operations. Assignments: Work Area • • Name Job Title Description of Assignment Personnel involved in critical operations may remain on the site upon the permission of the site designated official or Emergency Coordinator. In case emergency situation will not permit any of the personnel to remain at the facility, the designated official or other assigned personnel shall notify the appropriate _______________ offices to initiate backups. This information can be obtained from the Emergency Evacuation Procedures included in the ___________________ Manual. The following offices should be contacted: Name/Location:________________________________ Telephone Number:_____________________________ Name/Location:________________________________ Telephone Number:_____________________________ Name/Location:________________________________ Telephone Number:_____________________________ 185 Appendix F-1 (cont.) TRAINING The following school personnel have been trained to ensure a safe and orderly emergency evacuation of other employees: Facility: Name Title Responsibility 186 Date Appendix F-2 Emergency Procedures in Schools in the Event of a Chemical Spill Introduction Four major sources of regulations may apply to emergencies involving a chemical spill at a school facility. A brief overview of the major requirements of these regulations is as follows. Employee Emergency Plans and Fire Prevention Plans (29 CFR 1910.38) This OSHA Regulation gives the requirements of plans for the effective evacuation and accounting for employees in case of an emergency, e.g., chemical spill. The written evacuation plan must address, at a minimum, the following: Emergency escape procedures, signals, and routes Procedures for accounting for all employees & students Procedures for employees who must remain in the facility to shut down equipment before they evacuate Rescue and medical duties Preferred mechanisms for employees to report emergencies Names and job titles of employees who can be contacted for more information regarding evacuation plans A list of the major workplace fire hazards and their proper handling and storage procedures, potential ignition sources and their control procedures, and the type of fire protection equipment or systems that can control a fire. All employees who assist in the evacuation must be trained on how to implement their function. Post emergency telephone numbers near telephones, on employee notice boards, and in other conspicuous locations (see OSHA 29 CFR 1910.165). All employees who are affected by the evacuation plan must be trained in its contents and implementation. Update the plan and training as procedures and or evacuation routes change. Subpart C – Preparedness and Prevention and Subpart D – Contingency Plans and Emergency Procedures The EPA regulations (40 CFR 265.30 to 265.56) establish procedures to ensure that emergencies are planned for and minimized in order to successfully protect the environment and surrounding community (See the Hazardous Waste checklist). To minimize hazards from releases of hazardous materials to air, soil, or surface water, the written plan must include the following: Description of arrangements with local authorities and contractors to assist in spill cleanup and notification activities Name(s) of the Emergency Coordinator(s) for the school 187 Appendix F-2(cont.) Emergency equipment and corresponding locations of fire extinguishers, spill control equipment, etc. Available decontamination equipment Evacuation procedures, routes, and notification signals This plan must be kept up-to-date and submitted to local police, fire, and rescue departments and to the local emergency planning committee and any emergency response teams who may respond to such an event. Required steps for handling emergencies include the following: Identify the source, character, and extent of the release Activate internal alarms Notify State and local agencies for help (if necessary) Assess hazards to humans and the environment Notify authorities if spill poses hazards to the environment or the community Check for leaks, pressure buildup, etc. Following checkup, arrange for treatment, storage, and disposal of wastes Decontaminate all equipment Forward a written report to the EPA Regional Administrator within 15 days Employee Emergency Plans and Fire Prevention Plans (29 CFR 1910.38) The OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard covers procedures for handling a chemical spill by designated responders and employees who respond from outside the immediate release area. Responses to incidental releases of hazardous substances where the substance can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise controlled at the time of release by employees in the immediate release area or by maintenance personnel are not considered to be emergency responses within the scope of the standard. Students or teachers should not respond to significant spills because of the extensive training requirements and equipment needed. Trained state, county, or municipal hazardous material response teams should be brought in if such a spill occurs. These teams will follow the requirements of the hazardous waste operations and emergency response standard that ensures that emergency responders work safely during spill cleanup activities. They will have a written plan that covers the following: Pre-emergency planning Personnel matters, i.e., lines of authority, training, and communications Emergency recognition and prevention Safe distances, places of refuge Site security and control Evacuation routes and procedures Decontamination procedures Emergency medical treatment and first aid Emergency alerting and response procedures 188 Appendix F-2 (cont.) Personal protective equipment and emergency equipment Critique of response and follow-up This regulation also requires that an Emergency Coordinator be designated and that an incident command system be followed. Positive pressure supplied-air respirators are required until air monitoring indicates that less protection is safe for the area. Training requirements for responders vary depending on the level of activity in the emergency response. Personnel responsible for stopping leaks and cleaning spills must be trained to the hazardous materials technician level (minimum 24 hours training annually). Medical surveillance is also required for these responders. If teachers or maintenance employees respond to minor spills, they must have had training covering the hazards of the spilled material and the correct response actions. They also must have the appropriate personal protective equipment along with training on how to use it. In addition, they must know how to dispose of the spilled material following all Federal and State regulations. The regulations listed below may apply to staff with these responsibilities: 29 CFR 1910.132 – General Requirements for Personal Protective Equipment 29 CFR 1910.133 – Eye and Face Protection 29 CFR 1910.134 – Respiratory Protection 29 CFR 1910.135 – Occupational Head Protection 29 CFR 1910.136 – Occupational Foot Protection 29 CFR 1910.1200 – Hazard Communication Employee Emergency Plans and Fire Prevention Plans (29 CFR 1910.38) A sample emergency response procedure consistent with the above regulations is presented here to help schools formulate their compliance plans. DISCLAIMER: Each chemical spill incident is a unique occurrence, and procedures for handling such spill may vary among emergency response teams. In this section, NIOSH describes the usual steps taken during an emergency response incident and suggests practical ways to prepare for a chemical spill to cooperate with the emergency responders and incident commander. However, NIOSH does not imply that these written suggestions are the only ways to prepare for and assist in a chemical spill incident. Review all classrooms to identify spill hazards. All teachers and students should be trained to recognize hazardous material spills and what procedures to follow. This instruction should include information about the effects of hazardous materials on humans and the environment. IF a spill is beyond the cleanup capability of the person who created the spill or custodial staff, follow these procedures: 29 CFR 1910.132 – General Requirements for Personal Protection Equipment Notify the principal and the classroom teacher and ask them to call 911. Tell them the name of the material, location of the spill, and approximate volume of spilled material. 189 Appendix F-2 (cont.) Evacuate all students from the classroom using the steps in the evacuation procedures (this is a separate document). Evacuate adjacent classrooms if the spread of contamination is enough to affect them. Do not permit any persons to enter the spill area, contact the spilled material, or place themselves at risk unless they have appropriate training and personal protective equipment. Take immediate steps to prevent spilled materials from entering drains or spreading to other environmentally sensitive areas. These steps include placing absorbent materials (stored in classrooms with a high likelihood of a spill) around the perimeter of the spill and blocking drains. The fire department may dispatch their hazardous materials emergency response team (HAZMAT) to handle the spill. The HAZMAT incident commander is usually the fire department chief and is the senior person responsible for directing all activities during the cleanup effort. The incident commander may take the following steps: Dispatch trained emergency responders to the scene, bringing appropriate personal protective clothing such as supplied-air respirators, chemical resistant gloves and suits, and boots. They may also bring communications devices, air-monitoring equipment, and first aid equipment. They may use salvage drums, sorbents, and decontamination equipment stored in areas where there is a high probability of a spill. Establish external communication channels between the school and outside parties using the school dispatcher or any other appropriate means of external communication. Contact outside agencies including any of the fire, police, emergency medical, health, or emergency management departments if the chemical spill is large. Contact the Federal and State spill hotlines if he or she believes at any time during the response that the spill or release represents a hazard to the environment or community. The incident commander will determine when it is safe to reoccupy the classroom or building by considering air monitoring results and checking all potentially affected classroom equipment for evidence of pressure buildup or leaks, etc. After the completion of the emergency response, the incident commander may convene all responders, the classroom teacher, and the appropriate school administrators to critique the handling of the response, to determine the cause of the incident, and to identify future preventive measures. Hazardous chemical waste is regulated by EPA. See Hazardous Waster Self-Inspection Checklist. Special Note Compliance with all of these regulations is essential to ensure the safe and effective resolution of hazardous materials spills. The planning regulations can be met by preparing separate plans or by developing a separate evacuation plan and integrating the requirements of all regulations into a single coordinated plan. Schools should also establish communication with the nearest hazardous materials response team to facilitate prompt action if the need arises. 190 Appendix G Ergonomics 191 Appendix G-1 Elements of Ergonomics Programs A Primer Based on Workplace Evaluations of Musculoskeletal Disorders This primer provides basic information that will be useful for employers, workers, and others in designing effective programs to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs), one of the most prevalent and costly safety and health problems in the modern workplace. It defines the key elements of an effective program in a format that allows the user to tailor the information to a particular work setting or situation. It also provides a "toolbox" of useful materials for putting a program into place, including reference materials, sources for further information, and generic forms and questionnaires. The primer is based on the extensive practical experience accumulated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) in conducting investigations in actual workplace settings, providing technical assistance to employers and workers, and evaluating the latest technical literature. The seven elements of an effective program comprise a seven-step "pathway" for evaluating and addressing musculoskeletal concerns in an individual workplace. Each step is addressed in more detail in the primer, with examples drawn from actual NIOSH workplace evaluations. The seven steps are as follows: One: Looking for signs of a potential musculoskeletal problem in the workplace, such as frequent worker reports of aches and pains, or job tasks that require repetitive, forceful exertions. Two: Showing management commitment in addressing possible problems and encouraging worker involvement in problem-solving activities. Three: Offering training to expand management and worker ability to evaluate potential musculoskeletal problems. Four: Gathering data to identify jobs or work conditions that are most problematic, using sources such as injury and illness logs, medical records, and job analyses. Five: Identifying effective controls for tasks that pose a risk of musculoskeletal injury and evaluating these approaches once they have been instituted to see if they have reduced or eliminated the problem. Six: Establishing health care management to emphasize the importance of early detection and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders for preventing impairment and disability. Seven: Minimizing risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders when planning new work processes and operations; it is less costly to build good design into the workplace than to redesign or retrofit later. 192 Appendix G-1 (cont.) WHAT ARE WORK-RELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS (WMSDs)? Although definitions vary, the general term "musculoskeletal disorders" describes the following: Disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs Disorders that are not typically the result of any instantaneous or acute event (such as a slip, trip, or fall) but reflect a more gradual or chronic development (nevertheless, acute events such as slips and trips are very common causes of musculoskeletal problems such as low back pain) Disorders diagnosed by a medical history, physical examination, or other medical tests that can range in severity from mild and intermittent to debilitating and chronic Disorders with several distinct features (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) as well as disorders defined primarily by the location of the pain (i.e., low back pain). The term "WMSDs" refers to (1) musculoskeletal disorders to which the work environment and the performance of work contribute significantly, or (2) musculoskeletal disorders that are made worse or longer lasting by work conditions. These workplace risk factors, along with personal characteristics (e.g., physical limitations or existing health problems) and societal factors, are thought to contribute to the development of WMSDs [Armstrong et al. 1993]. They also reduce worker productivity or cause worker dissatisfaction. Common examples are jobs requiring repetitive, forceful, or prolonged exertions of the hands; frequent or heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, or carrying of heavy objects; and prolonged awkward postures. Vibration and cold may add risk to these work conditions. Jobs or working conditions presenting multiple risk factors will have a higher probability of causing a musculoskeletal problem. The level of risk depends on the intensity, frequency, and duration of the exposure to these conditions and the individual’s capacity to meet the force or other job demands that might be involved. These conditions are more correctly called "ergonomic risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders" rather than "ergonomic hazards" or "ergonomic problems." But like the term "safety hazard," these terms have popular acceptance. WHY ARE WMSDs A PROBLEM? Many reasons exist for considering WMSDs a problem, including the following: WMSDs are among the most prevalent lost-time injuries and illnesses in almost every industry [Bureau of Labor Statistics 1995, 1996; National Safety Council 1995; Tanaka et al. 1995]. WMSDs, specifically those involving the back, are among the most costly occupational problems [National Safety Council 1995; Webster and Snook 1994; Guo et al. 1995; Frymoyer and Cats-Baril 1991]. Job activities that may cause WMSDs span diverse workplaces and job operations (see Table 1; see also Tray 1-A of the Toolbox). WMSDs may cause a great deal of pain and suffering among afflicted workers. WMSDs may decrease productivity and the quality of products and services. Workers experiencing aches and pains on the job may not be able to do quality work. 193 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Because musculoskeletal disorders have been associated with nonwork activities (e.g., sports) and medical conditions (e.g., renal disease, rheumatoid arthritis), it is difficult to determine the proportion due solely to occupation. For example, in the general population, nonoccupational causes of low back pain are probably more common than workplace causes [Liira et al. 1996]. However, even in these cases, the musculoskeletal disorders may be aggravated by workplace factors. WHAT IS ERGONOMICS? Ergonomics is the science of fitting workplace conditions and job demands to the capabilities of the working population. Effective and successful "fits" assure high productivity, avoidance of illness and injury risks, and increased satisfaction among the workforce. Although the scope of ergonomics is much broader, the term in this primer refers to assessing those work-related factors that may pose a risk of musculoskeletal disorders and recommendations to alleviate them. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRIMER? This primer outlines the approach most commonly recommended for identifying and correcting ergonomic problems. This document offers practical information (based on NIOSH experience in a variety of settings) for applying elements of this approach in workplaces. The steps typically used to describe ergonomics programs are used here to tap and organize the NIOSH database of relevant experience. This primer is geared to those who need knowledge of ergonomics because of their roles as employers or as persons responsible for ensuring safe and healthful work conditions in their companies. Use of numerous examples from real workplaces emphasizes practical approaches. Organizations with established ergonomics programs or with a staff having advanced training in ergonomics may find more limited value in this primer. Step 1: LOOKING FOR SIGNS OF WORK-RELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL PROBLEMS What are clues or tip-offs to WMSDs as a real or possible workplace problem? Some signs are obvious while others are more subtle. The first step is to look for these signs or clues. RECOGNIZING SIGNS THAT MAY INDICATE A PROBLEM The organization’s OSHA Form 200 logs or workers compensation claims show cases of WMSDs such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, epicondylitis, and low back pain. Sometimes these records contain nonspecific entries like "hand pain," which (while not a specific diagnosis) may be an indicator of a significant health problem if severe or persistent. Certain jobs or work conditions cause worker complaints of undue strain, localized fatigue, discomfort, or pain that does not go away after overnight rest. 194 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Workers visiting the clinic make frequent references to physical aches and pains related to certain types of work assignments. Job tasks involve activities such as repetitive and forceful exertions; frequent, heavy, or overhead lifts; awkward work positions; or use of vibrating equipment. Signs like these have triggered requests for NIOSH evaluations of possible ergonomic problems and risks of WMSDs. Some examples of reasons that have been given for requesting NIOSH ergonomic evaluations are described in Exhibit 1. These examples show that WMSDs can occur in a variety of workplaces. Other signals that could alert employers to potential problems include the following: Trade publications, employers insurance communications, or references in popular literature indicating risks of WMSDs connected with job operations in the employer's business Cases of WMSDs found among competitors or in similar businesses Proposals for increasing line speed, retooling, or modifying jobs to increase individual worker output and overall productivity DETERMINING A LEVEL OF EFFORT Clues that indicate ergonomic problems may also suggest the scope of the effort required to correct them. For example, signs implicating multiple jobs in various departments and involving a large percentage of the workforce would indicate the need for a full-scale, company-wide program. Alternatively, signs that the suspected problems are confined to isolated tasks and relatively few workers may suggest starting with a more limited, focused activity. The program elements offered in this primer describe the development of a full-scale ergonomics program for use in an organization-wide approach. All organizations may benefit from such an approach. However, the intensity of the program may need to be calibrated to the magnitude of the problem. For smaller-scale efforts that are directed at specific problems or situations in which problem jobs or affected workers are quite limited, selected elements of the overall program may be useful. Exhibits in this primer cover a range of efforts and will clarify aspects of both full-scale and more limited approaches. Understandably, an organization’s initial efforts in ergonomics will be directed toward fixing the most obvious problem jobs. The program elements described here offer a framework for an orderly undertaking of such activities. Moreover, even if the evidence for WMSDs is not clear, implementing the program can have value by enabling early detection of (and more timely interventions in) potential ergonomic problems. Also, an ergonomics program can influence the design of future changes in work processes to reduce the possibility of WMSDs. In these instances, the envisioned efforts have proactive benefits that will help prevent WMSDs. Step 2: SETTING THE STAGE FOR ACTION As with other workplace safety and health issues, managers and employees both play key roles in developing and carrying out an ergonomics program. 195 Appendix G-1 (cont.) ERGONOMICS AS PART OF AN ORGANIZATION SAFETY & HEALTH PROGRAM Ergonomics programs should not be regarded as separate from those intended to address other workplace hazards. Aspects of hazard identification, case documentation, assessment of control options, and health care management techniques that are used to address ergonomic problems use the same approaches directed toward other workplace risks of injury or disease. Although many of the technical approaches described in this primer are specific to ergonomic risk factors and work-related musculoskeletal disorders, the core principles are the same as efforts to control other workplace hazards. The financial benefits of comprehensive safety and health programs have been well documented. Workplaces safe from hazardous conditions have lower costs due to decreased lost time, absenteeism, worker compensation premiums, etc. [Office of Technology Assessment 1995]. Ergonomics programs have been shown to be cost effective for similar reasons [McKenzie et al. 1985; Lapore et al. 1984]. In addition, ergonomic improvements may result in increased productivity and higher product quality [McKenzie et al. 1985; LaBar 1994; LaBar 1989]. The ergonomics program elements outlined in this primer and the cases used to illustrate them follow a course that is mainly reactive in nature. The steps offer a plan to identify current problems that need to be addressed and actions aimed at resolution or control of such problems. This approach recognizes that the school administration’s first efforts to deal with ergonomic problems will probably be reactive. However, proactive approaches that seek to anticipate and prevent problems should be the ultimate goal. More will be said about proactive ergonomic approaches later in this document. EXPRESSIONS OF ADMINISTRATION COMMITMENT Occupational safety and health literature stresses management commitment as a key and perhaps controlling factor in determining whether any worksite hazard control effort will be successful [Cohen 1977; Peters 1989; Hoffman et al. 1995]. Administration commitment can be expressed in a variety of ways. Lessons learned from NIOSH case studies of ergonomic hazard control efforts in the meatpacking industry [Gjessing et al. 1994] emphasize the following points regarding evidence of effective management commitment: Policy statements are issued that -o treat ergonomic efforts as furthering the organization’s goals of maintaining and preserving a safe and healthful work environment for all employees, o expect full cooperation of the total workforce (administrators, faculty, and staff employees) in working together toward realizing ergonomic improvements, o assign lead roles to designated persons who are known to "make things happen," o give ergonomic efforts priority with other cost reduction, productivity, and quality assurance activities, and o have the support of the local union or other worker representatives. Meetings between employees and supervisors allow full discussion of the policy and the plans for implementation. 196 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Goals are set that become more concrete as they address specific operations. Goals give priority to the jobs posing the greatest risk. Resources are committed to -o training the workforce to be more aware of ergonomic risk factors for workrelated musculoskeletal disorders, o providing detailed instruction to those expected to assume lead roles or serve on special groups to handle various tasks, o bringing in outside experts for consultations about start-up activities and difficult issues at least until in-house expertise can be developed, and o implementing ergonomic improvements as may be indicated. Release time or other compensatory arrangements are provided during the workday for employees expected to handle assigned tasks dealing with ergonomic concerns. Information is furnished to all those involved in or affected by the ergonomic activities to be undertaken. Misinformation or misperceptions about such efforts can be damaging: If management is seen as using the program to gain ideas for cutting costs or improving productivity without equal regard for employee benefits, the program may not be supported by employees. For example, management should be up-front regarding possible impacts of the program on job security and job changes. All injury data, production information, and cost considerations need to be made available to those expected to make feasible recommendations for solving problems. Evaluative measures track the results of the ergonomic efforts to indicate both the progress that has been made and the plans that need to be revised to overcome apparent problems. Reporting results of the program and publicizing notable accomplishments also emphasize the program’s importance and maintain the interest of those immediately involved and responsible. BENEFITS AND FORMS OF WORKER INVOLVEMENT Promoting worker involvement in efforts to improve workplace conditions has several benefits [Lawler III 1991; Cascio 1991; Schermerhorn et al. 1985; LaBar 1994; Noro and Imada 1991]. They include o enhanced worker motivation and job satisfaction, o added problem-solving capabilities, o greater acceptance of change, and o greater knowledge of the work and the organization. Worker involvement in safety and health issues means obtaining worker input on several issues. The first input is defining real or suspected job hazards. Another is suggesting ways to control suspected hazards. A third involves working with management in deciding how best to put controls into place. Employee participation in an organization’s efforts to reduce work-related injury or disease in general, and ergonomic problems in particular, may take the form of direct or individual input. A more common form is participation through a safety and health committee, which may be organization or department-wide in nature. In the case of the latter, typical committee functions consist of (1) discussing ways to resolve safety and health issues, (2) 197 Appendix G-1 (cont.) making recommendations for task forces or working groups to plan and carry out specific actions, and (3) approving use of resources for such actions and providing oversight. or disease risks. Because of their smaller size and opportunities for closer contacts among members, such committees may be referred to as a work group [Davis and Newstrom 1985]. No single form or level of worker involvement fits all situations or meets all needs. Much depends on the nature of the problems to be addressed, the skills and abilities of those involved, and the organization's prevailing practices for participative approaches in resolving workplace issues. WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? Ergonomic problems typically require a response that cuts across a number of organizational units. Hazard identification through job task analyses and review of injury records or symptom surveys, as well as the development and implementation of control measures, can require input from o safety and hygiene personnel, o health care providers, o human resource personnel, o engineering personnel, o maintenance personnel, and o ergonomics specialists. In addition, faculty/staff and administration representatives are considered essential players in any ergonomics program effort. In small schools, two or more of the functions noted on this list may be merged into one unit, or one person may handle several of the listed duties. Regardless of the size of the organization, persons identified with these responsibilities are crucial to an ergonomics program. Purchasing personnel in particular should be included, since the issues raised can dictate new or revised specifications on new equipment orders. How best to fit these different players into the program could depend on the organization’s existing occupational safety and health program practices. Integrating ergonomics into the school’s current occupational safety and health activities while giving it special emphasis may have the most appeal. Step 3: TRAINING - BUILDING IN-HOUSE EXPERTISE Identifying and solving workplace WMSD problems require some level of ergonomic knowledge and skills. Recognizing and filling different training needs is an important step in building an effective program. 198 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Training is recognized as an essential element for any effective safety and health program [Colligan 1994]. For ergonomics, the overall goal of training is to enable managers, supervisors, and employees to identify aspects of job tasks that may increase a worker’s risk of developing WMSDs; recognize the signs and symptoms of the disorders; and participate in the development of strategies to control or prevent them [Kuorinka and Forcier 1995]. Training employees ensures that they are well informed about the hazards so they can actively participate in identifying and controlling exposures. Common forms of ergonomics training are noted below, along with their objectives. Table 3 lists the categories of employees who should receive the indicated instructions, especially if a team approach is used to analyze job risk factors and develop control measures. Employers may opt to have outside experts conduct these tasks. If so, the outside instructors should first become familiar with school operations and relevant policies and practices before training commences. Tailoring the instruction to address specific concerns and interests of the worker groups can enhance learning. ERGONOMICS AWARENESS TRAINING The objectives for ergonomics awareness training are as follows: Recognize workplace risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders and understand general methods for controlling them. Identify the signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders that may result from exposure to such risk factors, and be familiar with the school’s health care procedures. Know the process the employer is using to address and control risk factors, the employees’ role in the process, and ways employees can actively participate. Know the procedures for reporting risk factors and musculoskeletal disorders, including the names of designated persons who should receive the reports. TRAINING IN JOB ANALYSES AND CONTROL MEASURES The objectives for training in job analyses and control measures are as follows: Demonstrate the way to do a job analysis for identifying risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders Select ways to implement and evaluate control measures. TRAINING IN PROBLEM-SOLVING The objectives for training in problem-solving are as follows: Identify the departments, areas, and jobs with risk factors through a review of school accident reports, records, walk-through observations, and special surveys. Identify tools and techniques that can be used to conduct job analyses and serve as a basis for recommendations. Develop skills in team building, consensus development, and problem-solving. Recommend ways to control ergonomic hazards based on job analyses and pooling ideas from faculty, staff and administrators, and other affected and interested parties. 199 Appendix G-1 (cont.) SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND PRECAUTIONS Materials for offering awareness training to the workforce are available, including videotapes and pamphlets from NIOSH and other groups (see Trays 3 and 10 of the Toolbox). Schools may prefer to generate their own informational materials tailored to their particular organization and job operations. Persons or groups assigned to or expected to play a key role in ergonomic hazard control work will require added instruction in problem identification, job analyses, and problem-solving techniques. This training is available through short courses publicized in many occupational safety and health publications or through a consultant. Training objectives are not intended to have workers, supervisors, or managers diagnose or treat WMSDs. Rather, the purpose is to instill an understanding of what type of health problems may be work related and when to refer employees for medical evaluation. The training should include what is known about work and non-work causes of musculoskeletal disorders and the current limitations of scientific knowledge. Training should be understandable to the target audience. Training materials used should consider the participants’ educational levels, literacy abilities, and language skills. This may mean, for example, providing materials, instruction, or assistance in Spanish rather than English. Open and frank interactions between trainers and trainees, especially those in affected jobs, are especially important. Employees know their own jobs better than anyone else and often are the source of good ideas for ways to improve them. At a minimum, employees must be given an opportunity to discuss ergonomic problems in their jobs as they see them and engage in relevant problem-solving exercises during the training. One NIOSH experience in direct worksite training included a demonstration study in which a work group or team approach was adopted for problem-solving. Training efforts to prepare the team to perform this function are described in Exhibit 6. Step 4: GATHERING & EXAMINING EVIDENCE OF WMSDs Once a decision has been made to initiate an ergonomics program, a necessary step is to gather information to determine the scope and characteristics of the problem or potential problem. A variety of techniques and tools have been used; many provide the basis for developing solutions to identified problems. HEALTH AND MEDICAL INDICATORS Following up of Worker Reports Assuring that employees feel free to report, as early as possible, symptoms of physical stress is a key component of any ergonomics program. Early reporting allows corrective measures to be implemented before the effects of a job problem worsen. As mentioned earlier, individual worker complaints that certain jobs cause undue physical fatigue, stress, or discomfort may be signs of ergonomic problems. Following up on these reports, particularly reports of WMSDs, is essential. 200 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Such reports indicate a need to evaluate the jobs to identify any ergonomic risk factors that may contribute to the cause of the symptoms or disorders. Techniques to evaluate jobs are described later. Reviewing OSHA Logs and Other Existing Records Inspecting the logs of injuries and illnesses required by OSHA and school medical records can yield information about the nature of WMSDs, as can workers compensation claims, insurance claims, absentee records, and job transfer applications. Finding workers in certain departments or operations presenting more of these problems than others (and exhibiting the same types of musculoskeletal disorders) would suggest some immediate areas for study with regard to possible risk factors. Jobs with elevated rates of low back musculoskeletal disorders often also have higher risks for acute injuries due to slips and trips or other safety hazards. In these cases, acute musculoskeletal injuries may also be an important problem. NIOSH evaluations of alleged work-related musculoskeletal problems begin with an examination of OSHA and medical records to understand the magnitude and seriousness of such problems. These records may also offer leads to jobs or operations that may cause or contribute to musculoskeletal disorders. Exhibits 7 and 8 illustrate the kind of data one might find, the evaluations made to judge the significance of the data, and their use in targeting jobs for ergonomic risk analysis. Conducting Symptom Surveys In Exhibit 8, entries from OSHA records and other medical reports documented worker disorders, and information from interviews with workers linked the disorders to workplace factors. Interviews or symptom surveys have been used to identify possible WMSDs that might otherwise go unnoticed. In addition to questions about the type, onset, and duration of symptoms, symptom survey forms may include a body map [Corlett and Bishop 1976; Hales and Bertsche 1992] wherein the respondent is asked to locate and rate the level of discomfort experienced in different areas of his or her body. The assumption is that any discomfort or symptoms may be associated with some increased risk for WMSDs. Compared with OSHA logs, symptom surveys provide a more sensitive way to determine who has symptoms and who does not. A disadvantage of symptom questionnaires is their reliance on self-reports. Other factors besides the presence or absence of WMSDs may influence the reporting of symptoms, and the analysis and interpretation of questionnaire data can be complex. Hales and Bertsche [1992] offer one example of a symptom survey form (see Tray 4-B of the Toolbox). Such data collection can help identify specific jobs or job elements deserving an ergonomic analysis. Also needed are other questions dealing with the worker’s perception of job tasks that induce the discomfort. Exhibit 9 describes a NIOSH health hazard evaluation that used a questionnaire to gather relevant symptom data. Using Periodic Medical Examinations A disadvantage of using OSHA logs or school medical information to identify possible cases of WMSDs is the lack of specific or uniform medical information. This limitation may make the identification of WMSDs difficult. One optional approach to overcome this limitation is to have each worker undergo a periodic standardized examination that includes a history and physical examination. Such an examination program should be designed and administered by a health 201 Appendix G-1 (cont.) care provider. NIOSH has undertaken studies in which physical examinations were given to workers to establish the prevalence of upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders and to establish whether evidence of excessive numbers of cases could be related to certain working conditions. One such study is described in Exhibit 10. IDENTIFYING RISK FACTORS IN JOBS Screening Jobs for Risk Factors Health records or medical examinations and symptom surveys may indicate the nature and extent of musculoskeletal problems in the workforce. Efforts to identify jobs or tasks having known risk factors for musculoskeletal problems can provide the groundwork for changes aimed at risk reduction. Even without clear medical evidence, screening jobs for musculoskeletal risk factors can offer a basis for early interventions. (See the "Proactive Ergonomics" section of this primer.) A great deal of ergonomic research has been conducted to identify workplace factors that contribute to the development of musculoskeletal disorders [Kourinka and Forcier 1995; Riihmaki 1991; Garg and Moore 1992; Silverstein et al. 1986; Salvendy and Smith 1981]. NIOSH has recently summarized the epidemiological scientific studies that show a relationship between specific work activities and the development of musculoskeletal disorders [NIOSH 1997]. A variety of nonepidemiological research, including clinical, biomechanical, and psychophysical studies, supports these findings [Pope et al. 1991; Ranney et al. 1995; Szabo and Chidgey 1989; Waters et al. 1993; Chaffin and Andersson 1984; Fransson-Hall et al. 1995; Ulin et al. 1993]. According to the scientific literature, the following are recognized as important risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, especially when occurring at high levels and in combination. Figure 1 provides illustrations of some of these risk factor conditions. In general, knowledge of the relationships between risk factors and the level of risk is still incomplete. Also, individuals vary in their capacity to adjust to the same job demands. Some may be more affected than others. Awkward postures Body postures determine which joints and muscles are used in an activity and the amount of force or stresses that are generated or tolerated. For example, more stress is placed on the spinal discs when lifting, lowering, or handling objects with the back bent or twisted, compared with when the back is straight. Manipulative or other tasks requiring repeated or sustained bending or twisting of the wrists, knees, hips, or shoulders also impose increased stresses on these joints. Activities requiring frequent or prolonged work over shoulder height can be particularly stressful. Forceful exertions (including lifting, pushing, and pulling) Tasks that require forceful exertions place higher loads on the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Increasing force means increasing body demands such as greater muscle exertion along with other physiological changes necessary to sustain an increased effort. Prolonged or recurrent experiences of this type can give rise to not only feelings of fatigue but may also lead to musculoskeletal problems when there is inadequate time for rest or recovery. Force requirements may increase with: 202 Appendix G-1 (cont.) increased weight of a load handled or lifted, increased bulkiness of the load handled or lifted, use of an awkward posture, the speeding up of movements, increased slipperiness of the objects handled (requiring increased grip force), the presence of vibration (e.g., localized vibration from power hand tools leads to use of an increased grip force), use of the index finger and thumb to forcefully grip an object (i.e., a pinch grip compared with gripping the object with your whole hand), and use of small or narrow tool handles that lessen grip capacity. Repetitive motions If motions are repeated frequently (e.g., every few seconds) and for prolonged periods such as an 8-hour shift, fatigue and muscle-tendon strain can accumulate. Tendons and muscles can often recover from the effects of stretching or forceful exertions if sufficient time is allotted between exertions. Effects of repetitive motions from performing the same work activities are increased when awkward postures and forceful exertions are involved. Repetitive actions as a risk factor can also depend on the body area and specific act being performed. (See Table 4 in the main text and Tray 6-B in the Toolbox.) Duration Duration refers to the amount of time a person is continually exposed to a risk factor. Job tasks that require use of the same muscles or motions for long durations increase the likelihood of both localized and general fatigue. In general, the longer the period of continuous work (e.g., tasks requiring sustained muscle contraction), the longer the recovery or rest time required. Contact stresses Repeated or continuous contact with hard or sharp objects such as non-rounded desk edges or unpadded, narrow tool handles may create pressure over one area of the body (e.g., the forearm or sides of the fingers) that can inhibit nerve function and blood flow. Vibration Exposure to local vibration occurs when a specific part of the body comes in contact with a vibrating object, such as a power hand tool. Exposure to whole-body vibration can occur while standing or sitting in vibrating environments or objects, such as when operating heavy-duty vehicles or large machinery. Other conditions Workplace conditions that can influence the presence and magnitude of the risk factors for WMSDs can include cold temperatures, insufficient pauses and rest breaks for recovery, 203 Appendix G-1 (cont.) machine paced work, and unfamiliar or unaccustomed work. In addition to the above conditions, other aspects of organization of work may not only contribute to physical stress but psychological stress as well. Scientific research is examining work factors such as performance monitoring, incentive pay systems, or lack of control by the worker to determine whether these factors have a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system [Moon and Sauter 1996]. Another related area of research is to determine which personal, work, or societal factors contribute to acute musculoskeletal disorders developing into chronic or disabling problems. Screening jobs for these risk factors may involve the following: o Walk-through observational surveys of the work facilities to detect obvious risk factors o Interviews with workers and supervisors to obtain the above information and other data not apparent in walk-through observations, such as time and workload pressures, length of rest breaks, etc. o Use of checklists for scoring job features against a list of risk factors Of the above three methods, the checklist procedure provides the most formal and orderly procedure for screening jobs. Numerous versions of checklists exist in ergonomics manuals. When checklist data is gathered by persons familiar with the job, task, or processes involved, the quality of the data is generally better. Checklist procedures are also typically used in more complete job analyses (described below). Samples of checklists are found in Tray 5 of the Toolbox. While screening tools such as checklists have been widely and successfully used in many ergonomics programs, most have not been scientifically validated. Combining checklist observations with symptoms data offers a means of overcoming uncertainty. Integrating efforts to identify risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders with efforts to identify common safety hazards such as slips and trips should be considered. Jobs with risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders also may have safety hazards. Performing Job Analyses Job analysis breaks a job into its various elements or actions, describes them, measures and quantifies risk factors inherent in the elements, and identifies conditions contributing to the risk factors [Putz-Anderson 1988; Keyserling et al. 1993; Grant et al. 1995; ANSI 1996]. Job analyses are usually done by persons with considerable experience and training in these areas. While most job analyses have common approaches, such as a focus on the same set of risk factors described above, no "standard" protocol exists for conducting a job analysis to assess ergonomic hazards. Most job analyses have several common steps. A complete description of the job is obtained. Employees are often interviewed in order to determine if the way the job is done changes over time. During the job analysis, the job is divided into a number of discrete tasks. Each task is 204 then studied to determine the specific risk factors that occur during the task. Sometimes each risk factor is evaluated in terms of its magnitude, the number of times it occurs during the task, Appendix G-1 (cont.) and how long the risk factor lasts each time it occurs. The tasks of most jobs can be described in terms of (1) the tools, equipment, and materials used to perform the job, (2) the workstation layout and physical environment, and (3) the task demands and organizational climate in which the work is performed. Job screening, as described above, provides some of these data. More definitive procedures for collecting information on these components can include the following: Observing the workers performing the tasks in order to furnish time-activity analysis and job or task cycle data; videotaping the workers is typically done for this purpose Still photos of work postures, workstation layouts, tools, etc., to illustrate the job Workstation measurements (e.g., work surface heights, reach distances) Measuring tool handle sizes, weighing tools and parts, and measuring tool vibration and part dimensions Determining characteristics of work surfaces such as slip resistance, hardness, and surface edges Measuring exposures to heat, cold, and whole body vibration Biomechanical calculations (e.g., muscle force required to accomplish a task or the pressure put on a spinal disc based on the weight of a load lifted, pulled, or pushed) Physiological measures (e.g., oxygen consumption, heart rate) Special questionnaires, interviews, and subjective rating procedures to determine the amount of perceived exertion and the psychological factors influencing work performance While a job analysis enables a person to characterize ergonomic risk factors, the question of what level or amount of exposure is harmful to the musculoskeletal system is a difficult one. Some have argued against the overuse of simple guidelines [Buckle et al. 1992; Leamon 1994], while others have recognized that, despite the limitations of current guidelines, many contain sufficiently useful information to identify potentially risky work activities [Karwowski 1993; Waters et al. 1993; Winkel et al. 1992]. While acknowledging the limitations of current knowledge, NIOSH and others conducting job analyses have used a variety of approaches to provide answers best suited for the specific workplaces under study. One approach calculates the muscle strength required to perform a certain job task and estimates the fraction of the working population that possesses the required strength. A second approach asks workers in the laboratory to judge acceptable work conditions by engaging them in tasks that impose different physical demands. A third method compares the forces generated in a part of the body when performing specific work tasks and compares it with a level believed to be harmful. Tray 6 of the Toolbox section contains references to and information about these and other approaches. NIOSH recommends the use of the NIOSH lifting equation as one useful approach in both the design of new lifting tasks and in the evaluation of existing lifting tasks [Waters et al. 1993; Waters et al. 1994]. Other assessment tools are also available for evaluating such tasks [Chaffin and Andersson 1991; Marras et al. 1993, 1995; Hidalgo et al. 1995]. Population data depicting human strength capacities can be helpful in designing and evaluating jobs [Snook and Ciriello 205 1991]. Tables indicating standing and seated height and reach distances that can accommodate various proportions of the worker population [Kroemer and Kroemer-Elbert 1994] can also be helpful. Comparing job analysis results with such references can yield estimates of the Appendix G-1 (cont.) percentage of the population that may be especially affected by these job conditions. In some NIOSH evaluations, efforts have been made to duplicate the specific stresses observed in the job to calculate forces on joints and limbs and to arrive at risk determinations [Habes and Grant, in press]. Computerized 2- and 3-dimensional biomechanical models can predict the percentage of males and females capable of exerting static forces in certain postures [Chaffin and Andersson 1991]. Westgaard and Winkel [1996, p. 87] recently summarized the strengths and weaknesses of current guidelines by concluding that "at present, guidelines to prevent musculoskeletal disorders can only give directions, not absolute limits." These authors believe the best guidelines must consider the level, duration, and frequency of exposure. Table 4 presents the reference levels or limiting conditions used by NIOSH to rate risk factors of consequence to the musculoskeletal problems under investigation. (For the scientific justification of each guideline or approach, the reader is referred to the references indicated in Table 4.) In some instances these determinations were based on more than one rating procedure. For example, judgments of problematic lifting conditions in many NIOSH investigations have been derived both from use of the NIOSH lifting equation [Waters et al. 1993; Waters et al. 1994] as well as the Michigan computerized 2- and 3-dimensional analyses [Chaffin and Andersson 1991]. The entries in Table 4 are offered as illustrative examples of reference levels or guidelines. The actual risk to each worker depends not only on the current level of exposure to risk factors, but also on their physical capability, their past medical history, concurrent non-work exposures, and many other factors. These reference levels have varying degrees of scientific justification. Each was useful in a specific NIOSH workplace investigation aimed at reducing WMSDs. Setting Priorities In Exhibits 11 to 14, certain job tasks were targeted for more intensive analysis to verify the existence of risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders. In Exhibits 11 and 12, finding cases of musculoskeletal disorders prompted the follow- up analysis. In Exhibit 14, complaints of musculoskeletal discomfort, established through questionnaires, were the basis for sorting out possible work-related causes. The physical demands or risk factors of the job described in Exhibit 13, even without medical or symptom data, presented strong risk implications for potential WMSDs, thus triggering the analysis. These three scenarios offer a basis for setting priorities for undertaking risk factor analyses and implementing control measures. Specifically, jobs associated with cases of musculoskeletal problems deserve the highest consideration in follow-up efforts to identify risk factors and implement control actions. Jobs in which current cases have been identified should receive immediate attention, followed by those in which past records have noted a high incidence or severity of WMSDs despite the lack of current cases. Priority for job analysis and intervention should be given to those jobs in which most people are affected or, in which work method changes are going to be taking place anyway. 206 Jobs associated with worker complaints of fatigue and discomfort should be ranked next in deciding needs for follow-up job analysis and possible interventions. Appendix G-1 (cont.) Finally, where screening efforts suggest the presence of significant risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, more detailed job analyses should be done to assess the problem potential. Ratings of high or extreme levels of risk factors, especially occurring in combination, may indicate a need for control actions. While appearing last in the priority order, taking steps to reduce apparent risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders is a preventative approach. Table 5 summarizes the priority considerations in deciding about the need for job analyses and consequent control interventions for addressing WMSDs. Step 5: DEVELOPING CONTROLS Analyzing jobs to identify factors associated with risks for WMSDs, as discussed in Step 4, lays the groundwork for developing ways to reduce or eliminate ergonomic risk factors for WMSDs. A variety of approaches can help to control these risk factors. TYPES OF CONTROLS A three-tier hierarchy of controls is widely accepted as an intervention strategy for controlling workplace hazards, including ergonomic hazards. The three tiers are as follows: Reducing or eliminating potentially hazardous conditions using engineering controls Changes in work practices administrative controls Use of personal equipment and management policies, sometimes called Engineering Controls The preferred approach to prevent and control WMSDs is to design the job including (1) the workstation layout, (2) selection and use of tools, and (3) work methods to take account of the capabilities and limitations of the workforce. A good match (meaning that the job demands pose no undue stress and strain to the working population as a whole) helps ensure a safe work situation. On the other hand, the presence of risk factors as described in Step 4 represents departures from this goal and would indicate the need for control measures. Engineering control strategies to reduce ergonomic risk factors include the following: Changing the way materials, parts, and products can be transported; for example, using mechanical assist devices to relieve heavy load lifting and carrying tasks or using handles or slotted hand holes in packages requiring manual handling Changing the process or product to reduce worker exposures to risk factors;. Examples include maintaining the fit of plastic molds to reduce the need for manual removal of flashing; using easy-connect electrical terminals to reduce manual forces; modifying containers and parts presentation, such as height-adjustable material bins 207 Changing workstation layout, which might include using height-adjustable workbenches or locating tools and materials within short reaching distances Appendix G-1 (cont.) Changing the way parts, tools, and materials are to be manipulated; examples include using fixtures (clamps, vise-grips, etc.) to hold work pieces to relieve the need for awkward hand and arm positions or suspending tools to reduce weight and allow easier access Changing tool designs—for example, pistol handle grips for knives to reduce wrist bending postures required by straight-handle knives or squeeze-grip-actuated screwdrivers to replace finger-trigger-actuated screwdrivers Changes in materials and fasteners (for example, lighter-weight packaging materials to reduce lifting loads) Changing assembly access and sequence (e.g., removing physical and visual obstructions when assembling components to reduce awkward postures or static exertions). Administrative Controls Administrative controls are management-dictated work practices and policies to reduce or prevent exposures to ergonomic risk factors. Administrative control strategies include (1) changes in job rules and procedures such as scheduling more rest breaks, (2) rotating workers through jobs that are physically tiring, and (3) training workers to recognize ergonomic risk factors and to learn techniques for reducing the stress and strain while performing their work tasks. Although engineering controls are preferred, administrative controls can be helpful as temporary measures until engineering controls can be implemented or when engineering controls are not technically feasible. Since administrative controls do not eliminate hazards, management must assure that the practices and policies are followed. Common examples of administrative control strategies for reducing the risk of WMSDs are as follows: Reducing shift length or curtailing the amount of overtime Rotating workers through several jobs with different physical demands to reduce the stress on limbs and body regions Scheduling more breaks to allow for rest and recovery Broadening or varying the job content to offset certain risk factors (e.g., repetitive motions, static and awkward postures) Adjusting the work pace to relieve repetitive motion risks and give the worker more control of the work process Training in the recognition of risk factors for WMSDs and instruction in work practices that can ease the task demands or burden Personal Equipment: Is It Effective? One of the most controversial questions in the prevention of WMSDs is whether the use of personal equipment worn or used by the employee (such as wrist supports, back belts, or 208 vibration attenuation gloves) is effective. Some consider these devices to be personal protective equipment (PPE). In the field of occupational safety and health, PPE generally provides a barrier between the worker and the hazard source. Respirators, earplugs, safety goggles, chemical aprons, safety shoes, and "hard hats" are all examples of PPE. Whether braces, wrist splints, back belts, and similar devices can be regarded as offering personal protection against Appendix G-1 (cont.) ergonomic hazards remains open to question. Although these devices may, in some situations, reduce the duration, frequency, or intensity of exposure, evidence of their effectiveness in injury reduction is inconclusive. In some instances they may decrease exposure to one kind of regard but increase exposure to another regard because the worker has to "fight" the device to perform his or her work. An example is the use of wrist splints while engaged in work that requires wrist bending. In the health care management section (Step 6), the use of wrist splints or immobilization devices is also briefly discussed. On the basis of a review of the scientific literature completed in 1994, NIOSH concluded that insufficient evidence existed to prove the effectiveness of back belts in preventing back injuries related to manual handling job tasks [NIOSH 1994]. A recent epidemiological study credits mandatory use of back belts in a chain of large retail hardware stores in substantially reducing the rate of low back injuries [Kraus 1996]. Although NIOSH believes this study provides evidence that back belts may be effective in some settings for preventing back injuries, NIOSH still believes that evidence for the effectiveness of back belts is inconclusive. This area is being researched, and the questions about the effectiveness of most personal equipment remain open. Less controversial types of personal equipment are vibration attenuation gloves [NIOSH 1989] and kneepads for carpet layers [Bhattacharya et al. 1985]. But even here, there can be concerns. For example, do the design and fit of the gloves make it harder to grip tools? IMPLEMENTING CONTROLS Ideas for controls can be derived from a variety of sources: Trade associations may have information about good control practices for addressing different problem operations within an industry Insurance companies that offer loss control services to their policyholders Consultants and vendors who deal in ergonomic specialty services and products Visits to other worksites known to have dealt with similar problem operations Ideas from these sources are in addition to those ideas gained from brainstorming with employees who perform the jobs or from work teams engaged in such problem-solving. Implementing controls normally consists of trials or tests of the selected solutions, making modifications or revisions, full-scale implementation, and follow-up on evaluating control effectiveness. Testing and evaluation verify that the proposed solution actually works and identifies any additional enhancements or modifications that may be needed. Employees who perform the job 209 can provide valuable input into the testing and evaluation process. Worker acceptance of the changes put into place is important to the success of the intervention. After the initial testing period, the proposed solution may need to be modified. If so, further testing should be conducted to ensure that the correct changes have been made, followed by full-scale implementation. Designating the personnel responsible, creating a timetable, and Appendix G-1 (cont.) considering the logistics necessary for implementation are elements of the planning needed to ensure the timely implementation of controls. A good idea in general is that ergonomic control efforts start small, targeting those problem conditions which are clearly identified through safety and health data and job analysis information. Moreover, the control actions can be directed to those conditions that appear easy to fix. Early successes can build the confidence and experience needed in later attempts to resolve more complex problems. EVALUATING CONTROL EFFECTIVENESS A follow-up evaluation is necessary to ensure that the newly adopted controls did actually reduce or eliminate the targeted ergonomic risk factors and that new risk factors were not introduced. This follow-up evaluation should use the same risk factor checklist or other method of job analysis that first documented the presence of ergonomic risk factors. If the hazards are not substantially reduced or eliminated, the problem-solving process is not finished. The follow-up may also include a symptom survey, which can be completed in conjunction with the risk-factor checklist or other job analysis method. The results of the follow-up symptom survey can then be compared with the results of the initial symptom survey (if one was performed) to determine the effectiveness of the implemented solutions in reducing symptoms. Because some changes in work methods (and the use of different muscle groups) may actually make employees feel sore or tired for a few days, follow-up should occur no sooner than 1 to 2 weeks after implementation, and a month is preferable. Recognizing this fact may help avoid discarding an otherwise good solution. In addition to the short-term evaluations using job analysis methods and symptom surveys, long-term indicators of the effectiveness of an ergonomics program can include reduction in the incidence rate of musculoskeletal disorders, reduction in the severity rate of musculoskeletal disorders, increase in productivity or the quality of products and services, or reduction in job turnover or absenteeism. The above-mentioned indicators offer bottom-line results in evaluating interventions that have been put into place. Other indicators may also be used that represent in-process or interim accomplishments achieved on the path to building an ergonomic program. For example, these could include the extent of ergonomic training given to the workforce, the number of jobs analyzed for potential problems, and the number of workplace solutions being implemented. 210 While bottom-line results are most telling in terms of defining a successful program, the interim measures allow the total development to be monitored. Appendix G-1 (cont.) Step 6: HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT Organization health care management strategies and policies and health care providers can be an important part of the overall ergonomics program. In general, health care management emphasizes the prevention of impairment and disability through early detection, prompt treatment, and timely recovery [Hales and Bertsche 1992; Parker and Imbus 1992; American National Standards Institute 1996]. Medical management responsibilities fall on employers, employees, and health care providers. EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILITIES The employer can create an environment that encourages early evaluation by a health care provider by taking the following steps: Providing education and training to employees regarding the recognition of the symptoms and signs of WMSDs (see Step 3, Training Building In-House Expertise) and the employer’s procedures for reporting WMSDs Encouraging early reporting of symptoms by employees and prompt evaluating by an appropriate health care provider Giving health care providers the opportunity to become familiar with jobs and job tasks Modifying jobs or accommodating employees who have functional limitations secondary to WMSDs as determined by a health care provider Ensuring, to the extent permitted by law, employee privacy and confidentiality regarding medical conditions identified during an assessment EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES Employees should participate in the health care management process by following applicable workplace safety and health rules, following work practice procedures related to their jobs, and reporting early signs and symptoms of WMSDs. Employees may be faced with conflicting job demands or requirements. Safe work practices or rules may conflict with pressures or incentives to be more productive. 211 HEALTH CARE PROVIDER RESPONSIBILITIES The health care provider should do the following: Acquire experience and training in the evaluation and treatment of WMSDs. Seek information and review materials regarding employee job activities. Ensure employee privacy and confidentiality to the fullest extent permitted by law. Evaluate symptomatic employees including: Appendix G-1 (cont.) o medical histories with a complete description of symptoms, o descriptions of work activities as reported by the employees, o physical examinations appropriate to the presenting symptoms and histories, o initial assessments or diagnoses, o opinions as to whether occupational risk factors caused, contributed to, or exacerbated the conditions, and o examinations to follow-up symptomatic employees and document symptom improvements or resolutions. ISSUES Job Familiarity and Job Placement Evaluations Health care providers who evaluate employees, determine employees’ functional capabilities, and prepare opinions regarding work relatedness should be familiar with employee jobs and job tasks. With specific knowledge of the physical demands involved in various jobs and the physical capabilities or limitations of employees, the health care provider can match the employees’ capabilities with appropriate jobs. Being familiar with employee jobs not only assists the health care provider in making informed case management decisions, but also assists with the identification of ergonomic hazards and alternative job tasks. One of the best ways for a health care provider to become familiar with jobs and job tasks is by periodic workplace walk-throughs. Once familiar with plant operations and job tasks, the health care provider should periodically revisit the facility to remain knowledgeable about changing working conditions. Other approaches that may help the health care provider to become familiar with jobs and job tasks include reviewing job analysis reports, detailed job descriptions, job safety analyses, and photographs or videotapes that are accompanied by narrative or written descriptions of the jobs. Early Reporting and Access to Health Care Providers Employees reporting symptoms or signs of potential WMSDs should have the opportunity for prompt evaluation by a health care provider. In general, the earlier that symptoms are identified and treatment is initiated, the less likely a more serious disorder will develop. Employers should not establish policies that discourage employees from reporting symptoms. For example, programs that link a manager’s earnings to the number of employees reporting symptoms may discourage supervisors from allowing symptomatic employees to be evaluated by the health 212 care provider. Employees should not fear discipline or discrimination on the basis of such reporting. Treatment Health care providers are responsible for determining the physical capabilities and work restrictions of the affected workers. The employer is responsible for giving an employee a task consistent with these restrictions. Appendix G-1 (cont.) Until effective controls are installed, employee exposure to ergonomic stressors can be reduced through restricted duty and/or temporary job transfer. Complete removal from the work environment should be avoided unless the employer is unable to accommodate the prescribed work restrictions. Immobilization devices, such as splints or supports, can provide relief to the symptomatic area in some cases. These devices are especially effective off the job, particularly during sleep. They should not be used as prophylactic PPE to prevent the development of WMSDs. Therefore, these devices should be dispensed to individuals with WMSDs only by health care providers who have knowledge of the benefits and possible negatives of these devices. Wrist splints, typically worn by patients with possible carpal tunnel syndrome, should not be worn at work unless the health care provider determines that the employee s job tasks do not require wrist bending. Employees who struggle to perform a task requiring wrist bending with a splint designed to prevent wrist bending can exacerbate symptoms in the wrist because of the increased force needed to overcome the splint. Splinting may also cause other joint areas (elbows or shoulders) to become symptomatic as work techniques are altered. Recommended periods of immobilization vary from several weeks to months depending on the nature and severity of the disorder. Any immobilization should be monitored carefully to prevent complications (e.g., muscle atrophy caused by nonuse). The health care provider should advise affected employees about the potential risk of continuing hobbies, recreational activities, or other personal habits that may adversely affect their condition as well as the risk of continuing work without job modifications. Oral medications such as aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIA) are useful to reduce the severity of symptoms. However, their gastrointestinal and kidney side effects make their use among employees who have no symptoms inappropriate and may limit their usefulness among employees with chronic symptoms. In short, NSAIA should not be used preventively. Step 7: PROACTIVE ERGONOMICS 213 Proactive approaches to workplace ergonomics programs emphasize prevention of WMSDs through recognizing, anticipating, and reducing risk factors in the planning stages of new work processes. PROACTIVE VERSUS REACTIVE APPROACHES To this point, the elements outlined in this primer and illustrated by NIOSH experiences have represented reactive approaches to dealing with workplace ergonomic problems. The steps have offered a plan for identifying problems, specifically WMSDs and job risk factors linked to them, and selecting and implementing measures for controlling them. In contrast, proactive approaches are geared to preventing these kinds of problems from developing in the first place. Proactive ergonomics emphasize efforts at the design stage of work processes to recognize Appendix G-1 (cont.) needs for avoiding risk factors that can lead to musculoskeletal problems (in effect, to design operations that ensure proper selection and use of tools, job methods, workstation layouts, and materials that impose no undue stress and strain on the worker). One set of guidelines for this purpose can be found in Tray 9 of the Toolbox. Others are illustrated in various ergonomic manuals listed in Tray 10 of the Toolbox. ESSENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Ergonomics issues are identified and resolved in the planning process. In addition, general ergonomic knowledge, learned from an ongoing ergonomics program, can be used to build a more prevention-oriented approach. Management commitment and employee involvement in the planning activity are essential. For example, management can set policy to require ergonomic considerations for any equipment to be purchased, and production employees can offer ideas on the basis of their past experiences for alleviating potential problems. 2. Decision-makers planning new work processes, especially those involved in the design of job tasks, equipment, and workplace layout, must become more aware of ergonomic factors and principles. Designers must have appropriate information and guidelines about risk factors for WMSDs and ways to control them. Studying past designs of jobs in terms of risk factors can offer useful input into their deliberations about needed improvements. 3. Design strategies emphasize fitting job demands to the capabilities and limitations of workers. Deciding which functions can be done best by machines and which by people is a primary objective. For example, for tasks requiring heavy materials handling and transport, ready use of mechanical assist devices to reduce the need for manual handling would be designed into the process. Large-sized units could be broken into smaller, more manageable ones, and equipment could be selected that most helps the workers using it. 4. Design strategies try to target the causes of potential musculoskeletal problems. For this reason, engineering approaches are preferred over administrative ones because they eliminate the risk factors as opposed to simply reducing exposure to them. For example, having machines do monotonous, repetitive, forceful work is better than subjecting workers to these risk factors. Administrative controls (such as worker rotation or allowing more rest breaks) remain stop-gap measures. They are not permanent solutions. 214 Appendix G-1 (cont.) General Workstation Design Principles* 1. Make the workstation adjustable, enabling both large and small persons to fit comfortably and reach materials easily. 2. Locate all materials and tools in front of the worker to reduce twisting motions. Provide sufficient work space for the whole body to turn. 3. Avoid static loads, fixed work postures, and job requirements in which operators must frequently or for long periods: a. lean to the front or the side, b. hold a limb in a bent or extended position, c. tilt the head forward more than 15 degrees, or d. support the body's weight with one leg. 4. Set the work surface above elbow height for tasks involving fine visual details and below elbow height for tasks requiring downward forces and heavy physical effort. 5. Provide adjustable, properly designed chairs with the following features: a. adjustable seat height, b. adjustable up and down back rest, including a lumbar (lower-back) support, c. padding that will not compress more than an inch under the weight of a seated individual, and d. a chair that is stable to floor at all times (5-leg base). 6. Allow the workers, at their discretion, to alternate between sitting and standing. Provide floor mats or padded surfaces for prolonged standing. 7. Support the limbs: provide elbow, wrist, arm, foot, and back rests as needed and feasible. 8. Use gravity to move materials. 9. Design the workstation so that arm movements are continuous and curved. Avoid straight-line, jerking arm motions. 10. Design so arm movements pivot about the elbow rather than around the shoulder to avoid stress on shoulder, neck, and upper back. 11. Design the primary work area so that arm movements or extensions of more than 15 inches are minimized. 12. Provide dials and displays that are simple, logical, and easy to read, reach, and operate. 13. Eliminate or minimize the effects of undesirable environmental conditions such as excessive noise, heat, humidity, cold, and poor illumination. *Adapted from design checklists developed by Dave Ridyard, CPE, CIH, CSP. Applied Ergonomics Technology, 270 Mather Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046–3129. 215 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Design Principles for Repetitive Hand and Wrist Tasks* 1. Reduce the number of repetitions per shift. Where possible, substitute full or semiautomated systems. 2. Maintain neutral (handshake) wrist positions: a. Design jobs and select tools to reduce extreme flexion or deviation of the wrist. b. Avoid inward and outward rotation of the forearm when the wrist is bent to minimize elbow c. Disorders (i.e., tennis elbow). 3. Reduce the force or pressure on the wrists and hands: a. Wherever possible, reduce the weight and size of objects that must be handled repeatedly b. Avoid tools that create pressure on the base of the palm which can obstruct blood flow and nerve function c. Avoid repeated pounding with the base of the palm d. Avoid repetitive, forceful pressing with the finger tips. 4. Design tasks so that a power rather than a finger pinch grip can be used to grasp materials. Note that a pinch grip is five times more stressful than a power grip. 5. Avoid reaching more than 15 inches in front of the body for materials: a. Avoid reaching above shoulder height, below waist level, or behind the body to minimize shoulder disorders b. Avoid repetitive work that requires full arm extension (i.e., the elbow held straight and the arm extended). 6. Provide support devices where awkward body postures (elevated hands or elbows and extended arms) must be maintained. Use fixtures to relieve stressful hand/arm positions. 7. Select power tools and equipment with features designed to control or limit vibration transmissions to the hands, or alternatively design work methods to reduce time or need to hold vibrating tools. 8. Provide for protection of the hands if working in a cold environment. Furnish a selection of glove sizes and sensitize users to problems of forceful ove- gripping when worn. 9. Select and use properly designed hand tools (e.g., grip size of tool handles should accommodate majority of workers). *Adapted from design checklists developed by Dave Ridyard, CPE, CIH, CSP. Applied Ergonomics Technology, 270 Mather Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046–3129. 216 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Hand Tool Use and Selection Principles* 1. Maintain straight wrists. Avoid bending or rotating the wrists. Remember, bend the tool, not the wrist. A variety of bent-handle tools are commercially available. 2. Avoid static muscle loading. Reduce both the weight and size of the tool. Do not raise or extend elbows when working with heavy tools. Provide counter-balanced support devices for larger, heaver tools. 3. Avoid stress on soft tissues. Stress concentrations result from poorly designed tools that exert pressure on the palms or fingers. Examples include short-handled pliers and tools with finger grooves that do not fit the worker's hand. 4. Reduce grip force requirements. The greater the effort to maintain control of a hand tool, the higher the potential for injury. A compressible gripping surface rather than hard plastic may alleviate this problem. 5. Whenever possible, select tools that use a full-hand power grip rather than a precision finger grip. 6. Maintain optimal grip span. Optimum grip spans for pliers, scissors, or tongs, measured from the fingers to the base of the thumb, range from 6 to 9 cm. The recommended handle diameters for circular-handle tools such as screwdrivers are 3 to 5 cm when a power grip is required, and 0.75 to 1.5 cm when a precision finger grip is needed. 7. Avoid sharp edges and pinch points. Select tools that will not cut or pinch the hands even when gloves are not worn. 8. Avoid repetitive trigger-finger actions. Select tools with large switches that can be operated with all four fingers. Proximity switches are the most desirable triggering mechanism. 9. Isolate hands from heat, cold, and vibration. Heat and cold can cause loss of manual dexterity and increased grip strength requirements. Excessive vibration can cause reduced blood circulation in the hands causing a painful condition known as white-finger syndrome. 10. Wear gloves that fit. Gloves reduce both strength and dexterity. Tight-fitting gloves can put pressure on the hands, while loose-fitting gloves reduce grip strength and pose other safety hazards (e.g., snagging). *Adapted from design checklists developed by Dave Ridyard, CPE, CIH, CSP. Applied Ergonomics Technology, 270 Mather Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046–3129. 217 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Design Principles for Lifting and Lowering Tasks* 1. Optimize material flow through the workplace by a. reducing manual lifting of materials to a minimum, b. establishing adequate receiving, storage, and shipping facilities, and c. maintaining adequate clearances in aisle and access areas. 2. Eliminate the need to lift or lower manually by a. increasing the weight to a point where it must be mechanically handled, b. palletizing handling of raw materials and products, and c. using unit load concept (bulk handling in large bins or containers). 3. Reduce the weight of the object by a. reducing the weight and capacity of the container, b. reducing the load in the container, and c. limiting the quantity per container to suppliers. 4. Reduce the hand distance from the body by a. changing the shape of the object or container so that it can be held closer to the body, b. and providing grips or handles for enabling the load to be held closer to the body. 5. Convert load lifting, carrying, and lowering movements to a push or pull by providing a. conveyors, b. ball caster tables, c. hand trucks, and d. four-wheel carts. *Adapted from design checklists developed by Dave Ridyard, CPE, CIH, CSP. Applied Ergonomics Technology, 270 Mather Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046–3129. 218 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Design Principles for Pushing and Pulling Tasks* 1. Eliminate the need to push or pull by using the following mechanical aids, when applicable: a. conveyors (powered and non-powered) b. powered trucks c. lift tables d. slides or chutes 2. Reduce the force required to push or pull by a. reducing side and/or weight of load; b. using four-wheel trucks or dollies; c. using non-powered conveyors; d. requiring that wheels and casters on hand-trucks or dollies have (1) periodic lubrication of bearings, (2) adequate maintenance, and (3) proper sizing (provide larger diameter wheels and casters); e. maintaining the floors to eliminate holes and bumps; and f. requiring surface treatment of floors to reduce friction. 3. Reduce the distance of the push or pull by a. moving receiving, storage, production, or shipping areas closer to work production areas, and b. improving the production process to eliminate unnecessary materials handling steps. 4. Optimize the technique of the push or pull by a. providing variable-height handles so that both short and tall employees can maintain an elbow bend of 80 to 100 degrees, b. replacing a pull with a push whenever possible, and c. using ramps with a slope of less than 10%. *Adapted from design checklists developed by Dave Ridyard, CPE, CIH, CSP. Applied Ergonomics Technology, 270 Mather Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046–3129. 219 Appendix G-1 (cont.) Design Principles for Carrying Tasks* 1. Eliminate the need to carry by rearranging the workplace to eliminate unnecessary materials movement and using the following mechanical handling aids, when applicable: a. Conveyors (all kinds) b. Lift trucks and hand trucks c. Tables or slides between workstations d. Four-wheel carts or dollies e. Air or gravity press ejection systems 2. Reduce the weight that is carried by a. reducing the weight of the object, b. reducing the weight of the container, c. reducing the load in the container, and d. reducing the quantity per container to suppliers. 3. Reduce the bulk of the materials that are carried by a. reducing the size or shape of the object or container, b. providing handles or hand-grips that allow materials to be held close to the body, and c. assigning the job to two or more persons. 4. Reduce the carrying distance by a. moving receiving, storage, or shipping areas closer to production areas, and b. using powered and non-powered conveyors. 5. Convert carry to push or pull by a. using nonpowered conveyors, and b. using hand trucks and push carts. *Adapted from design checklists developed by Dave Ridyard, CPE, CIH, CSP. Applied Ergonomics Technology, 270 Mather Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046-3129. 220 Appendix G-2 Ergonomic Handling and Storage of Materials Introduction Proper handling and storing materials involve diverse operations such as hoisting heavy materials with a crane; driving a truck loaded with concrete blocks; carrying bags or materials manually; and stacking palletized bricks or other materials such as drums, barrels, kegs, and lumber. The improper handling and storing of materials often result in costly injuries. Basic Safety and Health Principles Injuries resulting from handling and storing materials can be reduced by using some basic safety procedures such as adopting sound ergonomics practices, taking general fire safety precautions, and keeping aisles and passageways clear. What Is Ergonomics? Ergonomics is defined as the study of work and is based on the principle that the job should be adapted to fit the person rather than forcing the person to fit the job. Ergonomics focuses on the work environment, such as its design and function, as well as items—such as the design and function of work stations, controls, displays, safety devices, tools, and lighting to fit the individuals’ physical requirements and to ensure their health and well being. Ergonomics includes restructuring or changing workplace conditions, to make the job easier, and reducing stressors that cause musculoskeletal disorders. In the area of materials handling and storing, ergonomic principles may require controls such as reducing the size or weight of the objects lifted, installing a mechanical lifting aid, or changing the height of a pallet or shelf. Although no approach completely eliminates back injuries resulting from lifting materials, you can prevent a substantial number of lifting injuries by implementing an effective ergonomics program and by training your workers in appropriate lifting techniques. Moving, Handling, And Storing Materials In addition to training and education, applying general safety principles—such as proper work practices, equipment, and controls—can help reduce workplace accidents involving the moving, handling, and storing of materials. Whether moving materials manually or mechanically, you should know and understand the potential hazards associated with the task at hand and how to control the workplace to minimize the danger. Because numerous injuries can result from improperly handling and storing materials, you should also be aware of accidents that may result from the unsafe or improper handling of equipment as well as from improper work practices. In addition, you should be able to recognize the methods for eliminating—or at least minimizing—the occurrence of such accidents. Workplaces should examined to detect any unsafe or unhealthful conditions, practices, or equipment and be corrective action should be taken. 221 Appendix G-2 (cont.) Potential Hazards Workers frequently cite the weight and bulkiness of objects that they lift as major contributing factors to their injuries. In 1999, for example, more than 420,000 workplace accidents resulted in back injuries. Bending, followed by twisting and turning, were the more commonly cited movements that caused back injuries. Other hazards include falling objects, improperly stacked materials, and various types of equipment. You should make your workers aware of potential injuries that can occur when manually moving materials, including the following: Strains and sprains from lifting loads improperly or from carrying loads that are either too large or too heavy, Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being caught in pinch points, and Cuts and bruises caused by falling materials that have been improperly stored or by incorrectly cutting ties or other securing devices. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS When moving materials manually: When moving materials manually, workers should attach handles or holders to loads. In addition, workers should always wear appropriate personal protective equipment and use proper lifting techniques. To prevent injury from oversize loads, workers should seek help in the following: When a load is so bulky that it cannot be properly grasped or lifted, When workers cannot see around or over a load, or When workers cannot safely handle a load. Using the following personal protective equipment prevents needless injuries when manually moving materials: Hand and forearm protection, such as gloves, for loads with sharp or rough edges. Eye protection. Steel-toed safety shoes or boots. Metal, fiber, or plastic metatarsal guards to protect the instep area from impact or compression. See OSHA’s booklet, Personal Protective Equipment (OSHA 3077), for additional information. Blocking materials should be used to manage loads safely. Workers should also be cautious when placing blocks under a raised load to ensure that the load is not released before removing their hands from under the load. Blocking materials and timbers should be large and strong enough to support the load safely. In addition to materials with cracks, workers should not use materials with rounded corners, splintered pieces, or dry rot for blocking. 222 Appendix G-2 (cont.) When moving materials mechanically: Using mechanical equipment to move and store materials increases the potential for injury to workers. Workers must be made aware of both manual handling safety concerns and safe equipment operating techniques. Overloading equipment when moving materials mechanically by letting the weight, size, and shape of the material being moved dictate the type of equipment used should be avoided. All materials-handling equipment has rated capacities that determine the maximum weight the equipment can safely handle and the conditions under which it can handle that weight. It must ensure that the equipment-rated capacity is displayed on each piece of equipment and is not exceeded except for load testing. Although workers may be knowledgeable about powered equipment, they should take precautions when stacking and storing material. When picking up items with a powered industrial truck, the following precautions should be taken: Center the load on the forks as close to the mast as possible to minimize the potential for the truck tipping or the load falling, Avoid overloading a lift truck because it impairs control and causes tipping over, Do not place extra weight on the rear of a counterbalanced forklift to allow an overload, Adjust the load to the lowest position when traveling, Follow the truck manufacturer’s operational requirements, and Pile and cross-tier all stacked loads correctly when possible. Avoiding storage hazards Stored materials must not create a hazard. Workers should be made aware of such factors as the materials’ height and weight, how accessible the stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the containers where the materials are being stored when stacking and piling materials. The following should be done to prevent creating hazards when storing materials: Keep storage areas free from accumulated materials that cause tripping, fires, or explosions, or that may contribute to the harboring of rats and other pests; Place stored materials inside buildings that are under construction and at least 6 feet from hoist ways, or inside floor openings and at least 10 feet away from exterior walls; Separate non-compatible material; and Equip workers who work on stored grain in silos, hoppers, or tanks, with lifelines and safety belts. In addition, workers should consider placing bound material on racks, and secure it by stacking, blocking, or interlocking to prevent it from sliding, falling, or collapsing. 223 Appendix G-2 (cont.) Stacking Materials Safeguards Stacking materials can be dangerous if workers do not follow safety guidelines. Falling materials and collapsing loads can crush or pin workers, causing injuries or death. To help prevent injuries when stacking materials, workers must do the following: Stack lumber no more than 16 feet high if it is handled manually, and no more than 20 feet if using a forklift; Remove all nails from used lumber before stacking; Stack and level lumber on solidly supported bracing; Ensure that stacks are stable and self-supporting; Do not store pipes and bars in racks that face main aisles to avoid creating a hazard to passersby when removing supplies; Stack bags and bundles in interlocking rows to keep them secure; and Stack bagged material by stepping back the layers and cross-keying the bags at least every ten layers (to remove bags from the stack, start from the top row first). During materials stacking activities, workers must also do the following: Store baled paper and rags inside a building no closer than 18 inches to the walls, partitions, or sprinkler heads; Band boxed materials or secure them with cross-ties or shrink plastic fiber; Stack drums, barrels, and kegs symmetrically; Block the bottom tiers of drums, barrels, and kegs to keep them from rolling if stored on their sides; Place planks, sheets of plywood dunnage, or pallets between each tier of drums, barrels, and kegs to make a firm, flat, stacking surface when stacking on end; Chock the bottom tier of drums, barrels, and kegs on each side to prevent shifting in either direction when stacking two or more tiers high; and Stack and block poles as well as structural steel, bar stock, and other cylindrical materials to prevent spreading or tilting unless they are in racks. In addition, workers should do the following: Paint walls or posts with stripes to indicate maximum stacking heights for quick reference; Observe height limitations when stacking materials; Consider the need for availability of the material; and Stack loose bricks no more than 7 feet in height. (When these stacks reach a height of 4 feet, taper them back inches for every foot of height above the 4-foot level. When masonry blocks are stacked higher than 6 feet, taper the stacks back one-half block for each tier above the 6-foot level.) 224 Appendix G-2 (cont.) Important Safety Measures To reduce the number of accidents associated with workplace equipment, workers must be trained in the proper use and limitations of the equipment they operate. In addition to powered industrial trucks, this includes knowing how to safely and effectively use equipment such as conveyors, cranes, and slings. Conveyor Safety Measures When using conveyors, workers may get their hands caught in nip points where the conveyor medium runs near the frame or over support members or rollers. Workers also may be struck by material falling off the conveyor, or they may get caught in the conveyor and drawn into the conveyor path as a result. To prevent or reduce the severity of an injury, the following precautions should be taken: Install an emergency button or pull cord designed to stop the conveyor at the work station. Install emergency stop cables that extend the entire length of continuously accessible conveyor belts so that the cables can be accessed from any location along the conveyor. Design the emergency stop switch so that it must be reset before the conveyor can be restarted. Ensure that appropriate personnel inspect the conveyor and clear the stoppage before restarting a conveyor that has stopped due to an overload. Prohibit workers from riding on a materials-handling conveyor. Provide guards where conveyors pass over work areas or aisles to keep workers from being struck by falling material. (If the crossover is low enough for workers to run into it, mark the guard with a warning sign or paint it a bright color.) Cover screw conveyors completely except at loading and discharging points. (At those points, guards must protect workers against contacting the moving screw. The guards are movable, and they must be interlocked to prevent conveyor movement when the guards are not in place.) Cranes Safety Measures Only thoroughly trained and competent workers must be permitted to operate cranes. Operators should know what they are lifting and what it weighs. For example, the rated capacity of mobile cranes varies with the length of the boom and the boom radius. When a crane has a telescoping boom, a load may be safe to lift at a short boom length or a short boom radius, but may overload the crane when the boom is extended and the radius increases. To reduce the severity of an injury, the following precautions should be taken: Equip all cranes that have adjustable booms with boom angle indicators. 225 Appendix G-2 (cont.) Provide cranes with telescoping booms with some means to determine boom lengths unless the load rating is independent of the boom length. Post load rating charts in the cab of cab-operated cranes. (All cranes do not have uniform capacities for the same boom length and radius in all directions around the chassis of the vehicle.) Require workers to always check the crane’s load chart to ensure that the crane will not be overloaded by operating conditions. Instruct workers to plan lifts before starting them to ensure that they are safe. Tell workers to take additional precautions and exercise extra care when operating around power lines. Teach workers that outriggers on mobile cranes must rest on firm ground, on timbers, or be sufficiently cribbed to spread the weight of the crane and the load over a large enough area. (Some mobile cranes cannot operate with outriggers in the traveling position.) Direct workers to always keep hoisting chains and ropes free of kinks or twists and never wrapped around a load. Train workers to attach loads to the load hook by slings, fixtures, and other devices that have the capacity to support the load on the hook. Instruct workers to pad sharp edges of loads to prevent cutting slings. Teach workers to maintain proper sling angles so that slings are not loaded in excess of their capacity. Ensure that all cranes are inspected frequently by persons thoroughly familiar with the crane, the methods of inspecting the crane, and what can make the crane unserviceable. Crane activity, the severity of use, and environmental conditions should determine inspection schedules. Ensure that the critical parts of a crane—such as crane operating mechanisms, hooks, air, or hydraulic system components and other load-carrying components—are inspected daily for any maladjustment, deterioration, leakage, deformation, or other damage. Safe Use of Slings A competent person must be designated to conduct inspections of slings before and during use, especially when service conditions warrant. In addition, you must ensure that workers observe the following precautions when working with slings: Remove immediately damaged or defective slings from service. Do not shorten slings with knots or bolts or other makeshift devices. Do not kink sling legs. Do not load slings beyond their rated capacity. Keep suspended loads clear of all obstructions. 226 Appendix G-2 (cont.) Remain clear of loads about to be lifted and suspended. Do not engage in shock loading. Avoid sudden crane acceleration and deceleration when moving suspended loads. Training and Education OSHA recommends that a formal training program be established to teach workers how to recognize and avoid materials handling hazards. Instructors should be well versed in safety engineering and materials handling and storing. The training should reduce workplace hazards by emphasizing the following factors: Dangers of lifting without proper training. Avoidance of unnecessary physical stress and strain. Awareness of what a worker can comfortably handle without undue strain. Use of equipment properly. Recognition of potential hazards and how to prevent or correct them. Special Training Emphasis Injuries Because of the high incidence of back injuries, both administration and students should demonstrate and practice safe manual lifting techniques. Training programs on proper lifting techniques should cover the following topics: Health risks of improper lifting, citing organizational case histories, vs. the benefits of proper lifting. Basic anatomy of the spine, muscles, and joints of the trunk, and the contributions of intra-abdominal pressure while lifting. Body strengths and weaknesses—determining one’s own lifting capacity. Physical factors that might contribute to an accident and how to avoid the unexpected. Safe postures for lifting and timing for smooth, easy lifting. Aids such as stages, platforms, or steps, trestles, shoulder pads, handles, and wheels. Body responses—warning signals—to be aware of when lifting. 227 Appendix G-2 (cont.) How to make training programs more effective? An ongoing safety and health training program, can motivate workers to continue using necessary protective gear and observing proper procedures. Instituting such a program, along with providing the correct materials handling equipment, can enhance worker safety and health in the area of materials handling and storing. More training information is located at For more help, contact the OSHA Training Institute or the regional or area office nearest to you. OSHA Assistance OSHA can provide extensive help through a variety of programs, including technical assistance about effective safety and health programs, state plans, workplace consultations, voluntary protection programs, strategic partnerships, and training and education, and more. Safety and health add value to your business, to your work, and to your life. OSHA Training and Education OSHA’s area offices offer a variety of information services, such as compliance assistance, technical advice, publications, audiovisual aids and speakers for special engagements. OSHA Internet Information OSHA has a variety of materials and tools available on its website– These include e-Tools such as Expert Advisors, Electronic Compliance Assistance Tools (e-CATs), Technical Links; regulations, directives, publications; videos, and other information. OSHA’s software programs and compliance assistance tools walk you through challenging safety and health issues and common problems to find the best solutions for your workplace. OSHA’s CD-ROM includes standards, interpretations, directives, and more and can be purchased on CD-ROM from the U.S. Government Printing Office. To order, write to the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954 or phone (202) 512-1800. Specify OSHA Regulations, Documents and Technical Information on CD-ROM (ORDT), GPO Order No. S/N 729-013-00000- 5. The price is $53 per year ($66.25 foreign); $15 per single copy ($18.75 foreign). Related Publications Single free copies of the following publications can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA/OSHA Publications Office, P.O. Box 37535, Washington, DC 20013-7535. Send a self-addressed mailing label with your request. Publications may also be ordered from 228 Appendix G-2 (cont.) Concrete and Masonry Construction – OSHA 3106 Personal Protective Equipment – OSHA 3077 Sling Safety – OSHA 3072 The following publications are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Phone orders: 1-866-512-1800 (toll free); 202-512-1800 (Metro DC). Or visit GPO online at for current ordering and pricing information. Assessing the Need for Personal Protective Equipment: A Guide for Small Business Employers (OSHA 3151). Ergonomics: The Study of Work (OSHA 3125). Job Hazard Analysis (OSHA 3071). Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1900 to 1910.999 (General Industry Standards). Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1910.1000 to End (General Industry Standards). Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1926 (Construction). Information may also be obtained from the following OSHA offices: OSHA Regional Office Region VI (AR, LA, NM,* OK, TX) 525 Griffin Street, Room 602 Dallas, TX 75202 (214) 767-4731 or 4736 x224 OSHA Area Office Baton Rouge, LA (225) 389-0474 (0431) OSHA Consultation Projects Baton Rouge, LA (225) 342-9601 Excerpted from: OSHA Booklet 2236, 2002 (Revised) 229 Appendix G-3 ERGONOMICALLY CORRECT LIFTING TECHNIQUES Lifting is strenuous and requires proper training and technique in order to perform it safely. By lifting with your large, strong leg muscles instead of the small muscles of the back, you can prevent back injuries and reduce low back pain. The following guidelines are provided describing the various lifts that can be performed depending upon the load. A medium sized box may be used to demonstrate the techniques below. 1. Basic Lift This lift is the most common method of good lifting technique. Use the basic lift for objects small enough to straddle where you have enough room to use a wide stance. a. Get close to the object. b. Stand with a wide stance; put one foot forward and to the side of the object. c. Keep your back straight, push your buttocks out, and use your legs and hips to lower yourself down to the object. Move the load as close to you as possible. If the box has handles, grasp the handles firmly and go to step (i). d. e. f. h. Put the hand (that is on the same side of your body as the forward foot) on the side of the object furthest from you. Put the other hand on the side of the object closest to you. Your hands should be on opposite corners of the object. Grasp the object firmly with both hands. i. Prepare for the lift: look forward. g. j. Lift upwards following your head and shoulders. Hold the load close to your body. Lift by extending your legs with your back straight, your buttocks out, and breathe out as you lift. Note: If you are doing this lift correctly, your head will lift up first, followed by your straight back. If your hips come up first and you must bend your back as you straighten up, you are doing this lift incorrectly. 2. Power Lift Use the power lift for objects too large for you to straddle. This lift is very similar to the basic lift. In the power lift, the object shifts your center of gravity forward, and you must push your buttocks out to compensate. (Professional weight lifters lift using this position). a. Put one foot in front of the other using a wide stance. b. Keep your back straight, push your buttocks out and use your legs and hips to lower yourself down to the object. c. Move the load as close to you as possible. d. Grasp the object firmly with both hands. e. Prepare for the lift: look forward. 230 Appendix G-3 (cont.) f. Lift upwards following your head and shoulders. Hold the load close to your body. Lift by extending your legs with your back straight, your buttocks out (exaggerate this position), and breathe out as you lift. 3. Tripod Lift Use the tripod lift for objects with uneven weight distribution (example: sacks of food). This lift is recommended for people with decreased arm strength. Not recommended for people with bad knees. a. Put one foot next to the object. Keep your back straight, push your buttocks out and slowly lower yourself down onto one knee. (For support as you lower yourself down, put one hand on a stool or on your thigh for support). b. Position the object close to the knee on the ground. c. Grasp the object firmly with both hands. d. Slide the object from the knee on the ground to mid-thigh. Keep your head forward, your back straight, and your buttocks out, and lift the object onto the opposite thigh. e. Put both of your forearms under the object (with your palms facing upward) and hug the object to your stomach and chest. f. Prepare for the lift: look forward. g. Lift upwards following your head and shoulders. Hold the load close to your body. Lift by extending your legs with your back straight, your buttocks out, and breathe out as you lift. 4. Partial Squat Lift Use the partial squat lift for small light objects with handles close to knee height. a. Stand with the object close to your side. b. Place your feet shoe-width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the other. c. Place one hand on a fixed surface (such as a table or stool) or on your thigh. d. Keep your back straight, push your buttocks out and slowly lower yourself down to reach the object’s handles. e. Prepare for the lift: grasp the object and look forward. f. For support as you lift, push down on the fixed surface (or on your thigh). g. Lift upwards following your head and shoulders. Lift by extending your legs with your back straight, your buttocks out, and breathe out as you lift. 5. Golfer’s Lift Use the golfer’s lift for small light objects in deep bins and to pick small objects off the floor. This lift is recommended for people with knee problems or decreased leg strength. a. Place hand near the edge of a fixed surface (such as the edge of a table or bin). This hand will support your upper body during the lift. b. Keep your back straight and raise one leg straight out behind you as you lean down to pick up the object. The weight of your leg will counterbalance the weight of your upper body. 231 Appendix G-3 (cont.) c. Grasp the object firmly. d. Prepare for the lift: look forward. Keep your leg raised as you initiate the lift. e. To lift, push down on the fixed surface as you lower your leg. Keep your back straight and breathe out as you lift. 6. Straight Leg Lift Use the straight leg lift when obstacles prevent you from bending your knees. Be careful! Lifts over obstacles that prevent you from bending your knees put you at increased risk for muscle strain. If possible, avoid this lift. a. Stand as close to the object as possible with knees slightly bent. b. Do not bend your waist! Push your buttocks out. c. If the obstacle (object preventing you from bending your knees) is stable, lean your legs against the obstacle for support. Use your legs and hips to lower yourself down to the object. d. Grasp the object firmly with both hands. e. Prepare for the lift: look forward. F. Lift upwards following your head and shoulders. Hold the load close to your body. Lift by extending your legs with your back straight, your buttocks out (exaggerate this position), and breathe out as you lift. 7. Pivot Technique When you must lift an object and then turn to carry it away, it is common to twist the body. Twisting while lifting can cause serious damage to the tissues of the back. Use the pivot technique to avoid twisting while lifting. a. Lift the load using any of the previous techniques. b. Hold the load very close to your body at waist level. c. Turn the leading foot 90 degrees toward the direction you want to turn. d. Bring the lagging foot next to the leading foot. Do not twist your body! 232 Appendix G-4 Whole-Body & Hand/Arm Vibration Whole-body vibration is experienced in any work condition that involves sitting, standing, or lying on a vibrating surface. Excessive levels and durations of exposure to whole-body vibrations may contribute to back pain and performance problems. If you spend a considerable amount of your workday on a vibrating seat or floor and experience any of the following signs or symptoms, contact the Office of Health and Safety and/or the Occupational Health Clinic: Blurred vision Decrease in manual coordination Drowsiness (even with proper rest) Low back pain Insomnia Headaches or upset stomach Vibrating hand tools or work pieces can transmit vibrations to the holder, and depending on the vibration level and duration factors, may contribute to Raynaud’s syndrome or vibration-induced white finger disorders. These disorders show a progression of symptoms beginning with occasional or intermittent numbness or blanching of the tips of a few fingers to more persistent attacks, affecting greater parts of most fingers and reducing tactile discrimination and manual dexterity. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact the Office of Health and Safety and/or the Occupational Health Clinic. The following recommendations can help reduce the likelihood of developing hand-arm vibration syndromes: Select power tools with anti-vibration properties. Use handle coatings that suppress vibrations. Increase coefficient of friction on handles to reduce force requirements. Keep power tools balanced and lubricated to minimize vibration. Job rotation — have more than one person perform tasks that involve exposure to hand-arm vibration. Use vibration attenuation gloves. Hand Tool Use & Selection Principles Implementing the following suggestions for proper selection and usage of hand tools will help reduce the likelihood of developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the hands, wrists, and arms: Maintain straight wrists. Avoid bending or rotating the wrists; a variety of bent-handle tools are commercially available. Avoid static muscle loading. Reduce both the weight and size of the tool. Do not raise or extend elbows when working with heavy tools. Provide counter-balance support devices for larger, heavier tools. 233 Appendix G-4 (cont.) Avoid stress on soft tissues. Stress concentrations result from poorly designed tools that exert pressure on the palms or fingers. Examples include short-handled pliers and tools with finger grooves that do not fit the worker’s hand. Reduce grip force requirements. The greater the effort to maintain control of a hand tool, the higher the potential for injury. A compressible gripping surface rather than hard plastic should be used. Whenever possible, select tools that use a full-hand power grip rather than a precision finger grip. Avoid sharp edges and pinch points. Select tools with large switches that can be operated even when gloves are not worn. Avoid repetitive trigger-finger actions. Select tools with large switches that can be operated with all four fingers. Wear gloves that fit. Tight-fitting gloves can put pressure on the hands, while loosefitting gloves reduce grip strength and pose other safety hazards. If your job involves the frequent use of hand-tools and you are experience numbing, blanching, pins-and-needles, or dull pain in the hands or forearms, contact the Office of Health and Safety and/or the Occupational Health Clinic. 234 Appendix H Hearing Conservation & Noise Control 235 Appendix H-1 Hearing Conservation & Noise Control Work-related hearing loss continues to be a critical workplace safety and health issue. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the occupational safety and health community named hearing loss one of the 21 priority areas for research in the next century. Noise-induced hearing loss is 100 percent preventable but once acquired, hearing loss is permanent and irreversible. Therefore, prevention measures must be taken by employers and workers to ensure the protection of workers’ hearing. Magnitude of the Problem Approximately 30 million workers are exposed to hazardous noise on the job and an additional nine million are at risk for hearing loss from other agents such as solvents and metals. Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational diseases and the second most self-reported occupational illness or injury. Industry specific studies reveal: o 44% of carpenters and 48% of plumbers reported that they had a perceived hearing loss. o 90% of coal miners will have a hearing impairment by age 52 (compared to 9% of the general population); 70% male, metal/nonmetal miners will experience a hearing impairment by age 60. While any worker can be at risk for noise-induced hearing loss in the workplace, workers in many industries have higher exposures to dangerous levels of noise. Industries with high numbers of exposed workers include: agriculture; mining; construction; manufacturing and utilities; transportation; and military. Cost There is no national surveillance or injury reporting system for hearing loss. As such, comprehensive data on the economic impact of hearing loss are not available. Some estimates find that occupational hearing loss compensation costs alone are in the hundreds of millions of dollars per year. The following examples provide an indication of the economic burden of occupational hearing loss. Washington State workers’ compensation disability settlements for hearing-related conditions cost $4.8 million in 1991. This figure does not include medical costs or personal costs, which can include approximately $1500 for a hearing aid and around $300 per year for batteries. Moreover, workers’ compensation data are an underestimate of the true frequency of occupational illness, representing only the tip of the iceberg. In British Columbia, in the five-year period from 1994 to 1998, the workers’ compensation board paid $18 million in permanent disability awards to 3,207 workers suffering hearing loss. An additional $36 million was paid out for hearing aids. 236 Appendix H-1 (cont.) Through their hearing conservation program, the U.S. Army saved $504.3 million by reducing hearing loss among combat arms personnel between 1974 and 1994. Between 1987 and 1997, as a result of military efforts to reduce civilian hearing loss, the Department of Veterans Affairs saved $220.8 million and the Army an additional $149 million. Prevention Removing hazardous noise from the workplace through engineering controls (e.g. installing a muffler or building an acoustic barrier) is the most effective way to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Hearing protectors such as earplugs and earmuffs should be used when it is not feasible to otherwise reduce noise to a safe level. NIOSH recommends hearing loss prevention programs for all workplaces with hazardous levels of noise. These programs should include noise assessments, engineering controls, audiometric monitoring of workers’ hearing, appropriate use of hearing protectors, worker education, record keeping, and program evaluation. OSHA’s Noise Standard – 1910.95 When employees are subjected to sound exceeding those listed in Table G-16, feasible administrative or engineering controls shall be utilized. If such controls fail to reduce sound levels within the levels of Table G-16, personal protective equipment shall be provided and used to reduce sound levels within the levels of the table. OSHA TABLE G-16 – PERMISSIBLE NOISE EXPOSURES Duration (Hours/Day) Sound Level (Decibels) 90 8 92 6 95 4 97 3 100 2 102 1½ 105 1 110 ½ 115 ¼ or less 237 Appendix H-1 (cont.) OSHA’s Hearing Conservation Program Requirements OSHA Standard 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure, states that an employer shall administer a continuing, effective hearing conservation program, as described in OSHA Standard 1910.95 whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour timeweighted average sound level (TWA) of 85 decibels measured on the A scale (slow response). An 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels is referred to as the ACTION LEVEL. What is occupational noise exposure? Noise, or unwanted sound, is one of the most pervasive occupational health problems. It is a byproduct of many industrial processes. Sound consists of pressure changes in a medium (usually air), caused by vibration or turbulence. These pressure changes produce waves emanating away from the turbulent or vibrating source. Exposure to high levels of noise causes hearing loss and may cause other harmful health effects as well. The extent of damage depends primarily on the intensity of the noise and the duration of the exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hearing loss results from short-term exposures to noise, with normal hearing returning after period of rest. Generally, prolonged exposure to high noise levels over a period of time gradually causes permanent damage. OSHA’s hearing conservation program is designed to protect workers with significant occupational noise exposures from hearing impairment even if they are subject to such noise exposures over their entire working lifetimes. This publication summarizes the required component of OSHA’s hearing conservation program for general industry. It covers monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protectors, training, and record keeping requirements. Monitoring When information indicates that any employee’s exposure may equal or exceed an 8-hour timeweighted average of 85 decibels, the employers shall develop and implement a monitoring program. The hearing conservation program requires employers to monitor noise exposure levels in a way that accurately identifies employees exposed to noise at or above 85 decibels (dB) averaged over 8 working hours, or an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA). Employers must monitor all employees whose noise exposure is equivalent to or greater than a noise exposure received in 8 hours where the noise level is constantly 85 dB. The exposure measurement must include all continuous, intermittent, and impulsive noise within an 80 dB to 130 dB range and must be taken during a typical work situation. This requirement is performance-oriented because it allows employers to choose the monitoring method that best suits each individual situation. Employers must repeat monitoring whenever changes in production, process, or controls increase noise exposure. 238 Appendix H-1 (cont.) These changes may mean that more employees need to be included in the program or that their hearing protectors may no longer provide adequate protection. Employees are entitled to observe monitoring procedures and must receive notification of the results of exposure monitoring. The method used to notify employees is left to the employer’s discretion. Employers must carefully check or calibrate instruments used for monitoring employee exposures to ensure that the measurements are accurate. Calibration procedures are unique to specific instruments. Employers should follow the manufacturer’s instructions to determine when and how extensively to calibrate the instrument. Monitoring Noise Levels The Purpose of Noise Monitoring In order to determine if exposures are at or above this level, it may be necessary to measure or monitor the actual noise levels in the workplace and to estimate the noise exposure or “dose” received by employees during the workday. When is it Necessary to Implement a Noise Monitoring Program? It is not necessary for every employer to measure workplace noise. Noise monitoring or measuring must be conducted only when exposures are at or above 85 dB. Factors which suggest that noise exposures in the workplace may be at this level include employee complaints about the loudness of noise, indications that employees are losing their hearing, or noisy conditions which make normal conversation difficult. The employer should also consider any information available regarding noise emitted from specific machines. In addition, actual workplace noise measurements can suggest whether or not a monitoring program should be initiated. How is Noise measured? Basically, there are two different instruments to measure noise exposures: the sound level meter and the dosimeter. A sound level meter is a device that measures the intensity of sound at a given moment. Since sound level meters provide a measure of sound intensity at only one point in time, it is generally necessary to take a number of measurements at different times during the day to estimate noise exposure over a workday. If noise levels fluctuate, the amount of time noise remains at each of the various measured levels must be determined. To estimate employee noise exposures with a sound level meter, it is also generally necessary to take several measurements at different locations within the workplace. After appropriate sound level meter readings are obtained, people sometimes draw “maps” of the sound levels within different areas of the workplace. By using a sound level “map” and information on employee locations throughout the day, estimates of individual exposure levels can be developed. This measurement method us generally referred to as “area” noise monitoring. 239 A dosimeter is like a sound level meter except that it stores sound level measurements and integrates these measurements over time, providing an average noise exposure reading for a given period of time, such as an 8-hour workday. With a dosimeter, a microphone is attached to Appendix H-1 (cont.) the employee’s clothing and the exposure measurement is simply read at the end of the desired time period. A reader may be used to read-out the dosimeter’s measurements. Since the dosimeter is worn by the employee, it measures noise levels in those locations in which the employee travels. A sound level meter can also be positioned within the immediate vicinity of the exposed worker to obtain an individual exposure estimate. Such procedures are generally referred to as “personal” noise monitoring. Area monitoring can be used to estimate noise exposure when the noise levels are relatively constant and employees are not mobile. In workplaces where employees move about in different areas or where the noise intensity tends to fluctuate over time, noise exposure is generally more accurately estimated by the personal monitoring approach. In situations where personal monitoring is appropriate, proper positioning of the microphone is necessary to obtain accurate measurements. With a dosimeter, the microphone is generally located on the shoulder and remains in that position for the entire workday. With a sound level meter, the microphone is stationed near the employee’s head, and the instrument is usually held by an individual who follows the employee as he or she moves about. Manufacturer’s instructions, contained in dosimeter and sound level meter operating manuals, should be followed for calibration and maintenance. To ensure accurate results, it is considered good professional practice to calibrate instruments before and after each use. How Often is it Necessary to Monitor Noise Levels? The amendment requires that when there are significant changes in machinery or production processes that may result in increased noise levels, re-monitoring must be conducted to determine whether additional employees need to be included in the hearing conservation program. Many organizations choose to re-monitor periodically (once every year or two) to ensure that all exposed employees are included in their hearing conservation programs. Where can Equipment and Technical Advice be Obtained? Noise monitoring equipment may be either purchased or rented. Sound level meters cost about $500 to $1,000, while dosimeter range in price from about $750 to $1,500. Smaller companies may find it more economical to rent equipment rather than to purchase it. Names of equipment suppliers may be found in the telephone book (Yellow Pages) under headings such as” “Safety Equipment,” “Industrial Hygiene,” or “Engineers-Acoustical.” In addition to providing information on obtaining noise monitoring equipment, many companies and individuals included under such listings can provide professional advice on how to conduct a valid noise monitoring program. Some audiological testing firms and industrial hygiene firms also provide noise-monitoring services. Universities with audiology, industrial hygiene, or acoustical engineering departments may also provide information or may be able to help employers meet their obligations under this amendment. 240 Free, on-site assistance may be obtained from OSHA-supported state and private consultation organizations. These safety and health consultative entities generally give priority to the needs of small businesses. [61 FR 9227, March 7, 1996] Appendix H-1 (cont.) Audiometric Testing The employers shall establish and maintain an audiometric testing program as provided in OSHA Standard 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure, by making audiometric testing available to all employees WHOSE EXPOSURES EQUAL OR EXCEED AN 8-HOUR TIMEWEIGHTED AVERAGE OF 85 DECIBELS. The program shall be provided at no cost to employees. Audiometric tests and equipment must meet requirements specified in OSHA Standard 1910.95, Occupational Noise Exposure. What is Audiometric Testing? Employers must make audiometric testing available at no cost to all employees who are exposed to an action level of 85 dB or above, measured as an 8-hour TWA. Audiometric testing monitors an employee’s hearing over time. The employer must establish and maintain an audiometric testing program. The important elements of the program include baseline audiograms, annual audiograms, training, and follow-up procedures. The audiometric testing program follow-up should indicate whether the employer’s hearing conservation program is preventing hearing loss. A licensed or certified audiologist, otolaryngologist, or other physician must be responsible for the program. Both professionals and trained technicians may conduct audiometric testing. There are two types of audiograms required in the hearing conservation program: baseline and annual audiograms. Baseline Audiograms The baseline audiogram is the reference audiogram against which future audiograms are compared. Employers must provide baseline audiograms within 6 months of an employee’s first exposure at or above an 8-hour TWA of 85 dB. Annual Audiograms Employers must provide annual audiograms within one (1) year of the baseline. It is important to test workers’ hearing annually to identify deterioration in their hearing ability as early as possible. This enables employers to initiate protective follow-up measures before hearing loss progresses. Employers must compare annual audiograms to baseline audiograms to determine whether the audiogram is valid and whether the employee has lost hearing ability or experienced a standard threshold shift (STS). An STS is an average shift in either ear of 10 dB or more t 2,000, 3,000, and 4,000 hertz. 241 Appendix H-1 (cont.) Employer Requirements Following an Audiogram Evaluation The employer must fit or refit any employee showing an STS with adequate hearing protectors, show the employee how to use them, and require the employee to wear them. Some employees with an STS may need further testing if the professional determines that their test results are questionable or if they have an ear problem thought to be caused or aggravated by wearing hearing protectors. If the suspected medical problem is not thought to be related to wearing hearing protection, the employer must advise the employee to see a physician. If subsequent audiometric tests show that the STS identified on a previous audiogram is not persistent, employees whose exposure to noise is less than a TWA of 90 dB may stop wearing hearing protectors. The employer may substitute an annual audiogram for the original baseline audiogram if the professional supervising the audiometric program determines that the employee’s STS is persistent. Employers must conduct audiometric tests in a room meeting specific background levels with calibrated audiometers that meet American National Standard Institute (ANSI) specifications of SC-1969. Hearing Protectors Employers must provide hearing protectors to all workers exposed to 8-hour TWA noise levels of 85 dB or above. This requirement ensures that employees have access to protectors before they experience any hearing loss. Employees must wear hearing protectors: For any period exceeding 6 months from the time they are first exposed to 8-hour TWA noise levels of 85 dB or above, until they receive their baseline audiograms if these tests are delayed due to mobile test van scheduling; If they have incurred standard threshold shifts (STS) that demonstrate they are susceptible to noise; and If they are exposed to noise over the permissible exposure limit of 90 dB over an 8hour TWA. Employers must provide employees with a selection of at least one variety of hearing plug and one variety of hearing muff. Employees should decide, with the help of a person trained to fit hearing protectors, which size and type protector is most suitable for the working environment. The protector selected should be comfortable to wear and offer sufficient protection to prevent hearing loss. Hearing protectors must adequately reduce the noise level for each employee’s work environment. Most employers use the Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) that represents the protector’s ability to reduce noise under ideal laboratory conditions. The employer then adjusts the NRR to reflect noise reduction in the actual working environment. The employer must reevaluate the suitability of the employee’s hearing protector whenever 242 a change in working conditions may make it inadequate. If workplace noise levels increase, employers must give employees more effective protectors. The protector must reduce Appendix H-1 (cont.) employee exposures to at least 90 dB and to 85 dB when an STS already has occurred in the worker’s hearing. Employers must show employees how to use and care for their protectors and supervise them on the job to ensure that they continue to wear them correctly. Training Program The employer shall institute a training program for all employees who are exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, and shall ensure employee participation in such program. The training program shall be repeated annually for each employee included in the hearing conservation program. Information provided in the training program shall be updated to be consistent with changes in protective equipment and work processes. The employer shall ensure that each employee is informed of the following: The effects of noise on hearing; the purpose of hearing protectors, the advantages, disadvantages, and attenuation of various types, and instructions on selection, fitting, use, and care; and the purpose of audiometric testing, and an explanation of the test procedures. Employee training is very important. Workers who understand the reasons for the hearing conservation programs and the need to protect their hearing will be more motivated to wear their protectors and take audiometric tests. The training program may be structured in any format, with different portions conducted by different individuals and at different times, as long as the required topics are covered. Record Keeping Employers must keep noise exposure measurement records for 2 years and maintain records of audiometric test results for the duration of the affected employee’s employment. Audiometric test records must include the employee’s name and job classification, date, examiner’s name, date of the last acoustic or exhaustive calibration, measurements of the background sound pressure levels in audiometric test rooms, and the employee’s most recent noise exposure measurement. Beginning January 1,2003, employers are required to record work-related hearing loss cases when an employee’s hearing test shows a marked decrease in overall hearing. Employers will be able to make adjustments for hearing loss caused by aging, seek the advice of a physician or licensed healthcare professional to determine if the loss is workrelated, and perform additional hearing tests to verify the persistence of the hearing loss. Employee Notification 243 The employee shall notify each employee exposed at or above an 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels of the results of the monitoring. Employers must notify employees within 21 days after the determination that their audiometric test results show an STS. Appendix H-1 (cont.) Access to Information and Training Materials The employer shall make available to affected employees or their representatives copies of the standard and shall also post a copy in the workplace. The employer shall provide to affected employees any informational materials pertaining to the standard that are supplied to the employer by the Assistant Secretary. The employer shall provide upon request, all materials related to the employer’s training and education program pertaining to this standard to the Assistant Secretary and the Director. 244 Appendix H-2 Sound Advice — Protect Your Ears in Noisy Work Environments by Stacie Zoe Berg Your job or training shouldn't cause you to lose your hearing. Yet for many people, such as construction workers, farmers, mechanics and factory workers, years of exposure to excessive noises on the job, has lead to permanent hearing loss. “Work-related hearing loss is one of the most common occupational diseases in the United States,” says Dr. Linda Rosenstock, director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). According to NIOSH, 30 million Americans are exposed to hazardous noise at work. This has resulted in a permanent hearing loss for about 10 million workers. If you are one of these people, you don't have to suffer hearing loss. Your supervisors can make changes to the equipment to eliminate or reduce noise. In many cases you can adjust your work schedule and job to avoid being around noisy equipment. Finally, when engineering or administrative controls can't eliminate your exposure to hazardous noise, you can wear hearing protection devices, such as earplugs or earmuffs. Now hear this... Loud noises can cause hearing loss by damaging the delicate hair cells in the inner ear. Most of the time this damage happens gradually when prolonged exposure to loud sounds exhausts these hair cells, says Dr. Mark Stephenson, NIOSH audiologist. As noise levels increase, the tiny cilia at the top of the hair cells can be injured or broken off. Entire groups of these hair cells can even be torn away. Hair cells don't repair themselves. So when enough hair cells are damaged, a hearing loss results. Sound is measured in decibels. A normal conversation takes place at about 60 decibels. A woodshop noise level is about 100 decibels, and a chainsaw noise measures about 110 decibels, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). Prolonged exposure to noise above 85 decibels can cause hearing loss. A short, intense sound—an explosion, for example— may cause immediate hearing loss. But usually hearing loss occurs gradually after prolonged exposure to loud noise. It may occur so gradually you may not even realize you are losing your hearing. Over time, sounds may simply become muffled or distorted. Tinnitus, a ringing or roaring sound, sometimes described as the sound of crickets in one or both ears, can accompany both immediate and gradual hearing loss. Tinnitus occurs when the damage to hair cells hasn't gotten to the point where they produce nothing, says Don Morgan, Vice President of Clinical Research and Medical Affairs for Decibel Instruments, a Fremont, Calif.-based hearing aid research and manufacturing company. Rather, the hairs produce ongoing sounds because they are partially damaged. That is, they are constantly stimulated because they are irritated. The brain perceives this constant irritation as sound. Hearing loss can be progressive if you continue exposing yourself to the same noise, Morgan says. Today you may have a minor or moderate hearing loss, but after further exposure, the 245 loss may become more severe. However, once you stop the exposure, the hearing loss won't get worse. Appendix H-2 (cont.) Muffle the Roar The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to develop and implement a noise monitoring program when "information indicates that any employee's exposure may equal or exceed an 8-hour average exposure of 85 decibels." When this occurs, OSHA requires employers to notify employees, to establish and maintain a hearing test program, and to train workers how to prevent occupational hearing loss. When engineering controls have not yet eliminated hazardous noise, OSHA also requires employers to provide hearing protectors and ensure workers wear them. Not every type of hearing protection is useful for every type of noise. Disposable foam earplugs may be fine for some noise exposure while earmuff-type protection may be suitable for another. But hearing protection doesn't work if you don't use it. According to a University of Michigan study, construction workers said they wear earplugs or earmuffs between 36 to 61 percent of the time when they are necessary. Not surprisingly, more than half believed they developed a hearing loss. To see if you may be in an environment that could cause hearing loss, ask yourself the following questions: Is the noise at my workplace so loud that I have to raise my voice significantly for someone an arm's length away to hear me? When I leave work and am in a quieter environment, do my ears feel plugged? Or do I hear a mild ringing or whooshing noise that goes away after an hour or two? If you answer yes to either of these questions, take some sound advice: Get your hearing tested and protect your ears. 246 Appendix H-3 Choose The Hearing Protection That's Right For You - by Carol Merry Stephenson, Ph.D. Expandable foam plugs These plugs are made of a formable material designed to expand and conform to the shape of each person's ear canal. Roll the expandable plugs into a thin, crease-free cylinder. Whether you roll plugs with thumb and fingers or across your palm doesn't matter. What's critical is the final result—a smooth tube thin enough so that about half the length will fit easily into your ear canal. Some individuals, especially women with small ear canals, have difficulty rolling typical plugs small enough to make them fit. A few manufacturers now offer a small size expandable plug. Pre-molded, reusable plugs Pre-molded plugs are made from silicone, plastic or rubber and are manufactured as either “one-size-fits-most” or are available in several sizes. Many pre-molded plugs are available in sizes for small, medium or large ear canals. A critical tip about pre-molded plugs is that a person may need a different size plug for each ear. The plugs should seal the ear canal without being uncomfortable. This takes trial and error of the various sizes. Directions for fitting each model of pre-molded plug may differ slightly depending on how many flanges they have and how the tip is shaped. Insert this type of plug by reaching over your head with one hand to pull up on your ear. Then use your other hand to insert the plug with a gentle rocking motion until you have sealed the ear canal. Advantages of pre-molded plugs are that they are relatively inexpensive, reusable, washable, convenient to carry, and come in a variety of sizes. Nearly everyone can find a plug that will be comfortable and effective. In dirty or dusty environments, you don't need to handle or roll the tips. Canal caps Canal caps often resemble earplugs on a flexible plastic or metal band. The earplug tips of a canal cap may be a formable or pre-molded material. Some have headbands that can be worn over the head, behind the neck or under the chin. Newer models have jointed bands increasing the ability to properly seal the earplug. The main advantage canal caps offer is convenience. When it's quiet, employees can leave the band hanging around their necks. They can quickly insert the plug tips when hazardous noise starts again. Some people find the pressure from the bands uncomfortable. Not all canal caps have tips that adequately block all types of noise. Generally, the canal caps tips that resemble stand-alone earplugs seem to block the most noise. Earmuffs Earmuffs come in many models designed to fit most people. They work to block out noise by completely covering the outer ear. Muffs can be "low profile" with small ear cups or large to hold extra materials for use in extreme noise. Some muffs also include electronic components to help users communicate or to block impulsive noises. 247 Appendix H-3 (cont.) Workers who have heavy beards or sideburns or who wear glasses may find it difficult to get good protection from earmuffs. The hair and the temples of the glasses break the seal that the earmuff cushions make around the ear. For these workers, earplugs are best. Other potential drawbacks of earmuffs are that some people feel they can be hot and heavy in some environments. Miscellaneous devices Manufacturers are receptive to comments from hearing protection users. This has led to the development of new devices that are hybrids of the traditional types of hearing protectors. See NIOSH hearing protection information at ( Because many people like the comfort of foam plugs, but don't want to roll them in dirty environments, a plug is now available that is essentially a foam tip on a stem. You insert this plug much like a pre-molded plug without rolling the foam. Scientists are developing earmuffs using high-tech materials to reduce weight and bulk, but still effectively block noise. On the horizon may be earplugs with built in two-way communication capability. Still, the best hearing protector is the one that is comfortable and convenient and that you will wear every time you are in an environment with hazardous noise. 248 Appendix I U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Standards Administration/Wage and Hour Division The Employment Standards Administration (ESA) defines and address fair labor standards, minimum hourly wages for agriculture and non-agriculture workers, prohibitions to hazardous work for minors, maximum hours of employment for students during the school year and off school. Child Labor rules and regulations for young workers under age 18 are issued and governed by the Wage and Hour Division ( which is under ESA and U.S. DOL. Student-workers depending on their age are limited to the number of working hours, and are prohibited from working at certain types of hazardous jobs (Hazardous Orders) ( Additional restrictions to working hours and type of jobs may be imposed by individual States ( Students enrolled in a career school, apprenticeship, or other student-learner programs may be exempt from some Hazardous Orders. What Hours Can Youth Work? If you are 14 or 15, you can work . . . Outside school hours After 7 a.m. and until 7 p.m. Except from June 1 through Labor Day, when you can work until 9 p.m. You can work no more than: 3 hours on a school day, 18 hours in a school week, 8 hours on a non-school day, and 40 hours in non-school week. If you are 16 or older, you can work . . . Any day, any time of day, and for any number of hours. There are no restrictions on the work hours of youth age 16 or older. Different rules apply to farms, and individual States may have stricter rules. What Jobs Can Youth Do? When You are 13 or Younger . . . You can deliver newspapers. You can work as a baby-sitter. You can work as an actor or performer in motion pictures, television, theater or radio. You can work in a business solely owned or operated by your parents. You can work on a farm owned or operated by your parents. 249 Appendix I (cont.) It is important to note that parents are prohibited from employing their children in manufacturing, mining, or any other occupation declared hazardous by the U. S Secretary of Labor. See section below, “Hazardous Occupations” for a complete listing of hazardous equipment/conditions or business types which may not employ young people under the age of 18 years old. When You Turn 14 . . . In addition to those jobs mentioned in the section “When you are 13 or younger…”, you may also work in an: office; grocery store; *retail store; *restaurant; movie theater; baseball park; or *gasoline service station. *See discussions on next page that describes some restrictions in job duties for 14 & 15 year olds employed in these kinds of establishments. Remember, a young person under 18 years old may not work in the jobs or occupations declared hazardous (listed in next section) by the U.S. Secretary of Labor. When You Turn 16 . . . You can work in any job or occupation that has not been declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. When You Turn 18 . . . You can work any job for any number of hours. The child labor rules no longer apply to you. Different rules apply to farms, and individual States may have stricter rules. Prohibited Occupations for Non-Agricultural Employees The Child Labor Laws that apply to non-agricultural employment depend on the age of the young worker and the kind of job to be performed. The minimum age for non-agricultural employment covered by the FLSA is 14 years old. In addition to restrictions on hours, the Secretary of Labor has found that certain jobs are too hazardous for anyone under 18 years of age to perform. There are additional restrictions on where and in what jobs 14-and 15-year–olds can work. These rules must be followed unless one of the FLSA’s Child Labor exemptions apply. 250 Appendix I (cont.) A youth 18 years or older may perform any job, whether hazardous or not. A youth 16 or 17 years old may perform any non-hazardous job. (See the list of hazardous occupations below.) A youth 14 or 15 years old may not work in the manufacturing or mining industries, or in any hazardous job. (See the list of hazardous occupations below.) In addition, a 14- or 15-year-old may not work in the following occupations: communications or public utilities jobs; construction or repair jobs; driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver; manufacturing and mining occupations; power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines; processing occupations; public messenger jobs; transporting of persons or property; workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed; warehousing and storage. A 14- or 15-year-old may work in retail stores, food service establishments and gasoline service stations. However, 14- or 15-year-old may not perform the following jobs in the retail and service industries: baking; boiler or engine room work, whether in or about; cooking, except at soda fountains, lunch counters, snack bars, and cafeteria serving counters; freezers or meat coolers work; loading or unloading goods on or off trucks, railcars or conveyors; meat processing area work; maintenance or repair of a building or its equipment; operating, setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling, or repairing power-driven food slicers, grinders, choppers or cutter and bakery mixers; outside window washing, or work standing on a windowsill, ladder, scaffold or similar equipment; warehouse work, except office and clerical work. The jobs a 14- or 15-year old may do in the retail and service industries include: bagging and carrying out customer’s orders; cashiering, selling, modeling, art work, advertising, window trimming, or comparative shopping; cleaning fruits and vegetables; clean-up work and grounds maintenance – The young worker may use vacuums and floor waxers, but he or she cannot use power-driven mowers, cutters, and trimmers; delivery work by foot, bicycle, or public transportation; 251 Appendix I (cont.) kitchen and other work in preparing and serving food and drinks, but not cooking or baking (see hazardous jobs); office and clerical work; pricing and tagging goods, assembling orders, packing, or shelving; Pumping gas, cleaning and polishing cars and trucks (but the young worker cannot repair cars, use garage lifting rack, or work in pits); Wrapping, weighing, pricing, stocking any goods as long as the young worker does not work where meat is being prepared and does not work in freezers or meat coolers. HAZARDOUS OCCUPATIONS The minimum age for employment in non-agricultural occupations declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor is 18 years old. The rules prohibiting working in Hazardous Occupations (HO) apply either on an industry basis, or on an occupational basis, no matter what industry the job is in. Parents employing their own children are subject to these same rules. Some of these hazardous occupations have definitive exemptions. In addition, limited apprentice/studentlearner exemptions apply to those occupations marked with an *. Appendix Q (cont.) These rules prohibit work in, or with the following: HO #1 HO #2 HO #3 HO #4 HO #5 HO #6 HO #7 HO #8 HO #9 HO #10 HO #11 HO #12 HO #13 HO #14 HO #15 HO #16 * * * * * * HO #17 * Manufacturing and storing of explosives. Driving a motor vehicle and being an outside helper on a motor vehicle. Coal mining. Logging and saw milling. Power-driven woodworking machines. Exposure to radioactive substances. Power-driven hoisting apparatus. Power-driven metal-forming, punching, and shearing machines. Mining, other than coal mining. Meat packing or processing (including the use of power-driven meat slicing machines. Power-driven bakery machines. Power-driven paper-product machines. Manufacturing brick, tile, and related products. Power-driven circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears. Wrecking, demolition, and ship breaking operations. Roofing operations. Excavation operations. The Work Experience and Career Exploration Program (WECEP) offers exceptions to the child labor regulations that permit 14- and 15-year-olds to be employed in otherwise prohibited circumstances. WECEP is designed to provide a carefully planned work experience and career exploration program for students who can benefit from a career-oriented education. WECEP, among other things, is aimed at helping youths who are at-risk for leaving school to become motivated to continue their education and to prepare them for the world of work. 252 Appendix I (cont.) WECEP permits the employment of 14- and 15-year-old youth during school hours and for up to 23 hours per week when school is in session. These rules are more lenient than those permitted by the Fair Labor Standards Act for other similar aged youth not enrolled in WECEP. WECEP also permits variances, on a limited basis, from certain child labor hazardous occupation standards. These variances are approved by the Wage and Hour Administrator on a case-bycase basis. Any state level department of education interested in participating in the program should submit an application to the Wage and Hour Administrator, U.S. Department of Labor, Room S3502, 200 Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. Authorization to operate a WECEP is granted to the state, not individual school districts. The criteria used in consideration of applications are contained in the child labor regulations. A WECEP must include all the academic courses required by the state for graduation as well as instruction in job-related skills and career development. 253 Appendix J ENROLLED Regular Session, 2003 ACT NO. 671 HOUSE BILL NO. 1643 BY REPRESENTATIVE GUILLORY AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 23:151, 182, 183, 188, and 215 and to repeal R.S. 23:189, relative to the employment of minors; to repeal certain exemptions from application of current statutory provisions; to delete references to work permits; to require electronic filing of applications for employment certificates; to repeal the requirement for a duplicate filing with the secretary; to adjust work hours during which minors can work; to repeal the requirement for different colored certificates issued based upon age of the applicant; and to provide for related matters. Be it enacted by the Legislature of Louisiana: Section 1. R.S. 23:151, 182, 183, 188, and 215 are hereby amended and reenacted to read as follows: § 151. Application of provisions The provisions of this Part shall not apply to minors employed in agriculture, domestic services in private homes, or employment or training related to the curriculum while attending a business or vocational-technical school approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education or the Advisory Commission on Proprietary Schools which would include minors engaged in on-the-job training under the supervision of the same employer during summer vacation and those minors who have successfully completed such an accredited or approved program, nor shall they be construed as conflicting with any laws requiring minors to attend school. Relief from the disabilities which attach to minority shall not defeat the protections extended by this Chapter to persons under the age of eighteen. * * * Page 1 of 3 CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing laws; words underscored are additions. 254 Appendix J (cont.) H.B. No. 1643 ENROLLED § 182. Employers to keep records Every person employing minors shall procure and keep on file an employment certificate or work permit for each minor, except for those minors employed in approved federally funded youth training programs. Such certificate or work permit shall be accessible on the job site, or in the immediate area of the work location, at all times to any officer charged with the enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter. § 183. Persons authorized to issue Employment certificates shall be provided in triplicate issued by the parish or city school superintendent or by his or her designed representative, whose name shall be submitted in writing for approval to the assistant secretary of the office of regulatory services of the Department of Labor. After January 1, 2004, in connection with the issuance of any employment certificate, the superintendent or his designee must completely fill out and electronically submit the Employment Certificate Interactive Form located on the Department of Labor’s website. The employment certificate shall be printed online from the website from the information that has been entered onto the department’s employment certificate database. The original employment certificate shall be signed by the minor and the issuing authority and presented to the minor for delivery to his or her employer. * * * § 188. Filing copy with secretary; records Records kept by issuing authority A duplicate copy of each certificate issued shall be filed with the secretary within one week after issuance, and one A copy of each employment certificate shall be retained in the office in the issuing authority together with the papers required to be submitted by the applicants under R.S. 23:184. The issuing authority shall also keep a record of all applications denied. * * * § 215. Minors: minors under sixteen; prohibited hours; maximum work week A. No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed, or permitted, or suffered to work before seven o’clock in the morning or after seven o’clock at night, or after nine o’clock at night during the period from June first through Labor Day who has not graduated from high school shall be employed, or permitted, or suffered to work after 10:00 p.m. on nay day prior to a day during which school is in session, or after midnight on any day prior to a day which school is not in session. B. No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with any gainful occupation, more than forty hours in any one week who has not graduated from high school shall be employed, or permitted, or suffered to work before 7:00 a.m. No minor under sixteen years of age who has not graduated from high school shall be employed, or permitted, or suffered to work after 7:00 p.m. on any day prior to a day during which school is in session, or after 9:00 p.m. on any day prior to a day during which school is not in session. Page 2 of 3 Appendix J (cont.) CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing laws; words underscored are additions. 255 H.B. No. 1643 ENROLLED C. No minor under sixteen years of age who has not graduated from high school shall be employed, or permitted, or suffered to work in, about, or in connection with any occupation, more than forty hours in any one week. D. For purposes of this Subsection, a day during which school is in session will be that designated as such by the local school superintendent for the school district in which the minor resides. Section 2. R.S. 23:189 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Section 3. This Act shall become effective upon signature by the governor, or if not signed by the governor, upon expiration of the time for bills to become law without signature by the governor, as provided by Article III, Section 18 of the Constitution of Louisiana. If vetoed by the governor and subsequently approved by the legislature, this Act shall become effective on the day following such approval. SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA APPROVED: Page 3 of 3 CODING: Words in struck through type are deletions from existing laws; words underscored are additions. 256 Appendix K Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) provide essential information to be able to work safely with and around hazardous chemicals. Each MSDS is a summary of the various physical and chemical characteristics of a single chemical. Each chemical has its own MSDS. To use an MSDS, however, one must be familiar with the contents and terms found on the document. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has established a very useful website which contains helpful information on the use of MSDSs, and also has links to numerous other useful websites. This information is found at: Once at the above-mentioned site, scroll down to “Material Safety Data Sheets.” There information will be found on Regulatory Information-Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and MSDS Resources. 257