===================================== MONASH ASIA INSTITUTE BULLETIN 1/2007 23 January 2007 ===================================== In this bulletin 1. Congratulations to Monash Students for Mumbai Economics Convention 2. CSEAS Seminar: invitation for presentations 3. "Unexpected encounters", MAI Press 4. Call for papers: Transitions: Health and Mobility in Asia and the Pacific 5. Indonesia Council Open Conference 6. Conference: Migration and social protection in China 7. Exhibition IKAT: Asian resist dyed textiles 8. Asian Development Bank 2007 Internship 9. Call for papers - Conference on Regional Science 10.Call for papers - Conference Mekong Actual Outcomes 11.Conference: Imperial curiosity 12.Website of the month ===================================== Monash Asia Institute News and Events ===================================== Item 1. Monash University team wins trophy for Annual Undergraduate Economics Convention, Mumbai 2006 Six students from Monash's Faculty of Business and Economics represented Monash Asia Institute at the 8th Undergraduate Economics Convention, an annual event organised by the Hyderabad Sindh National Collegiate Board in Mumbai, India. We are pleased to announce that the 2006 trophy was won by the Monash team, and the best speaker trophy was awarded to a Monash team member, Mr Sam Qualtrough. This is the fourth time in the 8 consecutive series of this challenging and interesting event in which the Monash team won the HSNCB trophy for the best research paper and presentation. We congratulate the team members, Farid Zaid, Lucas Dent, Anh Cao, Ravi Dutta, Sam Qualtrough, Shankar Kasynathan and Keeley Henessey on their efforts. The programme is jointly supported by Monash Abroad, the Department of Economics (Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University) and the Hyderabad Sindh National Collegiate Board. Dr Jayant Bapat of the Monash Asia Institute accompanied the students to Mumbai. Details for the 2007 December Convention in Mumbai will be announced in the latter part of this year. ----- Item 2. CSEAS Seminars The Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Asia Institute, invites all researchers working on issues relevant to the Southeast Asian region to present their work in the CSEAS Seminar Series, held on Thursdays at 11 a.m. during the teaching semester. Disciplinary specialisation is open. Please contact Dr Trudy Jacobsen (trudy.jacobsen@arts.monash.edu.au) with your name, affiliation, a title for your seminar, and the Thursday of your preference in Semester 1, or to indicate your interest in presenting in Semester 2. Postgraduate students nearing the completion of their masters or doctoral degree are particularly encouraged to submit a seminar proposal. ----Item 3. Latest MAI publication "Unexpected encounters: neglected histories behind the AustraliañJapan relationship" edited by Michael Ackland and Pam Oliver 2007, $34.95 ISBN 978 1 876924 50 8 Telling the personal stories of Australians in Japan and Japanese in Australia, this book explores issues of race, identity and ambition in times of war and peace. The essays collected here illuminate a variety of fascinating lives and individual achievements, from trade to literature and the arts, the media and the justice system. See: http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/mai/publications/jsmonographs.html#encount ers For Enquiries about the MAI Press: Ms Emma Hegarty, Publications Officer, emma.hegarty@adm.monash.edu.au ===================================== Monash News and Events ===================================== Item 4. 3rd Signature Conference, Australian research Council Asia Pacific Futures Research Network (ARC APFRN) "Transitions: Health and Mobility in Asia and the Pacific" Call for abstracts - Deadline: 2 March 2007 The ARC APFRN Local Organising Committee is inviting submissions for oral, poster, performance, and session abstracts for the 3rd Signature Conference to be held at Monash University, Caulfield Campus, from Sunday June 24 until Tuesday June 26, 2007. Presentations should be relevant to one of our five broad conference sub-themes: 1. Outsourcing and offshore labour: the production of illness 2. The mobility of viruses and their prevention 3. Disaster and violence, flight and forced movement 4. Commodification of the body, global technologies and global health 5. Emergent identities, social movements and wellbeing Oral presentations and performance pieces will be allocated 20 minutes, with discussion at the end of each session. Abstracts should be unstructured and have a word limit of 150-200 words. Abstract submissions will be accepted until Friday, March 2, 2007 by email to: kathleen.j.nolan@med.monash.edu.au or Fax: +61 3 9903 4508 Telephone enquiries to: Milica Markovic: +61 3 9903 4043 or Narelle Warren: +61 3 9903 4506 For poster, session presentations and other details, see : http://www.med.monash.edu.au/spppm/arc/index.html ---Item 5. Indonesia Council Open Conference (ICOC) 24-25 September 2007. Hosted by the Indonesian Studies Program, Monash University with the support of the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Monash Asia Institute, Inside Indonesia, and the Caulfield Campus of Monash University. This multi-disciplinary conference will provide a forum for the presentation of new and innovative work on Indonesia, with particular emphasis on bringing established scholars and newer Indonesianists together. Call for papers and panels - Due date: 1 May 2007 Proposals for papers and panels are now invited. Proposals for papers should include a title, brief abstract and biodata. Proposals for panels should include either a suggested panel title only or titles and brief abstracts for three papers. Proposals for papers and panels should be received by Tuesday, 1 May 2007 and may be emailed to ICOC@arts.monash.edu.au or posted to The Indonesia Council c/o Mr Paul Thomas, Indonesian Program, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Building 11, Monash University VIC 3800 Phone: +61 3 9903 2478 Fax: +61 3 9905 5437 Further information is available at http://indonesiacouncil.anu.edu.au/icoc2007.php ----Item 6. Conference: Migration and social protection in China Beijing, China 25-26 September 2007 Monash University's Asian Business and Economics Research Unit together with the Institute of Population and Labour Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Renmin-Monash Advanced Centre for Economic Studies will stage an international conference on ëMigration and Social Protection in China' on 25ñ26 September 2007 in Beijing. Specific issues to be addressed include: labour market integration and social protection, migrant participation in social security schemes, migrant alternatives to state-sponsored social protection, migrant working conditions, salaries and wage arrears, and responsibilities of government in the provision of social protection. Conference website, http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au/units/aberu/Conference2007/index.php Enquiries, Dr Ingrid Nielsen, Ingrid.Nielsen@buseco.monash.edu.au Professor Russell Smyth, Russell.Smyth@buseco.monash.edu.au ===================================== Other News and Events ===================================== Item 7. National Gallery of Victoria Public programs for the exhibition Ikat: Asian resist dyed textiles The exhibition is currently on at NGVI, St Kilda Road, until 12 March 2007 Collectors Floor Talks: "Ikat: Asian resist dyed textiles" 10 February 2007, 2:00 PM - 3:00 pm Join textile collectors Russell Howard and Alexandra and Leigh Copeland, as they discuss their collections of Tai and Central Asian textiles. Cost: Free Venue: Exhibition space, Level 1, NGV International Note: No booking required as this is a free event Special Lecture: "Southeast Asian Ikat" 19 February 2007, 6:00 pm Join pre-eminent textiles scholar Robyn Maxwell as she discusses Southeast Asian ikat. Includes opportunity for book signing. Robyn Maxwell is the Senior Curator, Asian Art, National Gallery of Australia and Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, Australian National University. Cost: $25 / $20 NGV Member / $18 Concession / $15 Student (includes refreshments on arrival) Venue: Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International (enter North entrance, via The Arts Centre forecourt) Event code: P0783 Bookings: 03 8662 1555 ----Item 8. ADB Internship The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is now inviting academic institutions to participate in its internship program in 2007. The purposes of ADB's Internship and Fellowship Programs are to offer the opportunity to: * work in a major international development organisation with a multicultural environment * gain a deeper understanding of development finance and the impact of ADB * expand knowledge by learning from experienced professionals and apply it to educational and practical experience * make a presentation in a public forum at ADB In order for your students to apply for the program, your school must register with the ADB, agree with the selection requirement and process as well as have regular participation with the ADB. Please visit the on-line registration form -http://www.adb.org/Internship/ipf.asp -- for further information and also the next step. Other details: http://www.adb.org/Internship/default.asp ----Item 9. Call for papers - Due Date:7 February, 2007. First Annual Conference on Regional Science 16 - 17 March 2007, Dhaka Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA) is pleased to invite you to participate in the First Annual Conference on Regional Science jointly organized by BRSA and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) on 16-17 March 2007 at BUET, Dhaka. We expect some international participation in this conference. Papers are welcome on any aspect of Regional Science, a multidisciplinary field dealing with the regional impacts of national or global processes of economic and social change. Topics covered by regional scientists include behavioural location models, transportation and migration, land use and urban development, spatial agglomeration and segregation, new economic geography, interindustry analysis and trade, environment and natural resources, urban and regional development, rural development, social policy models, geographical information systems and spatial data analysis. Young researchers (postgraduate research students and researchers in the beginning of their careers, below 30 years of age) are especially encouraged to submit papers for a special session for young researchers. Please submit an extended abstract (around 400 words) by 7 February 2007. Mail your entry in MS Word format to mzaman@urp.buet.ac.bd with 'BRSA paper' as the subject. Website: http://teacher.buet.ac.bd/mzaman/brsa/callpapers.htm ----Item 10. Call for papers - International Conference on post-facto evaluation of official development assistance in the greater Mekong subregion (GMS) Mekong Actual Outcomes Northern Illinois University, De Kalb Illinois United States of America 5-7 October 2007 Deadline for paper abstracts and panel proposals: 15 June 2007 The Northern Illinois University Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the Ohio University (Athens) Center for International Studies/Southeast Asian Studies are pleased to announce joint sponsorship of an unprecedented, Mekong-focused international symposium yielding methodologies for assessing actual outcomes and achieving downstream learning. The Conference publication will be a peer-reviewed interactive e-book of reality-based best practice that should be generalizable beyond the GMS. Further details about the conference details can be downloaded at Enquiries, Alan Potkin, apotkin@niu.edu, or Karla Schneider, schneidk@ohio.edu ----Item 11. Conference: Imperial curiosity Conference - Imperial Curiosity: Objects, Representations, Knowledges, Hobart 27-29 June 2007 School of Art, Hobart Alongside economic, political, and strategic motivations, curiosity spurred the spread of empire. This interdisciplinary conference invites scholars and curators to explore imperial curiosity with the University of Tasmania's Centre for Colonialism and Its Aftermath. We want to bring together those working in various historical, literary, ethnographic and cultural collections with scholars from diverse disciplines: literary studies, geography, Asian studies, history, indigenous studies, art history, architecture, legal studies, museum studies, gender studies, cultural studies and anthropology, amongst others. For enquires please contact caia@utas.edu.au For more details including registration form, http://www.utas.edu.au/arts/imperialcuriosity/ ----Item 12. Website of the month The Centre for Bhutan Studies http://www.bhutanstudies.org.bt/ The Centre for Bhutan Studies website provides a link to the Journal of Bhutan Studies, a bi-annual publication that presents scholarly articles on the social, cultural, and economic life of Bhutan. The website also has a link to Bhutan's National Bibliography, which can be downloaded in a PDF file. It contains over 120 pages of references for books, articles, and journals on Bhutan. =========================================================== The Monash Asia Institute Newsletter incorporates news items from the six research centres of the Monash Asia Institute, partner organisations and other groups working to promote Asian Studies in Australia. For further information about the Monash Asia Institute and this newsletter: http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/mai/ To unsubscribe, please send an email to: monash.asia.institute@adm.monash.edu.au ===========================================================