class VI - choithram school

ENGLISH Make a collage of the place (visiting places/famous monuments) where you had been during
your Summer Holidays and write a paragraph (in 80-100 words) to describe that place and your
ena saI [- Aar TI kI ‘baala ramaayaNa’ pZMo, evaM ivaiBanna
jaanakarI va GaTnaaAaoM ko AaQaar pr saica~ elabama
tOyaar kroM.
Read the given information about trekking the Himalayas and answer the questions in
white A -4 sheets. Use coloured A-4 sheets for drawing bar-graph.
Trekking Himalayas
Amongst the potent world’s mountain ranges, Asia is the abode of the largest, highest, and
most inhabited mountain system – Himalayas. The gigantic mountain range is believed to have
formed between 40 and 50 million years ago. This Hindu-Kush-Himalaya mountain string
extends over 3,500 kilometer across the countries of Pakistan, China, India, Nepal, Bhutan and
Bangladesh, covering an area of about 43 lakh km2. Stay tuned if you want to know more about
trekking Himalaya and check out some of the best Himalayan treks of India and Nepal.
Everest trekking
Everest trekking offers you great opportunity to have unique experience. The Everest area is
situated in eastern Nepal. It is protected by the Sagarmatha National Park, established in 1976
with an area of 1148 square kilometers. The park is largely composed of the rugged terrain and
gorges of the high Himalayas. Altitude ranges from 2845 meters above sea level (9,330ft) to
the top of the world, Mt. Everest at 8848 meters (29,028ft).
Mt. Kanchenjunga Trek
Mount Kanchenjunga, one of the world's most spectacular mountains, is renowned as the queen
of mountains. Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak 8,586 metres on the planet, can boast of
varied ecological zones, from the subtropical land to glacial wilderness. Mighty Kanchenjunga
glacier is the most famous attraction of Kanchenjunga. Great valleys, encircled by high peaks,
are another feature of Kanchenjunga.
Milam Glacier trek
It is situated at the base of the Himalayas at a height of 3872m; the glacier is a breathtaking
sight. Milam Glacier Trekking makes a idle trek route in Himalayas. The Milam Glacier
(3872m) lies at the base of the great Himalayan wall. It is fed by the Nanda Devi on the west,
and the Panchchuli and Kalabandar glaciers from the east. This mixed glacier system is the
source of the Goriganga River, and offers breathtaking views of an area that abounds in natural
Nanda Devi Trek
Nanda Devi is the highest mountain situated completely within India. This classic trek takes us
across the picturesque meadows and valleys that border the western edge of the Nanda Devi
Sanctuary. During the trek there are many views of the surrounding peaks and the Kuari Pass
(3658m) itself has an unrivalled panorama of the Great Himalayan peaks including Nanda Devi
(7816m), Changabang (6864m), Doonagiri (7066m) and Kamet (7756m).
The Roopkund Lake trek
The Roopkund Lake trek is dotted with beautiful landscapes, quaint ponds and some of the
largest meadows in Garhwal. Roopkund Lake, also known as the „Mystery Lake‟ (5029m),
lies between the slopes of the Trishul peak (7100m) and Nanda Ghunti (6310m).
On the basis of given information answer the following questions:
1. Arrange the given treks on the basis of their altitudes in ascending order. Also write
their names.
2. Which trek is having the highest altitude?
3. Make a bar graph comparing the altitudes of different treks.
4. If it takes 11 days to complete trekking of 5760metres, find out the metres that they can
trek in one day?
5. If a person decides to cover all these trekking ranges,find the total distance he will
cover? Also write the distance covered in Indian and International System of
6. Round of all the four digit numbers (altitudes) into nearest tens,hundreds and
7. Convert thealtitudes of all mountain peaks into centimeters.
8. Write the altitudes which are divisible by 2, 5 and 10.
Guidelines for preparing the project report (hand written):
1. Use A-4 size papers and arrange them systematically.
2. Use Graph Paper for representation of data if required.
3. Avoid using plastic folders and files.
Assessment criteria for project:
1. Content (Relevance, data collection and their representation)
2. Accuracy
3. Overall presentation of work
4. Punctuality
Date of submission: 10th to 17th June, 2015.
Find out the information about any two of the following deficiency disorders:
1. Kwashiorkor
2. Marasmus
3. Rickets
4. Scurvy
5. Anaemia
6. Goitre
The information should be based on the following heads:
1. Name of the disease
2. Cause of the disease
3. Symptoms of the disease
4. Food stuff/ food sources that can prevent the disease
5. Pictures related to the disease
Guidelines for preparing the project report (hand written):
1. Use A-4 size papers and arrange them systematically.
2. The project report should essentially contain following pages(a) Cover page consisting Name of the school, session, subject, topic, FA- 1(Individual
activity), submitted by_______, class & section and submitted to Science
(b) Acknowledgement
(c) Table of contents/ index
(d) Introduction followed by the relevant content.
3. Pictures should be pasted at proper places with the related content.
4. Headings must be in black ink and rest of the information in blue ink.
5. Avoid using plastic folders and files.
Assessment criteria:
1. Content (Relevance, data collection and pictures)
2. Overall presentation of work
3. Punctuality
Submission date: 10th to 17th June, 2015.
Know Your roots:
Choose one of your old photograph from your album and write a short note on it . The
note should include:
1.When and where was this picture clicked?
2.Who all are there in the picture?
3.What is the occasion and why is this your favourite?
4.Mention the differences you find now and then.(in family,festival,culture and enviroment)