Application Form - Flinders University

The Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust Scholarships
The Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust Scholarships have been established to support Aboriginal students
who are undertaking Higher Education at one of the three South Australian Universities. There are two categories
of scholarships offered to commencing and continuing undergraduate students who are:
 accepted as a Kokatha, or Barngarla or Kuyani person, as defined in the Trust Deed of The Olympic Dam
Aboriginal Community Trust; or
 accepted as being of Aboriginal descent and currently reside in the Northern Region of South Australia as
defined in the Trust Deed of the Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust (please refer to the Footprint
Area Map enclosed for further information).
Applicants must be studying full-time and must be able to demonstrate financial need, academic merit, and a
willingness to achieve.
Please tick the scholarship(s) you wish to apply for:
Regional Scholarships – valued at $7,000 per annum. Established to assist with education and living
costs for up to 3 years of the approved program, subject to the student maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
Adelaide Based Scholarships – valued at $10,000 per annum. Established to assist with education, living
and relocation costs for up to 3 years of the approved program, subject to the student maintaining a Grade Point
Average of at least 4 in each semester of enrolment.
Further information is available from the University's scholarships website:
Applications must be lodged with Student Finance, Student Centre, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide
SA 5001, Australia, by Friday 2nd March 2012. Email:
First Name:
Family Name:
Student ID:
Do you identify yourself as (please tick appropriate box):
A Kokatha, or Barngarla or Kuyani person, as defined in the Trust Deed of The Olympic Dam
Aboriginal Community Trust.
Being of Aboriginal descent and have been resident in the Northern Region of South Australia as
defined in the Trust Deed of the Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust.
Other  You are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
You will need to provide evidence if you identify yourself as a Kokatha, or Barngarla or Kuyani person; or as being
of Aboriginal descent. At Flinders University, we accept statutory declarations and community common seals.
Do your currently, or did you until the commencement of your higher education study, reside in the Northern region
of South Australia as defined in the map provided on the final page of this application form?
Please provide you northern region home address and period of residence below:
Please mark the location of your home address on the map of the Northern region of South Australia on the final
page of this application form.
Are you currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree at Flinders University?
If No  have you applied for or been offered a place in an undergraduate degree at Flinders University?
Enrolment status:
Part-Time  You are not eligible got the scholarship.
For the purpose of the scholarship, students undertaking 75% of a full-time course load are considered to be
enrolled on full-time basis and students enrolled in 50% of a course load are considered to be enrolled on part-time
Continuing students: Your academic record for studies at Flinders University will be obtained by Student Finance
and attached to your application. If you have completed any part of your current undergraduate course at another
institution, you must attach the original or a certified copy of the academic transcript for those studies to this
application. Your academic merit will be determined according to your GPA.
Commencing students: Your academic merit will be based on your ATAR, equivalent score or experience.
Please provide a brief statement of why you are applying for the Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust
Scholarship(s). Please include achievements you would like to highlight, and your future aspirations.
1. Do you receive a means tested Commonwealth income support payment?
Yes  Go to Question 2.
No  Go to Question 4.
2. Indicate whether you receive any of the following:
Youth Allowance
Other Commonwealth income support payment  please specify:
Other benefits
 please specify:
Please attach documentary evidence to substantiate your response to this question (e.g. copies of recent
documentation from Centrelink).
3. What is your current status with regards to receiving study assistance, pensions, and/or other
allowances or income as indicated in the question above?
Single (living at home)
Single (living away from home/independent)
Sole parent/carer
Other  please specify:
Partnered, no dependants
Partnered, with dependants
You are not required to complete questions 4 and 5 if you are in receipt of a means tested Commonwealth
Income Support payment – go to question 6.
4. Please state your combined taxable income for yourself (and your partner if applicable) for the last
financial year:
 If your application is successful, you may be required to supply documentary
evidence to substantiate your response to this question.
5. During the semester I live:
In private rental accommodation  please specify:
In Residential College or Student Hostel
With my partner/spouse
With one or both parents/guardians
Other (please give details)  please specify:
6. Do you have any special circumstances that should be taken into consideration in assessing your
financial circumstances?
Special circumstances may include: additional costs associated with a disability, extraordinary travel expenses,
the number of dependent students in your family living away from home, other items of an extraordinary,
unavoidable, ongoing nature.
7. Have you obtained any prizes, scholarships or other awards to assist you to study in 2012?
Yes  Please provide details,
including value.
8. Have you applied for any prizes, scholarships or other awards, whose outcome has not yet been
determined, to assist you to study in 2012?
Yes  Please provide details,
including value.
Have you attached:
Statutory declaration and community common seal confirming that you
identify yourself as a Kokatha, or Barngarla or Kuyani person; or as being
of Aboriginal descent from the northern region of South Australia.
Original or certified copies of academic transcripts for any part of your
current course completed at another institution.
Evidence of eligibility for receipt of a means tested Commonwealth income
support payment (e.g. Youth Allowance, Austudy, ABSTUDY, etc).
Details of any special circumstances that should be taken into
consideration in assessing your financial circumstances.
Details of any prizes, scholarships or other awards that you have applied
for or obtained to assist you to study in 2012.
I declare that the information I have given in this application and any attachments is true, accurate and
I consent to the release of my academic records and confirmation of Aboriginality and affiliation to the
Aboriginal groups defined in the Trust Deed.
I acknowledge that the submission of incorrect information relating to my application may result in the
cancellation of a scholarship, and that this cancellation may take place at any time prior to or during my
Signature of Applicant:
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth).
Information provided by applicants is treated as confidential according to the University Policy on Access to Student Information. Flinders
University will not disclose personal information without the student’s consent, except as required by law.
Olympic Dam Aboriginal Community Trust – Footprint Area