Seeds of the Infinite 11

A Few Concepts re Infinity
∞ is a commonly accepted symbol for infinity
2. In our Universe or any Universe there are an infinitude of infinitudes, even though,
hypothetically, each Universe is finite, a recurrence in a beginningless/endless
sequence, a beginningless/endless series or Universes.
3. A specific kind of infinitude is called an infinitude after its kind or
∞aik. For instance, we
could speak of an infinity of specific things: apples, oranges, human beings, odd
numbers, even numbers
4. An
∞aik is infinitely smaller than A∞ or ABSOLUTE INFINITUDE—which is all possible
infinitudes and combinations of infinitudes.
A∞ can never be defined as a specific quantity.
IT is, literally, the “EVER-GREATER”. No matter how great a number is proposed A
A∞ is always infinitely greater, even absolutely infinitely greater. No matter how great
an infinitude after its kind is proposed, A
∞ is always infinitely greater even absolutely
infinitely greater.
5. What we call the ABSOLUTE IS, from this perspective, A
6. A
∞ is the eternal simultaneous fulfillment of all possibility in SUPRA-NOUMENALITY.
Noumenality occurs 'in-Universe'. SUPRA-NOUMENALITY IS EXTRA-UNIVERSAL—
i.e., EXISTS whether or not a Universe exists.
7. We (and everything that IS) are THAT-- A
8. All possibility is forever resident within us. We are THAT forever. There is nothing that
we have not BEEN forever.
9. A
∞ is, in a way, ∞∞∞∞→∞
11. Dealing with infinity helps break the tyranny of the concrete mind and helps to elevate it into
the abstract mind and eventually into super-mind and Universal Mind and beyond…
12. We are not dealing with infinity for mathematical purposes but for metaphysical purposes—i.e.,
in order to know God and know Ourselves—i.e., to know GOD and to know OURSELVES.
13. If it did not have the most intimate relation to IDENTITY is would be very interesting but not the
pursuit we would be following.
14. The concept of A
∞ helps us to realize that there is nothing You and 8 and All have not
been forever—though not necessarily 'in-Universe'
15. We are all possibility SUPRA-NOUMENALLY, as the ABSOLUTE, but we have never
been and cannot be all possibility 'in-Universe', because a sequence of ‘1’s’ can never
through objectification, sum to A
16. A infinite sequence of finite Universes cannot possibly ‘contain’ A
is an infinitude after its kind , a
∞. Such a sequence
∞aik which is always infinitely less than A∞
17. The endless/beginningless sequence of Universes has never ‘caught up’ with A , never can
and never will.
18. For each manifestation, the ratio is forever A /1. A
∞ is always absolutely infinitely
greater than any Universe.
19. In fact A
20. And A
∞/n = A∞
∞/∞ = A∞
21. This means that WHAT WE ARE is always ABSOLUTELY INFINITELY GREATER than any Universe,
series of Universes or even infinite series of Universes.
22. SELF-BECOMINGNESS is thus, both beginningless and endless
23. Next week or the week after we will get into the infinitesimal one symbol for which can be
∞ -- the Absolute Infinitesimal
24. And also the A
25. These concepts count in terms of our IDENTITY/Identity
26. We are the A
27. In manifestation as a Universe we are the A