More Information - School of Social Ecology

Empowering Sustainability on Earth
July 2012
EDU 1111 (Berkeley Place)
Welcome - Wendell Brase,
Vice Chancellor of the University California, Irvine and Chair, University of California Climate
Solutions Steering Group.
9:00 a.m. Can law save the planet?
Professor Joseph DiMento and Alejandro Camacho from the School of Law
10:45 The New Brazilian Forest Code
Solange Teles da Silva - UCI Sustainability Fellow
1:30p.m. -How viable is renewable energy in the global energy context?
Professor Scott Samuelsen from the National Fuel Cell Research Center in the School of
Engineering. (Hydrogen car display)
4:00 p.m. The role of local communities in the long term sustainability of protected areas
Daniela Solano Rojas – UCI Sustainability Fellow
Evening - 7:30 p.m.
“Last Call at the Oasis” - Movie at Edward Cinema across from UCI in the Market PlaceThis addresses interesting and compellingly the future of freshwater for the needs of the
Planet. A “star” of the movie is the speaker for Friday afternoon, Professor Jay Famiglietti,
Director of the UCI Center for Hydrologic Modeling
Presentations by UCI Sustainability Fellows
9:00 a.m. Energy security vs. environmental protection
Anna Rymyantceva, Ekaterina Zavalishina, Maria Bogatykh, and Oxana Popova
9:30 Energy efficiency logic
Siva Gunda
10:00 Small scale renewable energy: A solution for negative environmental and social impact
Raquel Fallas
10:45 Booster knowledge exchange for sustainable development
Julia Komagaeva
11:15 Landfill possibilities: their impact on environment, human security and their potential as
energy source
Ana Alexandra Tovar and Lucia Frechoso
1:30 Environmental issues and activism in Costa Rica
Rocio Carranza
2:00 Impacts of dams and high voltage lines in the Aisén Region, Chile
Josefina Ruiz
2:30 Building capacities for coastal conservation
Sofia Gomez
3:15 Enhancing sustainability at the community level: Lessons from American EcoVillages
Leila Loezer
3:45 Contributing to the energy future for the Planet by revitalizing the local food systems led
by small farmers and economy
Debeet Sarangi
4:30 Sustainable energy and development in a small island developing state Opportunities and challenges in the renewable energy sector in Barbados
Felicia Cox
Evening - 8:00 p.m Discussing a Plan of Action - meet at Building 1068
9:00 The Rio+20 Conference
Ligia Martins - UCI Sustainability Fellow
9:45- Sustainable development in times of socio-political transformation
Vassily Kuznetsov, Lida Oganisyan, and Sergey Rybakov- UCI Sustainability Fellows
11:00 a.m. Preparing for Orange County’s Future: The Conversion of a Cold War Military
Airfield into the Orange County Great Park.
Tom Sweet and Tom Herbel, Orange County Great Park
Afternoon - Presentations by UCI Sustainability Fellows
1:30 Cultural sustainability in a Global Age
Andrew Stokols
2:00 Disaster resilience in fragile States
Vladimir Bartenev and Alexander Dunaev
2:45 Challenges to the environmental sustainability in the South Caucasus region
Rafiga Gurbanzade
3:30 Lessons from the first year of the Youth Environmental Education & Peace Initiative in
Gonen Sagy
4:15 Geospatial data visualization in the Cloud: A primer for Ushahidi and Crowdmap
Jeremy Lambeth
4:45-5:15 The use of software in ecological projects
Dieb Leng
Evening - 8:00 p.m Discussing a Plan of Action - meet at Building 1068
Morning - How viable is Green Business in Orange County?
9:00 Quantum Technologies
9:30 Green Tech Development in OC
Gregory Trimarche, Chairman of Green Tech OC/ Greenberg Traurig and Taylor Honrath,
Managing Director/COO, Green Tech OC
10:00 Green Orange
10:30 Inventive Negotiation
Professor John Graham and Dr. William Hernandez Requejo, Paul Merage School of Business
11:30 "The Path to CSR” (Corporate Social Responsibilities)
Andrea Robinson, Founder and Director of ARC Sustainability
1:00 - Is human security possible for the 200 million people whose water supply is threatened
by the melting of Himalayan glaciers? What are the lessons from the work of the international
community to reduce conflict over natural resources in fragile states?
Richard Matthew, Center for Unconventional Security Affairs in the School of Social Ecology.
2:30 Photo with Chancellor Michael Drake
Aldrich Park in the center by the rocks
3:15 Authenticity, Collaboration, and Excellence in the Service of Sustainability
Kathy Gardarian, Founder and CEO of Qualis International, Inc.
4:00 Preserving the California Coast and the World's oceans
Harry Helling from Crystal Cove Alliance
Valarie Van Cleave from OCEANA will make a presentation about the significant
accomplishments of the decade-old international volunteer organization, OCEANA.
9:00 Can bitterly divided cities of the world come together in addressing their long term
problems of living and sustainability?
Professor Scott Bollens, the Warmington Chair in the Social Ecology of Peace and International
10:30 The Story of Change
Allison Cook - UCI Sustainability Fellow
11:15 One World, One Ocean
Sarah Bedolfe - UCI Sustainability Fellow
1:30 Is it possible to ensure a sustainable water future for the world? Is there sufficient vision
and leadership for this significant challenge?
Professor Jay Famiglietti from Earth System Science and Civil and Environmental Engineering
and colleagues from the Center for Hydrologic Modeling
3:00 Re-imagining sustainability
Mojgan Sami - UCI Sustainability Fellow
3:30 Sustainability as ethical imperative
Jesse Baker - UCI Sustainability Fellow
4:00 Building critical mass for ‘sustainability revolution’ based on current and evolving models
for change
Sara Wolcott and Allison Cook - UCI Sustainability Fellows