LA 8- Writing Checklist To improve your writing, use the following checklist and ensure you have included everything. Dress-ups Dress-ups- Indicate dress-ups by underlining them and place the symbol in the RIGHT margin. Minimum Rule- Each Dress-up must appear once within every paragraph. Dress- up 1. Strong Verb 2. “ly” Adverb 3. Quality Adjectives 4. Who / Which 5. Because 6. Adverbial (when, where, while, before, unless / until, that, as, since, if, although) Symbol sv ly qa ww bc Included www.butasia Points 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total Possible 12 Sentence Openers Sentence Openers- Place the number of each sentence opener in the LEFT margin. Minimum Rule- Each Sentence opener must appear once within every paragraph. Sentence Opener 1. Subject 2. Prepositional Phrase 3. “-ly” 4. “-ing” 5. Clausal ( 6. Very Short Sentence (VSS) Topic Sentence Clincher Sentence Component Checklist Title Composition Dress-ups Sentence Openers Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 Included Total Possible clear, precise, and indicates topic clearly clear, interesting, and provoking Points 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 Total Specifications underlined, name under title, centered double spaced marked with an underline, symbol in right margin marked in the left margin 5 5 10 Included Total Points 3 2 above above 5