18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlay Assessment 1. Subject Site and Surrounds The subject site is located at the eastern end of Bowkett Close within the northeast area of the Romsey Township. The land measures 1.160 hectares and is irregular in shape with a curved Bowkett Close frontage that measures approximately 50 metres. The site is known as Reserve 1 (for Municipal Purposes) on PS096799. The land was set aside for a municipal reserve at the time of the original subdivision in 1974. Since that time it has remained a vacant reserve and is devoid of any facilities. A mix of native and exotic trees are dispersed throughout the site. An easement located along the southern and eastern boundaries is identified as an existing drainage easement. The land surrounding the site contains existing residential development, with land to the west, north and south of the site being zoned General Residential, and land to the east zoned Low Density Residential. 2. Proposal The application proposes a two (2) lot subdivision and removal of the reserve status from part of Reserve 1 PS096799 that is proposed to be Lot 1 on PS733103C. The subdivision will create two lots to be known as ‘Lot 1’ and ‘Reserve No. 1 for municipal purposes and drainage’. Lot 1, located on the southern side of Bowkett Close, is to measure 3,950 square metres and is to be of irregular shape running in a north to south orientation with a curved Bowkett frontage to the north of approximately 20 metres. The shape of the lot gradually widens along its depth so that the rear boundary measures 74.01 metres. West and east side boundaries are to measure 89.29 metres and 100.021 metres respectively. Reserve No.1, located on the eastern side of Bowkett Close, is to measure 7,626 square metres and is similarly of irregular shape whereby its width increases along its depth. The curved frontage to Bowkett Close measures approximately 25 metres and a rear boundary of 179.65 metres. Northwest and southeast boundaries measure 97.03 metres and 100.02 metres respectively. Removal of the reserve status will enable the proposed Lot 1 to be utilised for residential purposes (along with the proposed re-zoning from Public Park and Recreation Zone to General Residential Zone). It is noted that Council’s Natural Resources Officer has identified two native trees to the rear of proposed Lot 1 to be retained - a Eucalyptus sideroxylon (Ironbark) and a Eucalyptus spp. As Council is the landowner and the Responsible Authority, the retention of these trees cannot be achieved by way of an agreement in accordance with Section 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. An alternative mechanism separate to the planning permit process should therefore be considered to enforce the retention of these trees. Page 1 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment 3. Relevant Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme controls State Planning Policy Framework Clause No. 11 Clause Name Settlement Local Planning Policy Framework Clause No. 21 21.07-1.2 Clause Name Municipal Strategic Statement Romsey (Township specific) Zoning Clause No. 32.08 36.02 Clause Name General Residential Zone Public Park and Recreation Zone Overlays Clause No. 43.02 45.06 Clause Name Design and Development Overlay Schedule 18 Development Contributions Plan Overlay Schedule 1 Particular Provisions Clause No. 52.01 52.02 52.17 Clause Name Public Open Space Contribution and Subdivision Subdivision Easements, Restrictions and Reserves Native Vegetation General Provisions Clause No. 65 Clause Name Decision Guidelines Permit Trigger Clause No. 32.08-2 36.02-3 52.02 Clause Name A permit is required to subdivide land. A permit is required to subdivide land. A permit is required to remove a reservation from land set aside as a reserve on a certified and registered plan of subdivision (under Section 24 of the Subdivision Act 1988). Referral Authority (Section 52) MRSC Engineering MRSC Natural Resources Officer Response No objection, subject to seven (7) conditions Four (4) recommendations made regarding the retention and removal of trees Page 2 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment 4. Consideration Zoning The subject land is currently zoned Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ). The proposed amendment seeks to rezone part of the property (identified as Lot 1 in the proposed 2 lot subdivision) to General Residential Zone (GRZ). Under both zones, a permit is required to subdivide land. An assessment against these zones is provided below. Clause 32.08 General Residential Zone (GRZ) There is no minimum lot size specified by the provisions of the General Residential Zone as indicated by Clause 32.08. Rather assessment of appropriate lot size is determined by the ability of a development to comply with the objectives and standards of Clause 56 of the Planning Scheme. A Clause 56 assessment is provided as an attachment to this report. This shows that the proposal meets the relevant requirements. Clause 36.02: Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) The subject land is currently zoned PPRZ and under the proposed amendment, part of land, identified as ‘Reserve No.1 for municipal purposes and drainage’ will continue to be zoned PPRZ. Under Clause 36.02-2, a permit is required to subdivide land. Clause 36.02-5 outlines the decision guidelines that are to be considered in assessing an application to subdivide land. In addition to the State Planning Policy Framework and the Local Planning Policy Framework, this includes the following guidelines: The comments of any public land manager or other relevant land manager having responsibility for the care or management of the land or adjacent land. The proposal is supported by the relevant land manager for the existing reserve (and the proposed ‘Reserve No. 1’), being the Macedon Ranges Shire Council, the applicant for the application. Whether the development is appropriately located and designed, including in accordance with any relevant use, design or siting guidelines. No development is proposed however the subdivision will allow for any future residential development located on Lot 1 to be appropriately located and designed, and in accordance with the requirements of the Design and Development Overlay Schedule 18 (discussed further below). Overlays There are currently two Overlays affecting the subject land. These are: Design and Development Overlay Schedule 18 Development Contributions Overlay Schedule 2 An assessment against these overlays is provided below. Page 3 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Clause 43.02: Design and Development Overlay Schedule 18 (DDO18) Schedule 18 of the Design and Development Overlay applies to the Romsey Township. The design objectives of the DDO18 are: To encourage design which reflects the valued character attributes of Romsey, which broadly consists of low scale dwellings with generous setbacks from front, rear and side setbacks, a dominance of landscaping and either low or no front fencing. To protect residential amenity by ensuring development does not intrude on neighbouring dwellings. To ensure any fencing sited forward of a building is of a low height and accommodates a high degree of visual permeability. In addition to these, there are specific objectives relating to building form and height, private open space, access and car parking, landscaping, environmentally sustainable design and heritage. The subject site is located within Precinct 3, known as Established Area A. The Established Area A was identified as a preferred character area by the Romsey Residential Character Study, and consists of established areas of Romsey where housing and development is predominately reflective of the 1980’s onwards and allotments are generally large in size. Sub-Clause 3.0 outlines the requirements for a subdivision within each of the three precincts, in addition to the objectives and standards in Clause 56. For Precinct 3, Established Area A, the subdivision must meet the following requirements: For vacant lot subdivisions, each lot must have a minimum of 1,200 square metres, with dimensions capable of achieving compliance with the design guidance for detached dwellings as listed within sub-Clause 2.0 of this schedule. Each lot is to have a minimum of 1,200 square metres. Lot 1, proposed to be rezoned to General Residential Zone, is to measure 3,950 square metres and is to be irregular in shape with a Bowkett Close frontage of approximately 20 metres, side boundaries measuring 89.28 metres (west) and 100.02 metres (east) and a rear boundary measuring 92.97 metres. These dimensions will allow any for future detached dwelling to comply with the design requirements listed within sub-Clause 2.0 of the DDO18 schedule. Reserve No.1 is to measure 7,626 square metres but as it is not intended for residential development, the design guidelines for detached dwellings is not applicable to this allotment. It is noted that the retention of the two trees that have been identified by Council’s Natural Resources Officer as significant will not impact on this. The trees are located more than 35 metres from the Bowkett Close frontage, which will allow for an appropriate front setback, while still being able to allow for a building footprint measuring 10 metres by 15 metres, as outlined by Clause 56.04-2 in relation to lot area and building envelopes. Lot frontages should generally reflect existing lot patterns and configurations. The frontage of Lot 1 generally reflects existing lot patterns and configurations. This is similar to that of other allotments that have irregular rather than straight frontages to Bowkett Close. Lots should provide appropriate depth and dimension of allotments to enable development to meet design guidelines for detached dwellings. As a guide, this will generally require a lot width of 21 metres. Page 4 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Lot 1 is of an appropriate depth with dimensions to enable development to meet design guidelines for detached dwellings. As stated above, the west and east side boundaries are 89.28 metres and 100.02 metres respectively. This will allow for a dwelling to meet the minimum setback requirements, including the street setback requirement of Standard A2, Standard B6 or at least 8 metres, whichever is greater, the side setback requirements of 3 metres (for ground floor) or 5 metres (for first floor) and rear setback requirement of 15 metres for dwellings. Given the size of the allotment being close to 4,000 square metres, the building coverage requirement that allows for a maximum of 30% of the site area can be met. This will also allow for a dwelling to be constructed that does not require a building height to be greater than 7.5 metres. It is noted that the retention of the two trees will not impact on this for the reasons stated above relating to the location of the trees from the front boundary and the size of the allotment. Clause 45.06: Development Contributions Plan Overlay Schedule 1 (DCPO1) The purpose of the Development Contributions Plan Overlay is: ‘To identify areas which require the preparation of a development contributions plan for the purpose of levying contributions for the provision of works, services and facilities before development can commence.’ Clause 45.06-1 states that a planning permit must not be granted until a Development Contributions Plan (DCP) has been prepared and incorporated into the planning scheme. Any permit granted must be consistent with the provisions of the incorporated DCP. Schedule 1 of the Development Contributions Plan Overlay applies to the Romsey Township and was introduced in October 2012 to enable contributions to be levied for residential, industry and business developments, based on the costs and contributions prescribed in the Romsey Development Contributions Plan (July 2012). The DCP divides the Romsey Township into designated areas each with its own contribution requirement. The subject land falls within Area 1 for which the following contributions were applicable as at October 2012: Area DI Open Space Area 1 Per dwelling $641.67 Residential Development Infrastructure (DI) DI Open Space DI Planning DI Roads Land Per dwelling $0.00 Per dwelling $61.72 Per dwelling $268.44 Total Development Infrastructure Charges Per dwelling $971.82 Sub-Clause 3.0 states that: ‘Where new residential subdivisions are proposed, levies will be collected as a condition of permit for subdivision’ and that the contribution must be adjusted in accordance with the Building Price Index and land acquisition values on 1 July each year. As the amendment and the two lot subdivision proposes to create one residential lot, this contribution is applicable. Page 5 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Particular Provisions Clause 52.01 Public Open Space Contribution and Subdivision Clause 52.01 states that a person who proposes to subdivide land must make a contribution to the council for public open space. The subdivision is considered to be exempt from a public open space requirement, in accordance with Clause 52.01-1 and Section 18 (8) of the Subdivision Act 1988 as it subdivides land into two lots and it is unlikely that each lot will be further subdivided. Furthermore, one of the allotments to be created, Reserve No.1, is to remain in reserve status. Clause 52.02 Easements, Restrictions and Reserves The purpose of Clause 52.02 is to enable the removal and variation of an easement or restrictions to enable a use or development that complies with the planning scheme after the interests of affected people are considered. The Subdivision Act 1988 enables councils to require subdividers to set aside 5 per cent of the land intended to be used for residential purposes, on the plan of subdivision, for public open space. Alternatively, the Act enables councils to sell public open space and use proceeds of any sale of public open space to ‘…improve land already set aside… for use for public recreation’. Council’s 1999 Open Space Strategy identified the land at Bowkett Close as part of a list of Council owned properties that were assessed as having little or no strategic value as open space and was recommended for review and potential sale. The application only seeks to remove the reserve status of only part of the subject site (proposed Lot 1) and therefore the proposed Reserve No.1 will remain as a reserve. Before deciding on an application under Clause 52.02, in addition to the decision guidelines in Clause 65, the Responsible Authority must consider the interests of affected people. Council gave notice of its intention to sell part of 18 Bowkett Close pursuant to Section 189 of the Local Government Act 1989. Submissions were invited and considered before Council resolved to sell the south west portion of the reserve. As the subdivision application is being assessed under a combined Amendment and Planning Permit application, notice of the application is to be given under this process; providing an additional opportunity for the interests of affected people to be considered. Clause 52.17 Native Vegetation Clause 52.17 outlines the requirements for the removal, lopping or destruction of native vegetation. According to the Permitted clearing of native vegetation – Biodiversity assessment guidelines (Department of Environment and Primary Industries, September 2013) this should include all native vegetation within any subdivision plot of less than 4,000 square metres, with the assumption that such native vegetation will be lost. In this instance, Council’s Natural Resources Officer has identified that the native trees located on the site would be exempt from such provisions (in accordance with Clause 52.17-7) given that the trees were most likely planted for aesthetic or amenity purposes in the past. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity When the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 was introduced, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria (AAV) took a precautionary approach and identified all land within 200 metres of a waterway as an area of cultural heritage sensitivity. The corner of 18 Bowkett Close is within 200m of Deep Creek. Page 6 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, Cultural Heritage Management Plans must be prepared for development works in areas of cultural heritage sensitivity. A number of exemptions apply, including for the construction of one or two dwellings and subdivision into two allotments. Therefore, in this instance, the designation of part of the site as an area of cultural heritage sensitivity is not likely to result in the requirement for a Cultural Heritage Management Plan and is not likely to impact the future use or development of the land. Page 7 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Appendix 1: Draft Conditions 1. The subdivision allowed by this permit and shown on the plans endorsed to accompany the permit shall not be amended for any reason unless with the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority. 2. The owner of the land must enter into an agreement with: a) a telecommunications network or service provider for the provision of telecommunication services to each lot shown on the endorsed plan in accordance with the provider’s requirements and relevant legislation at the time; and b) a suitably qualified person for the provision of fibre ready telecommunication facilities to each lot shown on the endorsed plan in accordance with any industry specifications or any standards set by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the land is in an area where the National Broadband Network will not be provided by optical fibre. 3. Before the issue of a Statement of Compliance for any stage of the subdivision under the Subdivision Act 1988, the owner of the land must provide written confirmation from: a) a telecommunications network or service provider that all lots are connected to or are ready for connection to telecommunications services in accordance with the provider’s requirements and relevant legislation at the time; and b) a suitably qualified person that fibre ready telecommunication facilities have been provided in accordance with any industry specifications or any standards set by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, unless the applicant can demonstrate that the land is in an area where the National Broadband Network will not be provided by optical fibre. 4. Before the issue of a Statement of Compliance for the subdivision under the Subdivision Act 1988, a development contribution of $971.82 per additional residential allotment (as at July 2012) must be paid to the Responsible Authority in accordance with the Romsey Development Contributions Plan, July 2012. Prior to payment of the contribution, the amount payable will be adjusted on 1 July each year in accordance with Schedule 1 of Clause 45.06 of the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme. 5. The owner of the land must enter into agreements with the relevant authorities for the provision of water supply, drainage, sewerage facilities, and electricity, gas and telecommunication services to each lot shown on the endorsed plan in accordance with the authority’s requirements and relevant legislation at the time. 6. All existing and proposed easements and sites for existing or required utility services and roads on the land must be set aside in the plan of subdivision submitted for certification in favour of the relevant authority for which the easement or site is to be created. 7. The plan of subdivision submitted for certification under the Subdivision Act 1988 must be referred to the relevant authority in accordance with Section 8 of that Act. MRSC Engineering, Infrastructure and Major Projects Unit Conditions 8. Prior to the commencement of works, Engineering Plans must be submitted to and approved by Responsible Authority. The plans must include: Page 8 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment a) All necessary computations and supporting design documentation for any structure, civil and drainage infrastructure and geotechnical investigation report. b) Provision for all services and conduits (underground), including alignments and offsets. c) A new vehicle crossing for Lot 1. Crossings are to be a minimum of 10.0m from any intersection, 1.0m from any power pole, sign or service pit and an absolute minimum of 3.0m from any street tree. d) Extension of the existing drainage network to service Lot 1 within own boundaries. e) Details of the stormwater quality treatment system. Prior to issue of a Statement of Compliance, all works shown on the approved Engineering Plans must be constructed or carried out all to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. 9. Prior to any development works being undertaken, an “Asset Protection Permit” must be obtained from Council for any of the following: a) Works within Council road reserves or on Council stormwater drainage assets. b) Entry into a building site by means of a motor vehicle having a gross weight exceeding two tonnes. c) New crossover or existing crossover upgrading works. 10. The subdivision is to be provided with an underground drainage system to a design approved by the Responsible Authority and such that: a) The subdivision as a whole is provided with legal point/s of discharge approved by the Responsible Authority and any other statutory authority from which approval must be received for the discharge of drainage. b) All drainage courses or outfall drainage lines required to the legal point/s of discharge and which pass through lands other than those within the boundaries of the subdivision shall be constructed at the cost of the applicant and the applicant shall secure adequate easements for such drainage to be constructed within. All new drainage is to be connected via underground piping into Council’s existing drainage network. c) The quality of the water discharged is to be in accordance with the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme Clause 56.07-4 Standard C25. 11. Prior to issue of a Statement of Compliance, a retarding basin or similar approved structure must be installed within Reserve No. 1 to mitigate against 1 in 100 year overland flows from Bowkett Close to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. 12. Prior to issue of a Statement of Compliance, the following ‘as-constructed’ documentation Page 9 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment must be provided for Council assets: a) ‘As-constructed’ drawings in hardcopy A1 and A3 formats that include alterations during construction. b) ‘As-constructed’ drawings in AutoCAD (2000) and Acrobat PDF formats that include alterations during construction. c) Asset information in digital format to include asset data as per A-Spec standards (developer/consultant specifications for the delivery of asset data to Local Government), incorporating R-Spec (roads), D-Spec (drainage) and O-Spec (open space). 13. The subdivision is to be constructed in accordance with Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s Policy Engineering Requirements for Infrastructure Construction (June 2010). 14. No polluted and/or sediment laden run-off is to be discharged directly or indirectly into drains or watercourses. Soil erosion control measures must be employed throughout the subdivision works in accordance with Construction Techniques for Sediment Pollution Control (EPA 1991) to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. Permit Expiry Conditions 15. This permit will expire if one of the following circumstances applies: a) The plan of subdivision is not certified within two years of the date of this permit. b) The plan of subdivision is not registered at Land Registry within five (5) years of the certification of the subdivision. c) The registration of the removal of the reserve status is not completed within five (5) years of the date of this permit. In accordance with Section 69 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 an application may be submitted to the Responsible Authority for an extension of the periods referred to in this condition. Permit Notes: Future owners of the land must be made aware of the existence of this permit. Prior to any works commencing an ‘Asset Protection Permit’ may be required from Council’s Engineering, Infrastructure and Project Unit. The applicant/owner must restrict sediment discharges from any construction sites within the property in accordance with the Construction Techniques for Sediment Pollution Control (EPA 1991) and Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction Sites (EPA 1995). Page 10 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Appendix 2: Clause 56 Assessment CLAUSE 56 RESCODE – RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION 18 Bowkett Close Romsey Clause 32.08-2 General Residential Zone states that an application to subdivision land: Must meet all of the objectives included in the clauses specified in the zone. Should meet all of the standards included in the clauses specified in the zone. Class of Subdivision Objectives and Standard 2 Lots Clause 56.03-5, 56.04-2, 56.04-3, 56.04-5, 56.06-8 to 56.09-2 Clause 56.03 Liveable and Sustainable Communities Standards/Provisions Objectives Complies/ Does Not Comply/ Variation Required C6 To design subdivisions that respond to neighbourhood character. Complies. 56.03-5 Neighbourhood Character The proposed two lot subdivision is respectful of the existing neighbourhood character. The proposed Lot 1 is consistent with lot size in the area being generally of 4000sqm, and is similar to the configuration of other allotments having an irregular, curved frontage to Bowkett Close. As such, it will integrate well with the surrounding environment. In regards to the vegetation located on the proposed Lot 1, Council’s Natural Resources Officer has identified two native trees, an Ironbark (Eucalyptus sideroxylon) and a Eucalyptus spp as being significant and therefore are recommended to be retained. This will also help to maintain part of the existing character. As Council is the landowner, the protection of these trees cannot be achieved by way of a Section 173 Agreement and therefore is to be enforced by an alternative mechanism separate to the planning permit process. Page 11 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Clause 56.04 Lot Design Standards/Provisions Objectives Complies/ Does Not Comply/ Variation Required C8 To provide lots with areas and dimensions that enable the appropriate siting and construction of a dwelling, solar access, private open space, vehicle access and parking, water management, easements and the retention of significant vegetation and site features. Complies. 56.04-2 Lot Area and Building Envelopes The proposed Lot 1 is of a reasonable size and will be able to accommodate a new dwelling with appropriate setbacks from boundaries and which can achieve appropriate solar access and private open space. Access to proposed Lot 1 will need to be constructed; however this can be achieved with minimal disturbance. Services to Lot 1 can be provided. As discussed above, Council’s Natural Resources Officer has identified two trees located on the proposed Lot 1 as being significant and are therefore recommended to be retained. This is unlikely to impact on any future dwelling on Lot 1 from achieving the appropriate siting and design requirements. This includes being able to contain a rectangle measuring 10 metres by 15 metres. C9 56.04-3 To provide good solar orientation of lots and solar access for future dwellings. Complies. To identify common areas and the purpose for which the area is commonly held. N/A Solar Orientation of Lots C11 56.04-5 Common Area The proposed two lot subdivision will allow for the residential allotment on Lot 1 to have a lot frontage oriented north. This will provide for solar access for any future dwelling. No common areas are proposed as part of this subdivision. To ensure the provision of common area is appropriate and that necessary management arrangements are in place. To maintain direct public access throughout the neighbourhood street network. Clause 56.06 Access and Mobility Management Standards/Provisions Objectives Complies/ Does Not Comply/ Variation Required C21 To provide for safe vehicle access between roads and lots. Complies. 56.06-8 Lot Access Page 12 of 14 The crossover for Lot 1 will need to meet Council standards at the time of construction. 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Clause 56.07 Integrated Water Management Standards/Provisions Objectives Complies/ Does Not Comply/ Variation Required C22 To reduce the use of drinking water. Complies. 56.07-1 To provide an adequate, cost-effective supply of drinking water. Reticulated water is available to Lot 1 and as such will be able to access drinking water. To provide for the substitution of drinking water for non-drinking purposes with reused and recycled water. Not applicable. To provide a waste water system that is adequate for the maintenance of public health and the management of effluent in an environmentally friendly manner. Complies. To minimise damage to properties and inconvenience to residents from urban run-off. Complies. Drinking Water Supply C23 56.07-2 Reused and Recycled Water C24 56.07-3 Waste Water Management C25 56.07-4 Urban Run-off Management To ensure that the street operates adequately during major storm events and provides for public safety. To minimise increases in stormwater run-off and protect the environmental values and physical characteristics of receiving waters from degradation by urban run-off. Infrastructure to achieve this objective is not available in the Romsey Township. Reticulated sewerage is available to the development. The subdivision will not result in a significant increase in the stormwater run-off. Any future development on Lot 1 will need to connect to a legal point of discharge and the drainage infrastructure within the vicinity will be adequate for this purpose. It is noted that the existing 2.5 metre drainage easement located along the southern boundary of both allotments is reflected in the new plan of subdivision. Furthermore, a retarding basin (or similar approved structure) is to be installed within Reserve No. 1 to mitigate against 1 in 100 year overland flows from Bowkett Close. This is to protect downstream properties from overland flows from Bowkett Close. Page 13 of 14 18 Bowkett Close Romsey (C96, PLN/2014/303): Zoning and Overlays Assessment Clause 56.08 Site Management Standards/Provisions Objectives Complies/ Does Not Comply/ Variation Required C26 To protect drainage infrastructure and receiving waters from sedimentation and contamination. Complies. 56.08-1 Site Management To protect the site and surrounding area from environmental degradation or nuisance prior to and during construction of subdivision works. As stated above, the existing 2.5 metre drainage easement located along the southern boundary of both allotments is reflected in the new plan of subdivision. To encourage the re-use of materials from the site and recycled materials in the construction of subdivisions where practicable. Clause 56.09 Utilities Standards/Provisions Objectives Complies/ Does Not Comply/ Variation Required C27 To maximise the opportunities for shared trenching. Complies. 56.09-1 Shared Trenching C28 To minimise constraints on landscaping within street reserves. 56.09-2 To provide public utilities to each lot in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. Electricity, Telecommunications and Gas To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by supporting generation and use of electricity from renewable sources. Page 14 of 14 Shared trenching will be employed for the provision of services to the new Lot 1. Services already exist in the area and can be provided to the site without threatening any street trees within Bowkett Close. Complies. The subdivision is located where existing services are provided such that there need be no constraint to timely connection of services.