KEY ASPECTS OF WORK TO BE COVERED ENGLISH MATHEMATICS Continuous: Handwriting; individual and guided reading; spelling; grammar (sentence structure and punctuation, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs). Non-fiction writing based on theme. Writing in role linked to theme Poetry: Firework/Remembrance/war poems; language for effect; shape poems Prayers and readings for Carol Service Focus text: ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Christmas Advent and Christingle Love and acceptance on a personal and global level: prayers for carol service Discovery R.E.: Christianity Key question: Has Christmas lost its true meaning? What does Christmas mean to us? What is the meaning of Christmas to Christians? Addition and subtraction with money. 2D and 3D shapes including symmetry and quadrilaterals. Angles: right, obtuse, acute Number facts (bonds/2, 5, 10, and 3 x tables including division facts) Problem solving Multiplication, including doubling Division, including halving and finding remainders Roman numerals. Know how rocks are used for everyday purposes Observe and compare features of rocks Know where soil comes from Programming an Animation: Complete and evaluate then improve Scratch animations Find and correct bugs in programs: Develop strategies for finding errors in programs and for solving problems Recognise common types of bugs in software Internet research for theme The Romans – Friend or Foe? CLASS: 3 Mrs Grant YEAR GROUP: 3 TERM: Autumn Term 2 YEAR: 2015 -2016 GEOGRAPHY ART Firework printing (exploring colour). Roman mosaics (collage). Christmas art and Christmas cards. COMPUTING/ICT Theme: War and Peace HISTORY History of Guy Fawkes and bonfire night Remembrance The Romans: Who were the Romans? Where did they come from? Why did they want to invade Britain? Presentations on Roman life: beliefs, food, fashion, army and houses. What was the impact of the Roman invasion? SCIENCE Forces: Investigate different forces and find out how they can be useful Know springs can be stretched and compressed and how they are used in everyday objects Explorer Dome workshop – Forces Rocks and Soils: Where is Rome? Visit to Caerleon: Where is Caerleon? Roman settlements and place names in Britain Countries affected by the migrant and refugee crisis (link to R.E. - love and acceptance in a global context) MUSIC PHYSICAL EDUCATION BBC Ten Pieces: John Adams' ‘Short Ride in a Fast Machine' Music for performance: Christmas carol service DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Design and make a Roman shield Christmas tree decorations. Christingle (Roman link). REAL P.E. Games unit - Social skills - Agility and balance Swimming MFL PSHE/CITIZENSHIP Numbers and plurals Gender Connectives Je m’appelle/Je suis Christmas in France SEAL Materials and Circle Time: Getting on and falling out. Family SEAL Children in Need