5 Language1-Bilingual template speech only

Xxx’s teacher noted…(summarize teacher information)
Xxx’s parent noted…(summarize parent information if available)
Based on parent report and the Home Language Survey, Xxx is exposed to only Spanish in the home/
Spanish with minimal English/ a combination of English and Spanish. (Please provide additional details
or information. e.g. Xxx’s parents speak Spanish primarily with each other and to Xxx, although Xxx
speaks English with his siblings. Xxx is exposed to Spanish in the following situations: List
Xxx is exposed to English in the following situations: List
(Explain the student’s instructional language history)
The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) continues to recommend bilingual education
or English as a Second Language (ESL) Supports for Xxx, and he/she is still considered Limited English
Proficient (LEP).
Xxx currently is enrolled in a Two-way Dual Language program in Spring Branch ISD and has
participated in that program for ___ years. In this program, half of the students are native Spanishspeakers and half are native English-speakers. Instructional time is split between the two languages in a
50/50 model.
Xxx currently is enrolled in a Two-way Dual Language program in Spring Branch ISD and has
participated in that program for ___ years. In this program, half are native Spanish-speakers and half are
native English-speakers. Instructional time is divided between the two languages in a
90(Spanish)/10(English) model.
Xxx currently is enrolled in a One-way Dual Language program, which is a bilingual program for English
Language Learners. Xxx has participated in that program for ___ years. Instructional time currently is
divided in a ___ (Spanish)/___ (English) split.
Xxx’s education has been in a transitional bilingual program and the student has transitioned to ESL.
Xxx is receiving ESL supports in the general education classroom.
(Include if applicable) The student was recommended for bilingual placement at the age of _____;
however, the parent refused bilingual education for their child at that time.
(Include if applicable) The student exited bilingual education at ___ grade. (Elaborate as needed).
The IDEA Oral Language Proficiency Test (IPT) assesses four areas of language proficiency: vocabulary,
comprehension, syntax, and verbal expression. The IPT helps in determining whether a student is a (Nnon, L-limited, F-fluent) English Speaker and a (N-non, L-limited, F-fluent) Spanish Speaker for initial
identification, placement, dismissal, progress monitoring, and program evaluation.
Month/ year
Month/ year
Month/ year
English Results/Score:
Spanish Results/Score:
English Results/Score:
Spanish Results/Score:
English Results/Score:
Spanish Results/Score:
Non-English Speaker
Non-Spanish Speaker
Non-English Speaker
Non-Spanish Speaker
Non-English Speaker
Non-Spanish Speaker
Month/ year
English Results/Score:
Non-English Speaker
Spanish Results/Score:
Non-Spanish Speaker
Xxx’s score reveals that at the end of ____ grade, he/she was identified as being a
Non-English Speaker and a Non-Spanish Speaker, and he/she was able to do the following in Spanish and
English. (Complete the following using the “IPT statements” document)
English: Level Letter
Spanish: Level Letter
Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is an assessment program for
students in Texas public schools who are learning the English language. TELPAS assesses the progress
that students are making in areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The results in the four
academic areas indicate how well students understand and use English during academic instruction.
TELPAS uses four proficiency ratings to show the progress students make in learning English from year
to year: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, and Advanced High. The results are summarized in the table
below for Listening and Speaking. The Reading and Writing scores will be discussed later in the
Academic section.
3 etc…..
(Describe what these results mean using the “TELPAS proficiency statements” for Listening and
(Explain student’s observed or self report preference for language)
During informal conversation and observation, the examiner interacted with the student in both
languages. (Elaborate and include student’s language preference) The student was observed to
respond/interact more comfortably /exhibit more automaticity in __________ (elaborate).
(Indicate if student is either simultaneous or sequential language learner)
In addition, school information (Home Language Survey, reported developmental history, observation,
self-report) indicated that Xxx is a simultaneous language learner, meaning that he/she learned English
and (other language) at the same time. Xxx has been exposed to both English and (other language) since
In addition, school information (Home Language Survey, reported developmental history, observation,
self-report) indicated that Xxx is a sequential language learner which means that he/she learned Spanish
first and received formal English instruction when he/she started school. Xxx’s primary language is
Spanish, but he/she was introduced to English at the age of_____. (Elaborate if needed)
Xxx does not appear to have had sufficient exposure to the English language in his/her educational setting
in order to assess him/her with standardized assessment measures in English. Therefore, non-
standardized, informal measures were utilized to evaluate Xxx’s English language skills and standardized
assessment was conducted in Spanish.
-ORXxx does not appear to have had sufficient exposure to the English language in his/her educational setting
in order to assess him/her with standardized assessment measures. Non-standardized, informal measures
were utilized to evaluate Xxx’s English language skills.
-ORXxx may not have had sufficient educational exposure to his/her primary language (Spanish) since the
parents elected to waive bilingual education. Standardized measures of the Spanish language were utilized
and interpreted with caution.
-ORXxx’s developmental language appears to be at a stage at which standardized assessment measures would
not be appropriate in either Spanish or English. Criterion-referenced or informal measures were utilized to
evaluate the student’s language skills.
-ORXxx does not appear to have developed a sufficient threshold of language competence in either language
to be assessed with standardized measures. Criterion-referenced or informal measures were utilized to
evaluate the student’s language skills.
Standardized Language Assessment (include templates and interpretation for all tests in all languages
administered. If student does not have sufficient language fluency to be validly tested by standardized
instruments as indicated in statements above, explain criterion referenced information here OR include
descriptive information of language use in the communication sample.)
Standardized Articulation Assessment (If conducted, insert template for GFTA or SLAP including
interpretation. If standardized assessment is not conducted comment on articulation, phonology and
intelligibility in the communication sample.)
Observational Assessment
(This section is optional, but may be necessary for students who could not be evaluated with
standardized assessments, etc. Be sure to use framing statements which indicate why what you are
reporting here is significant. For example: “Observations of the student’s play skills were observed for
communication foundation skills. During one to one interaction he maintained appropriate eye contact,
exhibited joint attention skills and used gestures to maintain interaction with the adult.” “Observation of
the student indicated weaknesses in his receptive language skills. He did not turn to his name and was
unable to point to pictures in a storybook.” Or, “The student exhibited some weaknesses in reading
social cues when observed in the classroom with his peers. When asked to participate in a group activity,
he …”
Communication Sample
(Follow format from communication sample forms and write up examples on Sharepoint. You may write
a narrative that is different from the form if needed, but be sure to address language content, structure,
pragmatic application, articulation intelligibility, speech fluency, and voice. Provide comparison of both
languages if appropriate.)
Oral-Peripheral Examination
A cursory examination of the student’s oral-peripheral structure and function indicated it was sufficient
for the production of speech. (Or explain as needed.)
Dynamic Assessment
(Dynamic assessment is optional but is recommended in situations to clarify if standardized assessment
areas are true weaknesses, or to investigate other areas of concern by teacher or parent , etc. If
conducted, add dynamic assessment template.)
(Consider applicable summary statements below or add interpretation specific to the student as needed.)
(Make a statement regarding sequential or simultaneous language learner:)
Based on the student’s history of language exposure as indicated by information from the parent, school,
educational records, and interaction with the student, Xxx is a simultaneous bilingual language learner.
This means he/she has been exposed English and Spanish (or identify appropriate languages) since
birth/early development.
Based on the student’s history of language exposure as indicated by information from the parent, school,
educational records, and interaction with the student, Xxx is a sequential language learner. This means
that he/she was first exposed to his/her primary language of (identify language). He/she gained exposure
to (identify second language) later/around the age of / when he began school.
Based on all information collected at this point in time, Xxx has not established language proficiency in
either language/ Xxx exhibits minimal/ emergent proficiency in (language)/ both languages/ has
established expected proficiency in (language) with emergent proficiency in (language).
(You may select a statement that applies, or provide your own explanatory information.)
Xxx exhibits speech and language skills that are considered appropriate for his culture, language history
and educational history.
With consideration of the student’s cultural and language history and exposure to English/Spanish, the
student exhibits weaknesses in the areas of: (explain).
Xxx appears to be exhibiting language differences that relate to typical processes of bilingual
development that are not considered a disorder. (Explain as appropriate.)
(These statements are primarily applicable to situations in which the student is experiencing typical
bilingual development. These statements relate to bilingual phenomena that reflect typical bilingual
development. However, there may be situations in which some of the statements could apply even if you
are considering the student to be eligible for SI, such as transfer.)
Xxx appears to exhibit cross-linguistic influence in which aspects of a first language transfer to a second
language. (Provide examples.)
Xxx may be experiencing the bilingual phenomenon of arrest, in which the level of a language
proficiency in the primary language does not change as a second language is introduced. This may result
in the appearance of reduced language skills which can be considered typical rather than a disorder of
Xxx may be experiencing the bilingual phenomenon of attrition, in which a reduction in proficiency
occurs in one language as the student gains proficiency in a second language. This may result in the
appearance of reduced language skills which can be considered typical rather than a disorder of language.
Xxx may be experiencing the bilingual phenomenon of language non-use, otherwise known as a “silent
period.” This occurs when a language is not used by a speaker as a second language is being acquired.
This may result in the appearance of reduced language skills which can be considered typical rather than a
disorder of language.
(Add this statement if applicable): Although the student does exhibit deficits in aspects of
speech/language/voice/fluency when compared to peers, his/her needs can be met within his/her
education program and he/she does not require the specialized services of a speech-language pathologist.