DIVERSITY PLAN FOR HR/PAYROLL Diversity Goal 1: Human Resources and Payroll will partner with the Office of Equity and Diversity Services (OEDS) to ensure that departments consider diversity in job advertisements, resources for recruitment, and applicant pools. Current Status: In progress 1.1 School/Department Goal or Implementation Strategy for Diversity Goal 1 Performance Indicators for this Goal/Strategy Hiring departments attend search committee training and learn how to identify diverse applicant pools, provide preference for veterans, and consider layoff candidates from Mason and other State agencies. Training emphasizes avoiding discrimination as an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Departments are also instructed on how to utilize diversity oriented advertising resources when advertising vacant positions and encouraged to use at least one diversity focused advertising vendor for executive level searches. Tasks 1.1A Obtain a list of diversity websites currently used by OEDS and publish list for hiring department usage. Encourage hiring departments with vacancies to utilize diversity websites, especially when conducting faculty and executive level searches. 1.1B Continue to provide training for search committees that focus on diversity and University procedures 1.1C Educate Hiring Committees on the reports within the applicant tracking system that identify diversity, veterans, and layoff candidates. Persons Responsible 1.1A Ian Reynolds 1.1B Lori Ann Roth 1.1C Rory Muhammad Timeline for Completion (within plan period) 1.1A completed 1.1B completed 1.1C Ongoing Report of Accomplishments Equity’s list of diverse advertising options was added to the HR list and is available on our website at http://hr.gmu.edu/eWork/AdOptions.pdf. We will continue to work with OEDS to identify additional diversity focused advertising vendors and promote new options to hiring managers and HR liaisons. HR and OEDS will continue to provide training to search committees and individual hiring managers. Diversity Goal 2: Human Resources & Payroll will continue to provide coaches and trainings that promote diversity. Current Status: ongoing 2.1 School/Department Goal or Implementation Strategy for Diversity Goal 2 Performance Indicators for this Goal/Strategy Workplace coaches are available to members of the Mason community to help faculty or staff members address workplace issues. Coaches help to clearly identify an issue, clarify perceptions, identify potential solutions, and develop a way to implement a plan to remedy the issue. All coaches are trained with coaching skills and diversity sensitivity. Coaches represent the diversity of the Mason community at large by representing a variety of positions, both faculty and staff, and all Mason campuses. Coaches are selected with diversity in mind, such as age, gender, and ethnicity. The Human Resources & Training Team provides customized trainings as requested. These workshops are customized to meet the needs of individuals and departments. The Training Team also develops trainings and workshops based on comprehensive needs assessment results. Training opportunities will be offered in the New SUPERvisor Series curriculum and independently as needed or requested. In addition, HR will provide and archive information on how supervisors can maintain positive relationships within their office, constructively address and manage conflict, improve morale, and motivate employees. This will be sent out regularly to HR Liaisons and departments. In concert, Coaching Brown Bag Lunches will provide continuous educational opportunities for the coaches. Tasks 2.1A Identify, train, prepare, and monitor coaches to support University 2.1B Identify diversity training needs as recommended or required for University employees Persons Responsible 2.1A Daniel Taggart / Lori Ann Roth 2.1B OEDS Staff / HR Training Team Timeline for Completion (within plan period) 2.1A ongoing 2.1B ongoing Report of Accomplishments We have 17 trained coaches that have supported the University and its branch campuses -- 11 employees were placed with coaches dealing with issues ranging from preparing for difficult conversations to building relationships and improving management skills and 23 employees were placed with coaches. Customized trainings were delivered to over 500 faculty and staff members. Diversity Goal 3: Maintain and increase the diversity of the HR/Payroll department by continuing to make HR/Payroll a place for growth. Current Status: Ongoing 3.1 School/Department Goal or Implementation Strategy for Diversity Goal 3 Performance Indicators for this Goal/Strategy HR/Payroll will continue to promote from within when vacancies become available. HR/Payroll employees will have opportunities for growth and career enhancement, including promotions and transfers within the department. Tasks 3.1A Encourage cross training, participation in shadowing, mentoring, and developmental programs. 3.1B Develop succession plans and prepare current employees for management level positions in preparation for future retirements. 3.1C Encourage and provide educational development opportunities through University tuition waiver benefit and training opportunities. 3.1D HR/Payroll will promote from within when possible. Persons Responsible 3.1A HR/Payroll department 3.1B CHRO and HR/Payroll unit managers 3.1C HR/Payroll hiring managers 3.1D HR/Payroll hiring managers Timeline for Completion (within plan period) 3.1A ongoing 3.1B ongoing 3.1C ongoing 3.1D ongoing Report of Accomplishments Members of the HR/Payroll team are involved in a variety of mentoring programs, including mentoring as part of the SUPERvisor series, intergenerational mentoring, as well as Mason Footsteps. Human Resources & Payroll currently has 7 full time staff members enrolled in university courses as well as degree programs using the tuition waiver benefit.