Newspaper clippings classified according to topic 1. Finnish wars 1918, 1939-45 1:1 The war of 1918 A small collection of clippings from Swedish-language newspapers in Finland from the spring of 1918 and some maps of the war front, including maps of events on the eastern front of World War I, clipped from Finnish- and Russian-language newspapers. Two cases. 1:2. American press on the Russo-Finnish war 1939-40 I-III During the Winter War, Yrjö Sjöblom collected entire pages from major American newspapers such as The New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, the New York Post and the Daily Worker, on which he marked the articles concerning Finland. Three scrapbooks. American newspaper clippings 1939-40 Articles and news clippings on the Winter War collected from American papers. Incomplete source data. One scrapbook. 1:4. Brask, Andrew On 23 May 1961, Andrew Brask, a leading figure in Finnish American associations, donated three folders of clippings from Detroit newspapers featuring the Finnish Winter War and relief action undertaken by Finnish American associations. The clippings lack source data. Three scrapbooks. 1:5. Detroit newspapers 1939-40 Articles from Detroit newspapers on the Finnish Winter War. The collection, which contains entire newspapers as well, was donated to the Library in 1976 by R. Pelto. One scrapbook. 1.6. Kero, Emil Newspaper clippings on the Finnish Winter War and Finland from various American newspapers from 1939 to 1948. Two cases. 1:7. Kolehmainen, John I. The collection contains clippings from Finnish American newspapers from the late 1930s. For the most part, the clippings cover the Winter War. Two cases. 1:8. Perret, JeanLouis Articles from Swiss and French newspapers collected by Jean-Louis Perret , a lecturer of French at the University of Helsinki. The articles feature the Finnish Winter War, Perret’s own writings and reviews of his books. Many clippings lack source data. Other clippings collected by Jean-Louis Perret can also be found in Perret’s personal archives in the Manuscripts Collection. One scrapbook. 1:9. Pulli, E.A. The collection contains causeries by Matinpoika (E.A Pulli ) published between 1940 and 1945 in the Finnish American newspapers Lännen Suometar and Työväen osuustoimintalehti. The causeries deal with Finnish American life and events in Finland. 1:10. Rantamaa, Antti J. Newspaper clippings on the Winter War collected by Pastor Antti J. Rantamaa. One scrapbook. 1:11. Clippings on voluntary work 1940-46 The clippings collections of war-time voluntary work organisations Suomen Talkoot ry (1940-41) and Suurtalkoot ry (1942-46) came to the Library’s possession in the 1980s. The materials of Suomen Talkoot ry comprise 12 cases of clippings and the materials of Suurtalkoot ry 94 cases or sheaves of clippings, a total of 106 cases. The materials are preserved in the Urajärvi Deposit Library. 2. Castrén, Ola A small collection of newspaper clippings on the Russification campaign of the early years of the 20th century. One case. 3. Brazilian newspaper clippings 1932-42 A scrapbook donated by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which mainly contains clippings on Finland, collected from Brazilian newspapers between 1932 and 1942. Some clippings are from Finnish newspapers. One scrapbook. 4. Fieandt, Rainer von An extensive collection of clippings by Government Minister Rainer von Fieandt from the 1920s and 30s consisting mainly of articles and writings on the national economy and society with detailed source data. The collection is systematically organised. 483 cases. List of index terms. The materials are preserved in the Urajärvi Deposit Library. 5. Hasselblatt, Helga Helga Hasselblatt donated in the 1940s clippings from newspapers published in Buenos Aires in German and Spanish. Half of the material contains articles on Germany and the other half on the United States and some European countries, including Finland. The material is organised according to country. 6. Ilyinski, V.A. A small collection of articles dealing with Finland and Finno-Ugric peoples, collected by V.A Ilyinski from Soviet newspapers and periodicals in the 1920s and 30s. The collection also includes Ilyinki’s own article from 1927 on Finno-Ugric research in Leningrad. V.A. Ilyinski’s primary collection of clippings is in the collections of the Slavonic Library. One case. 7. The 100th anniversary of the Kalevala in 1935 A small collection articles published in newspapers outside Finland during the centenary of the Kalevala epic. One scrapbook. 8. Kolehmainen, Väinö V. The newspaper clippings deal with the attitudes of Finland's Swedish-speaking population towards various social issues from the 1930s to the early 70s. The material is organised according to the spheres of operation of Government ministries, and topics not fitting these categories form a separate category. The material was organised by Eero Kivenoja, Väinö V. (Kinnunen?, sic!) Kolehmainen’s cousin. The National Library received the collection in the 1980s and it has been microfilmed. 1568 sheets of clippings. The materials are preserved in the Urajärvi Deposit Library. The microfilm rolls are in the Newspaper Reading Room mf35 960 and 35 961. 9. Mannerheimiana A collection of issues of foreign newspapers collected after the death of Marshall Mannerheim in 1951. 3 cases. 10. Music clippings 1919-50 The collection of the national expert board for music (currently the National Council for Music) contains concert reviews, including reviews of jazz concerts from the 1940s. There are only very few music-related articles and news clippings. The material in the collection has been clipped by the agency Sanomalehtien ilmoitustoimisto since the mid1920s. Eight scrapbooks, which have also been microfilmed. The microfilm rolls are in the Newspaper Reading Room mf 33935 - 33939. 11. Short stories A bound collection of short stories published in the late 19th and early 20th century in newspapers, containing 456 anecdotes and short stories. There is ample light reading, but also stories by the great masters of the era, such as Björnson, Daudet, Gorky, Zola and Tolstoy. Texts by Finnish or Finnish-Swedish writers are very few. A card index has been compiled of the writers of these short stories, which is preserved in the collection of uncatalogued materials of the National Library. 12. Runebergiana A collection of clippings containing articles published in newspapers in Finland and abroad after the death of the national poet Runeberg in 1877. One folder. 13. Theatre clippings 1919-50 In the early years of Finnish independence, the national expert board for drama (currently the National Council for Theatre) collected premiere reviews and some articles on theatres and actors. Most of the clippings have been furnished by the news clipping agency Sanomalehtien ilmoitustoimisto oy. 12 scrapbooks. 14. The Virusmäki Collection A clipping collection of Finnish and foreign periodicals and newspapers from the 1940s to the 60s, donated to the Library by Paavo Virusmäki. The collection is systematically organised. 15 cases. 15. Gymnastics team in America A Finnish gymnastics team visited the United States in 1959, clippings from local newspapers. One folder.