MIHSSCA ALL-ACADEMIC IND IV ID UAL FORM This form must be printed, signed, and mailed to the All-Academic Chair. Qualifications: 1. Only SENIORS can receive this recognition. 2. Must have an accumulative GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. 3. Must have completed 6 semesters. 4. Coach must be a MIHSSCA member prior to the start of district play for the current season. 5. Deadline for nomination is June 1. Girls Team Boys Team Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ Player’s Name: _______________________________________ GPA: ________ School: ___________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________ City: ___________________________ Zip: _____________ Coach: ____________________________________ Coach ID Number: __________ Signature of Principal or AD: _____________________________________________ Print Name of Principal or AD: ___________________________________________ Mail to: Brent Sorg, 5273 Blue Haven Dr, East Lansing, MI, 48823 Form Revised 12/2013